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.....argueably, one of the top 10 all time opening 49 seconds in R&B/Rock and Roll history. Ray Charles
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Tuesday, July 27, 1999 at 01:52:02
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Maiden: always been Jones
Class: 76
Message: John, can you tell us people who couldn't make it to the cruise night about how many people showed up. Also, if Mr Grahammer died in 1972 I had his ghost for three years from 1974 to 1976. I will definitely be there at the Homecoming Game.
Hi Keith, Thanks for the correction. It was Mr McGrorty and NOT Mr. Grahamer, who passed away in 1972. Sorry about that. YES, we will finally get to meet you Keith. It will be a gas, I know it will, and am looking forward to it.
I would say, counting the kids, that there were about 125 at Cruise night. I think I counted 104 in the guestbook, but not everyone signed it.
Name: christine baird () on Tuesday, July 27, 1999 at 01:44:43
E-Mail: bairds1@juno.com
Maiden: penny
Class: 76
Message: thanks john.....just call me a blond....dah!
found it....going to go check it out! ~ ")
Name: dean karels () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 23:51:27
E-Mail: DKarels@msn.com
Class: 65
Message: just reviewed pics from 30yr reunion lookin forward to our 35th. thanks to john for startin the site and danny petty for telling me about it.
Hey Dean, Welcome aboard and heck, don't wait around for a year to go to a reunion. We have them here every day and throw in a mini-reunion every so often. Thanks for being out there and come on back often.
Name: Ricki Farrell () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 23:47:17
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: John Boy, I trust that we should believe that you really haven't had the time to place the photos, right? Or, is this Jim Sloey code thing true? It's hard what to believe sometimes. I think that Jim Sloey was a friend of one of the other "V" girls. That in itself leaves him questionable at best.
I'm still dreaming about Saturday night. Anyone who missed it, don't miss the next one. It was a blast. Even if I hadn't known a soul, I would have had fun. Thanks King John and all who helped.
Thank you Ricki darlin', I was so glad to finally meet you. I'm sorry I didn't meet Jim, but I will. No, it's right in front of your nose. If you find it. Post it for everyone else. Thanks Ricki
Name: Alan Hauge () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 23:17:59
E-Mail: GMT333@AOL.com
Class: 1961
Message: John: how cool to be back on the "strip" once more with old friends. I'll thank you for the millionth time behind all the others. The only difference is the cops weren't there to bust anybody for drag racing or knocking down a few brews.
Tonight I dug through my old high school stuff and found two Cougars in fair shape. They are in the mail.
The dates are March 17, 1961 and May 26th, 1961. What fun these are. One says, "Brian Tully isn't lazy he's just saving his energy". Carol Coombs-"Popularity is her middle name". And, about Roayal Lord it says, "A greater man might have lived, but we doubt it".
It also has haircuts advertised at $1.50 and $1.30 with a copy of the ad for HHS students. Gosh, I wonder if they are still in business?
See ya cruzin' on the strip.
Hey Alan, Great to see you again on Saturday. It WAS kinda' nice to be on THIS side of the law huh. I bet Carol Coombs is still Gorgeous AND popular. I say let's do the Cruise night thing at least twice a year. Everytime we do, we'll pick up a few new people. I think Brian must be STILL saving his energy as he lives in the South Bay. I know he would have been there if he could have. Thanks Alan, and keep the shiny side up on that bitchin' 33.
Name: Disgusted () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 23:07:40
E-Mail: Yeahright@growup.com
Message: This little picture-hunt has totally undermined the quality of an otherwise good site. I was enjoying it, and telling all my friends. We're all too old for kid games. It sounds to me like there's some kinda clicque thing going on here(deja vu). SOME people get to see the pictures, but the rest of us get cut out. Thanks a LOT! Please just post the pictures on a picture page in a normal way.
No one knows where the key is, not EVEN Mr Sloey. Well OK, It's on this page NOW. Oh and please don't be disgusted. This is a fun site and we ARE a little zany from time to time. Actually pretty much ALL the time.
Name: christine baird () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 23:04:24
E-Mail: Bairds1@juno.com
Maiden: penny
Class: 76
Message: okay......you've been ever so kind and given us this special code so we can see the pics of cruise night.....but if you would please...... TELL US(ME)HOW TO USE IT!? i would be most appreciative. ~ =)
thanks in advance ")
Hi Christine, Find it and click on it.
