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OK, this oughta prove that I like ALL kinds of music. The Chenille Sisters
Name: LEEROY FELDERRUSTER () on Friday, September 24, 1999 at 16:43:03
E-Mail: leeroyfe@yahoo.com
Class: 55
Message: HOWDY!
Miss Joice dat was reel nice ofn you to gib me dat website but ebrytime i tiped sumting in that spot nuttin happins, it steys da same. Mr Chris dat reeal nic youse gob all dese nic folks dat web sites fer there dentires needs. nice folks to do bidness wit, but i's hasta warn youse folks dey donut fit two gud we hads to do sum sanding thne det wuz find. on da teet not my gums. Miss Joice I's gots a seets sabed fer yer, bes yall be early as i here tell dat ingwood bunch is reel meens. i's gots one qeshun though is dat reeely da nam of dat guy Robin Hood or youse all funin ol Leeroy agin. I tink it is true but BEULAH she be smilin lik ol Leeroy gittin one pulled down on him, so tells me true, is it reelay Robin Hood? ifn dat so Beulah seuz dat Baker could be lil Johns. Les me nos. Ans one mor ting, i wisked dat youse all quik pickin on Miss Judy she a reel nice lady! BEULAH tinks she be special.
Yeah Beulah, she's real SPECIAL all right........kinda like someone else we know
Name: Robin () on Friday, September 24, 1999 at 15:39:34
E-Mail: JBandSloeymustshoptogether.com
Maiden: Ducks 38 Trojans 13
Class: El Rojo
Message: Gelati Celesti is "take no prisoners" in Crete. I saw it on the Biography special of Angelo Dundee. Hey Russ...It was Anaheim and Downey in that 57 CIF game...Went with my dad but dont remember who won..Randy Meadows team I think...58HHS team was a winner (thanks for the pics coach:o) but....how could you possibly know that Gary Kimbrell weighed 126 lbs????...Im sure he ate some of Mrs Plasters chocolate heaven and could have worn a heavy cup that night...who knows? Good to see Mike Gillespie checking in here a couple weeks ago ...JB whats the total alum count aprox.? We (c/o 60) finally hit 50...about time. Hey Tom and Diane Porter, how are you guys?...3 weeks to homecoming...be there ...And Sloey..can you get me one of those shirts you and JB wear to dinners? I like that Royal blue thing you have going there:o)..Oh and Burko..Ill give you ten points tomorrow even if the Trojans use Traveler as a running back...Have a good weekend and later Cougs...
Hey Robin, Total Count: 1803. Thanks Cougs.
I just looked up Gelati Celesti in my Italian to English dictionary and it said Heart Attack. Be a Coug boy
Name: Dawn Hansen () on Friday, September 24, 1999 at 14:46:41
E-Mail: hanseda@mail.northgrum.com
Maiden: Hansen
Class: 81
Message: John-I can't stand it any longer...I know who's getting married! I've been sworn to secrecy, until after the Homecoming Game, however, I can tell you the graduation year is not 62! Close, but no cigar! This is soooo exciting!
Yeah Dawn, I think we all know who the REAL couple is. If you want to know, please email Judy DeGrazia. She'll be happy to tell you, and NO it's not ME!!! Her email address is Redondo612@aol.com Thanks.........
Name: LYMAN MOSS () on Friday, September 24, 1999 at 14:05:22
E-Mail: SMTP:Lyman.Moss@PSS.Boeing.com
Class: 59
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Friday, September 24, 1999 at 13:58:25
E-Mail: Redondo612@aol.com
Maiden: gointothechapel&we'regonnagetmarried
Class: 64
Message: Wow... My sincere congrats to John B. on his upcoming wedding.. Us ROWDY GIRLS were picking straws for you John boy...and we really had some good times planned for you big guy...but that's all behind you now. The ROWDYS will have to be content with a friendly brotherly kiss from now on. or....could this be just one more way to make money for the John B ( going to Rio ) fund???? First a bridal shower with "lots" of gifts.. then the Wedding gifts...and let's not forget "THE PIN THE MONEY ON THE BRIDAL DRESS" dance..& then if we follow suit here, there may even be a door prize & raffle.... Geesh... I'm getting a bad feeling over this one Rev. John.. please respond. Your loyal subject.
Judy DeGrazia THE ROWDYS
Don't forget that Buy your own bottle of champagne at the door for 50.00, and those ever popular John loves ------ Tshirts. Also, a copy of the vows will be on sale in the rear of the reception for only 8 bucks a piece. That's 3 dollars off the mail order price, and you save the shipping too. Judy REALLY..... OK folks, if you have ANY questions, do not write me. Please email Judy DeGrazia at Redondo612@aol.com
She's a ROWDY GIRL and has ALL THE ANSWERS!!!!OH and just remember who started this one Judy.......I don't want you crying later on!!!!
