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Another fair guitar picker. Ry Cooder
Name: Dave Krikac () on Sunday, September 26, 1999 at 23:51:45
E-Mail: dadkrikac@aol.com
Class: 76
Message: Hey All! Maaaaan page 148 whew...It has been too long. Life has been very busy for the Krikac house now that the kids are back to school. We should paint our van Yellow because of all the driving around we are doing. Hey John, the site keeps getting better everytime I see it.
Hey Maria Lacocco(How do you spell that), good to see you here.
Hey Cindy Hewitt, hows the weather? Miss ya. Say hey to John and Marissa
Hey Gloria,Sharon,Bistolas,Keith,Valerie, etc. I promise not to stay away for that long before checking in. Sorry i can't make the October get together, travlin too much...Talk to you all soon. Miss Ya All.
Hey Dave, Thanks for checking in and as long as you got caught up, that's what counts. Be a Coug.....
Name: DAILY BREEZE () on Sunday, September 26, 1999 at 22:39:33
E-Mail: ragoftheweek.com
Hey Jim, We're just gettin' the kinks out for IHS. I'm tellin' ya' man......Don't worry. Cap is going by to work with the guys the week before the BIG game. It'll be fine.
Name: Sheree Klingenhagen () on Sunday, September 26, 1999 at 20:38:02
E-Mail: sklingenha@aol.com
Maiden: same as now
Class: 1975
Message: Sometimes this page really is quite a blast from the past! Sheryl Foster, if you would go back to my entry on page 77 I had mentioned my 67 Mustang and a very unfortunate incident that happened while it was minding it's own business parked in front of my home on 137th Place. I do believe you were driving the volkswagen that took out the drivers side of my car. I think it was you and another HHS student that hit each other and then you hit my car, if my memory serves me correctly. When I saw your name on the feedback page it brought it all back to me. I lived 2 doors down from the Biermans and it seemed like you were up the street towards the freeway. Anyway, just thought it was kinda funny and wanted to see if you remembered it too. Last week I had a mini reunion with some very good friends from High School. Heather Reoch/Ruggerillo thru a 40th b-day party for her hubby and I got to see Dale Hahlbeck, Mike Fells and his wife Debbie, and Rick Dupape. A goodtime was had by all! We will be getting together again for the homecoming game and Stick & Stein afterwards. I may just wait for you all at Stick & Stein as cold damp air & wooden benches do not work with my body anymore. Sheree
Name: Frank Romano () on Sunday, September 26, 1999 at 18:04:18
E-Mail: fromano@lvcm.com
Class: 1961
Message: I was looking at the "Heavenly Cake Contest" and began to wonder if it's going to be a baking or eating contest? Or maybe both? The picture of the Old Coach with those other gentlemen and the steaks is just great. I'm sure the "team" made quick work of those beauties. The chat room was fun.... I'll be looking forward to another visit. So many cougars from so many different decades.... That's really a hoot. JB.... I hope you enjoyed your day off. You should be doing more of that. Well, you should be doing something to make room for all of that "Heavenly Cake" arriving too as King it will be your responsibility to see that none goes to waste. Like it would without your help....ttfn, Frank
Hi Frank, Yes, I enjoyed the day, but WAS a little worried about you guys going into CT withdrawal. I see YOU made it through OK. I'm not sure about the rest of the crew though. The heavenly cake that's brought to the picnic, will be judged, then eaten (no contest) by ALL.
Name: Renee St. George () on Sunday, September 26, 1999 at 17:38:19
E-Mail: stgeorge@ca-connection.com
Maiden: St. George
Class: 1974
Message: Hi Judy Toten....
How've you been the last 25 years???? I'm not aware of the incident you referred to about DB. Can you let me know what happened?
