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Jesse Belvin
Guess Who

Name: Kyle Jokela ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Apr 27, 2007, 6:40 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1971
City & State: Irvine, Ca
Message: Hi John. I saw your reply to Cindy. How can I download class pictures from my old Hawthorne days? Is there a site you have set up for it?
Hey Kyle, No there's no site, but you can download any picture off the Internet, which I did off Ebay, by right clicking on the image and clicking on "Save Picture As" with Internet Explorer or "Save Image As" with Netscape Navigator or Firefox, or "Save Image" with Opera, etc.

Name: Karen Fuller ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Apr 27, 2007, 4:46 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Fuller
Class: 1964
City & State: Sonora, CA
Message: it was fun reading everything--and to get remembered by another friend! Sherry Peppers! i never forgot you. i was reading about THE BEACH BOYS--and i remembered taking a very long walk with a few other girls to their street to hear them play in their garage--we would sit on the curb across the street and just adore them! Karen

Name: Cindy ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Apr 27, 2007, 3:35 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1980
City & State: Gundo
No E-mail
Message: Found a 8th Grade Class Photo from Dana school 1957 on ebay
Don't know why anyone would buy a picture when they can just download it.

Name: Jill McFarlane ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Apr 27, 2007, 1:43 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1977
City & State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: Thanks Sharon for the info. I just went and signed up for escrip, and not only can you sign up Hawthorne High, but also the schools that your kids, grandkids, etc. go to. You may choose up to 4 schools that you want to see money go to. It only took me less than 3 minutes to do!
Thanks Jill, and be aware that if you sign up for more than one organization your donation money will be split up between those organizations. No big deal, but just so you know.

Name: Sharon Branigan ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Apr 27, 2007, 11:29 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1976
City & State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Message: HEY ALL YOU COUGARTOWNERS! Here is our big chance to help HHS in their fundraising activities and it won't cost you one dime! HHS currently has two programs you can support. The first is eScrip. Register your Vons Club or Safeway card number, and your credit and debit cards if you wish. Then, every time you make a purchase, participating merchants will give FREE MONEY to HHS! You are not charged for this service; the merchants do the donating- you just buy stuff that you would normally buy anyway like GROCERIES and other stuff (full list on the website.) So here's what I want you to do:
Go get your wallet with your Vons or Safeway Club and credit/debit cards, and log on to Click on number 1: "Sign up-it's Free!" Enter group ID# 6513420 in the box, and follow the directions to sign up. It's really easy, but if you have any trouble please email or call me and I'll walk you through it. (805-495-7509) Don't be afraid to list your credit or debit card numbers; Sue and I have been participating for YEARS and have never had any fraud problems. eScrip is a great program which supports THOUSANDS of schools and pumps MILLIONS of dollars into school programs. PLEASE sign up today!
The other program is Target- same deal, you register your Target credit card number at and designate HHS's number: 30194. Then, whenever you use your Target card, they donate FREE MONEY to the school. YOU ARE NOT CHARGED FOR THESE PROGRAMS! So please sign up today. And if you would, please send me an email to let me know when you have signed up and which program; I would love to give a list to Principal Joy Bramlette to let her know that we really do care about HHS and are helping improve the school experience for Cougars! Now- if you don't have a Vons or Target card you can easily get them- go to Vons and Target Customer Service desks and sign up for the cards. Everyone should have these anyway; watch the weekly flyers for the sales and go stock up! And always be sure to swipe your registered cards when you shop! If we all work together here, COUGARTOWN can make a HUGE difference!
Thanks Sharon, This is a great way to help our Alma Mater and with NO COST to anyone. Actually there are several more cards you can sign up for (Piggly Wiggly, Food 4 Less, Dominicks, Pavilions, etc. over 20 in all). Later today I'll add the information right here with a link, so be looking for it. Thanks Cougs for helping out.
ATTENTION: There are 2 Hawthorne High Schools listed on eScrip. Be sure you click on the Hawthorne High listed in CA. Just a heads up.

Name: Keith D. Jones ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Apr 27, 2007, 11:24 am - HHS Time
Class: 1976
City & State: Kona, Hi
Message: Just read about someone finding some old telephone books and had to tell you something. My daughter bought a set of 1911 Encyclopedia Brittanica's a while back at a garage sale here. They were the 11th edition ever printed by them. 1st edition was printed in 1768. They were really neat. In very good condition too. I just gave them to my friend who owns a huge mansion in Hilo that was built in 1911 too. I just left his house and he already had them in a beautiful built-in bookcase. It is really neat looking at old books and stuff. Is there a place on Cougartown where we can look at old El Molinos.
Hey Keith, Sorry, no. It would eat up WAY too much bandwidth, as you probably know.

