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.....another cruise night memory flogger for the early 60's group. If you don't remember Hunter Hancock, you didn't own an AM radio. Hunter Hancock was an LA Icon in the 50's and 60's. I remember him on KPOP and KGFJ. Thanks El Rojo for the clip Hunter Hancock
If it were a revival meeting... I would have converted.
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 10:46:51
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
Message: Looks like you all had such a wonderful time on Saturday at the Foster's Cruise Night!
My husband and I were camping in temperatures in the high 90's (did I say camping - really, melting is more like it). At about 9:00 CDT (7:00 PDT), my husband and I toasted all HHS alum with paper cups full of white zinfadel.
Keep the pictures coming!
Yes, Thank you Sharon for your tribute to Cruise Night and the pictures will be coming, but be patient folks, as we're experiencing some cougartown server problems. They WILL be rectified!!!
Name: Karen () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 09:19:32
E-Mail: ohwhatanight
Maiden: Hare
Class: 66
Message: John,
What can I say that has not already been said, You Da Man.. It was a great night. I was so glad to see my old friends Mary Kean, Becky Slaughter( our freshman princess), Betty Kean, Danny Petty, Jim Sloey , all the rowdy girls who I looked up to when I was growing up, and all the people I did not get to meet. Mr P. you looked just the same as when I was in school, you are ageless.
A special thanks to you John for this great site that has helped bring us all together, and to Kathy Stonebraker and her family for all the work they did and Betty for the HHS nametags, they were great. I would also like to thank the two guys who just wanted an ice cream cone when we hit 100 pages, I believe it was Dewey Storie and Chris Prewitt. Once again thanks to all who participated you made it a great night for all of us.......
DANNY PETTY!!!! I just missed the VIPER....
Name: MaD ScaNNer () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 06:07:59
E-Mail: mad_scanner@hotmail.com
Message: As a semi new arrival, Judy Toten got hit by the MaD ScaNNer hahahha
Name: theresa portela () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 01:17:17
Maiden: theresa portela
Class: 1994
Message: i love hhs!!!!!!
You've just said the magic words Theresa, you're in the club.
Name: Ernie Nixon () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 00:31:47
E-Mail: ErnBren2@Aol.Com
Class: 63
Message: WOW, what a righteous event, Mr. Baker, I didn't get much of a chance to thank you personally, so I'm going to do that now. Thank You so much. I couldn't believe how Foster's had hardly changed. Such memories. This thing has blossomed into such a great exchange between graduates of HHS. Of all the people who was there. one kind of wandering around, Vernon Purchase. I've known him since we were about 8 or 9. Dan Petty, Bitchin' to see you again, loved it when you donned the A&W Jacket. Mr. Chesson and Mr. Leighter, were just beginning to have fun with this. Everybody else, Just keep it growing. John, again, what a day! Ernie Nixon '63
Thanks Ernie, I'm glad you feel the same way I do. Let's keep it growing guys.
Name: Sandy () on Monday, July 26, 1999 at 00:24:21
E-Mail: c4writer1@aol.com
Maiden: Peppers
Class: 63
Message: Last night was nothing less than terrific. So many friends reconnecting. Sorry we missed Curtis' call. John, thank you for believing in, and then showing us the strength of friendship and ties at HHS. We were all so close, they were such great times and you have helped to bring this wonderfulness we had back then to the present, and for this I am truly grateful, what a gift! Last night we were back in the sixties for a brief while, exchanging stories, and just laughing, and laughing and laughing. Jennie, Karen showed us the picture of you and new husband, you both look great. Robin, I met your cousin Chuck, what a great guy, super nice. I was so happy to see John Moynagh, he is very special, and for a bonus he has the telephone number of one of my oldest and dearest friends of the past whom I have't seen in 20yrs. This just keeps getting better.
Thank you Sandy. Now let's keep the friends we've found, and go out and collect a few more.
