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This one, very few of you will recognize. It's from 1955. Janis Martin
Name: Frank A. Romano () on Monday, November 1, 1999 at 10:17:04
E-Mail: fromano@lvcm.com
Class: 1961
Message: Great story King John...but you should never ever rat....especially on yourself. You never know who may hold a real warm spot for you and the other egg scramblers....King or no king, SPLAT. And a 1960 egg today would be really ripe... Hope you had a good holiday.
Thanks Frank, I've already heard from Mom B, and she said she was standing at the Taco Tio order window the night it happened. Actually "I" wasn't throwing the eggs, but trying to bring my comrades to their senses. Thanks Frank.....
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Monday, November 1, 1999 at 09:33:03
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Class: 75
Message: Proposed dictionary entries:
COGR - Radio station that plays digitally enhanced selections of the HHS band
Cougaroo - South Bay restaurant chain that offers food from the HHS cafeteria
Cougarism - The belief that HHS alumni are closer to spiritual and psychological truth than allother alumni.
Cougarite - Follower of Cougarism.
Cougaricity - The tendency of HHS alumni to pause in conversation and switch rapidly from one subject to another.
Cougoid - HHS alumni who believe that had UFO experience.
Cougarino/a - An HHS alumni of Italian descent.
Cougarini - Pasta shaped like Cougars.
CouGAR - Tobacco product derived from the HHS lockeroom and bathroom tobacco samples.
Cougarnaut - HHS alumni who live on board boats in South Bay marinas.
Hey GREAT stuff Don.
I'd like to add Cougarogler - The guys that tried to sneak a peak into the girls locker room.
Name: Patty Valencia () on Monday, November 1, 1999 at 09:06:25
E-Mail: pvalencia2@aol.com
Maiden: v5
Class: 1974
Message: NO BLOCK OF ICE. Will I ever live that down? Never mind. Joe, stop with the vocabulary - you're driving me nuts. Why is it that you never mention ME when you talk about hs? Never mind. And, yes Jim Sloey, I do remember egging. In fact as I was driving home last night to get two very excited monsters on the T or T track, I worried a bit about the car getting egged. But...nothing happened. Glad those 60's kids grew up :0)
Darn it!!! I forgot to TP your Durango last night. I was too busy Trick or Treating myself, and was in this great area. You know, all Reeses and Snickers. Man, what a dream....
Name: Glenn Crist () on Monday, November 1, 1999 at 06:14:54
E-Mail: gfcrist
Class: 1964
Message: Seeing Dan Waters name on the New Arrivals to the Alumni List reminds me of a story told me, a long time ago. I'm not positive of who it was that told me, but I think it may have been Dan. Seems that this person's father was the manager of the sporting goods department at the Sears store in Inglewood. One day some brazen individual walked in put a canoe over his head and walked out. No one even challenged it, probably because nobody thought anyone would be so bold. Hello to Dan, if you're reading the feedback.
Also, does anyone one know if John Swallow is related to Ron Swallow (Class of '64). I saw an article in the AAA magazine about Ron becoming a vet and working with the animals at Marine World Africa U.S.A., when they were still in Redwood City. Many probably remember Ron as one of the BB's road managers and the band rehearsing in the garage of the house on 123rd Street just off Glasgow across from the Anza school field. I bought a wonderful surplus shortwave radio from Ron that I used for years until the power supply became "toast." I always intended to get it fixed but never did.
Name: Ricki Farrell () on Monday, November 1, 1999 at 00:03:00
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: Happy Halloween! Took a break from work today and Jim and I drove around in my little bug checking out the neighborhood decorations. We have a couple of neighbors that really do it up for halloween. It was fun. It was fun reading all of the memories you all have as well.
Royal: I did get your email, I thought that I answered you. Maybe I sent it to the wrong email address. Right now is homecoming season and the schools 40th anniversary. I am sooooo busy. Mayfair's football team is 8 and 0, so you know how hectic that has to be. I'm still a coug first, but my students are right up there. Good to hear from all you 61's. I remember you too Ginger. What ya been up to?
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Sunday, October 31, 1999 at 20:34:03
E-Mail: eggsrus.com
Maiden: wannagoeggin'
Message: Patti-was mom sitting on a block of ice on the porch? Royal glad you are doing better. Does anyone remember eggin'. Enough said but my brother Bill has the greatest story of all. Tambo and I have the second.
Always a coug!
