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Jimmy Rodgers
Woman From Liberia

Name: Marilyn Ross ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Feb 9, 2007, 7:57 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Wisham
Class: 1956
City & State: Garden Grove, CA
No E-mail
Message: Yes, Yes, I remember those things. We had some too. I loved them. I think the straps finally rotted out on them. They were so much fun. Thanks for that memory.
This one is still working after 55 years. They just don't make'm like they used to

Name: Marilyn Ross ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Feb 9, 2007, 6:49 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Wisham
Class: 1956
City & State: Garden Grove, CA
No E-mail
Message: OK John, I give up. What are Klik Klak blocks. I don't remember anything like that in the 50's. I did an internet search and found the Klackers also known as Klick-Klacks. Internet says they came out in the late 60's. That's when I remember them. My kids had them. Of course I had to play with them too. Then a few years later they decided they were dangerous because they could break so took them off the market.
Hi Marilyn, I found them. There are 6 of these blocks strung together with 3 interwoven straps. Holding the top block and folding it in on the next one, they appear to fall in a cascading motion. Man, was I easy to please or what. Do you remember them now?

Name: Dan Johnson ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Feb 9, 2007, 3:45 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1977
City & State: Sherman Oaks
Message: So I've become involved with the Estate of Robert Smith aka "Wolfman Jack" which is trying to syndicate thousands of hours of tapes of the Wolfman's radio broadcasts. Only 10 radio stations currently take the program (and only KVEN in Ventura in SoCal). The Wolfman is on XM radio on the 60s channel so if you're in the satellite era, you can transport yourself back to XERB! The Wolfman's impact spans several decades. I know many of you 60s Cougs used to listen to the Wolfman out of Mexico and later on KDAY. Us 70s Cougs probably know him best from American Graffiti and The Midnight Special. This part of the practice is really fun.
One of my all time favorites, Dan, thanks...

Name: Bobby Jensen ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Feb 9, 2007, 3:05 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1971
City & State: Los Angeles
No E-mail
Message: I was going through some boxes yesterday and found 2 of my Duncan yo-yo?s ? Butterfly and an Imperial. Of course I had to see if I could still yo-yo so I spent the afternoon impressing the 9 year old next door with ?Walk the Dog?, ?Around the World? and ?Baby Cradle?. Do you remember the Duncan competitions? I also found a set of ?Clackers? but was afraid that I would send chards of resin across the front lawn. You see John; you are not the only one who saves everything.
A FELLOW SAVER!!! My Favorite Yes, I remember the Duncan YoYo contests and the patches they used to give out. I was never good enough. Who remembers Klik Klak Blocks from the 50s? I have'm.

Name: Michael Kratz ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Feb 9, 2007, 12:39 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1971
City & State: Vegas
Message: My condolence too the Doersam family, in the passing of Laurie's(72) father.

Name: Anita ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Feb 9, 2007, 11:25 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Harmon
Class: 1969
City & State: Fair Oaks, Ca
Message: Just wanted to pass along my condolences to Jim and Katrina Doersam at the passing of Jim's father on Monday who served the City of Hawthorne as a firefighter for 28 years.
Prayers and condolences to the Doersam family. Thanks Anita

Name: Bonnie Lou Cozby ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Feb 9, 2007, 12:36 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Simmons
Class: 1971
City & State: Ocean Park, WA
Message: Great driving songs...Born to be Wild or Fun, Fun, Fun. Hope these aren't repeats.
Thanks Bonnie, good ones....

Name: Carl Rilling ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Feb 8, 2007, 7:32 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1959
City & State: Oregon City, Oregon
Message: What a great group picture. The biggest kid in school and that picture is John Niemela. He was in one of Paco's pictures awhile back. I talked to him in the fall. He is in Arizona and fishes often with his granddaughter. John had a Roadster with a Studebaker 6 in it. How fast did it go, well that depended how many of his friends were pushing it. Was really great to see Rod (Tom) Emery on the page. A very modest Vietnam Vet.
Hey Carl, Thanks for solving another piece of the puzzle....

