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This one, very few of you will recognize. It's from 1955. Janis Martin
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Wednesday, November 3, 1999 at 14:34:07
E-Mail: Redondo612.aol.com
Maiden: hidethe women&children-herewego!
Class: 64
Message: I've recently been asked by several Cougs for a criteria for becoming a ROWDY.. Ok.. hold on to your hats.. here's a start-
1. Will pee in any sink if the stalls are all full (isn't that the way it went Marsha Russell) and/or use any men's urinal to take a footbath. (I'll claim that one)
2. Must never cook an entree'-especially if it takes more than 1 bowl.
3. Must open up his/her home as a "bed & breakfast" to any other ROWDY (right Shy Robin & Janny)
4. Can serve instant coffee when ever she wants. (right King John B..I cleared out a party with that one)
5. Last but not least-must down at least a 10" chili cheese dog at PINK'S upon every visit.
Now..to qualify to be a "ROWDY" you must buy & cook a 7 course meal for all the original ROWDYS at my place..starting Jan 4. E-mail me for a set up date. (isn't that when you'll get here Janny Wanny Chicken Fanny.. got it covered Babe)
P.S. Let me say it for you John B.."MY KINDA GAL"
That ought to narrow down the application list.
Name: Alan Nelson () on Wednesday, November 3, 1999 at 13:12:21
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: '73
Message: Karen Bertleson, Now if anyone should be involved here it's her. I remember her in our Sophmore year in the "new" Cougar Mascot suit. No more Mangy Lion look, but a cute little Cougarette. We can say "BE A COUG", but back then she was "THE COUG"! Nice to see you here, Karen.
Name: Charlie Fox () on Wednesday, November 3, 1999 at 12:59:39
E-Mail: cfox@elcamino.cc.ca.us
Message: John,
A couple of things for your "Memories" page:
Chuck's Sound of Music
Phil's Bike Shop
Both business were located on Hawthorne Boulevard.
Thanks Charlie, In fact Phils Bike Shop is still there.
Name: Patty Valencia () on Wednesday, November 3, 1999 at 12:41:58
E-Mail: pvalencia2@aol.com
Class: 1974
Message: Just read Steve Deuel's name - I would love to hear from Steve! (it wouldn't be bad to hear from Tom or Bob either!) Also Lillian Kattan - where are these guys?
Name: Gary Nelson () on Wednesday, November 3, 1999 at 09:43:04
E-Mail: Kruiszn@aol.com
Class: 60
Message: Alan Hauge:
Dennis Myerson...!, now there's a name from the past, what ever happened to him?, or Karen Myhre?
Also still looking for Danny Hurd and Ron Evers (57?) if anyone knows where where they are,
Name: Karen Bertelsen Baker () on Wednesday, November 3, 1999 at 09:11:09
E-Mail: bdbkeb@prodigy.net
Maiden: Bertelsen
Class: 1973 if we hadn't moved my Senior year
Message: My brother Lance told me about this site. This is great. I went to HHS from 1969-1972 then we moved. Probably you would remember me as a Song Queen in 1971-1972. I have lost contact with most folks from HHS would love to hear from people in my class any members of the lunch bunch or pep squad. If anyone knows the whereabouts of Tracey Flynn, Steve Deuel, Lisa Snyder, Sheree Spivey, Yolanda Escobar I'd love to know. Love you all from HHS. Karen "Bert"
Karen, Welcome aboard and please add yourself to the alumni list, as we don't care if you "graduated from HHS". All you had to do was "attend".
Name: DEBBIE ELLIOTT () on Wednesday, November 3, 1999 at 08:14:21
E-Mail: GEDE673
Maiden: REID
Class: 69
Hey Monk, Happy to hear you're feeling better. Take care and we'll tone the next party down for you.Thanks Debbie.......
Name: Jim West () on Wednesday, November 3, 1999 at 07:17:28
Class: 1961
Message: Royal, sounds like you are doing better. Get well soon.
Bob Allen broke his leg while riding one of his horses. Bob is at home in bed for a month.
Hi Russ and Judy, talk to you soon.