Name: James Armour () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 22:59:33
E-Mail: ORCAARMOUR@aol.com
Class: 70
Message: Where are all the Poltashes? There were at least 4 of them at HHS. Anybody in the Pismo Beach area? I understand Mr. Grahamer(?) is living next door in San Luis Obispo. Ausgeziechnet! Anyone here from Ramona Elementry School? Sad about Holly's. Is Ivy's on Hawthorne and Sepulveda still there? I didn't care much for high school, but memories are great. Thanks John!
Hi James, Ivy's was on El Segundo and Hawthorne and is now a Conroys Florist. Thanks for the shout and come on back any old time and we don't talk much about school, but we love our school memories.
Name: Karen () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 22:07:08
E-Mail: karen.h.kusumi@boeing.com
Maiden: Hare
Class: 66
Message: Jim,
Remember who GOTCHA today......
Name: I'mThere () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 21:55:15
E-Mail: ReallyTiredOfLooking@aol.com
Message: Sloey....
OK, bud.. fun is fun.. but I REALLY think it's WAY past time for you to let EVERYONE know just where the pix are. You have to realize that not everyone has all day to surf the net nor the skill to uncover Easter Eggs....(and yes, I saw your post about the code number........but, like WHAT section and what PART of what section and WHERE do you input the &^%*%$$ code NUMBER????????????)
REALLY TIRED of looking.......
Name: Ed Chesson () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 21:03:56
E-Mail: CaPTChess@aol.com
Class: '63
Message: Allright, Sloey, fess up or there will be a ton of Cougs heading your way to "squeeze" this "code" out of you!! :)
Name: jim sloey () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 20:47:12
E-Mail: whyamigettingthe hasslewhenanyonecouldknowit.com
Message: dear cougars,
the pictures are on one of the other pages ,i.e., hangouts, what's new, etc. the code you will need id 270799. now we are all on the same page!
Jim Sloey
Name: EL ROJO () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 20:31:32
Maiden: I-DY-HO (sloey)
Class: bitchin
Message: hey you guys and gals, been reading the FB page. sounds like you all had a ball. ID QUEEN AND I got out the old john deere and cruised the the streets of big ole KUNA ID.. the biggest problem is, most of these "beings", don't know the DOO WOP, its the "MOO WOP", after awhile though they kind of get the hang of it. its a four shuffle to the left and then a four to the right, "stand up, sit down, fight, fight, fight". then they know how to rock and roll. hope you enjoyed the music. by the way Robin where are you? thanks EL AND ID QUEEN!
EL ROJO, Donde esta dude? We thought you got squashed by a D6. I'm glad you're here, now don't leave until we find Robin. Yes we had the best of times. I don't think it was as much fun in 1960. Stay tuned for the Pics and may the Mighty Cougar cover that spot on your Pate so poor Judi can catch some shut eye. Be Good EL
Name: Judy Toten () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 20:15:23
E-Mail: dream-cakes@juno.com
Class: 74
Message: What an AWESOME night that was!!! And I thought my regular class reunion was fun! Seeing alums before and after me was (michelle 5:36 Monday - that's a message for Buguy) so incredible. I couldn't believe it , but even my Kindergarden teacher Mrs. Brooks was there !!! And she remembered me too!!!! Both she and Mr Plotkin look exactly the same! It was so good to meet the genius John who flushed this whole thing together. Kathy, thank you for a job well done. I'd like to help (you) with the next one. Not take your place ...just help (LOL). David B. you looked fantastic and your daughter is stunning, it was fun to talk to you. Steve and Dewey and Ingrid great seeing you. Patty V....what a trip!! Our plan is going to be fun! What a wonderful connection we all have. I don't imagine many other High Schools are doing what we are. Let's all keep it alive and start calling everyone you know who doesn't know about this. See ya all at the homecoming.
Hi Judy, It was great meeting you the other night, and I'm glad you feel EXACTLY the way I do about all us Connected Cougs. It does not MATTER what class we're from. We are all brothers and sisters whether we like it or not!!
Name: Betty Rodriguez () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 19:01:11
E-Mail: tombetty@kelp.net
Maiden: Kean
Class: 69
Message: Jim Sloey- Code? What Code? I don't know no stinking code!!! But I'd like to see the pics. . . Is this an attorney thing. . .
