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.....another cruise night memory flogger for the early 60's group. If you don't remember Hunter Hancock, you didn't own an AM radio. Hunter Hancock was an LA Icon in the 50's and 60's. I remember him on KPOP and KGFJ. Thanks El Rojo for the clip Hunter Hancock
Name: Sherry Wingo () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 14:44:47
E-Mail: dscwingo@pacbell.net
Maiden: Peppers
Class: 1964
Message: Karen Hare, Marsha Russell, Dennis Campbell it was so nice seeing you. It's been too long. Class of 64 you all looked as young and beautiful as you did at our reunion in 89. How do you do it! Jimmys' megaphone has seen better days. Thanks to my husband for scrounging around for it. John we all owe so much to you for the friendships rekindled. A big thank you goes out to you.
Sherry, Thank you for coming. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing all of you again and maybe next time we can get Howard D to make a showing. OHHHH!!!! I forgot to mention that Curtis A'lurede called last night. He asked for Chuck but somehow I ended up on the phone. He wanted the phone number off the pay phone in front, but by the time I got back to him, he'd hung up. So Curtis, Thank you too, for trying to make the connection. Maybe next Cruise Night.
Name: Diana Calabro () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 14:34:26
E-Mail: joe_diana@yahoo.com
Maiden: Thompson
Class: 1961
Message: Hi John, just wanted to let you know cruise night was great at Fosters, lots of memories. Thanks to you, I got to meet some of my old friends, Loretta, Ricki, Barbara, and Roberta and also Mr.Plotkin and Miss Brooks. My daughters will be asking me about this tomorrow. I hope my pictures come out as good as we all looked. Well John when is the next
get together? Mr. Plotkin, I will let Tina know that you were asking for her.
Diana, Just as soon as we can get Queen Kathy S, Killer and the rest of her family, the stereo, the tiki torches, etc loaded up and pointed in the right direction. Thank you Diana for making the party last night. Will we EVER see Joe again??
Name: Patty V () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 13:25:24
Class: 1974
Message: Almost forgot, Martha Hoss, good job on recruiting your dad to show up in your stead. His classic auto was cool and he was trying hard to capture the mood for his debriefing with you. Nice to meet you Mr. Hoss.
Name: Dick Dixon () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 13:00:23
E-Mail: accessdd@excite.com
Class: '63
Message: WOW, what a happening at Fosters'. Glad all had a blast from the past and may King John live forever. Stuck in Vermont with Hemmings "Motor Media Day' but out on the coast for 2 weeks (7/28 to 8/10). Hope to slip by a few peoples digs and give my regards. Count me in for Cruise #2, I'm moving back to So Cal in October. Fair warning to my pal Gary Nelson and others. John, Joyce, Paul, Ernie, Lynn, Linda, Nancy, Bill D., Ed, and my other coug pals, have a great summer, see you in September/October. Keep pounding out those e-mails, love 'em.
Thanks Dickie, We'll see you at the next one.
Name: christine baird () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 12:56:31
E-Mail: bairds1@juno.com
Maiden: penny
Class: 76
Message: sounds like ya'all had a grand time at fosters. i missed it, the distance was just too great. we ended up taking our youngest, cory, to Schlitterbahn water resort. it's one of the top 10 water parks in the nation and markets itself as the 'hottest coolest time in texas!' on our way home i was thinking of you guys and how i would have liked to have gone. instead, my husband stopped on the way home and we had the 'ice cream of the future, dippin' dots'. if you've never had them they're really cool. they have to use special freezers because they start to melt at negative 40 degrees. should try it some time. glad cruise night was such a success and fun was had by all! ~=)
Christine, It's hard not to have a good time when you're surrounded by your ROOTS. Thanks Girl...
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 12:26:24
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
Message: Hello Cougars.
My wife Kathie and I had a great time at the Cruise Night. Our congratulations and appreciation go to all of the Cougars who helped make this an enjoyable and fun experience! We think a special "Thank you" should go to Kathy Stonebraker and all of her family members who did a lot of work to make the evening run so smoothly and well-organized. The music was great, the 50-50 drawing was successful, the yearbook table was fun for reminiscing, the signs and banners were wonderful, and the crowning ceremony for King John was spectacular. You did an outstanding job, Kathy. Thanks, again. We enjoyed seeing everyone last night, renewing friendships and making new ones. Everyone looked great, and we're looking forward to the next Cougartown event.
