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I just emailed Mom "B" and she's got the "bug". I know you're bored too Beverly, so here's another song for you to dissect. Sharon, be kind to your mother. Bonnie Raitt
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Thursday, September 16, 1999 at 13:24:52
E-Mail: Degraziaisunprintableinanylanguage.com
Maiden: scaredtodeathofdegrazia
Class: none
Message: Hey Judy I received your last email but we have a cyberpatrol on our computer there are certain words that can't be typed, they become XXXXX, I know this because I have some litigation that i was working on at home and the middle initial of the defendant was S and the last name began hit so that after i plugged in the last name it became XXXXXXXens. Unreadable. So last night I get an email from someone who still owes me ICE CREAM and all I could read was Sloey you XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX and one other thing you XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX THE XXXXXXXXXXX ROWDY GIRLS. Judy I still have children at home and now they are terrified. So please watch your XXXX's! And on a more somber note I am sorry you will not make the homecoming game, that is a truism! Our prayers are with you even though it is not serious you will be in our thoughts and prayers that week and before and until you are well. Then our prayers will be for our safety!!! And I am truly sorry to have asked if we can do anything for you and I humbly withdraw the offer! And we await the royal flogger! Robin you ok? Then say so! Royal thanks for the update. We'll put you on our prayer list too! Ok trivia folks when did the Supreme Court outlaw student prayers in our schools? And is the prohibition still in affect today? First one with the right answer gets a free dog and a drink at the Homecoming game. Yes or No answers do not make it! EXPLAIN your answer. Email them to sloeylaw@intplus.com.
Be a coug.
Geez, Jim, you could have saved me from the grim and vulgar ire, if you'd have sent me a copy of that dirty word software. I'm going to have to say 13 "Our Fathers" for just reading it, and I'm not even Catholic, and yes Robin, Where have you gotten off to?? It's been long enough. Please let me know if you received the same email from the silver tongued God Mother of Cougartown. Thanks Jim
Name: Dan Johnson () on Thursday, September 16, 1999 at 11:31:57
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Class: 1977
Message: Hawthorne Youth Camp - Geez, Brian, hadn't thought about that in a few decades. We were what? 11, 12 years old? (circa 1970-71) All the camp counselors had those chessy animal names -- "Snake", "Bear," "Dove." That's where I learned the song John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt "that's my name too . . . " Which of you older Cougars were responsible for inflicting that on us? It's not exactly Comfortably Numb -- but close "when I was a child, I caught a fleeting glimpse."
Name: Michelle Drapeau () on Thursday, September 16, 1999 at 11:27:37
E-Mail: havnfun@qnet.com
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 78
Message: I too have been unable to check in for about a month. WOW!!! I had alot of reading to do! Well John, looks like class of '79 got their reunion pics in before '78, oh well!
I grew up with the Smeltzer's also. Carol was my best friend in elementary school (my barbie bud). We had lots of fun in their treehouse. Christine - yes they did have a sun deck in the back! Right over all the bunny cages, remember? Well I just went to the memorial on Tuesday. It was beautiful! Friends got up and spoke of their memories of Whitey and Mary. We were laughing one minute and crying the next. Then they released 2 doves out in the courtyard. Very beautiful! Mary was the best mom! All of us lucky enough to have known them were truly blessed. Becky, Susie and Carol are soooo beautiful!! It was great to see them again! Tom was there with his wife and their baby daughter! They promise to check in and see what they've been missing!
Does anyone remember Mr. Blake, the principal from York Elementary? Well he was there, looking JUST the same!! I couldn't believe it. I forgot to meniton cougartown, though!
Hey Brian Bourguignon!!! Remember me? I couldn't belive it when I saw your name! Long time, eh? And Louise St. George, I remember you too!
I just visited Lynn (McGuyre) Block and saw her baby boy, Austin. He's 10 months old now. Soon as she gets a computer, I'll get her online!!
Well, I'm addicted again. Oh yea, checks in the mail, John. If only my big sis would have added me on HER check!! We kinda challenged each other on who'd get their check in first. She won!!
Michelle, The class of 79 reunion pics aren't on THIS site. They were placed on Mark and Janet F's homepage. All I had to do was link to their site. I'm still working on yours and 2 other classes. I am SWAMPED now. I think I asked for the 78 pictures back in 1998, when I had time, but got no response. I will get them up on the site when I get a few things out of the way. Thanks for your patience.
