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.......back to the early stuff.... Huey "Piano" Smith and the Clowns
Name: Lori Padelford () on Friday, August 6, 1999 at 00:45:37
E-Mail: Desilulu4u@aol.com
Class: 81
Message: Hey all you CT people! I need some help. My mom was cleaning out a closet and found a scrapbook of mine. I went to pick it up and was looking through it and found some old BeachBoys 45 covers in it and noticed that they had signatures on them. I must have gotten these years ago from one of my two old brothers ( Bob HHS c/o71 or Chuck LHS c/o 68 ). My problem is I don't know if these are real signatures or if my brothers were just fooling around and wrote these or what. Does anyone have a signature of any of them? Could you fax it to me? My home office fax is 714-899-1339. I can't respond right away because we're leaving in the A.M. for the river but I really would appreciate your help.
Name: Laura Porter () on Friday, August 6, 1999 at 00:32:35
E-Mail: dsnycrw@ivic.net
Maiden: Twitchell
Class: 79
Message: What about that cheer made famous (in our time) by the Spirit Club...
"Ice cold beer makes you want to cheer,
Ice cold wine makes you feel fine,
Ice cold duck makes you want to......SCORE!"
Good One Laura.....
Name: terrie kostiszak () on Friday, August 6, 1999 at 00:09:12
E-Mail: kostiszak@yahoo.com
Class: 83
Message: this is a great web site. Thanks for putting it togther. I love the feedback part and the alumni list. Is there anyway a chat room can be added to this site so we can chat together I am do not know enough about computers to know if a chat room can be added to a web site, it sounds like a good idea or is there one already I do not know about. Terrie
Terrie, A Chat Room is an added expense. It's being considered, and may be implemented at a later date.
Name: Heather () on Thursday, August 5, 1999 at 23:20:26
E-Mail: yngrthanusheree
Maiden: Reoch
Class: 75
Message: JUST WANT TO WISH SHEREE KLINGENHAGEN (CLASS OF 1975) A VERY HAPPY 42ND BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! HOPE THIS WILL BE A GREAT YEAR FOR YOU. (her birthday is really tomorrow the 6th but she is leaving early tomorrow morning to fly to New Mexico to be with her mom who is having a kidney removed). HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIDO!
Also another happy birthday to Steve Cogan (class of 75 also). Gee Steve you never know who is going to remember your birthday!
Have a happy one,
>From your much younger friend!
Yes, Happy Birthday Sheree and Steve, and good luck Mom. We'll all say a special Cougar Can't Miss Mom Prayer for you tonight.
Name: jim sloey () on Thursday, August 5, 1999 at 21:30:53
E-Mail: ibelookinginyoureyeselrojoandseetheredhairedgleam.com
Class: mcmlxvi
Message: el rojo
the stories are in your eyes. That is a great picture of you and ID queen. So why would you be looking at anyone else? She is definitely the queen for a reason. And you sir are but a Prince so be good to the Queen and long live the ID Queen!
And remember its a knick knack patti whack give the frog a loan his old man is a rolling stone!
And let me reiterate what John said, we hope you make the homecoming game!
Name: EL ROJO(sloeyitsanoccupationnotatool) () on Thursday, August 5, 1999 at
E-Mail: I-DY-HO
Maiden: YOU KNOW
Class: 60
Message: OK SLOEY, where have these storys been coming from? Possibly, the man from the forest. The Hood Man! maybe, but i really was a straight arrow until i met the crooked Mr Hood. After all, he was involved in one of my first brushes with the law, but really, neither of us, Tom, or myself wanted to drink that "OLY"! But we almost had her ready for us to come over an do a few chores at her house! Wash the car, sweep up anything, bring her lemonade or some such concoction. She almost bent, but she was true to whoever. She was teaching, in 1960, and get this JB, if you didn't know, U.S.GOVERNMENT. Us guys, most, would sit in the back of classes unless forced by the "teach" to sit in front. Not in Miss "Z"s class! She looked awfully good sitting on her desk to us young "men" (right....men?). Anyway, she was a heck of alot of fun, and Robin, Mrs Pinchot; what a hoot she was. I believe that I was one of the first people ever thrown out of her class in the history of HHS. Of which i'm not proud of, but it just kind of happened. So be it! MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU! EL AND ID QUEEN.
Hey EL, Great stuff as usual. I want you and the ID QUEEN to try and make the Homecoming Game/Party/Picnic. I know you two would have a great time. Whattayasay??