Name: John Baker () on Friday, September 24, 1999 at 12:58:09
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 1962
Message:Attention Nyman Hall Seat Donors,
There will be a reception at HHS on Sunday, October 17, the day after the Homecoming Picnic, for all who donated to the seat campaign.
It will be from 2pm to 4pm and we'll meet in the Cafeteria at HHS. If you want to see your restored seat, please plan on attending. If you're planning on attending, please email nyman-hall@cougartown.com or call Melanie Chacon at (310) 643-5743 so we know how many to plan for. I will also post this on the Whats New page. Also, if you haven't sent your money in for your seat yet, please do so. If I don't receive your money, I can't send that seat in and it won't be restored by reception day. Thank you all for your support to the Nyman Hall restoration project.
Name: Danny Litton () on Friday, September 24, 1999 at 11:41:15
E-Mail: dlitton@ishopol.com
Class: 68
Message: John: I can't tell you how great that '57/'58 football photo is. I grew up directly across the street from the HHS athletic fields and spent much of my youth watching these guys practice and play football, baseball, and track. Although I was but 7-years old when that photo was taken, the names of those players come back: Mike Gillespie, Bobby Sheets, Tim Tift ... Tim Tift, by the way, was the varsity basketball coach at HHS for one year ('63/'64) between two legendary basketball coaches, Toby Erlinger and Ernie Woods.
Thanks Danny, The Coach has sent a bunch of pics. In time, I'll scan them and put them in a special corner of Cougartown.
Name: Maria Ricci () on Friday, September 24, 1999 at 11:14:51
E-Mail: mrmike541@aol.com
Maiden: Lococo
Class: 77
Message: I get sooo excited whenever I get on here and see names from the past!!! Hi Laura Twitchell!!! WOW, how GREAT it is to hear from you!!! Yes it is the girl that lived on Gale Ave. How are your mother and father??? I have such fond memories of your whole family. Remember the Dede's. I remember you lived next door to them and moved from there down to the barn red ranch house. When I was 4 my brother and I went to a birthday party in that house when it belonged to a boy named Ricky (?. I had the biggest crush on him. I remember walking to school with Cathy Vanderbrand and him and fighting over him!! Laura tell me a bit about what life has been like for you or better yet, e-mail me!! Thanks, sweetie!!
Hi Daniel Johnson!!! I'm sorry I haven't spoken with you since the reunion!!! Forgive? How is your wife, work and Life? Miss you. Are you all going to Homecoming? I'm working on putting it in my calendar.. I'd better commit!!
John, I ran into a old friend today and she has a very successful business. It's called Creative Class Reunions. She is actually doing a lot of her business by word of mouth. Here is her e-mail if any of you are thinking of having a reunion: createclas@aol.com. Her name is Wanda Diroll. Her Phone is (310)539-0111.
John thank you so much for reuniting our memories and friendships from long ago!!
Maria, I'm glad you're getting a kick out of this virtual time machine, where everyone here is back in high school. I know I am, and thank you and the rest of the mid 70's Cougs for being so much a part of it.
Name: Pam Betraun () on Friday, September 24, 1999 at 10:58:23
E-Mail: pbetraun@PhilipInc.com
Maiden: Heath
Class: 78
Message: Wow talking about Boston store. One day I came home from school to find a bunch of clothes spread over all the furniture in my front living room. There was a great sale at the Boston store and my mom went nuts. Back then sales were sales, she got a outfit for $1.50. Why can't we pay that for kids clothes now.
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Friday, September 24, 1999 at 09:37:31
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
Message: Just so no one feels left out about what Leeroy was talking about, anyone who might need Leeroy type dentures take a look at http://www.4billybobteeth.com/catalog.html. You and Leeroy could be lookalikes!
