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Another fair guitar picker. Ry Cooder
Name: CLAUDIA MORRISON,SMITH () on Thursday, September 30, 1999 at 09:36:05
E-Mail: seeinc@semo.net
Class: 1977
Name: Chris Asher () on Thursday, September 30, 1999 at 01:49:29
E-Mail: casher@fullerton.edu
Class: 92
Message: I was ASB President the first semester of 91-92 school year. I had a great experience while at Hawthorne and it has since led me to do even bigger and greater deeds. I am now Asst. Track and Field Coach at CS Fullerton and living in Orange County while preparing to start Graduate School. I want to thank Kye Courtney and Mr. Karrella for everything. They motivated me to do great things with my life and I'm just getting started.
Hi Chris, Thanks for checking in. It's always nice to hear the positive things that Cougar alums are doing out there in the real world. Please stay tuned and do not hesitate to add your 2 cents to our humble forum whenever you feel the need.
Name: Jorge Llaves () on Thursday, September 30, 1999 at 01:18:04
E-Mail: Mathesh@aol.com
Class: 80
Message: Carol McClintick: I know this problem of yours is a very private matter so tried to contact you on your E mail but since it did not go through must resort to putting it here on feedback in front of God, King John and all loyal Cougs. It is a shame to expose your sin so publicly but such a serious sin must be faced and solved.
After many sleepless nights wrestling with the facts it became obvious that the case be turned over to the school board attorney. However you should not worry because with all the kind accolades on this web about how kind and considerate attorneys are these days you should be in good hands. Of course a problem of this magnitude will no doubt go all the way to supreme court but again I counsel you to not worry as there cannot possibly be anyone to testify against you. Mr. Kirkpatrick is no longer with us and Mr. Goodfellow is too seriously ill to attend.
Therefore your real problem is facing your 24 year old sin against the 10th Commandment and trying to find peace. My gut feeling is these two fantastic teachers would be pleased and proud that you care enough to keep their book.
Please check with King John regarding penance and purification of your soul but my suggestion would be that after 4 beers at Stick and Stein after homecoming you should be sentenced to read two poems without error. Hope I have given you help and a display of outstanding leadership in this matter.----JORGE
George, her penance is, she has to say "toy boat toy boat" 20 times in 10 seconds without goofing it up, or she buys everyone in attendance a giant pitcher of Margaritas. Otherwise Robin shoots the book off her head with a bow and arrow while aiming backwards through a rear view mirror. OK Carol, what'll it be??
Name: Ernie Nixon () on Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 23:29:07
E-Mail: ErnBren2@AOL
Class: '63
Message: For all of the surf music nuts out there, Rhino Records has produced a great chronical of the history of this style of music. There's a four CD set called "Cowabunga"!, kind of corny, but it's a truly fantastic collection of surf music. There are 82 pieces of music in it. They're not all gems but most are and the others are interesting. The history of this music form emcompasses our small part of the planet. I could name bands and songs that long have been forgotten. Rhino Records has to be applauded for this production. Not only do you get a great piece of musical history but they include a 64 page booklet that documents a large part of the history regarding surf music's beginnings. I recommend this package for anyone who really loves this stuff. I found it at Barnes and Noble. One note, they have the KFWB Jingle done by the Beach Boys in there. We were lucky enough to see the Beach Boys here in Bakersfield, but enjoyed hearing the Venture's about 2 years ago. They were fantastic. We also got to hear the Revels. They did Churchkey. If anyone out there questions Churchkey, they're really, really young. I'm sure that most of us older Coug's knows what a churchkey is.
One question about Oct.15 Homecoming Game. When I was going to HHS Home football Games were a El Camino. What I want to know is what is the parking situation at Halcap Field?
Ernie Nixon "63
Ernie, Park in the main parking lot off of El Segundo and walk across campus. The game starts at 7.
Name: Lora Zevallos () on Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 23:17:01
E-Mail: Lora@home.com
Maiden: Maynor
Class: 77
Message: Hey Risa...sorry I haven't had a chance to log on for a while...Glad to hear your parents and siblings are good. Mom is fine, still living in Hawthorne as your mom. We should get together sometime..I still see Juan every once in a while..he has 4 boys living in Palm Springs I think. I have no idea about Danny and David. It is great to see more Ramona School people signing on.