Name: blond bomb shell () on Sunday, September 26, 1999 at 15:46:21
E-Mail: carissa58@hotmail.com
Maiden: christine penny
Class: 76
Message: Kathy....I was right, and imagine my surprise at that....the last e-mail that you sent me was 9/12, and the last one I sent was 9/14, oh, 'Smart One' ")
John...I hope you enjoyed your day off, I'm sure it was well needed and past due. Have another, it's on the house. Did you have some chocolate cake to go with that day off? ")
No chocolate cake, but I had a great day off. I did miss YOU ZANYS though.Thanks Christine......
Name: Rodney Golberg () on Sunday, September 26, 1999 at 14:17:41
E-Mail: djhalibut88@hotmail.com
Class: 1984
Message: Godspell, Mr. Ayers (where are you?), Lillie Maxson, Delia Yawnick and her family, Liza Rios, Diane Ross, Kimmy-bee and Kimberly, Bobby Kraag, Joe Menosky, Alan Fayles, Jennifer Roth, Shiree Burns, Mike Johnson, Lisa Phillips, Barbara and Ana Rey, Carla Nicholas, Caroline Adams (I Could Have Danced All Night...) and a whole bunch of others. I miss you all, and I miss Hawthorne High. Take care on Nyman Hall!!!
Name: darlene duncan () on Sunday, September 26, 1999 at 13:34:20
E-Mail: dolly990@aol.com
Message: how about the "big donut"
Name: Delia Garza () on Sunday, September 26, 1999 at 13:12:54
E-Mail: delia.garza@usa.net
Maiden: Yawnick
Class: 86
Message: O.K..... maybe I missed the post somewhere but, where is this Hawthorne Chat people are posting about? I would love to check it out but don't know where it is.....
I hadn't been to Hawthorne in YEARS and last night after dropping a friend off in El Segundo at midnite, I made my boyfriend drive me around my old neighborhood (Felton and 122nd. St.) and past the school. Everything looked so different and I was shocked to see how that little corner where Ray's Market stood has changed so much. And there's a Bally's where we went grocery shopping next to the school!? Wow......
Still working on making it to Stick N Stein on the 15th..... (and still working on other people from the '80's.....)
Hi Delia, Click here to go to the chat room. You have to sign up, then you're in. Hope to see you on HC weekend.......
Name: Sheryl Magdaleno () on Saturday, September 25, 1999 at 11:24:58
E-Mail: Smaggie@Whidbey.com
Maiden: Foster
Class: 76
Message: Hello Cindy,
I am a fellow Washingtonian.. We are over on Whidbey Island...We love it!!!How about you? Hello Laura Porter, how are you? Do you ever talk to Erica or Jackie? I talk yo Joanne Bragg often.. Please send me a message so I can catch up..Susan Bierman, My neighbor from 137th Pl.How are you and your family? I want to thank you for that great picture of the boys. When I told my husband, Rudy, his brother's picture was on Cougar Town he came runnin and had a hearty giggle... We haven't seen the boys together since our Friday night baseball days.My things have changed! It brought back those Swingin Door memories! There were a few missing, The Beck brothers,Kenny McCallister,Chris Leonard and Bret Keyes..Wow, I think we lost a little sleep thinking about it. I told my nephew to give Jim the info on Cougar Town but I see his is not on the alumnui list, I let hin know. What fun, Thanks again Susan. John I too would like to thank you for your energy and committment to Cougar Town, it has been great fun reminiscing with old & new friends. My husband and I look foward to making an event with you in the future.... Sandy Wheeler class of 62, where are you? B.F.N.
Thanks Sheryl, This has turned into an all class family and I think it's great. I'll meet you and yours down the road somewhere. Be a Coug.....
