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Wednesday, November 25, 1998 at 21:22:38
Name: Scott McClintock
E-Mail: jmcclint@sdcoe.k12.ca.us
Class: 70
Message: Heard about Cougartown from Cheryl Goode, another HHS grad ('70) who migrated to San Diego County.
Wednesday, November 25, 1998 at 17:50:34
Name: Dale Hahlbeck Jr.
E-Mail: mhahlbeck@earthlink.net
Class: 75
Message: Keith, a liitle homesick?? (Hawaii sick.) Happy Turkey day to all you alumni..Keep those Scarlet and Gold memories alive...
Jodi T. Alexander....I'll talk to you about Cougar Cruise 2000...Get plenty of Mai Tai Mix
for Keith.
P.S. Jodi, I think you missed the J section of the yearbook for your alumni search!
Talk to ya soon. Dale (Mr. Typo!)
Wednesday, November 25, 1998 at 13:39:15
Name: Alan Nelson
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: 73
Message: Ran into Tom Mosher (Auto Shop '63-'97), he's got a vacation house in my neck-o-the-woods. I told him about the site, but he's not a cyberphile. Said he rides his Harley with Danny Fix all the time. Also Jonathan Wood (78' or 79') has a little espresso house here on the River named Kahuna's. I get my caffine fix there daily. His sister Debbie is married to John Hoss '71. Haven't run into either of them yet.
Jodi, I re-read your last message again, and meant to include Lisa Marazzi on your list to say "Hi" if you hear from her.
Wednesday, November 25, 1998 at 12:10:22
Name: Keith D. Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: I just wanted to take this time to wish every HHS grad (even the ones who didn't graduate) a Happy Thanksgiving. This is my first Thanksgiving in 10 years I haven't been in Hawaii. Moving back to the mainland (temporary, I promise...myself) has already changed me. The black widow bite was the first bad thing. I got a cold last January (haven't been sick at all since I moved to Hawaii) I wait in long traffic jams, I see more blonds (love the dark hair), don't wake up and look out my window and see the bluest ocean in the world (now I see the brownest desert), don't take deep breaths (to soak in the great air), I actually had to go buy a pair of long pants and shoes (I had one pair of long pants the whole time I lived in Hawaii), I go to the tanning salon (instead of the North Shore), I have to lock my doors, I go watch exotic dancers (instead of hula dancers), I eat meat (instead of fish), on weekends for excitement I play craps for about 10 hours (instead of going to Maui or the Big Island), I use a heater (almost forgot how), and now at Thanksgiving I will miss the party at my house (about 25 guests bringing all kinds of food) I would set up three bar-be-ques around the pool and when everything was done some of us would stand in the pool and eat our dinner (if you were tall enough to look over the trees and plants you could see the waves breaking down Kahala). I think I'll miss that most this year. My kids loved coming there to see me. Now I live about four hours from them and they want me to move back to Hawaii so they can come there some more. Sorry for such a long story gotta go got a lunch meeting to get ready for. Happy Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 25, 1998 at 10:13:48
Name: karen kuehl
E-Mail: kaykay@tcsn.net
Maiden: graham
Class: 59
Message: Like Ricki, I too have mixed feelings about Olivia A. Harrison's request. I believe it is everyone's right to have privacy, and we should all respect that. And I don't think that any of her acquaintances should go on TV to tell about her life or whereabouts now. If we are true friends, we will protect that friendship by not "advertising" or "telling all" to the media. No matter how harmless you might think an anecdote can be, it, in some way, may hurt the person you're talking about. As we all know, the media has a way of turning things around!! I think this might be what Olivia is trying to convey to her former classmates and friends.
Anyway, I am looking for Mollie (Leeman '59) Cone and Jeannie (Robertson '60) Cone. If anyone has seen or heard from them, please have them sign on. I sure would like to talk with them again. =)
I hope everyone has a very happy Thanksgiving Day!
Tuesday, November 24, 1998 at 23:25:02
Name: Ricki Farrell
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: I just read Olivia A. Harrison's post. I have mixed feelings. I hope that her concern is that Entertainment Television would disrupt her and George's lives. It probably would. But beyond that, I hope that she isn't worried about this site disrupting her life. I think that if that is worrying you Olivia, I believe that it might be worth your time to read at least some of the feedback pages on this site. I hope that your time at Hawthorne had some value to it and that you have some good memories. I have never read a post on this site that was at all invasive, rude or in any way harrassing. I never knew you, my sister Cynthia I think did. Good luck to you and I hope you guys are not hassled in any way.
I've been away from Hawthorne since probably 1969 and the memories I've had on this site have been very enjoyable. And to all of those doubters out there... I teach, have a great marriage and I am a working artist. Believe me I have a life and I am glad that being in touch with my roots have become a part of it.
I only wish that more people from the class of '61 would come aboard.
Tuesday, November 24, 1998 at 23:21:49
Name: Alan Nelson
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: 73
Message: To: Jodi Alexander - Can't help you with all of your missing buddies, but if Lisa Ogelsby is the sister of Curtis Oglesby, I've been in contact with him through his waterskiing gig, and if I remember (I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong), Lisa married Brian Bianchi, who lived across the street from me on 132nd. If this site doesn't bring them around, I'll get ahold of Curtis to tell her you're looking.
