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.....argueably, one of the top 10 all time opening 49 seconds in R&B/Rock and Roll history. Ray Charles
Name: christine baird () on Saturday, July 31, 1999 at 11:23:05
E-Mail: Bairds1@juno.com
Maiden: penny
Class: 76
Message: in reference to Jan Blomsterbergs last posting.....
can ANYONE tell me why when men get old they get Viagra and when women get old they get Appends?!
just wondering. :~\
JOHN .... Note my graduating year..... I beg to differ.....I AM NOT OLDER THAN CONCRETE! "} besides concrete was discovered by egyptians around 1000 B.C. and i believe George Washingtons teeth were made from them!
Christine, I do apologize for that concrete remark. All you mid 70's Cougs please forgive me.
I meant to say, "2 years younger than flagstone." yes, and the "hole" becomes a little deeper....
Name: Frank Romano () on Saturday, July 31, 1999 at 10:46:05
E-Mail: fromano@us-rentacar.com
Class: 1961
Message: Yo JB... I know you and for sure Robin must remember the "Billy" stories... Seems Billy would be really interested in the new "young" drama players. Must have been one of them that caused his slip and fall... Now JB.... It seems that even the King is pressing his luck by just asking the the "V" girls to SPLAIN to the king the difference between "OLD" Vs disabled, which is what the King could learn first hand with all this "long of tooth" conversation. The bright side JB, is that you'll be able to park real close to the stores. However, stopping to think of it... didn't the teachers seem "mature" when we were there?
Very mature then, but now I feel that standing next to Mr Plotkin, and polling a group, "which is the elder", I fear it would come back "even money". HCH, you are ageless.
Name: Jan Blomsterberg () on Saturday, July 31, 1999 at 10:00:23
E-Mail: poppy@iocc.com
Class: 63
Message: JB..."slamming" Gloria V about being old is like calling the kettle black, wouldn't you say? If 1976 grads are "old" and long in the tooth, what does that say to us who graduated in'63 and before...toothless? Older than concrete? Thanks, JB...for a while there I was having great memories of yesteryear and visiting my youth and then you go and tell all of us that we are older than...well, make your own analogy. Ahhh, to hear and feel the bones creek when I get up in the morning...old age...what could be better? I suppose just getting up is good enough! I suppose next you will have an advertiser for Appends and Viagra!! If you are interested I will give you the address of my AARP representative. Gotta go for now...it's 10am and nap time!
Hey Jan, Yes I know we pre-date "fossils", but I was trying to make the point that the HHS grads of 1999 were born in 1981-82. Now that's got to be a little scary to THOSE, the 81-82 grads, and I think of THEM as kids. Gloria had already pasted her "ancient" story way back on Feedback 16. That was the instant that I knew V6 and I were going to become "Best Friends". I wouldn't trade her sense of humor for 100 Seniors.
Thanks Jan for the note and don't forget your Doans pills.
Name: Gainor L. Brooks (Lynn) () on Saturday, July 31, 1999 at 03:46:57
E-Mail: gainor@gateway.net
Class: 1963
Message: We had a great time at the mini-reunion last week. It was really fun to see old friends and talk about old and new things. Hope we do it again soon.
Hey Lynn, How're you doing. Yes, we will be doing it again soon. The next thing is Homecoming and the Stick and Stein after. That'll be on October 15, so make your plans to be there. There're plans to have a BBQ at Rec Park in El Segundo, the following day. We'll see you there.
Name: Larry Biller () on Saturday, July 31, 1999 at 03:07:13
E-Mail: lbiller49@yahoo.com
Class: 1967
Message: To John Crotty. Well I tried sending my home address to you at your sister's e-mail address but the delivery failed (twice). I guess we'll have to meet on here for awhile until you get e-mail.
You still singing? I still play guitar (in my living room). Do you remember the time Carl Wilson was testing a P.A. system on the front lawn of that house they used to rehearse at by Anza? There was a bunch of us over there watching.
A normal week, about 8 hours a day. This last week, 25.
Name: Marilyn Caldera () on Saturday, July 31, 1999 at 02:44:39
E-Mail: j.calderaortiz@gte.net
Maiden: Caldera
Class: Present student
Message:Hello John
I'm currently attending HHS, and I found out about your website from that billboard we got on El Segundo.