Name: Myrn...... () on Thursday, September 16, 1999 at 10:45:46
E-Mail: mybizz@thegrid.net
Message: Femality????????????? Well.... let's just say that there are some people that I just WON'T flog, but......... there are some that are more floggable than others!!! Jan - will admit that Sweet Caroline (dum! dum!! dum!!!) is the one that will get me to wailing and thumping as I drive along. Everyone should be happy the windows are rolled up so they don't have to be punished by listening. NOW - if anyone is travelling down I-5, through the San Joaquin Valley, for the homecoming game, PLEASE CONTACT ME!!
Name: Glenn Crist () on Thursday, September 16, 1999 at 10:17:08
E-Mail: gfcrist@pop.sonic.net
Class: 1964
Message: Fellow Cougs
What did I get myself into when I suggested that everyone would be welcome visitors here in the "North Bay." I keep expecting to wake up and find cars, campers and travel trailers parked up and down the street [ala "The Coach's" place on 123rd Street on a Friday night after a game (door open, cars in the driveway, cars on the lawn, cars parked end to end from corner to corner, the refrigerated beer keg getting a real workout)] except that they'd be lining up here for Napa and Sonoma's famed grape product. O.K., I got all of this started, and for sure rather have friends come visit me as opposed to me going south to visit; I'll do my homework (contacting the visitors bureau, KOA's, hotels, et cetera) and bring the details with me when I come home for Homecoming.
I've got to say, we who live in Sonoma, see ourselves as trying to be a little more friendly and down to earth than (some of those) in the next valley over. I'm not saying that is completely true but it does seem that our attitudes are a little more relaxed (maybe a little more apropos to the Cougartown bunch). What can I say, when our charity auction has Dick and Tom Smothers as auctioneers and Robin Williams lives on this side of the hill what do you expect. Perhaps shortly after Homecoming we could set something up or better yet, next summer. I'm willing to co-ordinate this, but I'm committed (as well I should be!) through the first part of November with work, continuing education (while everyone is enjoying the picnic HC weekend, I'll be totally excited and enthralled sitting in classes in Long Beach; if you want a really good sedative try a pharmacology lecture, especially after lunch).
Hi Glenn, I think Janet Humphreys Burkett is going to handle the southern end of the Vino Trip. You, of course, are the obvious choice for the Napa-Sonoma end. Maybe you can contact her and get together on dates, etc. I think next Spring/Summer will be the best time too. She'll be at the HC game too. So we can talk them. Thanks Glenn for your help on this little excursion. It should be another Cougartown classic.
Name: Georgia Fiorante () on Thursday, September 16, 1999 at 10:10:23
E-Mail: GFiorante@aol.com
Maiden: Cook
Class: 1968
Message: Come on Class of '68. I know I'm not the only one who cares whether the Class of '68 has a seat in Nyman Hall. I know for a fact that there are several of you who can come up with $10.00. Let's get this seat restored! Also, to Marlyn Jenkins DeRoss-I think that is so great to donate in memory of Greg. My mom still keeps in touch with Virgie and she's going to let her know. Thank you for such a thoughtful thing. I will e-mail you soon. It was really great to hear from you. To John B.-had to let you know that Marlyn moved into my neighborhood when I was in the 2nd grade and she was in the 3rd. Have not seen or heard from her in probably 15-20 years. She saw my feedback here and got in touch with me. Thank you so much for bringing so many people together.
Georgia, You know I love those "gettin' back together" stories the best. Thanks for sharing that and there WILL be more of your friends walking into Cougartown......just give them a little time.
Name: Marsha Russell () on Thursday, September 16, 1999 at 09:32:27
E-Mail: RussellMG1@AOL.COM
Maiden: Russell
Class: 64
Message: Hey King John (AKA Johnny boy) I found a treasure chest last night. Does anybody remember the little cedar chest we were given at graduation...I don't know who gave them to us, but we all got them in 1964. Anyway, I found mine and it had my class ring, senior key (remember those) and a St. Christopher medal (real gold-only the best) from an old boyfriend. Judy said that if I return the medal I can prove that it has been a long term relationship and that I can collect alimony for the last 35 years..............is this true??? I thought that was only for divorce but then again, Judy is usually not wrong. See you Sunday...If this is true about the alimony, I am going to continue looking for medals and class rings.
Marsha, Yes, I remember those cedar chests. I think Joyce had one also. It IS true about the alimony thing. If Judy says it, you know it's from God's lips.Yes, I'll be at the VFW at 10am on Sunday. Can't wait to see all you Rowdys. Marsha, Just a side note. I'm going to breakfast with George Gates this morning. I know you remember him huh.
