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Friday, November 20, 1998 at 15:24:30
Name: Marilyn Jo Pearson
E-Mail: marilyn@erapearson.com
Maiden: Murray
Class: 74
Message: I have just spend 15 fun filled minutes looking at pictures and information about friends and teachers from the past. What a great idea for this site. I will check it often. I have lived in
West Central Florida for the past 16 years. Thanks for the reconnection.
Friday, November 20, 1998 at 00:35:43
Name: gary jackson
Class: 82
Thursday, November 19, 1998 at 22:15:12
Name: John Baker
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message: Well, what do you know. There is some "Early 60's" people out there. Mike Shay has been a long time friend since grade school. I'm glad you finally decided to add your $0.02 worth to this forum. I can remember hanging out with Mike Shay at Frosties on 133rd and Haw Bl., just waiting for something to happen. It was like sooner or later there'd be someone pulling in looking for a race or maybe we'd just be listening to the throaty rattle of a 409 Chevy idling through the back lot. Mike's "forever since right after High School wife" Barbara,(RHS 61) worked at Frosties then too. I also remember Richard Hansen's (HHS 56) 1955 Chevy. It wasn't a racer, but it was sure pretty. If we weren't hanging at Frosties, we were cruising the Blvd.
Now when you get about 4 guys in one car, you ALL had to come up with some gas money. It was 16 miles from the A&W to the Wichstand and back, so if you wanted to do that round trip 2 or 3 times in an 8 mpg "Hotty Auto", then that was going to add up to 4 to 6 gallons of gas. At 32.9 cents a gallon for the Super Ethyl Custom Supreme at the Standard Station on Imperial and Hawthorne Bl. That meant that 4 guys probably had to come up with a whopping 50 cents a piece. You still needed at least 50 cents extra for drinks, in case we wanted to stop at the "Stand" or the "A". Looking back, I didn't realize how easy we had it. When I was going to HHS, I got by working about 21 hours a week at Tanger and Weitzel Shell Service at 310 E. El Segundo Bl, for 95 cents an hour. Mike Shay and I worked together there too....or did we just have FUN together there. :o)
I know there's gotta be more early HHS people reading these pages that have similar stories. Let us hear from you. That's what this site is all about you know. Mike Shay said it. It's our living link to the times that were just memories. We're turning our black and white memories into Full Color 3D images up here. Let's keep them coming.
Thursday, November 19, 1998 at 21:47:45
Name: Mike Shay
E-Mail: theshays@earthlink.net
Class: 61
Message: Hello All; I just had to see what was going on in Mr. Baker's neighborhood. I find myself checking in and seeing what the people are writing, but I've never left any feedback before. Hi Rickey V-F, I'm glad to see that you enjoyed the tape from the reunion. It was an absolute riot being there. My wife Barbara (Redondo H.S. class of 61) and I got to sit with Vince Schiavi and his wife, Kenny Blomsterburg and his wife, and Terry and Jackie Benjamin. Barbara's sister Jo Ann and her husband, and my good friend, Richard Hanson (class of 56) were also there. Richard's little sister Kathy Hanson Wieland (class of 60) and her husband were there as well. Having that many different classes together was the best. We're real sorry you missed it.
Whenever your finished with the video, just take it to your classroom. Pat says he would like to drop in and see you one of these days and say hello. He and Tim both really enjoyed having you as their art teacher. You did a terrific job. They both have kept it going.
You are all correct about this website, it is our living link to the times that were just memories. I may be a little more aware than most of you about how much work John puts into this thing, but I also know how much he loves it....Thanks John
Now please put away your new truck and help me with my spelling.
Thursday, November 19, 1998 at 18:06:02
Name: Sharon Branigan
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
Message: Reading through these pages makes me think this is really the Valencia Chronicles. I keep forgetting that all the Valencias went to HHS. Dear Roberta (she'll always be Miss Burkett to me;) she was one of my favorite teachers. And this was before I knew of her tie to the Valencia family (which I have adopted myself into-whether they want me or not.) Hi to all my old classmates, Keith, Jodi, Dale, Glo and Patty of course...Sue King, you ARE old! (older than me-and that's all that matters!) Ricki, I still laugh over the holdup story that Glo embellished (OKAY- I'll have Marlboros!) Hi, Cynthia! Long time no see. Hope your sisters are treating you better! Jodi Torgerson, say hi to Teresa Deuel... say, does Bob work at Knotts? I've seen news stories over the years quoting "Robert Deuel, PR Director" and have often wondered...tell Teresa, to tell Bob, that Sharon and Gloria both say "Vote Bob Deuel! He's real cool! He's NO FOOL! Vote Bob Deuel!" The things we did for our friends!!! Polly Beach, I see you married a man from Chicago... so did I...small world, isn't it? A few years ago I hired a contractor, who played baseball with Leo LaSala. (small world- I lived in Corona at the time, the contractor was a neighbor.) In July we attended a wedding in Silverado (Orange County) and ran into Mike Rice! small world! Mike works at USC--Steve just moved back to CA from CO-and I believe Tracy is a UPS pilot living in NJ. Now I live in Thousand Oaks with my husband and 9-year old (adorable) son, and we are up to our eyeballs in Cub Scouting. Still working for Airborne Express (19 years), and having a wonderful life. Again, thanks to John-no I don't remember the A&W or the Wich stand but I do remember cruising the strand with Groucho Marx glasses on so no one would recognize us! Cheerleader camp with Gloria and
Tami, lunch at Taco Bell, fried burritos at Fosters Freeze...Buying cups of ice at the Jack in the Box drive thru-never mind what for... I recall my brother racing slot cars at a hobby shop... I was quite young at the time...anyone remember the store name? Remember Kiddieland? Clark Millman and I used to have showdowns in the 2nd grade "around the world spelling contests" (yes-spelling!) Okay, enough for now.
