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still dedicated to "Fosters Cruise Night", but for the 50's group.... Ivory Joe Hunter
Name: Kim Bueltel () on Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 23:54:20
E-Mail: golfnut32@aol.com
Class: 76
Message: Hey Les Johnson, what do you do in memphis? I hear the best thing to do there is to work for Fedex...So whats up?
Name: Alan Nelson () on Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 23:44:01
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: '73
Message: The pictures are a nice touch, John. (Although I've already seen more than my share of mug-shots.) I think those who you immortalize on these pages should be encouraged to send in a recent pic. Before and after shots should really be a hoot. (Hoot??? did I really say that?)
Yeah, we'll slowly get pics of all these people at upcoming functions. Of course we can always steal them from the persons website too. Thanks Alan
Name: Beth Meade () on Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 23:36:35
E-Mail: bethmeade@earthlink.net
Maiden: Treckman (T1)
Class: 75
Message: Sharon, Nice picture!!! Hey, I even went to York School for one year. In fourth grade my mom took me out of St. Joseph's midyear (due to a senile nun) and I finished fourth grade in a combo 4/5 class with Mrs. Biggerstaff. Do you remember her? Anyway, I went back to Holy Joe's the next year. Kim Bueltel, how is your brother Terry? He was in my grade? Palm Springs sounds like a relaxing place to live. If you are into golf, I imagine that would be a great place to live. We are moving to Mammoth in August. I don't think I could go the desert route, except to visit I mean. Do you remember Marla Manriquez? I play volleyball with her sometimes still, when she has time in the off-season. She is Marla O'Hara now and plays pro-beach volleyball. You probably knew that. She saw Judy Friedman one day a year or so ago. Can you imagine? She said it was a nice conversation. Beth
Does anyone know if Marla Manriquez' dad's name was Roland??
Name: Les Johnson () on Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 22:15:34
E-Mail: a310driver@aol.com
Class: 63
Message: Just got on this web site and already have found lost love ones. I now live in TENN. and that is a long way from 26th St., so I have lost touch with a lot of my HHS friends. If any of my classmates come to Memphis, please call and I will be your guide. I will show you where Elvis really lives!!! I would love to come to the Fosters night, I have so many great memories about Fosters. Hope to see everyone soon!! Les Johnson
E-Mail at...a310driver@aol.com
Call at.....901-854-1842
Name: Ron Reinholdson () on Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 21:47:54
E-Mail: r_reinholdson@juno.com
Class: 65
Message: I'm curious to know what the turnout at the Beach Boys concert in Bakersfield was like. About four or five years ago, I went to a Beach Boys concert at El Camino College and was really disappointed at the light turnout. I don't think the crowd was more than about 20% capacity. But what a concert. It was held in the football stadium with festival seating, if you wanted, on the grass right in front of the stage. And that's where we sat. I thought I would see scores of Cougars, but I didn't see any. I've been to several Beach Boys concerts in the last few years, from Las Vegas (where Brian joined in), to Blockbuster in Devore, to the venues in Orange county. With the death of Carl, who is now touring? I assume Mike Love, Bruce Johnston, Al Jardine, Al's son, and maybe Dean Torrance. Any others? There had been talk about David Marks rejoining the group. Did he? Still waiting for a more southerly concert.
Name: Jim Owens () on Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 20:52:58
E-Mail: JamesVictor@webtv.net
Message: I noticed that on the "Memories" page of this website, there is a place listed called Patmars. I recently found an old postcard that shows a motel and drive-in called Patmars. The card identifies it as being in California, but doesn't say what town or area. Could someone fill me in on the "Patmars" that is listed on the "Memories" page, i.e. where it was, what it was, when it was there, etc., and whether it could be the same place? Any information would be greatly ap
preciated! My emai address is: JamesVictor@webtv.net. Thanks!
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 20:23:01
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
Message: LAURA !!!!
The stories you tell, girl!
I always thought you were the good girl that my parents wished I had been. NOW THE TRUTH COMES OUT!
Your escapades put mine to shame... I'm happy to report!
Laura, I remember you well, we must have gone through York, HIS and HHS... even though my family moved a lot and I attended WAY TOO MANY SCHOOLS TO COUNT...some of them even (gasp) outside the city of Hawthorne... All roads eventually led back to Hawthorne, city of Angels (Like me.) You mentioned running until we dropped and I LAUGHED OUT LOUD! We were horses, remember? Well, I always wanted to be a horse; there are many that would say I got half my wish... ! Laura, keep those stories coming, your memory banks are in much better shape than mine. Who else went to York, HIS and HHS and graduated 76? Leo LaSala, Clark Millman; I attended Dana Jr High (8th grade only) with Jennifer Clark, another Yorkie. Delores Marin. Okay, name me sumoah!