The other Sloey
Hey, I remember eggin. I remember riding around in the back of Norval Vorhees's 55 Chevy pickup on Halloween. We were throwing eggs and firecrackers. Probably 6 of us in the back of that thing too. We went by Taco Tio and started throwing eggs at the general population that was standing at the counter. Nailed them REAL good. We went on up into Inglewood towards the Wich Stand and were stopped at a light on Regent St. Someone threw a firecracker in the street along side of the drivers door trying to scare Norval, who was driving. About that time 2 cycle cops pulled up next to the truck and STRADDLED that firecracker, not even knowing it was there. Man, you talk about sweating. I didn't think that light was EVER going to change. Luckily for us, it didn't go off. Well we made the cruise lap and were coming back by Taco Tio and it sounded like we got hit with machine gun fire. It was EGGS!!!! Man did they let us have it. The truck had taken some severe egg damage and it was time to head for the "do it yourself" car wash on Rosecrans and Prairie. Well we get over there and Norval is hosing his pickup down. Mike Spitzer is standing in the wash bay with his hands in his jacket pockets and someone lit a firecracker. He pulled his hands out of his pockets and they were dripping with the eggs he had just squeezed as that firecracker scared the daylights out of him. That was Halloween of 1960, and the one that sticks out in my mind as the biggest eggin' night of my career.
Name: joseph mailander () on Sunday, October 31, 1999 at 19:21:00
E-Mail: joseph.mailander@uboc.com
Class: 75
Well, this bavarder about degustation at a tastevin or trois in wine country does sound magnifique. I certainly wouldn't mind revisiting a bottle of either Gevrey Chambertin or Nuits-St-Georges, and certainly Beaune is a magnificent place for this kind of activity. (I presume that Borgogne is where we're all heading, mais naturellement.) Oh, and do not think I am a snob if I happen to prefer the wines of Burgundy--I am definitely of flexible enough mind to consider other locations. I would even admit a holiday weekend to Bordeaux into my so-called life if it meant we could take the TGV from Paris and I could thereby squeeze in a furtive but ultrasemiotic moment or two with my old high school flame Cindy P. and her duteous, too-popular, too-handsome husband on the Pont des Arts (did I mention excellent father too, of that fellow--alas, he just drubs me by every measure). And also know that if we must, Tuscany is definitely acceptable.
Anywhere, in short, but SoNapanoma, of course--and I'm sure we have the good sense not to consider this option. How can one trust those water-hoarding NoCals, of all people, to make something as precious as wine when they have such a uniquely fetishized relationship even to that most fundamental of all fluids, H2O? Why, just today an expatriot Hawthorne NoCal called to ask me to put a brick in my swimming pool, that I may help to preserve the current saline level at ever-better-looking spires of Mono (soon to be Dry) Lake. No, it must be said, and in my own inimitable manner: Je boirais plutôt du vin qu'ils servent aux chevaux en France que le meilleur vin de SoNapanoma, même les vins de Santa Barbara sont une alternative plus prometteuse. ; - )
Love wine, love HHS, will travel--yes, even up 101 and into water-hoarding NoCal--joseph
Yeah ahhhhhh joe........ok so I guess what you said was, we'll all meet at E&J's, grab a jugga' Spinada, and try to reinvent the brain cell then??? OK Great!!! thanks joseph
Name: Kathy Baker () on Sunday, October 31, 1999 at 18:06:40
E-Mail: Zebaker@aol.com
Maiden: Kelly
Class: 60
Message: This is wonderful. I have been very interested in contacting some of my old class mates for the last several years. I called Hawthorne High and tried to get some information on an Alumni contact, but they had nothing for the class of 1960. And now I have found one of my best girl friends on your list.
Thank you so much,
Hi Kathy, Glad you found the site and your friends. I noticed that you ordered a T shirt too, but you forgot to add the size. Please go ahead and reorder it. Thanks....
Name: Alan Nelson () on Sunday, October 31, 1999 at 17:53:25
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: '73
Message: Happy Halloween Cougars! I remember TPing houses and Playing "Ditch 'em" (We were too old to call it Hide-n-seek) on Halloween. I'm pretty sure there were a few missing Jack-o-Lanterns that ended up in the middle of Hawthorne Blvd., but I ain't admittin' nuthin.
How about the big round LP Gas Tank down in Wilmington that they painted to look like a Pumpkin Every Year? That's your neck of the woods now, John. Do they still do that?
