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Wednesday, November 11, 1998 at 19:41:34
Name: George R. San Mateo
E-Mail: grs12@lennon.csufresno.edu
Class: 94
Message: Well its about time. I knew "I had spirit" that would never die, and it's good to know that I'm not the only one. GOOD JOB!!!
George R. San Mateo #00
Wednesday, November 11, 1998 at 13:47:51
Name: Susan King
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: OK, so has anybody out there heard from MaryAnn or Teri Dowell in the last 24 years? Marilyn Murray and I would like to know!!!! And I would love to find Mike Backus as he and I go all the way back to Kindergarten I think.....And yes Patty, this IS addictive -- I find myself checking in quite regularly - Tell Ricki I said hi - c'mon Cougars --- POST!!
Note: Yeah......Cmon Cougars. Someone out there has to know these people.
Wednesday, November 11, 1998 at 11:45:37
Name: Keith D. Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: Sharon B. I'm doing great. Let me keep people up to date what's happening (in short) I live in Vegas right now (from Hawaii the past 10 years) and I'm helping a very good friend with his Sports Memorabilia company (marketing). I design web pages and have done about 30 different sites for various companies. I was training for the Olympics in Sydney in the 2000 in the discus and shot put. When I moved back to the mainland in December last year to train harder I got bit by a black widow spider at my friends house. I was really looking forward to the Olympics and was throwing (the discus) far enough where I could seriously be in contention to make the team. Then the bite. It put me in the hospital for more than two weeks and seriously was pretty bad. I'm better now (the leg looks pretty close to normal) and still might train for the discus only. I dabble in quite a few things but marketing is my specialty. I love this site. I look at it everyday. I was descibed the other day as a 40 year old 17 year old. I could only wish. I wish Kathy Lynch would sign onto this site. She and Diane Plinck were my dream girls in high school. Sorry for the long message. I miss everyone. Thank you. John never met you but you are great.
Tuesday, November 10, 1998 at 13:03:12
Name: Betty East
E-Mail: bettye@amgen.com
Maiden: Wright
Class: 1974
Message: Wow, what a great website. I moved to Hawthorne in '60 (4 years old), and I remember those good ole days on the Blvd. Things have certainly changed. Hey, does anyone know where Anne McMonagle (class of '73) is? Sure would like to say hi to my once "best" friend. Thanks.
Tuesday, November 10, 1998 at 11:46:16
Name: Sharon Branigan
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
Message: Thank you, John, for creating this cyber-reunion that we can all enjoy. I've just (finally) had a chance to read through some of the feedback and recognize many of my old friends - most of them seem to be from the Valencia branch! I never lost touch with Glo, thank goodness, and through her, Patty and Ricki. Keith Jones how the heck are-ya? Dale Dale Dale, still crazy after all these years (why haven't we heard from Val yet? Might it be that no one's told her yet???)
My dear (OLDER) sis Sue, who I never see anymore now that we live five minutes apart from each other. Is anyone out there involved in Cub Scouts? I'm always looking for ideas to pirate, I mean, borrow... Keep up the good work here, John, you are a Prince!!!
Tuesday, November 10, 1998 at 00:48:01
Name: Ricki Farrell
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: Well John, it appears that you have half of my family sharing this wonderful site. I find it amazing how many people find out. I wonder how large a structure one would need to house all of those who have added memories to this page. What a reunion it would be. My youngest sister, Gloria, is 15 years my junior. There are many alumni in 15 years. I hope that we are able to attract some of our "old" teachers. There are so many that contributed to our successes.
I finally finished watching the film that Mike Shay dropped by my classroom. I was a freshman when Mike Gillespie was student body president. He looks better now than he did then. I was always awestruck by his presence. Georgia Powis(sp?) also was one of my heroines. Those big bad seniors made a big impression on me.
After teaching 30 years, the one major thing that I have learned is that teachers touch many lives and that so often it reaches for years and years. I still hear from ex-students and feel so goooood when they tell me that I inspired them. I'm lucky to be in contact with Clayton Williams, but there were others.
I hope someday to hear from Art Orrell, Manny Pizarro. I always loved Hal Chauncey because I had great respect for him. He doesn't know me, I was just an admirer.
As I saw my classmates speak at the reunion...I experienced a myriad of feelings. Pat Larson lived down the street from me, Carol Erickson and Linda Haley were in my Girl Scout troop. Minnie Acosta...memories from kindergarten.
Becky Donohoe Kabwasa...I am glad you remember. Do you ever hear from Sharon Jokela, Diane Guindon, Hilda Kossoff, Sharon Hall, Sandy Linstruth? If anyone has, please get them connected. Girl's nights out are fun too.
I guess I am carried away. This whole experience has been unbelieveable. Before signing off, I wrote Frank Romano a letter to his address in Las Vegas. No answer yet. If anyone hears from him, please let me know. I wonder how his transplant went.
Jim Reale and Ruth....you don't know me but you looked great. David Carter...are you there?
Affectionately, Ricki
Love to you John. Please don't give this up.
