Name: Marilyn Ross () on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 at 20:49:23
City and State: Garden Grove, Ca
Maiden: Wisham
Class: 1956
Message: Back in 1958 my husband drove me to Acacia street in El Segundo where all the houses on the block were decorated (except one - his great uncles). He just saw a story on the news a few days ago about Acacia Street. They are still decorating after all these years. They call it Santa Lane at Christmas time. I think thats great! I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and happy new year.
Hi Marilyn, The same to you, and yes, I WILL go by Acacia this year and see what I've been missin'. Thanks for the tip.
Name: Larry Bach () on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 at 19:43:41
City and State: Torance, CA
Class: 1972
Message: I can think of two Hawthorne Christmas traditions besides the decorated street lights on Hawthorne Blvd. In the early 1960's there were two blocks of Christmas scenes and decorations on 144th Street or 144th Place between Yukon and Doty where almost every house was lit up and had some sort of lawn scene, many very elaborate. Frankly, I forgot all about it myself until Raymond asked the question below. The old fire station across the street from the Plaza theater also had a good Christmas display with Santa in attendance on at least one evening. Kids lined up all the way to Hawthorne Blvd to see "Santa" and get their little foil wrapped, chocolate coated marshmallow version of Santa Claus. On one occasion, I couldn't figure out how "Santa" knew exactly what I wanted for Christmas until years later I found out that on this particular evening, "Santa" was really Dale Martin, a Hawthorne firefighter and resident, and family friend. Thanks Raymond for jogging old childhood Christmas memories.
I remember the display you're talking about on 143rd or 44th. That was a great display. The streets were lined with cars. The one off PCH and about Prospect is a great one too.
Larry, I look at your senior pic and just KNOW what Coach Chauncey would've had waiting for you in the Coaches office. His Korean War Razor. Merry Christmas to you and yours....
Name: Larry Biller () on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 at 19:09:51
City and State: Portland,Or
Class: 1967
Message: They changed the name of the tree in downtown Portland to Holiday Tree.... But that won't stop me from wishing
you all a very Merry CHRISTmas.
Merry Christmas Larry...
Name: John Rout () on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 at 16:32:25
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Class: 1963
Message: In the mid 50's we had a Christmas scene that stretched across six houses that depicted Santa, his sleigh and reindeer rising in the sky to a giant star. The sleigh was over our house. There were four foot candles on the front lawn of each house with the household name (Rout, Mullins, Acevedo, Acord, ?,?, Bell). Every night the street (118th Place between Prairie and Doty) would be packed with cars slowly driving by to view it. It even made it into the Herald Examiner one year. I think my folks still have the edition when the picture was printed. The star must have been about 60 feet in the air over the last house. Can't imagine anyone trying that today, or being allowed to. I do think the city made us stop doing it after the third year, but I think it was more for the traffic congestion than for safety issues. Anyway, Merry Christmas to all!
Hey John, Sounds like a beautiful sight. Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas to you and Anne.
Name: Wade Greasby () on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 at 16:13:59
City and State: Surf City, Ca
Maiden: Surf's Up
Class: 1973
Message: A few moments ago I was watching the surf pound the shore at 26th St. How incredible it looked today. On the first day of winter and there's 10'-12'surf, 70 degrees air, 58 degrees water and beautiful blue skies. God how I love the beach. I wish everyone a wonderful and warm holiday season. Hold on to your loved ones one more time. Great job this year John. Blue skies, waves on high, it's Christmas Time in California.
Hey Wade, Thanks and Merry Christmas to you too. Yep, I was just thinking about the Cougs in Chicago or St Paul. Today I'm wearing my cutoffs and a Ctown Tshirt, how about you? Name: Bruce Gallaudet () on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 at 14:41:41
City and State: Davis, CA
Class: 1965
Message: Stumbled onto this terrific site and spent an hour drinking it all in. Everybody looks wonderful. Dan Anderson! How's Idaho? We should get in touch someday. Hope everyone is well. Sorry to hear about Mr. Nyman. The old school looks a little worn out ... probably like me.
Just in case anyone's interested: married, two kids (Oregon State and Davis High) and selling automobiles after 27 years as newspaper editor and publisher. Happy, fat and tired. Go Cougs.
Hey Bruce, Glad you found us. Thanks for the bio and hope you find some old friends...
Name: Steve () on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 at 14:23:23
Last Name: Eide
City and State: Alexandria, VA
Class: 1966
Message: Has anyone mentioned the great site: Great mid-century neon, motels, bowling alleys etc, etc. This site should bring back lots of memories.