Yes they do and although I haven't been that way this year, I'll bet it's "pumpkinized" as we speak. Thanks Alan
Name: Patty Valencia () on Sunday, October 31, 1999 at 11:14:25
E-Mail: pvalencia2@aol.com
Maiden: v5
Class: '74
Message: Happy Halloween Cougars! I thought I'd relate a recent Halloween story. My sisters, Cynthia ('66) and Gloria ('76) live in Las Vegas. Gloria is one of those moms who spends a lot of time placing seasonal holiday decorations in and around her home. Well last year Gloria invited Cynthia over on Halloween. Cynthia walks up to the door and sees a small witch decoration sitting on a porch chair. Although it's cute, she thinks Glo's silly for putting her cauldron of treats on the witch decoration outside the door. As Cynthia approaches, she's startled to hear the deep voice of the witch saying "Happy Halloween". No folks, it wasn't an animatronic decoration - it was Mom V ! Gloria had decorated our Mom V and placed her outside the front door to scare all of those trick or treaters (or maybe just Cynthia). It worked.
I need you tonight Mom "V" !!! Thanks Patty.....Great story
Name: Harry Plotkin () on Sunday, October 31, 1999 at 10:02:34
E-Mail: hcharry@pacbell.net
Class: 52/97
Message: Ginger Lee Lombardoz: Who could forget such a cutie pie - full of energy and desperately wanting to grow up - too fast! I remember the visit to your parents' house. They were very concerned about you. Please give them my regards. Please send me an e-mail and tell me what has happened in your life. When I saw your name I was going to e-mail you.
With fond memories,
Name: Linda Dietrich () on Sunday, October 31, 1999 at 09:28:40
E-Mail: leonard-linda@juno.com
Maiden: Dawson
Class: 69
Message: Glad to see some of the 69ers come out on the feedback. I just had to make an appearence too. Wayne and Bill it was really good to see you along with everyone else that went to our reunion. I have some pictures of you 2, if you want a copy send me your address. I do have some pictures from that night but I am in nearly every one, yuck. Wish I would of taken more. Of all times for my camera to go dead it was that night. It took a special kind of battery. Thank heavens the hotel gift store was selling those throw away cameras. It saved the day. Hopefully by the next class reunion I will be living closer, either in AZ or NV so it won't be so hard to attend. Keep up on the feedback you 69ers. I'd like to hear from John Crotty. It's been awhile since you've been on here.
Name: Bonnie Cozby () on Sunday, October 31, 1999 at 09:03:11
E-Mail: captcoz@aone.com
Maiden: Simmons
Class: 71
Message: Happy Halloween to all! This time of year always brings back memories of Trick or Treating, in a mad rush, through Holly Glen. Did anyone ever make it up and down every street? One high school Halloween, a small group of us toilet-papered a mortuary that was just off Hawthorne Blvd., and of course there was Houdini's "Castle" up in Hollywood for a really good scare. Bill Sloey, seeing your picture reminded me of the assembly you were hypnotized at...you became some rootin' tootin' cowboy with a mean fast draw. Mike Colbern, so good to hear you. I remember when the Cougars came to Florida with Mr. Minami. That was the year Charlie & I were married (1972), Debbie was in Florida (can't remeber why) and my mom was visiting too. A mini reunion! I always enjoy checking into Cougartown. A belated thanks John, for creating this electronic scrapbook.
Thanks yourself Bonnie and I'm glad you're enjoying it.
Name: Ginger Patterson () on Sunday, October 31, 1999 at 05:07:18
E-Mail: JamnGing
Maiden: Lombardoz
Class: 61
Message: Hey Gary.....Yes this is the Ginger But I still can't remember what the BYOM is. I do remember that we once went to a dance or a prom or something. What's up with you these days. The son that Bill Wingo and I had is now living in China. Bill is retired (lucky guy) I am going to make this short because I have to go to work. Get back to me on my e mail or feedback. I'll be looking to hear from you...........Ging
Mr. Plotkin. I remember when you came over to my parents house and had some pie one evening. You were one of 2 favorite teachers that I ever had. Do you even remember me? Ginger Lee Lombardoz?
Name: Royal Wm. Lord Jr. () on Sunday, October 31, 1999 at 02:42:52
E-Mail: rlord68@aol.com
Class: 1961
Message: Hi all you cougars out there. If you haven't noticed I've changed my e-mail address to rlord68@aol.com.
Ricki Valencia Farrell ('61)--I haven't heard from you in a long time. Did you get the e-mail I sent you a while back?
Bill Sloey ('69)--Good to hear from you! My rehab. is coming along but too slow for me, if you know what I mean. I'm used to being active not sedintary.
Mike Shay ('61)--It was good to hear from another friendly voice of the Class of 1961. Do you still live in Cerritos, if so where? We have been Cerritos residents for over 25 years.
