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dedicated to "Fosters Cruise Night".... The Beach Boys
Name: Patty Valencia () on Sunday, June 27, 1999 at 13:27:14
E-Mail: pvalencia2@aol.com
Class: 1974
Message: Hello to everyone from beautiful, downtown, humid and hot Boston! Gloria and I just finished our week in truly great weather in San Jose (we even rented a convertible and taught people the "Prom Queen" wave. From 4 cars back we hear "Gloria, is that you?" She had already made fans in Silicon Valley). Left her in Las Vegas and made my way to Boston. Now I sign on and see that we are having opinions about feedback entries? 20 pages of jock talk and locker room humor is ok, but tongue-in-cheek Leroy entries are un-cool? Hmmm. Scroll, baby scroll. No one is forced to read all. I bet you don't even know what most of us read or skip. Cougartown is for everyone, but not every entry can or should satisfy everyone. In fact, I'll probably be the only one reading this long one :)
Yes, but again, we're all COUGARS to the marrow and we love ALL our fellow Cougs DON"T WE V5!!!!
Name: Janet Amuchastegui () on Sunday, June 27, 1999 at 12:03:23
E-Mail: jamuchaste@valint.net
Maiden: Amuchastegui
Class: 68
Message: This page has been so nice for reuniting old cougs! Recently I visited southern California to spend a few weeks with Garnett Pollard. We had such a blast visiting old friends that we have connected with from CT. We met Ken Mercurio and his wife Annette at Descanso Gardens. We had a great visit and hope there will be more.
One night we had plans to meet with Bill Sloey but were in the area early, so we drove past York Elementary (where I attended). Then we stopped at the little store on 120th Street. I had such fond memories of that place - my childhood home was on Oxford Ave. My mom used to let me walk down there and get Bighunk Candy bars and pop when I was little. Stopping in there brought back memories of the many times I frequented the place. You will never guess what we bought!
Bill took us to dinner at the Redondo Beach Chart House. We were entertained with the view of the ocean and some swimmers that were indecently dressed. Wet undies are totally see through just in case you ever think of them as a substitute for swimsuits. They were chased off by a life guard... dinner was fabulous and the rekindling of old memories was even better.
Now how many of us could get a letter in the mail, and remember the return address? I think it takes an old football player to do such a thing. On the way back to Bill's I asked if he knew anything about Mary Hamilton. I have tried to find her through just about everyone I come in contact with. Now Bill calmly says "Oh yeah, I think she lives somewhere close by" with a little hesitation he makes a right turn and goes four blocks, turns left and found her house. We got out and although she was not there, it was indeed her house. There was a package on her porch and that is how we knew we had the right place! GO FIGURE!!!
We left a note and drove away, and I think it was Bill that suggested we should TP her house just out of respect of days gone by. YES! We decided that would be a great idea so we went to the local market. While we were in line to pay for TP guess who should arrive in the line next to us. She knew Bill instantly and me, but she had never met Garnett since he graduated before she attended HHS. She exclaimed, “BILL SLOEY, JANET A, and then ahhh did I ever know you?” We got quite a chuckle out of that. Well the old expression could be applied here! We looked like the “cats that swallowed the canary” standing there with TP in hand! Needless to say we put it down and followed her home, keeping our eyes on the license plate that reads COWGIRL2.
It was a night of rekindling friendships and catching up on 30 years of lost contact! I hope there will be many more shared times for making new memories as well as the time to reminisce the old ones….. And watch out Mary, we still have a deep desire to leave several rolls of TP in your yard!
I have 2 more trips planned for California this summer, I sure hope we hit the 100 pgs while I am there in August so Garnett, Bill and his 3 kids and I can cruise with COUGS! Hey Bill, have room for more in your car? Maybe Mary would join us and stream TP from the windows, she should have lots to donate soon!
Hey I could use summer employment, anyone down there need a house TPd?
Thanks Janet, Great story AND that's what it's all about Cougs.