Name: Keith D. Jones ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Feb 8, 2007, 7:13 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1976
City & State: Kona, HI
Message: How come no one in that pciture has any holes in their jeans. I had my holes in the knees in every pair.
Iron on patches....They didn't have them in the 70s

Name: Keith D. Jones ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Feb 8, 2007, 12:44 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1976
City & State: Kona, HI
Message: I use the Pet Rock story when I teach people how to market. Unreal success story. The guy who invented that toy that is made of rubber and has a bunch of things coming out of it that makes it kind of fluffy. I can't remember the name. But he live here in Hawaii. I met him and had lunch and he told me how he invented it. It was to help his kid learn how to catch. He made tens of millins of dollars

Name: Bob Jensen ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Feb 8, 2007, 12:32 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1971
City & State: Los Angeles
Message: What came first, Pet Rocks or Pet Sounds? I know the answer ? do you? Thanks John for adding my mom to the tribute page, she would have gotten a kick out of seeing it. I would also like to thank everyone for their condolences and donations that were sent to The American Diabetes Association.
You and your mother are welcome, Bob

Name: Sharon MacDonald ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Feb 8, 2007, 12:28 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Badger
Class: 1963
City & State: Bruceville, Texas
Message: About 25 years ago my kids found a special pet rock and painted it to look like Senor Wences (sp) hand "puppet". They gave it to my mother as a gift. She is still using it as a paper weight as she could never get it to do any trick besides sit.

Name: Adrianne DeAlejandro ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Feb 8, 2007, 9:17 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Longpre
Class: 1963
City & State: Cerritos, CA
Message: I was given a pet rock necklace in his own little cage. I should have waited awhile before I wore him, because the first day I did, I looked down and there was a wet spot under him, in the middle of my chest. How embarrassing! It didn't occur to me he wasn't necklace trained.
That'll happen...

Name: Deano ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Feb 8, 2007, 6:27 am - HHS Time
Maiden: OS-61518
Class: 1965
City & State: rustinintustin
Message: I taught my pet rock to go to sleep and it has never woken up, that was 20yrs ago at least.
Face it Dean, your rock is dead....

Name: Larry Biller ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Feb 7, 2007, 3:26 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1967
City & State: Portland,Orygun
Message: for something on a more serious note..Who remembers Pet Rocks. I never had one myself, but I've heard you could teach them tricks like playin dead or rolling down hills.
I taught mine to skip across a pond, but he never came back.

Name: Michael Kratz ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Feb 7, 2007, 10:56 am - HHS Time
Class: 1971
City & State: Vegas
Message: John, you have the Graduation pictures of Bob Calkins, Bruce McMeans and Willian Petersen. Who is the picture of, on the far right?
That is Gary Nelson HHS60 (just a guess).

Name: Pat Bush ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Feb 6, 2007, 8:09 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1980
City & State: Buena Park
Message: I was talking with my son today about how his school day went and he told me about a game they play at recess called LIGHTNING. It was a basketball game, you start at the free throw line and you have to make 2 in a row to win. If you miss a shot, you go get it make a lay up and start again. The thing is everyone is doing it at the same time and can block your shots with their ball. It got me thinking of the game we use to play but I don't remember the name of it. I think you started at the free throw line and you had to make 3 in a row to call freeze and then roll the ball at the guy and hit him to knock him out of the game. Any one remember it??? Any other kids games?
We old guys remember HORSE.

Name: El Rojo ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Feb 6, 2007, 6:28 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: 57 B'Champs
Class: 1960
City & State: Kuna, ID
Message: Rod Embry. Great to see your post. Part of the championship team that allowed a whopping 33 points in 8 games that year. Never allowed more than 7 points a game all year. Winfrey, West, Geverink, Lent, Sloan, Wood, # 51 Wilson and #45 of prominence. We had a heck of a football team. Don't mean to slight anyone, too many to name. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU.Jake N Jude.