Thank the Lord, I'm a Coug! R. Lord
Name: Patt () on Sunday, October 31, 1999 at 01:22:55
E-Mail: pdeck17@3-cities.com
Maiden: Prewitt
Class: 65
Message: I just bought $30.00 worth of candy for Halloween.
Some one has got to have some fun!!
Name: Ricki Farrell () on Sunday, October 31, 1999 at 00:49:33
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: Thanks very much J.B. for my Cougartown.com shirt. It arrived on a particularly hectic day and gave me a welcome break. It's really well done. Alan is as good as always and so is the craftsman. It takes a lot of skill to do a good job at producing quality shirts.
I haven't had much free time, but I do try to read Cougartown before retiring for the evening. I don't see where you guys get all of your energy. I'm wiped out by 10:00.
Cougars are the best!!!
Glad you received your shirt and are happy with it. I'm also glad to read your voice. Thanks for checking in Ricki........
Name: Richard "Rusty" Jones () on Sunday, October 31, 1999 at 00:46:41
E-Mail: Kylesdaddy@Prodigy.Net
Class: 1988
Message: Graduated mid term 87, instead of 88. Its amazing how many names come flooding back to you when you see something like this Web Site.
Best to all....
Thanks Rusty and stay tuned.......
Name: Patricia Lennox () on Saturday, October 30, 1999 at 23:18:38
E-Mail: Grayroot@aol.com
Maiden: Kelly
Class: 1968
Message: The "Food Giant" on Hawthorne Blvd. When it burned down they had the "Shack in the Back" until the new one was built.
Name: Wayne Dickey () on Saturday, October 30, 1999 at 20:57:27
E-Mail: wayne@salisbury.net
Class: 69
Message: Just got back from my trip to Calif. (6 weeks) The 69 reunion was my first in 30 years. I want to let everyone know who was there, that it was great to see all of you, and hope that our 35 can bring more people out of the woodwork. I visited with my brother Tom Orth, and he started questioning me about who was there and so on. I told him he should go and find out for himself. It made me realize how much I really missed Calif. and all the good friends I had growing up. Don't be surprised soon, if I again make my residence in Calif. John, it was good to finally put a face with the name. I also enjoyed the game and the stick and stein. Again I was able to see some old friends. John, thanks for being persistent with the web site. It truly has become a place to where all past Cougars can come, and reunite with their old friends. In closing, Betty I am glad you didn't mention any names. I'm sure it was to protect the innocent.
Wayne, Glad you made it and I know you'll treasure the memories of Homecoming weekend. That's what this is all about folks. Friends and friendships rekindled.
Name: bill sloey () on Saturday, October 30, 1999 at 20:14:49
E-Mail: wsloey@aol.com
Class: 69
Message: J.B. I have been pretty silent on this machine, but have had alot going on.... The pictures by H. Duran bring the memories of the Homecoming Weekend back. AWESOME HUH? I see my kids having a blast and I did too. Thanks to all that made this happen, as it shows the spirit of Cougtown is shining on. Long live the KING... Royal, stay the course hope your recoup. is doing fine. Mike Colburn good to see you on line.. I am a COUG.
Hey Bill, Yes, thanks to Howard we're getting to see pics. I am a little behind here, but do have many more pictures. I will add some more soon. Thanks Bill for checking in and if you ever want to pawn that little watermelon seed spitter of yours.....see me first.
Name: Marshall Noyes () on Saturday, October 30, 1999 at 13:29:43
E-Mail: MrNoyes@aol.com
Class: 69
Message: Hello Everyone. I have been very quiet on this page recently, but have been reading the feedback every night. One of my memories of Halloween night that happened in the Hawthorne area is one I will never forget. I was about 12 years old and had just began Dana School. I had to walk by this house every day that had a long, covered front porch on the front. About 3 weeks before Halloween a chair appeared on the porch, in the chair was a scarecrow. He had gloves for hands, a long sleeve shirt, blue jeans, boots, and a big plastic pumpkin for a head. I walked past this sight every day for about 3 weeks. On Halloween night I walked up to the front door of this house, past the scarecrow,after getting my candy, that scarecrow jumped out of the chair and took off after me. The straw had been replaced with a real person. It scared me so much I dropped my candy bag and ran. Thats a Halloween I will never forget. That's it for now.
Name: Cheryl () on Saturday, October 30, 1999 at 12:51:00
E-Mail: chernico@cvc.net
Maiden: Christensen
Class: 62
Message: Gee, I remember when setting the clocks back meant an extra hour of "PARTY TIME".........
