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Name: Mary Doyle () on Wednesday, December 29, 1999 at 18:25:10
E-Mail: peachiekean@aol.com
Maiden: Kean
Class: 66
City and State: ManhattanBeach, CA
Message: John, I may not write in much but reading Feedback is my daily ritual for almost a year now. This is a phenomenonal website and you are awesome! I will admit that I used to think my sister Betty Rodriguez and my friend Nancy Theveny were somewhat stuck in the past. They could remember so many things we did and people we know. I was actually just a little envious of their sharp memories. Then along comes Cougartown. I am now remembering things that would just not have been possible, and have caught up with each of the individuals I had been wondering about over the past 20-30 years. A million thanks to you, John Baker, and a very Happy New Year/Millennium to all!
Thanks Mary, I'm glad you too are hooked on the Cougartown express. Please spread the word and lets keep this snow ball agrowin'........
Have a wonderful New Year.
Name: Alan Nelson () on Wednesday, December 29, 1999 at 17:51:00
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: '73
City and State: Parker, Az
Message: Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year, and please, BE SAFE! I will be working, trying to keep order among the confusion.
I don't think all the Y2K hype will come to pass, as a matter of fact I am in the process of doing a trial run on my systems, so I shoul..........
Alan, Now that's not f.......
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Wednesday, December 29, 1999 at 15:35:43
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
City and State: Las Vegas
Message: Well getting ready for the HUGE New Years party here in Vegas. Now all of a sudden I'm getting calls from my friends who want to come and stay at my place. Now it looks like we might overflow to my office which is walking distance to the strip. I personally don't drink alcohol but maybe this one night I might. I think I may have to, to handle the crowd. Having a New Year dinner at Michaels first then we'll see. If you are ever in Vegas be sure to eat at Michaels at least once. It is always been voted the best restaurant in Vegas. Located in the Barbary Coast. A little pricey but worth every c-note. Well hope everyone has a very safe and Happy New Year and millennium. I'll be allot better since my two daughters will be spending the whole night at home safe and sound in Tehachapi with their mom and horses. I'll fill everyone in how it was here on Sunday. Maybe I'll get some pictures up of the craziness.
Have a safe one Keith.
Name: Sherry Wingo () on Wednesday, December 29, 1999 at 14:46:43
E-Mail: dscwingo@pacbell.net
Maiden: Peppers
Class: 1964
City and State: Haw. Ca.
Message: Happy New Year everyone. See you at Cruise Night. My leg is improving. Thanks Loren for your help that night. John thanks for running me home.
Anytime Sherry....I know you were hurting and glad to hear you're feeling better. See you cruise night girl.
Name: MYTMO () on Wednesday, December 29, 1999 at 14:38:53
E-Mail: momo90250@aol.com
Maiden: Trott
Class: 1964
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: I would just like to take this opportunity to say how much I have enjoyed this past year because of Cougartown. I, like many others have renewed old friendships and have made many special new ones. It has enabled several people the chance to meet and fall in love with that special someone they may never have had the chance to meet and know. JB, you are the cupid of Cougartown (waiting for my arrow, thank you). John, you are a very special person and I am so very proud to be able to call you my friend. To ALL cougartown members, the very best for the new year...may all your dreams come true. If you are going out to party, as you have read many times before...DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE, GET THAT DESIGNATED DRIVER! We want you around for the new year and for many more after that. Until next year...love ya madly! cya! be a coug! MYTMO
Ahhh Mo, What can I say that hasn't already been said.........how about, "you're the only Rowdy girl that's allowed near a stove." I love you madly and have a safe New Years.
Name: Robin () on Wednesday, December 29, 1999 at 13:30:44
E-Mail: Ihatestaticcling.com
Maiden: Mindblower
Class: LX
City and State: RB, Ca.
Message: Mrs Norma Jean:....Was the black 409 of Lee Leonards the former Dewey Weber red 58 chebby panel truck, next owned by Mike Weathers, then purchased by Major Muffler and driven by the late Jerry Hale who also dropped the original Rat bullet in it, and then your hubby bought it, painted it black (love that song) and had Steve Feinberg pinstripe and letter it "THE MINDBLOWER"?...Nah...I dont remember it.:o)..Kidding of course , she was almost as quick as the Tri-Power 427/435 69 red plastic car owned by the same hubby. Lee exists John...he is just a man of few words...Got your spare tire and canteen full yet? I called Pinks and for $500 cash they promise to keep you fed till the next millenium..I know a good deal when I see it so dont miss out on this one...Later Cougs :o)
I WAS all set, but that Chui's Premium Tequila ate a hole the size of a silver dollar in my brand new steel belted radial and since I had already thrown the bottles away, I had to drink it all myself. I'm feeling a little dizzy this mornin'.