Name: the blond one () on Saturday, September 25, 1999 at 10:59:03
E-Mail: carissa58@hotmail.com
Maiden: Penny
Class: 76
Message: uhh, Kathy....haven't you caught up on the past feed back? or did you just miss a page? 'The list' is on page 146, and i did mention you. ")
and " o' smart one" I do believe it was 'I' not 'you' who sent the last email....for I, always am quick to respond....ahmmm! ")
john....I hear you were in HC (hawthorne chat) last night. Sorry I missed you. "( I did have a nice chat with two kids (hehe) from the class of 88 though. ") someone pen-named: catnipdreams, and shanda aka:McCutcheon-Campos...Hi to you both! ")
Cindy M.....where are you! "\
Maria....have you made any progress in the 'How do we know each other' project? ")
Yes, I tried it out last night. I'll have to get used to it. I try to answer as I'm asking. Felt something akin to the Flying Burrito Brothers. catnipdreams aka:Eddie HHS88 was there too.
Name: Neal Runions () on Saturday, September 25, 1999 at 03:56:35
E-Mail: neal.runions@fema.gov
Class: 61
Message: John, I didn't expect to see my High school picture up on the board tonight, but there it was! I can assure you I don't look that good any more. I'd send you a recent photo but if you put it up on the WEB you'd get arrested for trying to scare the children. I see that you are editing my feedback. When I said that I couldn't spell Remeniss I was just kidding. But I know you were just trying to help. This is my third time back and I love to read the feedback from others out there. It seems each time I find something new that I hadn't seen before. You are to be truly commended for you obvious hard work and determination at putting this site together.
congrat's on a marvelous success! - Neal
Neal, Everyone's a Senior in Cougartown, and BTW, we don't worry about looks here. It's what's in our hearts that keeps us together now. Heck if looks were a criteria, I'd be the first one ousted from CT.
I'm glad you're with us and stay tuned as more and more of your long lost pals find this place. Thanks for the praise too. It's always nice to hear.
Be a Coug Neal.......
Name: Kathy Stonebraker () on Saturday, September 25, 1999 at 02:40:52
E-Mail: stoney@qnet.com
Maiden: Lorig
Class: 76
Message: First of all, what list??? And secondly, it's your turn to write me, Oh "Blonde One" ... :)
To everyone that has been asking about Mr. Morgan, I just finished talking with a friend whose mom still goes to Hawthorne Presbyterian Church. She said that Fred Morgan married a few years ago (his wife's name is Betty) and he is an associate minister of a Presbyterian Church in Santa Maria, CA. She was pretty sure that he was the hospital chaplain. She couldn't say which church in Santa Maria but there aren't that many. It's a really small world.
Anyone have a LARGE innertube we could borrow for the picnic???
Someone must have a buddy in a tire store, or some float tubes in their possession. If so, please let me or Kathy know. Thanks. This picnic is turning into the REAL DEAL. I just WISH I could divulge the things that are planned, but Susan would cut my throat if I said anything. I can only say that being there IS A MUST!! Bring your kids and your parents too.
Name: Royal Wm. Lord Jr. () on Saturday, September 25, 1999 at 01:20:37
E-Mail: lord@ugsolutions.com
Class: 1961
Message: Hi Neal Runions! Wow, it has been a long time. You said you didn't think I remembered you, well I do. Where do you live now? You said you worked for FEMA, I took a few courses from FEMA on Disaster Preparedness when I coordinated the Disaster Plan for the Hawthorne School District. It is great to hear from you.
El Rojo (alias R.J.) I agree with you about the class of 1958. I don't remember a class with so many good athletes past or present. Up until my Junior year I lived on 136th Street right by Ramona School. Two doors East of my house was where Tommy Graves lived and across the street was where Ron and Rene Ostler lived. The Guys from the class of 1958 were always over at one of the two houses. As a Jr. High kid I was always hanging around. When these guys were Seniors some of them were lettering in four Varsity sports. Talk to you later. Thank God I was a Coug. R. Lord
The picture above is of Tom Morrison-TWA Supervisor; Mr Jack Leadbetter, one of the early teams greatest supporters, and our own Coach Hal Chauncey.
Mr Leadbetter promised the 1954 team, if they got to the playoffs, that he would fly Steaks in from Kansas City........The team kept their promise, and Mr. Leadbetter kept his. This is their arrival.
