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Thursday, December 10, 1998 at 18:29:01
Name: Bob Rierdan
E-Mail: printer@cheerful.com
Class: 61
Message: It's true that Ray's Market was literally in the Pockrandt's back yard. Ray owned it after the Pockrandt's had moved away. His house was on the opposite side of the store at the corner of 120th. When we were kids we called it "The Little Store."
It was interesting hearing about what became of Donnie. Dickie Pockrandt, Dickie Arnold and Eddy Longmore were all pretty good friends growing up; I wonder if anyone here knows what they are doing now.
There were stables called "Sunset Stables" around Hawthorne someplace, at that time.
KAREN, thanks, Mr. Chaffey was the print shop teacher that I was trying to remember. He was a dedicated teacher and I learned a lot from him. Bob
Thursday, December 10, 1998 at 17:59:53
Name: betts wright
E-Mail: bettsann@aol.com
Maiden: watts
Class: 76
Message: who was in Ms. Shapiro's class at Don Smith for 3rd grade?? she gave me one of my favorite black cats, then I had her again for 5th grade at Cabrillo and brought the giant Tom for show & tell. Off ramp liquor? My big bro worked next door at Luigi's & the Gulf Station. When I first went to El Camino, I worked at Mattel for Marketing Research watching kids test toys and got to give away Barbies (I still have mine, we tested toys as kiddies too) We used to go into the pre-Xerox field and collect tumbleweeds at Christmas, paint em white and make California snowmen, I think my mom missed North Carolina. Where is Patti and Walt Talley? Who remembers going to movies on Saturday mornings at Dana and eating creamsicles? And the Plaza theatre/fire station display at Christmas? Weren't there rats in that theatre? Crying over Old Yellar and Flipper movies. Where is Brenda Drohobyckyj and Jackie Jugend? Girl Scout troop 869. I sewed a pillow to my dress at Sara Bryant's house. I went to Ms.Simmons, a seamstress' house in Holly Glen and Ms. Chaudet, my kindergarten teacher from Cabrillo recognized me in 1978, I almost fainted. It's all coming back to me now!!
Thursday, December 10, 1998 at 13:33:25
Name: Keith Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: Boy do I remember the stables. My cousin had a horse there (Carla Pasch). We too used to go up and have the train flatten pennies. I remember the Mattel toys. We used to hop the fence where the trash cans were and found these littles cars (later called Hot Wheels). They were really neat but were missing tires and stuff so we didn't know what they were. They used to call the kids in the neighborhood to come test toys. Remember Middle league Baseball next to Holly Glen Park. I lived right across the street from the park on 137th. Went to Cabrillo (after getting expelled from Trinity Lutheran) then went to Don Smith for 3rd grade and Peter Burnett for 4th, 5th and sixth. Dana was fun for 8th and 9th. Then big HHS. I finally made it to the big time. Now, I'm back. Love it! Be sure to bet hard eight when you play craps it's a sure winner. Aloha
Thursday, December 10, 1998 at 11:55:38
Name: Betty East
E-Mail: bettye@amgen.com
Maiden: Wright
Class: 74
Message: I remember the stables at Aviation and Rosecrans - Tee Pee Corral. Used to go riding there with Patti Bolkow '68-'69. She and Sheila Young boarded their horses there. Used to ride the "rentals". One just about killed me - very spirited. Anyway, Patti gave me my first pair of cowboy boots. I'll never forget that. We used to climb the hill to the train tracks and flatten pennies. The stables have been gone for many years now. Too bad. I remember Thriftimart. My mother didn't drive so my father had to take her grocery shopping. He'd always sit in the car, unless we needed new tubes for the TV. I was very young then. I also remember riding my bike to Offramp Liquor (Rosecrans and Hindry) in the morning before school, with a note, to get my mother her Salem cigarettes. Carl's Jr. is there now. Thanks for the memories.