Ahhhhhh YES, That's Jim Sloey at hartje@gateway.net
Name: ingrid Larson () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 18:57:21
E-Mail: fdg@earthlink.net
Maiden: Larson then Larson now
Class: 74
Message: NO FAIR! Sloey gets the inside track to see the latest digital snaps of Saturday's Cruisin' Bash!
I've just gone through every page I can find in this huge website (except perhaps, each of the 100 previous pages of feedback) and I haven't seen hide nor hair of them. Spill, man. Don't keep me in suspense any longer - it's killin me. Where do I go to access those shots?
I Love You Guys MAAAN!!
Sloey, do you want to tell them?? See Jim started this thing. It wasn't me. If you'd all like to email him, it hartje@gateway.net
Name: Madeleine Hahlbeck () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 18:27:11
E-Mail: GrannyHah@aol.com
Maiden: Short
Class: 57
Message: Glad everyone had a good time at Foster Freeze. Let me know if Dale behaved himself. I love seeing all the names of people who had been at Hahlbeck parties, in the 50s and in the 70s. Hello to all!
Name: LGW () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 17:20:26
E-Mail: lgeelew@pacbell.net
Maiden: Geele
Class: 76
Message: Cruise Night, the Northern California version, was attended by all eight HHS residents of the Greater Bay Area. Sharon (Webb, 75) Nelson brought along her crew: Barry, Emily 2.5, and Gabrielle, 6 months. I (HHS 76) brought Dave (HHS 75), Michael 11, and Matthew 2.
Sharon and I made sure to get our ice cream first and let everyone else fend for him- or herself! Some of us were daring and had spumoni or mint chocolate chip mixed with rocky road, some others (the male engineer contingent) made do with vanilla or chocolate. Barry did venture into pineapple-coconut sherbet land and convinced Emily to try some as well.
Music was provided by Kathy Stonebraker, and cheers of delight for our gathering were heard from as far away as a small Foster's Freeze in Southern California.
It truly was a rowdy time, made even more so by the presence of the large mud puddle at the corner of the walkway. We could not induce the mud puddle to behave itself and stop jumping on the children, no matter how hard we tried.
But, what the heck, we were competing with the party in Southern California and had to make ourselves stand out somehow.
So, next cruise night, come up to Los Altos and have a really grand time -- forget the small, mundane parties they throw in Hawthorne -- we're the place to be! :-)
ps -- Thanks for the pictures, John and all. It makes those of us far away think we're in the midst of the crowd! And it really is something in the water in Hawthorne -- everyone from Hawthorne looks so GREAT! I can hardly wait to grow up and go to my 40th, 50th, 60th reunion. You all just keep getting better and better!
Thanks Laura, I told Kathy to "pump up the volume" and I'm glad "The Beach Boys" reached, at least, to Los Altos. I think that down the line, we'll plan a "Road Trip", at least to central CA. I know a few of you in the Bay area/Sac/Redding (Bob Reagan, are you listening?) can make that one, NO Problem.
Name: Roni Kobel () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 16:19:23
E-Mail: rskobel@aol.com
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 76
Message: It is only fitting that my mom should be a part of Cougartown (Mom, I was thrilled to see that you took the plunge into feedback!). From 1971 to 1981, I can't imagine how many volleyball, basketball, softball, and track events we all participated in, but I have to say, I don't think Mom missed a single one. Mr. Key just said to me Saturday night at Fosters how he enjoyed sitting next to her at all those games! Don't be a stranger here, Mom, and thanks for being there!!
Yes Mom "T", We enjoy you all. Mom "B" and Mom "V" that goes for you too. Now my mom.........well OK, but makem short mom, and are you EVER going to ask me to dinner??
Name: Kathleen Griffin () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 15:54:53
E-Mail: Spirithart@yahoo.com
Maiden: Nix
Class: 74
Message: Wow, sounds like the cruise night was a hugh success! I wasn't able to make it to this one, I had front row seats to see Dan Fogleberg and Janis Ian at the Greek, but I thought about ya'll. John, do you have an offical body count yet? I've got October 15 marked on my calendar, hope to see everyone at Homecomming.
