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Name: A Sad Former Anza Student () on Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 22:03:31
City and State: Del Aire CA
Message: I drove past Anza Elementary School today and half of it was gone!! The whole westside has been bulldozed. I hope the new "state of the art" Anza gives as good of an education as the original Anza!
Name: Pauline Matthew () on Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 18:22:26
E-Mail: pmsockser@aol.com
Maiden: Spencer
Class: 69
City and State: Oakhills, CA
Message: John just wanted to say I had a good time Saturday night. Sorry I missed a good friend of mine, Kathy Jefferson. Kathy, I was there looking for you but I missed you. Also sorry that I missed my fellow rowdy's. I really wanted to meet those wonderful ladies. There is always next time. Ladies stay rowdy and I will do the same.
Rowdy Pauline
Thanks Pauline, Next time we'll have a board for everyone to sign in under their particular class so people will know who is, or was there.
Name: Martha () on Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 13:53:43
E-Mail: CnMBarnes1293@aol.com
Maiden: Amour
Class: '62
City and State: Las Vegas,Nv
Message: Hey Everyone!!!!!!!!
I've been reading Feedback till my eyes are falling out. I had no idea you all had a mini reunion in Vegas at Sunset Station. I just bought a house about a mile from there. I was moving in that weekend. What a trip.
Does anyone out there remember me? Please write and let me know. Email has changed.......never mind it's a long story. Tonya, Cheryl, Dennis Campbell (cant Email you) Avery Knapp write me. I still talk with Cindy Maxine. Been through everything together. Marriage, babies, divorce, babies married, moves etc, etc, etc.
I love this Feedback!! John 'THANK YOU' for putting it together.
Martha, Glad you like the Feedback. It's the number one page on the website. Too bad about the LV weekend reunion. We had a great time. Maybe we'll have another one.........Frank, V5, and V6???
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 13:21:56
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
City and State: Burlington, WI
Message: I love cooking disaster stories - here is one of my favorites. It involves the recipe for sloe gin fizzes, my blender, and someone else's kitchen. I had a good friend and upstairs neighbor when I lived in San Diego in the 1970's. We were having a get together at her place and she asked me to bring my blender so we could make sloe gin fizz to drink. All was going well until about the 4th round of drinks. My friend went to the kitchen to fix round 5 and the whirring of the blender was followed by an "Oh, damn! (I cleaned it up for the Feed Back Page). I ran out to the kitchen and there was my friend standing in the middle of her kitchen soaked with gin fizz. There was gin fizz dripping off the cabinets and the ceiling. She had neglected to put the lid on the blender before starting it up. I have always found this amusing, for as I said, it was not my kitchen!
Great story but I've got the topper to that one. It involved my grandmother taking the lid off a pressure cooker full of red beans, WITHOUT releasing the pressure first. It looked like someone had detonated a "Bean Bomb" in the kitchen and the lid had impaled itself in the ceiling. Luckily she was OK.
Name: Norma Jean () on Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 12:34:19
E-Mail: Leejleonard
Maiden: It's been so long I forgot
City and State: Haw
Message: Well, it was nice to finally meet some of you,
JB, Judy, Marsha and many others, I only wish we had more time. I agree that we need name tags for those of us not familiar with CT regulars. What a turnout JB and what a success! Side note....I just spoke with the Culinary Institute of American at Greystone in St. Helena (Napa Valley) and they heard rumors about the Rowdys heading north in spring...and they hinted that they would like a representative to to be a guest speaker at one of their cooking classes!
NOT! (Haha, hope you guys don't mind that I have fun with you!)
Hi NJ, It was great meeting you and Lee on Saturday too. Thanks too for the Kowabunga present. Yes, nametags are always nice and we usually have them but this time, without any help from Kathy Stonebraker, Susan Walling, Patty V, etc, it was up to me to remember all these things and I did drop the ball. Betty Kean Rodriguez had some cool name tags made for our last cruise night, but I only had a few left and was going to make some up on the computer; I didn't. I promise to have name tags at the next Cougartown function.
Name: Marsha Russell () on Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 10:56:05
Maiden: Russell
Class: 64
City and State: Redondo Beach
Message: Yes Johnny Boy, you did it again, Cruise night was great!!! The only problem was not having enough time to talk to everybody....we need a Cruise weekend..like the wine country trip coming up.