Thanks Chris and Kathy for being there and for all the help AND for printing out the ENTIRE FIRST 100. That means so much to me. You have no idea. We'll see you at Homecoming.
Name: Sherry Wingo () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 12:26:06
E-Mail: dscwingo@pacbell.net
Maiden: Peppers
Class: 1964
Message: We had so much fun last night. Everyone looked great. It was nice to be able to put a face to some of the names on cougartown. Chuck you still look 16! Barbara Norris truly is the queen. She had such great Haw. memorabilia and pictures. Loren I left early, so I missed you. See you next time. John you are the BIG KAHUNA.
Thank you and your entourage for making the big show last night. It was truly a nostalgic get together that'll be redone, I will assure you.
Name: Patty Valencia () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 11:43:16
E-Mail: pvalencia2@aol.com
Maiden: Dethroned by the Lorig chick
Class: 1974
Message: I had forgotten how hard it is to eat a chocolate dipped ice cream cone. Allie and I spent some fun time chasing each bite. Peter and Allie were thrilled to find other Cougar kids available for playing. Kathy Lorig Stonebraker is DA BOMB. She wins the Queen title. Brother, John shows up with duct tape and 2 rolls of crepe paper. Kathy pulls up with a construction team and a 'party in a van' and within minutes the joint is jumpin. The Branigans come with the movie 'Star Wars' playing in their van, so my kids had an opportunity to take a kid intermission (who thinks of these things?). Hahlbeck shines me on and then uses up all my cell phone dollars, nice. Dave, Cindy and Kimberly, how nice to see you Dave and to meet your beautiful family. Dewey and Denise, Betty, John and Jean, everyone - how fun it was to place faces with all of your familiar names. Kathy and Chris, nice choice of thrones! Ingrid, Judy (and Mom T), Mom B, Roni, Peggy, Karen, Steve, Jorge and Olena - the list goes on - What a blast. Let's do it again. Even the fire dept and the police dept stopped in and ate ice cream with us. Last but not least, THANK YOU King JOHN! For the ride, for Cougartown and for the duct tape and crepe paper.
Yeah those Stonebrakers CAN party huh, and don't knock duct tape. Like Red Green says, "It's the Handyman's Secret Weapon"
Thank you Patty for coming at the last minute and bringing your beautiful family. I like the Margarita parties as well as the next guy, but there's a lot to be said for the ice cream social, and kids crowd too. I can't wait to see you all again, but ahhhhhh..... next time, ditch the throne. I also apologize for holding you and your family hostage, and for keeping poor Allie up so late. I just could not leave.
Name: Ed Chesson () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 10:27:31
E-Mail: CaPTChess@aol.com
Class: '63
Message: Well, what can I say? The build-up for Fosters Cruise Night turned out to be everything as advertised! JB always talks about the "Coug Family" and last night at Fosters proved that he was absolutely right. The music was great, the ice cream was great and, especially, the friendliness of all the former Cougars from all the classes represented. It was as close to actually being back in the 60's as we could get. My name tag is forever memorialized inside my '63 El Molino! :)
John Baker, it was great to finally meet you face to face and see for myself that all these things everyone says about you in the feedback pages are true (and I do mean everything):) Mr. Plotkin and Coach Plum, thank you very much for coming out; they don't come any better than you guys. Tom Leighter, Ernie Nixon, John Moynagh; stay in touch always. And for those behind the scenes who put Cruise Night together, you did a wonderful job and believe me, the Throne for King Baker was fantastic!!
So JB, when is the next "get-together"?
How about this afternoon??Thanks Ed.....There'll be more of these. This was TOO much fun.
Name: Ricki Farrell () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 02:34:50
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: Whew!!! What a grand night it was at Foster's tonight. Jim and I enjoyed the evening very much. It was very nice to be somewhere these days where there was no negativity. Just good clean fun. I think that we all look pretty good. Heck, I thought Momma "B" was one of the kids.
