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...here're words to live by.... Jimmy Durante
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Friday, June 18, 1999 at 11:47:36
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
Message: Hey, all you cougars on the 64-68 list. We are tied with the "OLD" folk on the 54-63 list for the number of people with the pretty gold star next to our names. WE can't let them beat us in the number of members to cougartown! A lot of those OLD folk probably FORGOT that they were asked to join Cougartown. But what I am afraid of is some of them may forget that they joined and join again! To the people in the 81-99 list just think here in California it would only cost you 400 empty beer cans (somewhat less in other states). That could be one big party! For the rest of the lists, "We're gonna beat you!" OK ...list2 join in, "RAH RAH RE SEND IN YOUR MO-NEY, RAH RAH RAS DON'T BE A party pooper".
Thanks Chris for plugging the Newsletter drive. Yes, if you haven't joined yet, please consider it. It will help fund our Newsletter. Also, If you know of people who do not have Internet access and would benefit from the Newsletter by finding out about what's happening with their individual classes, please add them and their current address. You do not have to sign them up as a member however. I need their address so I can mail them the information on the Newsletter. Then they can decide whether they want to join and receive the Newsletter. Thanks folks and please go here to sign up.
Name: Gary Nelson () on Friday, June 18, 1999 at 09:58:48
E-Mail: Kruiszn#aol.com
Class: 60
Message: LGW- Laura.
Husbands and wifes can be replaced, but not real 1957 Chevys, take Johns advice.
Name: David Barboza () on Friday, June 18, 1999 at 03:07:15
E-Mail: iliketrains@usa.net
Class: 74
Message: Ok. Sheree Klingenhagen: Unfortunately I am not gone yet although I really would like to be. Won't leave till July 17th so your gonna have to put up with me till then. Sorry?? Hey Dewey. Oroville ain't got much doin at any time but there is some good fishin at the dam and a real nice view if you go on up to Paradise, course there ain't nothin else to do up there neither. Better just stay home and wait till the Saturday after 100... Maybe your company could send Leeroy Felderruster up there in your place, thats his kinda town. Nice pic of Patty and yes Patty your welcome.
Name: Lori Padelford () on Friday, June 18, 1999 at 01:22:40
E-Mail: Desilulu4u@AOL.com
Class: 81
Message: Hey Robin! Remember me ? I was the one that you E mailed about the Sturgeons. Just thought I would acknowledge your comment to Gary about Steve Feinberg. What a fantastic paint guy. Anyone who can stripe a car freehand like Feinberg and have it turn out absolutely straight and perfect the way it does.... well its amazing. Do you remember the pig picture he painted on the back of Kirk's sprint car? He really missed his calling in life. He should work for the studios or illustrate books, he's so gifted. John sorry to go on and on about this but Feinberg is a South Bay legend and has always worked in Hawthorne.
Name: Tony Frink () on Friday, June 18, 1999 at 00:43:38
E-Mail: tfrink@spacestar.net
Class: 78
Message: Just passing along a little note I thought was interesting concerning class sizes at today's high schools. I spoke today with a fellow from my company's east coast office in Philadelphia. His son went through high school graduation last night. They live in a Philly suburb called Holland, and supposedly the school district is one of the tops in the country. He said the average teacher's salary of $70K a year is tops in the country.
Anyway, it turns out his kid's senior class had over 950 students. 950 students in one grade - amazing. Average class sizes were 50 students. And as with most high schools in the midwest and east coast, the school is completely enclosed because of the cold winters. No open campuses here. This fellow said the kids hated it. The speakers at the graduation didn't reminisce about the good times they had, they spoke of enduring and surviving their four years. I guess they took their life in their hands trying to make their way through the crowded hallways to get to class.
I'm not familiar with Hawthorne's current class sizes, but I remember we thought our classes were large in the mid '70's when we had over 500 students in each grade. But at least we had our open campus. Can you imagine crowding over 4000 high school kids in an enclosed school. Guess I never realized how good we had it.
Name: Joyce Chance () on Friday, June 18, 1999 at 00:29:02
E-Mail: chancesr@pacbell.net
Maiden: Savisky
Class: '62
Message: OH MY GOSH! I just saw the picture of Leeroy sitting on top of a shack that had a sign on it that said Lick Skillet Mall! My Grandmother was born in Lick Skillet, Indiana!!!! You reckin' we might be Kin???
I wouldn't wish that on anyone. You know that means our daughter Kelly's walkin around with LeeRoys DNA. That COULD explain a few things.
Name: Maria Lemmens () on Friday, June 18, 1999 at 00:09:01
E-Mail: BootScotn1@aol.com
Maiden: Suarez
Class: 1984
Message: To all my friends that inscribed to KIT in my year book...here i am. Take care, love life and KIT!!
Hi Maria, It's about time an 80's person let themselves be heard. Thanks for checkin' in. Now don't be a stranger.