Name: Maria () on Saturday, September 25, 1999 at 01:05:00
E-Mail: Mrmike541@aol.com
Maiden: Lococo`
Class: 77
Message: Cindy Whitaker, How are you! You were such a doll! I'm glad to here you got on Cougartown. Where are you living now?
Hello Diane Libertini, it's been a loooong time!!
Congratulations, Dan, on your marriage and child. When was the last time we spoke? About a year ago? Time is really flying..Gotta go but I WIll be watching for you all on John's coolest WEB SITE....
Maria, This is OUR Website. I'm still just the keeper of the keys.
Name: Liza A. Rietveld () on Saturday, September 25, 1999 at 01:00:54
E-Mail: Rietveld3@yahoo.com
Maiden: Rios
Class: 84'
Message: I just found out about this website (thank-you Delia (Yawnick) Garza) and would love to read about my fellow classmates from both the class of 84' and 83'. This site certainly brings back a lot of great memories. I would like to know what ever happened to an awesome teacher by the name of Dr. Donna Opku-Ageman. I had her as a biology teacher and as a fellow cast member in one of HHS' musicals. I would also like to get a hold of my former English and Speech teacher Mr. Fix to let him know that I am a college Speech instructor! He was always very supportive of my ventures throughout high school. Finally, what ever happened to Mr. Katella, our student council advisor? He was also a very kind person to me during my time at HHS. So, thank you for creating this web site and I hope it continues to expand!!
Name: RYAN & JAIME () on Friday, September 24, 1999 at 23:32:09
E-Mail: lilkahu@pacbell.net
Class: 94
ALL RIGHT Ryan and Jaime!!!! Congratulations and I hope you'll have eons of bliss together. May the Mighty HHS Cougar bless you and keep you from harm, and may you both be so full of happiness that you forget you live in LA County.
Name: EL/ID () on Friday, September 24, 1999 at 22:45:00
E-Mail: I-DY-HO
Maiden: YOU KNOW
Message: John, King John. Pardon my lowlyness, I neglected to thank you and the COACH for the pic's of the 58 team. It may not do justice to the team as an "entity", but fun, nonetheless. Yea, thats my "big bro", D. Jacobsen, on the far right. It's cool. Voted "best blocker" on that team of "Killers". Thanks! EL/ID. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU!
Thanks EL, I too, enjoy the first teams. I know there were good teams sprinkled throughout HHS history, but the Chauncey/Capelouto teams are where I came from and........well it's still called Halcap field. Thanks Coach Hal and Cap for your loyal service to us young boys, growing up. We didn't realize it then, but there was a whole lot of mentoring and molding going on. We all thank you for not just showing up everyday, but for the love and dedication you had for your job AND your kids.
Name: Janet Burkett () on Friday, September 24, 1999 at 21:50:47
E-Mail: jburkett@compaq.net
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
Message: Susan,
You can count me in to help with the cake contest or where ever you need me at the picnic. (As long as it isn't a dunk tank!)
Name: EL/ID () on Friday, September 24, 1999 at 21:17:27
E-Mail: I-DY-HO
Maiden: YOU KNOW
Class: 60VERYCOOL/61OK
Message: Lyman Moss, thanks for the kind words about the class of 60's athletes, but a few names that I hadn't mentioned from 58...Ralph Hesterman (fast) backup to Gillespie I believe. Tommie Graves, Rich Robinson, Charles LaRock, Bernie Armstrong, Dave Long. All these guys were good athletes. In one sport or more. They also went to CIF playoffs in all 3 sports, football, basketball, baseball! If i'm not mistaken.(i'm not really sure about baseball) I might be, but I think not. Also, several ran track and were quite good. John, the picture from the coach or whoever put it up is great! And yes I do recognize the other "Jake" in the picture. Thanks, and this is still fun. Can't wait to see some of the Coach's pictures. It will be a kick in the BUTT! One last thing for this round. Hi Tom and Diane Porter! Its a great thing that John Baker has done here, come and join the crowd. But Tom, I still remember your DAD coaching us in those fast pitch softball games at what became Hawthorne Park. I remember that we would all go to "Skippys Drive In" (I think it became the 1st McD's in Hawthorne) after the game and if you hit a "home run", your DAD would buy us a "malt"! Man those were good things. 11 cent french fries, and 15 cent burgers. Life was good (still is, as opposed to the alternative). Good to see your name's on the COUGAR name board.EL/ID. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU!
