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Another fair guitar picker. Ry Cooder
Name: dianna libertini () on Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 19:50:49
E-Mail: krsgte@net.com
Maiden: same
Class: 78
Message: HI Louise,
Sorry I didn't get back to you. I was reallly busy today. E-mail me tomorrow or call me tonight.
See you, Dianna Libertini
Name: Jim West () on Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 19:21:00
Class: 1961
Message: Royal, Best wishes, looking forward to our next lunch.
Sloey, Chad and Mike both played Little League. See everyone at the picnic.
Name: GuessWhom () on Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 18:17:57
E-Mail: don'thaveone
Maiden: what'sthat
Class: minusthecl
Message: king john, so where's the pic(s) of you we've been hearing about?
Who Are You!!!
Name: Harry Plotkin () on Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 17:52:17
E-Mail: hcharry@pacbell.net
Class: 52/97
Message: King John,
As a car buff you or anyone else might like to know that Cabrillo School in the Wiseburn School District is celebrating 50 years of existence with a carnival on 10/9/99 from 10 A.M. - 4 P.M. It is a family affair with food and beverages, Dixieland Jazz, Classic cars, a bake-off, silent auction (maybe a '57 Chevy?), raffle, etc. In case you enter your heavenly chocolate cake in the bake-off it must be at the Cabrillo lunch area by 11 A.M. Judging will be by superintendent Brann and the Wiseburn Board of Trustees. (I know them all and could put in a good word for you [for 1/2 the prize!]) Kathy and I will be there (her former school) and I shall personally see that you, as an East-sider, get the recognition your station so richly deserves (is there a dunking booth?). Hope to see you and other Cougars there. Love to all,
HCH 5309 W. 135th Street, Hawthorne
Very Funny Mr P., It sounds like a fun day and it's on a Saturday too. Maybe I'll bring some of my Eastside buddies, and we'll make an afternoon out of it. Thanks HCH, for the info.
Name: Dan Auger () on Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 15:51:07
E-Mail: daugers@city.newport-beach.ca.us
Class: 71
Message: Man, I don't know what prompted me to jump on the internet to see if HHS had a website, but, this is what I found, and am glad that I did...this site is pretty awesome; If anyone might know Journalism teacher Konnie Krislock's e-mail address, could you reply...the one listed in this site under Faculty is incorrect. Also, 1971 grads, jump on in here!!!
Dan, I'm sure the email address listed is the correct one (KEKrislock@herff-jones.com). Please try it again and thanks for the nice comments.
Name: Rick Smith () on Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 15:09:12
E-Mail: rdsmith7393@hotmail.com
Message: I went to hhs for a short time in the late '60s early '70s but I graduated from leuzinger in '72, I have been unable to find a home page for lhs and thought maybe you could help me out. Thanks, Rick Smith, Dallas, Oregon
Hi Rick, I don't think Leuzinger has an all-encompassing website like Cougartowm. They do have individual class websites. There's a Leuzinger class of 68 website listed on the What's New page. Maybe they can direct you in the right direction.
Name: MoMo () on Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 15:03:16
E-Mail: momo90250@aol.com
Maiden: ???????????????
Class: 64
Message: Susan, John, or Kathy, We found eight innertubes here at the yard...NEVER FEAR...THE CITY YARD IS HERE! We don't know what shape they're in (might need patching), soooo if someone wants to come by and look at them, you're welcome to have them. Anything I can do for our cougs.... :o) You can reach the yard (me) at 970-7221.
That's GREAT!!! I never thought of the Hawthorne Yard as a source for Hawthorne picnic supplies. Thanks Mo...........
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 14:05:31
E-Mail: somewhereovertheerainbow.com
Maiden: allmyexesliveintexasmyrna
Class: one
Message: Myrna-Why not tell WHY you were made Royal Pot Scrubber! Was it because the cake John and I received was mixed in a toilet bowl? HUH? And I can't imagine your folks not letting you go on the rooter bus. Didn't you go to Texas on the back of a Harley with a guy you barely knew for 7 days and 7 NIGHTS? TOPLESS? [no hat!] Less anyone try to hurt you Myrna, John and I shall still fight for your honor. [that's more than she ever did-(imagine Groucho saying it)] As to Santa Monica as I recall in my age of recent and probably permanent senility ( go ahead Judy I asked for it) when I was a sophomore we played basketball at Santa Monica. After the B's played they were ragging some of the locals as us C's were coming out of the gym. As I sat down in the bus, I looked up the hill and a large rock shattered the back window. Apparently the bussy thought whatever happened was racially motivated and told our Coaches Messrs Means and Hall. In shirt and ties we did 4 laps around the baseball field then some calisthenics. Did anyone ever think about guns in those days? We were told that an investigation would occur and there would be trouble. Nothing happened. On the bus ride we were also told that anyone who talked would walk. We were all quiet until we reached Aviation and Century where the Nude bar was. Silence was broken. As I recall someone even said you missed my stop!
