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.......here's one from Cheryl Nicocia, "a Woman", called.... The Woman's Song
Name: Cyndi Hewitt () on Sunday, August 8, 1999 at 23:56:45
E-Mail: chewitts@aol.com
Maiden: Laird
Class: 75
Message: John - For some reason I did not care for your "I am Woman" song too much. You are treading on thin ice with that one! I know this website is not politically correct, but can we be respectful of the other gender?? AND, just for your info I am the one in our family that kills all the spiders, and we get some BIG ones here. My husband won't touch them because they are too big. I not only touch them I spare their lives and throw them outside. I also paint the house, mow the lawn, wash the cars.......hmmmmmm, maybe my hubby is a lot smarter than me.
YOU DA' MAN, Cyndi. Now don't gettem all bunched up there, as you'll feel much better in a couple of days when I put up the Yin to this Yang. Trust me. Cheryl Christensen Nicocia sent me both halves, but she sent the Woman Song first. She IS a "fellow woman" you know. If you have any problems with the woman song, please, her email address is chernico@cvc.net.......Thank you
Name: Cheryl Nicocia () on Sunday, August 8, 1999 at 22:16:23
E-Mail: chernico@cvc.net
Maiden: Christensen
Class: 62
Message: Gee John, I don't think I want to get credit for the "WOMANS SONG". BUT, I sent you the "MANS SONG" just to even things out......
OK, I'll put it up next.
Name: Ron Reinholdson () on Sunday, August 8, 1999 at 21:05:15
E-Mail: r_reinholdson@juno.com
Class: 65
Message: Kathleen Thomas Weiner:
I tried to send you an e-mail (twice) but the address you gave doesn't work.
Name: Pamela Hawkes () on Sunday, August 8, 1999 at 15:09:23
E-Mail: duck40@hotmail.com
Maiden: Sherrill
Class: 74
Message: Most fascinating to find my alma mater....will hopefully get back in contact with others I graduated with....
Name: Dewey () on Sunday, August 8, 1999 at 00:05:09
Class: 74
Message: Kathy, it was last Thursday.
Name: Ricki Farrell () on Saturday, August 7, 1999 at 23:03:38
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: Mike, I love the Big Sur area. Many years ago I went scuba diving there. The current is really strong and it ripped off my weight belt. Luckily I had a strong guy with me and he was able to retrieve it. John, Jim doesn't have 100's of Franklin Mint and Danbury's either. I meant 100's in general. He collects diecast cars, a few of which are Franklin and Danbury. He also has Ertl, Racing Champions, Road Legends etc. etc. and in all sizes. I think that they're really neat. I had my kids draw them once for a class project. I bought them each a Hot Wheel. They did a very good job. It was cute watching high school kids taking care of their own little car. Anyway, I do love your hutch. We're looking for tall cabinets with glass doors for display purposes. Later!
Ricki, Thanks for the nice words about the hutch. I'm very proud of it. Mike liked it so much, he sent the picture to the New Yankee Workshop website and they put the picture up on the site. He, like you, is very good at HIS Art.
I'm a little addicted to the 1:24 scale models, and have to keep reminding myself that I don't need, or have room for them ALL.Mine are all Chevys.
Name: Kathy Stonebraker () on Saturday, August 7, 1999 at 22:47:43
E-Mail: stoney@qnet.com
Maiden: Lorig
Class: 76
Message: Christine-It's been almost 12 hours and no mail?? What's up?? Too busy on CT?? As for the being weird thing...well, takes one to know one!! Sadly the apricot tree is gone. I cried the day I drove by the house and it was an apartment! None of by brothers graduated from Hawthorne. Dick and Mike graduated from St. Bernards. Jim and Bob attended HHS but never quite finished.
Dewey-Which week? This week or last? I too, was only there overnight. Just long enough to pick up mom and head home. Yes, email me the next time your headed in that direction and I'll let Bob know. I think he can make it to the airport :) :) Some things don't change and my brother is one of them. He still knows how to party!
Name: Dewey () on Saturday, August 7, 1999 at 21:34:52
E-Mail: Dewey_Storie@msn.com
Class: 74
Message: haha well Christine, I was in San Jose the day before but I would like to have seen Bob while I was there so next time I will have to get in contact with Kathy. Some weeks it's hard to remember where I have been!
Name: Christine Baird () on Saturday, August 7, 1999 at 20:23:14
E-Mail: Bairds1@juno.com
Maiden: Penny
Class: 76
Message: Dewey....don't feel too slighted, Kathy was only in Phoenix for one day. I feel free I can tell you this...seeings how she probably won't have time to, she is soooo busy, don't ya know. ") hehe gotchya Kathy.