Name: Roni Kobel () on Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 20:18:24
E-Mail: rskobel@aol.com
Maiden: Treckman (T2)
Class: 76
Message: Hi, Chris Penny! I remember you!! Welcome to Cougartown! A Texas gal, huh? I've got lotsa relatives there, y'all...
Name: Kathy Stonebraker () on Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 20:08:10
E-Mail: stoney@qnet.com
Maiden: Lorig
Class: 76
Message: Christine!!! It's about time. Can't find your yearbook? I'm not surprised.. hehehe...
And not just one but 2 pictures, boy, do you rate. John, if you want some REAL pictures of Chris just let me know. I think I have that scanner thing figured out. That reminds me, I have to get that other picture of HPD to you yet. Sorry, the memories going (and at such an early age too)! OK all you 76er's, let's get our money turned in for the Cruise 2000. I think I have Christine a.k.a., LulaBell, convinced so we should all have a great time. Don Collins, are you going?
Laura, what part of Menlo did you live on?
Hope to see y'all on Cruise Night.
Name: LGW () on Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 19:32:12
E-Mail: lgeelew@pacbell.net
Maiden: Geele
Class: 76
Message: Now I remember why I wasn't going to post -- John has access to those old pictures! Well, that's the one (the grad picture from 76) that makes my husband wander around mumbling something about "truth in advertising" and shaking his head :-). He *does* still look the same as he did in 75, so see if you can find him John. He's Dave Wang, HHS 75. He should have won the "least changed" award at his 20th reunion!
Hi to all the twins and everyone else! Gosh, we had a lot of twins in our class. I remember the Collinses from elementary school too, and Sharon Bierman (didn't we all used to run around the big field until we dropped?!), and the other twins were Meri and Jeri Ballew I think. There were a couple sets of twins in the class ahead of us as well. It must be the Hawthorne water.
Hi Laura, Tell Dave that he's lucky that I don't have the 75 El Molino pictures yet. When someone scans them and sends them to me......LOOK OUT DAVE!!
Name: yahoo () on Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 18:19:09
Class: 79
Message: I saw Laura's message about other classes joining the party at the House of Blues. John Baker is one thing, but isn't this a Class of 79 reunion? I thought that's why we had the picnic....for all to come.
Name: Maureen "Mo" Trott () on Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 17:35:28
E-Mail: momo90250@aol.com
Maiden: Trott
Class: 1964
Message: John,
First of all, thanks so much for posting that lovely picture...ain't it a winner! God, I hope I look better now! Yes by all means, I will let Dave & Sheila know about the cruise night. They are also my best friends.
Name: karen () on Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 16:58:06
Maiden: graham
Class: 59
Message: Well, I noticed one of us Karen's answered your request of where you at!!! So, not knowing which Karen you were referring to, I'm checking in with you, too. I don't know if Gary and I can make it to cruise night but we are working on the Homecoming game. If we can't make it to Foster's have one vanilla chocolate dip for us, will you? I'm buying! You probably heard about the fire in Summit Valley just south of Hesperia. Well, I know there are some Cougars living in that area and I hope they are okay. If you guys read this please let us know how you're doing. I hope all is well. The 4th here was very quiet. The fireworks went off on the 3rd and we didn't know it, so we missed the whole show. At least you had a sparkler and a snake!!
Karen Darlin', Yes, I'm talking about ALL the Karens that check into the site, but where have YOU been?? Haven't talked to you in weeks. If you don't make it for Fosters Cruise night, then I guess I'll live, but you and Gary try to make it. If not, well we'll see you on Homecoming night. Thanks Karen, I feel better now.
Name: christine baird () on Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 16:53:43
E-Mail: bairds1@juno.com
Maiden: penny
Class: 76
Message: hi don, of course i remember you and your brother.
how have you been? i remember laura geele also. wish i had easy access to one of my year books. i bet i would remember alot more! ") we just finished remodeling and alot of the stuff hasn't made it back in the house yet. "}
Name: Judy Owens () on Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 16:33:17
E-Mail: duckmom46@hotmail.com
Maiden: Hanson
Class: 54
Message: Hi Out there, all you who remember me, write me.
Thanks, Judy
Hi Judy, Sorry I don't have the 54 yearbook pics, or I'd put your picture up. I'm working on them though. Thanks, and somebody write to Judy. Be a Coug'.........