Name: Christine Baird () on Wednesday, November 3, 1999 at 00:22:44
E-Mail: carissa58@hotmail.com
Maiden: christine penny
Class: 76
Message: Hey, Don! Was wondering what happened to you! Have you been away, or just busy? Or are you one who would rather sit back and read so that when you do talk, we listen?! ") I'm not sure how totally covered in that red juice I actually got. Sounds like you enjoyed yours more than I did! What I remember most is the actual act of taking them. You know just the thrill of the steal, over the actual enjoyment of the item. What can I say. ")
Name: Don Collins () on Tuesday, November 2, 1999 at 21:02:51
E-Mail: DgladeC@aol.com
Class: 76
Message: Chris...you were not the only one to pick fruit off that pomegranate tree. Not only are they unpleasant to eat but I came home with juice all over my hands, face and clothes. You brought back quite a memory.
Name: Jerry Miles () on Tuesday, November 2, 1999 at 20:14:55
E-Mail: jfmiles@pacbell.net
Class: 66
Message: Hey, Jack Hammer. Great Halloween story. I wish I had made that trip (except the Sgt. Williams part). Seeing your mention of John's Richfield brought back many good memories of working on our cars and hanging out there. I remember that old man Leuzinger's farm was right in back and you had a few good stories about that. Do you remember any you'd like to share?
Name: pauline () on Tuesday, November 2, 1999 at 10:43:05
E-Mail: pmsockser@aol.com
Maiden: spencer
Class: 1969
Message: Dave Lewis class of 69 please e-mail me at pmsockser@aol.com. I would like to talk to you since I did not have a chance at our reunion. I remember you and I were in alot of classes at Cabrillo. Kris Rice, Debbie Elliott, Lupi Pekins and I went to Cabrillo's 50th birthday party the afternoon of our reunion. It was nice. They had alot of the old class pictures from when we attended. Write soon.
Pauline (spencer) Matthew
Name: John Baker () on Tuesday, November 2, 1999 at 10:06:51
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message:Here's a picture from the Pinks II mini cruise. We had a great time that night too and the chili dogs were just as good. Sherry Peppers and her husband showed up for this one too. Thanks to Marsha, Judy, Mo, Robin, Barbara, Patty, Allie, and Peter for showing up and making this another night to remember.
Name: Alan Hauge () on Tuesday, November 2, 1999 at 01:16:27
E-Mail: GMT333@AOL.com
Class: '61
Message: Okay everybody...here is a follow up to John's egg throwing story on Halloween of 1960. While he was in the Chevy Pick Up with his friends...on that same night, I was in the back of a 1937 Ford Pick Up driven by Danny Kiefer ('62). We had just pelted some guys going the opposite way on the strip (Hawthorne Blvd) an hour before. After picking up another crate of eggs at a market (12 dozen) located at the corner of El Segundo and Hawthorne Blvd. we headed north and Danny made a turn behind Kenneth Chevrolet only to run right smack into the Chevy. I remember looking thru the back window as several guys jumped out of the Chevy and started running toward the Ford. They were very upset. Danny yelled "oh shit" as he floored it in reverse down the street away from the angry mob. As he spun it around they ran back to the Chevy. It gave us just enough time to get away down some back streets with the lights off. Boy were we scared. I don't think Danny took his truck out for several weeks after that. And I didn't ride with him for months. Sorry John but the details are so close I couldn't help share the story. Hope you won't cut me out of cougartown. Also in the Ford were HHS Dennis Myerson ('60), Dennis Parker('61), Chris Brown from Lennox and I think Bob Fox HHS ('62). Now at least I won't have to take the heat alone. Just in case I think I will take my 6 day trip to Hawaii tomorrow morning to give John time to cool his heels. Hope you Cougs enjoyed the other side of the story our fearless leader John boiled to the surface about the guys in the Chevy.
We never did figure out where you guys disappeared to either. Thanks Alan......
Name: blondie () on Tuesday, November 2, 1999 at 00:56:58
E-Mail: carissa58@hotmail.com
Maiden: christine penny
Class: 76
Message: Yes, John, I agree. Pomograntes are kind of a nothing fruit. The only time I remember actually eating one was on the way home from school. I lived on 119th Pl. near Doty, and at the top of the street near Prarie was a yard with a pomogrante tree in it. Kathy S. and I have been known to kipe a few every now and then. I don't think I ever finished one though. Has anyone ever finished one? ")
Name: David M LEWIS () on Monday, November 1, 1999 at 23:22:24
Class: 69
Message: The 1969 Reunion brought back some great memories. It was fun seeing everyone..
Name: Alan Nelson () on Monday, November 1, 1999 at 23:17:38
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: '73
Message: For all the classic car enthusiasts out there. A local auto body shop out here is restoring and detailing a 1954 Chevrolet Corvette 2 door Nomad Station Wagon. There were three made for the introduction of the Corvette in 1954. After the '54 car show circuit, two were retained by Chevy and destroyed. This one slipped through the cracks and is the only one in existence. I was a little skeptical at first, but after seeing the documentation and original photos, I am convinced this is the genuine article. I'll try and take some shots for the fans.
