I found out that Susan Ciampa Walling's husband Bill, is a big fan of LK. He's one of my favorites too. I don't know how one guitar can make all that music with no overdubbing, and just one operator. Leo Kottke
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Name: Cheryl Nicocia () on Wednesday, September 15, 1999 at 10:54:18
E-Mail: chernico@cvc.net
Maiden: Christensen
Class: 62
Message: Gee John, I don't know where everyone else was last night, but my John and I were out celebrating our "36th ANNIVERSARY". Yup, 36 years of fun and games. John even broke open a bottle of "store bought" bubbly. ha ha....
Well HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you two......Cheryl, I STILL love you more than he does. Oh, and tell John that the bottle of wine that he gave me a couple of months ago, from the Nicocia Vineyards in Keno, OR..........it's EMPTY!!! Can I send the bottle back for a FREE refill?? Congratulations, you two.
Celebrating in Keno Oregon............that's like the thing, "If a tree falls in the forest and there's no one around" isn't it?I LOVE YOU GUYS MAAAANN!!!!
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Wednesday, September 15, 1999 at 10:36:10
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Maiden: always been Jones
Class: 76
Message: Remembering Cartoons:
1. VaVoom-remember this little guy that had a really big mouth and made this loud sound to destroy things
2. Gigantor-the space age robot he's at your command...one of my favorites
3. Road-Runner-definetely the best cartoon made
4. Felix the Cat- remember the professor and the robot
5. Cool Cat-I think this is the name. It was a cat that drove a fast car and was like Batman
6. Speed Racer
7. Beanie and Cecil-Of course
8. The Beatles
9. Wonder Dog
10. Josie and the Pussycats
11. Fantastic Four
12. Superman
13. The Thunderbirds-wasn't a cartoon but puppets. I always thought they were just really short people. Had really neat spacecraft.
How about George of the Jungle, Huckleberry Hound, Underdog, Ricochet Rabbit, and my favorite, Bosco.
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Wednesday, September 15, 1999 at 08:04:52
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Class: 75
Message: John, I do have another site that points to Cougartown and my original webpage. I haven't even thought about
updating my main website. I will consider adding cougartown to the site this weekend (been having problems updating mirror site - that may remain
unchanged). homepage: dondt.homepage.com
Thanks Don, I'll add yours here too.
Name: Carol () on Wednesday, September 15, 1999 at 03:15:21
Maiden: McClintick
Class: 75
Message: Hey, lets get back to this wine tasting!!!!
I think Napa might be a bit crowded, what about Sonoma? And,I hear there's this guy named Charles McClintick in that area who knows lots of wineries... (sorry, Charlie) [pun intended]
And, Ted as a newcomer to Silicon Valley can you let me know a few good jazz radio stations in this area?
Name: carole () on Wednesday, September 15, 1999 at 00:37:30
E-Mail: caroleferr@aol.com
Class: 60
Message: Hi John,
just wanted to say I told some people about this site and we got together and planned a 35 yr reunion of a club our husbands all belonged to. (motorcycles yet!)
we had it last saturday nite and it was great. I have never been to our school reunions but now I know how much fun everyone has. Thanks for the ideas. I'm still trying to find my brothers pictures taken from the top of the Hawthorne water tower. I've buried them somewhere, but I won't give up. Still looking for Judy Poore, Karen Larson, Barbara Klock, Sharon Morris, Jeri Wald. If anyone knows about any of these gals, pls let me know.
Hi carole, Aren't reunions a kick. I just love'm. I'm sure someone will know the whereabouts of a couple of people on your list. Good Luck carole
Name: Joyce Chance () on Wednesday, September 15, 1999 at 00:09:35
E-Mail: chancesR@pacbell.net
Maiden: Savisky
Class: '62
Message: This is for Sharon MacDonald
The levis I wore were 501's and had a button fly, not a zipper. But that is the way you had to put them on also. They were so stiff after hanging on the clothes line all day to dry. That was before fabric softener. Still putting them on the same way, but for a different reason. It seems I have more to stuff into them these days!!!
I'm not going to touch that one either. Robin?
