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Tommy Roe
Every Body

Name: Leslie Greasby ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Aug 11, 2008, 7:05 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1979
City & State: Whittier , CA.
No E-mail
Message: To the Class of '78, Thank you for allowing me to come to your party. Unlike other 79ers, who Crash parties, Maggie, Rhonda, Jeanette, and Marla, I had notification! What a good time had by all who attended. I was asked to attend the Party by Karen Krstich, since her husband, Jim, couldn't make it due to illness. So, I stepped in and accompanied my friend. It was fun hearing her ask me; "Who is that guy?", "Did he/she graduate with me?" "They don't look familiar." :-) She told me that I knew more people than she did. Our hardest classmates that we had a time trying guess, were two gentlemen sporting long hair. It wasn't till after dinner that we guessed who they were. One actually had long hair and the other was wearing locks attached to a baseball cap. Mike Henderson, you haven't changed. AND Mark Nathanson , lose the cap! The entire night was excellent. Linnea it was great seeing you. Julie, you cut a mean rug!!! So do you, Marty, "Junior G-MAN!!!" The only thing that I noticed we all had a problem with over the years was the music seemed to be tooooo loud for our ears. Thanks Kenny for asking the D.J. to "Turn It Down." We used to be able to talk to one another over the music. :-) To Tami and Shari, thank you for letting me through the door and celebrate with your class. AND especially to Karen, Thank you for asking. I can't wait til next year to celebrate my 30yr Reunion! See you all then, Rhonda, Maggie, Marla, and Jeanette!

Name: edward schatz ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Aug 11, 2008, 4:19 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1970
City & State: lakewood, calif.
Message: Hey John B. and Cougs. It is a sad state of affairs without athletics at any school, but we are pressed when it is ours. Ugh, it all falls apart in the middle. Not only for the athletes, but pep squads, and cheerleaders, and band, and others are affected. We will see what becomes of this. BTW, John, haven't rung in for a bit, where do the contributions for the athletic funds concisely go to?
Hi Ed, The funds go to Mark Newell, Principal. Just click on the HHS SPORTS banner, above, and fill out the form and on the next page it will tell you where to send your check and how to make it out. Funds go for travel, equipment refurbishment, EMTs, game related equipment, coaches stipends, trainers, etc.

Name: Larry Banta ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Aug 11, 2008, 3:12 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1978
City & State: Inglewood,CA.
Message: Sorry to take up more space so soon but I have to tell you all that my son and I just had a Cougar sighting this afternoon. We stopped by Chick's Sporting Goods in El Segundo and while I browsed the shoe section a young man greeted me very professionally and then commented on my shirt. He said his parents went to Hawthone High and so did he. It was the son of Jodi Wilbanks Weishaar. And the shirt, of course, was a Cougartown tee. Very nice young man, Jodi.
Now THAT'S a Cougar Sighting. Thanks Larry.

Name: Larry Banta ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Aug 11, 2008, 2:57 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1978
City & State: Inglewood(Del Aire), CA.
Message: Well, I'll add on to Dana's extensive information laden update on the '78 reunion. Thanks Dana. It was great. I think the final attendance number was around 90. We all read every year how much fun our reunions are, but it's still hard to express just how great a time you have at them. It's easily worth the price just to spend some time with a few former classmates, let alone all the people that show up. I e-mailed the committee my thanks and would like to do so again here publicly, all but Sheri Hahlbeck because I don't see her e-mail address listed. I think she should be fined $25.00 for not adding it to Cougartown. Like John always says, "Don't miss your reunions".
There you go Larry, You now know the magical feeling.

Name: DANA SALLEY ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Aug 11, 2008, 12:52 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: SALLEY
Class: 1978
City & State: SIMI CA
Message: We?re still recuperating.....

Name: Steve Maldonado ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Aug 10, 2008, 4:18 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1976
City & State: Longview, WA
Message: Well...??? I'm dying to find out how last night's Class of '78 Reunion went! Any news?
Steve, you missed it? You should have been there.