Here's a picture of the original concept Nomad that Alan is talking about. Chevrolet also produced two fastback models of the 54 Corvette. I doubt if either are still in existence.
Name: blonde with dark roots () on Monday, November 1, 1999 at 22:57:57
E-Mail: carissa58@hotmail.com
Maiden: christine penny
Class: 76
Message: Royal Stained Glass Window Maker (to be)...")
If I'm not being too nosey, which I am apt to be,
why were you squeezing pomogranates? If my memory serves me right, which is seldom does, there isn't much to a pomogranate, but seeds, is there? Thanks :>
The first pomegranate I ever had was from Myrna's parents tree. Kind of a nothin' fruit, but not bad.
Name: Linda Dietrich () on Monday, November 1, 1999 at 22:19:10
E-Mail: leonard-linda@juno.com
Maiden: Dawson
Class: 69
Message: I just checked the new arrivals and there he was Bob Yarbrough. What memories he brings back. Hey, if you're out there sign in here on feedback. OK? I have some old home movies of us and the gang, Jerry, Jim, and of course the Pressburgs at my house. What a group of crazy fools we were.
Welcome to Cougartown and please show yourself. I can't believe what a wonderful place this is John, that you put us all back together after all these yrs. THANK YOU VERY, VERY, MUCH!!
Thanks Linda, It's nice when they show up huh. Enjoy......
Name: Phil Mungarro () on Monday, November 1, 1999 at 21:27:12
E-Mail: PMungarro@aol.com
Class: 75
Message: I'll never forget when Dave Peterson smoked a ZigZag filled with pencil shavings over at Doran Trullingers! At least dave had a cool Pignose for a board. I wonder if Doran will ever take a rematch of motocross behind Boys market! Thanx for all the donuts!
Name: Royal Stained Glass Window Maker (to be!) () on Monday, November 1, 1999 at 18:48:25
E-Mail: mybizz@thegrid.net
Maiden: Bell
Class: 66
Message: John, my shirts arrived this afternoon. What a GREAT Job everyone did. I am so excited. I'll be mailing the others off to my siblings soon, I hope. I'm squeezing pomegranates today and tomorrow, so I'll wear it Wednesday! Think I'll go to Fresno and see if anyone recognizes it. That'd be fun! When it's figured out how and where, I'll send money for the scholarship fund.
Thanks Myrn', Glad you like the T shirts.
Name: Jack Hammer () on Monday, November 1, 1999 at 18:30:15
E-Mail: jhammer@rosenet.net
Class: 68
Message: One more halloween memory to add to the list.
On halloween many a year ago my old buddy Gary McDonald had what passed for a "54" Plymouth station wagon, it would hold somewhere between 6 and 16 kids (these figures are dependant on whether any of the occupants were girls} and we loaded up approx. half of Del Air that was in our general age group and went eggin, this lasted until the Plymouth developed another oil leak. So of we went to my place of employment "John's Richfield" corner of El Segundo and Aviation.
While working on the leak I had an inspiration while staring at the grease gun and I thought it would sure be handy to have some balloons.We immediately located some and filled them with grease,and went hunting with great success{one actually made it through an open window and into a house} but after about a half hour we discovered that the grease was dissolving the balloons! Well it doesn't take much imagination to picture what happened in the back of that Plymouth wagon when we tried to hand those melting balloons to each other.
After a feeble attempt at cleaning ourselves and the Plymouth we went and got more eggs. Much to our dismay Sgt. Williams was waiting for us as we left the store, and had us place an egg in each of our pockets. He then gave us the option of breaking them ourselves or he would do it for us.
Shortly later we all went home.
Great story Jack. Thanks man......
Name: Jim Magdaleno () on Monday, November 1, 1999 at 18:17:56
E-Mail: JRMagdalen@TFPDATA.com
Maiden: Magdaleno
Class: 74
Message: At this point I have nothing to add, but I will get back to you
Fair enough.......
