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Here's a performing buddy of HHSer Chris Montez "Tommy Roe"
Name: Mark Alan (Rabenold) () on Sunday, January 9, 2000 at 23:14:12
E-Mail: nvr@nvinet.com
Class: 75
City and State: Oroville, Washington
Message: John-
This site of yours is proof positive that we are social animals at heart! All it takes is a common thread like Cougartown.com and we're off and running.
Thanks to you, I've managed to blow a whole weekend cruising your site and contacting lost classmates! It's been one of the best weekends in a quarter of a century or so!
I think the site of the month thing is shooting a bit low though. (I mean it's a great idea and all but... I've nominated you for a Nobel prize. Now all we've gotta do is pass the hat so we can get you to Stockholm.
Thanks for the memories!
My best to all!
Mark Alan (Rabenold) HHS75
Thanks for the nomination Mark, but I think if you've made contact with some old buddies, well that's thanks enough. I love those reconnection stories. Now that you know where to look for your friends, please stay tuned as more are guaranteed to be on the way.
Be a Coug Mark..........
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Sunday, January 9, 2000 at 20:33:15
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Class: 75
City and State: South Bay
Message: ref: """"Don D - Were you at Foster's last night - we didn't see you! The class of 75 was there looking for others - Dale Hahlbeck, Sheree
Klingenhagen, Cindy Piercy and myself were there. Don you couldn't have changed that much that we didn't ever recognize you! """""
Heather...Oh darn...I left early...I left around 730PM. When did you arrive? I hope all you '75's got some good pictures. I wish I could have seen you all.
Name: Janet Burkett () on Sunday, January 9, 2000 at 20:12:10
E-Mail: not sure anymore???
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
City and State: Mission Viejo
Message: Ever since the New Year I have been having major computer problems, so before this thing goes down again, wanted to send an update on the wine country surveys. At this point, we are using the survey to gather general information on the kind of needs everyone has regarding room accommodations, transportation, and just numbers of people who are interested. We do not have any definite information yet, but are looking for a central hotel to use as a meeting place. We are planning to have a welcome reception and one planned dinner for everyone. There are so many great things to do up there, that we would like to have some choices for all. So, as of yet, we have not gotten back to anyone with specific responses and information. But, it is forthcoming!
For everyone at cruise night last night, it was great to see you all!
JB(the other one)
Name: Kathleen () on Sunday, January 9, 2000 at 18:20:49
E-Mail: Spirithart@yahoo.com
Maiden: Nix
Class: 74
City and State: Wilmington, CA
Message: Sorry we missed Cruise Night last night but we really had a good excuse. We went to Hogue Barmichaels to watch DejaVu, Bob "Strongheart" Melendrez is their Drummer. Cougars, we have such a talented group of people who went through the hallowed halls of HHS! If you are fans of Crosby, Stills, and Nash, you will really enjoy this band. Their vocals are tight and when they played Southern Cross, there wasn't a dry eye at our table. So for Cougars who like great entertainment, we have two local bands with links to HHS (besides the Beach Boys) who I highly recommend. DejaVu and Which One is Pink.
Bob, it was great to see you again after what....29 years?
Name: Royal Wm. Lord Jr. () on Sunday, January 9, 2000 at 17:21:00
E-Mail: lord@ugsolutions.com
Class: 1961
City and State: Cerritos, California
Message: Hello Cougartown! My wife Pat and I had a great time at Cruise Night II. It was great to be able to put the faces with the names. We got reacquainted with some old friends and met some new friends, just a fun time! Now we're looking forward to the next event. Talk to you soon.
Hey Royal, It was great seeing you again after about 38 years. Nice to meet Pat too. Hope to see you both next week at Pinks.
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Sunday, January 9, 2000 at 16:29:28
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonlilne.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
City and State: Burlington, Wisconsin
Message: Looks like Cruise Night II was a great success. I thought about all you Cougars on Saturday.
Burlington, Wisconsin calls itself Chocolate City, USA because it has a Nestles Chocolate plant in town. I get a chocolate high by sniffing the air twice a day - I drive past the plant going to and from work. I believe Hershey, Penn. calls itself Chocolate City also. Here in Burlington we have a Chocolate Festival every May. Residents & businesses can get strips of uncut candy wrappers to use to make decorations for their houses and businesses. We have a midway with rides, a craft fair, a street sale, entertainment, and food (including lots of chocolate).