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Tuesday, September 14, 1999 at 23:54:11
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Maiden: always been Jones
Class: 76
Message: I barely remember the Mickey Mouse Club but I did a commercial once for Gillette where I had to shave my head. The guy who shaved it told me he also shaved "Bull's" head (the guy on Night Court). I saw in his make-up box some pictures of the old Mickey Mouse Club. When I asked him why he had so many pics he pointed at one of the kids in the pics and said it was him. He was Tommy. Johnny Rodriquez was a good friend of mine as we played baseball together. His brother Francis was also a friend. I have to admit Francis should have played pro football because he might not have been the fastest but he had the best hands in the business. What are they both up too nowadays? Can anyone name the guy who lived in Holly Glen that raced in the Indianapolis 500 a few times. I think he lived on 141 st. And howabout Phil's Bike Shop on Hawthorne Bl.
YES!! Phils Bike Shop and the Wedworth Clan. Actually Phils has survived the decades with many owners. I remember a brand new Schwinn Panther for my birthbay in 1952 and dad took me with him to Phils Bike Shop so I could ride it home. I've got to think that Phils Bike Shop has to be the longest running store name in Hawthorne. Can anyone think of an older one? Thanks Keith.......
Name: Joyce Chance () on Tuesday, September 14, 1999 at 23:53:11
E-Mail: chancesR@pacbell.net
Maiden: Savisky
Class: '62
Thanks Myrna for not listening to John. Some things never change :o)
OOOOOooooo!!!!! Was that a SHOT!!!!
Name: Annette cobb () on Tuesday, September 14, 1999 at 23:52:13
E-Mail: alcanet@earthlink.net
Maiden: cessor
Class: 1980
Message: I'm looking for classmates from St.Josephs 1969-1977 students from: Mrs. fox's 1st grade; Sister Anne's 2nd grade Mrs. Walt 3rd grade
Sister Claudia 4th, Miss Vio*&$#@%&^? 5th, and so on. email me . reunion info
Name: Dawn Moffett () on Tuesday, September 14, 1999 at 23:49:11
E-Mail: Dawn7@aol.com
Maiden: Koch
Class: 1978
Message: Dear Fellow Cougars,
Maybe it's the graduations of my first two sons that has made me feel so nostalgic or possibly because I've gone back to College after all these years. Whatever has brought back all the great memories of High School I am excited to find this site. HHS was really a fun place! Although we didn't think so all of the time, looking back we were lucky to have grown up there. I'm really glad that I took the time to enjoy myself at HHS, I tell my kids to do the same now at their schools.
I would like to know if anyone knows what happened to Glen Fick. He was the Choir Director that took Mr. Wing's place after he retired. If anyone knows how Mr. Wing is doing I'd love to hear about him too.
Lots of things have changed in Hawthorne and we have been away for 11 years now but I still have such good memories of growing up there. If you remember me and would like to catch up please email me and I'll write back between homework and carpools.
Dawn (Koch) Moffett
Name: John Baker () on Tuesday, September 14, 1999 at 23:42:54
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message:So I guess it's time to shut the old Feedback Page down for lack of interest huh. Where did everyone go? Dave Krikac, El Rojo, Sharon Branigan, Susan Walling, Gpork, LeeRoy, The Duke of Boss, Christine Laird, Jim West, Ingrid Larson, Mike Shay, Ricki (I didn't think you'd desert the site), David Barboza, Judy Toten, The Schroeders (younger and elder), Bill Sloey, Dale Jr, HCH, Jorge, Karen Angel Hare, Ernie Nixon, All the Rowdys (but DeGrazia), Dewey Storie, all the T girls, Mom L, Mom V, Mom B, Mom H, The Old Coach, joseph, My favorite name of all time, Heather Ruggirello, Kathy Stonebraker, Richard Hansen, Pam Bertraun, Mr. Jackrabbit, Bob Veach, Bob Rierdan, Cindy Matthies, Janet Falkenstein, Lori Padelford, Becky Slaughter, Dan Petty, Sheree Klingenhagen, Denny U, Connie Jax, Patty V, Sherry Wingo, Cheryl Nicocia, Linda Reynolds, Ron Reinholdson, LGW, Matt Peterson, Kim Bueltel, Billine, Ginny May, Leuzingers George Gates, Jack Hammer, Chris, etc. ANYONE???!!!
Name: Sue King () on Tuesday, September 14, 1999 at 23:14:21
E-Mail: SUEKING18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 74
Message:This is from George Hunter - a rendering of "the boys" as they gathered this
summer at Greg Goode's house -- can you name them??
I gotta say, the picture sure makes me smile.......
Name: Renee St.George () on Tuesday, September 14, 1999 at 21:16:05
E-Mail: stgeorge@ca-connection.com
Maiden: St.George
Class: 74
Message: What a GREAT idea....you've done an excellent job with this website. Who would of thought computers could re-unite old high school buddies.