As I was looking through your webpage, I started wondering about something. I'm one of the 'drama freaks'
and I love hanging out in the theater, Nyman Hall. One of our favorite things we advanced drama people
love to do is decide whether or not a new student should really be a part of drama. If we like them and want
them to stay we usually spread the Billy story to them. Billy is our ghost, yes, The Ghost of Nyman Hall. It's
a whole legend that goes like this: Billy was a janitor working at the school way back when (everyone has
forgetten exactly how long ago, but I'm thinking 40 or 50 years ago, if the school was around then). One
night before a play rehearsal he was fixing the stage lights, the ones that hang under a large opening over the
stage from the attic, when somehow he fell out of the attic. No one knows if he just fell or someone pushed
him, but when he hit the stage it broke his neck and he died. His body was found when the director and cast
arrived for rehearsal and found him laying on the stage. Now his ghost is haunting Nyman Hall, at least, that's
what everyone says.
I really want to know if you ever heard anything about a ghost in the theater when you went to HHS.
Sometimes I think it's all a big joke to scare the new people, but sometimes... Well, I've heard stories like he
messes w/the lights and moves our props around. Someone said that before the security system was
extended to the theater drama students would hide somewhere after rehearsals and wait for the teacher to
leave or just break in and have a lock-in, y'know doing "un-mentionable things." Well, the person who told
me that said that when the poeple started getting too into it, Billy would do something that would end the
party and send everyone home, though it could have just been them halucinating. Someone else told me that
during a play a few years ago, he kept screwing w/the lights and was scaring the whole cast. That's basically
the stuff I've heard. What really makes me think though, is what my friend saw. She's really close to me,
and I can tell when she's messing w/me. One day in the dressing-room we were talking and I went into
bathroom to check my makeup and I heard her make this squeek she does when she's scared. When I
came out she said she saw someone in the attic (there's another door to the attic in there). We got a
flashlight, but I douldn't find see anything in there. She's thinks it was Billy, she won't go in that room alone
anymore. Well, later, at a rehearsal that night, I went in there alone to think and I could swear I heard
whispering very softly in the room with me. It was enough to scare me out of there.
Well, I know it probably sounds stupid to outside ears, but I was wondering if you could check w/some
alumni who were associated w/drama about the Billy legend. I really want to know if the death really
happened and it turned into an urban legend or if a few thespians decided to make the theater more
Marilyn Caldera
Can anyone help Marilyn out here. Someone must know a strange story or two about Nyman Hall. Do any of you Drama people remember a Billy breaking his neck?
Name: KAREN BEARNS () on Saturday, July 31, 1999 at 02:34:25
Class: 72
Name: Marilyn Paula Caldera () on Saturday, July 31, 1999 at 01:43:29
Message: This is a pretty dope web page you got. It's cool to see what my school looked like way back when. That's right, I'm going to HHS right now. I think we sometimes forget that the 'old people' around here had their high school days too.
Thanks Marilyn for adding to the site and welcome. Yeah, us Oldies blazed the trail for you young Cougars long ago. We have people on this site that were going to HHS before you were even born. Why one oldie that comes to mind is Gloria Valencia.
Yeah Gloria is getting fairly "long in the tooth", uh that means really really old to you high schoolers out there. She graduated way back in 1976. Can you imagine that, and she's still alive today believe it or not. Yeah 1976; just 200 short years after our founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence, UH or was that when we dumped the Tea in Boston Harbor and gave King George the Italian salute. I forget but old Gloria would remember boy. Yes sir I think Gloria Valencia was born about 2 years after the invention of concrete. Gloria, if you can possibly remember how to work your keyboard, maybe you can explain to young Marilyn what "Old" means.
Name: Susie Sperry () on Saturday, July 31, 1999 at 00:13:39
E-Mail: ssp1072818@aol.com
Maiden: Manning
Class: 71
Message: I just got the internet and would love hearing from any one who might remember me.
Name: Diana Romero () on Saturday, July 31, 1999 at 00:11:59
E-Mail: OnlyDi @aol.com
Maiden: Sanchez
Class: 1975
Message: Hi again Cyndi and Faelin,
Just got off the phone with Lori Belger and she says Hi. Also Laurie Bristow lives in Livermore.
And to Dewey Storey, Lori says Hi. I told her about the e-mail I received from you, she was surprised to hear your name. It's been a long time.
Lori will be signing on to Cougartown soon, I finally talked her into it so John hold on to your hat here comes another one. haha
Great Diana, Keepem comin'.