Robin, got an itinerary yet?
Name: Karen Rafalski () on Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 13:11:38
E-Mail: krafalski@earthllink.net
Maiden: wife of Bob Fraser
Class: 60
Message: Hi all, just wanted to find out what time Saturday Picnic in El Segundo is starting?
Hi Karen, I think it's going to start around 10:30am. See you there.
Name: maria ricci () on Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 11:48:04
E-Mail: mrmike541@aol.com
Maiden: lococo
Class: 77
Message: Hello Dave Krikac!! How is Sandy?? The kids? They must be at least 15 years old by now. The last time I saw you both, I think you lived on Manor Drive? off of El Segundo Blvd. Where did you move to? Is Sandy at home or working? E mail me at mrmike541@aol.com. Would love to catch up.. Laura Twitchell, I would love to hear from you give me an e mail also. Bye for now..
Name: Susan () on Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 11:41:10
E-Mail: funds4kids@Yahoo.com
Maiden: Ciampa
Class: 77
Message: If you are volunteering to help with the Homecoming Picnic, games, cakes, etc... please send me an e-mail at FUNDS4KIDS@Yahoo.com.
We are still in need of 8 innertubes (the kind you use for sledding) and judges for our CT Heavenly Chocolate Cake Bakeoff. Also... CT Bakers... if you are baking a cake for the Bakeoff, please let me know. I need to have enough tables available to hold all of those cakes! Thanks again.
Someone out there has to have some innertubes. Please let me, Kathy, or Susan know if you can bring them. Bring them flat and we will inflate them at the park.
Name: MoMo () on Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 11:13:59
E-Mail: momo90250@aol.com
Maiden: nochange
Class: 64
Message: FRANK, Isn't it a shame, he makes me sit down so I look short....he's afraid if I'm standing up, I'll tower over everyone else....IN MY DREAMS!
:o{ Frank, check your e-mail...hope it came through!
Frank, Mo's really 4 ft. 4 in. tall............she just looks tiny.
Name: Jennie Bradley () on Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 10:55:20
E-Mail: jennieb@u.arizona.edu
Maiden: Hare
Class: 1963
Message: To Ryan and Jaime ---Hey nephew and niece to be, congratulations on setting your wedding date, but couldn't you have let me know some other way? Please call and give me all the details. Love to you both. Aunt Jennie
Name: photographer () on Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 10:34:52
E-Mail: CTOutings
Maiden: Anytime
Class: Now
Message: IT WASN'T JUDY ")
Name: Royal Wm. Lord Jr. () on Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 02:36:37
E-Mail: lord@ugsolutions.com
Class: 1961
Message: Glenn Crist ('64): I don't remember the team bus being hit by any flying projectiles. It may have been some of the router buses or the bus for the band and pep squad. Coach Chauncey was very clever on road trips with his tactics of sneaking in quick devastating your opponent, and quickly retreat to your own turf where you are not out numbered and celebrate your VICTORY. We were on the bus and headed home immediately after the game. When we left the Samohi fans were still in shock. My parents told me later that the goal posts had been torn down by the Hawthorne fans.
One of the participants gave my parents a small piece of it to give to me. We were picked to lose the game by three touchdowns, even though we were undefeated just as they were. We had won most of our game by a close score and Samohi had walked all over the same opponents. Thanks for the input, talk to you later. Thank God I am a Coug.
R. Lord
Name: Joyce Chance () on Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 00:20:49
E-Mail: chancesR@pacbell.net
Maiden: Savisky
Class: '62
Message: Yes John, Sandy Sokol was a bridesmaid in our wedding a loooooong time ago. Small world, she now lives a few miles from our daughter in La Quinta!
Man........ that was about 50 or 60 years ago wasn't it??