Name: Christine Baird () on Saturday, August 7, 1999 at 19:18:50
E-Mail: Bairds1@juno.com
Maiden: Penny
Class: 76
Message: Oh, no....Kathy....I would never replace you! hehe .... but I had to have something to fill my time...seeings how I would check my e-mail at least twice a day and there was only JUNK MAIL, and sometimes 4 of the same pieces of JUNK MAIL! so it's your fault, besides even if I had sent you more mail...you wouldn't have gotten it until you checked your e-mail THIS morning! seeings how I didn't get any return mail until TODAY! So if you feel replaced it's YOUR own FAULT! hehe
You know I'm always ready to send you a novelette!
How is Bob? I remember him. Seems, I remember he didn't care for me much! hehe I wonder why? ") I also remember your brothers playing in your garage/back room. Remember your apricot tree and how we used to climb it to get on top of your roof and pick them and look out at the city? Boy your roof was flat! Not quiet like a normal house, but then again, you weren't quiet normal....or.... was it me that wasn't quiet normal? In any case glad to hear your back and send me some more mail....ya hear! ") Hey, did any of your other brothers graduate from HHS? I don't remember, but what else it new. ")
Name: Betty Rodriguez () on Saturday, August 7, 1999 at 16:10:29
E-Mail: tombetty@kelp.net
Maiden: Kean
Class: 69
Message: Katheleen Weiner-
I knew your brother thru a girlfriend - Cathy Hoffman, who, I'm happy to report, is alive and well!
We all partied together in '66 & '67. Taco Tio, A & W, Fosters, all the spots.
Tim had the greatest smile - kind of shy, if I remember.
I also lost a dear friend in Vietnam in 1968. We never forget those we've lost, do we?
Name: Dewey () on Saturday, August 7, 1999 at 15:57:19
E-Mail: Dewey_Storie@msn.com
Maiden: aka Where's Waldo
Class: 74
Message: Oh sure Kathy now you tell me. I was in Phoenix on Thursday and left Friday morning I'll let you know next time I am going to be there! I 'll be in South Carolina Monday, ahaaa the joys of travel.
Name: Kathy Stonebraker () on Saturday, August 7, 1999 at 14:48:57
E-Mail: stoney@qnet.com
Maiden: Lorig
Class: 76
Message: It's been awhile and I still haven't been able to get caught up with all the feedback pages but "Killer" wants the computer and I don't argue with him to much so I'd better leave this message now!
Dewie Storie....I was in Phoenix last weekend with my mom and brother Bob Lorig. He remembered you!! and wants to say hi :) He's threatening uh... hoping to come out soon for a visit. Anyone else remember Bob?? He never quite made it to graduation but he was a lot of fun while he was there (Oh the parties on Menlo!!)
Larry Biller... Yes, those were my three other brother, Dick, Mike and Jim who had the band, Beethoven's 5th". Those were fun days when they practiced in the back room. Being the little sister, I used to love all those older guys hanging out at our house. Dick still has a drum set and plays with different groups for fun. I can't believe all those years I spent with John and didn't know his brother knew my brothers (well-you know what I mean).
"Killer is getting impatient.... and Christine, I, of course, remember the Rambler. Seems I've been replaced with CT.
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Saturday, August 7, 1999 at 07:20:39
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
Message: John,
So it's "Heavenly Cake Time". What are you going to do with all that cake? (What's your address I'll come over and help you!) HAY EVERYBODY, IT'S A PARTY AT JOHN'S! Just kidding, I know it will be you and "Torrance's Finest" as a partial "Get out of jail free" card. Just make sure you don't have any files in it. She might get the idea that you have "friends". Let us hear how the cake turns out, do we need more cocoa?
EAT IT!!! That's what.....
and the only party at John's will be in his mouth, when he's savoring the Heavenly Cakeand yes, I will be critiqueing it.
Name: EL () on Saturday, August 7, 1999 at 01:08:15
Maiden: YES
Class: SIX-0
Message: John, i've got an old service buddy of mine that is thinking of getting on the "site", he's from Lawndale H.S. class of 62. His name is Tom Greenup. He said that he used to know a few folks from HHS. He was a surfin dude(he had a bitchin 48 ford when i met him in Spokane Wa.) His sister went to Leuzinger HS, class of 59 or 60. Her name was Marlene and ran around with another girl whose name was Sharon Springer, also from leuzinger class of 60/61. If any of you "older" COUGS might have known these folks, i have Toms e-mail address and he would like to hear from you and i'll put you in touch with him. Thanks, MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU. EL AND ID QUEEN.