Name: Janet Burkett () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 23:32:15
E-Mail: jburkett@compaq.net
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
Message: John,
I thought you were taking the day off??? I should have known! Last night was too much fun to not start talking about immediately! I called my dad, daughters and brothers this morning to tell them all that Hawthorne is still alive and well!! I had such a great time, where to start. I have to confess, pulling off the freeway and starting down HAWTHORNE BLVD. brought tears to my eyes last night....where have the years gone?
I loved seeing everyone, especially you Loretta, and Larry. Let's plan on dinner sometime soon! I bet we could convince John to join us. You both still look great...(we were right Loretta!)
I don't know where to begin to say thank you to all who helped make last night such a success. But, the obvious and biggest thank you goes to Mr. B! Thanks John, looking forward to more great times!
Love ya all,
JB (the other one)
Hey JB, Take the day off!!?? Are you kidding. This is WAY too much fun. Was that a kick in the pants or what?? Who came up with this idea anyway?? I talked to Leo, the owner of Fosters and he said we could do it again. Heck I remember when we used to do it every night. "Yeah mom, my homework's done. I'm going to Frosties." Thanks Janet
Name: Jorge Llaves () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 23:17:31
E-Mail: Mathesh@aol.com
Class: 80
Message: And to think my only ambition when growing up was to be a cowboy. Thanks to the Marine Corps I became an instructor which eventually led me to HHS. I wouldn't have missed cruise night for all the cows in Montana. Thanks again John Boy but really feel we should be helping you with funding. Please let us know how we can help.
Are the girls really getting more beautiful with maturity or my eyesight just failing. Either way I'll take it. Buenos Nachos--JORGE
Ahh George, You're just a romantic at heart. A true Don Juan Capistrano.....Thanks for being there last night and please tell your wife that she's invited to all these events too. we've got to find out where those tattoos are hidden
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 22:33:39
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: Prinny of the Uni
Class: 76
Message: Dearest, Darling John, I am a MOM, I ALREADY HAVE eyes in the back of my head!
Hey girl, I've been trying to answer your email for 5 hours now. Give me another few minutes. Thanks. . . .
Name: Marsha () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 22:27:53
E-Mail: RussellMG1@AOL.COM
Maiden: Russell
Class: 64
Message: Oh John, you truly are the KING, what a great night! When are we going to do it again??? I had such a great time seeing old friends, there is just something so special about the friends from high school. Many thanks to Sandy Peppers for her hospitality, Sandy you just never change! The Rowdy girls went back to Sandy's house after the cruise and talked for hours, 1:30 a.m. to be exact, I paid for it today. What happend to the times we could stay up all night and go at full speed the next day? I'm not sure what Judy and I are going to talk about now that we aren't anticipating cruise night but I know that we will find something, I don't want to loose the connection. Robin, we missed you and you must be there next time. What happened to Kathy Duran???????? John, you're the best and many thanks to you.
Thanks Marsha, Do not have a big giant let down like after one of those "Have a Reunion for Four Hours and wait Ten Years" things. We do this 4 times a year at least. We're into finding and holding onto these people. The good part is, as we go, we find MORE of our old buds. Next time it's Homecoming game and the party at the Stick n Stein after. That's Oct 15. Everyone make your plans.
Name: Tom Leighter () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 22:13:29
E-Mail: TLeigh1120@aol.com
Class: 63
Message: Thanks to all who worked so hard to make Cruise Night a success. JB this website is absolutely a work of art. Keep up the good work!
It was really cool to see some old friends again. Ed, Ernie, John Moynagh, Marguerite, Lynn please stay in touch. Being at Fosters and talking about the "old days" really opened the book of memories.
Let's all do this again soon!!!!