Good Luck, and say hi to Debbie McGrath for me if you hear from her.
Tuesday, November 24, 1998 at 22:31:28
Name: Susan King
E-Mail: sueking18
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: KEITH!! You make me laugh out loud reading about these antics past and those you plan in the future ( or dream of....) !! Cougars are such creative individuals.....Am working up some stories of my own. Some of my cohorts must be exhibiting a little nervous curiosity --like YOU, baby sis???
Tuesday, November 24, 1998 at 21:59:24
Name: ernie nixon
E-Mail: brenda.nixon@gte.com
Class: 63
Message: hi ya all from oildale california
Tuesday, November 24, 1998 at 15:27:15
Name: Keith D. Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: I wanted to find out about this cruise thing in August of 2000. Can anybody go (HHS Grad of course). That would be a great thing for any grad to go to. We could take over the whole ship and Mexico. Me and Dale could pilot the ship and get us there earlier. It would be lots of fun. If not possible I hope the people in charge of 76' 25 reunion can be this creative. Geez Jodi all those names on your list. Where is Faelin Klein? I remebered almost every one of those names. Say hi to your mom and dad for me too. Also, say hi to Greg. We sure had allot of fun back then. And how about Kathy Fraser (my first love). Has anybody heard what Mr. Stucker Mr. Smith Mr. Chichester Mr. Nelson are doing. Is there anyone out there who remembers the day I was in German (Mr Grahammer) and someone had one of those hot dogs cookers they made in wood shop (two nails with a cord connected) and I plugged it in next to the film projector (I was the certified film projectionist) and it shocked me and tipped over and caught the film projector on fire and ruined it and the film. Oh well. Just another day for me at school.
Tuesday, November 24, 1998 at 13:41:02
Name: Danny Litton
E-Mail: dlitton@austinknight.com
Class: 68
Message: Hey! What's a nice Cougar-girl marrying a Beatle for ANYWAY when there are still plenty of well-established, single Beachboys out there?
Tuesday, November 24, 1998 at 06:48:42
Name: Dewey Storie
E-Mail: Dewey_Storie@msn.com
Class: 74
Message: Just a helpful hint, if you know a classmate that is not online and they would like to log on and add to this worldwide El Molino. Most public libraries have Internet access, also there are cyber café?s, they can get free email accounts that can be accessed from any Internet location from juno & hotmail. For those with children in the Los Angeles Unified School District, your child is entitled to a free Internet account just by asking.
Tuesday, November 24, 1998 at 06:04:15 This is where you came from. Don't ever forget your "joined at the hip" friends.
Name: Olivia Arias Harrison
Maiden: Olivia Arias
Class: 65
Message: It has been brought to my attention that Entertainment Television has been soliciting 'anecdotes' about me on this website. I have made it clear to the producer that I do not wish to be included in their program and I would like to ask you all to imagine how it would feel if you were the object of this exercise.
We manage to live pretty quiet lives in spite of the media and the less said about us the better.
Hello to any pals out there and thank you very much for understanding.
Love, peace and privacy to all.
Olivia Arias Harrison
Note: Olivia,
That's unfortunate. Although, I haven't had Entertainment Television banging on MY door in the middle of the night, I suppose someone has had a small story to tell.
It's too bad that you'd think it would mess up your private life as the "British Invasion" was over 30 odd years ago.
Tuesday, November 24, 1998 at 01:02:12
Name: Geri O'Malley
E-Mail: gomalley@lightspeed.net
Maiden: Kaminski
Class: 65
Message: Looking for a friend, Norma Orvitz
Monday, November 23, 1998 at 23:59:19
Name: Jodi Alexander
E-Mail: IBJodi@AOL.com
Maiden: Torgerson
Class: 75
Message: Come on class of 75', where are you? Has anyone heard from Laurie Bristow, Lorna Ingram, Vickie Palmer, Laurie Burke, Karen Childress, Sharon Gee, Sherry Miyamoto, Sherry Gour, Ted Hastings, Susan Kovacs, Cindy Laird, Lisa Marazzi, Debbie McGrath, Chris Oliver, Lisa Ogelsbey, Cindy Pearcy, Tony Palombo, Pete Photos, Chris Quinones, Denise Ridgeman, Gwen Sasaki, Mike Krstich, Dave Theissen, Paula Thorsnes, Beth Trekman, Lori Locke, Lisa Weiner, Anna Marie, and Maryann Yanni. Come on guys I know your out there!! We are planning a 25th year reunion on August 4, 2000, on the Viking Serenade, a 3 day cruise to Mexico. Anyone that might know where these people are please let them know to contact Dale Halbeck or myself. Anyone that is interested from other classes you are welcome to join us.
John the web page is the greatest! I check it everyday and if there isn't an update I feel bummed. Thanks again for all the fun and memories. Your hard work has really made alot of people think about some of the best times of there lives, mine included.