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 22:49:54
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
Message: John, How about Frank Romano, Robin Hood and Brian Wilson!
I guess that one WASN'T that tough after all. I thought that Robin guy woulda' fooled someone. It fooled me. OK Loretta and EL, thanks and you two are our "Name the OLD GUYS Trivia Question of the Night" WINNERS.
Name: ELONLY () on Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 20:49:42
E-Mail: I-DY-HO
Message: Yo JB, and Howard D., hey what happened to the mighty s.c. trojans? Robin, do you even care what your DUCKS did to them? You shoulddddddd be damn proud! But, we all know what will happen when they meet the AWESOME BRUINS of UCLA (fight, fight, fight). For the fifth year in a row, they will fall to BRUIN POWER! Please you two, no tears, be big kids. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU!EL/ID!
Where's Pat Haden, John McKay Jr, and Sr when we need them. Lynn Swann?? how about Richard Wood, Mike Battle, or Jon Arnett. Hey maybe we could suit up Ronnie Lott, Ron Yary, Ron Mix. How about Mike Gillesp..........
Name: EL/IDQUEEN () on Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 20:36:56
E-Mail: I-DY-HO
Message: MR. R LORD. You are partially right. When we had the ball at the "two", with less than a minute to go in the half, we were to run our "goal line offense". After getting stuffed on the first two plays I told Steve Andersen to run a "fly right". As the end and linebacker were pinched straight up over me. I said I could take the end and Bobby Hunter could cut the linebacker. But Steve stuck with the plays. History. But on that 4th down call, in the 4th quarter, I suggested the same thing. It was "a wingback right, fly right". I took out the end and Bobby got the LB. and as the story goes here we are. John, as far as why did I stop at the two, well this jerk had ahold of my ankle. I really was trying to take my foot out of my shoe, but saw these other monsters coming at me, so I pussed out and took a dive. Ah the memories. Love it! But Roy, do you remember the language on the bus? Man I really think if The Coach had had a heart condition we could have triggered it. But I also feel that we were ready to get off the bus and kick some more butts with the insults being throw at us. Hey, its fun. Later, EL/ID. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU. By the way Roy, Jude says hello again. She always thought you were a very nice person. I did too, except in the locker room after a game.
EL, May the Mighty Cougar never "puss out" on you and the ID Queen. Be a Coug boy........
Name: Sharon Puchalski () on Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 20:18:48
E-Mail: spuchals@aol.com
Maiden: Bennett
Class: 65
Message: I have successfully completed a move that takes us to Blue Springs, Missouri. My son just started High School here as a Freshman, gee that seems like it was only yesterday, I did the same thing. Life is just passing by too quickly. It's just my son and myself, but we are doing great.
Sharon, As long as you have Ctown, you'll be close to home. Thanks for letting us know and stay in touch.
Name: EL/ID () on Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 19:45:26
E-Mail: I-DY-HO
Message: John,
xxxxx xxxxxx, xxxxx xxxxxx, xxxxx, and Lucky Loafer!
Hey, That wasn't any fun. OK EL, you always were fast, but I'll let someone else have a shot at it. Thanks man
Name: LEEROY FELDERRUSTER () on Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 19:27:36
E-Mail: leeroyfe@yahoo.com
Class: 55
Message: HOWDY!
Jest cases youse all neber notised the gubermint in cherge of teelefones seyz dey can't maak us ta dial 310 any mo. BEULAH tried it taday an shore nuff, no mo 1-310 in dis codes. tank ya
Name: John Baker () on Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 19:01:47
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message: Here's a couple Cougartown regulars in their freshman year, and one non regular in his freshman year. Anyone but the pictured may answer. You have to get them all right to be a winner. Good Luck
Name: Susan () on Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 18:41:41
E-Mail: funds4kids@yahoo.com
Maiden: Ciampa
Class: 77
Message: I understand that there are still several rooms available at the Hacienda Hotel for anyone needing/wanting to stay overnight on Friday/Saturday. The "Cougartown Party" block of rooms will expire on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 01, at which time the special rate will no longer be effective.