Name: Adrianne DeAlejandro ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Apr 26, 2007, 7:32 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Longpre
Class: 1963
City & State: Cerritos, CA
Message: Cleaning out a room today, I came across 2 old phone books I bought some years ago from an antique store on PCH in, of all places, Lomita. They are Southern California Telephone Co., Los Angeles Extended Area. The 1938 has my first husband' doctor father as, AD ms-11372 and HO lywd-2296. Leuzinger was Hawthrn-655 and TW noks-7033. The 1946 is thick, my phone number was Hawthrn-818-J. There were 3 1/2 pages of Baker. I don't remember your dad's name, John, but there were these: Jas. W, Hawthrn-1703-J. Gordon, Hawthrn-1712-W. Howell F., Hawthrn-92-M. I.H., Hawthrn-1017-J. I couldn't think of anyone else to look up who would have been there at that time. Pretty interesting, huh?
Louis Millard Baker was my grandfather and would have been on Maine St in Hawthorne. I think my dad was still living with his mom and dad in 1938. Thanks Adrianne...

Name: jessie ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Apr 26, 2007, 4:40 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Corral
Class: 1974
City & State: Los Angeles, CA
Message: Hey, I had a brudder Cougar and sista Cougar sighting myself last weekend!! Does that count? Unfortunately, my brother Lupe was quite ill, so my sister, Rita and I went to Carson City, Nevada to visit him. Our other brother, Santos lives there as well. If Lupe wouldn't have been so ill we might have had more fun! oh well...I am glad that he is getting better.
Sorry Jessie, that doesn't count. It has to be a chance meeting. Thanks anyway and get well Lupe.

Name: jim sloey ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Apr 26, 2007, 12:55 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: solvang, ca
Message: Cougar sighting. I flew to Orlando on Tuesday to do some business down here. I was standing in line at the home depot getting some stuff. The guy in front of me looked familiar so I said "hey." He said hey back so we got to talking. One thing lead to another and he was from Hawthorne too graduated from HHS class of '69. Turns out it was my brudder Bill. Ok we flew down together. BUT as we were talking and kidding around the guy in front of us says "SLOEY?" Bruce Davidson class of '65. We haven't seen each other for 42 years. Next to him was Jack Young class of '73. SMALL WORLD! Thanks John for getting us together. As an aside Bill Young class of '66, will be here in a few days.
AMAZING SIGHTING Jim, thanks much....

Name: Steve Fraser ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Apr 26, 2007, 11:17 am - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: Somewhere in Time
Message: HEY, Class of '66! I know you're out there. I just heard from the reunion committee and there hasn't been an overwhelming response from our class. 'WASSUP?' Cough up a miniscule fraction of the fortune you've made in the last 41 years and spend an evening with some people from two great classes. Nobody cares if you're fat or bald, 41 years can do wonders for the body. So dig out your favorite Pendelton or Hawaiian shirt, buy some 'Just for Men' or 'Lady Clairol' and show up. Come in your '89 Buick or your '07 Hummer (nice flowing lines and great gas mileage), nobody cares. The charge at the door is $75, reserve your spot now for a mere $65 and get fed too. Be there or be stupid!
Steve's right Cougs. Do NOT miss your reunions under ANY circumstances. You can NEVER get that night back, and you'll ALWAYS wish you'd have been there.

Name: Noreen Culley ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Apr 26, 2007, 9:34 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Crotty
Class: 1972
City & State: Westchester, CA
Message: Cougar sighting! It's bring your child to work day and I just met two present day Cougars. Does that count?
Yes, that counts, Thanks Noreen....

Name: Howard "Paco" Duran ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Apr 26, 2007, 8:27 am - HHS Time
For a good time, call: OS6-2378
Class: 1961
City & State: LF
Message: Did anyone see American Idol last night? They had the original Idol on, Elvis, boy did it look real...Off to da beach!
Naw, was watching USC football reruns.

Name: Kelley ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Apr 25, 2007, 8:53 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Currie
Class: 1967
City & State: Englewood, OR
Message: Drum roll please...I finally had a Cougar sighting!!! and of all Kiester was looking for help in the paint dept. at Farr's True Value in Coos Bay Oregon. What a trip...I still can't believe it..It must be over 38 years since I've seen or talked to Susan..We go back to Hawthorne Intermediate..Hoping to see Susan again before she goes back to San Jose....This is the BEST...Thank you John for Cougartown!!!!!!!
Great sighting Kel', and YOU are welcome.....