Name: Diana Romero () on Friday, July 30, 1999 at 23:12:33
E-Mail: OnlyDi @aol.com
Maiden: Sanchez
Class: 75
Message: Hi again Cyndi and Faelin,
Happy to hear the both of you are having a great time visiting with each other !! It is really great when good freinds stay together !! Heather, Sheree and I are still the fearsome threesome as always. Haha We are all busy with our lives but always take time out to give each other a ring at least once a week. I am still in Bloomington, CA which is near Fontana just in case you didn't know where Bloomington is. I am still going to school, and I am a Trauma Nurse now and I love it!! My son graduated this year and my daughter is 11. All is going pretty good !! Well, take care and have a great time don't be strangers now!! Give me an e-mail now and then.!! Bye Diana
Name: Susan () on Friday, July 30, 1999 at 20:34:03
E-Mail: funds4kids@Yahoo.com
Maiden: Ciampa
Class: 77
Message: John, could you please forward the picture of Joseph Mailander to me? My husband and children have been diligently collecting small packets of ketchup and I think we have enough to do the job.
Now all I need is an apricot tree...
I'll send the picture, you find the tree.
Name: Dawn Hansen () on Friday, July 30, 1999 at 18:35:20
E-Mail: hanseda@mail.northgrum.com
Maiden: Hansen
Class: 81
Message: It took me a couple of days to cruise through the feedback pages...I have to admit, it's nice to see some of the names and places from my High School days (and some before that). I actually forgot about places like Kiddy Land and Kresges...I would enjoy hearing from any of my classmates. (Where are you - Kelly Adams, Kay Johnson, Connie Upegui (I think I spelt that wrong), Sherlynn Richardson (I know she moved to Idaho in 1979), etc.
Name: Ingrid Larson () on Friday, July 30, 1999 at 18:14:53
E-Mail: fdg@earthlink.net
Maiden: Larson then Larson now
Class: 74
Message: Well, it's Friday afternoon, 4 p.m and I'm signing off for two weeks. My guy, Brad, and I are off to the wilds of Wyoming for a well deserved vacation. No phones, no modems, no e-mail - - - and (sob!) no Cougartown Feedback. It'll be tough at first, but, I figure, going "Cold Turkey", I should be fine after the first few days.
So, in my absence, be sure to keep the Feedback comin'. Today we're on page 106. I wonder what page we'll be on when I get back on August 16th. It'll probably take me a few days to catch up.
Have a fun time Ingrid. See you in 2 weeks
Name: Laree Blauert () on Friday, July 30, 1999 at 17:53:36
E-Mail: None Yet
Maiden: Meeks
Class: 57
Message: I have missed the reunions, not on list I guess.
I have 5 granchildren! I work for National guard, as a civilian. I live in Northern Calif. I have been single for 15 years. Id love to hear from people, I'll get an e-mail address soon.
Name: John Crotty () on Friday, July 30, 1999 at 17:05:40
Class: 69
Message: John B...thanks again for this incredible site...I've told other people at work about it and none of their alma maters have anything remotely close to this..nothing.
Does anyone know where Theresa MacFarland is? She was in the class of '71, but left her junior year and moved to Granada Hills. She asked me to the Backwards Dance, but I turned her down because I was going with a girl from Gardena High back then.
Stupid me!!! If anyone from '71 kept in contact, get her on this site. Thanks. Gotta go, it's Friday.
Hey John, We're the Cougars....."First Cabin" all the way!!! Thanks man
Name: pauline matthew () on Friday, July 30, 1999 at 15:08:33
E-Mail: sockser@hotmail.com
Maiden: spencer
Class: 1969
Message: hi class of 69- hope to see every one at the reunion in oct. hi to john crotty-my old love. i don't think you will remember me. rick soares lives up by merced, ca. it sure is nice to have this web page to get in touch with our old friends. any member from class of 69 who would like to write, my e-mail address is sockser@hotmail.com
hope to hear from some old friends
Name: Faelin and Cyndi () on Friday, July 30, 1999 at 14:04:00
Maiden: Klein and Laird
Class: 75
Message: Hi Diane! Thanks for the info on all those people! Faelin lives up north too. I wonder if Laurie Bristow lives near her. How are you doing? Are you still in So. Cal.?
Keith - How ironic that you saw Terry Agnew!! Tell him hi for us if you see him again. Faelin wants to know where her vitamins are. She needs to beef up, big time!