I'm just not used to being able to get a word in edgewise (after years of Valencia conversations...)
Wednesday, November 18, 1998 at 18:51:09
Name: Wendy Zeller
E-Mail: wzppd@aol.com
Maiden: Frye
Class: 79
Message: Well I've been checking this site almost everyday since I found it a few weeks ago. Up until now, I've been a little timid about leaving a message, but I have really enjoyed reading everyone's entries. They have really brought back a lot of memories. I was searching to see if I could possibly find information on my 20 year reunion and I was totally surprised to find this awesome web site. I left Hawthorne the day after my graduation and I have only been back once, so I have really been out of touch. I now live in the Phoenix area. I am married and I have a 17-year old daughter and a 12-year old son. I would really enjoyed hearing from anybody from the Class of '76 to '81.
John....Thanks for putting together this site....IT IS GREAT!!!!!
Wednesday, November 18, 1998 at 18:12:12
Name: Wendy Walchli
E-Mail: WWal833579@aol.com
Maiden: Rideout
Class: 64
Message: This site just keeps drawing me back, it is great reading all the feedback from all you cougars.
I've told so many others from HHS to check it out and add their names. My sister Pam just found it yesterday and loved it. I'd love to hear from any old friends, have heard from a few.
Hi Mike W. , Kathy B, and Billene.
Dick Dixon's reunion sounds great! What about a 35th reunion for class of 64?
Wednesday, November 18, 1998 at 16:59:03
Name: Keith D. Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: Has anyone heard from Linda Jacobs, Bruce Chauncey, Rick Bainbridge, Leo Lasala, Debbie Cleghorn, Rita or Bev Kobold. Remember on Wednesday nights going to the ice rink in Torrance. We pretended that Gus Cordero lost his contact on the rink one night and everyone stopped and were on there hands and knees. He didn't even wear contacts. I'm having a blast remembering the old times. Class of 76' put down some memories (unless they're bad about me). One of my most memorable was being stuck on the chairlift at China Peak with Kathy Lynch for about an hour. The good ol' days were great.
Wednesday, November 18, 1998 at 14:55:50
Name: Winston
E-Mail: yovivo@pine-net.com
Message: Nice webpage, really liked the tributes and remember when. Forgot about a lot of the things that happened in '65. That was the year I thought "Satisfaction" was the ultimate rock recording; never to be equalled. Maybe every school should have a site like this. Very impressive.
Tuesday, November 17, 1998 at 20:13:05
Name: Amanda Schuvie
E-Mail: amanda.g.schuvie@marshmc.com
Maiden: Macko
Class: 79
Message: Cool Page. Lots of "Class".
Looking forward to my 20th reunion. Anyone seeing this note who was in class of '76 through '79 - feel free to write back.
Tuesday, November 17, 1998 at 16:19:28
Name: Betty East
E-Mail: bettye@amgen.com
Maiden: Wright
Class: 74
Message: Wow! What a trip down memory lane. Just went through all 16 pages of feedback. Hi to Barry Smith, Danny Dews, Sharon Shuffler, and Sue Bierman. Danny and I actually met at a party of a mutual friend a couple of years ago and didn't even recognize each other. I remember having this huge crush on Barry in kindergarten. I can't believe all the memories this website has triggered. I find myself checking it everyday. What a great way to stay attached to your youth and the great reminders of HHS. I've stayed in touch over the years with Debbie Rollins, Diane Koran, and Alice Walters. I told Debbie about the website. You'll be hearing from her soon.
Thanks for one great website!
Tuesday, November 17, 1998 at 15:59:54
Name: Dale Hahlbeck Jr.
E-Mail: mhahlbeck@aol.com
Class: 75
Message: Yeah Jodi, I laugh about that night too : ) Darn, I invented the catgloo, just missed my shot at fame. Hey all '75 ers sign on and stay in touch.
Also, Sheree Klinginhagen just completed her fifth hip surgery, all is well. I will post updates
on her condition. Talk to ya all soon Dale
Tuesday, November 17, 1998 at 13:17:46
Name: John Wilson
E-Mail: jawilson2@worldnet.att.net
Class: 68
Message: Hey everybody!
John Wilson from class of 1968 here. I put my email address on the HHS site a few weeks ago and have already gotten in touch with several classmates, and ex-track buddies. Keep up the great work!