Name: Bob Stinson () on Monday, September 27, 1999 at 23:52:27
E-Mail: stinsro@mail.northgrum.com
Class: 81
Message: My hats off to you John, This site is loads of fun, thanks for getting it started. My brother "Dave" (class of 78') told me about it, I see more names from his era in the feedback, than my own. But thats ok. My cousin Phala Lamb was class of 70', so I see familiar names from many era's. Are any of you 60's (or any year) folks going to be at the Wiltern Theatre on Sat. OCT. 23, for Brian Wilson? My wife Cindy (maiden name Bell), also a HHS grad,(class of 83')and I are going. As anyone who has followed Brians career knows, he does not tour often, and the Wiltern Theatre is one of this towns crown jewels. A great opportunity. I have read that he is playing many of the Beach Boy songs. One last note, I waited in line at the Tower Records on Sunset Blvd. last summer for Brian to sign his new CD " Imagination" for me. There were hundreds of people in line, and when I told people near me in line that I was a HHS grad, I became a link to their hero Brian, so for a while in line that day, I was describing HHS to a dozen curious fans. It was fun. Hi to my bud Shannon Keys, a fellow 81' out in the Rockies, I know you check in often.
Hey Bob, Glad you like the site. The 80's grads are just as welcome as the 50's grads, but don't get too much action from either.
I wasn't planning on the Wiltern show, but it might be a good excuse to see Brian AND the Wiltern. The last time I was inside that building was for the big screen linkup of the Sonny Liston-Floyd Patterson heavyweight championship fight (also about the last time I saw Brian too). Before cable, they use to sell seats in theatres for championship boxing matches. Thanks Bob, and stay in touch.
Name: Glenn Crist () on Monday, September 27, 1999 at 23:32:48
E-Mail: gfcrist@pop.sonic.net
Class: 1964
Message: Coach Chauncey, Royal Lord, or any of the 1959 football greats out there--
Am I remembering incorrectly--didn't the Samohi fans in 1959 give you more than just steer in inch-and-a-half slices--seems to me I recall hearing that the oh-so-sportsmen-like crowd sent a few rectangular harden pieces of clay or rounded earthen materials thru the glass on the busses after the game. Had they won, they would have had the pleasure (eventually) of facing a bunch of rabbits in the playoffs (if, again, hypothetically they had won enough post season games to get that far).
Name: the blonde bombshell () on Monday, September 27, 1999 at 20:03:14
E-Mail: carissa58@hotmail.com
Maiden: christine penny
Class: 76
Message: Susan Ciampa! you signed off to quickly...i was only gone a moment or two and you were both gone ")... I looked your pic up a while ago and recognized you but.... I wasn't sure you would remember me so I didn't say anything...fear of not being remembered I guess "} ...it's a vanity thing. I'd hate to think no one remembered me and I left no mark on my class mates. I'm glad to see I did..."I'm so vain, I hear you been talking about me" ha ha ") It was great to make the connection. Hope to talk to you more often. WOW! 5 kids....my hats off to you! ")
Cranky Cindy Matthies....where are you? ")
Oh Smart One (Kathy S)....aahmmm, hell---looow!
no cake John? too bad. better luck next time. ")
Dear blonde bomb shellshocked, Unlike fido, "making a mark on ones classmates doesn't not involve lifting ones leg."Be a Coug Christine........
Name: Frank A. Romano () on Monday, September 27, 1999 at 18:34:00
E-Mail: fromano@lvcm.com
Class: 1961
Message: Just finished the work part of this day, and went to the chat room to hear who might be on first. I at first thought I had hit pay dirt, since Prince Robin had been there a sank ten minutes before. And there was another soul, "Silly Kitty" who preferred to remain quiet...Since I couldn't stir the kettle there....JB, are you back to organizing by stacks? Me too. And how regal is "OOPS." In Pre med they teach HaHa to replace Oops. And why is it so quiet about the homecoming wedding? It's one thing knowing who the "Lucky Devil" is. That's so certain sacred rights may be prepared for his passing too the glorious state of matrimony. Then again its all together another thing having to pick out the "correct" preparations at the last minute. Last minute tickets to Fargo aren't cheap, even the one way type. I suppose we will have to wait and see. The picture next to MO's posting on 148 is great. But why did you make MO sit down for the picture.... MO... your a sweetheart, and you have always been there with a smile and cheerful word.
Frank, Yes, I wish whoever is getting married, and it doesn't matter who it is, would at least tell us when and where, so we can make plans. I guess I could rent one of those rose or purple colored tuxes at the last minute huh. Then I'd like to be able to catch a Super Saver Greyhound Fare. If you gettem far enough in advance, you can sit in the "non farm animal" section. BE a Coug boy.......
Name: Tricia McDowell () on Monday, September 27, 1999 at 17:14:35
E-Mail: triciarokn4m@hotmail.com
Maiden: Sokol
Class: 70
Message: Yes I am the little sister of Roxie, Sandy and Mike Sokol. Roxie is in Irvine Sandy is in Indian Wells (the low desert) Mike lives in Laguna Niguel and I live in beautiful 29 Palms (the high desert). Roxie has three boys, Mike has three girls and has three grandchildren Sandy has a boy and a girl she is the grandmother of 3 boys and me I have two boys.