Name: Neal Runions () on Friday, September 24, 1999 at 04:28:38
E-Mail: neal.runions@fema.gov
Class: 61
Message: I am just blown away! I have spent the last 40 years or so thinking about the good ole days ( some of them weren't that good) and all of a sudden I stumbled into the twilight zone. I have been reading the feed back pages. I didn't see them the first time I was here. I was all wrapped up in the other pages. reliving some of my childhood. There are some names that I recognize, Royal Lord, John Nalbandian. I lived right up the street from John, we had alot of good basketball games in his driveway. Royal probably doesn't remember me but I remember him. We played a little football together in our freshman year. That same year I injured my knee and had to give up football. Took up swimming and Water Polo. Four years of it. great memories of friends like Don Dewald whose Dad owned the texaco station on Inglewood Ave. And Les Bazis and Sharon Jokela. I think They were married and moved away, to Seattle I think? If Any of you happen to see Clayton Williams, Please say Hi for me. As I said earlier; he was a great influence in my High school years and I think of him often. I work for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). I'm an Electronics technician and computer junkie. I Retired from the Army in '89. I could sit here and reminisce for hours but I must get back to work. But, I'll be back! See Ya. Oh, one more thing. It's strange but my best friend and fellow FEMA-ite is named Charles F. Lord Sr. Ain't life strange? - Neal.
Thanks Neal, It's always nice when Cougartown takes you back to your "glory days". Stick around as this only gets better as new friends continue to find the website.
Name: pauline matthew () on Friday, September 24, 1999 at 01:43:45
E-Mail: pmsockser@aol.com
Maiden: spencer
Class: 1969
Message: king john- when will we get a peek at the t-shirt? and when will you start to take orders? hi to all of class of 69.
They're working on the artwork Pauline. I'll let you know......
Name: Joyce Chance () on Friday, September 24, 1999 at 01:21:53
E-Mail: chancesR@pacbell.net
Maiden: Savisky
Class: '62
Message: Hi Leeroy,
A friend sent this to me and I thought I would share it with you. I'm sure you will understand it. http://www.rinkworks.com/dialect/
Don't forget to save me a seat for Homecoming :o)
You take care now, Joyce
Funny stuff. Type in www.cougartown.com/feedback.php to see this Feedback Page.......
Name: EL/ID () on Thursday, September 23, 1999 at 21:10:50
E-Mail: I-DY-HO
Maiden: TOO COOL
Message: JB and LYMON, you're both right about big SID P on "blackboard jungle" and someone also mentioned Glenn Ford and yes he was there also. But, Lymon you should have at least givin us a phone call while coming through. We're only 15 miles off the freeway, short jaunt in I-DY-HO! But John i'm not the GURU of anything except maybe alittle "doo wop". Certain things get lodged in your mind from the time you were a kid, things that impressed you until this day. The older athletes were heroes to me. To this day, I still believe that the class of 58 had the best collection of pure athletes that HHS has probably ever had. Now you younger kids don't get rilled up. But they were good.
I remember the Beverly Hills game of 58. Our "all league halfback", all 126 lbs of him, Gary Kimbrell" and offensive and defensive tackle Don Allen traded places because Don had never scored a touchdown. So Gary played right tackle and Don played halfback. End of story, he scored! HHS 60, Beverly Hills 6. By the way John, I meant to leave s.c.'s letters where they belong. SMALL! One last thing, "hello Richie Edison", you were one of those mean SR's who helped antagonise me when I was a Frosh and Soph as well as Dave Rolen, Jerry Kelly, Tim Tift, and my wonderful brother and a host of others. Good to see you on board! Thanks COUGS.EL/ID. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU!
Russ, Funny you should mention the class of 58's team. The old Coach just entrusted to Cougartown, some very extraordinary pictures from the early days of Cougar Football. I'm going to add these pictures to or humble website, but I will place one of them here for your perusal. Anyone you know??Enjoy it EL, and may the 50's Cougar be with you.
Name: John Baker () on Thursday, September 23, 1999 at 21:08:39
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 1962
Message: Attention Class of 1989:
As you all know, your reunion is scheduled for October 16. On October 15th, your presence is requested at the New Stick and Stein at 707 N. Sepulveda Bl. in El Segundo, for a pre-reunion get together. It will start at 7pm and will go until closing. If you know anyone who should be there, please tell them about it. You will be meeting downstairs, as the upstairs will be decorated in Scarlet and Gold, but is reserved, and won't be opened until the later arriving Homecoming Game crowd from Cougartown arrives. Then you may mingle freely between the upstairs crowd and your class. Just so you know, the class of 1988 will also be there that night, and will be utilizing the facilities for a belated reunion. This should be one heck of a gathering for everyone. I'm looking forward to meeting you all and I'll see all of you on the 15th.
