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Loudon Wainwright III
Here's a romantic song
just in time for Valentines Day

Name: Bob Jensen ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Feb 11, 2008, 1:56 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1971
City & State: Los Angeles
Message: Ingrid, a small correction; No gift so right, so gay, so bright, give the Mission Pack magic way. And here is another of my favorites. Give him Dr. Ross Dog Food, do him a favor. It?s got more meat and it?s got more flavor. It's got more beef to make him feel the way he should. Dr. Ross Dog Food is dog-gone good! ?WOOF!? And now I will go back to my semi retired status.
Hey Bob, Semi Retired?? Then DO NOT miss Cruise Night and please bring a car.

Name: Jessie ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Feb 11, 2008, 1:23 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Corral
Class: 1974
City & State: Los Angeles, CA
Message: Hey Ingrid...I think of Mission packs every Christmas along with the jingle. My dad's boss used to send the family one every Christmas. I still miss them. I didn't think anyone else did. I even have Christmas pictures with the Mission pack under the tree! Thanks for remembering!

Name: Dale Hahlbeck Jr. ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Feb 11, 2008, 1:07 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1975
City & State: Yorba Linda CA
Message: Thanx JB for the new pic, you're right the girls did get their looks from me, but if you ask Keith Jones or my other fellow baseball teammates, I wasn't a big threat with a bat in my hands. That's why I have my two security guards with me in case the boys come around and cause trouble.....SMITH and WESSON! I'll send you my new "glamor" pic as soon as it is available.. H1 Out! (as in Strike Three your OUT! heard that a lot!)
Hey Dale, They got their looks from your Mother. "Looks" always skip a generation.

Name: Ingrid Larson ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Feb 11, 2008, 7:49 am - HHS Time
Class: 1974
City & State: Long Beach, CA
Message: The recent talk of the Stanley Chevrolet jingle put me in mind of another television ad from my childhood. I can remember the audio jingle, but I can't recollect any of the visuals that must have gone along with it. I'm pretty sure it just ran around holiday time - it was for a gift basket called Mission Pack. The jingle was something like..."Say the magic word, say Mission Pack, and it's on it's merry way. No gift so right, so gay, so bright, it's the Mission Pack magic way." Like I say, I may have gotten some of the words wrong, but I swear, that little jingle gets stuck in my head sometimes and nothing seems to shake it loose. That commercial, and the one Norelco had with the little clay-mation Santa riding over the snow covered landscape on a Norelco electric razor just flash me back to Christmas time around 1961.
Hey Ingrid, I'd say you NAILED the words to the Mission Pack jingle. Thanks for the brain flogger, girl.

Name: Jack Dicus ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Feb 11, 2008, 7:03 am - HHS Time
Class: 1968
City & State: Miramar Beach, Florida
Message: Hey to all Cougars, especially Sande and the class of '68. 40 years. Whew! I am not sure I am going to be able to get to California for the reunion, but who knows? Just went through my '67 and '68 El Molinos for the first time in years. Brought back some great memories. If Joan Marso, or anyone that knows her, reads this, wanted to say hi and I think of you a lot. There have been times that I missed that friendly smile. I hear that she moved to Santa Barbara before she graduated from HHS. And Joe Garaffa? Joe, Art Council, and I used to ride our motorcyles together. Joe used to call my sister "Mackerel Mouth" after she got her braces and her lips swelled up. By the way, if you read this Joe, just want you to know she still hates you for that! I am so very saddened to hear of Art's untimely passing in Viet Nam. I lost way too many friends over there. But to those of us who remain, I wish health and happiness. Thanks to John for providing this site.
Hey Jack, Thanks for the shout and for letting all your friends know you're out there. Drop in anytime.

Name: Dale Hahlbeck Jr. ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Feb 11, 2008, 12:34 am - HHS Time
Class: 1975
City & State: YORBA LINDA CA
Message: First Marla OREGON?? You're just trying to get Further from me I guess, but Corvalis is nice, and Oregon seems to be getting a lot of us Californians to relocate up there, stay in touch...The topic of Faelin and her work with special children and adults reminded me of my volunteer work for the California Special Olympics. I helped with the October Softball and Bowling events and also the Summer Olympics currently held at my Alma Mater Long Beach State. I learned to treat the participants as Athletes, and help the parents understand they must allow their children to do for themselves, to experience the true aspect of competition..which is to do your best...aim for humble in defeat....and always strive to do better at the next attempt. 99% of the athletes play hard, but are able to leave the game on the field...and not dwell on it or feel badly about the outcome. They are more focused on the BBQ and Dance after all the events are over.. which I feel is the more Healthy outlook on any competitive venue. I received more hugs, handshakes, and genuine love from those athletes than my time with you "normal" folks...which has me convinced those "special" athletes have more compassion for their fellow man than us Normies will ever have...I learned a lot from my Special Olympic volunteer work...and suggest if you have the time to volunteer for your local chapter or the big Summer Special Olympic event in will change your life for the making you see the world through "special" eyes...and someday the whole world will truly be a SPECIAL place to live. Bravo Faelin...H1 OUT!
These are Dale's daughter's Lauren and Amber. Very special brood too, I'll bet. Hey Dale, looks like you're gonna need a baseball bat to beat the boys off these two.