Name: Myrna () on Monday, November 1, 1999 at 17:47:17
E-Mail: mybizz@thegrid.net
Maiden: Bell
Class: 66
Message: Linda - you must be thinking of another Johnny Baker. This one was never a "nice, little Johnny Baker", at least not after about the 5th grade! John, you're sooo funny. Blaming my cousin for corrupting you by driving that '55 pickup with you and 5 or 6 other guys in the back. I suppose it was my brother, Gordon's, fault that you had eggs in the back of that truck, huh??????? Actually, now I know why my parents came down so hard on Ginny and I when we wanted to "wander" on Halloween. I can remember my mother counting the eggs and letting us know she did. Let's see, if you had Cousin Norval driving, you probably had Cousin Jim, Preacher George, husky Bob, but I'm pretty sure you didn't have brother Tom. He was far too mature for you younger guys. I can't imagine anyone getting the best of your crew!
I'll be more than happy to earn the title of Royal Stain Glass Window Maker. That may give me the longest title of all! My brain has been working on the project, but I haven't seen it yet, so I'm formulating something out of mid-air.
On a serious note, I'm asking for prayers to be sent Coalinga way today. We buried two 19 year old boys, have a 25 year old out of the woods, and a 20 year old and 22 year old hanging on to the threads of life. A "drinking and driving" accident right outside of town the other night. A sober reminder that the two don't mix, and it can happen to you!
No, I don't blame Norval, but he'd go along with just about anything. I think it was Bob Reagan, George Gates LHS62, Mike Spitzer LHS63, Gordon Bell, Ronny Wedworth LHS63 and me. Heck now I see what was wrong. All those Leuzinger guys started it. I will send the window along to you in a couple of weeks Myrna. I've got to cut something to fill the hole. Thanks much........
Name: Keith Pulcifer () on Monday, November 1, 1999 at 17:43:29
E-Mail: Keith.Pulcifer@L-3com.com
Message: John, Don Scheliga and my sister Janice have been trying to get me to respond. Well I've done it the second time. I see I'm still on the wanted list. Have your heard from Lynn Swearingen or Jan Swearingen?? Or even Bryan Ellerman??
Hey Keith, Finally you pop in. Great to hear from you man. Now that you've done it, come on back once in a while. Don Scheliga, are you out there too?? Come on Don, get your feet wet. Thanks Keith.......
Name: Betty Rodriguez () on Monday, November 1, 1999 at 16:46:07
E-Mail: tombetty@kelp.net
Maiden: Kean
Class: 69
Message: Great story, Jim! So, Jon, is this when your running career began?
Never cared much for eggin - not since I got hit square in the face with a raw egg! Dang thing bled!
Name: Susan King () on Monday, November 1, 1999 at 16:11:24
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: Hi Patty - V5. Funny you think that Joe Mailander never mentions you in his prose.....I have not had a contact or conversation with him yet where you and the famous "prom date" has not come up. It was either very memorable or very traumatic. C'mon you two - fess up!! I think we'd all do well to convince PATTY to come clean - you know how Joe tends to leave out the little details.........! And Bonita McCoy Roberts! I sure do remember you - our backyards met - you on 138th - me on 137th - and I remember babysitting you and fam! How nice to see you here! Please check in and let me know how the family is doing! Does ANYBODY out there know where Patti Bolkow, Mariann Dowell or Mike Backus are???
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Monday, November 1, 1999 at 15:27:54
Maiden: letsgotopinksandgoegginonm thewa
Message: I read your story about eggin John. 1967, statute of limitations has run. I came home on Halloween about 12:30. My mother and father are in bed asleep. All of a sudden as I sit down to watch some TV there is a loud noise outside and somebody is trying to get in the house, I was sure my "little brothers" they were sophomores at the time, were already in bed too, but as I opened the door to do battle it was they. They ran in and jumped over the couch yelling shut the door,shut the door turn off the lights. They were as scared as I had ever seen them. So I shut the door turned out the lights. This of course woke up the folks and the inquiry began. The story my folks got was some big guys were after them because my brothers had egged their car. My folks of course were upset that anyone would destroy someone's property but after I explained it was all part of halloween, and
everybody heads for the car wash so the eggs don't eat the paint it is ok, it just isn't cool to hit a parked car so somebody doesn't know it
until the next day. With that explanation my folks asked who the persons were, my brothers of course did not know who they were, knowing
full well that if they did they would be washing the individuals car the next day, but as it turned out they didn't know who it was. So at 1 AM
everybody went back to bed. As I went to my room I could hear the brothers still talking, and the tone was sort of panic. I went into their room and asked what really happened. Well it turns out there was an all out eggin war at Hawthorne Boulevard and one of the east west streets, just in case the statute hasn't fully run we won't name
streets, a couple of older guys in their 20's had intimidated my brothers and their friends as they drove by them and told them they were going to kick their butts. Bad mistake on their parts, my brothers never took intimidation well, they were well trained. So about an hour later the brothers and 4 of their best friends out on foot run into theses guys again, as they, the older guys, are approaching Hawthorne Boulevard in their "COOL" cars. Well one of the members of my brothers contingency lets fly with an egg, heading in the direction of the passenger of one of the cars, he sees it in the nick of time and ducks, creaming the driver and of course the car in front of them. We have measured the distance between the incident and our house it is 2.5 miles, both brothers claim to have traversed the distance in no more than 3 minutes, full out sprint. We never heard a thing from any of those persons, I am sure that we shall now! But as we look back what an innocent time it was, nobody gets hurt when a drive by was a drive by. And oh by the way I have been hit as many times as I have hit!