Russ, Skippys turned into Biggies, which turned into GNG's. It just looked like a McDonalds. Be good boy........
Name: peroxide penny () on Friday, September 24, 1999 at 20:54:52
E-Mail: carissa58@hotmail.com
Class: 76
Message: Cindy M...Also in my own defense as to the lapse of your name on my list....I have to confess.... I've been on a diet and that my brain cells were a bit more deprived than usual? Yeh, that works....my brain cells were deprived. Hey, it works for me. ")
Name: Risa Kubly () on Friday, September 24, 1999 at 20:39:58
Maiden: Manriquez
Class: 77
Message: Hi Michelle Whittaker, There's not to much to tell, My mom still lives in the same house on 134st. I was a Deputy Sheriff but retired in 93 for an on the job injury. Im married to the best guy, Hes also a cop and between the 2 of us we have 3 childeren, Mine(Brett 13) His (Sara 12) and ours (Matthew 4). Im an Water Exercise Trainer at my local YMCA and a stay at home mom.(I love what I do).Marla is also real good.She is on the Pro Volleyball Tour for The past 11 years.She has 2 childeren,Kellie 11 and Mike 8.She,s in local magazines and papers and every once in a while she,s on T.V. Anyway that whats up in a nut shell..I know I can speak for Marla,Please send your parents our LOVE..You have no idea how they were there for us as teens...Pleas keep in touch,Take care
Name: peroxide queen, aka: christine () on Friday, September 24, 1999 at 20:06:15
E-Mail: carissa58@hotmail.com
Maiden: penny
Class: 76
Message: John, I must confess...Kathy S. was right, I do feel better now that I have an actual title, I was a bit jealous, but not any more! ")
Gloria...I too have a child that is to graduate this year, a boy. I also have a 9 yr. old, and have been married 20 yrs. Boy, you have a young family, keeps you on your toes (and young) that's for sure!
Oh, Royal Flog! glad to hear I am not the only one with a blond mind, only I did not have a moon roof to let me in. In fact, I even had anti-theft door hasps (the little locks that go up and down). I had to squeek a wire coat hanger in the passanger side door (that was the only one that I could get any leverage on the window handle to do any good). I would curve the hook part over the window knob and very painstakingly, unroll the window enough to fit my arm in. I might add, it also went very slowly! ")
Cindy M.....I'm sorry...it wasn't that I left you off, it was that I thought it was already a given that we knew each other and that Maria knew that. I only mentioned 'SOME' of those that she might not have known that I knew, so that maybe she could better make the connection as to why we know each other. So I'm sure I have left many off. oopsey for the miss slight. Now just in case no one knows....
I DO INDEED KNOW CINDY (WHITTIKER) MATTHIES! does that made all better? ")")")")")")
Cindy....Have you been out to the Hawthorne Chat Room yet? I've been there a few times. It is sort of hit or miss right now as to whether or not someone else is in. I had a nice chat with Alan the other night. Try it, maybe I'll see you out there some time. I tend to check in rather late though, central time. So your in Washington? My husband was born in Moses Lake. I think we even have some relatives on his mom's side still there, but we haven't spoken to his mom sense my 9 yr old was 2. Long story. Feel free to e-mail me. I really enjoy getting e-mail. That jab was for Kathy S., but please do e-mail me, I would like to catch up on some past years. Are you going to the cruise 2000, reunion? Kathy and I are. I ran across this the other day and I must say I fall prey to this stereotype and I thought it humorous, maybe you too can relate to this ") ........