Name: Debbie ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Feb 10, 2008, 4:48 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Miles
Class: 1977
City & State: Del Aire, CA
Message: I'd like to wish Danny Bellare HHS '76 a Happy 50th birthday!
Happy Birthday Danny.....

Name: Ron Dickson ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Feb 9, 2008, 1:12 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1967
City & State: Norco,ca.
Message: Cougar sighting on Friday. I was making a delivery to a customer in Fullerton.I was standing by the receiving door when a Fedex truck pulls up. I see this little guy get out and I say to myself, it can`t be, he sure looks like him. This guy walks up and I see his I.D.,it is him. I say Artie Verduzco, Hawthorne High, Class of 67. He looks and says, who are you? I tell him and we talk a few minutes, but he is busy and must get his route done.
Hey Ron, Great Sighting. Thanks very much....

Name: Michael M Kratz ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Feb 9, 2008, 11:01 am - HHS Time
Class: 1971
City & State: Vegas
Message: Jonh Crotty...I'm very sorry for the loss friend. And my condolences to all the families who loss a Police Officer in the line of duty. Hey John! The next time I'm in LA, I'll let you know. We'll meet at the Stick n' Stein and finished are conversation we had August 24th 2007 at the Multi-Class Reunion. I enjoyed very much what you had to say. So until then... 22nd street in Hermosa Rules.
Sounds good Michael, thanks....

Name: Linda ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Feb 9, 2008, 9:40 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Dawson
Class: 1969
City & State: St George, Utah
Message: Jerry Miles, My prayers for a quick recovery. My husband had a triple bypass a year and a half ago so we know a little how you are feeling right now. It sure took the wind out of his sails for awhile. More like you've been hit by a Mac truck. Hang in there, it will get better.
John Crotty, so sorry for your loss. We are full time RVer's and not sure what to put for our city and state. So I will put where ever we are at the moment. So glad we are out of Kansas City this winter. They have had the worst winter in years. This year Southern Utah, next year we don't know yet. We did look up another Cougar from here Steve Hutchins '59' and had dinner with him. It was very nice to meet someone from CA. We had a very nice visit.
Ahh Linda, thanks for stopping by and for staying connected to your Cougar family.

Name: George Johnson ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Feb 9, 2008, 8:33 am - HHS Time
Class: 1962
City & State: Spinnaker Cove, Ca
Message: John Crotty; Amen brother, Nicely said, condolences from LASD S.E.B. Semper Fi.

Name: Sherry Wingo ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Feb 8, 2008, 9:35 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Peppers
Class: 1964
City & State: Haw. Ca.
Message: John Crotty, I saw the news coverage about your friend. He was indeed a hero. Sorry for your loss.

Name: jim sloey ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Feb 8, 2008, 8:35 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: solvang
Message: You're a bad hombre Jerry Miles! A very bad hombre. Do what they tell you! Get better soon, you are in our prayers, God Bless.
Hey Jim, I think he said he was going surfin' this morning.

Name: John Crotty ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Feb 8, 2008, 8:32 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1969
City & State: Hermosa Beach
Message: I realize this is not a Hawthorne related matter, but since I am a Cougar, I would like to say a few words about another Cougar...A Washington State Cougar, #17. Many of you know I dedicated 31 years of my life to LAPD. I had the privelege of meeting and working with "legends" and mentors. Yesterday, I got a call about one of my friends who paid the ultimate sacrifice doing his job. Later it was all over the news. I met Randy Simmons when he was a rookie at Venice Division in 1981. He was an awesome presence, and yet humble and respectful. This kid had muscles everywhere! Girls swooned and guys envied. He was so respectful and polite. But when it came to doing the job, you wanted him as a partner and a back-up. He would often come to my house for "Code-7" (meals), as I used to live in Playa Del Rey which was part of Venice's area. His goal was to be a SWAT Officer, and he made it. As our paths crossed on many occasions, he always treated me with the utmost respect. He was satisfied being an Officer, and did not want to promote out of the SWAT Team, even though we all encouraged him to do so. That was his calling and he relished it and excelled in it. When I became a Detective Supervisor, he never called me "John," even though he'd been at my house as a guest. In the field he always called me, "Detective Crotty." I'm at a loss now, and am having difficulty really grasping the truth. I see his smile and remember his quiet demeanor and I want to ask, "Why?" Anyway, you are all my friends here on CT, and so I thought I might write this passage in honor of his passage. Hope you might post this least for me. Thanks. And as Jake would say...Randy, "may the Coug be with you!"
Thanks John, and well said. It always tragic to lose a "Thin Blue Liner", but especially so when he or she was a close friend.