Name: Ray Castillo () on Sunday, June 27, 1999 at 11:47:47
E-Mail: rcas@sprynet.com
Class: 1973
Message: I can't believe the march to page 100 is now in the eighties. I haven't had a spare minute to check in since about thiry something pages ago. Patrick (my ten yr. old) has made the nine/ten yr. old Little League Allstar team, and unfortunately for him, I was named manager. We've been practicing our buns off at least three days per week, three hours per practice. Two new names stuck out like the proverbial sore thumbs. Larry Biller, and Shirley (Roberts) Israel. For those who don't know, Larry is a very gifted guitarist. It was a boyhood thrill to get to play with Larry, and Steve Soulam, and Ken Roberts several years ago, in my parent's detached room in Hawthorne. Ken was able to convince my parents into letting him turn it into a recording studio. I'm not sure, but possibly my having a place to play had something to do with their letting me play too. Shirley, I hope all is well for you! How are Greg and Ginny? Send me an e-mail.....I still haven't forgotten you and my wife handing Monopoly money and properties under the table to one another..........
Name: Dewey Storie () on Sunday, June 27, 1999 at 09:21:03
E-Mail: Dewey_Storie@msn.com
Maiden: AKA: MaD ScaNNer
Class: 74
Message: Glenn:
Don't worry about Photos being taken on Cruise Night I will be there and will have my camera there and I am sure many others will too! (still have my fingers crossed that I will be in town. Last week Oklahoma City, next week Chicago) and for those of you in Parker AZ be careful because I will have my camera with me while on vacation in 2 weeks and you might just find your photo show up on CT…
Name: Glenn Crist () on Sunday, June 27, 1999 at 03:35:47
E-Mail: gfcrist@pop.sonic.net
Class: '64
Message: John
What you need is one of those quick cams, hooked up to a laptop and a cell phone, so all of us who are too far away to cruise on in for the celebration of the hundredth can be there too. Hey, come to think about it, you could hook it up in Cougartown central and we could all see you're smiling face.
Hey Glenn, I think I'll pass on the Cougartown cam, but there WILL be pictures.
Name: Bob Rierdan () on Saturday, June 26, 1999 at 23:33:38
E-Mail: printer@cheerful.com
Class: 61
Message: I wonder if anyone remembers Mr. Hendrickson. He was a math teacher at HHS. I had him in 9th & 10th grades - let me see, that would have been in about 1958 & '59; he was about 60 at that time, so that would make him about 129 now; I wonder if he's still teaching!
Name: Diana () on Saturday, June 26, 1999 at 22:49:28
E-Mail: Only Di@aol.com
Maiden: Sanchez
Class: 75
Message: Well to those of you looking for JIM WEST, Class of 1964. I just got off the phone with him and he was quite surprised to hear that people are asking about him. He wants to let you know that yes he is still alive and kicking. He works at Raytheon and lives in Castaic (sp?) on the weekends. Life of Leisure. I can give you his E-Mail address at work (JWWEST@WEST.RAYTHEON.COM) I hope I got it right. He still remembers Coach Chauncey and others. (amazing huh considering how long it has been for him) haha !! Sorry bad joke. I guess I can say that considering I graduated in 75, and in his eyes still the kid next door. Anyway it was nice talking to him and remembering old times. Hopefully those of you will get a hold of him I told him about Cougartown and he is quite impressed !!
Thanks Diana, If you look in the picture of the 59 team below, Jim West is 3rd from the right, in the front row (33). Gosh, what a small number for such a big guy.Thanks Diana
Name: Shirley (Roberts) Israel () on Saturday, June 26, 1999 at 18:47:38
E-Mail: sisrael@homelender.com
Maiden: Cook
Class: 72
Message: I'm bummed that we didn't have a 25 year reunion.
Couldn't make the 10 or 20. would love to see you all again.
God Bless.