Hi Kathleen,
104 people signed the guestbook, but I'm sure some didn't, and then there were the kids. I'd say 125 total. Sorry you missed it. We'll see you at Homecoming.
Name: jim sloey () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 14:33:47
E-Mail: picturespicturespicturespicturespictures.com
Message: John
The pictures are great I just can't believe how many you took. That was very clever how you made up that code so that we had to figure out how to find them in one of the sections that is usually, in all probability not viewed that often. They were great and it was like being there all over again. DeGrazia the one of your knee was great! Ouch!
John I just don't know how you can do it all!
you be the King!
Hey thanks Jim. I thought it would be more fun this way. I see you found them right away. Must be that Johnny Cochran mind of yours.I've got to get back to hiding them so I'll talk to you later.......Where's Robin and El??? Was LeeRoy pickin' them boys up to go Skunk Huntin'??
Name: Peggy Webster () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 14:32:13
E-Mail: pegs4bmws@aol.com
Maiden: treckman
Class: 77
Message: Hey Mom! (or should I say Mom 'T') - How COOL to see your entry here on Cougartown!! You're my hero! Roni and I drove by the old homestead on Saturday! The house looks the same! I'll show you pics of Foster's night when I see you next!
Name: Myrna (Royal Mother Floggette) () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 14:30:57
E-Mail: mybizz@aol.com
Maiden: Bell
Class: 66
Message: I'm sooo sorry to have missed the cruise. I made everyone have an ice cream (not until 10pm) in honor of Cougartown. I've enjoyed reading all your input about how great this event was! John, I love you! You've touched my heart by starting this website. I know it has taken all of the alumni to make this the place it is, but it has opened up such a wonderful memory area for us all.
Thanks Myrna, I love you too girl. Now why don't you see if you can't round up Jim and Gordon and make the Homecoming game??
Name: Pam Betraun () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 14:20:08
E-Mail: pbetraun2@PhilipInc.com
Maiden: Heath
Class: 78
Message: Hi everyone,
Sorry I didn't get to Foster Freeze early, had a conflict in my schedule. But I met the most important person. It was good meeting you John, even though you already knew who I was.
Looking forward to the Oct. game. Hopefully we can arrange for all of us to stand up and sing the Alma Mater like we used to. Wouldn't that blow the students away.
Pam, Yes I already knew you, but you'd changed a little in the last 37 years. I'll see you at the Game.
Name: Ingrid Larson () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 13:29:17
E-Mail: fdg@earthlink.net
Maiden: Larson then Larson now
Class: 74
Message: Excellent Event. Considering how many people showed up Saturday night, for a event that only got the date nailed down 10 days in advance, just think how many folks will be on hand on October 15 for Homecoming. Heck, we may need to have a complete grandstand just for the Cougartown-ers.
It was good for the soul to see so many people brought together for the sake of our common past. I got a kick out of seeing the folks from my class - Patty, Dewie, Dave, Judy (did I miss anyone?) But it was also great to see people from the classes surrounding mine that I hadn't seen since we graduated. Like Shannon Lester, wow what a blast from the past! See you at homecoming!
John, it was a pleasure to finally meet you. I can imagine you're days and nights will be filled with scanning, photos, El Molinos, and Cougar newspapers, not to mention heaps of additional Feedback from all of us lookey-loo-s.
John, would it be presumptuous of me to offer my assistance? I could donate an evening a week to come over and help wade through the paperwork. I'm good at that, I do it for a living. Let me know if I can help in any way. This thing is certainly becoming larger than you initially envisoned it. No reason why you should have to shoulder the work all alone.
Ingrid, Thank you for being here too. You are a "Cougartown Peach". As it stands right now, I can handle it on this end. You are however notified that you are "On Call" AND on the "A" list. I know lots of you WANT to get involved in Cougartown. This too will happen. Thank you all for the support and I'm glad to see that so many want to stay connected with their "Joined at the Hip" friends.
OH....Ingrid, there might be one thing you can do. Can you talk to Mark and have him get back to me?? Thanks......
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 12:57:23
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
Message: John,
Make sure that the problem with your server is not the first 100 pages you could be typing for a long time...
Yes I could.......