Hey El, Tell Tom about the lawndale high website too. He may find someone over there that he knows. Tell him to go to the What's New Page and look at the bottom of that page under "Other Cool Sites". There's also a couple of leuzinger sites there too. Be a Coug El.........
Name: EL () on Saturday, August 7, 1999 at 00:14:29
Class: SIX-O
Message: John i was just looking at the pictures from CRUISE NIGHT, but didn't quite recognize you. Your hair looks a shade greyer than it did at the "10" yr reunion. Well i guess thats better than "nothin". AND another COUG makes himself known. Big Jim West! Hello Jim and haven't talked to you in at least a week. "The COACH" called you? Jeez, the only time he ever called me was to get my "butt" to the sidelines. But i do remember a time, Morningside game, 59, when he called me to the sidelines. It seems that moaningside had an all league guard name of Neal Engdall or something like that, that had been in our backfield most of the first half. The coach told me that it was "rumored" that he also had a bad knee. I was told we don't need him in our backfield anymore. The play was a "fly right" in which i was supposed to turn the "end in" or crack back on the linebacker, but the Coach said to the lineman, "let him through", and told me to take about 3 steps to the right on the line of scrimmage, on the snap and then "go get him"! The rest of the story is, MR ENGDALL played no more that night. The Coach did tell me i let him in, a little deep, into the backfield (we lost 3 or 4 yds on the play) but, the ultimate result, COUGARS 20, moaningside9. No hard feelings Mr Engdall, it was a very legal block! MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU. EL AND ID QUEEN.
Yeah you're right about the hair Russ. I think it's these late hours.
Name: MIke Shay () on Friday, August 6, 1999 at 23:43:40
E-Mail: theshays@earthlink.net
Maiden: Goin Bye Bye
Class: 61
Message: Hi Ricki,
We're heading up the coast in the morning. Going to spend next week at Pfeiffers Big Sur State Park with the Hansons. Been going up there since the boys were real little. The Company I work with is a custom job shop. We don't have any of our own products but we make other peoples castings for them. We are making lots of electronic enclosures and hardware type parts. Lots of stuff for the shur-flo pump people and just general applications like that. No fun stuff like Franklin Mint Cars.
I'm happy that you like John's hutch. It looks great the way he finished it. Thanks also to Jim S. and Robin for the nice comments. At our age we really appreciate attaboys!! J.B. See you in a week.
OK Mikey, I'll be here when you return. Ricki, Those cars are Franklin Mint and Danbury Mint models. I can't help myself sometimes, but Jim, I don't have hundreds.
Name: EL ROJO () on Friday, August 6, 1999 at 23:38:35
Maiden: YOU KNOW
Message: First of all, Mr.Plotkin, i love your eloquence. But, empty arms, not in your life! I may be a moon in June, but my girl still fell for my charms. And Dennis Campbell, JJ was in the class of (Plotkin, circa, 55/56) thereabouts. By the way Denny how the heck are you? Sloey, my eyes were on my teacher back then. It had nothing to do with the "love of my life". Do you remember, pay attention to the "teach". Well, "we did" in Miss Z'S class. Besides if you don't keep them excited they might think Robin is "cool", GOD forbid. ya can't let them be complacent. Keep em guessing. And, Cindy Matthies, you wrote just before the "100" page that you were having a "bad hair day". Well you've never had a bad hair day until you wake up and you have no hair. Now thats a bad hair day. Jeez i wish i had 3 or 4 good strands that i could comb over the top. Hey, a new Claudia Schiffer! Now JB, you stated that you had Mrs.(Ginger) Mark for your english teacher, what a wonderful lady! I had her for my soph. and jr. yr. The most terrible thing was when she cried at report card time. If you got a bad grade, she would tell you why, but also cry real tears and tell you how you could have prevented it. Damn, i only saw her cry once, that was enough for me. I was a good kid from then on. Hey COUGS, MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU. EL AND ID QUEEN!