Tricia, I think Sandy was in my wedding about 1000 years ago. Joyce, was that Sandy???
Name: Lyman Moss () on Monday, September 27, 1999 at 15:49:15
E-Mail: SMTP:Lyman.Moss@PSS.Boeing.com
Class: 59
Message: Royal pot scrubber, I used to work for the Big Donut back in 58'and 59' while in school, a cougar grad class of 59' (Charles Wison) his dad was part owner in the Big Donut and the pup n taco.
Name: photographer () on Monday, September 27, 1999 at 14:29:43
E-Mail: ctoutings
Maiden: anytime
Class: now
Message: John, Glad you found the pics....but didn't you forget just one (of many)....you and the S.O.S.?
By the way...sorry about the confusion on Nyman Hall....my fault :o( It won't happen again your highness! Is that 50 lashes with a wet noodle? ouch..oooh ouch..oooh....hurt me, hurt me! :\
You are one sick lizard Judy!!!!
Name: Coletta Pool () on Monday, September 27, 1999 at 13:22:36
E-Mail: cpool@nhbb.com
Maiden: Jacobson
Class: 64
Message: MO-Yes, John and I will be there. I thought, since I started this whole cake frenzy that I would like to be one of the judges? I also thought of bringing a cake, only vary it ..A BIT..and not make it part of the contest, just part of the eating. We're going to make a weekend of it and maybe check out the Redondo Pier...a little stroll down memory lane... and eat some good seafood (hopefully).
Name: Barbara Duran () on Monday, September 27, 1999 at 13:14:57
E-Mail: Natl098@aol.com
Maiden: Duran
Class: 72
Message: Is there a list of names of those planning to attend the football game & the Stick?
Hi Barbara, No, I don't have a list. Susan might have, but I'm not sure she's keeping them. She's looking for head count. Try her.
Name: Royal Pot Scrubber () on Monday, September 27, 1999 at 12:02:24
E-Mail: ibeendemotedwithoutahearing
Maiden: andiamnothappyaboutit
Class: butthekingisakingisaking
Message: To those who respond to the royal flogger, the king demoted me. This without a chance to respond, but that is ok, because I am a willing subject within his kingdom.
Seriously - talking about football games with Samo hi - I can remember when my brother, Tom Bell(58) was the school photographer and went to all the games with the team and his stories about the buses being pelted with rocks and bottles after a game where our great COUGARS beat Samo hi! The problem with that was that by the time I was in high school, Mom and Dad wouldn't let me go on the rooter's bus. Had to go with them.... what a bummer!
Darlene - there still is a big donut in Inglewood (Manchester and the 405). Used to go there with my grandfather when I was young (a long, long, time ago). Stirred up memories when I drove past it last week - took a picture of it to send to my sister, Ginny May (69) in Texas. People were looking at me in a mighty strange way..... Glad to be back to CT. Happy you took the day off John - I vote that you make EVERY Sunday Family Day and shut off the feedback and e-mail so that you can have a life outside of CT! Ta-ta
Thanks Myrn, and don't take that Royal Pot Scrubber thing too hard. When you get MY dishes done, I'll reinstate you.
Name: Mo () on Monday, September 27, 1999 at 10:40:30
E-Mail: momo90250@aol.com
Maiden: troublemaker
Class: 64
Message: John, You said to log on to NYMANHALL@COUGARTOWN.COM, but when you do, you come right back to our home page....is there a problem or should we just call Melanie? Youuu didn't make a mistake...did you? Nooo, not our John...not our KING. You were maybe a little tired or maybe had your mind on something else (bells)....
Mo, nymanhall@cougartown.com is an email address, not a website address (URL).
Name: Mo () on Monday, September 27, 1999 at 10:22:07
E-Mail: momo90250@aol.com
Maiden: stillthesame
Class: 64
Message: Susan, I'll be glad to help with the cake contest, since I did suggest it :O) Just let me know what time you want me there. Since we are ALL going to be out late the night before....when is EVERYONE baking? I know when I am....how about the rest of you? COLETTA, are you and John coming, and with a cake :)?