Note: Ricki, Now how in the HELL could I give this up after that speech!! People..... are you listening? Ricki has found the MAGIC of this website. There's more to this than just "Checking in, to see whose Checked in". This is connecting with your youth. It's going back to where you came from. That's what this site is all about. You are finding people that you'd never have talked to again in your lifetime. You all are getting a second chance, so please connect with your friends. Anyone who is sitting out there and is NOT adding themselves to the site, is the loser here. Please add yourself to the site so others will know you're out there.
Thank you, and thanks to you Ricki, for figuring it out.
John B
Monday, November 9, 1998 at 19:03:14
Name: Patty Valencia
E-Mail: pvalencia2@aol.com
Class: 1974
Message: Hi Sue, Dave Butner, Duane Park, et al
What fun to see all of you back on the 'same page'!! Still leafing through all these pages, John. Don't know whether to thank you, or start a new 12 step program for some relief!
Note: Patty, So you are admitting that you do have a problem. :o)
Sunday, November 8, 1998 at 21:40:56
Name: Susan King
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: THANK YOU JEFF PIETERS - for this hot tip!! You are right!!!!
Sunday, November 8, 1998 at 21:20:29
Name: Susan King
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: Well, I FINALLY got time to sit down, uninterrupted, to peruse......have alternately laughed and sighed and marvelled. Will only take a bit of time to update - I live in Thousand Oaks, CA., divorced for 15 yrs from Larry King (formerly Larry Stone of the "9 Stone Kids" - Coach Yost remembers!) have one daughter who just graduated from her own wonderful experience in high school and I would love to hear from any and all. (Thank you Alan for finding me first : ) -- Big brother Steve Bierman, Class of '71 is happily married for - can it be??? - 24 years to Michelle BuGuy - Class of '74 and they live happily in Eugene, OR., raising their kids on a farm. Baby sister Sharon Bierman Branigan, Class of '76, lives not far from me with her husband and one son and living the good life. My dear sweet dad, Paul, died of cancer in 1991 (much too soon) but mom lives here in town near her daughters and is enjoying all this life has to offer.
I have been very happy and attribute so much of that to my wonderful life growing up in Hawthorne at York Elem., Hawthorne Intermediate and HHS. The city certainly produced good people that I am proud to know and have known.
What a strange connection I feel to those of distant graduating years - we all shared so much of the same character building....places, people and events. And just when life is making me crazy, something good comes along to restore my faith.....this time it was this website.
All hail to you - Hail Hawthorne High!!!
Sunday, November 8, 1998 at 13:09:50
Name: Dale Tobiason
E-Mail: redragon@dreamsoft.com
Class: 1970
Message: Great site John & YES, this thing is addicting. Mrs. Marks was not my favorite teacher, as, English was not my best subject. I had a LOT of respect for her though, she wrote in my EL MOLINO, "I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I DO, BUT DON'T GET EXCITED. I LOVE CHOCOLATE TOO!" for some reason that has stuck in my mind over these many years. What ever happened to MR.HALL, the Photo teacher? I will be checking in from time to time, GOOD LUCK! Thanks again for the site, DALE
Note: Dale, She must have changed between 1962 and 1970, from a love of animals to the almighty Hershey Bar. :o) We love you too Mrs. Mark.
Sunday, November 8, 1998 at 10:23:04
Name: Gloria Herlosky
E-Mail: gpork@aol.com
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 76
Message: WOW! What a wonderful gift! It's like having my El Molino come to life!
Sunday, November 8, 1998 at 01:26:01
Name: Patt
E-Mail: pdeck17@3-cities.com
Maiden: Prewitt
Class: 65
Message: John
Keep up the good work. I check in at least Q4Days and I enjoy all I see.
Sunday, November 8, 1998 at 00:43:32
Saturday, November 7, 1998 at 11:09:56
Friday, November 6, 1998 at 21:29:19
Friday, November 6, 1998 at 17:04:12
Friday, November 6, 1998 at 14:04:28
Thursday, November 5, 1998 at 22:28:24
Thursday, November 5, 1998 at 13:42:00
Thursday, November 5, 1998 at 00:56:32
Wednesday, November 4, 1998 at 23:39:49
Wednesday, November 4, 1998 at 22:26:30
Wednesday, November 4, 1998 at 00:34:19
Tuesday, November 3, 1998 at 22:15:07
Tuesday, November 3, 1998 at 18:43:02
Tuesday, November 3, 1998 at 14:24:06
Tuesday, November 3, 1998 at 10:32:15
Sunday, November 1, 1998 at 21:06:29
Sunday, November 1, 1998 at 12:34:56
Name: Sharon Branigan
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
Message: always looking for a good laugh. send me your GOOD jokes!
Name: Patty Valencia
E-Mail: PValencia2@aol.com
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 74
Message: Whewhoo! What a great way to revisit our young selves. I have to 'fess up, I've been reading this site for a few weeks, and it's time for me to also say thanks for creating this site. George Key alerted me to its existence and it's been lots of fun to see the words from all of you. Ricki, Cynthia has been in contact with Bob C. I think he's in LV.
If you are not already too tired of hearing this, thanks loads for this wonderful place John.