Name: Cindy Matthies () on Thursday, September 23, 1999 at 18:53:26
E-Mail: cindym@penlite.org
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: Thank goodness we're all over the age where we don't apologize for forgetting things or asking the same question twice. Okay, now that that's out of the way .... and this is just in case it's mentioned somewhere in the feedback pages and I just 'ahem' overlooked it ... FRANK ROMANO: Do you happen to live in Gig Harbor, Washington? We have a customer with that name. Just curious! I had asked before how many Washingtonians we had out there but I know we can't read ALL of the feedback messages and besides I'm used to being ignored, no no, it's okay, I'll be alright... no 'sniff' 'sniff' tears here .. well not many anyway. Even Chris Penny left my name out of her list of people she knows. Guess that's just what happens when you wait till WAY after high school to be loud and crazy (yea, maybe I'm a little of that). Have I whined enough? MARIA LOCOCO: I saw the movie Pulp Fiction and they were in that restaurant on Hawthorne Blvd and I realized that was where we all went after Sandy Mancaruso's funeral! Remember that? I know it's a sad memory but it was strange seeing it on the big screen. Glad to hear you're doing great!!
Name: Laura Porter () on Thursday, September 23, 1999 at 18:44:26
E-Mail: dsnycrw@ivic.net
Maiden: Twitchell
Class: 79
Message: Maria Lococo.....did you live on Gale Ave in an apartment building? I remember I used to play with a girl by that name. She too shopped at the Boston store and I thought she had the coolest clothes. My mom did most of our shopping at Kresges.
Name: LEEROY FELDERRUSTER () on Thursday, September 23, 1999 at 16:31:55
E-Mail: leeroyfe@yahoo.com
Class: 1955
Message: HOWDY!
I's sees were dat Baker fella be funin wit me agin. my grannefew took mes passt dat aviator skool yesday. i's not dumb enug to makes dat meestake agin. i ben siting ta da bleechers at Hawtrne hi skool. dem felas on da footbal tem is beeg. one fela ways 300 ponds he seys. Donut youse all worry cuz i's savin ya all seets, mr Chris says so so i's doin it. Sumtimes tings works out. 3 weeks ago i lost my dentires and mr chris da day i loss em sent me an email weres to git news ones, i neber eben told him, isn't God grate?! And cheeps to! I bots three pair and dey fits ok two. Wels its gittin closer fer dat beeg game. mes and BEULAH watched dem play Friday agin a Cananda team, beats dem real bads to. I luv dem Cougars and speciel lee dem chereleedrs. WOOOOOOOOO Doggies. so tank ya all fer vitin me to dis game i bees dere!
Don't forget LeeRoy, we need about 200 seats, so you and Beulah SPREAD OUT!!
Name: Patty Valencia () on Thursday, September 23, 1999 at 16:03:41
E-Mail: pvalencia2@aol.com
Class: 1974
Message: Oh, I forgot to mention Whidbey Port - now that's a great port. I think its from Whidby Island. I was introduced to it on Vashon one vacation time long ago. Bring on the blue cheese and walnuts after a quiet dinner. Don't forget the fire in the fireplace and great friends to share with. TTFN - pv
All righty then........
Name: RICH EIDSON () on Thursday, September 23, 1999 at 16:00:21
E-Mail: mbcarriers@earthlink.net
Class: 58
Message: thanks for the great years
Thanks for showing up everyday Rich.
Name: Patricia Valencia () on Thursday, September 23, 1999 at 15:57:59
E-Mail: pvalencia2@aol.com
Class: 1974
Message: Hi all!
Wow, I am flattered to have received all the email hoping that I was ok. Thank you all. I am fine. I've been checking into feedback, but never had the time to enter any. I always get interrupted, plus, I have feedback block. I'm boring guys. My kids started school again, work is busy and I'm trying to finish my billing. Let's see, another Robin sighting, this is getting interesting. I did not attend any festivities lately where Robin's photo showed up. Oh well. Glad to see more new names - that makes it worthwhile, doesn't it? Eddie A. How did we know you and your grandmother? I liked you both a lot but neither Gloria nor I can remember how we all met. Oh well. See, I have not much to add today. I'll keep reading from the background. :)
Thanks Patty........
Name: Susan King () on Thursday, September 23, 1999 at 15:08:56
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: OK, it's official! Konnie Krislock is joining us at Homecoming! She will be doing the whirlwind tour as she must be in ANOTHER STATE at a Journalism conference as a speaker at 9 the next morning -- so you can all see that this event IS WORTH THE EFFORT TO SHOW UP! Jorge Llave better be there as Konnie has some rabble-rousing she wants to talk over with you, there will be a section for Journalism Junkies and Konnie will be leading the cheers and the heckling of the HHS coaches as she did during her tenure there and we will all have a marvelous time. I can't wait to see you all again and meet some of you for the first time. Go Cougs!