If you are unsure of whether you need a room or not, I've confirmed that reservations may be made now, and then cancelled as late as 6:00PM on the arrival date. If you think you may be staying overnight, please book your room today or tomorrow. Thanks!
Name: DIANNA LIBERTINI () on Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 18:10:37
Maiden: SAME
Class: 78
Name: Frank A. Romano () on Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 17:37:50
E-Mail: fromano@lvcm.com
Class: 1961
Message: JB... I am shocked that you would be a "name" dropper. That you would stoop to using a friends name to get out of a ticket! Since I've learned that, I would suggest that if you are stopped here in Nevada, that you DON'T use my name. That will get you a chair that's plugged into the wall.
Loretta, just last week I had the same e-mail problem. Turned out to be just to much whiteout on the screen. Nice talk JB "DEFRAG!" How do you expect to keep the clean posture here at CT. So the truth is out. Jim Lambert and Beverly Glaubitz. I, with all the others at CT applaud you both, and wish you the very best that life has to offer. Bruce Hoover, Richard Thomas, and Dennis Morris.... Great picture. But how did all those old guys get into the act with the faces I remember. And why is it we don't see those folks here at the feedback dome? Yo! El Rojo. First he is the KING, then the JESTER. "Why did you stop at the 2 yard line?" There's really a simple answer...isn't there!!! El... go on..... tell him. Prince Robin.... you Okay? Well, its back to school night here, and its only on these kinds of occasions that I'm allowed out.
Name: Dale B-Day Boy Hahlbeck () on Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 16:30:53
E-Mail: KewlDaad41@aol.com
Maiden: 42 yrs young : )
Class: 75
Message: Thanx Heather for informing Cougartown about my
birth......You all can bring my presents to
Homecoming.....( waiting for laughter to subside)
Meanwhile, Thank you H2(Val) H3 (Sheri) and
H Sr.'s (Mom and Dad) for you cards It put a
big H1 smile on my face. Thanks John for your
congrats...and since I have some time I would
love to get involved in the Newsletter....keep
me in mind. Thanks again ya'll see ya soon..
Rock Steady!! H1
Dale, Your name is in the hat. I'll let you know. Do you have a Schwinn? We need a delivery boy.
Name: Kathleen "I can fix your problem" Griffin () on Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 16:04:21
E-Mail: Spirithart@yahoo.com
Maiden: Nix
Class: 74
Message: First of all, I made reservations at the Hacienda, since Michael and I do not wish to miss one moment of HC Weekend.
Loretta, I fix software/hardware problems. If you need help, email me and I'll get in touch with you to see what I can do. That goes for anyone else at Cougartown who might need assistance with their computer problems. It's my way of giving back.
Just call me the CT Helpdesk
Kathleen darlin', you are NOW Cougartown's Royal Computer Problem Solver. Thanks for the help.
Name: Kathy Stonebraker () on Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 16:01:23
E-Mail: stoney@qnet.com
Maiden: Lorig
Class: 76
Message: OK all you mid '70s band people!!! As of this morning I actually put my check in the mail for Mr. DeLao's seat in Nyman Hall. That leave's just $50.00!!! Let's show him how much we appreciated him and get those checks sent in. TIME IS RUNNING OUT...
Oh...and Blondie...weren't you in band for a while???
Yes Blondie !!
Name: Sheree Klingenhagen () on Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 15:52:38
E-Mail: sklingenha@aol.com
Maiden: same
Class: 1975
Message: As one of the founding members of the "We Love Dale Club" I would like to wish our "Hero, Mr. Dale Hahlbeck Jr." a Very Happy Birthday and many more like it to come!
We Love You Dale Jr.
Name: Royal Pot Scrubber () on Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 14:19:19
E-Mail: maynevergetallthoseblastedpotsscrubbed!
Maiden: atleastifallourexesareintexasyoudon'thavetoseethem
Message: WHY WAS I MADE THE ROYAL POT SCRUBBER?????????? Because I told our King that when all women dream of having two men, we want one to be cooking and the other to be cleaning!!!!