Thanks Renee for the nice comments. I hope you get miles and miles of classmates from it. OH, actually as the acting King of Cougartown, I believe the Class of 62 "RULES"Be a Coug Renee.......
Name: Marilyn (Sweeney) Robbins () on Tuesday, September 14, 1999 at 18:31:02
E-Mail: marilyn8@concentric.net
Maiden: Sweeney
Class: 1962
Message: Hello all - I graduated from Lennox High School in 1962 - and knew several people who went to Hawthorne High. I would be interested in contacting two ladies who would have graduated in 1962 from Hawthorne High - Nancy Holloway and Veronica Blevins. If anyone knows how to contact them, please send me an email, OK? I'd be very grateful! And if anyone out there knows, me, I'd like to hear from you as well!!!
This is a wonderful site - you have done a GREAT job!
Name: Gilbert Manriquez () on Tuesday, September 14, 1999 at 16:12:35
E-Mail: treblignhead@earthlink.net
Class: 81
Message: Cho's arcade on 137th and inglewood ave.
"THE HOLE" During hawthorne plaza construction.
Gilbert, If your dad is Roland, then we did some heavy street racing back in the early 60's.
Name: kelley currie () on Tuesday, September 14, 1999 at 15:58:23
E-Mail: bigkell50@yahoo.com
Class: 1967
Message: for the hang out page. how about good old 26th st. manhattan bch. aka the snake pit.
Kelley, 26th street is already on the hangouts page, but thanks anyway.
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Tuesday, September 14, 1999 at 14:28:32
E-Mail: redondo612@aol.com
Maiden: watchingsloey
Class: 64
Message: OK..OK.. Let's give away a bathtub full of Cookies & Cream ice cream. Ready King John?
1. Mickey Mouse Club.. Jimmy ran the show..but what was the name of the fella that drew the pics and never said a word.
2. Who played the first Moondoggie. (Sandry Dee was Gidget)
3. What was Dagwood Bumstead's dog's name..and who was his boss.
4. Spin & Marty.. Who was Marty's man Friday
(the butler) "hint" starts with P
5. What candy co. provided the suckers for the H.H.S. sucker sales.
Whew.. this ain't easy you know.
I'll get back in the kitchens and start the vat.
These questions are so elementary, that I'm going to let the rest of the student body have a crack at it. Thanks Judy......
Name: louise st.george () on Tuesday, September 14, 1999 at 14:21:33
E-Mail: lstgeorge@yahoo.com
Class: 77
Message: I can top dan johnson, I remember francis rodriguez from grade school. We both went to St.Joseph in Hawthorne and he was one year younger than me. (what a cutie) How time does fly!
Name: Frank A. Romano () on Tuesday, September 14, 1999 at 13:26:42
E-Mail: fromano@lvcm.com
Class: 1961
Message: First, Mr. Plotkin.... Thank you again for the wonderful note you sent....Mr. Keith Jones, I'm sure that Mr. Gambino is a nice person, and I'm also sure that you meeting with him has been of record with several agencies in the City & State...Known association is a wonderful thing. Karen, Mt. Charleston is a great place. The Mt. Charleston lodge is very nice. A couple of years ago another hotel opened about half way up the hill that's also very nice. In the summer will drive up once in a while to get out of the oven and into some cool 89 degree air. JB...I can't recall if anyone has mentioned Stellino's market on Inglewood Avenue and 138th if they have O'well. Korn's Jewelry opened there and operated there for many years. Also the meat Department had wonderful aged beef. As always, thanks for the memories. O' King JB, when you have to explain the jokes...its tough I know!
YES, Korns Jewelry.....another Hawthorne landmark. Thanks Frankie "Da Bull"
Name: Royal Flogger () on Tuesday, September 14, 1999 at 13:12:39
E-Mail: mybizz
Message: Sorry John - disobeyed orders, AGAIN!!!! (BTW - wasn't gone that long, only for the weekend - just had trouble finding the time to get on-line)
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Tuesday, September 14, 1999 at 11:47:03
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Class: 75
Message: Just putting a note out here again in case folks
drop by who don't know I'm around. If you remember
me feel free to contact me. Webpage is dondt.homepage.com. Ted Gioia...no Foster's Freeze in Napa, how about a frozen wine stand?
Don, Just checked out your site and it's very nice. I was a little disappointed that Cougartown wasn't listed under your favorite sites though.
