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The Beach Boys
Be True To Your School

Name: Walter Holt ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Dec 1, 2006, 7:22 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: Surf City, CA
Message: Happy B'Day Don Burns C/O 57. It is great to see all of the positive feedback on how we can help HHS. Thanks principal Joy Bramlette for your input on where and how we can help. John this site keeps getting better and better. Ok it's time for Surf Report: Great off shore winds but only knee slappers for surf (bummer). May have a small SW swell this weekend I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Tuesday and Wednesday the surf was fun, waist to shoulder high with strong off shore winds. It was cool seeing the rainbows form on the blow back with the dolphins leaping & playing in the waves near us in the surf showing us how it's really done. I was out on my newest addition to my quiver, a 9' twin fin fish (I call it the King Fish)it rips. To get my self in great surf shape for competitions that I will be starting in 2007, I made a surfboard trailer for my bike. So for the last 2 months I have been riding my bike 10 miles round trip with surfing 2-4 hours a day at least 4 days a week. Got to admit at first it hurt but now I am feeling pretty great, who says were getting older. Don D, email me buddy let me know how you're doing on your surfing.

Name: LESLIE GREASBY ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Dec 1, 2006, 5:41 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1979
City & State: WHITTIER
No E-mail
Message: Hey Brudder Jimmy, I think the word you used was "EXEMPLIFIED". That's a Cornhusker for ya! It aint Sunday next, yet. GO BIG RED, BEAT NEBRASKA!!!!

Name: Raymond Smith ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Dec 1, 2006, 2:25 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1981
City & State: Portland, OR
Message: Just wanted to chime in on my point of view on the HHS Football. I too was on the football team for 4 yrs and we never won a game in my last 2 yrs there. I'm not sure where the players are coming from but like "I", I never played football until I was asked during my freshman orientation in Aug 1977 by Couch Neil Minami. After a so so season with only a few wins during my Frosh/Sohp years, I am beginning to wonder if there is a lot of Parks's and Recreations football programs where HHS can recruits these kids or are they no longer exist in the Hawthorne Park's Program? When I enter Varsity Football in my Jr year in 1979, Coach Plum was ask to step down and Coach Courtney stepped up. Well, we didn't do well under that program either but there are other sports that did very well. Speed the clock backward a few months into April/May 1979, our TRACK team was the best in the League and who was coaching it? Mr. Courtney himself. Even I did surprisingly well in 4 events I entered coming out as a winner for our Track team. Not sure if that is why Coach Courtney was the new head of the football varsity team. But our basketball team had done very well and we had a few very outstanding Tennis players. After I graduated I heard the class behind me (C/82) won some considerable football games and even went into the playoff's. So, yes, there is hope and things can change. If one sports don't excel then there's always another sports to take up it spot. Whether its the boys or the girls team. But one thing I remember on that football field...trailing behind and losing....the HHS fans and spirits Kept me happy....Kept me going...and Kept me from not giving up. Without them, the cheers, the drill team, the band as well as the fans...I don't think football would of been as fun. That's the key point. I was there to have fun and if we win a few...all the better. I felt the team was very supportive and I had a GREAT and memorial time.

Name: Dan Johnson ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Dec 1, 2006, 2:02 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1977
City & State: Sherman Oaks
Message: Hawthorne's basketball team won yesterday in the Campbell Hall tournament here in North Hollywood!