Note: Jodi, Thank Eeuu!! You, by the way, should find someone out of that list. I think you named at least 10% of your graduating class. :^> Good Luck
Monday, November 23, 1998 at 18:21:34
Name: Dale Hahlbeck Jr.
E-Mail: mhahlbeck@earthlink.net
Class: 75
Message: Thanks Jodi W. Hope to speak to Denise and Paul soon. My sisters Val (76) and Sheri (79) should be feedbacking in the near future.
My parents Dale Sr (56) and Madeleine Short Hahlbeck (57) I think will also be responding soon,
Cougars are cool Dale
Monday, November 23, 1998 at 12:32:53
Name: Keith D. Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: Dana Jr. High. I really loved my times there. I made a piece of the mosiac in the front. Part of the spaceman (I think). Can't remember. Is the mosiac still there. Detention was my major at Dana. Getting paddlings by Mr Degner was my minor. I remember Bill Denny. I borrowed a wheel barrel from him and I think i bent it or something and he got mad. Friday nights dances were fun at Dana. I remember being allergic to poison oak, ivy and sumac (really bad) and going to school with calmine lotion all over my body and face. Please say hi to Denise Dye. I think I saw her at my brothers wedding. The Dyes were close to our family. Donald was one fo my best friends. Me and him would challenge my brother and his brother (John Dye and Les Jones) in every sport. Touch football, over the line, basketball. It was so much fun. Has anyone invented that time machine yet. I want to buy my ticket early.
Just remembered. Did anyone hear about Shelly McCarroll dying about a month ago. She had throat cancer. She was so pretty. Her brother Glen is still around but don't know where. Kim Adams was a super model married Leon Maxx (famous designer) but divorced and now married to Frank Mancuso Jr. They live in her old house ($16 million) in Beverly Hills. It's called the Doheny mansion. Anyway, was just thinking about that. How about Linda Jacobs anyone hear from her.
Monday, November 23, 1998 at 09:05:26
Name: Jay Fernandez
E-Mail: fernandez.jay@mayo.edu
Class: 1976
Message: Hey Keith,
I saw Deb Cleghorn about a year ago. We have a common friend, Bill Denney (74). Anyway, Deb married a lawyer and is living in PV. She decided to stay home a be mom to 2 beatiful kids. She is doing great and seems to be very happy with how life is treating her.
Saturday, November 21, 1998 at 17:16:51
Class: 1964
Saturday, November 21, 1998 at 00:52:26
Name: Larry/Loretta Cuiper
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 60/62
Message: Hi, Dickey do you remember who I am? We go way back to St. Joesph's. Just had to E-Mail you and let you know that Larry and I would be interested in this reunion. Let us know what is happening, maybe we can help in someway. Let us know
Saturday, November 21, 1998 at 00:35:35
Name: Ricki Farrell
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: Hi to all my buds that have sent messages. I love it. Penny Prouty and all of you who have asked about Clayton Williams, I spoke with him yesterday and the day before. We had a lot of catching up to do. I told him about this site and he said that he will be purchasing a computer after Christmas and then he will join in. He asked me to say hello to all of his former students and was very flattered to be remembered. He is a grandfather to a "brilliant" soon-to-be 3 year old granddaughter with another on the way. Christopher(dad) is teaching at the University of Utah and will be working on his doctorate very soon. I think that Christa has her Master's degree in art history and still lives at home.
Delia, I don't know you but Roberta Burket is a good family friend and I will pass along your message.
Love you John, more and more as I appreciate this site. Ricki
Friday, November 20, 1998 at 21:05:19
Name: Jodi Weishaar
E-Mail: jwb2bomber@aol.com
Maiden: Wilbanks
Class: 76
Message: Keith - I can tell you the where abouts of Bev Kobold, she is still here in Hawthorne. Her daughter is a 7th grader at Dana Middle School with my daughter.
Dale - I saw Denise Bartasavich (Dye) last night, told her I heard from you....she said to tell you hi....hopefully they will be getting an on line service soon and then she can join in with the rest of us.
Friday, November 20, 1998 at 19:39:35
Name: Susan King
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: OK Marilyn! If you have only spent 15 mins. at this site then it is NOT long enough!! And yes, it is a big kick. I have been reading others recount how they spent those happy years and was just getting ready to start telling the folks what YOU and I did all that time!! Shall I begin or would you like to....?! I'm chuckling right now thinking about some of our escapades! And by the way Sharon Bierman, nice crack about being old! You and Glo better show us big sisters some respect - right Patty, Ricki and Cynthia?? Still waiting for my brother Steve and sis-in-law Michelle to post -- geez guys, what's the holdup? And Laurie and Dennis - c'mon now....I'm working on tracking down Konnie Krislock.....and I MUST say I feel slighted to be excluded from the "spring fling" for the earlier classes - I was thinking about crashing the party (won't be the first one we ever crashed!) OK, more to follow later - hugs to dear John..
Note: Susan, I think these years (59-65) are NOT set in stone here. If you people want to come, then I say COME ON DOWN!!. No one is going to turn anyone away. That goes for ANY HHS reunion.
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