Do any of you old car guys remember a 32 Ford Pickup (I think) with sideboards, and on the sideboards was painted "Sunset Stables - We Haul Ass"?
Name: Tony Frink () on Wednesday, December 29, 1999 at 11:49:58
E-Mail: tfrink@spacestar.net
Class: 78
City and State: Glyndon, MN
Message: I haven't paid too much attention to all of the apocalyptic talk in the news lately as we reach the end of the century, but something must surely be amiss when the weather chart on my Netscape homepage says that LA has a high temp today of 46 degrees, and here in the Fargo/Moorhead area we top out at 44. When the temp here in northern Minnesota matches the temp in LA on December 29th, then something must surely be in the works. If the end of the world is really coming in a couple of days, I'll have to catch the redeye to LA to get one last Junior Super Deluxe burrito from El Tarascos for old time's sake. Extra guacamole and sour cream of course. Maybe the Big Guy upstairs will cut me some extra slack if I'm wearing a Cougartown t-shirt when I reach the pearly gates.
Hey John, since you're King of C-town, do you think you'll have any extra pull with St. Peter?
Geez Tony, I hope I don't have to find out too soon. Tell your weatherman that the HI is going to be 76 today.
Name: Louise St.George () on Wednesday, December 29, 1999 at 10:44:06
E-Mail: lstgeorge@yahoo.com
Class: 77
City and State: Lancaster, CA
Debra Lee, yes my sister is Lynn! Also have another sister Renee and I being the youngest of all alumni of HHS. Lynn resides in Redondo Beach and Renee in Quartz Hills, I in Lancaster. We MUST get together neighbor.
See you all next year!!!!!!!
Name: Dewey () on Wednesday, December 29, 1999 at 06:11:31
Class: 74
City and State: Canoga Park,CA
Message: Yes Virginia there is a.. oops wrong story, yes John there really is a Lee Leonard. I worked with him at Edelbrock. Norma Jean, say hi to Lee for me.
Dewey, Now Vic Edelbrock, I've met !!!
Name: Dan Johnson () on Wednesday, December 29, 1999 at 01:04:14
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Class: 1977
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: Mrs. Liles -- I think you were my English teacher Sophomore and Junior years (but at least one). I know that we prevailed over upper classmates in charades one year -- a massive upset. Sonoma County is a great place -- glad you settled well! Thanks for dropping by!
Name: Norma Jean () on Wednesday, December 29, 1999 at 00:41:12
E-Mail: Leejleonard@aol.com
Maiden: Baker
Class: Rowdies
City and State: Hawthorne
Message: With all this talk about 409's, does anyone remember Lee Leonard's black 409 "The Mindblower"? I'll try and dig up a picture. Wishing you all good health and happiness in the coming year.
Thanks JB for all you do and the happiness you have brought to your CT followers! We love you maaaannnn!
Hey Norma, Is there REALLY a Lee Leonard??
Name: Patt () on Wednesday, December 29, 1999 at 00:33:38
E-Mail: pdeck17@3-cities.com
Maiden: Prewitt
Class: 65
City and State: Kemmewick, Wa
Message: I hope I get the tickets!
I want My Baby Brother and his wife Kathie to go to the show!
They NEED a break!
Name: Nita Cone Liles () on Tuesday, December 28, 1999 at 21:57:25
E-Mail: Liles@aol.com
Maiden: Cone
Class: 1957
City and State: Sebastopol, CA
Message: My sister-in-law, Jean Robertson Cone (class of around 1960), told me of this site. I was delighted to find the slang dictionary one of my 9th grade classes wrote oh so long ago.
I am both an alumna of HHS (1957) and a former teacher there. I taught English from 1962 through 1981, with a few years off here and there. In 1969 I married John Liles, brother of Raymond Liles who taught math at HHS. I left HHS in 1981 to try my luck at a career in business. That went very well. In 1991 my husband and I moved to Northern California where we are now both retired. I would be happy to hear from any classmates or former students.
Nita, Please add yourself to the Faculty/Alumni List. Now that you've found us, please check in often. I know you've got classmates as well as students who would love to talk with you. Glad you're one of us again.