Hey Steve, Yes, I've seen it before and it is a walk down nostalgia lane. Thanks....
Name: Raymond Smith () on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 at 05:33:23
City and State: Portland, OR
Class: 1981
Message: Hello and Merry Christmas to everyone. I been lacking in my memory bank and I can't recall any good ol' fashion Christmas tradition in Hawthorne. I mean, I recall a in Lawndale there was this Nativity set w/ REAL people who moved only to adjust their stances every 10 mins. Or this street near Rosecran and Hawthorne Blvd. this neighborhood had this cool looking Santa sleigh and reindeer wired across the street up on some pole or trees.(must of been a liability issue later since I never saw it again?). I remember the flocking of the Christmas trees by the ol' train station on Hawthorne Blvd and thought..."A pink Tree...ewwww". We did buy a white one one year. Could anyone refresh my memory??? thanks. Here at home(Portland, OR) we have in this family many traditions. Such as going to a tree farm(1 mile from here) to cut our own Christmas Tree for 30 bucks or driving through the popular neighborhood decked out w/ Christmas lights and seeing Santa at Mier and Franks. My house is very decorated inside and out. One thing for sure, my daughter will cherish those memories when she grows up. I do recall getting Christmas mail at HHS. You paid a certain amount and it goes to the person HOMEROOM CLASS and the money is donated to that organization/club at HHS that handles the mail. It was fun doing such projects and getting cards from friends. Hope everyone has a joyous Christmas!
Hey Raymond, Good question. I remember we had some bells or candy canes or something hanging from our street lights on the Boulevard, but nothing like Inglewood had spanning Market St. Merry Christmas to you and your family too,
Name: Jim Dally () on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 at 02:40:14
City and State: Carson, CA
Class: 1963
Same to ya, Jim....
Name: Jean MacErnie () on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 at 00:44:09
City and State: Albq NM
Maiden: Caldwell
Class: 1968
Message: Just wanted to join in and wish all Cougars out there a verrry Merry Christmas and best New Year. Any New Years resolutions out there? I have many...but one is to contribute more good ol' Hawthorne memories (I have slacked off on that!!)
Hey Jean, More memories are always welcome. Thank you for your past memories and you and yours have a Merry Christmas too....
Name: Don Burns () on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 at 20:48:14
City and State: Downey,CA
Class: 1957
Message: Hey Cougs, just want to thank you John for this site, it has helped me to contact with some very good (old) friends. Hope all Cougs have a MERRY CHRISTMAS, & a HAPPY NEW YEAR. Later Don
Hi Don, Thanks for that and glad you're with us. You too have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Name: Alan Nelson () on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 at 19:56:58
Email: See Alumni List
City and State: Parker, Az
Class: 1973
Message: It's been a while since I chimed in to C-Town. Been busy as you-know-what these past few months. But I wanted to take the time to wish all Cougars and their families a Very Merry Christmas. What ever you Celebrate this joyous season, and whoever or whatever you pray to (or not pray to) please take a moment to remember those who stand in harms way for your safety and security. With all the talk of our courageous servicemen and women who've lost their lives defending freedom overseas, we seem to forget, or not even realize, that 144 defenders of freedom in our own neighborhoods have paid the ultimate sacrifice this year. Those who put their lives on the line in defense of the defenseless truly deserve a special place in our hearts and in the hereafter. God Bless you all.
Thanks Alan, and yes, with us or not, they are all my heroes. God Bless the service men and women of the good old USA.
Name: Debbie Cammera () on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 at 19:47:39
City and State: Bristol RI
Message: An old friend showed me this web page a few years ago and every time I am on it I find that no matter where I am from the times are all similar. Great idea John! People staying in-touch.
Hi Debbie, Thanks and that's pretty much what it's all about. Merry Christmas!
Name: David Neuschafer () on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 at 15:18:46
City and State: Vista, Calif.
Maiden: Leuzinger
Class: 1959
Message: John, I just wanted to wish you and all Cougars everywhere a very Merry Christmas and very Happy New Year. May the coming year be one of joy for all.
Thanks...David Hey Dave, Merry Christmas to you and all the "Olympians" out there too.
Name: Dr. Bill Petersen () on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 at 08:04:07
City and State: In the Middle East
Class: 1959
Message: It?s that time of year? Time for reflection, time to take stock, time to say thanks for?life, health, friendship and love, time for family, time for simple pleasures, time to cry for poverty and a sometimes sick world, time to find oneself, time for memories, time to find happiness, and time to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Special New Year. Your friend, Bill
Hey Bill, Thanks and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family.