Name: John Rout ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Dec 1, 2006, 12:48 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1963
City & State: Cerritos, CA
Message: John, two things (actually three). First a correction as I know it. You mentioned that the awful Leuzinger football team of the 1960's best play was a two yard loss. When I got out of the service in 1968, I ran into an old friend from St. Joseph and Serra who was buddies with one of the starting guards on that team. I don't remember his name, but in talking to him he mentioned that the offense got a standing ovation during the last game of the season. They had made their first first down of the entire season (by inches as I recall). Now this guy was 5'7" and 145 pounds which goes a long way in describing why they were so bad. Secondly. I just got my Target bill today and my REDCARD purchases are going to Artesia High School and I have no idea why. Now I can transfer them to HHS and do some good where it means something to me. I may not be an actual graduate, but I loved being a Haytowner and am glad to be able to help in such a small way. Finally, Cougartown sighting tonight! I am meeting Bill Schultz (HHS63) and, possibly, Pat Burris (HHS63) for the CIF PAC 5 play-off games at the Home Depot Center. We met two weeks ago for the Mater Dei and Poly game and had a great time. I don't know how Pat does it, but he got us into the press box on a very cold night. Hope he can do the same tonight!
Hey John, Thanks for the Leuzinger info. Now I KNOW Hawthorne had a fisrt down or two this season. Also thanks for the Target loyalty and hope all Cougs with Target cards get on the band wagon. Have a great time tonight and will see you and the rest tomorrow for lasagna.

Name: Shannon Keys ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Dec 1, 2006, 12:34 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1981
City & State: Colorado Springs
No E-mail
Message: John - Lots of great dialogue in this forum of late regarding school support, spirit (or lack there of). I can add no more, though the current principal seems to be a class act. I think that?s great. Come on ?81ers?, pony-up a few of your duckets, no doubt hard earned in part with the support and guidance provided by our HHS education. John, sorry but the Bruin WILL PREVAIL tomorrow!
Hi Shannon, Thanks very much for the support. Guess there's no need to watch the game.

Name: Ron Withers ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Dec 1, 2006, 12:11 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1963
City & State: Tulsa, okla
Message: Hi John & all you Beach Boy fans [you told me to call you John, back on July 21, 05 because Mr. Baker was your dad]. My reason for posting is that I was at Walgreens a few days ago and they are selling $1.00 DVD's and I found one of the old "Jack Benny Show" [1965] and the Beach Boys were one of the guests. They performed "Barbara Ann" & "California Girls". Also they did a surfing skit with Jack & Bob Hope, it was real corny but funny. I've seen many Beach Boys vintage clips thru the years but not this one. Thought you all might want to check your local Walgreens to see if they have it.--- John, you do such a great job on this website, I lurk often to check the current Beach Boy news. Best Regards, Ron in Tulsa
Hey Ron, Thanks for the info. I will look at my local Walgreens to see if I can find it. Sounds like a fun one.

Name: jessie ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Dec 1, 2006, 10:09 am - HHS Time
Maiden: corral
Class: 1974
City & State: la
No E-mail
Message: Hey John, Congrats on a beautiful trophy!! Well deserved.
Thank you Jessie...

Name: Gary bickers ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Dec 1, 2006, 8:18 am - HHS Time
Class: 1963
City & State: pve cal
Message: Paco, I just saw your 11-30-06 pictures. What is the GOLDEN COUGAR award being handed to or taken from George Rea?
Hey Gary, That is my Cougar Award; presented to me by George on behalf of the Class of 62. It's not Golden but Crystal. Very nice indeed.

Name: Jim Sloey ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Dec 1, 2006, 6:54 am - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: Solvang, Ca
Message: A big congratulations to my little brudder on his retirement TODAY from Raytheon. Be sure you take the stapler! Also my brudder and I would like to send our condolences for all the Greasbys on their loss this weekend. GO BIG RED!
Hey Bill, Congratulations on your retirement.

Name: Jim Peppers ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Dec 1, 2006, 2:48 am - HHS Time
Class: 1961
City & State: Athens, Greece
Message: Hello Cougars, Well, it must be getting close to Christmas as my next door neighbor has already put up their Christmas tree. Christmas trees are a relatively new thing here in Greece as indeed is the idea of celebrating Christmas. When I first came here in 1966 you could hardly tell it was Christmas. Now people even decorate their houses with lights and the like. Though it is nothing like what I remember in California when I was young. It was always a big thrill to go to Inglewood where there was a street with fantastic decorations. Later in Hawthorne, Manor Drive had some memorable scenes, too. My family and I wish all of you a wonderful holiday season. Jim, Francia, and Joanna Peppers
Hi Jim, Thanks for the lighting memories. We've talked about them before but Regent St. in Inglewood was just like being at the North Pole, as everyone on Regent decorated their house.
Thanks for the Christmas wishes too. You and your family have a wonderful holiday season.