Name: Linda Dietrich () on Tuesday, December 28, 1999 at 21:56:09
E-Mail: leonard-linda@juno.com
Maiden: Dawson
Class: 69
City and State: Kansas City, MO
Message: Hi everybody. I don't know if I'm a reg. on CT or not but I just wanted to say Happy New Year to everyone. My husband just told me Clayton Moore passed away. I had to really think hard on that one. I couldn't put the face with the name until he said the Lone Ranger. How many of us watched that program?? Just how many of the old timers are still around? Not many I'm sure. A few years ago I would of never given Hawthorne a second thought or my memories of high school. My year books were packed in boxes with cobwebs, the same as my memories. I never considered going to any reunions. Gosh dang JB, what have you done to me? Now I'm racking my brains to remember people, places and things. I am 48 years old and can't remember half the stuff you all remember. Maybe it has something to do with moving away at the young age of 19. What was I thinking?? I see more names on the new arrivals I know every day. You are right JB, they will all come back in time. God Bless you John Baker and all the folks in Cougartown!!
God bless you Linda. Yes, you are a regular and have to check in at least once a week. Have an awesome New Years too.
Name: Mike Shay () on Tuesday, December 28, 1999 at 21:06:51
E-Mail: theshays@earthlink.net
Class: 61
City and State: Cerritos, Ca
Message: Hi Everyone:
Sorry I haven't written lately. Hope you all had a great Christmas ( or whatever holiday you did have ). Please stay safe and sane and among the living this New Years.
John, I got the vapors when I read about Mike Hendricks 61 Chevy. I always thought the red one was a 409??? It was sure quick. Do you remember Doug Smith and his "Mile High 57 Bel Aire " with the blue and white flames. He had a small block in that thing that just sounded unafraid.. Never got to ride with him though. Did Clairmont ever check in??? He had a way of annoying people back in those days and one day I figured I'd shut him up... I borrowed Jordan De Graws 56 Chevy ( Dual Quads, solid lifters, three speed column and a beautiful car. Jim had a black 348 powered 58 that I was anxious to have some fun with...He put me on the proverbial trailer in about 12 seconds.
The 409's did rule the superstock classes for a long time..but then..Can you say Jack Pelican??
Love ya Baby;
Didn't Mike H. work for Jack when his shop was down on 190th and Crenshaw?? I remember Jack's 61 Ford. That thing would definitely get your attention.
Name: Betty Rodriguez () on Tuesday, December 28, 1999 at 20:36:35
E-Mail: tombetty@kelp.net
Maiden: Kean
Class: 69
City and State: Lake Elsinore, CA
Message: I need another favor everyone! We're going to the Rose Parade this year. Can anyone recommend a good spot for viewing? We'll be toting sleeping bags and cocoa. (Everyone thinks we're crazy - I'm not afraid of those terrorists!)
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Tuesday, December 28, 1999 at 20:29:45
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
City and State: Burlington (Chocolate City), Wisconsin
Message: Getting ready for a trip to Louisville, Kentucky where I will be computerless until January 3, 2000. How many of us ever thought about the next century when we were at HHS in the 1950's & 1960's. Back in those days it seemed so far away - hey, even "1984" (from the George Orwell novel) was so far in the future, that we discussed it like it was never going to happen in our lifetime.
Well, Happy New Year, New Century, New Millennium (unless you subscribe to the 2001 start date)!!
May the Y2K Bug stay away from your computers and the Flu Bug stay away from you all.
Hi Sharon, I remember in the 4th grade at Hawthorne Christian School, our teacher asked us to figure out how old we'd be in the year 2000. I've never forgotten that and here we are, ready to click over from 1999 to 2000. How many of you remember listening to the Mickey Mouse Club back in the 50's and hearing, "This show is dedicated to you. The leaders of the 21st Century."
Although I believe the new millennium doesn't begin until 2001, there's something strange and melancholy about losing that 19__ thing on our checkbooks. That 19__ thing is when we were ALL born; when we all graduated from HHS, and when we all had kids. That 19__ thing will be gone forever on Saturday. 20__ looks real funny to me. Have a great New Year Sharon.