Thursday, December 10, 1998 at 07:22:54
Name: Dick Dixon
E-Mail: accessrd@aol.com
Class: 63
Message: John Baker, your quarter midget picture is a gas in my message of 12/9. AJ Foyt would be impressed at the slide job through turn four you are pulling off. Our dad's were so close to us with this sport. Thats how you and I and your cousin Bud met and I remember going up to Quartz Hill and spending a few days with your cousin and building models. Time flys, but we did too as kids who drove those little race cars. I'll let Lee Leonard know about this site. Also John, my dad passed away 36 years ago 12/16, I was a senior, THE major loss of my life. Thanks for remembering him. He is up there in the turn four giving signals on standing-on-the-gas and having a pit pass ready or all his friends. Happy Holidays to all, and to all a good day. Also, MEXILUCY, I'll be seeing Lee tonite and willgive him your message.
Whats your Christmas wish anyone. You know, the one that comes from the guy with the white hair, red driving suit, and interest free for 90 days.
Thursday, December 10, 1998 at 07:02:17
Name: Carl Rilling
E-Mail: cycleist@earthlink.net
Class: 59'
Message: The market on Felton between 119th Pl and 120th was owned by Donnie( Class of 60')Pockrandts Family. His Mother was Betty and Father was Herb. They lived on the N/W corner house of 119th Pl and Felton. They owned it til about 1960/61. The other two brothers were Ronnie, Older, and Dickie the youngest. Donnie married Pat Adams 60'(still married) Donnie was the Fire Chief in Davis Calif. Their oldest child should be about 40.
The stables on Rosecrans/Avation were a Private horse club. I cleaned stalls for people in exchange for riding time on their horses. This was 1955-56. A man had a rent string there for a short time there in 57/58. Does anyone remember the stables up in Torrance on Anza ave, north of Torrance Blvd. I boarded my horse there for a period of time, as did Eddie Williams(59').
And thats enough about that..
Thursday, December 10, 1998 at 00:54:58
Name: colleen o'ryan
E-Mail: ktykats1@aol.com
Maiden: trott
Class: 64
Message: This message is for Jeff Gibson. The person who blew up his face in Chemistry class was George Schmitz. I can't remember who gave him the test tube after all these years but I do know it was George because we went to the Senior prom together and I'll always remember his poor face!!
Thursday, December 10, 1998 at 00:46:24
E-Mail: dw2shasta@aol.com
Class: 72
Wednesday, December 9, 1998 at 22:17:36
Class: 63
Message: Patty Valencia, I am responding with the E-mail address for Bob Clark that you asked for aps@intermind.net. Bob is living in Las Vegas.
Wednesday, December 9, 1998 at 22:11:04
Name: Mike Shay
E-Mail: theshays@earthlink.net
Class: 61
Message: Hi All,
I just saw Dennis Unfried's name on the feed back page. I remember him from Frosties way back. Dennis you probably won't remember me but you were friends with Ray Seidel and Harold Lanksbury. I think you remember Richard Hanson, my brother in law. I remember you talking about the hard times your drill instructor used to give you when you had go to your active duty. That was only around thirty five years ago. Don't s'pose you still have that Corvette?
Ricki V.-F. You are welcome to make all the copies of the tape you want...Keep it quiet though, probably some copyright problems or something. Say hi to Frank Romano for me, his heart surgery made mine look like a root-canal.
Happy Holidays!
Wednesday, December 9, 1998 at 20:57:26
Name: karen kuehl
E-Mail: kaykay@tcsn.net
Maiden: graham
Class: 59
Message: Vickie: there were horse stables near the railroad overpass on Rosecrans and Aviation (Anza). There was a children's ride and horses for rent. I rode there many times in the 50's and 60's when I could and it seems the stables were there into the 70's. I don't know if horses were allowed in people's yards or not, but in that area, which was an unincorporated area at one time, people could raise farm animals such as chickens, goats, pigs, etc. In fact, I found a piglet walking down Inglewood Ave and 135th in 1971. It's a long story, but I caught him and brought him home to our house in Redondo Beach and kept him for a few months. He got so big so fast we found him a good home in Modesto.