Name: Jerry Miles ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Aug 10, 2008, 12:02 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: Fair Oaks, CA
Message: JB, I can understand why people may be a little reluctant to donate to the HHS Sports fund. There is a scandal brewing that could put all others to shame. When I checked your donation information to date I noticed that $7027 has been collected. But you also state that we have raised 11.71% of our $60,000 goal. That $7026, Baker! WHERE DID THAT DOLLAR GO? So let?s all help John out. He may blame it on rounding off but you can?t round 100%. $60,000 is less than $10 each. True, we don?t have to contribute the full amount but wouldn?t it be great to get them started this year with a bang. We were very fortunate to have most of our programs paid for or at least heavily subsidized. So, if you can, try and help the current Cougars out. It REALLY will make you feel GOOD.
I agree Jerry, and thanks for pointing out that dollar rounding error. Now I will be inundated with email asking where it went. OK I'll fess up. For every 7027 dollars donated, HHS donates 1 bone to Cougartown.....
Thanks again to all the donors. I was gone this weekend so that's why your donations weren't updated, but they are now and let's keep the donations coming.

Name: Raymond Smith ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Aug 10, 2008, 8:07 am - HHS Time
Class: 1981
City & State: Portland, OR
No E-mail
Message: I wanted to make a SHOUT birthday wish to my dear good friend Diana Hantgin (now Oach) wishing her a belated happy birthday. Met her in the summer of 1980 while I was working in Taco Bell and who would know in the unforseen future we both would end up living in Oregon (she lives in southern part while I'm in the Northern part). To this day we are very close friends and I'm glad she went to HHS. Just too bad I only got to hang out with her for 1 year due to my retirement...oppps..I meant graduation from HHS in Deeee, glad you had a great birthday.
Happy Birthday, Diana....

Name: Horendo Mendoza ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Aug 9, 2008, 10:25 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1981
City & State: Hawthorne, Ca
Message: Hey, Laura Twitchell, I'm also at the Olympic Games. Maybe we can hook up and talk about the old days.

Name: John Baker ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Aug 9, 2008, 7:05 am - HHS Time
Class: 1962
City & State: Lomita, CA
Message: Just want to say thanks to our 47 HHS Sports donors for your help on this project and it seems the HHS Sports donations have stagnated a bit. Surely out of 6500 Cougars on the Alumni list and about 200 regulars on the Feedback page, there would be more than 44 alumni, 1 teacher and 2 parents that can help out our Alma Mater. If you can't give the 250, please give what you can. It's all tax deductible folks, and we really do need your help on this one if HHS is to have a sports program in 2008-09. Thanks up front for your generous donations.

Name: Mary Ann Martin ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Aug 9, 2008, 6:18 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Walton
Class: 1961
City & State: Nashville AR
Message: My dad, Reese Walton, was an '84 Olympic torch bearer and ran his 3 kilometers down Hawthorne Boulevard on Opening Day ... Lots of locals there to cheer him on! Beer? For that lady? Tim Lutz asked Ms. K out and she blew him off. He couldn't believe it! Keith, keep up the good work! Go Cougars!

Name: Myrna Bizzell Wood ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Aug 8, 2008, 9:27 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Bell
Class: 1966
City & State: Nevada City, CA
Message: Sorry to bother you again, John, but what/who should checks be made out to, supporting HHS athletics? Want to send that down also.
Hey Myrn', If you want to give money to HHS, please go through the Donation page. When you fill out the form and press the button it'll tell you how to make out the check and where to send it. If you bring it to me, I have to send or take it to HHS for you, and explain who it's from and give them your address and they won't get what I'm saying and it's a real mess.

Name: Tom Whitener ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Aug 8, 2008, 9:22 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1960
City & State: Novato, CA
Message: Russ: I remember the Miss Z. Christmas story exactly like you do. Must mean it's mostly true. As to the Great Tijuana Adventure of 1960 here's how I remember it: For Spring break, Jim Hoel, Bruce Johnson, your brother and I loaded up the trunk of my '49 Merc "Can't Dance" with all the beer, whisky, guns and ammunition it would hold and headed out into the desert to shoot rabbits, cactus, rocks, etc. After a couple days of that we were headed back to LA when we saw a sign that said, LA North - San Diego South. Seeing the sign for San Diego, all four of us immediately shouted "Tijuana!" and turned South. However, once we got to the border we had a problem. You had to be 18 to get across and only Dave and I were. But, Dave and I each had a driver's license and a draft card. We parked "Can't Dance" in San Diego, I gave my draft card to Jim, Dave gave his to Bruce, and Dave and I walked to the border. The cops checked our driver's licenses, passed us ok, and we then found a bar to wait for Jim and Bruce. The trouble started a few minutes later when another Tom Whitener and another Dave Jacobson showed up and the cops remembered two guys with those names from just a few mintues before. After interrogating Jim and Bruce in separate rooms and getting past some stories that didn't match, the boys finally fessed up what had happened. The cops took them back to my car to check it out. Fortunately, I had the only keys in my pocket and I was already in the bar drinking beer with Dave. Imagine what would have happened had the cops seen what was in the trunk. In any event, after a stern lecture, Jim and Bruce were finally released and told that if they were caught near the border again they were looking at some jail time. But, knowing that their two buddies were already having fun in Tijuana, were the guys satisfied to leave well enough alone? Hell, no! They hiked out across the fields in the dark, crossed the border and, quite some time later, found Dave and I. But, before they could start having fun with us, they had to take care of Bruce. Crossing the field, he had fallen in a fresh cow pie and smelled to high heaven. Even the bar girls wouldn't have anything to do with him. They finally bought a bottle of cheap perfume and doused him with it. He still smelled pretty bad, but the girls at least tolerated him. The rest of what happened that night cannot be recounted in a family forum, but everyone's heard about what goes on in Tijuana, and for us that night it was certainly true. We got back across the border without incident the next morning -- tired, hung-over and with our thirst for adventure at least temporarily satisfied.
Yep, the old "get across the Tijuana border" story. They're all the same.