Name: Susan () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 12:27:09
E-Mail: funds4kids@Yahoo.com
Maiden: Ciampa
Class: 77
Message: Cruise Night has come and gone... but the memories will last a lifetime. Thanks again for a wonderful night of rekindled friendships and long lost memories, John.
Kathy (Lorig) Stonebraker, the only word to describe you is, INCREDIBLE! Thank you for all your hard work in pulling Cruise Night together. It was wonderful to reminisce with Steve about the Stonebraker boy's wild antics during our childhood years. Your kids are terrific and so are both of you. Can't wait to see you all again.
T-Girls! WOW! You all look absolutely wonderful! Peggy, it was terrific to talk to you after all these years. Your kids are beautiful!
Mandy... thank your wonderful husband for providing "Pokemon Mania" entertainment for my little Cougar.
Joe, Joe, Joe, what can I say? It was great to meet your "main squeeze" and to see you again. By the way, I have collected all of the left-over catsup packages at Foster's and will be making good use of them soon thanks to Patty V. and John. By the way Joe, marry the girl, would you?
Sharon B. it was great to see you again too. You have an incredible sense of humor and your son is lucky to have you for his mom! Patty V - you are as beautiful as ever and so are your kids. Gloria, you need to make it to the next one. I missed seeing you, and couldn't talk to you because Sharon hogged all the phone time until your big sister snatched the phone away and... HUNG UP ON YOU!
Shannon Lester and Mom Lester, it was great to see you both again. Next time bring the rest of the crew with you!
Maria Lococo, you look wonderful! I am so glad you didn't just "drive by" like you had planned. It was great to see you again. By the way, if you had to marry an Italian, Mike was a great choice :-)!
Dale Hahlbeck... what can I say. Tell Sheri and Valerie we missed them, and thanks for sharing the pictures. Your parents are caught in a time warp... they have never aged a day since the 70's!
To all the Cougars from every generation... it didn't matter when we graduated, we were all one on Saturday night, united by the spirit of HHS. It was a wonderful experience to meet so many people who share a common bond. You are all great!!!!!
Last but not least... John. You are one incredible Cougar and YOU have brought infinite joy to the lives of so many people. Thank you will never be enough....
Susan, Although I've only known you for a short time through these pages, I feel very connected because of the my grandmother's friendship with your grandmother. I hope you and I can continue our friendship, as they did, over a half century ago. Be a Coug girl, and thanks for being a part of all this.....
Name: Laura Porter () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 12:15:09
E-Mail: dsnycrw@ivic.net
Maiden: Twitchell
Class: 79
Message: WOW...I've just been reading all the notes about Foster's and ... what a party!! The Class of '79 will be represented at the next one....
In the meantime....huge thanks to all the committee who made our reunion this past weekend a huge success. Bigger thanks to all you Coug's who made the effort and came. We had an incredible time and it was terrific to see everyone again. I loved matching kidlets to classmates at the picnic on Sunday. We're already talking about a 25th.....
Needless to say John we are blessed to have a site to come too. Thanks again for all you've done to bring us together...no matter where in the world we've scattered.
Thanks Laura, I can't wait to see and hear about the House of Blues Bash. I know you had an incredible time, and are still about 4 feet off the ground. I look forward to seeing you and the 79ers at the Homecoming game on October 15th.
Name: Marti Treckman () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 12:00:21
E-Mail: marti_treckman@musician.org
Message: Beth, Roni, Peggy, Patti Jo & Amanda are my daughters. Hi, George Key, and hi, Tom Quintana!
All Right!!! Move over Mom "V" and Mom "B"......It's Mom "T" ! ! !
Name: Marguerite () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 11:57:10
E-Mail: Vonkolen@aol.com
Maiden: Melchert
Class: 63
Message: I just wanted to let you know John you have changed my whole routine now when I get on my email every morning. It use to be to check my mail, check my stocks, see what newsy things were going on and then go to work. So now what happens.....I've got to check in on "Cougartown" and spend an hour perusing everything and getting such a kick out of all of it, thank you so much for such a very "neat" thing for so many to enjoy. Cruise Night was just the best, I've already got October 15th marked on my calendar for the next one (so glad you mentioned it!)and if everybody keeps spreading the word about this website and about our get-togethers, wow, next time will be even bigger and better. Thanks again Sandy for the get-together at your house, so great to see everyone and let's just keep this goin'!!!
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