Name: Dan Johnson () on Friday, September 24, 1999 at 19:12:13
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Class: 77
Message: Maria -- all is forgiven! Actually, I'm the one who disappeared in Miami and you actually did call me about the possibility of giving your friend a legal job. Anyway, the wife you met at the reunion is no longer married to me. Instead, I've remarried (4/11/99) in Cabo San Lucas and we are expecting #1 in April 2000. Homecoming is a possibility, particularly now that Konnie Krislock is going to be putting in an appearance. She was a tremendous influence on this once young man. Hopefully I'll see you there.
Name: Susan () on Friday, September 24, 1999 at 18:55:05
E-Mail: funds4kids@Yahoo.com
Maiden: Ciampa
Class: 77
Message: Calling all Heavenly Chocolate Cake lovers. Would you like to judge the Cougartown Heavenly Chocolate Cake Bakeoff? Send me an e-mail and I'll get you signed up. If there are any volunteers out there who would like to supervise an event at the picnic, please let me know right away so we can get all events, times, and people coordinated.
Joyce Savisky-Chance... please e-mail me, I need your help with something!
Thanks! See you all at Homecoming.
Name: Susan () on Friday, September 24, 1999 at 18:49:07
E-Mail: funds4kids@Yahoo.com
Maiden: Ciampa
Class: 77
Message: ATTENTION DeLaO BAND STUDENTS! The Nyman Hall seat restoration reception will be held on Sunday, October 17 AND I understand that several people have already invited Mr. Alex DeLaO to the weekend events. I think it would be a REALLY good idea to get his seat closed out and restored BEFORE the reception. If you haven't sent in your $10.00 to John yet, PLEASE get it in this weekend! You'll be glad you did when you see Mr. D at Homecoming.
Yes, we really need your pledges NOW so I can get them in, so the plaque can be made. Also, please help close out some of the seats above, as time is getting short. Thanks
Name: Kathy Dorio () on Friday, September 24, 1999 at 18:30:10
E-Mail: mkd1@sdma.com
Maiden: Wilking
Class: 1966
Message: Boy, am I cross-eyed! I haven't read anything since August 30th so it has taken me awhile to catch up. I say the posting about Janet Ratcliffe. She sang at my wedding in 1966. I haven't seen or heard from her since so it was nice getting the update about her. I worked with Ms. Ratcliffe in the office for my "office skills" class. Something must have rubbed off because at the age of 40, I finally realized by dream of becoming a legal secretary. Mr. Garcia, your typing class helped too! I'm up to 120wpm on the computer! I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the homecoming game in a few weeks. I'll be bringing one of my daughters with me. She thinks this is going to be "totally cool, man." What is that saying, everything repeats itself. . . Didn't we used to say "cool"?
Kathy, I still do......
Name: Frank A. Romano () on Friday, September 24, 1999 at 18:19:22
E-Mail: fromano@lvcm.com
Class: 1961
Message: First.... Cindy Matthies. I'm not the lucky fellow "Frank Romano" from Washington, where the fishing's great, the air is clean and the trees put a grin on every dogs face. I'm the one of the one's here at Las Vegas. Very few tall trees, but when the tide comes back in... whoa! Steve Trull sent me a great e-mail message...so I know he's out there readin' away. Steve jump in anytime. JB... about this getting married again! Before you consider the gig... rent one of my very favorite old movies..."How To Murder Your Wife" Jack Lemon, Terry Thomas. Good training film. I understand that a photographer will be on hand to do Poster Pictures at the picnic. Now if we can only get enough ice, maybe we can get a Poster Picture with Patty, the ice and Robin.... Yo! Patty you wouldn't need to be sit'n on the ice! Just kinda standing with it. JB... wonderful pictures. Maybe the old coach will send in some more of those team pictures... Really Great Stuff. How many of you cougars remember wall light switches that "Clicked?"
Frank, The Ol' Coach sent lots of early team pics. I've got to scan them and get these back to him, then I'll start putting them up. See you on Homecoming weekend.
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