Are you sure you want to pick on me Sloey (even if you guys will defend my honor to death!)? Did I hear anything at all last week that you don't want spread on CT???
As to riding topless on the back of the Harley all the way to Texas and back - wouldn't do that no matter who begged and how hard!
Robin - ditto Jim's question - have an itinerary yet?
There was another donut shop - maybe East on Crenshaw? If my brother Tom reads this, maybe he can answer - then again, maybe not, you know how it is when "Older Than Dirt" tries to use his brain. Anyway, the donut shop was on a corner, and we loved to get the donut holes. It was a special treat to go to this donut shop. Seems like it may have been 2-3 miles East of Prairie???? Anyone know?
2 or 3 miles east of Prairie ON WHAT!!?? Anyway, it doesn't matter. Get back in the Royal Kitchen and keep scrubbin' those pots. What are you doing out here anyway??
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 12:30:29
Message: Loretta AOL !
Jim West you have three nice kids! I remember the older son. I was coaching Chad and Mike for a while too. Wasn't sure if it was the same Jim West. I remember during the days of my being mentored by Royal Lord at Eucalyptus Park all the great stories he had about you, always great stories. Take care and tell the kids I said hello.
Jim West, Mentioning your name got me out of a traffic ticket once. Thanks for that.
Name: Mom L () on Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 11:52:26
E-Mail: gramsle@aol.com
Class: You name it
Message: Just want to know when you will be taking orders for the T-shirts. I have three "I WANTS" allready. Hope it is soon. Besides I need one to wear so all will know I am rooting for the Cougars.
Hi Mom L, I'll let you know shortly. I know I've been saying this for 2 weeks now, but I really am at a loss here. I need the artwork to make the Tshirts, and I don't want to take orders until I have the artwork. Thanks for your patience......
Name: John Baker () on Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 12:30:27
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message: I just received a check from Bill Wingo HHS59 for the newsletter fund, but he does not have Internet access and I don't have any of his student info. If anyone knows how to contact him, please get his information and plug it into the student info form by clicking here. Thanks Cougs.
Name: Tom Buckingham () on Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 11:05:50
Class: 1964
Hey Tom, Glad you were "word of mouthed" into Ctown. Enjoy the site, pass the word, and check back often, as something new's going on constantly.
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 10:12:55
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
Message: I believe something is wrong with my computer, little Kristi tried reaching me and she got a block.(Eed you this morning, hope you get it) Yesterday I was Eing and right in the middle all that I had written disappeared, then I re-wrote the E and they received it blank, then later all was ok. This morning when I was going to start to click on Aol, it turned on by itself, I never touched a key and it was turned off properly last night. Im not too smart when it comes to my computer, but can anyone out in Cougartown tell me what is going on with this computer?? Help!!
Loretta, Start by running Scan Disk and Defrag.
Name: John Baker () on Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 10:50:31
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message:The mystery of the Class of 1962 marriage is out. It's Beverly Glaubitz Tapp and Jim Lambert. I received an email this morning from the blushing groom. These two were sweethearts in High School and have just recently gotten re-acquainted and decided to tie the knot in October. Jim will be pulling up roots in Hawthorne and moving to the Ventura area where Beverly lives now. Congratulations you two from all your 62 classmates, and from everyone here in Cougartown. May you have decades of happiness together.
Name: Kathy Stonebraker () on Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 01:34:59
E-Mail: stoney@qnet.com
Maiden: Lorig
Class: 76
Message: MoMo - THANKS for the innertubes. The picnic should be a blast!! Let's see, what else can I come up with???
Susan - e-mail me and let me know what games we have lined up for sure now. Any word on the T-Shirts?? Do we know what color they are going to be?? Sorry if these questions have already been asked but it's been crazy at work this week so I've been absent from CT.
Still can't get Mitch, the Tshirt computer art guy, to answer my email. I did hear from Alan Hauge tonight. I think I should hear from him tomorrow. We're cutting it close on the shirts. The Tshirt color will be white.