Name: Don Collins () on Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 15:11:00
E-Mail: DgladeC@aol.com
Class: 76
Message: Thanks John.....your work on this site is truly a work of art. The pics of the cougars bring back many memories. Esp. those from the class of 76!
Kathy L. my twin Ron has been living in San Francisco for the last 10 years or so. I'll get a message to him. Chris Penny, I'm sure you remember the twins from 117th St. Brother Ron was not nearly as shy as I was. Laura Geele, I always suspected there was more to you than you let on. My brother Chuck Collins, class of 69, and I plan to be at Foster's! Also, remember the Nyman Hall sponsor a seat campaign...does any have an update? AND I'm looking forward to the Class of 76....25th in the year 2001. Hope to see everyone then. Good times to all.
Name: Manny () on Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 14:35:13
E-Mail: manny@appz.com
Maiden: Cercado
Class: 98
Message: wow neat page! keep up the good work
Thanks Manny.
Name: Karen () on Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 14:30:19
E-Mail: karen.h.kusumi@boeing.com
Maiden: Hare
Class: 66
Message: Hi John, Glad to hear you had a good weekend.
I went to a block party in Hawthorne. I just happened to be on the street I lived on for 15 years. Most of the people living there now were not there when I was. But as I was outside I saw two familiar people coming my way. It was Gordon and Camile Stelse who lived right across the street from me growing up. Their two boys were Dale c/o 64 and Bob c/o 66. Seeing all the activity going on reminded me of all the wonderful times I had on that street, I was glad to see they were still going on.
Betty, I plan on wearing my name tag to cruise night that I saved from my class reunion, others should do that also if they still have there's. We still need to work on getting Mary Kean (66) and Nancy Kluxdal (65) to come also.
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 14:13:01
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
Message: My sister Patt sent me her part of the money to get a Hawthorne High School, Nyman Hall, seat refurbished in memory of our sister Bonney Carrick c/o 1962. I hope that other cougars are going to contribute toward the seat fund. They do need the money soon as possible since they plan on starting the work in August.
On the 4th I went to a park where my son played patriotic music with a youth band. Remember the Hawthorne Youth Band? (I used to enjoy watching them since I wasn't talented enough to play an instrument.) At the park where my son played there was open shooting of fireworks. Most of the people were concentrated in a very small area and the fireworks were placed anywhere that a person wanted to place them. I don't think anyone got hurt but it sure seemed unsafe.
I am looking forward to the cruise night. John did you get a new camera? With you saying that you and I are going to take pictures I just assumed you did.
Christine Baird lives in Round Rock, TX. I bet that Leeroy has traveled through that part of the country. It is probably one of the high lights of his life.
I am glad that Ernie Nixon and Kathy Lorig got to see the Beach Boys in concert even if Mike Love is the only original member in the band. I am also happy that Frank Romano went to see Chris Montez.
Patty, I waited until you posted a message before I did. Even if John did put my name before your name he still like you best! (I don't blame him!)
Hey Chris, I can't help it......she's prettier than you.I'm real shallow that way. I'll email you on the camera. Thanks Chris
Name: Bob Veach () on Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 14:09:28
E-Mail: annijoro@aol.com
Class: 1972
Message: Gosh John, you and el rojo sure hold a grudge about a game that happened 40 years ago. I'll make a deal with ya- I'll wear my LBPoly football T-shirt under my HHS letterman's jacket.
Cougars and Jackrabbits Forever!
Hey Bob, You can wear the T-shirt, but turn it inside out, and put it on backwards.
OH, did I mention BURN IT FIRST!!
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 13:30:52
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
Message: Oh John, Im so sorry, I thought for sure you would be out with someone on the 4th, If we would of known, you know we would have had you along!!!
Our little neighborhood had a block party, only problem, some of the Fireworks were not from here, if you know what I mean and two of our neighbors kept them coming until close to midnight. Im sorry you had just your snakes, but next year you are welcome to join in our neighborhood 4th. Am I early enough for next year.
God willing, this is an invite for next year, Maybe we can start something for next year, here in our neighborhood for Cougartown folk. Something to think about!!!!
Loretta, Uhhhh.....just kidding on the Grand Finale thing earlier. Yes I did have a great 4th also. Thanks for worrying about me though. You're the best.
I can't wait to hear what Laura has to tell, from your mother's lips.