Alan, please call Clayton. He was very glad to hear that you had asked about him. If you ever have the time, I would love to have you and Frank come out to Lakewood and talk to my Academy kids. It would be so helpful for them to meet and talk with someone who really works in the field of cinema and art. Oh would they love your car. Jim would give you the Panoz he wishes he had any day of the week for that beauty.
John, we never talked about your pick-up. We wanted a close-up view. May be next time. My mom was right, you are a sweet gentleman.
Sharon...Jim and I loved you. You never change. Mike and Mikey both looked great. And thanks Mike for remembering me. Dick S...Are you sure you didn't skip a few grades? You look so young. Glad to see you alive and well. Roberta, Diana, Marion, Ronnie... and everyone else I spoke to, it was great.
Jorge, your wife was lovely and it was a real pleasure to finally meet you. I'll let you know when Clayton is in town again.
I'm talked out! I just finished a long talk with Mom "V" who really does like Sammy best. Good-night all.
Name: Cynthia Barboza () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 02:15:30
E-Mail: iliketrains@usa.net
Class: 85
Message: Hi John and the rest of you out there in Cougartown,
I just wanted to tell you that I had a great time meeting all of you that went to school with my husband David. The only person that nobody saw was the mysterious Leeroy. I thought he was going to be there. Does anyone know why he didn't show? Thank you for such a great time. I finally got the faces for some of the names that David has told me about and that I have read their feedback. Well, I just wanted to tell you I had a great time getting to know some of the Cougars.
Name: David Barboza () on Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 02:02:06
E-Mail: iliketrains@usa.net
Class: 74
Message: Hey John:
I know its late and you're probably exhausted after all this. But I just wanted to say that tonight was wonderful. Putting faces to some of the names seen in Cougartown was quite and experience. Seeing Patty, Dewey, Dale, Steve just to name a few was incredibly special to me. Ingrid Larson, just wanted to say personally that you look sensational. Seeing George Key again was amazing. My special moment was having Coach Plum recognize me and come up to me in that sea of humanity and remember something I said 25 years ago. It was an honor for me too have met you John as well as for my wife and daughter. You can never put a price on something like this and the memories it has rekindled. All I have too offer is my sincerest THANKS John for your inspiration to make Cougartown what it is....
Thanks David, It was nice meeting you and the family. This kind of thing will continue as it's just TOO MUCH FUN!!
Name: Sheree Klingenhagen () on Saturday, July 24, 1999 at 23:33:09
E-Mail: sklingenha@aol.com
Maiden: that is my maiden name and proud of it
Class: 1975
Message: Just got home from the cruise at Fosters and have to say what a wonderful time it was. Mr Key & Mr Plotkin how great to see you both! Jan Chauncey can't wait to tell Susie I saw you! Dave Barboza, my son thinks your daughters a fox! Thanks John for starting this whole thing, what a great tribute to our school that after all these years we can get together like this. HAIL HAWTHORNE HIGH!!!
Name: RON WILSON () on Saturday, July 24, 1999 at 23:31:00
Maiden: SAME
Class: 70
Name: John Baker() on Saturday, July 24, 1999 at 03:33:39
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Message: Another day, another fun fest in Cougartown ay folks!!
I can't believe the turnout tonight. I got the Queen and her Court home safely and now I'll write you all a note, thanking you for being in our wonderous family. Thanks again to Kathy Stonebraker and her entire family for the job they did on the music, the membership detail, yearbook table, 50/50 raffle, signs and banners, etc. Thanks to Susan Walling, Chris and Kathy Prewitt, Janet Burkett, Patty "V", and others for help in setting everything up. Thanks to Mr. George Key, Mr. Harry Plotkin, and Mr. Otto Plum for making their presence known tonight. I hope you three know how much you mean to this group. You should be very proud of these generations of Cougs who were under your collective wings for only a short time, but who admire and love you all very much. Most of all, thanks to all the Cougars from 1955 to 1989; their kids, grandkids, and their parents for making this a real Cougar family affair. Thanks to the "Rowdy Girls" for being so nice and not embarrassing me AT ALL. Speaking of embarrassment, the "Throne Caper" WAS the topper, but it was a crack up. Whoever thought THAT one up has just been given the title of "Cougartown Court Jester". I loved meeting you all face to face tonight, and do hope we can do it again. I saw many people that I remembered from the old days too, but Loren Heath, class of 64 was the biggest surprise. I haven't seen him in 37 years and Loren, you look the same as you did when we were playing football in the middle of Cedar Av. in 1955. We'll maybe not EXACTLY the same, but . Thanks Loren for taking the time to get out of your class early and come down.