Hey Tom, Thanks for that. Oh this WILL go on. You can bet on it. Be a Coug
Name: Cheryl Nicocia () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 21:59:41
E-Mail: chernico@cvc.net
Maiden: Christensen
Class: 62
Message: Sooo, John, what did you do today? ha ha ha ha It took me hours to go through all the feedback, so I know how long you've been at it. Cruise night was a success, I gather, huh? I know you had a great time, just one question. The throne?? Was it made of porcelain? I just want you to know I went out in the front by the river and sat and had a cookie dough ice cream cone (and a glass of wine) and thought of you guys, and wished I could be there too. I can't wait to see all the pictures. I know you must have missed me, cause I missed you....
Yes Cheryl, I missed you to death. Although to tell you the truth, I had plenty of company. It was a blast to the past as you have read. There will be pictures, and yes it was porcelain. I'm glad you supported cruise night in your own way. I think El Rojo and Robin must STILL be partying.
Name: Diane () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 21:59:21
E-Mail: DSmithC21@aol.com
Maiden: Lay
Class: 65
Message: John, Thank you for Cougartown.com and for making cruise night for all to enjoy. I had a delightful time meeting old and new cougar friends. I look forward to attending more functions. Again, thank you John and everyone that made cruise night possible.
Thanks Diane, it's been a hoot connecting with everyone. This is possibly more fun than 1000 to 1500 people should legally be able to have. So for now, let's keep it to ourselves. Thank you Diane for being a part of it all.
Name: MaD ScaNNer () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 21:07:27
E-Mail: mad_scanner@hotmail.com
Message: this is for Patti V....The City of Hawthorne wants to know where to send the bill!
I can't take her anywhere.
Name: Chuck Collins () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 20:04:05
E-Mail: CKC1stCav@aol.com
Class: 69
Message: Hi John, This is my first contri to these pages. I gotta say Great Job on Cruise Night !! I'm only sorry I could only stay a few minutes. I didn't get to meet you and apparrently missed the real fun-- your Coronation! Oh well-- Next time Dude!
Since my class -69- seems to be mysteriously under represented here, I guess I'll have to start paying more attention.
HEY, where are all you guys of the class of "sin, sex, beer and wine". Lets give this guy a hand he's doing one hell'va job!
Yes, where're you 69ers?? I'm looking at the Guest Book right now, and it looks like you were well represented last night.
Oh, glad you missed the "Throne Fiasco". The indignance was to have the Alma Mater being sung and they wouldn't let me stand up.I don't know who brought the throne, but I DO know who grabbed me and led my to the slaughter. Sharon, grow eyes in the back of your head.
Name: Roni Kobel () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 19:11:29
E-Mail: rskobel@aol.com
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 76
Message: Now THAT was a party! John Baker, it was a pleasure to finally meet you in person - I felt like I knew you already! And Mr. Key, I always thought you were so proper (tattoos????) (aren't principals supposed to be proper?)! I remember when I was preparing to say the invocation (in the great days when we COULD say one) for graduation, and I had to go to your office to discuss it. I was so nervous - my little heart was pounding! Of course, being the good kid that I was, I'd never been to your office before.... you were so nice, saying that you hoped I'd come back and sing sometime! Well, singing the Alma Mater at Fosters with all you Cougars was a highlight of the night for me! And when the fire truck rolled up, and out popped Tom Perez, class of 76, saying, "huh? what's Cougartown? We just came for ice cream!" Sharon Brannigan, I wish you didn't live so far north - I could use a cub scout mentor! Thanks for the camp patch! You are as full of spirit as you ever were! Kathy Stonebraker, you deserve a medal! Patty V, you're gorgeous - it was great to see you! Don Collins - you'll love being a dad! And to everyone else, long live Cougartown!
Thank you T2. I felt the same way about all the Cougs last night. I can't wait for the next one.