Name: Harry Plotkin () on Thursday, August 5, 1999 at 20:16:34
E-Mail: hcharry@pacbell.net
Class: 52/97
Message: Dennis Campbell: You are on feedback so you must be back home. How awesome seeing you at cruise night. You are a high energy young man. Still looking foreward to our luncheon - hopefully with the Durans. Sheree Klingenhagen: Spoke to Mr. Manion on the phone and gave him your regards. He said that he remembers you well. Ed Fite: Sorry I missed meeting you on Cruise Night. Kathy Brooks told me you were there. I was curious as to how Dawn fared after 8th grade. Please let me know. King John: I might break your confidence and tell your story about the three germs.
Love to all, HCH
Is that the one where the one germ turns to the others and says, "I don't know about you two, but I'm taking the 6:45 outta here." Yeah, go ahead and tell it. Thanks Mr. P, and I KNOW you'll be at the Homecoming game. See you there.
Name: Jim West () on Thursday, August 5, 1999 at 19:59:47
E-Mail: jwwestusa@netscape.net
Class: 1961
Message: My wife and I returned from Las Vegas on Tuesday. I was surprised by a phone call from Coach Chauncey. It was great talking about football and other great times we had at HHS.
Sorry I missed cruise night. Would like to say hello to Diana and Joe Calabro, also Tina. Hope you are all doing well.
I plan on spending this weekend with Bob Allen at his home in Riverside, Ca.
Thanks John really like being a Cougar again!!!
Hey Jim, Glad you feel back home again in Cougartown, and happy to hear you got to gab with the "Ol' Coach". I want you to plan on being at the Homecoming game/Saturday picnic too. That's going to be a hoot. We'll see if we can coax the Coach and Cathy out for that one. Be sure to tell Bob about us too. I know hed get a kick out of this forum. Thanks Jim and be a Coug' . . . . . .
Name: Alan Nelson () on Thursday, August 5, 1999 at 19:53:24
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Maiden: Never was a maiden (knew a few though)
Class: '73
Message: Sharon, funny you should mention Mike Bainbridge. When I moved to the River, the first time, in 1979, Mike owned a pizza parlor and sub shop called "God Mother's Pizza." He catered my (one and only) wedding. Also catered a concert with the Elvin Bishop Band. The shop had to close a few years later when they routed the new highway right through the dining room.
Thanks! I haven't thought about Mike in years. If you read this Mike, get in touch with me.
Name: Shari Thrash () on Thursday, August 5, 1999 at 18:49:55
E-Mail: standafy@aol.com
Maiden: Thrash
Class: 98
Message: What's up C-HOUSE?
Name: Susan Walling () on Thursday, August 5, 1999 at 18:34:05
E-Mail: funds4kids@Yahoo.com
Maiden: Ciampa
Class: 77
Message: OK Cougars! Get ready for some great music at Stick & Stein after our Homecoming Game. I have in my possession an awesome CD; THE CITY IS A CHINESE VASE, by Ted Gioia, Cougartowns very own critic, historian, pianist, composer, and record producer. This CD is incredible, as is his book "The History of Jazz" which he graciously inscribed for my daughter, Melissa. THANK YOU, TED!
Look for Ted's other books too; The Imperfect Art and West Coast Jazz. Now, if you will be kind enough to tell us what the titles are of your other CD's Ted, I won't have to call EVERY music store I know! :)
Name: Tina Calabro () on Thursday, August 5, 1999 at 17:34:43
E-Mail: tinacalabro@yahoo.com
Maiden: Calabro
Class: 84
Message: Hey Terrie! Nice to hear from you! You're right...where have all the 80's people gone...like everyone from Dana Jr. High? Looks like we have to hang out with this 60's & 70's bunch, huh? They're not so bad once you get to know them! (Right, John?) Even my Mom and Dad are on this website! Talk to ya later!
Yeah, we're not so bad. OLD!!! but not so bad. Come on you 80's people. This is your website too. Jump on in and get your feet wet.
Name: jim sloey () on Thursday, August 5, 1999 at 16:36:35
E-Mail: notwearinganythingsheerwithscarletunmentionables.com
Maiden: dancefloorblues
Class: mcmlxvi
Message: Judy, Judy, Judy
We were inducted as HONORARY rowdy boys. We could and especially me, never live up to the high standards or expectations that you rowdy girls may hold for us, I think I speak for King John and Co Prince Robin, and therefore with your abilities especially on the dance floor and the sidewalk or the rug as you may prefer it, the three of us must defer and back off to watch the REAL ROWDY GIRLS strut their stuff! Get the measurements in to Robin, Omar is very busy this time of year, there is a lot of desert migration, and start practicing your cheers. You may need to make placards so we can follow along.