Burlington is also home of the Liar's Club.
Quite an exciting place!
Name: Heather Ruggirello () on Sunday, January 9, 2000 at 15:03:29
E-Mail: ruggih@hotmail.com
Maiden: Reoch
Class: 75
City and State: Anaheim, CA
Message: Don D - Were you at Foster's last night - we didn't see you! The class of 75 was there looking for others - Dale Hahlbeck, Sheree Klingenhagen, Cindy Piercy and myself were there. Don you couldn't have changed that much that we didn't ever recognize you!
John B - Thanks for once again doing a great job!
Heather, Yes Don was there. I saw him and I'm a class of 62er. Thanks for being there yourself.
Name: Sherry Wingo () on Sunday, January 9, 2000 at 13:40:44
E-Mail: dscwingo@pacbell.net
Maiden: Peppers
Class: 1964
City and State: Haw. Ca.
Message: John, we owe so much to you. Cruise Night was so much fun. Jan, what can I say! You're great. Hi Diane Price. Glad you found the site. Our class of 64 was well represented last night.
Thanks Sherry, you and Doug add so much to these events too. Thank you for being there.
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Sunday, January 9, 2000 at 11:00:41
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Class: 75
City and State: South Bay
Message: ref: "E-Mail: joseph.mailander@uboc.com
Class: 75
Message: Question for anyone, just asking:
If Olivia Harrison values privacy so much, why did she go out and marry a Beatle?
--Joseph Mailander '75 "
Joe, she probably wanted to be an Entomologist.
Missed you at Cruise Night II Joe....
John Baker, I am happy to see you have a nice, clear, bright, picture of the Class of 74. I now know the limitations of my cheap Digital camera regarding night photography. Thank you for posting the picture. I can't wait to see the other pics you and others have. I love that panorama of everyone at Fosters. 140 people...wow..that's a lot of chocolate dip ice cream...
Hey Don, It was good to see, and say hi to you last night. Don't get too down on your digital. I had to punch that pic up a little with my photo software. Glad you had a great time and anyone who cares, we'll be doing another Pinks run next week. I'll let you all know when.
Name: Elizabeth Castanon () on Sunday, January 9, 2000 at 00:42:56
E-Mail: lizcastanon6
Maiden: Cary
Class: 1973
City and State: Amarillo TX
Message: Hi JB and all the rest of you crazy cougars especially the rowdy's. I know you all are just having too good a time a Foster's reunion tonite. Wish I were there with you. JB did you remember to have a rootbeer float for me? Ok, time for Liz's comments...first of all, whats wrong with SOS? I believe SOS is a very creative way to stretch good old ground beef. So what if I fed my kids so much of it that they have threatened their spouses not to ever make SOS unless they want a divorce! Next comment...My only regret from my HHS years is not trying out for song queen sooner than my Junior year (72). Maybe if I had tried out in my freshman or soph years by the time I was a junior I would have made it. But what is really sad is that there was only a five point spread between myself and Heidi Weinacht in the pre-tryouts. I almost made it. But then again I would have had to stand up to the "vote of the people" and being the unknown -off -in- the-background kind of girl that I was, I probably would not have made it anyway. But you never know. I'm sure that there are other regrets but they aren't that important to list. Have fun at Fosters Liz
Hi Liz, Yes, I had that Root Beer float and it was pretty tasty too. Yes we really did have a great time tonight. I think it was better than the first one. Thanks to everyone who came out and made it a fun night for the rest of us.
Name: MARTHA () on Sunday, January 9, 2000 at 00:31:12
E-Mail: noahsarc@horizon.hit.net
Maiden: HOSS
Class: 64
City and State: ARKANSAS CITY KS
Message: Does anyone have information on or know the where-abouts of Wicky Wickline...he was the Drum Major in '64???
Name: MARTHA PATE () on Saturday, January 8, 2000 at 23:14:01
E-Mail: noahsarc@horizon.hit.net
Maiden: HOSS
Class: 64
City and State: ARKANSAS CITY, KS
Message: Hay Coug's, have thought of you at Cruise Night tonight...have been in my thoughts all day. Thanks Sherry (Peppers) and Ron Householder for calling my Dad, Glen Hoss, and extending an invitation to come along...he had so much fun bringing his Model T and attending the last cruise night. You all made him feel soooo welcome. Hope your weather held. Prayers, Coug's, Martha
Hi Martha, Yes the weather held but we missed the Model T. Thanks for thinking of us, as we had a great time. I think we had about 140 people tonight.