El, Mrs Mark and my Mom were on a first name basis by the time I graduated. I couldn't do anything without Mom getting called in. They were calling each other "Ginger" and "Ella", and they were calling me, "Him"......Be a Coug Jakejude
Name: kathleleen weiner () on Friday, August 6, 1999 at 23:08:14
E-Mail: kweiner@mediaone.com
Class: 67
Message: I am the sister of Tim Thomas of '65. Would
like to hear from any old friends of his that
might of known the family
Name: Ricki Farrell () on Friday, August 6, 1999 at 22:15:05
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: Well I'm back. I just spent the last hour and one half catching up on the feedback pages I'd missed. My eyeballs are killing me. My short vacation was very relaxing and we had a lovely time. Santa Barbara is still stuck in the '60's and it did bring back some memories. Picked up Sammy from the Dog Lodge. She ate, we took her for a walk and she has slept since. It seems as though she hasn't slept all week. Sounds like I'm going to have Mom "V" back for a visit. Heck, my house could use a good cleaning. John, that hutch is a masterpiece and I love the colors. What are those car models that can be seen on the shelves? Jim collects them and we have hundreds of them. I think that they're real neat. Well, I'm glad everybody sounds in good health. I'm sorry about Mark Groseclose. He was in my brother's class of'64 and I believe that he dated my cousin Yolanda. Mike S., what do you diecast?
Name: Susan () on Friday, August 6, 1999 at 20:07:17
E-Mail: funds4kids@Yahoo.com
Maiden: Ciampa
Class: 77
Message: Copies of Ted's CDs can also be found at www.TowerRecords.com. "The End of the Open Road" and "Tango Cool" should be arriving in just a few days. Ted, make a million... and sponsor a seat in Nyman Hall!
Now Joe M. have you published those novels?
Name: Mr & Mrs (Dallons) Ingram () on Friday, August 6, 1999 at 19:09:24
E-Mail: HiCiIngram@aol.com
Message: HELLO TO ALL OF YOU, just wanted to use this great site to tell the Classes of 76' through 79' what a great bunch of Cougars you were and are! We've known many of you since grade school, some since high school and the memories for us will never be forgotten. We enjoyed all the functions we went to, the parties we gave and the spirit of HHS games that can never be repeated...
A big "Thank You" for all.
We gave so many parties for the Classes of 76' 77' & 79' and never had an ounce of trouble, just a lot of fun. Recently we stopped by the Class Reunion of '79 at the House of Blues and couldn't believe how most of you are still as much fun as ever. Still have the spirit and the crazy humor. It was so nice seeing all of you and one of the best Reunions ever! Sorry we didn't get to say Hi to all of you but it was such a great turnout there wasn't enough time, so we want to say hello to those of you we missed via this e-mail.
Here's wishing all of you the best.
Thank you John for making this great Cougartown Web Site. With love, Carol & Jim Ingram. (Parents of Paul. Tesa & Don Dallons and John)
Well thanks for stopping by folks and yes those mid to late Cougs CAN party huh. I'm slowly gathering the pictures and shortly there'll be a reunion page for the 78ers AND 79ers in Cougartown. Don't be strangers now, as we encourage Cougars and their Parents to get involved here, just like the old days. Thanks folks......
Name: Ted Gioia () on Friday, August 6, 1999 at 17:30:33
E-Mail: tedgioia@hotmail.com
Class: 75
Message: Gosh, John, I think I owe you a share of my next royalty check. The last payment was almost enough to buy a copy of the Daily Breeze (the weekday version, not the more expensive Sunday edition) -- but we decided instead to put it aside for young Thomas's college education. With the advantages of compounding, he will have the best education that $1.38 can buy. No, Brian Wilson doesn't have anything to worry about, but I appreciate the mention of my music (available on Amazon.com -- excuse the plug).
Well Cougs, let's see if we can't get that next royalty check up around 3 bucks.Thanks Ted and I believe you're just a little too modest. I just ordered my copy.
Reminds me alot of my favorite keyboard guy, Dave Grusin.
Name: Coletta Pool () on Friday, August 6, 1999 at 17:00:18
E-Mail: cpool@nhbb.com
Maiden: Jacobson
Class: '64
Message: I don't know what happened to the previous memo, I hope it doesn't post, but here John and Dennis is the infamous cake recipe:
3 Cups flour
1-1/2 Cup sugar
1/3 Cup cocoa
2-1/4 tsp. baking powder
1-1/2 tsp. baking soda
1-1/2 Cup "Best Foods" mayonnaise
1-1/2 Cups water
1-1/2 tsp. vanilla.
Heat oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour a regular rectangular cake pan. Sift dry ingredients and add the rest. Mix until smooth and blended. Bake 30-45 min until toothpick come out clean for test. I remember when the recipe was given it was difficult for Mrs. Groseclose because she always made such large batches. It seems the recipe needed more cocoa. It's been a long time since I've made it and probably should have baked one. She always had one with chocolate frosting and one with vanilla. Good luck to you. Let me know how it turns out.