Note: Patty, No, I guess I thrive on the compliments and they're truly appreciated, but what really makes this site stand out is all the additions from Cougars like yourself. This really is the only place where all classes can get involved and add to "what went on" in Hawthorne and HHS when they occupied our great Cougar campus. Thank you Patty, and thanks to all of you, for adding to this site. Enjoy.
Name: Dale Hahlbeck Jr
E-Mail: mhahlbeck@earthlink.net
Class: 75
Message: Jodi, Need GV and Cruise 2000 info, I will call next week. Keith Need a trainer for discus is 2000 I'm your man! Heck, I'll catch them things if I can go to the Olympics!! Did ya catch K. Witt in Playboy! I am not crazy, just way ahead of my time. Keep telling all about the site....JOHN thanks and what inspired you to set this happening site?
P.S. Mrs. Mark thanks, I am still running it up the flagpole, wish I could have seen you one more time : (
Name: Dale Tobiason
E-Mail: redragon@dreamsoft.com
Class: 1970
Message: I grew up in DEL-AIR & had friends then That had older brothers & sisters that went to HHS in the early 60's. Glad to see someone still remembers.
Thanks for the memories, Dale
Name: Sherri
E-Mail: Sassy1962@aol.com
Message: I am not an alumni, but I think I can shed some light on the "Beach Boys address" question. The Wilson family lived at 3701 West 119th Street, near the corner of Kornblum Avenue, on the north side of the street. David Marks was across the street on a cul-de-sac, or weird crimp in the road, I think. I was told stories about David being across the "city line" or something. Doty Avenue is to the west, if I remember correctly. I fear the home is no more, as the last time we saw it they were building the freeway over the area, and many of the homes had been moved or torn down.
Note: Sherri, The place is history.
Name: Rebecca Kabwasa
E-Mail: rebecca.j.kabwasa@aero.org
Maiden: Donohoe
Class: 61
Message: Just wanted to let Ricki (Valencia) Farrell and Bob Rierdon know I saw their messages and was really touched. Judy Kiester: your name brought back great memories from elementary school and on up! So happy to know you're all out there and doing fine. I love to visit the site. Best wishes from Becky.
Name: Alan Nelson
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: 73
Message: Sue Bierman? Wow, I think I may still be 1,728 points in the hole. (And you thought I forgot)
Name: Ron Semenak
E-Mail: RSemenak@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: Hey this is great...do you have any info on reunions..or get togethers for the classes of 76 or 78??
Name: Anita (Romero) Dawson
E-Mail: bittyboy@juno.com
Message: This is truly the coolest high school site that I have ever seen! Keep up the good work!
Name: Jodi (Torgerson) Alexander
E-Mail: IBJodi@AOL.Com
Maiden: Torgerson
Class: 75
Message: Hey Keith Jones!!
How are you!! I have thought about you alot through out the years. I see Betty Krstich and Karen a couple times a year. I hope yu are well and doing great. Send me a E-Mail and lets catch up!!
Looking forward to hearing from you.
P.S. I saw you talking to Dale H. and if you were wondering he is still after all these years "ONE CRAZY GUY"!!!!!!!!
Hi Dale I know your going to read this!! Hey give me a call I have some info for you on G.V.
Name: Marsha Malonson
E-Mail: GMalonson@aol.com
Maiden: Olson
Class: 74
Message: Just checking in. Learned about this website from Barry Smith on a recent visit to sunny California. We are now living in Oregon getting rustier by the minute!
Name: Ricki Farrell
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: Hi Sue,
I don't know you, but I know your sister Sharon. She is one of my little sister Gloria's best friends. I have known her since she was a high school squirt. Probably even before that. Sharon is like a member of the family. I agree that this site is great. I've really enjoyed getting in touch with some of my old memories and especially some old friends. I hope that people continue to pass the word. If you graduated in '74, you must have been in my sister Patty's class. What a small world. Ricki
Name: Keith D. Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: Sue Bierman...I know you. this is Keith Jones. I was in Sharons class. Hi. I love this site too.
Name: Susan King
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: Just got this info about this page this morning and was delighted!! YOU are the best!! Thank you for creating such a thing!
I have a number of HHS friends on email and will notify them all tonite about this - you should have a great # of new entries shortly.
Don't have time at lunch to cruise the entire site but will be back online this eve ---what a wonderful gift you have given to your fellow cougars!!
Love, Sue
Note: Aw shucks Sue....well thank you.
Name: Jenny Gherardini
E-Mail: beetlebug2@hotmail.com
Maiden: Gherardini
Class: 2001
Message: I used the info in this site for my report it helped me alot thanks
Name: Karen Beebe
E-Mail: biscuit@alaska.net
Message: I graduated from Lawndale High 1972. My best friend graduated from Hawthorne High 1972. Her name is Dianna Ortiz and her brother is Joe Ortiz. If anyone knows the whereabouts please contact me.
Name: Russ and Judy Jacobsen
E-Mail: jakejude@aol.com
Maiden: Kiester
Class: 60,61
Message: Hi everybody, I never thought I would be on this net thing. If any body knows how to get ahold of Paul Penn please let me know. In the mean time I would like to hear from all you people who enjoyed rock and roll as much as I did.
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