PUSH em up push em up way up.
Rowdy girls rowdy girls yup yup yup
An HONORARY rowdy boy
No we couldn't, but we'll be in the stands following your every move, while Judy D is doing her high kick routine down on the field. Actually, maybe we should have an ambulance at the scene, like they do at those demolition derby meets. Not for the players, but for the cheerleaders.
Name: Terrie Kostiszak () on Thursday, August 5, 1999 at 15:20:17
E-Mail: kostiszak@yahoo.com
Class: 83
Message: Hey 1980's people out there, email me if you remember me!! Would be nice to hear from you. I only have noticed a couple of 1980's on this site, hello Tina Calabro!! Hope more of you join us...
Terrie Kostiszak
Name: jim sloey () on Thursday, August 5, 1999 at 14:28:26
E-Mail: brokenribsandherniaclinicofelmonte.com
Maiden: cougarcheers
Class: mcmlxvi
Message: i think for medical reasons that we should stop posting Robins feedbacks, I have three cracked ribs and a large protrusion just south of my navel. The V girls have asked to file suit but Robin I do recall that I have a conflict so I have declined. I did recommend that they call Cheatem and Howe. So be aware. Rowdy girls get those measurements in quickly the game will be soon. (You know we are going to get Robin.) And to clarify what Robin said about Nicks patti whack, thank you for the credit, 3 emails later, but I must in all good conscience say thank you Don Winters C/O of 71. Who knows where he got it. So far we have 3 cheers. It is a long game. We shall need some more.
Come on Gloria you were a cheerleader, you know a lot of cheers...we're in trouble huh John
One in ten...
Yes we ARE in the deep piles of doggy do, if we're leaving V6 in charge of the football cheers.
No Gloria, "Pushem down, Pushem down, WAY down." is NOT a cheer.
Nor is, Lean to the left, lean to the right, stand up-sit down, Bite, Bite, Bite!!
Maybe we oughta turn the cheers over to the more athletic, "T" Girls. Gloria, you bring the wine and please don't forget a block of ice for Patty to sit on.
Name: Dennis Campbell () on Thursday, August 5, 1999 at 14:26:00
Class: 61
Message: Hey Coletta,
Did I hear you say you have the chocolate cake recipe from the snack stand "o" Please don't forget to post it tomorrow. Gosh who could ever forget that cake! WOWeeee! Thank You!!! So munch!
O how are you anyway?
I went to cruise night with Roger Johnson Paula brother hoping to see you and John and others there, we left a little early did you come by later? Some one said you did. Hope all is going well for you guys.
Please try to come to the Homecoming Game and the Victory Party after in El Segundo at the Stick and Stein.
Gosh I sure hope you don?t forget to post that all time chocolate cake recipe.
Hey you should make sure that you use a 3 M Post note they stick the best!
?See Ya?
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Thursday, August 5, 1999 at 13:31:12
E-Mail: redondo612@aol.com
Maiden: Rowdy
Class: 64
Message: Jim Sloey.. so you and Robin Hood think THE ROWDY GIRLS should lead the cheers at Homecoming. Well big guy... you, Robin and John Baker were inducted a while back as the ROWDY GUYS & if we lead the cheers, then so shall all of you ROWDY GUYS. I hope I don't wind up on the ground.(you know me) Once I was told I was the prettiest girl on the dance floor..but when they picked me up..I was nothin'. Judy D THE ROWDY GIRLS
We want to see what if those outfits, that Robin is having Omar make, will fit you first. Robin, have Omar place extra padding in the derriere area of Judy's please.
Name: Robin () on Thursday, August 5, 1999 at 12:58:19
E-Mail: itsanickknackpattiwhackgivethefrogaloan.com
Maiden: Pinchot
Class: LX
Message: John..Miss Zalowski may have ended the cold war but Miss Pinchot started my cold showers. Im telling you I would have cut an ear off if I had an ounce of art in me. (Didn't some guy do that?) Sloey..I think it was a 6 pack of Hyperbole (half quarts), Russ put on Miss Zs desk...He saved the Oly for himself...BTW El Roho..I cant take credit for the Patti Whack joke...Sloey sent it to me and has been whining all morning..Send him a nice E and get him off my back...As for the Rowdy Girls at Homecoming...Im having the outfits made as soon as the girls send me the measurements. Im looking at a sheer gold number with scarlet unmentionables and the traditional pom poms...Just hoping they will wear them...This Omar guy is spendy:o)....Ok a homecoming cheer:
"If you want to beat the Sentinels, clap your hands"
"But Id rather throw Jim Sloey out of the stands"
"If you want to keep your lunch,
sit upwind from the V-girl bunch"
"Its a lactose thing not fit for Cougar fans"....:o)
later Cougs..