Name: jim sloey () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 18:59:25
E-Mail: whocouldforgetchilifriesatfosters.com
Message: Robin,
It is better to be a Prince than a king at least we are allowed to sit where we choose. What a night, it was really nice to meet so many nice people in one place, Harry Plotkin what a pleasure, Dick Hanson, Sharon Branigan, Judy Degrazia, Marsha Russell and all the wonderful rowdy girls, what a treat for a youngster to meet all the hot shots when I was a twerp, ok I am still a twerp, Eddie Fite, good to talk to you and Dewey Storie, (when I took drivers education at Leuzinger in the summer between my Sophomore and Junior years we sat in alphabetical order so it was Sloey, Storie,[Dewey's brother Mike] Teller, Mo Trott, Loren Heath, and anyone else I shall remember later I apologize. It was good to see all the people I still know, my brudder of course, Jan Chauncey Norton, Debby Elliot, Lupe Perkins, of course Karen Hare Kusumi and Billine Spencer Flynn from the class of 66, hooray, Lynn Brooks, Loretta and Larry Cuiper, Vince and Mary Schiavi, perple butt and her darling daughter, and I could go on but I won't, and anyone I forgot I am sorry but it was great! Oh and I am sorry I missed seeing Jorge Llaves, Rikki Farrel and her husband Jim, and last but not least George Key, but everybody says he looks like Jorge. And John it is always a pleasure to see the King!
ps when are you going to post pictures for Robin?
I say Robin shoulda' been here and he wouldn't have needed pictures. Actually I will be up tonight, selecting a few pics and setting up the pages.there goes 60 minutes.....I think we'll have some pages by Tuesday. Hey Lynn Brooks. Sorry I missed you man. Also, Billine Spencer Flynn.....I didn't know you were there last night, but I'm glad you made the trek. Thanks Jimbo.....
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 18:35:41
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 60
Message: Again, it was a great evening, just wanted to leave a note to Janet Burkett, Diane Calabro, and Jan Norton. It was a wonderful evening talking to these three ladies. I truly enjoyed our time together. Diane and Jan I'm sure we will be seeing alot of each other and Janet our busy travelin lady, at least we will be staying in touch by Eing, now that you have a Computer, YEAH! Wonderful to be reunited with all our friends.
Name: Larry/Loretta Cuiper () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 18:14:26
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 60/62
Message: Hi John, Just wanted to let you know we all had a great time last night. Was so great to see everyone, was so nice to spend time with Mr. Plokin and to talk to Our Ms. Brooks. Told Eric last night and Called Darla this morning to tell all that went on and they both say hi to the both of you and Darla says Hello, Hello to Lupe and Diane and Kristi Perkins, see you the 15th and 16th, and Lisa Calabro, RN, doing well. Larry and I enjoyed spending time with Janet Burkett ( Have a good trip), Dick and Jan Norton (had a great time at the car show today) meeting Patti V5, seeing so many old class mates, so many have done so much with their lifes, The Alans, Marshas, the Sloyes and for those who were unable to be there on Saturday nite, make plans for Oct 15th Homecoming and the party after, this will be a big affair. This was great and John Thank you for giving us all the chance to do something like this, Keep up the good work and remember if you need help, there are many of us out here who would be happy to help you! THANK YOU AGAIN
Ah Loretta darlin', I love you to death. Folks, this is one of the 3 sweetest persons on the face of this earth. Larry, you ARE a lucky guy to have this one. Yes, I will be at the next one. How do I know?? Because I've already penciled it in, and NOTHING is going to stop me from attending. The rest of you, please follow suit.
Name: Peggy Webster () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 18:05:43
E-Mail: pegs4bmws@aol.com
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 77
Message: Well, I FINALLY got to meet John Baker!! And it was a true pleasure to meet you, John! The Foster's gala was so much fun! Susan Ciampa, I had a BLAST talking with you and your family! Your kids are GREAT!!!! A big KUDOs to the owners of Foster Freeze for letting us all from Cougartown take over their joint, scaring off their regular customers. I for one really appreciated their contribution. I can hardly wait to get my roll of film developed. George Key, it was great to see you again and to meet your wonderful wife! She told me about your tattoos and how you WERE going to get a tattoo in the late 50's but she wouldn't let you. Now, over 40 yrs later you got TWO of them (tattoos, that is!)