Name: Bill Wadman () on Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 13:17:59
E-Mail: 3scompany@lvcm.com
Class: 75
Message: My uncle Tom owned the Block & Tackle in Hawthorne. Those neat fish somebody had written about were Piranha and my uncle had many a story about people missing some parts of their finger's when they didn't believe him. Tom Wadman also owned the Hatch Cover in Manhattan Beach.
The "Hatch Cover"..... now there's a name out of my past.
Name: LGW () on Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 13:13:08
E-Mail: lgeelew@pacbell.net
Maiden: Geele
Class: 76
Message: Hi John, here's a long one and a question. What was the name of the bar on Hawthorne Bl and (approx) 132nd? It was on the corner of the same street as the back of Hawthorne Intermediate. It had really good burgers, and when I was a kid, my brother and I would pester my mom to take us there. We always sat at the back table by the side door (quick getaway in case the child protective services saw us kids in a bar?!). Garnett Pollard's mom, Betty, always had the burgers ready for us and they were terrific. I suspect she and my mom collaborated to get us kids in and out of there as quickly as possible, while still making us happy. We sure could pester.
The Pollards lived in the house immediately south of our house on Menlo (my parents are still there) and I knew Betty and Rod much better than I knew Garnett (what self-respecting young man would have anything to do with a couple of brats next door? :-) My mom always called him "that nice young man" and held him up to us as a paragon to be emulated. I don't know if it was justified. I was sorry to read of his passing.
To the north, on the other side, was the Klimas house (I saw a note from Joan in Chicago on one of the early pages). And a couple of blocks north is my good friend Mrs. Morelli, mom to Loretta Cuiper. I seem to know/have known the parents of a lot of 60s folk! Shall I tell all the stories they've told me about their kids? :-)
And we still haven't heard from Paula Lutz -- she and her brother Danny and sister Virginia were right across the street from us. Paula and my little brother were a terrorful twosome (well, okay, Paula and I occasionally as well). Who else around here used to climb into the houses being built around town and take tours? I can remember balancing on beams lain across the second stories of some of the apartment complexes around town. We'd run back and forth on those 4-inch planks, balancing 20-feet above the ground, when we weren't "decorating" the apartment walls. . . we're probably the reason the builders eventually started putting security guards inside the houses being built (wasn't that a shock the first time we ran into one of them?!).
Laura, The bar that you're referring to had to be the 352 club. It's still there today, but I don't know if the burgers are still there. Laura, Please save the stories from the parents of all these alumni, for the Newsletter. That'll gettem'!! Great memories Laura......thank you
Name: Maureen "Mo" Trott () on Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 12:48:11
E-Mail: momo90250@aol.com
Maiden: Trott
Class: 1964
Message: Hi John,
Earlier in the feedback there was comments about the Hawthorne High Pool being closed. UPDATE: The pool is scheduled to reopen on July 24th. Some good things are starting to happen in the city...Thank God! Eight years without a raise! Is that loyalty or just crazy? Have let all the HPD and HFD (County now) that I keep in touch with, that graduated from HHS, know about the website. Hope they at least sign in under Alumni List.
John (cuz?), thanks for all the great work you are doing. See you cruise night!
Thanks Mo (cuz?), Did you let my good buddy David Stark HHS62 know too (may be retired from HFD now)? David and wife Sheila are fun people.
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 09:14:22
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
Message: Hey John, We just got back from a little vacation in Balboa/Catalina and when we checked in on the feedback it has taken me 3 days to catch up. Whoa, alot has been going on and so good to see that a few of our Cougartown folk have returned, thats good!!!! Also the way the pages are going I bet your right on with the 24th at Foster's. Hope your 4th was good, I was glad to see that Cheryl was in town and Tonya, sorry we were not able to make the 4th, will be calling you very soon. Oh, I have to tell what Larry and I saw Monday coming back from the Beach, on Artesia blvd in the lane next to us was this Hot Pink Corvette, we pulled up beside her and there driving was that lady who has a thing about looking like BARBIE, next to her was this young man and when we told our grandaughter Ashley who we saw, she said if he has dark hair then it was Ken and we are so lucky to see the real Barbie and Ken.
Have to tell everyone she really does look like Barbie, Ken, were not sure, and that Corvette was a beauty, but Hot Pink!!
Sounds like you two had a great weekend. Yeah I had fun too. I went to the local fireworks stand and bought myself a sparkler and one of those snake things that make a black mark on the sidewalk that doesn't go away for about 2 decades. It was real fun. I waited till it was dark though and then I lit the snake and the sparkler at the same time...............had my own Grand Finale boy. Yeah, nothin' but party central over here. Thanks Loretta........
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