I'll expect you Rowdy's to have that one memorized by game time. Great stuff Robin, I LOVE YOU MAAAAN!!!
Name: David Barboza () on Thursday, August 5, 1999 at 12:02:17
E-Mail: iliketrains@usa.net
Class: 74
Message:Hey John:
I really would love to tell ya the checks in the mail. But, it isn't. It will be though as soon as I know who its made out too. If you could shed a little light on this I'd appreciate it. My daughter Kimberly wants too know who has answered her challenge. Come on class of 74. I haven't the heart to tell my daughter no one from my class has answered the call.....
David, You can make the check out to the "HHS Parents Committee". Thanks...
Name: Ted Gioia () on Thursday, August 5, 1999 at 11:26:36
E-Mail: tedgioia@hotmail.com
Class: 75
Message: Sharon, of course you're right. I've been so busy on the diaper and burp patrol, that I never got around to posting the details. Our second boy -- THOMAS PATRICK GIOIA -- arrived safe and sound at Stanford Medical Center on July 12, weighing in at 8 pounds, 15 ounces. According to my calculation, he should graduate from high school in the year 2017 -- I wonder if they will still have CRUISE NIGHTS then. I wish I could have joined in at Foster's. Seeing all the wonderful pictures was the next best thing.
Ted, You don't have to wait until Thomas graduates from High School. Bring him to our NEXT Cruise Night. Congratulations to you and Mom.
Name: Richard Hanson () on Thursday, August 5, 1999 at 11:09:34
E-Mail: reh2469@aol.com
Class: 56
Message: Hey John, In all the data regarding the Homecoming game, I don't recall seeing anything about tickets. Are they required, and if so can we get them at the gate.
Hi Richard, I'm trying to resolve that little detail, but can't get through to Bob Wyler at HHS. I think it's summer vacation now. I've left messages, and will definitely post the info when I hear something. Thanks, and have a great week in Big Sur.
Name: Pam Betraun () on Thursday, August 5, 1999 at 10:53:22
E-Mail: pbetraun2@PhilipInc.com
Maiden: Heath
Class: 78
Message: I went to Hawthorne Intermediate with Jay Beebe. He was a real character.
I really really hate to be a pest about this subject, but no one has every answered me. If there is anyone out there from the class of 99, maybe you could answer this question. At the football games do they still play the Alma Mater before each game, so everyone can stand up and sing it? And if they have stopped this wonderful tradition, I strongly feel that the alumni should play the music and sing at the homecoming game. IS ANYONE WITH ME?????????
Thank you for listening. :)
Pam, I'm with you. Let's sing it!!
Name: Coletta Pool () on Thursday, August 5, 1999 at 10:31:55
E-Mail: cpool@nhbb.com
Maiden: Jacobson
Class: '64
Message: John and Kathy: I will get the chocolate cake recipe out of my big metal box and post it, hopefully tomorrow. If I write myself a note and stick it on my forehead, I shall remember!! Who can forget that cake, some had it for breakfast at the snack stand!
Coletta, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! ! !
Name: Kathy Michael () on Thursday, August 5, 1999 at 08:34:14
E-Mail: marinadr@earthlink.net
Maiden: Groseclose
Class: 1976
Message: John, I promise, I'm not holding out on you... I will be in search of "THE HEAVENLY CHOCOLATE CAKE RECIPE", and I promise, as soon as I get it I will share it with all!!! Until then, let your mouth water...
Kathy, At last, my long, long, search may be finally ending. Thank you, and when you get it, I'll post it on a special page, as it deserves its own corner in Cougartown.
Name: gary nix () on Thursday, August 5, 1999 at 00:52:20
E-Mail: nixnv@aol.com
Class: 70
Message: well kathleen...we just got back from a week in phoenix, HOT...HOT...HOT, delivered the STUFF to bobby, said SEE YAA, i'll let you know about THE GAME!!!!
Name: Kathy Michael () on Thursday, August 5, 1999 at 00:33:40
E-Mail: marinadr@earthlink.net
Maiden: Groseclose
Class: 1976
Message: Message to John Baker:
Do you know if Mrs. Plaster is still living? Did you know her? She was the most angelic person I have ever met in my life as a child. She was the most sweetest person, so thoughtful and so kind to my mother and me. I will never forget her...