Name: Mo () on Thursday, September 16, 1999 at 08:23:50
E-Mail: momo90250@aol.com
Maiden: Trott...OK!
Class: 64
Message: John,
I, like many others, am sorry for not putting anything in FEEDBACK, but I can only get on at work and there are three of us using AOL, sooooo that's my excuse. But, the mention of a wine tasting trip.....count me in! :o)> Sherry, I am mailing my money in today for the class of 64 seat (yes John, THE CHECK IS IN THE MAIL). Does anyone know the whereabouts of......Diane Price? Joe Simpson? I just had a senior moment....I can't remember who else I was going to mention
No need to apologize Mo. The Feedback Page is healthy once more. It goes in cycles like everything else.
I have an address for Joe Simpson. I'll email it to you. Thanks Mo
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Thursday, September 16, 1999 at 07:20:20
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
Message: Here's an old TV show story - My Grandfather was a fireman and they had a TV in the Ward Room at his station. When Victory at Sea was big on the tube, the guys on duty always watched. They also liked to play practical jokes on each other. Well this one day they decided to pick on this one guy who had a hearing aid. They turned the TV on but left the sound turned all the way down. Then they all sat down to watch Victory at Sea. At the beginning where the big ship's guns would fire, they all kind of flinched and reacted the way they usually would. Then they began talking to each other by just moving their mouths. The guy with the hearing aid began tapping the box with the batteries, then he got up and went to his locker to put new batteries in the box. While he was gone they turned the volume up real high on the TV and when he came back they began talking to each other really loud. Whenever I hear "Victory at Sea" I can remember my Grandfather telling us kids this story.
Name: Brian Bourguignon () on Thursday, September 16, 1999 at 02:55:58
E-Mail: brianhall@mailcity.com
Class: 77
Message: Thanks John. What a great site I must have spent 2 hrs last night just surfing thru cougartown. Does anybody remember Hawthorne Youth camp. Is it still there. I liked the growing up on sundale story, I lived on 123pl just down the street from the Hoods.
Thanks again Brian
Hey Brian, Thanks for checking out the website. Glad you liked it and stick around, as it only gets better.
Name: Terrie Kostiszak () on Thursday, September 16, 1999 at 00:53:16
E-Mail: kostiszak@yahoo.com
Maiden: kostiszak
Class: 83
Message: Hey Terri Perkins I remember Aloha Drugs also, They had THE BEST candy anywhere, I went there alot for candy, best prices too! Luigis had the best subs, I have yet to find subs as good as those were, I truly have not found a place I keep looking. Subway just does not cut it!! Someone mentioned Century Drive-In, I remember playing on the playground/swingsets in front of the huge screen before the movie started, and the great cartoons before each movie, what ever happened to the cartoons they dont play them at movies anymore. I did rent a movie last week and at the end of the movie they had a Pink Panther Cartoon, my boyfriend laughed so hard it was great, it brought up many memories and the cartoon was a crack up. Pink Panther was way too cool and funny. Will think of more memories later. Thanks for feedback Perkins!
Name: Lori Padelford () on Thursday, September 16, 1999 at 00:49:16
E-Mail: desilulu4u@aol.com
Class: 81
Message: Hi John, sorry I have neglected to write in to feedback but have been so busy I haven't had time. I'll make a deal with you, if you and the cougartown studs will come do all the honey do projects at my new house I will write in more and my fiance will not be so crabby. I have to say a big hello back to Jim Sloey and his wonderful wife Debbie. It was so nice dealing with you guys, we look forward to the next time. Where are all the class of 81 people? I am really having my doubts about anyone planning a reunion for us. Has anyone heard anything?
Sorry Lori, Got a new one too. I figured I'd get help from you.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Thursday, September 16, 1999 at 00:35:29
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Maiden: always been Jones
Class: 76
Message: Can't believe I forgot Mighty Mouse. Some TV shows...see if these bring back memories.