Does anyone know where Wade Greasby and Steve Baron are?
We're still having a blast. Taking the kids to SeaLife Park today. Aloha!
Name: Kathleen Griffin () on Friday, July 30, 1999 at 13:30:20
E-Mail: Spirithart@yahoo.com
Maiden: Nix
Class: 74
Message: John, I'm planning on going to Homecoming. I can't let Gary be the only representative of the Nix Family, we wouldn't want you to get the wrong idea about us!
I really enjoyed the pictures of CN, it would be nice if the folks were identified though.
John Crotty, I remember a Noreen and a Paul Crotty, are they related to you? I think I know you from my dad's cub scout/weblos troop. Not many folks from Del Air are reprensented here, I was wondering what happened to everyone!
JB, As for a Griffin? I'm a Griffin, I've been called a lot of things in my life, but shoe polish isn't one of them....
Kathleen, We'll be looking for you in October, and plan on Saturday too. BTW, if the people from out of town have to visit relatives on Saturday, then why not bring them along to the BBQ. What a perfect way to spend the day and kids are no excuse, as parks were made for kids. Now that you're out of excuses.......be there!!!
Kathleen, 2 reasons I didn't put names up. It was easier, as I was slightly rushed, and frankly, I don't know everyone yet. I can identify most though. Email me if you have to know someone's name.
Name: Rick Polis () on Friday, July 30, 1999 at 13:23:35
E-Mail: jlrtp@earthlink.net
Message: Hi
I didn't go to Hawthorne High, But made the run
from A&W to the Wichstand nitely in my custom 57 Buick. I would like to know when your going to do this again an I'll cruise over from Orange County
in my '56 Chevy. I guess you can say I'm still A kid at heart would love to see if any of my crusin buddies might show up??
Keep it cooking, sounds like fun.
Hey Rick, There will be more cruise nights. That one was just TOO much fun. Although there isn't another one planned right now, it will be posted here. Thanks
Name: Lisa Kostiszak () on Friday, July 30, 1999 at 12:46:04
E-Mail: LisaLza@Aol.com
Message: Hello to all my friends from the class of 1989 or around then. E-Mail Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name: Gloria Herlosky () on Friday, July 30, 1999 at 12:23:37
E-Mail: Gpork
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 76
Message: Well, I just finished looking at all the pics from FF night, and it really touched my heart to see such familiar faces from the past! Shannon, Susan, Kathy, Ingrid, Roberta (Do you ever change?), and all the cute Treckys!!! And Joe Mailander! I am really sorry to have missed what looks like such a great time. I will make a big circle on my calendar for homecoming night so I can join in the festivities. John, to the rest of the planet we may all look like "fossils at Fosters" but to me, everyone of you still looks no older than 17. Everyone looked fantastic!!!!!!!!!! And to those two cutechicks in HA, the Hastings Patty was married to is not from HHS, and is ten years her senior! Hi to all the moms brave enough to sign on, Moms: T, L, H, B and V (Sorry if I missed any.) It's bad enough that Patty constantly asks me, "So, is there anything new in CT?" while she is on business. But now my mom is too!!!! She would sign on herself, but she won't come in the same room where there is a mouse.
She won't come in the same room where there's a mouse......Very cute Glo.
Thanks for checking in, and we'll be looking for you in October. I talked to Susan this morning, and she thinks maybe we should have a BBQ in the Park on Saturday after the big game to celebrate our MIGHTY COUGAR victory over the sentinels. Any of you that are coming into town for the game, please make plans to be at the BBQ the next day. Thanks Gloria
Name: Diana Calabro () on Friday, July 30, 1999 at 10:28:30
E-Mail: joe_diana@yahoo.com
Maiden: Thompson
Class: 1961
Message: Hi John, The pictures are great from Cruise Night,
I will be sending you some more pictures shortly.
Loretta Cuiper, I haven't seen the billboard I
guess I'll have to cruise by, this was a great idea. Loretta I'll be calling you in a couple of weeks. Oh! I told Joe we saw each other on Cruise Night and he remembers you very well. John, Joe also
says hello. Talk to you later.
Thanks Diana, I'll be looking for the pics. Hi Joe!!!