Name: Art LaMere ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Nov 30, 2006, 8:20 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1973
City & State: Snow comming Ia
No E-mail
Message: Well tonight is one of the times I wish I live some where other then Iowa. They are telling us we are going to get the first winter storm tonight so we will be digging out to go to work in the morning. John I don't know what I was thinking either I must of been rambling on about nothing, sorry. Have a nice week end all, Art
Hi Art, You don't have anything to be sorry about, do you? Try and stay warm, buddy.

Name: Pat Underwood ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Nov 30, 2006, 3:50 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1963
City & State: Hawthorne, Callif
Message: John is correct in saying that Cougartown is Hawthorne?s Alumni Association. I?ve heard about what a lousy football team Hawthorne has and you're right, it does. Like in the past it had had it?s bad years and good years. It?s not the student?s fault or the teacher?s fault; it?s just the way it is. Nothing you say or do will correct the situation; time finds a way to work things out. When I went to Lawndale, we had the crummiest football team of all. Fred Dryer wanted to play baseball and I must tell you, he wasn?t the fastest Cardinal in the nest, but things worked out. My youngest son attended Lawndale High his freshman year and he told me; ?Dad this school sucks? and I was like ?Hey this is my school?. So off he went to Hawthorne High his sophomore year and he thought Hawthorne High sucked also. I thought there are many people that would disagree with you about Hawthorne. We then shipped him off to Loosefinger and he liked it there. No matter what Hawthorne is like now, in the end things will work itself out and Hawthorne will again come out like a knight in shining armour. I am proud of my school and you should be too, no matter what. Be true to your school.
Thanks Pat, and I agree. There's really more to becoming decent human beings than winning. We all want to win, sure, but this is only one year. Leuzinger had a year back in my day when they didn't score a point all year. One game their biggest gain was a 2 yard loss. No one went out and hanged themselves.

Name: Joy Bramlette ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Nov 30, 2006, 3:36 pm - HHS Time
City & State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: I really appreciate the offer of financial help from the Hawthorne High Alumni. There are currently two major ways that the alumni can help...Target has a Take Charge of Education program in which Target will donate 1% of all REDcard purchases to the school you designate. It would be helpful if alumni would sign up and designate Hawthorne High - our Target school id number is 30194. The designation process can all be easily done on the web at - you must have a Target credit card to participate. Another way to assist us is to make donations directly to the school via our AAA School Improvement fund. These funds are used to provide additional support to athletic, academic and/or activity programs. Checks should be made out to Hawthorne High School ASB account #3275 and on the memo line indicate where you would like your funds directed - athletics, activities, academics or leave it blank and we will place it in the area of greatest need at the time. I want each of you to know that it is my goal to return Hawthorne High to a highly respected status in all areas, academics, athletics and activities. I greatly appreciate your kind expressions of willingness to assist us as we continue to do the very difficult work of ensuring a top quality high school experience for every student that walks onto our campus. I appreciate your inviting me to address you on this website. I am proud to be the principal of Hawthorne High School. Sincerely - Joy Bramlette
Hi Joy, Thanks very much for addressing our issues. We now have some direction as to what to donate to, and how to do it.
Although I've never met you face to face I did see you at our 62 turns 62 reunion in September. I want you to know that you come with very high praise from your peers in and around the district. Our goal here is to remember and to preserve our HHS history. From what I hear you want that same thing too. Thanks again, and I look forward to meeting you face to face real soon.