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Saturday, January 8, 2000 at 23:02:20
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Class: 75
City and State: South Bay
Message: Cruise Night II.
Ernie and Brenda Nixon from Bakersfield(?) it was a pleasure to talk with you. Judy De Grazia - it was good to finally meet you. The photos I've seen of you so far do not do you justice. Rowdy? You sure hide your rowdiness well. Marsha Russell - it was nice seeing you again too. Danny Dews, I sent an e-mail to my sister Lila to let her know I saw you. I am sorry, Danny Dews, Patty Valencia and Sue Bierman-King, that the pictures of you and other members of the class of '74 near the Viper did not come out. The flash was not strong enough for that distance. Lori Padelford, were you able to make to Cruise Night II? "Ms. Brooks" I sent a picture of you to my sister Lila. Harry Plotkin, Robin Hood: it was a pleasure to meet both of you.
And John Baker, it was good to see you again. I wish all you Cougs the best. Shucks...it looks like Huell Howser had other plans tonight. Neither he nor Louis Fuerte were there with a camera for California's Gold or Visiting for KCET. Class of 75? Anyone at Foster's?
From L to R: Barry and Jill Smith, Danny and Judy Dews, Mike "Big Mac" McClain, Greg Goode, Sue King and Patty Valencia.
Name: Ilona Lehet Thompson () on Saturday, January 8, 2000 at 21:48:08
E-Mail: thompson@home.com
Class: LHS64
Message: I went to Leuzinger (class of '63), but had many friends from HHS at my church, Calvary Presbyterian. I was engaged to David Winkley (HHS class of '62); I married someone else, but we remained close friends. His passing in 1983 was so very tragic. I think your HHS website is marvelous. My congratulations on a job very well done.
Ilona, I'm sorry to hear about David. Thanks for the information.
Name: Diana Olsen () on Saturday, January 8, 2000 at 18:42:28
E-Mail: DGIRL1@prodigy.net
Maiden: Diana Price
Class: 64
City and State: Ogden, Utah
Message: A huge thank you to Lee Roy and Sandy (Bunch) Mills for telling me about this website.
Yes, thanks Lee Roy and Sandy. And thanks Diana for checking in.
Name: joseph mailander () on Saturday, January 8, 2000 at 16:59:18
E-Mail: joseph.mailander@uboc.com
Class: 75
Question for anyone, just asking:
If Olivia Harrison values privacy so much, why did she go out and marry a Beatle?
--Joseph Mailander '75
Name: Lori Padelford () on Saturday, January 8, 2000 at 15:20:16
E-Mail: desilulu4u
Class: 81
City and State: Garden Grove, CA
Message: Hey Raymond Smith. I was class of 81 also. I am trying to place your name with a face but I can't get to my yearbooks. Help to jog my memory, who did you hang out with? I know all the people you talked about in your last feedback. Have you heard anything about a 20 year reunion? Do you know how to reach Linda or Maria? Hey John, have you ever thought about a referral page for various services that fellow Cougars provide. What a great way to promote fellow Cougars businesses, and if you can't trust a Cougar who can you trust?
Name: Glenn Crist () on Saturday, January 8, 2000 at 12:50:16
E-Mail: gfcrist@pop.sonic.net
Class: 1965
City and State: Sonoma, CA
Message: I was listening to Weekend Edition Saturday on National Public Radio (NPR) this morning and Scott Simon read feedback on a story they did on the achievements of the last century and the dawning of the millennium. The writer of the letter commented that they were moved to tears by George Harrison's "Here Comes the Sun," and that it was especially more meaningful in signifying one of the last senseless acts of the 20th Century. I too got a bit choked up when I heard the song played on New Years day although I failed to make a connection with what happened to George and Olivia, at the time, but I agree.