Name: Dan Johnson () on Tuesday, September 14, 1999 at 11:09:26
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Class: 77
Message: I certainly remember Francis Rodriquez (before he went to USC he worked at the Der Winnerschnitzel on Manchester near Aviation in Inglewood and would occasionally slip me a few free mustard dogs when I was working around the corner at a trucking company with Leroy Frye). I also remember his brother John and their father Manny who, among other things, umpired one of my best pitching performances in Aviation Little League and was one of the nicest human beings on earth with a really cool accent!!! Coach Stucker certainly loved Francis and was able to bring out his peak athletic performances (not). Cougar athletic highlights? In '76-77 our varsity basketball team was 5-17. One of those wins came against League champion El Segundo when Joe Galindo (now Rudi Runaway) started a first quarter fight with the Eagles 6-5 center Don Johnson (no relation and no not the Miami Vice guy). They were both tossed and we pulled off the improbable win.
Great stuff Dan......thanks. Anyone else??
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Tuesday, September 14, 1999 at 09:42:24
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
Message: Now here's a girl thing about those great old Levi's .....
Remember lying on your back to get them zippered up when they first came out of the laundry? As you wore them they sort of stretched & conformed. I remember the first pair of Levi's I got that were not dark blue - they were light blue and my Mom didn't want to buy them for me because they'd get dirty too quick, but I begged and whined enough and I finally got a pair.
Name: Tony Frink () on Tuesday, September 14, 1999 at 09:01:02
E-Mail: tfrink@spacestar.net
Class: 78
Message: Just heard from an old buddy, Francis Rodriguez ('78), who was checking out Cougartown and found my name. Thanks John for this wonderful creation that brings old friends together. In earlier messages, several of you mentioned prominent athletes that graduated from HHS. No one mentioned Francis, but he certainly deserves to be included in that list. He was the star wide receiver on our '78 football team. He went on to break every national Junior College receiving record when he was at El Camino in 1980, for which he was named a Junior College All-American and won a full-ride to USC.
Our '78 team stunk (only one win). We only had a handful of seniors (I think only 16 or 17 of us), but we had heart. Francis was the lone bright spot on that team. The coaches never did seem to figure out that the only time we moved the ball was when we threw it to him. They didn't make that mistake at El Camino. In any case, I'll never forget our only win, against Centennial High at Compton College. Game tied at 7 when our field goal kicker, Mike Collins ('79) missed a 30-some yard field goal with 3 seconds left. But there was an off-sides penalty on Centennial, and since you can't end the game or half on a defensive penalty, they moved the ball up 5 yards and we got to re-kick with no time left on the clock. Collins made the kick and we won the game. Needless to say, we weren't in the most friendly of environments at that moment, and the Centennial "gang" was just a tad bit upset. It got pretty hostile on the field, so we never even shook hands. Instead, the coaches made us run directly off the field to the bus, all the while yelling at everyone to keep their helmets on. They closed up all the bus windows, and made us bend over in the seats with our helmets on until the bus got us safely out of the area. There was no whooping or hollering on the bus; I remember it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop; unless when someone sat up and then the coaches would yell at them to bend over so they couldn't be seen through the windows. It won't rank up there with the most storied games in HHS history, but for those of us on that team, I doubt if any of us will forget it.
Great story Tony. I'm sure there've been other seasons of anecdotal prominence, rather than CIF Championships. If anyone else has a story to tell, please let us hear it.
Name: Larry Biller () on Tuesday, September 14, 1999 at 06:03:59
E-Mail: lbiller49@yahoo.com
Maiden: ustalivincalifornia
Class: 1967
Message: John,the reason you seem to remember an episode of Spin & Marty where they kicked a pair of Levi's around and dunked them in a horse trough is because there was indeed an episode like that. In fact it's one of the only episodes I remember! Yeah they drug those pants through the dirt too.
Remember MELODY MUSIC. They had a guy working there that sat behind a counter a sold records. Records? Oh those were 7 & 12 inch vinyl discs
that you played on a thing called a record player.
Name: KAREN BEARNS () on Tuesday, September 14, 1999 at 02:16:47
Class: 72
Name: Dan Johnson () on Tuesday, September 14, 1999 at 01:44:35
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Class: 77
Message: Look at that senior picture of me -- white jacket, white bowtie and forest green shirt! I look like I should be coaching in the ABA! Believe me, Bonnie McCoy was thrilled when I showed up in that "git up" for the Prom. I remember when those pictures came in the mail (at 4672 w. 118th Street #A, former home of Michael Deakins) and my mom waited up for me on a Friday night -- probably May or April 1977. "Have you been drinking?" she said. If she only knew the half of it! Anybody ever hear anything from/about Christine Efurth?