Mom B, we missed you! Maybe if we have it at Panchos next time you will come. Sue, Sharon, Patty, Loretta, wish we would have had more time to talk. Robbie & Dickie Norton, Ed Chesson & Royal Lord, good to see you. Norma Jean & Lee it was nice meeting you. And cousin-in-law Steve, what can I say, you are the best! Alan, always good to see you.....OK, I guess I should stop here and just say it was wonderful seeing old friends and meeting new ones.....what a gift! Sloey, we missed you and Debbie at Judy Wudys. See all of you at Pinks next week and VFW on Sunday. Robin is soooo excited with all of these food events coming up.
Name: Susan King () on Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 00:21:57
E-Mail: Sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Message: OK, I gave this assignment to Patty and Barry but neither has done their job. They were supposed to send in the caption for the picture of the Class of 74 attendees at Cruise Night. From L to R: Barry and Jill Smith, Danny and Judy Dews, Mike "Big Mac" McClain, Greg Goode, Sue King and Patty Valencia. And we are all hovering, no, salivating over the "Beach Viper", Barry's baby. We are missing Kevin Ridgemen who was also there that night - Kevin where were you at picture time? To Mo and Don D., Cindy and Chuck, Judy, Janny, Marsha, Robin, Loretta, JBx2 and everyone else, it was all too short-lived. Great to see you all though we still need name badges and structured activities to ensure that we connect with everyone. What fun to put the face to the name! And to Jan Chauncey, who showed up wearing her cheer sweater - I want you to know that you are the person who inspired me to become a cheerleader - head yell no less - and I got out my sweater this Christmas but it was not to be. I was impressed!! (and envious!)
Sue, you can still give it the "Yuppie Tie" around the neck with the arms.
Name: Ricki Farrell () on Monday, January 10, 2000 at 23:33:49
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Message: Tom Buckingham! You probably don't remember me, but you were a cub scout when my dad was the Pack leader. My brother Leo was in your class. I think that you were together in elementary school classes too. I remember you very well because your parents were very active in scouts and school. I'm going to let my brother know that you're on feedback. He's not much of a writer, but he might give in. Actually, he's doing very well with McDonnell Douglas in administration and sales.
I remember your little sister too.
Sorry that I missed cruise night. I was ill and then my hubby was ill. Hopefully we'll make it to the next one. This one looked like a complete success.
Yes, well Ricki that's two events in a row where you've been ill. Next time you're either going to have to show up, or have your mommy send a note.
Name: blondie () on Monday, January 10, 2000 at 22:51:46
E-Mail: carissa58@yahoo.com
Maiden: Christine (Penny) Baird
Class: 76
City and State: Round Rock TX
Message: Although I claim my fame to cooking (and being blonde, some of the time) I have had some hilarious mishaps. For instance....we used to have this refrigerater that really, I mean REALLY froze stuff HARD. Something about the freon ??? At any rate, the ice cream was hard, even too hard for that brute of a man I'm married to, to be able to scoop. So I so wittingly put it in the microwave, which I had done on many occasions. The trick is to use only a power level one. Well, I forgot to change the power setting....we had great shakes though. Then there was the time I was making fudge and made this really good ice cream topping instead. I put in a whole can of evaporated milk instead of half a can.
Name: Steve Fraser () on Monday, January 10, 2000 at 22:49:30
Class: 1966
John....You did it again!!!
Cruise Night was a winner. The cars, the BABES, and all the old friends, made it a night to remember.
To my new "Cousin-in-law"....feed that guy..he's getting too thin!!!
Looks like he needs a "PINKS"run!! Good luck to the both of you!!! Steve
Yes Marsha, please feed the guy. He's starting to look like Karen Carpenter on speed.
Name: Blondie () on Monday, January 10, 2000 at 22:30:31
E-Mail: carissa58@hotmail.com
Maiden: Christine (Penny ) Baird
Class: 76
City and State: Round Rock, TX
Message: I just read EL ROJO's sad steak story. I also got a steak story for ya, and it's a sad one too. boo hoo hoo I'll see if I can make this a short one. My husband and I went camping (before we decided we preferred room service better) with another couple. We all brought our dogs. Ours were small and their's were BIG. I got our steaks out, 2 of them. They were vegetarians so they had broccoli or something. I seasoned the steaks to perfection and left them setting on the counter. Did I mention there were dogs? Did I also mention that the dogs had the run of the place? Hey, they were on vacation too. Well you get the picture. We all ate broccoli that night!
Name: HARRY PLOTKIN () on Monday, January 10, 2000 at 19:53:18
E-Mail: hcharry@pacbell.net
Class: 52/97
City and State: Harbor City, CA
Message: WOW, WHAT A NIGHT!!! Thanks to John and all the cougars who made the effort to meet at Fosters. Kathy was cold but otherwise we had a great time!