Thank you Coletta, At last after 37 years of waiting, it's "Heavenly Cake Time" again. I'll bake this one on Sunday.
Name: Myrna () on Friday, August 6, 1999 at 16:02:29
E-Mail: mybizz@thegrid.net
Maiden: Bell
Class: 66
Message: John - I took Sloey's message to mean that he stopped, ate, and enjoyed the meal at Harris Ranch. You can only smell the "special-of-the-day" when the wind is blowing South. I may have to reneg on my expectation of going to homecoming. Jim's regular relief person is not available. Sure be glad when he retires (soon!!!) ANYONE KNOW ANYONE WHO IS INTERESTED IN BUYING AN INDEPENDENT PHARMACY IN A RURAL AREA????????? I know of one for sale. Has a nice retail gift shop in front! I'll be glad when it's sold - then we can run around and be FREE!
Name: John Baker () on Friday, August 6, 1999 at 02:32:32
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message: Thanks Susan
In all the turmoil over the Beach Boys and what they've meant to HHS, here's a refreshing HHS musician that most of you young Cougs won't appreciate for many years. The Cougar is Ted Gioia HHS75, and his music can be found on the Internet. Please click here for his Bio and music from his CD "The City Is A Chinese Vase". Thanks Ted for being such a positive role model for all young musicians and young Cougars everywhere. I love the "Boys" as much as the rest, but you Ted, are becoming my new Cougar idol. Thanks for being out there for all of us.
Name: Dennis Campbell () on Friday, August 6, 1999 at 10:55:13
Class: 61
Message: Hey Mr. P, talked to Howard Duran over the week-end and he told me the sisters were all set to attend cruise night but as they headed out the door a long lost relative stopped by and that was that. Howard went on to say after seeing all the pictures the sisters said they wouldn?t miss the homecoming game for anything?In fact it sounds like they are going to have their own pep-squad or join the ROWDY GIRLS. O and Howard will be the mascot. Now that would be awesome to see?
Maybe if one of the sisters reads this we?ll get a call to help them to help plan their cheers...we're in trouble now Harry but you know we?ll do about anything for a lunch Right!
Mr. P Sir, is it true you had El ROJO Queen in your 7th grade class in 1957? Jude looks fantastic in the picture with the Jakeman!
JB I?ll make sure Howard & Sharon makes it on Oct. 15th I?ll see if I can round up John Nix he lives somewhere here in Mission Viejo maybe we can get John to drive his 55 Chevy to the game and we could stop by and pick-up Franz & Rosalie Russell
?O what night this is going to be, look world we?re on our way?
Great stuff Dennis. Looking forward to seeing ALL the Duran Family and yes, please invite Johnny, Franz, and the rest. This will be a special night for all in attendance.
Name: Diana Calabro () on Friday, August 6, 1999 at 09:10:46
E-Mail: joe_diana@yahoo.com
Maiden: Thompson
Class: 1961
Message: Hi Jim and Sandy, is this web site fund or what. Las Vegas, our favorite as you know. Cruise Night was fun too bad you guys could'nt make it. Im sure you will see a feedback from Tina and maybe Lissa, I don't hear from Cindy much since she started working. Well take care and talk to you later.
Name: Dale Hahlbeck Jr () on Friday, August 6, 1999 at 01:52:05
E-Mail: KewlDaad@aol.com
Class: 75
Message: Yahoo....Back online after my computer crashed
2 weeks ago. First, Cruise Night was "huge"
(except for V5 pushing that Call V6 Call V6
deal) Patty, check is in the mail for the
roaming charges. Next call is on me, you have
to call H2 (Val) on my phone.
Second, the best football cheer is "Rock Steady"
(and most of you know why I that cheer is dear to
me) That and the cheer "Lets hear it for Hahlbeck
He's not dead" as they carried me off the gridiron
every week. Finally, only a few spots left for
Cruise 2000...you snooze no cruise so send your
dough or you don't go...
P.S. Cindy and Faelin partying in Hawaii.....oh my
rum sales must have skyrocketed that week!
See ya all at homecoming Dale Jr (H1)
Next installment-Hahlbeck Party with 5 gallon
bottle of Vodka or Larry Hampton goes ZZZZZZ!
Name: Patt Prewitt-Deckard () on Friday, August 6, 1999 at 00:57:44
E-Mail: pdeck17@3-cities.com
Maiden: Prewitt
Class: 65
Message: I had Ms. Z. for Spanish She was a real kick!
My grades weren't!!
What you do not use you lose! To this day I am NOT Bi-Lingual!!
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