Name: Chuck McKemie () on Tuesday, September 14, 1999 at 00:30:37
E-Mail: mckemiec@mattel.com
Class: 62
Message: Looking at the memories of Hawthorne, don't forget the Wonder Food market at El Segundo & HAWTHORNE Bl. also: Owl Rexall drug store at Broadway and Hawthorne Bl. Thanks, Chuck
Hi Chuck, That was Roths Market on El Segundo. Wonder Food Market was on Broadway and Hawthorne. You'll see the Wonder Market on the "Street Scene" page. Thanks........
Name: Foster's Alert () on Tuesday, September 14, 1999 at 00:26:36
Message: If you're looking for the Foster's Freeze Ted, it's in Santa Rosa.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Monday, September 13, 1999 at 23:59:31
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Maiden: always been Jones
Class: 76
Message: I think it was Sammy "the Bull" Gravano. I think I remember the name because last month I had dinner with and met John Gambino Jr. at the Rio hotel and I remember that name came up in a conversation. But not sure. I promise I won't say anything.
Keith, Let me start over. See, Sammy "The Bull" Gravano had his name changed to Sammy "The Bull 'et' " Gravano.......a joke see......get it...... because he was placed in the Witness Protection........never mind.
Name: Royal Wm. Lord Jr. () on Monday, September 13, 1999 at 23:01:22
E-Mail: lord@ugsolutions.com
Class: 1961
Message: Hello Mike Mecey! How in the heck are you? Boy its been a long time. What are you up to now? Its great to hear from the class of 1961. I think we go back to Ramona School! Wow, thats been a few years. I can't figure out why my kids keep getting older but I don't.
Jim Sloey, the date has been changed to September 29, so here I am. What has been happening?
Has anyone heard from El Rojo lately?
Glad to be a coug.
R. Lord
EL, ¿Donde esta Amigo? Come on Jake, we haven't heard from you in about 4 pages.
Name: Rich Haffke () on Monday, September 13, 1999 at 23:00:34
E-Mail: zymbrew@aol.com
Class: 75
Message: Ted, shouldn't that be your "varietal" backyard to be?
Name: Royal Flogger () on Monday, September 13, 1999 at 22:57:57
E-Mail: mybizz@thegrid.net
Maiden: Bell
Class: 66
Message: Please remind me to NEVER take a week off of feedback again! My eyes are crossed! I have several comments - but first and foremost is extending my sympathies to the Smeltzer family. I have a lot of memories of them, most particularly was of Becky taking piano lessons from my mother. Becky was soooo talented! Now, I also have to say that a wine country road trip sounds wonderful. I think I could even talk Jim into that one. We don't have an RV, but we do know how to taste wine!!! Now King John - you don't really think that I would flog Joyce, do you? You may be the King and one of my favorite people, but Joyce has always been one of my favorites also, so I'm sorry, but there is NO WAY that I will order her flogged! Seems to me that a few pages back someone was stating a complaint that King John and Prince Robin were becoming too rowdy for this Kingdom? I think NOT! Being a "Rowdy" myself, I will stand by them and with them to the end. - especially when we have margaritas within our reach. Was surprised to read that there is another Myrna that graduated from HHS ('55) just goes to prove that HHS is the best! And, last, but not least, King John - the reason Gordon wouldn't let you light the cherry bomb and throw it in the pond is because he designed the pond, we stole the Palos Verdes rock, and he built the pond. He didn't give a darn about the fish! Everyone have a good night! Talk to you again soon.
DRATS!!! NOW, who can I get to flog the ex?? i give one lousy flogging order and they say no. why don't they ever do wha..........
Myrn', You've been gone since the cherry bomb story?? Must be nice. Have a good time??
Name: ted () on Monday, September 13, 1999 at 21:45:26
E-Mail: tedgioia@hotmail.com
Class: 75
Message: Cougartown goes to wine country? Sounds great! Although I am still living in Palo Alto, I am hoping to change my official residence to Napa in the near future -- so this will be in my veritable backyard-to-be. I haven't found a Fosters Freeze in the Napa / Sonoma area yet, but perhaps we can cruise down the Silverado Trail.
ted, When you get a place in Napa, let us know. We'll stay at YOUR place.
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