Name: Mo () on Monday, September 27, 1999 at 08:37:47
E-Mail: momo90250@aol.com
Maiden: whocares
Class: 64
Message: John, Just read your info on Nyman Hall reception on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17TH, STARTING AT 2:00 P.M....Let's not forget that before the reception there is the V.F.W. BREAKFAST from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M....Boy is this going to be a busssy weekend :0) John, did you recieve the pics? Rest up all you cougs! Cya! Bye, Mo
Mo, thanks for the info. Yes Cougs, we're going to meet at the VFW on 131st, between Hawthorne Bl and Ramona for their 4 dollar all you can eat breakfast on Sunday morning before the reception. That should make it a FULL weekend. Now what are we going to do after the Nyman Hall Reception?Yes Mo, I did receive the pics However I misplaced them. When I find them, I'll add some to the site. OOPS, just found them under the Coach's pics. Thanks Mo...........
Name: Royal Wm. Lord Jr. () on Monday, September 27, 1999 at 02:35:34
E-Mail: lord@ugsolutions.com
Class: 1961
Message: El Rojo(alias R.J.)-You were right about the class of 1958 winning the League Title in Football, Basketball, and Baseball, in fact in Baseball, which you were questioning, they were league champs their Sophomore, Junior, and Senior years. I remember when I was a seventh grader I went to most of their games. The first CIF game they played Long Beach Jordan HS and they were all 10th graders. Jordan brought in a Senior left-hander to pitch in relief and he broke a CIF record by striking out something like 15 or 16 HHS batters in a row. The pitcher was Ron Fairly, later a LA Dodger first baseman. My neighbor, Tommy Graves, all 5'3" of him broke the string of strike outs when he hit a little blooper behind second that the second baseman caught while diving for the ball. Needless to say Hawthorne lost the game. More news for your information! Tell the ID Queen I said Hello. You know she graduated from best class. Thank God I was a Coug. R. Lord
Name: Royal Wm. Lord Jr. () on Monday, September 27, 1999 at 02:06:10
E-Mail: lord@ugsolutions.com
Class: 1961
Message: Hey! J.B.: Are you sure about the year for those steaks being flown in for the football team, you said 1954? The reason I am asking is because the year we went to the CIF finals, 1959 football season, the last practice before the Santa Monica game Coach Chauncey called us all together and told us that if we won the game, completing an undefeated season, Mr. Leadbetter was going to treat the whole team to a steak dinner. He told us the steaks would be flown in from Iowa where the cattle are corn fed. What an incentive! The game is history, HIS 14 Samohi 12, it was played at Santa Monica City College where an enthusiastic Hawthorne crowd tore down both goalpost. After the play-offs, Mr. Leadbetter kept his word and the whole team was invited to the Alondra Park Golf Course Country Club Restaurant for that steak dinner. That is why I wondered, maybe he did it twice. From what you said I figured you didn't know about it happening in 1959, and I didn't know it happened in 1954. Thanks for the info! R. Lord
It says 1954 on the picture, but the picture of the Coach with his "HHS Coach" Tshirt would indicate that it was later than 1954. I have to agree with you. I will verify it with him though. Thanks Royal and yes, I too was there at the final regular season game with Samohi. That game was the nail biter of the year. No way was HHS supposed to beat the mighty Vikings, but our team had the heart to get the job done.
Name: Kristi Pealo () on Monday, September 27, 1999 at 01:57:51
E-Mail: kpealo@hotmail.com
Maiden: Perkins
Class: 89
Message: Hey John, at the pinic I will be happy to help with games or with whatever you need volunteers for. I am also going to bake one of those Heavenly Chocolate Cakes with white frosting, hope you like. The hubby is taking leave to watch the kids, so I can come down to party all weekend long.
Hey Darla haven't heard from you in awhile. How are you doing? Class of 89 where are you? would love to hear from you!!
Terri you didn't have to tell everybody i once looked like snow white. HAHAHA thanks again lil sis.
Hi Kristi, GREAT!! I know Susan Ciampa Walling HHS77 can use the help. Susan's email address is funds4kids@yahoo.com if you'd like to sign up to help with the picnic. Susan, another volunteer here. Thanks Kristi.....
Name: Shanda () on Monday, September 27, 1999 at 01:42:20
E-Mail: scampos@webtv.net
Maiden: McCutcheon
Class: 88
Grandma Baird...Yes 'lil Eddie & I had a very nice chat with you also. However, that Texan Twang was a little difficult to keep up with. Nice to see everyone is still gabbin' up a storm here at CT, I hadn't been by in quite awhile. Still don't see many names I recognize from 84 - 88 though. I'm still awaiting anymore info on Mr. Williams, and no one seemed to have any info on mama (pictured page 84, HHS66).
I see lotsa Trefz - any related to Tracy Trefz my age? I went to Dana with her...just curious.
Oh! and many blessings to Jaime & Ryan for a wonderful marriage! Marriage is a wonderful gift from God, enjoy each other always!...and laugh daily!!
See ya at the park Cougs! ;)
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