Loved meeting Rowdy Judy and GREAT seeing Jan. Always nice seeing the Perkins clan! Nice meeting Don DiTomasso - the name I couldn't recall is Jerry Rodman. I gave him your e-mail address. I'm sorry I don't remember our very nice K-9 officer's name. He married a former student of mine and I forgot to tell him to give her a hug for me. So nice seeing the Smith brothers - very nice young men. Chris with his ever present camera. Ed Chesson and his sister and on and on.
Kathy enjoys attending because she sees many former kindergarteners. Love to all, HCH
Thanks to you HCH, and "Our own Ms. Brooks" for making the Fosters Cruise Night. It's always nice to be chaperoned by the absolute pinnacle of Hawthorne's faculty, plus I happen to know you love the heck out of these things. Thanks Harry, and now you and Kathy must make the Pinks trek with us on the 19th. It's lots of fun. See you then........
Name: Patty Valencia () on Monday, January 10, 2000 at 18:38:51
E-Mail: pvalencia2@aol.com
Class: 1974
Message: I still can't believe I'm the only one who dared to wear the bell bottoms. That was a fun evening especially with the high school coffee Mike MacClain introduced :0) Now that's the class of 74 for you. Thanks for the opportunity to get together yet once again. And Mike, I do remember the ECC ride! Gloria - you woulda had fun. I'm beginning to like Sharon better. Although she finally admitted to vying for Papa's attention too. Gotta watch those Biermans. Lose the attitude Bev and show up next time. Thanks Barry and Jill. Greg and Danny - you guys look exactly the same - spooky. Where'd you hide the pictures that are aging? Judy, we're more than bonded now. Danny Blitz - I'm sorry I didn't have more time - you too look the same as you did when you were 5 years old. Mark- Shaaron, Gloria and Jerry would love to hear from you. Man it's hard to talk with the Rowdies now that they've all captured those early sixties guys. And Joe, Maybe Olivia didn't understand privacy until she lost it. (you deserved that!) Ok, I'm done, I win the Valencia length record for January.
Patty, Loved the B-bottoms. Class of 74, Loved the Viper. Mike, Loved your "Bakersfield Coffee". Had a great time with you guys. The class of 74 CAN partee' ! ! !
Name: carolyn platt () on Monday, January 10, 2000 at 18:15:56
E-Mail: puyallupslugo@webtv.net
Thank you for reminding me of Hawthorne Blvd. I so miss the Los Angeles area, actually I just miss California. Graduated from Washington High.
Name: Alan Nelson () on Monday, January 10, 2000 at 17:52:12
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: '73
City and State: Parker, Az
Message: 2,219 members, and only 479 have voted in the HTML site contest? Sounds like we Cougars aren't doing our jobs. With that many of us signed in, we should have at least 5,000 votes up there by now.
Hey, what is the deal on that thing? Did we win or what? I thought that was for Decembers website of the month.
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Monday, January 10, 2000 at 16:51:18
Maiden: chickenboody
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: So CRUISE NIGHT was a big success again...what's not to love here. Whatever John B. plans just works. Sorry I didn't get to meet so many of you new Rowdys searching us out, but in real life-I look very ordinary and I guess most of you were searching me and Marsha out in the restroom (head) for what we do best. Now, update..some big events coming up in ROWDYSVILLE..and I need to come up with some fast dough..so... I'm selling a lung &/or a kidney if anyone is interested. See Marsha..I'm more focused than you thought--told you I'd think of a way to raise that money. I figure at this rate I'll leave this earth with much less than I came with. I've been so busy with Janny (running dinner through that blender takes time) and he's enjoying meeting up with all his old friends again-especially Rowdy Mr. Plotkin. Now..once more for Mom B..who we missed like crazy Sat. night- (Marsha missed you on the sink) I'm off like a prom dress.
Judy DeGrazia THE ROWDYS.
Name: Debra Lee McGregor () on Monday, January 10, 2000 at 16:40:52
E-Mail: mcgregord@la.lancaster.k12.ca.us
Maiden: Lee
Class: 72
City and State: Lancaster, CA
Message: To quote the three fish that swam into the wall, "Dam, Dam, Dam"! I wish I could have been at Cruise night. I was not feeling up to par, and I had been looking so forward to it. 140 people! Wow, what a turnout. John, (King John) about how many alumni a week join Cougartown? Have a great week Cougs - God bless ...