Name: john crotty () on Friday, July 30, 1999 at 09:51:01
Class: 69
Message: oops again...i made two mistakes....it wasn't ruggeri or wilcoxson who got their arm broken on halloween, it was larry robertson....and...the beach boys practiced at the pooles house on 125th..not the polles (typo)
Name: Diana Romero () on Friday, July 30, 1999 at 08:20:46
E-Mail: onlyDi @aol.com
Maiden: Sanchez
Class: 75
Message: Hi to Cindy and Faelin,
Just wanted to let you both know that Laurie Bristow I understand lives up north, Lori Belger runs into her every so often. Theresa Duel visits Jody Torgenson quite a bit she would be better able to answer your questions, her e-mail address is IBJODI@aol.com. Jodi and I e-mail each other so I get caught up on whats going on with her. Mickey last I heard is living in Moreno Valley with his wife. Heather might know more as she stays in contact with Dale. Robin is happily married and a mommy, she is doing well. Well here is your info wish I could have given you more.
Name: LARRY BILLER () on Friday, July 30, 1999 at 06:19:25
E-Mail: lbiller49@yahoo.com
Class: 1967
I've been thinking about trying to contact you. Looks like it won't be to difficult now. As you probably know from reading past feedback pages I'm living in Oregon now. I'll send you my home address via your sister Georgette's E-mail.
Name: 2chicksagain () on Friday, July 30, 1999 at 03:10:30
Class: 75
Message: Beth- What are you doing up at 1 a.m. anyway? Go to bed already!
Name: 2cutechicks () on Friday, July 30, 1999 at 03:08:19
E-Mail: maitai@paradise.com
Maiden: we forget
Class: 75
Message: John - I swear we haven't been drinking!! If we were our message would have been MUCH more interesting. But we are having a great time, and to think, we are not even medicated! (Although I will be taking some Benedryl soon). Thanks to all our fellow Cougars for helping us to remember things we never knew we forgot! We'll check in later. ALOHA!
Name: Keith D.Jones () on Friday, July 30, 1999 at 03:00:10
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Maiden: always been Jones
Class: 76
Message: Faelin-Cindi, What a world! I have been working at our booth (Golds Gym Nutrition) at the Gold's Gym International Convention at the Rio Hotel here in Vegas. I was talking to a couple of old training partners and friends Bill Pearl and Ken Waller when I get a tap on my shoulder. I hear a "hey big guy what me to kick your ass"? I turned around and it was Terry Agnew. He works in sales with Xtreme SPortwear (the clothing Licensee for Gold's Gym). Ken Waller owns the company. I haven't seen Terry in 23 years. He looks exactly the same. He may be 10 to 15 pounds heavier and thats it. He really does look the same. He is married. Works out of Culver City. I think he told me Kevin Winters was down south. Have fun. A couple of my firends were in town to visit me too from Hawaii. Cindi should be there either late August or early September. Aloha Nui Loa
Name: Louie Seven () on Friday, July 30, 1999 at 02:49:47
E-Mail: dhgginb@oregonsbest.com
Message: Hi again! I have a QUESTION here; but first, let me praise this site and say what a gass it is to check out Hawthorne via the net. Nice Job!
But now...to my question. It is known that Brian Wilson (class of '60?) was a football guy in H.S.
BUT, what position did he play?? I'd like to know. Thanks!
Hi Louie, Brian was a Quarterback
Name: christine baird () on Friday, July 30, 1999 at 01:50:43
E-Mail: Bairds1@juno.com
Maiden: penny
Class: 76
Message: John.....i know that many have already said this but i feel i need to say it too.....THANKS! for all the time and effort you put into this site! i just finished looking at all the pics and they were fab! got to see pictures of some people i haven't seen in over 20 yrs. more specifically....KATHY STONEBRAKER....lookin' good kathy. really looking forward to seeing you next year on the big boat. i'm going to be sending you some e-mail....so check it tomorrow, k. ")
Thank you Christine......
Name: Beth Meade () on Friday, July 30, 1999 at 01:34:42
E-Mail: bethmeade@earthlink.net
Maiden: Treckman (T1)
Class: 75
Message: Hi Cyndi and Faelin, It sounds like you two are having a great time! I too wonder where all those people are that you mentioned. Faelin, I remember running for homecoming queen (was that it?) and being sponsored by GSA (or was it GAA?). Whatever happened to sports in school anyway? Well, that's another subject. You were running for Queen too and when you won as a princess and I didn't win at all (didn't really expect to, but it was fun), you were so nice. I remember thinking that it was great that someone so pretty was nice too. Have a super time there in Hawaii. Wish I could join you two. Beth
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