I can hardly wait til homecoming in October!!!
T3, It was a ball (one of them) and I thoroughly enjoyed meeting ALL the T's except, well, you know.Beth, you have 11 + weeks to figure out how to make it to our Homecoming Game/Susan Ciampa Walling Bash in El Segundo. The King may need his Royal Coach and driver for this next one. Thanks Peggy and now that we all know each other, I'll try to loosen up next time.
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 16:17:53
E-Mail: redondo612@aol.com
Maiden: DeGrazia
Class: 64
Message: So what's left to say about Cruise Night?
I am there!!
Name: Herlosky Gloria () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 17:42:09
E-Mail: Gpork
Maiden: IAMNOTPATTY!.com
Class: 76
Message: Well, I just finished talking with V5 and she says last night was a hoot! V3 and I are here talking about all the write ins, and are green with envy that we missed what was a good gig. (However, as mothers, (she of 5 me of 3), we firmly resolve never EVER to attend soirees with NO alcohol!) At any rate, we are still leafing through our thesaurus trying to define Joe's last entry. Glad everyone had fun. Congrats again, Senor Panadero. Margaritaville or bust!
Yes V6, Next time - I SPIT ON THE KIDS!!!! It's gonna be "That Slow Boat To Cactus Juice City". THEN we'll see how many back out eh.
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 17:36:52
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: POTU
Class: 76
Message: Cruise Night! A remarkable SUCCESS! What a pleasure to meet the many and fine folks who grace these pages with their memories and humor! Both Sloeys, Bill and Jim (note the younger brother is first - I too am a younger sibling of a very outgoing and gregarious olderling) Dave, Cindy and Melissa Barboza, what fun to meet you all. Well Dave I can't believe you remembered me, being Susie's younger and all, you know, the shadow thing...
Joe Mailander, a surprise visit, almost at the last minute! Cindy Pearcy, you are still as pretty as when we were in school! Dale, Steve, Shannon and Mom L, all the wonderful T-girls who still look so great after all these years! Susan Ciampa and hubby, I never got your name, WHERE WAS YOUR NAMETAG?? Patty (V5) and Ricki (V1), I always have great times with Valencias. It's my karma! Jim, it was great fun to finally meet you, I hope we see each other again soon! Miss Burket, er, Roberta, er, BOBBI! Even though years have passed you still remember little old me, well maybe not so little but my hubby would say, definitely OLD. Mr. Key, er, George, er, JORGE! I think it was not ME who addled Juanita Cable so badly.... it must've been someone else. I was SUCH a good kid in school! Tom Perez showing up by accident with the Hawthorne Fire Dept. Kathy Lorig, you put on a GREAT PARTY, I think we should all plan on a party at Kathy's next time around! Thank you for all the hard work and planning, not to mention the expense by the way. Chris Prewitt, what a wonderful gift- not only a THRONE but some pretty decent READING MATERIAL too! Chris printed out all 100 pages of CT feedback and presented it to John in the form of 700+ sheets printed front
and back, in the off-chance that CT will crash, John will be able to re-enter all the past feedback by hand. AWESOME! John has generously offered to make copies for all of us!
(I see a FUND RAISER here!) I have another amazing reunion story but I'll save it for later. I've gone on too long. But, hey, everybody, GREAT SHOW ! Thanks to all of you for being there! El Rojo and Idaho Queen, Robin Hood, anyone else who couldn't go, PLEASEd
Hey Swifty, I thought Roberta Burket was a total babe in High School.........
Name: Betty Rodriguez () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 15:45:03
E-Mail: tombetty@kelp.net
Maiden: Kean
Class: 69
Message: John-
Well, what a fun night. Spent the whole evening watching my sister and her friends reminisce. Karen, Becky, Billene, Chuck, Danny - how fun. Wished I'd seen more from my class. But I enjoyed seeing everyone reconnecting. Will look forward to the next one. Very nice to have met all of you.