Name: Jim Schroeder ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Feb 6, 2007, 3:49 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: Central Point. Orego
Message: I recognize all those guys in the picture. So typical of the era. Could of been taken in my backyard with the York gang. With no offense intended I have noticed a few things that I would like to comment on: The guy in the slacks is now the mayor of Las Vegas. The two blond guys on the right are brothers and the one on the very end has the casual pocket thumb jam down just like the cowboys. He is obviously left footed as his left pant cuff is at half mast (compared to the other) from all the butt-kicking he's been doing in the 'hood. The middle guy is a relative of Mussolini, using human hands as epillets. The "big guy" had just tucked his shirt in all by himself for the first time, and the shoes he's wearing are still a little tight, which would be why he's wearing a shoe horn around his neck. Bruce has a "cool" shirt on that would be in style today. The guy on the end had a straight "gig line" and has made a fortune in the recycling business. Fashion Update: when did you start turning your cuffs "inboard," or inside? About the time you noticed that girls were different(and you liked it). Slather that crew cut in butch wax! How about that cool silver very thin belt that you slid around to the side at a discreet distance. Very sheik. Remember any of that? Having fun today, I share the birth date with a bunch of dead guys. Babe Ruth, Ronald Reagan, Bob Marley, and Axel Rose (not quite dead yet). 59 for me (still a lad). Waiting for baseball season. OUT
Hey Jim Boy, You're getting just about the same out of this Norman Rockwell knockoff as I am. This could have been my crew too. Bill P. in the middle is looking real cool with his shirt button missing, and it's obvious that the kid in the slacks is having a birthday, as he's the only one dressed for it. Bob Calkin's knees have those REALLY cool "iron on" Jean patches (whatever happened to those, anyway). Not sure, but the kid on the left is a dead ringer for HHS60 Gary Nelson. The more I look at this picture, the more I want to take it to Kinkos, blow it up lifesize, and hang it on my living room wall. Happy Birthday Jim...

Name: Paco ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Feb 6, 2007, 2:35 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Panchita
City & State: LF
Message: Is Bruce Hanson McMeans 2nd from the left?

Name: Adrianne DeAlejandro ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Feb 6, 2007, 11:13 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Longpre
Class: 1963
City & State: Cerritos, CA
Message: Alex, my Cougar by marriage, had to take a vacation day yesterday to recoup from the BIG game. I sent him to a sports bar to watch it with guys. He ended up after half-time at a less crowded Don Jose's. Our computer room is loaded with Colts stuff, and he wears ALL his shirts and caps proudly, but was raised in our Valley. I would have crawled under the bar counter if I had witnessed what he told me was his Colt's ride and trot he did around the bar's room, and then a victory dance. He's one happy colt right now.
Go Alex....

Name: Tom Embry ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Feb 6, 2007, 9:06 am - HHS Time
Class: 1959
City & State: Frontenac, Mo
Message: Re: "The Little Rascals"; the second from stage left sure looks like Bruce McMeans, Class of '59
Hey Tom, Yes, that one is correct. Actually, Bruce is the one who sent the picture. Thanks much...

Name: Denny Unfried ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Feb 5, 2007, 3:24 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1955
City & State: Del Aire
Message: John Baker: Is EVERYONE hung over from their Super Bowl Party? ~ ~ ~ Denny: Cougars don't drink, do they? As for me, the drag racing hat is ready as the Winter-nationals will be providing some earth shaking in Pomona later this week. About a 7.3 on the Richter scale.
I'll be listening for it. Wish I could go, but have a good friend, George Gates LHS63, coming in from Tennessee next weekend.

Name: Richard ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Feb 5, 2007, 3:16 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1969
City & State: of LongBeach
No E-mail
Message: JB: Actually we underclassman are still working fools, and trotted off to work early. What, only two Cougartowners can think of great driving songs from our past?!
By "driving song" are you referring to any song about cars, like 409, Little Deuce Coupe, etc, or do you mean great "driving down the highway" songs like Route 66?

Name: John Guerra ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Feb 5, 2007, 2:30 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1960
City & State: Buena Park, Calif
No E-mail
Message: Good afternoon senor Baker. I'm not hung over from the drinks, I'm hung over from the stomach, at 5' 9" 180lbs. Too much baby back ribs washed down with 6 7/7s and out ten bucks because I bet on Chicago. Time to get back to my Hawthorne high school weight. See ya at Cruise Night.
Hey John, Thanks for chiming in and stay away from those baby back ribs; they're addictive. I gorged myself on homemade salsa for Super Bowl. Who would have thought that a couple onions, a few tomatoes, cilantro, anchos, jalapenos, and serranos would make about a half gallon and have a shelf life of one day. See you on the 10th of March.