Name: Mary Ann Martin ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Apr 25, 2007, 3:17 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Walton
Class: 1961
City & State: Nashville AR
Message: An exceptionally deserving family from Murfreesboro, Arkansas will be in the spotlight on Extreme Makeover Sunday night, April 29th. I mention this due to the volunteers from their local high school (and others, too)! It was a great experience for them, the Good Kids - they're out there everywhere!

Name: Raymond Smith ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Apr 25, 2007, 1:46 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1981
City & State: Portland, OR
No E-mail
Message: Ok...I'm confused here. Mr. Keys says he was at Taco Bell looking for students? When I entered HHS we had a form to fill out to have our parent's sign allowing us to have special permit to leave campus during lunch time. As I recall, on our student I.D. we had a special sticker/stamp placed on it and had to have it on us if we were stopped by one of the teachers or Administrator off campus. But I'm sure there are many student who didn't have this permit.
Lunch: Yes Assemblies: No

Name: Larry Bach ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Apr 25, 2007, 12:03 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1972
City & State: Torrance, CA
Message: In the third grade I somehow had the notion that sulphur made one stronger. Maybe this strange idea derived from a misunderstanding some basic nutrition class from my teacher, Mrs. Countryman, who wore a beehive hairdo about ten feet tall. I do remember sucking on a few book matches, which were salty. Kyle's brother did the same thing. We used the chemistry set to make liquids turn black, make liquids bubble by combining chemicals, and stink by heating them; and unsuccesfully trying to make gunpowder with sulphur and charcoal, though the combination did turn black. Before high school I learned what the third ingredient for making gunpowder was and that the recipe called for urine to mix all the chemicals together (pee contains nitrates and ammonia and the liquid kept the mixture wet so the "gun powder" wouldn't go "BOOM" from static electricity). I'm lucky I didn't blow up the garage and myself with it. However, there is sulphur in eggs and I have witnessed first hand that eggs, when eaten pickled and sprinkled with Tabasco sauce, then washed down with beer, does make persons much "stronger" in a certain fashion.

Name: Michael Kratz ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Apr 25, 2007, 10:01 am - HHS Time
Class: 1971
City & State: Vegas
Message: Purlion Bell? Didn't the Bell disappear from Taco Bell once.

Name: Jerry Miles ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Apr 25, 2007, 8:48 am - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: Fair Oaks, CA
Message: Steve Fraser, I have to agree. I?ll tell you what, Marco can have 1980 and beyond and I?ll take the rest?haha. It does make me a little sad that I didn?t record our antics better back then as he seems to be doing now. But as I have said before, I guess we were just too busy making memories to take the time and record them.
They would have been Super 8s

Name: Linda ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Apr 25, 2007, 7:36 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Sutton
Class: 1967
City & State: Redondo Beach, CA
Message: John, This is just a quick update on the 66/67 40-year reunion. We have heard from several people since the last update and several have sent in their reservation. But there are still lots of our classmates that we have not heard from. Frank Gardner just asked (a few feedbacks back) how to get information on the reunion. Well, Frank, it's really easy. You have already made the first big step by checking in with Feedback. Just click on the 66/67 Reunion news at the top of this Feedback page and go from there. John, could you please add to the information that reservations made after June 1, 2007 will be $75/per person and people arriving at the door without a reservation will need to pay the $75 before being admitted. I have really had a great time talking with lots of our classmates -- some I haven't seen for 30+ years. I know you will not be sorry if you take the time to set aside July 2lst to attend the party. Thanks, John Linda Dill
Thanks Linda for the update. I'll add your new info.

Name: Cliff Hitchcock ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Apr 24, 2007, 7:54 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1973
City & State: Northridge, Ca.
Message: Good to see you Mr Key! You know, we did know that you knew about what was going on at Taco Bell. That actually was only a decoy for the real stuff that was going on over at the Jack In The Box! Actually Im just funnin. Truth is we didn't know what the heck we were doin. Still don't sometimes.

Name: Steve Fraser ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Apr 24, 2007, 5:02 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: Laguna Woods, CA
Message: I just watched the newest Cougartown Video by Marco Diaz and all I can say is, "Look out Jerry!". This kid has designs on your job!