1. Twilight Zone
2. Outer Limits-remember that weird sound
3. Alfred Hitchcock Presents-he appeared in everyone of his productions
4. Ben Casey
5. Of course Gunsmoke
6. Get Smart-my favorite
7. Here Comes the Brides-
8. Hogan Heroes-the reason I took German for 3 years
9. The Merv Griffin Show
10. The Galloping Gourmet
11. Wonderama-I really liked this show
12. Gilligans Island-still one of my favorites and Mary Ann was allot better than Ginger
13. Candid Camera-great show still
14. All in the Family
15. The American Sportsman-loved that theme music
16. CBS Sports Spectacular- I appeared on this show several times
17. The Real Don Steele Show
18. Watching The Wizard of Oz every year
19. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
20. Wild Wild West- he could beat up ten guys at once
21. Love American Style
22. The original Dating Game-Herb Albert was awesome
23. Night Stalker- Kolchak
24. The Monday Night Movie
25. The WOnderful World Of Color-Disney
26. Beat the Clock
27. Bowling for Dollars
28. Concentration-this game was fun
29. Beverly Hillbillies
Thats enough for now. Weren't TV shows from the past the best. The writing and originality is far better then than now. Either shows on drugs hospitals, police, or war is what you see today.
Yeah, nothing like the old days of Ben Casey, M Squad, or Victory at Sea huh.
Name: Christine Baird () on Thursday, September 16, 1999 at 00:03:47
E-Mail: carissa58@hotmail.com
Maiden: Penny
Class: 76
Message: That's okay Dewey....I live in a town called...
Round Rock! Named after a round rock of course. It was a land marker for the wagoneers.
Name: Terri Perkins () on Wednesday, September 15, 1999 at 23:28:33
E-Mail: terri_perkins@yahoo.com
Class: 92
Message: Well I know it has been awhile since she wrote this but -Kostiszak- I loved the subs at Luigis and went to Off Ramp for candy all the time. Well I also went to Aloha Drugs for candy. I guess I pretty much went anywhere for candy and still do! Those are great memories. Marie Todd- thanks for the update on the Wiseburn 50th party at Cabrillo.
Name: Christine Baird () on Wednesday, September 15, 1999 at 23:10:44
E-Mail: carissa58@hotmail.com
Maiden: Penny
Class: 76
Message: I just read Joe Mailanders entry about the Smetzers. I believe there was also a Susie Smeltzer, class of 76, if I'm not mistaken.
Tom took me to a Joe Walsh concert once and I remember several parties on a grand scale at their house. Besides the treehouse, wasn't there also a deck on the roof? help me out here? ") Joe, next time you talk to him ask him if he remembers me, and tell him he should check in here at CT. Thanks.
Name: John Kovacs () on Wednesday, September 15, 1999 at 22:54:48
E-Mail: kovacs_john@fetchmail.com
Class: 76
Message: Wow! What a blast from the past! Yeah, I used to cruise Hawthorne Blvd. in my 67 Chevy Camaro! And I still have it! Remember the CB club? I was Castus Jack at the Alcohol Base # 62.
Name: Susan () on Wednesday, September 15, 1999 at 21:55:35
E-Mail: funds4kids@Yahoo.com
Maiden: Ciampa
Class: 77
Message: OK fellow band cohorts, this is just ridiculous! Are you all so old that you can't remember being in band with these two wonderful directors? Let's get this thing closed out so we can get these seats done. Geeze... the Phantom gets a seat and the band directors don't? John Billings, where the heck is your ten bucks? Kathy Lorig-Stonebraker, Dawn Koch, Amanda Schuvie, Bill Bell, Danny, come on you guys!!!!! Who else showed up at Alex DeLaO's party that hasn't sent in their $$$ to John? Maybe you should all be restricted to "NO MUSIC" until you pay up!
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Wednesday, September 15, 1999 at 21:45:44
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
Message: When I drive, I have the radio cranked way up and don't care what the other drivers think - I sing along (badly) and make instrument sounds to go along. I alternate between Country and Oldies RnR. I especially enjoy rocking while rolling to the stuff from the 1950's on the Sun label (Roy Orbison, Johnny Cash, Elvis, and others. When I'm out on the road and can't pick up a decent radio station, I pop in a tape of Celtic music (like River Dance) and play that loud, too.
Name: Dean Karels () on Wednesday, September 15, 1999 at 21:06:18
E-Mail: DKarels@msn.com
Class: 65
Message: just had a long message written and lost it but i'll try again, JOHN SHUT DOWN THE FEEDBACK AND YOU BEST GO INTO HIDING QUICKLY AND I'M NOT A THREATING PERSON USUALLY! just cause i don't sign in everyday i do visit everyday and listen to the stories which bring back great memories. i have to use 4 different computers at work and one is still dos so when i get home it's relax time anyways to billy cusac i know i o u an email but i hope this gets to u ole friend often wondered where you were. it was good to here from you. i'm in orange county (rustin in tustin). well i've said enough for now.