Mrs Plaster is still living, and her, or your mom's chocolate cake recipe lives on in my memory, and Kathy, if you're holding that recipe and do not share it with this group.......well that's just not fair.Coach Hal has it too, and ignored my request for it once. I say when someone has something that special, it should be shared with the world. Or at least her fellows Cougs. Kathy, I'm waiting
Name: Diana Calabro () on Wednesday, August 4, 1999 at 22:40:32
E-Mail: joe_diana@yahoo.com
Maiden: Thompson
Class: 1961
Message: Only asked where she was, Miss Zalowski that is.
I guess everyone remembers her especially you 60's guys out there. Russian? Was she Russian? hahaha
Yes Sherry that was my question also does anyone know where she is.
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Wednesday, August 4, 1999 at 22:19:28
Maiden: COWPIE
Message: EL ROJO
Your story is at best hyperbole. From the stories I have heard about you there is no way you gave that woman 6 full cans of any alcoholic beverage! She was no doubt yelling cause they were empty. Myrna Bell I went through your area last weekend right by Harris Ranch delightful. Warning to all cougar travelers do not eat prior to Harris Ranch about 90 miles north of Bakersfield on the 5. All Pat Burris fans, both of you, he will make the homecoming game and he is bringing the Myk. How about my favorite all timer Bobby Hunter the funniest guy since Buddy Hackett? Anybody know where he is? We need more cheers, rah rah ree? And I emailed old Buford or Leeroy or whatever his name is and he emailed me back confirmed me for 8 seats, I think I have to reread the message. And Judy DeGrazia and all you Rowdy girls Robin thinks it would be appropriate if you came in cheerleader uniforms and collect all the cheers for the "BIG GAME." rah rah ree? Yes Karen I have seats reserved for you too. Robin better email Leeroy he said he was starting to get stressed over all the requests. I think that is what he said.
That's why I never stop to see you Myrn', I can't hold my breath that long.
Bobby Hunter was at the BIG Reunion last year, and is still living in CA. Don't know about the rest of the Hunter boys though.
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Wednesday, August 4, 1999 at 22:14:05
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: POTU
Class: 76
Message: Little Cruise Night Reunion story: When I was 20
I moved into a tiny 1 bdrm apt in Redondo Bch. The first person I met there was a wonderful, joyful girl (we were all girls back then) named Cindy. She was a couple years older than I, divorced, handsome boyfriend, 2 terrific cats, beautiful smile-very worldly and mature- she befriended me, took me under her wing, kept an eye out for me, included me in her life, etc. After a few years, Cindy moved from our building; I still saw her now and then but eventually lost touch. A few years later I found Cindy again and she was married to - EEK - an HHS grad, Mike Bainbridge/71. They had kids; moved to Nipomo, CA. Guess who showed up at Cruise Night? Mike-with lovely Cindy in tow. She had stayed in car cuz, as she said, this was HIS reunion-she didn't know ANYONE here! Well, when I saw Mike, I am ashamed to say I didn't even ask him how HE has been; just wanted to know one thing: DID YOU BRING CINDY??? We had a very touching and sweet reunion in the parking lot of the party store next door to Fosters. It was a wonderful chance to say hello again to a dear friend, and Mike, if you read this, HOW ARE YA???
What a wonderful small world this is...
I'm telling ya', we're ALL related through SOME Hawthorne connection.
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Wednesday, August 4, 1999 at 22:02:02
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: POTU
Class: 76
Message: Don Collins don't you have an announcement to make? Ted Gioia, don't YOU have an announcement? Didn't y'all say you were expecting new arrivals and therefore couldn't make it to cruise night? What's the verdict(s)?
Name: Don Collins () on Wednesday, August 4, 1999 at 21:00:27
E-Mail: DgladeC@aol.com
Class: 76
Message: Go Cougars! I think its great to see this site so active with the Sponsor A Seat campaign. I was at Nyman Hall for the announcement of the project. Let's see the performing arts guys and girls reach deep into their pockets. I know there's many so us who spent long hours in Nyman Hall, some of the time even with the knowledge of the administration.
So....uh, Don ........ maybe you could yank a moth eaten Hamilton from your wallet and send it to the one of your choice above. Whattayasay?!? I wasn't one of those performing arts guys, and I threw a tenski in the hat. Come on Cougs, this is YOUR Nyman Hall we're talking about. It's been there for a half century. It's had some rough use. Let's do something to fix it.
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