Name: Howard "Paco" Duran () on Monday, December 19, 2005 at 17:04:41
City and State: Lake Forest
Maiden: OS6-2378
Class: 1961
Message: Cougar siting, I was playing golf this morning with Dennis Campbell, my daughters father in-law and his friend from work whom I've played with before. Dennis is talking to this guy about his old mobile brake service he had in the 60's and he said he knew about the one in Hawthorne..His name is Dave Orlaska and graduated in 1967. He was a racer and knew alot about pistons and stuff..
GOOD One Boys. I hope you told him we were here. Thanks for spreading the word.
Name: Jim Pasternak () on Monday, December 19, 2005 at 15:45:03
City and State: Ladera Ranch
Class: 1968
Message: Mike Langston: Thanks for your advice on publishing a book with the use of an assigned ISBN and deeming it "legit" or not.
Is practicing law without a license "legit?" And what about defaming someone's work who has acted under the advice of a publishing-intellectual property rights attorney? Thanks for your interest in We'll be in touch.
Mike, please contact Jim at his website for further comments.
Name: Mike Langston () on Monday, December 19, 2005 at 12:14:58
City and State: Brentwood, CA
Message: I'm usually just a curious surfer on the board but I wanted to wish everyone a great time over the holiday season! I have great memories of surfing at El Porto with friends... I also wanted to ask about the Jim Pasternak book. It seems a bit misleading that his website has it offered as a "published" book but in fact there is no publisher. Self published books do not get registered with an isbn number and the one on his website doesn't seem to be legit. Just a word of advice... you can and will, unfortunately, get into some "trouble" using an unassigned isbn number. Although it's a difficult thing to do, you should probably try to get the book published the conventional way instead of doing it yourself to avoid any legal repercussions. In addition, getting the book accepted by a "book publisher" is great for the ego!! :) I do have contact with the editor at Simon & Schuster, if you're interested...Wish you luck! Before I sign off... excellent website, John Baker! I think one day you'll be featured on GMA!
Hey Mike, Thanks for the input. You'll have to email Jim about the book. BTW Jim, I received my copy but won't have a chance to read it until after the holidays.
Name: Laura Anderson () on Sunday, December 18, 2005 at 00:01:33
City and State: Hemet, CA
Maiden: Twitchell
Class: 1979
Message: My only wait is to see whether or not we get "alumni" tickets to the Rose Bowl...not from USC but Texas...that's the benefit of marrying into a Texas family. Went to the Holiday Bowl last year and saw Texas Tech open a can of whoop #%& on Cal...but this year I'm conflicted. Cal was from the North..SC is a local school....But back to dear Texas hubby and I were in TGIFridays this afternoon and they were playing several tunes from bands like Kansas, Boston and Styxx. I had a flashback to a dance at the newly opened Hawthorne Mall. It had at least 3 bands as I remember and was open to all the high schools in the district. One of the bands was called Missouri Foxx I believe...correct me on that one. Does anyone else remember attending this dance?
Name: Jim Raines () on Saturday, December 17, 2005 at 20:46:20
City and State: Salt Lake City Ut.
Class: 1962
Message: I was wondering if some of you early Cougars remember any of these names. Shelby and Roy Clonts, Vicky, John and Mary Gutierrez, Roy Latrell, Bill Bass, Karen Winkley, Barry Justice, Calvin and Bonnie Kieffer, Darrell Quering, Bob Kritch, Lanny Harris, Bob Fox, Raymond and Dicky Wheeler, Wayne Brasheres and somebody Reagan. Some of these went to Leuzinger, others went elsewhere but all these are people I knew growing up in Hawthorne.
I went to Hawthorne Christian with Wayne Brasheres (sp). How about Bill Riggin instead of Reagan? And I've heard of Lanny Harris Name: Jim Pasternak () on Saturday, December 17, 2005 at 17:48:37
City and State: Ladera Ranch
Maiden: Jim Pasternak
Class: 1968
Message: Notice: Thanks for all your interest in the book, Unfortunately I found some unprofessional and annoyinging "printer's errors" that I deemed unacceptable. Therefore, the book will be reprinted starting this week and will be made available soon. For those who have a copy, enjoy! You'll get a refined copy later and you can use your current book as a drink coaster!
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Thanks, Jim
Name: Howard Graham () on Saturday, December 17, 2005 at 09:39:15
City and State: Houston, Texas
Class: 1960
Message: John, Wishing you and all the Cougars a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. You have blessed us with this wonderful site, and I hope you receive all the blessings of the Lord for your hard work. Thank you so much.