Anyway, it's 1:40 and I'm going to bed. We'll resume this party tomorrow. Thanks to all for coming to the Fosters fun fest tonight and good night.
Name: sloey () on Saturday, July 24, 1999 at 16:32:57
E-Mail: mommavisthequeenofcougartownperiod.com
Maiden: valencia
Message: john,
is there any doubt that mama v is the queen? moma v i'll send a cone home for you!
sloey (your new and only favorite)
...and with that "Suck Up" remark, I am off to pick up the Queen and her court, and help set up the party. Jim, I will see you down there. Everyone, "Be a Coug"
Name: jim sloey () on Saturday, July 24, 1999 at 16:13:15
E-Mail: cruisenightatfostersisthecougarthingtodoandwhatchucksaid.com
Message: harry potkin we shall call a truce because i will forget in my exuberance to respond so thank you, look forward to meeting you, i believe my brothers both had you, i was taught by another english teacher who doubled as my father so i had to learn that "stuff" good. to embarrassed [sic](look it up kid maybe you can be a real cougar someday) turn in your cougar id we know who you are. think they will run out of ice cream? see you all tonight, i hope
Name: Mom V () on Saturday, July 24, 1999 at 15:28:04
E-Mail: La Brea Tar Pits.com
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 33
Message: Have a great time tonight at Fosters Freeze, sorry I will not be there. I have no favorites, I love you all the same. Wear your seatbelts, and everyone home by 11:00!
Hi Mom V, 11:00!!! What do you think this is, the Sixtys?? I'll be home by 9:00. We love you too.
Name: Bob Rierdan () on Saturday, July 24, 1999 at 13:57:53
E-Mail: printer@cheerful.com
Class: 61
Message: Hey Karen, Don't forget me - I won't be there, too.
Bob, You'll be there in Cougar Spirit....
Name: Karen () on Saturday, July 24, 1999 at 12:58:06
E-Mail: karen.h.kusumi@boeing.com
Maiden: Hare
Class: 66
Message: Well the big day is upon us , and I know everyone must feel so excited about tonight. This is a time to bring old friends together and to make new friends. It is also a time to remember our friends who are no longer with us. It does not matter how old or young we are , or even how we look anymore, it is just the idea that we are all coming together to enjoy all the memories we have to share of Hawthonre and what a great place it was and still is for a lot of people.
See all you Cougars tonight, and for those who are not able to make it, Jennie Hare, Robin Hood, El&ID Queen, Jim West and all the rest of you , we will be thinking of you.
Well said Karen.......
Name: Frank Di Pasquale () on Saturday, July 24, 1999 at 11:21:14
E-Mail: fgjl@aol.com
Class: 73
Message: A Hawthorne resident since 1960 an still. got the word from my business partner and friend Alan Hauge(Class 61). I am spreading the word -thanks
Thank you Frank, Hope to see you there tonight.
Name: Frank Romano () on Saturday, July 24, 1999 at 11:20:08
E-Mail: fromano@us-rentacar.com
Class: 1961
Message: JB...Once again CT and in particular Mo...got a message to Mark Escalante for me, and I just answered his letter. Its the magic of CT and the work of all the cougars that make the connection work, but without you JB there is no CT.... Thanks again and again. Yo Ricki, your mom looks great. Everyone enjoy cruise night.
Thanks Frank, and may the Cougar spirit be with you and Maria tonight.
Name: Harry Plotkin () on Saturday, July 24, 1999 at 10:39:17
E-Mail: hcharry@pacbell.net
Class: 52/97
Message: Dear Unknown- You are definitely missing all the LOVE that is shared on these many pages. I shall(for Jim Sloey) not use my red pencil to correct your seven grammatical errors. On the bright side - I see you have two more years to develop into a real COUGAR - one who is proud to use his name. I don't think the hundreds of people who use feedback (hey, that includes me) are out of step. Maybe someone you know IS!!
John: Not only do you know your p's and q's - you know your adverbs! I'll bet you gave your teachers JOHNathon apples. Love to all. HCH
Cute HCHYes I did, and they STILL wouldn't boost my grades.