Name: Kristi Pealo () on Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 01:24:53
E-Mail: kpealo@hotmail.com
Maiden: Perkins
Class: 89
Message: Loretta Cuiper I have been trying to email you all day. It won't go through. It says block sender. Did I do something wrong or is it a mistake? Let me know please. Take Care Kristi
Name: Royal Wm. Lord Jr. () on Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 01:03:33
E-Mail: lord@ugsolutions.com
Class: 1961
Message: El Rojo: It is interesting how we each seem to remember different parts of what happened so when we talk we are able to put the whole picture together. I didn't remember our bus being hit either. I have a newspaper article written about the Samohi game and my favorite part was where the sports writer said that many of the players from Santa Monica had not been knocked off their feet once the whole season and that night they were picking themselves up off the turf three or four times in the one game.
My favorite part of the game was when the score was 14-12 and we had the ball on our own 45 yard line, with about 2 minutes to go in the game and 4th down and about 6 yards to go. Coach Chauncey was on the sideline signaling to Andersen to punt. He called us into the huddle and laid it on the line, the whole season was going to be determined on this one play, if we allowed them to get their hands on the ball again they might score. Fred Ragatz (not sure of the spelling) So lay off RJ! ran the ball off tackle (right),it was jammed up so he veered outside and gained 20 yards for a first down. The rest was history and we ran out the clock. I even think some guy with the initials R.J. threw a key block.
I can remember going to Santa Monica-Hawthorne basketball games that year wearing our League Championship Jackets. Talk to you later! Thank God I am a Coug! R. Lord
We hear how the offense did this or that, but the defense was the real story, only giving up about 8 points a game that season. That'll make the offense look pretty darned good huh guys. I don't know how many points Samohi scored that season, but they were a scoring machine. Holding them to 12 points was a tribute in itself to the HHS defense. The offense in the first half of the season scored 114 points and in the second half, scored 63. The defense gave up 33 points in the first half of the season, and 33 points in the second half of the same season.
Name: Heather Ruggirello () on Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 00:17:44
E-Mail: ruggih@hotmail.com
Maiden: Reoch
Class: 75
Message: HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DALE HAHLBECK JR (Never knew you were a junior - always thought your Dad's name was Mr.!) Hope you have a Happy Birthday Dale - remember the best is yet to come!
Happy Birthday Dale Jr.....
Name: Howard Duran () on Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 23:08:54
E-Mail: DOO4USC@aol.com
Class: 61
Message:Went to a wedding Saturday night of old friend Dennis Morris, his daughter
Deanna wed George Lambert. You old surfers might remember some surfers in attendance, Robert August, Corky Carroll and, left to right, Bruce Hoover,
Richard Thomas, Dennis Morris and yours truly.....For dinner I had crow, thx Robin........
Name: EL/IDQUEEN () on Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 21:06:33
E-Mail: I-DY-HO
Message: Royal, you may be R Lord, but you're still BABY JESUS to me. As far as the Samo game went, here's my perspective. Do you remember when we got to the field? Their guys were standing around in suits as we ran onto the field for warm ups,(we were already in uni's) taunting us about how they were going to kick our ass. I think that was my motivation for that game. As far as things being thrown at the bus'es, they may have thrown a few things like cups of soda and such, but I don't remember any hard objects of any sort. I do remember the Coach and assistants getting quite P.O.'ed at our language about how we terminated the great "samo" grade....hi school"! But if you recall we could have won by several more points had we executed a little better. Case in point, Ron Petch, missed a 24 or 26 yd. field goal, I believe it hit the uprights.Then I caught a pass and went down to the 2 yd line just before half for a first and goal and we didn't score. And third, samo's 2nd TD should not have counted as the game films clearly showed their Left End offside by about a full yard before the snap. But I think the most satisfaction I got from that game, 1st beating their butts "Physically", after the "taunting" and "then", going to P.O.P.,Santa Monica, on the pier, with our BAY LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP jackets on. Now that was satisfaction! More later Roy. Good to have someone else's perspective other than mine. EL/ID. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU! P.S. Roy, Jude says a big "hello" to you!
EL, So what I want to know is......why did you stop at the 2 yard line?
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