Name: daily breeze () on Saturday, October 30, 1999 at 00:23:41
E-Mail: someonecharges for thisrag?.com
Maiden: cougarsbebadagain
Message: Hawthorne 26, Santa Monica 20
what a great story el rojo! i am still laughing!!!!!
All Right HHS.
Name: william gordon () on Friday, October 29, 1999 at 23:56:18
E-Mail: yaya@lightspeed.net
Class: 57
Message: just wondering what happened to everyone. I'm retired and live in wofford heights ca (Lake Isabella area). see ya Bill
Bill, We're all right here. Please add yourself to the alumni list.
Name: EL/IDA () on Friday, October 29, 1999 at 21:30:20
E-Mail: I-DY-HO
Maiden: YOU KNOW
Class: 60/61
Message: Well fellow COUGS, it's halloween and there's all those trick or treaters to contend with and not to be forgotten are those fab party's. We don't have to contend with too many trick or treaters, as we live on a road that has 4 houses and one child under 10. We definitely don't wear our legs out on that night. A little story about a great Halloween party from back in the late 60's at El Rojos and Ida's house on 138st, about 3/4 block west of Stellino's mkt. We were having a big costume party and wanted to do something special. So these "service buddies" and I, came up with the following. We took a heavy duty rope and snatch block(anchoring the rope over the house to a large tree in the backyard)We hung this guy from this apparatus on our porch, in a linemans harness and dressed him up like a "real scarecrow", straw and clothes and hat and gloves and then hoisted him off the ground,at least a foot and a half, when we felt it was time for our guests to arrive. And arrive they did. It's too bad that we didn't have video cams back then. People would come to the porch and you would hear "oh" what a cool looking "scarecrow" and Tom (the guy in the suit) would say something like (he had a very deep voice) "Hi, nice to meet ya"! It was so great that we actually had to chase after a girl who was running down the street. The screams were magnificent. He looked so good that people would walk up and touch him to see if he was real. And he was! That was a great kick in the buns. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU. EL/IDA.
Hey EL, VERY scary story man. Anyone else gotta Halloween tale to share??
Name: Mike Weiss () on Friday, October 29, 1999 at 19:37:01
E-Mail: pi68@earthlink.net
Class: 1980
Message: I have to say.... this is a great site! I grew up on the East side ( see my recollections entry ) and for some reason had put my childhood memories away. I seemed to recall a not so fun childhood. After discovering this site and reading through it... I have regained so many memories and have realized that my childhood was full of fun and good times. Thank you for putting this together and thank you to all who have e mailed me. What a treat it is hearing from you all.
Mike Weiss
Thanks Mike, Yes, please go to the Recollections page and read what Mike's childhood was all about. Funny, but it's not too much different from mine, although we're 18 years apart.
Name: Charlie Fox () on Friday, October 29, 1999 at 17:56:19
E-Mail: foxhaus@aol.com
Class: 69
Message: Does anyone remember the "Plaza Kings?" When I was about 10, I used to go to the Saturday Matinees at the Plaza Theater and sometimes I'd see this group of older boys wearing bright turquoise shirts with the name of their club on the back. They were a tough-looking bunch, all sporting "jellyroll" haircuts and blowing smoke through their noses...truly frightening. Rumor had it that in order to join the club you had to slide down a 10-foot plank that was full of splinters. Between the Plaza Kings and the condition of the theater floor, Saturday Matinees were always an adventure.
Cougar Town is an amazing site, John. Thanks for all your hard work.
Hey Charlie, Glad you finally made an appearance. I don't remember the Plaza Kings, but I'll bet someone does. Anyone???
Name: Linda Farrow () on Friday, October 29, 1999 at 16:57:27
E-Mail: Linda.Farrow@TRW.COM
Maiden: Elia
Class: 82
Message: Message to Robin Ulman Fry;
Hey girl now you have to come to "Feedback". Let's share all of the good times the class of '82 had with everyone. We need more feedback from our class!!
Name: Mari Davis () on Friday, October 29, 1999 at 16:33:28
E-Mail: irishrutter@hotmail.com
Maiden: Rutter
Class: 67
Message: I suppose it might be hard to do, but I wish you could put more names with the photos as it's hard to recognize a lot of people after so many years..not that anyone looks older of course!
Mari, I don't know all the people that were photographed, but if any of you recognize someone that doesn't have a name under their picture, please let me know and I'll add it to the pic. Please let me know what page the picture is on, and who the main people are. Thanks....
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