Yes "Unknown", at one time, we ALL were in that glorious year between 10th and 11th grade. DO NOT WAIST THIS YEAR. This summer will be in the top 7 of ALL the summers you spend on this planet. As you grow, you'll learn the difference between "wackiness" and love for your fellow Cougs. I understand why you feel that way, and shortly you'll understand why WE feel this way.Be a Coug "Unknown". I'm glad you're out there.
Name: John Moynagh () on Saturday, July 24, 1999 at 10:32:21
E-Mail: Jmoynagh@AOL.COM
Class: 1963
Congratulations John for reaching a very fun goal for cruise night. I'm sure you are probably the most excited Cougar of them all and can hardly wait to get this thing started. I am also looking forward to meeting all my friends from the past and also to meet some new ones. I would also like to dedicate this message to a couple of Cougars who would love to be at cruise night but due to distance will be there in spirit only. To Jessie Lendennie (class of '64) who is in Knockeven, County Clare, Ireland and Chris (Bell) Angle (class of '66) who is in Portland, OR. Richard Boureston (class of '62) who is busy with his new grandchild today. Our thoughts will be with you and I'm sure there will be great pictures of this event for you to view on Mr. John Baker's incredible web site called Cougartown.
Beach bums and Cougars forever!
Thanks John, I'm looking forward to seeing you and yours there too, and to Jessie L, The party starts at 6pm here, so set your alarm for 3am Sunday, get out of bed, and have a bowl of ice cream..
Richard, I love you MAAAN!!! That grandpa stuff is fun huh. We'll see you there at the NEXT Cougartown fun fest.
Chris (Cougartown's Official Asst. Mother Flogger) same time zone so be at the local "Whatever" at 6pm and play those oldies LOUD..........
Name: Kathy Stonebraker () on Saturday, July 24, 1999 at 02:36:26
E-Mail: stoney@qnet.com
Maiden: Killersmom
Class: 76
Message: Since this is the real "American Graffitti" Does anyone know how to get a hold of Wolfman Jack??
Kathy, Yes, dial 411 and ask for the number to "Rock and Roll Heaven". The Wolfman ate his last popcycle about 6 years ago.
Name: John Baker () on Saturday, July 24, 1999 at 02:10:16
E-Mail: john14@mom"v"likesmebest.net
Class: 62
Message:Robin Hood
All I have to say is Mom "V" has just made her decision as to who she likes best and I'm sorry to say.........it's Sammy. Yeah that stinkin' K9's gettin' the whole family fortune.
As you can see in the photo, poor Ricki can barely hold her head up. I guess it's time to move on, in our supreme quest for the ultimate FREE Hot Rod. I'm sorry as I did all the sucking up I could possibly do.
I was thinking maybe we could sneak into the garage and tie that mangy pooch to the bumper of the Caravan, but as gutless as that Van is, it would be like tieing it to a tree. Do you have any last minute ideas??
Name: Kathy Stonebraker () on Saturday, July 24, 1999 at 01:43:49
E-Mail: stoney@qnet.com
Maiden: Lorig
Class: 76
Message: Susan - The bubble gum sounds like a cool idea. Sure hope the teachers don't catch us. I'm stopping by ToysRUs on the way down tomorrow to pick up some chinese jump ropes and a couple of beach balls (I got the sidewalk chalk today)!! Speaking of candy....I remember getting out of Mr. Grahamer's 2nd period class everyday so I could stop by the snack stand and buy 30-40 red vines!! Breakfast of Champions!! (My dentist loved me) Those were the days...
John-What can I say...You have certainly added a whole new dimension to my life. Thank you just doesn't seem enough. You have touched people in my family who have never even been to CT. Hawthorne is a great place to have roots. Thank you for helping us remember that. You are the King.
Hey Kathy, Thanks but YOU DA' woMAN this week. Folks, Kathy has taken over this Fosters thing and done a Cougar sized job. She's orchestrated the music and has commandeered "Killer" for the night, as security for the yearbooks. She's made signs and banners and has just taken over and made my life as King, well heavenly.
I haven't even met this woman face to face yet, but I already love her like the Coug she is. Thank YOU Kathy, you're the greatest.
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