When I tell this story, I think most people don't believe me either. So you are right about the horses. The fields where Mattel's is and Lawndale High School were the places we would ride. They were all open with no buildings. You could ride from Rosecrans to Compton (now Marine, I think) to Inglewood. There was a little stream that opened up behind the shopping center on the southwest corner of Inglewood and big reeds and water plants grew. It was really quite wild and untouched back then. My brother used to bring home king snakes from that field. There were all sorts of little critters running around there especially jack rabbits and skunks.
So I believe you when you say you remember horseback riders coming down your street. They did in fact!!
Note: Karen, I know you're from the class of 59 and all, but you just made Hawthorne sound like
Jurassic Park. :o)
Wednesday, December 9, 1998 at 20:18:26
Name: betsy wright
E-Mail: bettsann2aol.com
Maiden: watts
Class: 76
Message: I remember riding horses on Rosecrans & Aviation, a big stable, I think Clarion is there now, but haven't been to LA in a long time. Also there were stables across from Chevron on Lincoln.
Wednesday, December 9, 1998 at 18:38:05
Name: Vickie Arestegui
E-Mail: arstgui@aol.com
Maiden: Arestegui
Class: 1984
Message: Here is another plea for help!! I often tell those who ask that Hawthorne had horses within its city limits. I grew up in the SW section...... around Inglewood and Rosecrans...and people would often ride their horses up my street especially during the summer. Someone, please, verify this information before outsiders convince me that I really am crazy!!!
Wednesday, December 9, 1998 at 18:19:03
Name: Jim Schroeder
Class: 66
Message: Flash from the past.... I'm a 6th grade teacher in
Southern Oregon. Long-time Hawthornian. York School. Brother JB class of 64. Foster's was the spot where cool was invented. Life is good.
Was Hawthorne "Pleasantville"? sort-of, I guess.
Who left with their innocence intact? I saw alot of familiar names that I'd like to hear from but at this point I'm a man without a mail box. I'll be getting back to Cougarville again soon. It's a cool place to be.
Regards, Schroeder
Wednesday, December 9, 1998 at 15:12:18
Name: karen kuehl
E-Mail: kaykay@tcsn.net
Maiden: graham
Class: 59
Message: Bob, the Happy Printer: Way back in August you threw out the question of who the Print Shop teacher was in '59. I can't remember if this question was answered or not, but I just found all my Cougars from 1958-59 and found an article about the Cougar finally being printed at HHS instead of Leuzinger. The Print Shop teacher was Mr. Chaffey.
Tue, 08 Dec 1998 20:11:34
Name: Elizabeth Andersen
E-Mail: anderseneliz@earthlink.net
Maiden: Andersen
Class: 85
Message: Hi! It might be neat if you would mention that several alumni have
returned to HHS to teach. Right now, there are about four teachers who
were at one time Hawthorne students. There's Ms. Kathy Adkins, Mr. Dave
Chauncey, Mrs. Laurel Dreher and me, Elizabeth Andersen.
I also wanted to add my father to the retired teachers list. He is Mr.
Paul Andersen. He mainly taught print shop, but he also was the advisor
for the school newspaper for about twelve years. He also taught English
his last two years at HHS. He retired in 1997. He taught there for 35
years. He is now working as a home-bound teacher and a printer. He
lives in Rancho Palos Verdes.
Should you need any info on other retired teachers, let me know. My
father keeps in touch with many of his old working buddies. I know that
Mr. Charlie "T" lives in San Pedro and he spends his time helping out at
our career center.
Thanks for making a website for the alumni. I really appreciate it. It
looks great. It's wonderful being able to look up old friends via the
Thanks Again, Betsy Andersen
Wednesday, December 9, 1998 at 11:05:11
Name: Pam Betraun
E-Mail: pbetraun2@PhilipInc.com
Maiden: Heath
Class: 78
Message: Patricia Valencia,
My brother Joel is living up Spokane Wash. Working at the Spokane airport. He will be coming down this summer. Thank you for asking I will tell him.