Name: Alan Nelson () on Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 23:43:25
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: 73
Message: Has the question of the week turned into the question of the month........Hmmm John? BTW, I know who Leeroy is. I met his Mom and Dad,.....(who are also his aunt and Uncle)
Hey Alan, That sounds like our LeeRoy all right. Oh and I will fix that Question thingy. Sorry about that.
Name: LGW () on Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 23:21:48
E-Mail: lgeelew@pacbell.net
Maiden: Geele
Class: 76
Message: Well, the car is still here, but I must admit my husband is itching to get rid of it so he can have room in the garage for a Lexus or something (send hate mail to dlwang@cisco.com).
No, John, I'm trying to find some willing victim to write about so I can make my fortune on someone else's story. Just keep getting turned down though :-).
Some day I'll have a book on Amazon like Ted and will spend the royalties on getting the Chevy all spiffed up -- that's my dream.
Until then, I have to keep the garage door locked so Dave doesn't tow it out of there and replace it with something boring. (You could call my Dad in Hawthorne, though, he's got a 51 Ford in his garage . . . .)
The Chevy was my car at HHS and ferried lots of us all over town at odd hours of the day and night for many years. . . .
Laura, Just a tip......DUMP YOUR HUSBAND!!! Anyone that would get rid of a 57 to make room for a Lexus is NOT Cougar material. After all, Cougars are deep rooted in "American Graffiti". You'd never hear John Milner say, "Yeah Toad, I'm selling the Deuce Coupe so's I can make room for a Baby Benz." Nosiree!! Maybe you can have Dad talk some sense into your husband. Better yet, bring him to the Homecoming Game. I know some guys that will straighten him out on that Lexus theory. Gary, Robin, you with me on this??
Name: Gary Nelson () on Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 22:32:56
E-Mail: Kruiszn@aol.com
Message: Well John Baker, thanks to this great page, we did it again...we found Sandy Peppers!! E Mail her @ C4writer1@aol.com (think that is right). I found Sandy through Ginger (Haller '64) Fruitt. She is going to check in...knows where lots of people are...nice talking with her again. She's a country song writer among other things.
Please let her know who it was that asked about her a few pages back, sorry but I forgot. Joyce Savisky (Chance), she would love to hear from you also.
And Robin....no, have I have not worked with Steve Feinberg, we do 100% show car stuff, but Tricky Dickie Dixon probably knows him. He will be checking in again as well, will be moving back to California soon.
On to the next one.....
Hi Gary, That is GREAT!! I'm sure everyone from the early 60's remembers Sandy. It was Marsha Russell HHS64 that was looking for her. She'll be happy to rekindle that relationship. Thanks Gary, that always makes my day.
Name: Dewey Storie
E-Mail: Dewey_Storie@msn.com
AKA: MaD ScaNNer
Class: 74
Message: Well I was sitting at the airport waiting for my flight to San Jose I look
up and see Ct's Very Own Patty Valencia! Well I just had to take her picture seeing how comfortable she was with her feet propped up on her suitcase. Seeing how the MaD ScaNNer has in the past put up photos that people find embarrassing I took her picture, well the camera decided that NO BODY should have there picture taken at 6am! It was a nice flight and it was good conversation, thanks Patty
Hey LEEROY when you see a sign that looks like this, pitch a big rock with the
rope tied around it, out of the car and over the sign. You should stop just under the sign!
Dewey, Do you mean Patty isn't on her way to pick up LeeRoy in Arkansas??!! You might run, but you can't hide from our crack Cougartown staff. Thanks Dewey.
I guess we'll have to send someone else. How about it Robin, can you head on down to L.S. Ark. and pick up our LeeRoy?? You bein' a cuzzin' and all, you problay speek his langwage. Now I don't have my globe handy but Oregon is pretty close to Arkansas.......isnt it??
Name: Sloey () on Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 19:46:33
E-Mail: wsloey@aol.com
Class: 69
Message: I really want to get on page 75 as I coached the football team at HHS in '75 and we went to the quarter final, great year, great bunch of guys and great memories. However, Sports Tuesday is not here yet and I play by the rules. I am concerned with the popularity of Leeroy and everyone writing in, we will be at page 82 by Sports day. My name has come up as the "Creator" of Leeroy and I am Honored but sorry it is not me..I find Leeroy a little hard to believe, but maybe so, I am honored in the sense that Leeroy is writing into a site that is pushing us all closer together to the Ice Cream Cruise forthcoming. I can only say thanks Leeroy as it will be sooner now that you're on line that we COUGS get together and you are always welcome at my brudders house. Bill
Hey Bill, I don't know why, but I have LeeRoy pictured as Tennessee Ernie Ford on the I Love Lucy Show. Now THAT was funny.
Name: Connie Beverly () on Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 19:31:43
E-Mail: sncbeverly@aol.com
Maiden: Jax
Class: 67
Message: Well the mini reunion in Vegas went off without a hitch. Janet Umbarger got sick and did not go. One of the v-girls said she'd call the other one and set something up. Well My sis and I went and had a good time. I'd check my pager to see if any messages we sent but none. I guess I'll have to wait for the ice cream social. I did get a pic sent from John Miranda (Clearwater Fla) not many words though. I guess he's a one line kind of guy. Wayne Miranda (Portland Ore.) did write more than his brother. Does anyone know the where abouts of John Fernandez? The Miranda's didn't say anything about their cousin. He has a daughter 21 named Ava, Still doing his Art. Having a show soon. Getting married soon and says he's chunky. Imagine that, over 50 and chunky. Don't figure.