Eggin'.......it's a Halloween ritual.
Name: Linda Farrow () on Monday, November 1, 1999 at 15:03:42
E-Mail: Linda.Farrow@TRW.com
Maiden: Elia
Class: 82
Message: Message to Robin Fry Ulman ~ Girl, thanx for that beautiful message. We did have a blast at HHS and I am so happy that we have remained such good friends all these years. It's hard to believe that our daughters have now begun high school this year. To Shannon and Kasey the class of 2003!
Always remember I am here for you and your family, you're like a sister. Love ya! Linda
Name: Kathleen Griffin () on Monday, November 1, 1999 at 14:33:50
E-Mail: Spirithart@yahoo.com
Maiden: Nix
Class: 74
Message: Glen Crist,
John Swallow is Ron's little brother. I used to love going over to their house because they always had an array of exotic animals as pets. I specifically remember a monkey and a hawk. John had a Beagle named CW, it was a gift to him from Carl Wilson.
Glen, I'm assuming that you are related to Bryan Crist? If you talk to him, tell him Kathleen Said hi!
Cute sniglets Don... I'm a couganaut...
Name: Shelly Burkett-Keyser () on Monday, November 1, 1999 at 13:10:16
Message: Hi John,
I'm Fred and Janet Burkett's daughter, mom is up here showing me this cool web site. Lots of great stuff to view. Now I can really see what school was like in the 60's for mom! I'm sure mom has told you we live in Coeur d'Alene, ID a long way from So. Cal. Hope to see you sometime in the near future.
Best Regards,
Hi Shelly and thanks for checking in.
Geez, I hope you didn't read the part about throwing eggs, as I think your momwas there that night too.
Please join in anytime, as this forum is for our extended Cougar family members too. Take care of Mom and I'll see you when you get to SoCal.
Name: Linda Reynolds () on Monday, November 1, 1999 at 12:46:50
E-Mail: linrey@yahoo.com
Maiden: Jones
Class: 62
Message: Dear John Baker:
Eggs....firecrackers.....Could this POSSIBLY be the nice little Johnny Baker I knew since 7th grade at Hawthorne Intermediate School?? NAH!!
Thank you so much, John (King of the Cougs) for putting in the pictures next to the feedback emails....Sure helps this little brain to remember! Hi to all my "joined at the hip" friends. Linda Jones Reynolds
Well what do you know. Actually folks, Linda and I email each other every day, but a Feedback!!?? Now there's a stretch.
Yes, I'm afraid I was an egger. I know you'll never look at me in the same light again, but remember that I was hanging around with those "Bad Boys" in the early 60's. I didn't want to be that way, it was the peer pressure.
Thanks too for inviting me out for a funfilled Saturday night in Chatsworth. Linda, husband Rick, and daughter Cristy, along with another "joined at the hip" friend, Tonya Hobson Braham HHS62, and her husband Steve and I went to a place called "Dakotas" for dinner and good conversation. Had a great time.......thanks Twigs !!!
Name: Robin Ulman () on Monday, November 1, 1999 at 12:20:02
E-Mail: ulmanr@up.edu
Maiden: Fry
Class: 82
Message: Hey Linda!
You were always a great friend in high school, and still are. We did so many crazy things and had so much fun doing them! I just want you to know that you helped make my high school days so wonderfully memorable!
Name: PAM BETRAUN () on Monday, November 1, 1999 at 11:43:42
E-Mail: pbetraun@PhilipInc. com
Maiden: Heath
Class: 78
Message: I just wanted to wish my much older brother Loren a Happy Birthday today. (Don't worry Loren I won't mention your age!)
The pictures of the homecoming are great!!!!!
Yes, Happy 53rd Birthday to you Loren!!! You don't look a day over 52.
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