Debra, At the beginning of 1999 we had 668 alumni on the list. We closed it with 2180 on December 31, 1999. As of today, there are 2219 on the list. That equates to almost 30 alumni a week. That's a graduating class of 500 every 4 months. Let's keep'em comin' Cougs. Also, all Cougs, please check your email listing on the Alumni list to make sure it's correct. It doesn't do any good to have your name on the list if the email address is outdated. Thanks Debra.....
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Monday, January 10, 2000 at 15:24:56
E-Mail: acruiseacruisemykingdomforacruise.com
Maiden: will never be jones
City and State: redondo beach
Message: Great as always. Message to Joe Mailander...She married a Beatle? I thought she married some guy named Harry Krishnofec or Harry Ramadindondin. Which Beatle did she marry? I hope it wasn't George or John Beatle.
Jimbo, Maybe you ought to be the one that contacts People Magazine.
Name: Robin () on Monday, January 10, 2000 at 14:57:20
E-Mail: "Icouldhaveateallnight".com
Maiden: not pieboy
Class: MCMLX
City and State: RB,CA
Message: Whats not to love?...Cheeseburger, peach malt, (stole a few fries from Sloey), pralines and cream ice cream on top of dutch apple pie and real coffee all in one night???...It had to be a dream...I hung on John and it paid off...Im good for another 100 pages but my personal trainer said not to get used to it...back to lettuce and a 10K a night in the soft sand till Im gaunt and delusional again..Great time, and to see so many old and new friends, cars and did I mention food?..Later Cougs...:o)
I know you'll be looking a little like Boris Karloff in "The Curse Of The Mummy" by then, but hang on until the 19th and we'll shame Marsha into going on the Pinks run. It's only 9 days away Robin. Keep slapping yourself across the face boy, you'll make it......
BTW, we haven't heard from Janny Wanny since Saturday. He must be looking like a cattail in the wind by now too.
Name: MoMo () on Monday, January 10, 2000 at 14:30:30
E-Mail: momo90250@aol.com
Maiden: Trott
Class: 64
City and State: Hawthorne
Message: OK everybody, you heard the King....Wednesday, January 19th (at least for now) our 4th run to PINK'S....so plan ahead and mark those calendars!! If anything changes, I know our fearless leader will let us know (isn't that so JB?)
OK Jan 19th it is. Make your plans now, and let's get some new Pinks people in the game this time. These are real easy and lots of fun so please plan on being there.
Name: Bob Brophy () on Monday, January 10, 2000 at 13:30:05
E-Mail: amirish@worldnet.att.net
City and State: Phoenix, AZ
Message: Hi: I didn't go to HH but grew up in Hawthorne on Roselle Ave. I haven't seen anyone mention the fair when it came to town at Prairie Ave. and El Segundo. We would go down and help set it up and get free ride ticket in return. Growing up in Hawthorne was the best place in the world. I see that Pound Penny Market is mentioned. Does anyone remember that Penny's husband was Leroy?
Hi Bob, Yes I remember helping to set up the fair in exchange for rides and free admission. I also remember waterballooning the Hawthorne Fire Dept's. Model T Ford at the parade prior to the fair. Those were great times, and thanks for checking in.
Name: MoMo () on Monday, January 10, 2000 at 12:57:06
E-Mail: momo90250@aol.com
Maiden: Trott
Class: 1964
City and State: City of Good Neighbors
Message: Welllll, what can I say....Cruise Night Saturday was a big success. I believe I can say, A GOOD TIME WAS HAD BE ALL! We had a lot of regulars and a lot of new faces. Robbie Norton, it was great to see you after all these years. Sharon & Sue "B", I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to say Hi...I saw you on the other side of where I was. Judy Wudy and Janny Wanny were the couple of the night (I thought we were going to have to throw a bucket of water on them) For all of you who didn't get to attend Cruise Night...the next time we plan one (or something else) PLEASE try and make it...you don't know what your missing. I believe our next gathering will be Wednesday night (about 7:30 or 8:00pm) at Pink's...is that correct JB? PLUS, Sunday, January 16th should be breakfast at the VFW (9:00am to 12:00pm) so, try and make it....Okey Dokey!!
DIANE PRICE: Glad to see you sign on, CoCo has been trying to find you for so long. E-mail me or her when you have a chance.
Bye for now....cya, be a coug MYTMO
Mo, I was thinking more like the 19th for Pinks. Just have too much going on this week. I haven't had a chance to get cruise night pics on the website yet.