Wednesday, December 9, 1998 at 09:15:34
Name: Dick Dixon
E-Mail: accessrd@aol.com
Class: 63
Message: I'm going to visit Lee Leonard, HHS '66 tomorrow 12/10 and if anyone wants me to send a HHS hi let me know ASAP. Lee drove quarter midgets as a kid and went on to drive sprint cars at Ascot Park an is the owner of a sprint car team today plus has been at Edelbrock in Torrance for the past 20+ yrs. and still lives in Hawthorne. He know fast cars and is married, and is my friend since I drove quarter midgets starting in Feb. '57 and too, went on to sprint cars in the midwest (USAC circit). Are there any round-e-rounds racers out there who want to share some memories? Pound out a message if you'd like, I'd like to hear from you. Keep it in the loop so to speak. Also, there is a new 1/2 mile paved track opening 3/27 in Irwindale. Anyone interested, call me 888-231-2272. Racer John Baker, you and Buddy
were reeealll racers in those young years. Those were the fun days with our dads. Keep up the great work, we love ya for it!!!!
Note: Dickie, Yeah, my cousin Bud and I did the quarter midget thing in the mid 50's. I remember all our dad's putting their collective heads together to make us go just a little faster. Those were fun times. Thanks Dick.
Wednesday, December 9, 1998 at 07:44:43
Name: Dennis Unfried
E-Mail: denunfried@hotmail.com
Class: 1955
Message: Great job. I just happened to stumble on to it by accident.
Note: Dennis, Welcome Back. It's great to hear from you, and consider yourself "back in High School".
Tuesday, December 8, 1998 at 23:20:12
Name: Bob Rierdan
E-Mail: printer@cheerful.com
Class: 61
Message: Just to set the record straight on Ray's Market: Carole Campbell remembered Phil & Bess at Felton Market - I remember them, too.- Felton Market was Felton Market, Ray's Market was another place. It was on Felton also and was a lunchtime hangout for many of us non-conformists from HHS, including the late Mike Keene. Felton Market was north of there, but was on the east side of Felton between 118th St. & 118th Pl. Ray's was on the west side of the street between 119th Pl. & 120th St.
Ray hung up his apron, rebuilt the market building into a house sometime during the '60's and went to work for the Post Office. Felton Market was still standing the last time I was by there in about 1970 or so. Felton was our "family store," in that: my family sent me there everyday.
Note: Hey Bob, I stand corrected on that Felton/Ray's Market thingy. Hawthorne was full of Mom and Pop Markets back in the 60's. I remember the Market on El Segundo and Cedar that Sandy Wyatt was asking about. It was owned by the Boll Family and it was a daily stop at the candy counter when I was attending Intermediate. Karen Boll was HHS class of 61 and is married to my barber, Jim Essner. Jerrys Barber Shop is directly across the street from that store. Other Boll's were Dale, Clinton, and cousins Denny and Gary and probably a couple of others I've forgotten. They all went to HHS. Thanks Bob for the correction.
Tuesday, December 8, 1998 at 22:10:47
Name: Vickie Arestegui
E-Mail: arstgui@aol.com
Maiden: Arestegui
Class: 1984
Message: When I was a youngster I remember a giant red T lighting up the night sky. The
location was El Segundo and Oceangate (if I recall correctly) and my parents use to time my bedtime by its nightly lighting. Does anybody remember the name of that store? I think there is a Bally's Gym there now.
Does anyone know if the class of 84 will have a 15 year reunion? Thanks!!
Tuesday, December 8, 1998 at 20:55:17
Name: Patricia Valencia
E-Mail: pvalencia2@aol.com
Message: Wow, Dave, Rob, Sue, Laura, how fun it is to see your entries. I especially take pleasure in that 'big sis' stuff, Sue! It's wonderful to not just be remembered as GV's big sister, whatshername. Pam, I remember Joel. What's he up to? What is it with brothers {Steve B., Carlos, Paul)? Where is Mike McClain? Ken McFarland? Steve Olsen? Valerie, will you ever speak? How about Vickie Willetts? Whewhoo. Claudina Marsela where are you?
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