Konnie, I can't wait to meet you. I've heard lots of stories (mostly good). We'll see you on October 15th. Thanks Moe........
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Thursday, September 23, 1999 at 14:49:58
E-Mail: ahoeahoemykingdomfoeahoe.com
Maiden: thanks for dessert degrazia
Message: Myrna
You went to a funeral with a hoe or for a hoe? Did she know Heidi Fleiss. And I said we kept secrets but oh no you start picking on John about him getting married to the person you took to the funeral. That should have been a secret. But now that it is out John congrats, and believe me it doesn't matter to me what occupation your future wife has. Degrazia 9 at Morgan and Green, no ice cream! Thanks! You seem to always keep your promises to other folks! Oh well. Robin i told you it would work and who did I say would be the first person to respond to the picture? She was too. Actually Judy, Robin was really there but John took him out, he was between John and Me then he put another picture behind Myrna of Robin. So if you wanted to see Robin you should have brought the ice cream! We were all waiting on the corner for you!!! Oh well. And Myrna, since we are divulging all the secrets of the other night, no I won't, but I loved the story of the Harley trip to Texas. Why Texas? Ok I have to run, Robin needs to go oh to the airport so he can get ready to return in a week! JAKE and Jude, thanks for the kind words, you two are special! And Schroeder Young says you still look 18! And Royal take care we're all praying for you! and Jim West did you have 2 sons Mike and Chad? John you are the King! Karen you're still an angel! Be a coug!
Hey Jim, as long as she's working nights, it'll give me time for the website. All I ask is that I prefer she didn't bring her work home with her.
Yeah Judy, Where is that famous Gelati Celesti ice cream. Gelati Celesti?! Is that like one of those fake MOB businesses??
Name: Dennis P. Kilroy () on Thursday, September 23, 1999 at 13:59:40
E-Mail: cabledude1@aol.com
Class: 77
Message: Well ok I can take it no more I have been reading all the comments for a few months. This site is great, because of it I was able to get together with a few friends from the past like: Jay Fernandez (76), Dave Masonneuve, and the Van Sloten Family. It was a great day, all of our kids played together and we ate massive amounts of food. Also I would like to comment to Brian Bourguignon. I used to live on 126th & Felton and I played with Bryon Hood (aka beeper ?), Keith Hesson, the Ledesma brothers and Gregg Hill so I remember alot of the same guys you do. I was also good friends with the Franklin family nearer to you old house I think ?
So I have really enjoyed the feedback. And John I will send in my $10 soon......You know the checks in the mail (somethings never change ?)
Take care all my old Hawthorne friends.
No Problem Dennis, I'm glad you're hooking up with old friends, an stay tuned, as it's only going to get better.
Name: Terrie kostiszak () on Thursday, September 23, 1999 at 12:33:38
E-Mail: kostiszak@yahoo.com
Maiden: same
Class: 83
Message: Hi DON DALLONS, yes my sister is Gina Kostiszak, she says hello. I have not read the feedback for awhile, and when I have time, which isnt much, I try to read them, I happened to see yours and am responding now, sorry its late. Sorry to others if any I have missed and if I miss yours again Don I am sorry now. I wish I could go to the homecoming game, it sounds like it will be A BLAST, have fun everyone!
Name: Delia Garza () on Thursday, September 23, 1999 at 11:59:00
E-Mail: delia.garza@usa.net
Maiden: Yawnick
Class: 86
Message: Adeline - Not sure what the bathrooms were like before I attended HHS, but we had "really bad bathrooms" in '82 - '86. Filled with the smokers.... I avoided that place whenever possible. As for lockers, We had lockers my freshman year (Mine was on the bottom below a good looking senior named Craig Maples. I practically had to get between his legs to get to my locker) but the lockers were removed the summer after my freshman year. Not exactly sure why...
Hey John - Why don't ya tell us how you feel about Mr. Dana.. :)
Mr. Dana, My favorite teech.......
Hey, even I remember "smoking in the boys room". Everyone had a stall or a urinal, so if a teacher walked in, you could drop it and say "HEY.......I wasn't smokin'". I always pitied the guys who REALLY had to go between classes.
LOCKERS: When I was a freshman, there was a BIG senior by the name of T.B. and he had TWO lockers. My locker was next to his over by the cafeteria. If he caught me there after my first period Spanish class, he'd make me carry his cigarettes across campus, in my shirt pocket, to his OTHER locker across campus. I stopped going to my locker after first period after about a week. In later years, I think lockers were used to hide all sorts of ordnance and contraband. Again, the majority suffered. Thanks Delia.......
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