Name: Raymond Smith () on Saturday, January 8, 2000 at 03:29:14
E-Mail: Kawabunganorth@juno.com
Class: 1981
City and State: Portland, OR
Message: You know when I read alot of feedback I truely do get very homesick of hearing all the fun you all having especially the Park reunion, etc etc. I guess I'll term it up what my freshman football coach said in 1977(coach Minami)"You better enjoy this next 4 years at HHS because after that, that's it" I had the best years of my life at HHS whether it's socializing, the after game dances, Ice Cream Social and the likes, and my favorite, SPORTS. I've seen so many Alumni in the State of OREGON maybe we should have a reunion here! I would love to chat with the ol' timer as much as my classmate but I'm not much of an organizer but I would go in a heartbeat! I truely look forward to my class reunion in 2001 as I know I'll have a blast like we did in our ten year one (remember that Linda?) Classmate search: What ever happened to 'Becki Booterbaugh? By the way I have tons of pics from the 1977 to 1981 yrs of HHS (fills 4 Photo albums). Somehow I have to get these downloaded when I get back on my website. Alot of people don't even know I have these like the one of Maria Najarro Linda Housley and Tracy Dickinson (of Leuziner High) playing softball in 7th grade of Mrs.Stafford Class of Hawthorne Intermediate School. (any buyers?)
Hey Ray, Thanks for checking in and actually we're thinking of you Oregon Cougs and do have plans for a future reunion in Oregon. I know we've got plenty of OR, WA, NorCA, Cougs who'd love to get together, but don't want to trek all the way to Hawthorne to do it. Stand by.
Name: Steve Deuel () on Saturday, January 8, 2000 at 02:15:18
E-Mail: sdeuel@aol.com
Class: 1972
City and State: Torrance, Ca
Message: To all "72"er's and friends: Just want to say that I hope to make it to Fosters. However if I don't, I want to wish the best of the New Year to all Cougars and their families. And does anyone know how I can get in touch with Karen Bertelsen 73 (Baker)? Her email address returns bogus!
And thanks for the great job with the site John! I've been helping other friends find their High Schools web pages and it's almost embarrassing how much better Cougartown is than any of the others!
Steve(72), Tom(73), Teresa(75), & Bob Deuel(77)
Thanks Steve, That's very nice to hear. Hope to see you tomorrow night.
Name: david () on Saturday, January 8, 2000 at 01:57:39
Class: 82
City and State: hawthorne,ca
i have one question......is there a home page for leuzinger or any info????????
David, There are a couple of Leuzinger sites listed at the bottom of the Whats New page. Go to those sites and ask. I'm sure someone over there would know.
Name: Patt () on Saturday, January 8, 2000 at 01:17:19
E-Mail: pdeck17@3-cities.com
Maiden: Prewitt
Class: 65
Message: I hope all Cougars tell those NOSEY reporters to KISS OFF!
I am so tired of Trash "news". Seems like all the media wants is the exploitation of others!
I personally have quit reading, watching and listening to their trash! I take the daily newspaper for the crossword puzzle!
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Friday, January 7, 2000 at 23:32:37
E-Mail: peoplemgazineisaraganyway.com
Maiden: never was jones
Class: 66
City and State: redondo beach, ca
Message: Hey John what was that number for the guy at People magazine? And as long as we are confessing, Coach it was me. Sorry.
Name: Bill Gordon () on Friday, January 7, 2000 at 23:23:25
E-Mail: yaya@lightspeed.net
Maiden: Billswifebarbara
Class: 57
City and State: Wofford Heights ca.
Message: ok ok I'm sorry for tearing up the football field before it was a field , but i saw that rabbit and just had to chase it. But all it did was go in circles.
Spinning donuts on the football field. Very good Bill. You are forgiven.
Name: Bob Rierdan () on Friday, January 7, 2000 at 21:17:57
E-Mail: printer@cheerful.com
Class: 61
City and State: Mountain View, Mo.
Message: John, Speaking of Coach Halladay's Sprite - he used to let one of us "special" auto shop students use that Sprite to go for parts, etc. He would always say, "Don't shift higher than 3rd gear." I must confess, I drove his Sprite much too fast to stay in 3rd gear.
He was a truly great guy. R.I.P. Coach.
Yes Coach Halladay was a great guy. I'm still waiting for Mike Shay to tell his story about Halladay's Auto Shop.
Name: Gordon Garrett () on Friday, January 7, 2000 at 20:50:47
E-Mail: symeron@linkline.com
Class: 61
City and State: Apple Valley, Ca
Name: Kristi Pealo () on Friday, January 7, 2000 at 19:00:19
E-Mail: kpealo@hotmail.com
Maiden: Perkins
Class: 89
City and State: NAS Lemoore,Ca
Message: Hey everybody! I'm on my way down to Hawthorne now.