Betty, Thank you for being there and for providing Cougartown with the coolest nametags. I heard compliments on them all night, although I kept losing mine. You're a true Cougar.......
Name: Gary Nelson () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 15:20:46
E-Mail: Kruiszn@aol.com
Class: 60
Message: King John: For the record, the mystery man who drove by with the loud speaker was Don Dye!
Hey Gary, I must've been sitting on my throne, reigning over my kingdom at the time. I missed that one. We also missed you too. Actually, YOU missed one great night at Fosters. Next time....
Name: joseph mailander () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 15:12:30
E-Mail: joseph.mailander@uboc.com
Class: 75
Most old trucks have scaly paint and therefore are somewhat reptilian in nature; yours, however, John, is resolutely pure amphibian. A '51 Kermit I think, and rumor has it that it was the original vehicle of which it was tentatively said, "Your mileage may vary." Thank you for providing us all with such an excellent and cheap date on a summer Saturday night.
Hah-hah-Hahlbeck and Renteria and Lester, all 75-like-me, are now in adult life all marvellously well-acquainted with the fact that an exceptionally low level of Dante's Inferno is consigned to the makers of discord; but they are nonetheless keeping the spirit of 75 alive by muddying all waters, obfuscating all facts, and allowing every conversation to run to complete farce. Well done, compats. I had to leave a little early--Dale, did we ever succeed in securing that temporary permit for the sale of alcohol through the ice cream window at Foster's? I hope our good work did not go in vain...
George Key I somehow missed, but then again I successfully ducked him through high school, always managing to point the finger at Gioia, and it was probably a willful subconscious tick that prevented us from conversing. George, it was really me who distributed those spurious memos from you endorsing Ted for ASB president. I can say it now. I think the statute has safely passed.
My old heartthrob Cindy Percy is still making the blood rush and seems very happily married to a great guy, dammit. And my wild prom date V5, well, she just gets more engagingly wicked every passing minute. I sensed a similar predilection resident to ol' number 81 as well.
Chris Prewitt et femme are far too polite and accomplished to endure my company for very long, but nonetheless it was excellent to get a chance to ackowledge the man as a partial accomplice to the early destabilizing of my psyche.
Oh, and it was great to get a chance to show Susie Ciampa my latest Tournament 301 and Cricket trophies, achievement deriving from skills I learned at an early age and at her expense. Her husband had brought some Heinz packets, I hear--there could have been quite an exhibition. There may yet be if those pictures turn out. Mugs away, lads...
What an evening. One every hundred pages, please.
Joe dude, Always a pleasure..........I think.
Thanks Joe for declavitating the couerience with your subtle dyancannonical sense of oblasity. Or as we used to say in Hawthorne, "I LUV YOU MAAAAN!!"
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 16:50:55
E-Mail: redondo612@aol.com
Maiden: DeGrazia
Class: 64
Message:Cruise night was the best...
If it were a recruiting speech...I would have enlisted.
If it were sex....I would be having a cigarette right now.
My thanks to My John for taking the part of the deerhunter and coming back
for all of us old friends. Thank you will never be enough. ( don't read
into that John)
My thanks to Marsha Russell for the last two weeks of daily doses of non
stop laughter.
My thanks to Jim Sloey for setting the ground work for this event with just
the right amount of heart felt humor and suspense. ( you'll always be
Dominic to me)
My thanks to Maureen Manning for taking the time to reconnect with me after
all these years and make me feel 16 again and for the beautiful gift made
with her hands, but given from her heart.
My thanks to Sandy Peppers for opening up her home and hospitality to all of
us ROWDY GIRLS and for adding just the right touches to the ROWDY GIRLS
You're all the best!
Love you all......Judy DeGrazia (for Marsh...I.N.G.)
That pretty much says it all. Thank you Judy "D"
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