I have a specific request: I am trying to locate James Lenn (class of 70) and Dan Robbins (class of 71). They were in the band "Dovie Modean" with myself and Joe Webber (class of 70). Joe and I have stayed in contact all these years, and we'd love to get together with Jim and Dan to talk over old times. Joe is a record producer/artist in Nashville, and I'm a songwriter/artist living in Ventura, CA. But we're willing to track you guys down and travel to where you're at.
If you get this message; or if anybody out there knows where Jim and Dan are, send me a note at jawilson2@worldnet.att.net or call me at 805.647.6961.
Thanks and Go Cougs!
Tuesday, November 17, 1998 at 09:42:29
Maiden: LEVEN
Class: 63
Note: Rose, You are welcome for the site. Tell Shirley, that John Baker says "Hey". I saw Shirley and her whole clan at the Big Reunion in June. She still looks great.
Tuesday, November 17, 1998 at 07:22:02
Name: Dick Dixon
E-Mail: accessrd@aol.com
Class: 63
Message: Is anyone from '59-'65 interested in a spring fling as a way of getting the best out of '99.
If so, I will sponsor the fling, provide the entertainment (60's style) and pull it off with a bang around March/April in SoCal. A street rod show, BBQ and entertainment will be held at my office in San Dimas, CA, but there is a catch.
You all have to either e-mail me, call me toll free at 888-231-2272 or fax your intent to 909-592-5712 ASAP. I would also welcome a little help for a gig that could be a semi-annual deal.
I'm ready, are you? Looking forward to hearing from you cougs. I have room for 400 people. Lets just do it. This every 5 year reunion program is cool but I had such a good time at my 35th, I'm ready to pull off a blow-out.
Note: That sounds like a fun party. I'm sure we can muster a few hundred for that event. OK all you 59 to 65ers out there, let him hear from you. I know "I'm In". Lifes too short NOT to show up for this one. Thanks Dick
Monday, November 16, 1998 at 23:47:59
Name: Ricki Farrell
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: Whew! I've heard more from my sisters here than I have in a year. John, I checked out the old hangouts and, except for the Wich Stand, I remember all of them. The Plaza theater was definitely the parental dumping ground. Do you remember that the old Hawthorne Library was right down the street from it. I used to walk there on Saturdays to pick out books. Becky K., Roberta is teaching ESL at the continuation school. She is a Mentor teacher and doing a terrific job as usual. She is still a good friend of my family, especially my mom's. My mom just adores her. They have many common interests. Clayton Williams lives in Utah and I keep meaning to call him and let him know about this site. He'll love knowing about all of the people that have asked about him. Kathleen Wirz still teaches at Hawthorne too. I can't remember her married name. Has anyone heard from Ann Smith or Jim Gross?!!!
Note: For the person who asked if Alumni are teachers at HHS. Dave Chauncey ('66) is still teaching at HHS.
Name: Pam Betraun
E-Mail: PBetraun2@PhilipInc.com
Maiden: Heath
Class: 78
Message: Debbie,
I used to live on Cedar south of 122. I went to school with your sister Rhonda. We just had our 20 yr. reunion. She was not at the reunion I hope she received her information on it. Would have liked to have seen her.
Monday, November 16, 1998 at 16:13:36
Name: Patty Valencia
E-Mail: pvalencia2@aol.com
Class: 1974
Message: Fencing afternoons - there's a load of memories. Terri was a terrific woman and I can't believe that Christopher and Krista Williams are, egad, old enough to be parents. I'm sure Ricki will update you all on Roberta Burket, she's teaching ESL classes now. George Key (former principal) lives about 3 houses from me - He looks the same. Another Dick CLark syndrome victim. Danny Fix and he ride Harley's together still. My whole block now doesn't have to wait for my mother to visit to hear old Patty and Gloria stories. Fortunately we were the only ones he knew, no offense to the other V's. Sue, I'm on with you and John when you're ready. Keith, had you called GV this last weekend we could have all gotten together, lucky you that you didn't!!!! Update on me - I have two great kids 8.5 year old boy and a 4.5 year old girl. I'm divorced and living in Palos Verdes. Young at heart, but that's about it. Still am attached at the hip to Glo, it was hard to stay out of her way when the pipsqueak got hers in the Records office!!! :o)
Monday, November 16, 1998 at 13:11:56
Name: Jodi Weishaar
E-Mail: jwB2bomber@aol.com
Maiden: Wilbanks
Class: 76
Message: Hi Dale...long time no talk too! What a memory! The Peggy Vincent story still makes me laugh! Of course you do know that she married Arulio Baretto (not sure of the spelling) who of course invented the patent on the "dogloo". Boy, some people have all the luck! Paul Bartasavich still looks the same, a little less hair, but other than that he hasn't changed. He is still playing baseball and has also coached my daughter in softball for the last couple of years. Every Hawthorne home football game you can find him out on the field as part of the "chain gang". Mike & I are going to go with Paul and Denise to Hawthorne's first CIF game friday nite...should be fun! Keith, call me next time you're in town...we'll get together, I Promise!!!
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