Ahh thank you Howard, but you know, I love doing the Cougartown website. I'm sure it'll last as long as I can sit upright. Thanks again...
Name: Dennis Kilroy () on Saturday, December 17, 2005 at 02:16:41
Email: See Alumni_list
City and State: BP CA
Class: 1977
Message: Hey John I wish you a Merry Christmas and also to everybody else! Finally I am feeling a little like Christmas as I have been to two Christmas Parties. But, I was having a hard time this year as the Christmas Music came out WAY TOO EARLY.It seems we went from Halloween to Christmas in one day.I think the Malls are trying to attract all the on-line shoppers. Paco thanks for posting the pictures. The older I get the more I like looking at Christmas from past years. Now my only problem is waiting for USC to Beat Texas.... I used to only have a problem waiting for Santa...But, John you know the three phases of a man's life right...?
1) You believe in Santa Claus
2) You don't believe in Santa Claus
3) You are Santa Claus !
Hey Dennis, I know what you mean about "The Wait". This will be the last time we'll see this great team together, so I'll savor the wait and make it last. Got any Rose Bowl hats? Name: Mary Hymes () on Saturday, December 17, 2005 at 02:11:55
City and State: Grants Pass, OR
Maiden: Rose
Class: 1970
Message: Thanks so much to Jim Sloey --My Uncle Bucks Pretzel mix box arrived today, prior to this past week I havent won anything since I was at the Hawthorne Fair back in the early 60's and won a Pink & White Teddy Bear by throwing a dime on a plate nestled ontop of the teddy bears head! I am also looking forward to my copy of Flying Embers too! Maybe I'm on a roll-- think I'll get a lotto ticket this week :) Thanks again,, and lets all support these 2 generous Cougars and have our friends & co workers purchase a copy of Flying Embers and some Uncle Bucks Pretzel mix, hey they will go together great!!!
Hi Mary, you forgot to say that a Ctown Tshirt is great wearing apparel for eating OR reading. Name: Jim Sloey () on Friday, December 16, 2005 at 23:50:15
City and State: SOLVANG, CA
Class: 1966
Message: Lillian is so right Merry CHRISTmas to all. And if John Baker is the King, then Harry Plotkin should be at least the Mayor. Harry you give this site a taste of refinement and wisdom as I am sure you did with all your students.
Amen to that, Jimmy....
Name: Ricki Farrell () on Friday, December 16, 2005 at 22:55:41
City and State: AZ
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 1961
Message: Nowhere is the Christmas spirit more alive than right here in Cougartown. As I've said before, it's a place I visit everyday. Here's another wish for a wonderful Christmas and a splendid new year for all. John, thank you for this most precious gift and have a well deserved vacation. As Tiny Tim said, "God bless us everyone."
Thank you Ricki, but I'm not going on vacation. I think Russ made that up. You and Jim have a Merry Christmas too and hope to see you real soon.
Name: Harry () on Friday, December 16, 2005 at 18:17:03
Email: Plotkin
City and State: Harbor City, CA
Maiden: Old Codger
Class: 1954
Message: John, I want to thank you for creating this vehicle through which I have heard from many former students who attended Dana. From Feedback I feel I know many who attended Intermediate. I want to thank you for our personal friendship and that of the Rowdies. You are so kind to include Kathy Brooks and me in the many Cougar events. A warm, Cheery Christmas and the greatest of New Years to all Cougars.
With much love,
Well thank you Mr. P but you two are very easy to include. I now know why you were THE favorite teacher at Richard Henry Dana. See you and Kathy on Sunday.
Name: Lillian Parra () on Friday, December 16, 2005 at 16:27:09
City and State: Havasu Lake, CA
Maiden: McDonald
Class: 1963
Message: Wishing you all a Merry Merry and a Happy Happy - Merry CHRISTmas and Happy New Year that is, Love, Lil
Thanks Lillian, Merry Christmas to you and yours...
Name: Sharon Stowe () on Friday, December 16, 2005 at 14:09:27
City and State: Lawndale, CA
Maiden: Ritch
Class: 1972
Message: I was shocked and saddened to read in the Daily Breeze yesterday that Debi Darling (class of 72) passed away Dec. 10 following a short hospital stay.
Her family is asking that instead of flowers, gifts go to the John Wayne Cancer Institute in Debi's memory. She leaves three sons Justain, Tyler and Braeden along with other family and friends.
Sad to lose our Cougars. Thanks for the update, Sharon....