Dean, The Feedback stays man. Thanks
Name: Karen () on Wednesday, September 15, 1999 at 20:48:39
E-Mail: onceanangelalwaysanangel
Maiden: Hare
Class: 66
Message: Okay Jan I will fess up along with you and John.
I still like to play my music loud in the car and sing too, and if I am doing that I am movin with the groove...:o)
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Wednesday, September 15, 1999 at 19:53:35
E-Mail: Redondo612@aol.com
Maiden: thatdidit!
Class: 64
Message: Well boys, all I have to say is...my name gets drudged up a lot when things get boring in CT. As for Sloey and King John..read your little mails boys, even I can't put what I had to say to you in CT. (sometime I scare myself) Now..as for being head dishwasher, ya-I volunteered but I'll be wearing my rubber gloves. (I'm not a Jewish Princess) and I never use hot water...the steam makes my hair curl up & my makeup run and it ain't pretty. S.O.S pads for me on Sunday.
Judy DeGrazia THE ROWDYS
Jim, I didn't know a lady talked like that. I've never heard such, well.......language. Judy, were you in the Merchant Marines??
Name: Jan Blomsterberg () on Wednesday, September 15, 1999 at 19:24:05
E-Mail: poppy@iocc.com
Class: 63
Message: OK, King John...I am about to lay soul on the line here and I am hoping that there are many Coug's out there who are in the same boat as I am. If I read where I am the only one who is "into" this, I'll be seeing you and CT and checking back with you in about a decade or so...when people forget who I was!
Heading back to work today after lunch I was listening to one of my favorite songs...an instrumental...and I found myself mimicking the sounds of the different instruments. Not just humming to the music or adding a few doo wops here and there...but hard core, steering wheel drumming, reachin' way back for those high note sounds that makes rock and roll music so great to listen to! If any other drivers were to have seen me I'm sure they would have wanted me committed...no questions asked. At fifty-three years old one might think that I should have mellowed a bit, listening to the sounds of Yanni or Gag-me or whatever his name is or someone like that...but I can't do that just yet...gotta have my RnR! Question for all you Coug's: how many others of you out there are "into" your music? It's time to lay it on the line here, group, step forward and fess up...let's hear what songs make you CRAZY! I want to see that I am NOT the only one at 53 who still acts like he is a teen! By the way, the song I was jammin' to was Edgar Winter's "Frankenstein!" Later, COUGS...janny wanny
PS...HARRY HAACKE...great hearing from you...talk at you soon.
The one that's always done it for me is Mendocino by the Sir Douglas Quintet. Others too, but that one was the first that came to mind. Anyone else wanna blow the whistle on themselves?? WE DID!!
Name: Karen () on Wednesday, September 15, 1999 at 19:21:26
Maiden: Hare
Class: 66
Message: Hi King Darlin,
I am still out here seem's I always have time to read CT, but never have time to write..:o) Geez that's what I tell my mom.. Keep up the good work, and go easy on the beheading's at the castle..:o) Angel K.
Lucky you checked in when you did. Your name was next on the list......Thanks Karen
Name: Ingrid Larson () on Wednesday, September 15, 1999 at 19:01:24
E-Mail: fdg@earthlink.net
Maiden: Same ol' same ol'
Class: 74
Message: John - you missed me? Wow, I'm flattered. I've been checking in every day - You have to, or else the backlog becomes too daunting. However, I've been really really busy at work, and since that's the only place I get to "log on" I haven't taken the time to feed-back. So sorry if I've let you all down.
Ingrid, I have another "Small Cougar World" thing for you. Do you remember Tom Shelley? He's a good friend of mine and came by one night when I was scanning El Molinos. He asked where I got the 74 El Molino and I said from a girl named Ingrid Larson on the website. He said he taught a religion class back in the 70's at St Joes and he remembered you being in it. Amazing!!
Name: Dewey () on Wednesday, September 15, 1999 at 18:36:56
E-Mail: YesKingJohnThereis @Hicksville
Class: Yes
Message: WHAT ? “I guess it's time to shut the old Feedback Page down for lack of interest?” Has the Kings cheese slipped off his royal cracker? Sorry I have been busy here in Hicksville Ohio (I must have pissed somebody off to get sent here)…and yes it’s a real place, Patty V didn’t believe it either when we crossed path’s Monday morning again at LAX …well here is the sign going into the city.
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