Name: Bill Sloey () on Saturday, June 26, 1999 at 14:47:34
E-Mail: wsloey@aol.com
Class: 69
Message: Hey Coach, this is Bill and on the lighter side of sports you put me in charge of the west door of the boys locker room and told me 1(one) thing. Bill don't let anyone out of that door until the bell rings, unless they can walk on water. Do you remember the outcome of those instructions haha Life is great, NOW that we can look back and Laugh, right SID......GO COUGS
Name: Susan () on Saturday, June 26, 1999 at 13:58:39
E-Mail: funds4kids@Yahoo.com
Maiden: Ciampa
Class: 77
Message: Hi John! Thought I'd check in and see how the numbers are looking for Cruise Night at Foster Freeze. I keep finding more Cougars living in this little "West side of Sepulveda" town and I'm passing on the word about CT. Now, if I could only get all of these defectors to come to cruise night and the game.
By the way... I was in Sav-On Surplus on Hawthorne Blvd. the other day and found a whole shelf full of WALLABIES! Do you think they've been there since the 70's?!?!?!?!?!
We're still on for Stick & Stein after the October game so keep me posted with numbers. Wait until you see the Cougar memorabilia that George is putting up in our honor. It's great stuff and I'm sure all the jocks and coaches will love it! SCARLET & GOLD is taking over!!!!
See you all at Fosters for a dipped one.
Hi Susan, I can't wait and thanks for the update. I'll tell you that tentatively there are 25 cars and 62 people signed up. Whatta nite!!!
Name: Alan Nelson () on Saturday, June 26, 1999 at 13:50:14
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: 73
Message: Hey Gary! I know what ya mean about takin' the Kid to school. I just did the orientation thing at U of A in Tucson. Is your's gonna be a Sun-Devil? At least Wildcats are ALMOST Cougars. I sense a friendly rivalry is gonna break out in Cougartown.
Name: Dale Hahlbeck () on Saturday, June 26, 1999 at 13:44:32
E-Mail: mhahlbeck@earthlink.net
Class: 75
Message: C'mon 100, I need a Foster's Fix Leroy FFFFF
Jus cuz you rite funny don't make you funny!!! Less is more sometime Dagnabit. And to all my alumni friends who keep asking I AINT LEROY!
John can verify that if needed. Hope to see ya all at Fosters. Hope the parking lot there can accomodate all of us, cuz I aint parking at "THE
MALL" aint that rite Leroy?
Name: el rojo and queen () on Saturday, June 26, 1999 at 10:05:43
E-Mail: same
Maiden: jacobsen/kiester
Class: 60/61
Message: first of all,message to ron r.ron i was wrong about the guys name that scored the TD against us in 59. it wasn't harvey martin. it was willie martin. so we're both part right. JB, you said that 38 yrs isn't a record for marriage? well as far as i know it is in the class of 60 and maybe 61. unless somebody got married before graduation. i give up. tell me who. and congrats to them whoever they are. el/and idaho queen.com! MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU!
El rojo and el dorado, OH!!, you didn't stipulate the class of 60/61. Yes, you are the King and Queen.Thanks and happy anniversary from Ctown.
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Saturday, June 26, 1999 at 07:54:49
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
Message: Seems like I read somewhere on these pages that Mr. Allen is still the yearbook advisor at HHS and that he has all the back copies of the yearbooks. Folks who would like copies of missing yearbooks might contact him and suggest a possible fundraiser for the yearbook staff: perhaps they can photocopy old yearbooks for a fee. I have a friend who lost his Senior book and another classmate made him a photo of the entire book. While it wasn't the same as an original book, he still had the pleasure of reliving the "olden" days. He would've gladly paid for the copy! So, all you guys posting requests for copies, get on the phone to Mr. Allen and put the bug in his ear!
Thanks Sharon, I'm sure Mr Allen is going to appreciate the extra work. Please be sure to say that Sharon Bierman Branigan sent you.
Name: LARRY BILLER () on Saturday, June 26, 1999 at 02:36:01
Class: 1967
Hey Larry, If you can make it fine.... If not, then there're going to be more of these so maybe then. Thanks for the Feedback.
Name: gary () on Saturday, June 26, 1999 at 01:51:50
E-Mail: nix
Class: 1970
Message: John
I'm going to try to make the cruise night but no promises, we have to move our youngest son to phoenix for school , if it works out we would be in the moterhome, hey kathleen , you and mike can ride along!!!
Gary, Thanks and we'll be looking for you.
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