Name: Myrna Bizzell Wood ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Aug 8, 2008, 9:18 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Bell
Class: 1966
City & State: Nevada City, CA
Message: Hey John - really it's me signing on! I'm sending my dues down with Gordon, so be sure and ask him for them!!! I'm sorry I don't get on here very often. Sometimes when I read feedback it makes me want to go back down and visit Hawthorne, but in reality it is so much different than when we were all kids, running around free with no fears! Thank you for all you have done for the alumni. I know it started out more as a learning tool, but you've become such an important part of our lives and brought so many people together. Cougartown is a terrific site!!!
OH SURE, check in every 8 years, pay your dues, say nice things, then go away for 8 more years. Get your Hawthorne Keester down here for the Picnic, MYRNA.... and thanks for saying those nice things

Name: Russ (El Rojo) Jake ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Aug 8, 2008, 6:24 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1960
City & State: Kuna, ID
Message: Tom Whitener, you made my day! I think I told that story on C-Town several years ago about Miss Z. I think we told her we would also come over to her place and wash her car. She declined. I also believe we had wrapped up a 6 pack of (ugh) OLY 16oz for her in Christmas wrap and set it on her desk. Seems to me when she opened it they should have heard her scream in the office. The class did roar! She put it in a locker in the room, if you remember what I do. It's great to hear from you. One last you remember the trip that you, my brother, B. Johnson and Jim Hoel took to TJ? I'd love to hear from you about that. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU! Jake N Jude.

Name: Keith D. Jones ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Aug 8, 2008, 4:20 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1976
City & State: Las Vegas
Message: One more thing. Can someone help and find the league and CIF Championships HHS has won over the years in all the sports

Name: Keith D. Jones ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Aug 8, 2008, 4:18 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1976
City & State: Las Vegas
Message: Okay a little up date. I am done with the Press Release and about 90% done with the Sponsorship Package. Should be done over the weekend. After Sharon McDonald helps me with making sure it is grammatically correct I will have it to John. It tells some history of the sports program and list some of the outstanding athletes that came from HHS. It has why we are doing this and what it will be going towards. There are 5 levels of sponsorship. We are looking for at least $250 (Cougar Cub) minimum to $8,000+ (Gold Cougar) for sponsorship from business's. Individuals can donate what they can.
Hi Keith, Great job man and no sense sending it to me. Just get it in motion and forwarded on to prospective sponsors. Thanks again for helping out the HHS Sports Program...

Name: Penny Prouty ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Aug 8, 2008, 1:00 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Prouty
Class: 1962
City & State: Torrance, CA
Message: Paco.....great pictures! Thank you!

Name: Dennis Kilroy ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Aug 8, 2008, 12:47 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1977
City & State: OC CA
Message: Hi to all. Well I guess I need to put my 2 cents in on funding the HHS Sports programs. Unfortunity this is the normal. My son goes to school in OC and we pay about $500.00 a year for all his band stuff. And our school district is in good shape. We also have fund raisers that the parents & students are required to do. Our football team booster club pre-sales tickets to the football games. So they can have the money up front....But all that said I will gladly donate what I can. And I would like to say I am very proud of all the HHS Alumni and our teachers and parents for being such stand up people and getting involved. And helping out. All you guys are class acts all the way. See everyone next week.
Dennis, Great ideas there too. Maybe HHS can "go to school" on other districts that foot the bill up front. I've heard they are going to ask the players to "pay to play", this year. The times, they are achangin'. Thanks very much Dennis....