Can't wait to see all of you tomorrow night! It should be alot of fun. See you there John!
All Right Kristi. We'll see you here tomorrow night.
If you can come, why can't our own Royal Flogger be here?
Name: JOE WEBBER () on Friday, January 7, 2000 at 17:38:36
E-Mail: jwebber@acuffrose.com
Class: 1970
City and State: NASHVILLE TN
Message: TO BONNIE COZBY,JOHN CROTTY AND JOHN B. Bonnie, you said you have a brother-in-law that lives here in Nashville? Is he in the music business? (Not EVERYBODY is but just curious). Do you and your husband ever come out this way? Anyway, I'd like to attend that wine party but I doubt I'll be "in the neighborhood" then. Have some for me!! Sounds like fun.
TO JOHN CROTTY: John yes I would like to hear a tape. What kind of stuff is it that you do anyway? By the way, the girl in the bikini (and YES she did look great), that you remember was a family friend named Ellen. Your brother Paul e-mailed me and as well as talking about other things, I told him the whole story on that so if you want more details, you need to talk to him......For that matter, if anybody ELSE wants more details...talk to his brother also!!
TO JOHN B. John, I'm glad to see that you and Cougartown survived the "KY2"event. My only question now is, what are we going to do with all that extra water??!! I hear that this is a "Foster's" weekend coming up. Wish I could be there for THAT one too!! So, if Bonnie will have some wine by proxy, could you do me a favor and have a burger or a shake on my behalf?? Nashville (as well as the state of TN),two weeks ago just got their first Jack In the Box!! Shows' you where WERE at! As far as apologies go....regrets,...I've had a few....nahhh!! I'm not EVEN going to go there!!!
Hey Joe, Consider a burger and shake a done deal. There will be pictures so stay tuned.
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Friday, January 7, 2000 at 16:40:43
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Class: 75
City and State: South Bay
Message: Ref. ...phone number for a reporter with People Magazine...that people please do not respond to these types of inquiries.
I'm sure that most people feel badly that George Harrison was hurt by an intruder. Unfortunately, there is a price for being famous which often involves a loss of privacy and even physical risk.
I think it is important that people have the opportunity to share their memories with whomever will listen. I do not think John Baker made a mistake in giving out the reporters number. I don't think anyone should feel guilt or shame in sharing their experiences regarding anyone they have encountered through life. I believe that is an option for each individual to voice his or her experience. No matter what station in life one finds themselves. A forum such as Cougartown can be a place free from feeling one needs to be silent about ones experience - As long as one does not engage in dishonesty or viciousness regarding communication to others.
Name: Howard Duran () on Friday, January 7, 2000 at 15:43:15
E-Mail: doo4usc@aol.com
Maiden: Ricky Lake Bell
Class: 61'
City and State: Lake Forest
Message: Well here goes..To Mr.Herd my biology teacher in 1959, I apologize. It was me, yah, the frog was dead and he didn't feel the straw anyway, so there, I said it, I confess!
Name: sherry Faulkner () on Friday, January 7, 2000 at 14:46:46
E-Mail: sher.blake@mailexcite.com
Maiden: faulkner
Class: 73
City and State: torrance ,ca
Message: I'm doing well, and work currently as a Graphic Designer for Dallas Yost, an old coach of Hawthorne High, now in Redondo Beach.
Name: Nancy Theveny () on Friday, January 7, 2000 at 13:16:08
Maiden: Kluxdal
Class: 65
City and State: Hermosa Beach
Message: John - I noticed that a week or so ago, you put up a phone number for a reporter with People Magazine asking for information from anyone who was acquainted with Olivia Harrison in high school. I've been in touch with Livy and she asks, again, that people please do not respond to these types of inquiries. She and George try to live as private a life as possible under the circumstances and would appreciate the help of her friends to keep it so. She said to tell everyone that she and her family will recover and be fine and to remember ..."Without God, no one can protect you...With God, no one can hurt you." I'd like to think that all Cougars would stick together to respect the wishes of another Cougar. No personal gain could be worth the betrayal of a friend. Thanks.
No one's betraying anyone.
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