Name: Susan King () on Tuesday, December 28, 1999 at 19:40:54
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Message: OH Maaaannn - Dan Johnson you are one lucky boy!! NY Eve at Staples with the Eagles, JB and LR - Brings back our feedback discussion of what seems like eons ago when we recalled Sharon Bierman, Betsy Watts and two other Cougar Cheerleaders opening the Eagles concert at the Shrine Auditorium in about 1975 or 76 - Bud Rhoades - YOU were there! As was Jackson Browne, Bonnie Raitt and wasn't Ronstadt there? It was great. Would love to be re-living that night on Friday with the same old gang. I never tire of their music! God, if I only had a picture...........if i only had a TICKET!!
Name: Dan Johnson () on Tuesday, December 28, 1999 at 18:04:30
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Class: 1977
City and State: Staples Center, CA
Message: Y2K eve plans -- Staples Center for the Eagles, Jackson Browne and Linda Ronstadt. Far away from the nuclear weapons that will fall on Hawthorne as ground zero for the aerospace industry! Better to be at ground zero than a few miles away in a nuclear blast. This cheery thought has been brought to you by a fan of Roger Waters. The Wall is now available on DVD.
Thanks for the commercial Dan. See you on the other side.
Name: Sherrie Moyers () on Tuesday, December 28, 1999 at 15:27:19
E-Mail: rsmoyers@earthlink.net
Maiden: driggers
Class: 1976
City and State: gilbert az
Message: Does anyone know how Senior Square got started? Was it always there?
Good question Sherrie. I just scoured a few borrowed El Molinos, and the first evidence of Senior Square was from the 1954 book (the first Senior Class). In this semi-candid shot, it looks like a big old Senior is keeping a lowly Freshman from entering the hallowed slab of concrete. Senior Square was there in the beginning.
Name: Debra Lee McGregor () on Tuesday, December 28, 1999 at 15:27:04
E-Mail: mcgregord@la.lancaster.k12.ca.us
Maiden: Lee
Class: 72
City and State: Lancaster, CA
Message: Had to check in, so I drove this morning to my office (anything after 12 noon during my vacation is still morning - especially since I've been getting up at noon daily). It was good to read all the holiday msgs, memories and good wishes to all. Louise St. George - I was surprised to hear about another coug. who lives in Lancaster. Are you related to Lynn of class of 72? Liz Castaneda, no luck so far with Debbie Warren. If she lived here 12 years ago and got lucky, she's left the area! Just kidding, Lancaster is great except for the ocean view. Wanted to check in and wish all a Blessed New Year. I have to work from 6 - 10 p.m. new years night waitressing, hopefully patrons will feel sorry for me and tip me BIG TIME! Everyone drive careful, again - party hearty, and hope to hear great New Year stories in 2000. John, thanks again for CT - Happy New Year to you and yours. Merry Millennium and God bless ...
Thanks Debra, and we'll see you on Cruise Night.
Name: Tom Burroughs () on Tuesday, December 28, 1999 at 13:15:02
E-Mail: TB-Sande@webtv.net
Class: 58
Message: Subject: 61 409;
In late 61 Mike Hendrix bought a new 61 409 white with a red stripe. I
think he bought it at Harbor Chev.He put a set of Atlas Bucron tires on
the rear & went racing at Lions. He had a red 61 4-speed before that. He
bought that new & wore it out racing Hawthorne Blvd. & Lions. Here`s a
test for some of you old cougars, can you remember Bob Mosier trading his
53 Corvette for a 32 3 window hot rod coupe. He was working at Food
Giant at the time? In 61 I bought a used 59 Impala 335 hp 4-speed. Did
not realize at the time how rare it was. 335 was a 348 with 3 2`s a
hipro cam & solid lifters. 4 versions of that motor were available.
Single quad @250 hp;3 2`s @ 280 hp;3 2`s & a cam @ 315 hp; & 335 hp 3 2`s
a cam & solid lifters. All that info & 50 cents will get you a cup of
coffee! Keep up the great work.
Tom & Sande
Hey Tom, I remember Mike's car AND the Atlas Butyl Airs. The first set I ever saw. John Nicocia HHS58 had a 61 that looked just like Mikes first 61 (picture). They were both 348's. Then Mike bought the 409. I had a 280 hp version of the 348 in my 58 Chevy. Thanks for the Chevy history lesson too. I can remember going to Lions in the early 60's before Funny Cars and watching the S/S class intently. That class was dominated by the 335 HP Chevys.