Name: Dean Morris ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Nov 30, 2006, 3:14 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1972
City & State: NorCal
Message: I wanted to speak to the issue of an HHS Alumni Association and that some of the 70s folks are talking about forming something new in this regard. John Baker created the infrastructure for an HHS Alumni Association within Cougartown, which historically began as a tribute to the "early 60s folks" and now has grown in membership and evolved in scope to something much more. I am not sure if a charter or official document is needed, but if so, let's do it and make Cougartown synonomous with the HHS Alumni Association for all classes. Given the "Cougartown / HHS Alumni Association" as the big umbrella organization, I see no conflict with individual classes forming their own clubs or organizations subordinate to the Cougartown /HHS Alumni Association. John, I know this is not what you envisioned originally, but if Cougartown is the HHS Alumni Association, why not make it official? We don't have to ruin what works with Cougartown by becoming a rule-bound bureaucracy. Instead, Cougartown can continue as a largely virtual organization that keeps more alumni involved because you dont have to live in Hawthorne in order to participate. Discuss amongst yourselves, I've got to go get a cup of cauwfee.
Hey Dean, I agree and the rule bound bureaucracy thing is what we've been trying to stay away from. We keep it simple here, for HHS as well as Hawthorne. When HHS needed the seats refurbished in Nyman hall we all got together and donated. When they were selling bricks for the Beach Boys Landmark, we donated. We don't need a tight knit "rules of charter" thing to be a great asset to the City and HHS. We just do what it takes to get the job done.

Name: Matt Peterson ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Nov 30, 2006, 10:44 am - HHS Time
Class: 1974
City & State: EDH, CA
No E-mail
Message: I have been reading feedback and think it is great that so many alumni want to help HHS. So this morning I sent an email to HHS principal telling her that the alumni at want to help HHS. I suggested that she post a feedback recommending ways we can help. Hopefully we can get something going.
GREAT idea, Thank you Matt....

Name: Dan Johnson ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Nov 29, 2006, 9:49 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1977
City & State: Sherman Oaks, CA
Message: Here's an oddity -- today in the mail, inexplicably, I received an invite to the Leuzinger Class of '77 Reunion! If anyone is interested, their reunion is on June 23, 2007 @ The Queen Mary. Info apparently is available at

Name: Art La Mere ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Nov 29, 2006, 7:29 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1973
City & State: Bettendorf Ia
No E-mail
Message: JB, There is always room for more think of it this way you have Cougartown events then you can have the HHS alumni events you can see your classmates that much more.Art
Hey Art, Don't get what you mean. Please email me...Thanks

Name: Miaaka DeForresr ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Nov 29, 2006, 12:51 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Lester
Class: 1977
City & State: Lone Pine, CA
Message: There are problems in every school in every city and town across the country, the problems are not necessarily the same for each school or community but they exist. Being in a small town with smaller class sizes does not eliminate all the issues, I see it every day in my daughters small school. I am proud of my time at HHS and Clark I will do what I can to support an Alumni Association, just let me know what I can do from up here. On another note any of you who know my sister Shannon (75), her youngest son was in a serious accident this past holiday weekend and can use all the positive thoughts and prayers you can send his way. He is facing multiple surgeries to repair many broken bones. thanks Miaaka
Once again, Cougartown IS the Alumni Association. Our thoughts a prayers to your nephew, Miaaka.

Name: Sharon MacDonald ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Nov 29, 2006, 10:15 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Badger
Class: 1963
City & State: Bruceville, Texas
Message: Another thing that an Alumni Association can do is provide mentors/positive roll-models for today's students. Mentors do not have to be geographically close to the student but can be in contact on-line providing advice, encouragement, and even simple tasks like reading/reviewing an assignment before it gets turned in for grading. I belong to a professional association that uses on-line mentoring to candidates preparing for certification exams and it really helps.
Another good idea, thanks Sharon....