Name: Kristi Pealo () on Monday, January 10, 2000 at 10:57:49
E-Mail: kpealo@hotmail.com
Maiden: Perkins
Class: 89
City and State: NAS Lemoore,CA
Message: Cruise night was fun! I would have been better if others from 89 were there besides ME, and my Best Friend! Oh well Ronda Johnson Eason and I had a great time together. Bananna Split and all!!! It was great seeing all my Mothers friends and my friends parents. Every body looked great. Hope you had a great time John. Thanks for throwing the party!!~~~Kristi
Kristi, You are welcome......
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Monday, January 10, 2000 at 10:39:26
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
City and State: Hawthorne, Ca
Message: Hi all, just wanted to say what a good time I had Saturday night. Larry and Eric were kinda sad when they heard who all were there, but they were my sick boys. Judy, Terry, and Tom, Im so glad to see that you joined us, it was good to see you there, also what a surprise to see the Marratta's, it had to be forty plus years since we have seen each other. Robin Hood, it was the 7th Birthday party, found the pictures at Mom's, also great about you and Marsha. Nice meeting Judy's honey. Robbie Norton, glad you came with Micki, Dickie and Jan. Also it was nice to see two of Darla's friends Kristi and Rhonda.So many people and I love you all. John and Janet, you did it again. It was a great get together.
Name: Linda Farrow () on Monday, January 10, 2000 at 09:17:29
E-Mail: Linda.Farrow@trw.com
Maiden: Elia
Class: 82
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Message: Message to Ray Smith ~ Hey Hey Ray, saw your message about the class of 81's reunion, oh yes I remember your 10 year. We went together and I was so Glad that you asked me to go. But just so everyone knows, we are really close friends and that you came down from Oregon to go to your reunion. Well that's when I finally got to meet Mike Bowie from your class. I liked him so much during school, and then seeing him after 10 years!
And then Mike and I hooked up for a while after talking and getting to know each other. Has anyone heard from Mike?? I know he was living in Vancouver, Wa. and a firefighter/paramedic. I'd love to say hi to him after all these years. Linda
Name: Tom Buckingham () on Monday, January 10, 2000 at 00:55:01
E-Mail: buckinghamtom@netscape.net
Class: 1964
City and State: Clovis(CowboyTown)CA
Message: It was great to see all the Cougar faces at the Cruise Night. My sister Sue (HHS '68) and I had a cool time. It was really nice to see the "rods" too. It was really special to have a Root Beer Freeze nightcap. My compliments and appreciation to you all for organizing a fun night!
Name: Bonnie Cozby () on Monday, January 10, 2000 at 00:36:32
E-Mail: captcoz@aone.com
Maiden: Simmons
Class: 71
City and State: Ocean Park, Wahington
Message: Hello Joe Webber. Tried to find your email address to answer your questions about Nashville, but came up blank. Charlie gets out there once in a while and no, Rick is not in the music business. Will happily "hoist" a few for you in wine country.
Name: Jo Ann Dickson () on Sunday, January 9, 2000 at 23:28:47
E-Mail: joanndickson@mail.com
Maiden: SEXTON
Class: 70
City and State: Norco, Ca
John, WOW..what a site! Thanks for all the memories and laughs! Brings back alot of fun times at HHS! Now, to Judy, Queen of the Rowdys, Hey Judy, I'm sitting here with my sister Nancy Hutcheson (SEXTON).. She is hysterical here, reading about you and the cooking?? UH OH, I said the "C" word!!! The communion carbo's etc!!!! She also wants you to know now that she knows about this site, she is going to be keeping track of you! Unfortunately, Nancy went to St.Bernards..guess we'll have to get her up to speed here, think she can catch up? She hopes you and the JanMan are doing great, and give her a call again. BTW..Nancy and I are great "zappers" with a microwave..we've learned to boil water in it..does that count?? Nancy's greatest meal?? Oh heck..that's easy, one half gallon of ice cream, and two spoons.. and when John talked about "grey death"..hmmm..I'm wondering..does green count?? I'll tell ya, this family has talent!! Ok, I've taken up enough space, just wanted to say Thanks again John, and Judy, nice to meet you. Oh yeah Judy..one more thing..Nancy wants to know how Jan is enjoying the couch???? :) Bye for now!
Jo Ann....
Jo Ann, Boiling water in a microwave is WAY too hi tech for the Rowdys. They can warm it by putting it in a bottle, screwing the lid on, and placing the bottle under their armpit, but that's about it.
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