Name: Myrna () on Tuesday, December 28, 1999 at 12:03:03
E-Mail: mybizz@thegrid.net
Maiden: Bell
Class: 66
City and State: Coalinga, CA
Message: John, I have been remiss when it comes to joining in the feedback, but I want you to know that I have been keeping up, shedding tears, laughing a lot, and have pure enjoyment everytime I enter into this magical kingdom you have created. I'm sure some people tire of my praises when I start telling them about Cougartown, but they just don't know what they are missing when they don't have this same sense of "onedom" that Cougartown has given all of us HHS alumni. THANK YOU!!! I wish the Peace of the Christmas Season to stay with each and everyone this New Year as we go into a new century. As for Jim and I, I think we will celebrate in downtown San Luis Obispo at the "First Night Out". Peace and joy to you all!
Yeah, I thought maybe the Kingdom down the road had offered you higher "Flogger Wages" or sumpthin'. Where have you been girl?? We need you here once in a while. To all the regulars out there. IT'S A RULE!!! You have to check into Feedback at least once a week or send an email.
Thanks Myrna, for the nice thoughts. You and Jim have a great time next weekend and here's hopin' you both get lucky!!!
Name: GARY DIXON () on Tuesday, December 28, 1999 at 10:33:21
Hey Gary, You should be very proud.......
Name: John Baker () on Monday, December 27, 1999 at 23:57:38
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
City and State: Lomita, CA
Message: Cougartown has just been honored with this piece of HHS lore. "THE COACH" Hal
Chauncey has just sent us a great Christmas present.
The inscription reads:
These Sox were part of The Great Football Tradition, established by the Players, Coaches, and Students of HHS.
Each time a T.D. was scored the Coaches would have to turn the cuffs of their trousers up one turn. They have too many wins in them to count.
Presented to John Baker, who is keeping the tradition alive thru his Cougartown website.
Coach Hal Chauncey
December 24th, 1999
I'll tell you coach, this is something I will always cherish. Thank you for being there for all of us boys when we were wet behind the ears. It didn't matter if we were neer-do-well non-strips or football heroes, unless we could "Walk On Water" we were all treated the same by you. I know of no one who didn't have the utmost respect for you and I mean NO ONE.
Coach Hal, thank you for this piece of HHS Football history. It means so much coming from you, and will hang on the Cougartown Wall of Fame.
Name: Lori Padelford () on Monday, December 27, 1999 at 20:49:04
E-Mail: Desilulu4u@aol
Class: 81
City and State: Garden Grove, CA
Message: Hi John, I had to let you know the names of the people I spoke of in my feedback from yesterday. Their names are Robert and Lynda Latta. Also I saw a feedback from Wendy Fry, are you related to Kevin Fry? If so tell him hi for me. We went to St. Joe's together.
Thanks Lori, Sorry about the chopped off forehead. Is this him?
Name: Robin () on Monday, December 27, 1999 at 18:16:32
E-Mail: To K or Y2K...that is the ?.com
Maiden: Rowdy Prince
Class: MCMLX
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Message: Kingy Guy:..Thought Id better get my two cents in before all files are lost and planes start falling from the sky...First of all I hope all you Cougs had a wonderful and joyous Christmas...John, Im not sure what you had in mind when you started Cougartown but...If it had anything to do with rekindling old friendships or making new ones, speaking to childhood friends that you would have never otherwise found, smiling, laughing till you cried, and yes even sharing a tear or two...and most important for all of us who want to keep this magical carpet ride going... If thats what you had in mind...mission accomplished and then some my friend...we can never thank you enough (Ok, maybe a month of tri-tipped, chocolate caked, real coffee BBQs might do it:o)...many Cougs use C-T as a place to kick back, relax, read the new feedback or see a new pic etc...For others it has changed our lives forever, and again I (WE) thank you...So lets all have a safe and happy new year Cougs...As for sage advice....just remember when the clock strikes 11:59 pm on the last day of this century...."How long a minute is, depends on which side of the bathroom door you're
on".... Have a great one and later Cougs...:o)
Robin, You are welcome, and a month of Tri tipped, chocolate caked, real coffee BBQS will do it if the ROWDYS are NOT in the kitchen, IF you know what I mean.
Hey I forgot all about that Y2K thingamajigger. Geez, this could be the last week of Cougartown. I better go fill up my spare tire with fresh water or better yet, tequila. My old Boy Scout canteen will hold enough water and gather up a months worth of food if I bought 300 Pinks chili dogs I wonder if I could get a deal and head for the bathroom. Happy New Millennium Hood. I'll see you on the other side.
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