Name: Luz Register ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Feb 8, 2008, 8:14 pm - HHS Time
City & State: Frisco TXD
Message: I've had the Stanley Chevrolet commercial in my head since 1963, when my dad's temporary duty station was Long Beach before being transferred to San Diego. I can still see the commercial - a girl propped by an arm against a new Chevy, her ponytail swinging as she sang ... Stanley, Stanley, Stanley Chevrolet 2 miles down the Santa Ana Freeway 11980 East Firestone Stanley Chevrolet. It's funny that I just sang the song to one of my coworkers this morning. So, I thought I would see if I could find out anything on Stanley Chevrolet, and if they're still at the same location.
That was Molly Bee singing the commercial and as for Stanley Chevrolet, it turned into Dial Chevrolet and I'm pretty sure it's gone. Maybe someone else knows the story.

Name: Mary Ann Martin ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Feb 8, 2008, 4:56 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Walton
Class: 1961
City & State: Nashville AR
Message: Five bypasses, Jerry? You go to the top of The Zipper Club list! Take care and God Bless.

Name: Sherry Wingo ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Feb 8, 2008, 1:54 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Peppers
Class: 1964
City & State: Haw. Ca.
Message: Jerry, so glad to see your posting. You've been through alot. Glad you pulled through.

Name: Raymond Smith ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Feb 8, 2008, 11:19 am - HHS Time
Class: 1981
City & State: Portland, OR
Message: Jerry Miles...welcome back dude...I am so happy things turn out well for you. I been surfing the YOUTUBE today and saw some video feed on the band "Drumline" and I am proud to say they ROCK! Is the band really good in the South Bay(win awards, etc.?) Also on youtube I saw a video of a skater next to the new cafeteria....I noticed they took away my tree I sat next to for lunch(not to mention Senior Square)...sniff. Too bad Senior squares wasn't saved by the National Historical Society...I really miss it. Now my story of the "Beer Story". Well, I never really like beer and only drank it because it was cheap and "Cool" but when I was a freshman at HHS I went to my 1st "Party" that was on 116th street 2 blks north of Prairie Ave at someone's back yard. I rode my bike there(I only lived 4 blocks away). To my surprise my mom let me go to my discussed sister protests(she was a Senior and thought it wasnt fair as a 9th grader I could go because she couldnt go as a 9th grader). Anyway, I get there enjoying the band playing music and see if I knew anyone at the party. I stayed back in the background just observing my 1st party and this dude hands me a large wine bottle (my 1st alcholic drink)to take a sip. Well, not wanting to insult him I took a sip and it was pretty good. So we shared it until he left..and left me with a half bottle of wine. Boy, when I got home I was FLYING HIGH! whooohoooo. I didn't get sick the next morning but I did have a headache. I think I woke up at 2pm the next morning.
Good one Raymond, but if you didn't "drive the porcelain bus". You didn't get drunk

Name: Ernie Nixon ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Feb 8, 2008, 9:07 am - HHS Time
Class: 1963
City & State: Bakersfield Ca.
Message: I was enjoying reading the different beer stories, when one I had forgotten came to me. I worked at the A&W in Hawthorne and, to nobodys surprise, we would sneak some beer in. Especially on the very busy Fri. and Sat. nights. On one Fri. I had been able to sneak in two quart bottles of Country Club and hide them in with the lettuce. The manager started nosing around, for some reason, and found my stash. He warned us to never do it again and took my beer. However, I had more in my black Falcon Fastback in the lot, by the trash bin. Later that night the trash had to go out, I came back in with two more bottles. We had a very enjoyable evening that night. Remember those days, Dan Petty. Thanks, John, again for everything. I am planning on Cruise Nite.
Hey Ernie, GREAT story about our beloved A&W. I thought you guys were on something besides Root Beer