Name: Glenn Crist () on Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 19:16:40
E-Mail: gfcrist@pop.sonic.net
Class: 1964
Message: Things seemed to be getting a little too serious around here, so in an effort to lighten it up...
I saw a promo for a program on A & E Biography airing Sunday night about Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys. If anyone is interested, check out the T.V. listing. Looked as if they were going to show at least some footage of the "old days," and maybe even mention Cougartown.
Name: LEEROY FELDERRUSTER () on Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 17:38:53
Message: I bin called lots of stuff but i ain't never bin called I ain't me. Well smarty alek who then am I? LEEROY FELDERRUSTER thas who.
No you're NOT LeeRoy. You spell too good for LeeRoy......and LeeRoy's in Arkansas, not CA.
Name: LGW () on Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 17:14:49
E-Mail: lgeelew@pacbell.net
Maiden: Geele
Class: 76
Message: Hope this ends up on Page 76!
All this talk of cars reminds me I still have my 57 Chevy in the garage here. Maybe I should get someone to paint something on the side: "Zero to 60 in 15 minutes"?
Hey Hey Hey.....Laura, do NOT be flippant when speaking of THE car of the 20th Century. Please have respect for MY dream car.
If it's just taking up room in your garage, tell me where you live and I will take care of the rest.
Name: LEEROY FELDERRUSTER () on Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 16:55:05
Class: NONE
Message: Hi yall
Well we's went to mall it was Dels amo not amo. Got me a package of swets sox and a couple of them post cards. Nice folkks down ther. Ebrybody asked me to eat super with them and I jest said no thank you i's already ate. Mostly young folks though they kept saying sup dufus. But I's already ate and my name ain't dufus. Anyway I gots a job intrview tomorry i mite be driving trucks hear to vegus. I like it hear in califoyna alot. And my grand nephew wilbur gots me a maile dress, so if you wants to sent me maile you can. he has to be here cuase i can't figr this puter out at all, skares me. my grand nephew wilbur wants to know when this ice cream social thing is, so he can take me. we both are looking forwad to that. He says harthern is close by to el gundo so we can be ther. anyways yall take care, and i don't mind the funnin its nice so miny of yall take an interest in old LEEROY FELDERRUSTER. yall take car now. thanks fer havin me!
Sorry, you are NOT the real LeeRoy. Nice try though.
Name: george hammond () on Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 16:54:27
E-Mail: georgeh@bt.datum.com
Class: 1971
Message: This is great!!!
3 wives, umpteen dozen addresses, one job, and one near death experience.
Missed our 25th reunion, thanks to this I hope to make our next one.
All messages will get a response.
Hey George, Thanks for finding Cougartown. Feel free to join right in. After all, you ARE a Coug.
Name: Pam Betraun () on Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 15:30:38
E-Mail: pbetraun@PhilipInc.com
Maiden: Heath
Class: 78
Message: John,
Where are you getting these hilarious pictures?
Hi Pam, These are actually being carrier pigeoned in from Lick Skillet.
Carrier Pigeon, you know, "Missouri AT&T".
Name: Robin () on Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 15:11:43
E-Mail: yup
Maiden: Alan Adale
Class: 60
Message: Jerry...a good pic of cousin LeeRoy..Havent seen him since he painted his car and got the new matching wheels for his trailer. Im a little bent that he doesnt recognize me as blood kin but everyone with roots in Flatriver are relatives. Then again he never was the sharpest pencil in the box in our family. And after his spring of 55' track and field accident at HHS, he doesnt recall much at all. I tried to convince him that discus and javelin catching wasnt the answer to being a two sport letterman, but LeeRoy had his own mind...well kinda..."First IN ten , do it again?". What sport was that used for Gloria, free throw shooting contests?...Gary Nelson...Did you ever do any work with Steve Feinberg? He has pinsripped, lettered and numbered every midget, and sprint car I have worked on since the 60s..quite a character....And Ricki had a thing for the "Duck" (Jerry Daquilla) in high school? Poor Mom V must have used a day planner to keep up with all the guys knocking her door down..And I will do my best to make the homecoming game. John I think the story is that G. Bretts dream was to bat .409 but never cruised east of Sepulveda. (Did he ever face Sister Claudine?) And Sloey...90% of G rated jokes are attorney related, and most of them true, so not much material to work with...But that saves you a Fosters dipped double.:o) Thats about it for "you know what" thursday. Red, white and blue boxers today John...late for flag day but hey....Later Cougs
Thanks Robin, I just knew you couldn't stay away from THIS page. Talk about material. "First in Ten??!!", LeeRoy, the Rifle Team, Alan Hauge signing in. It just keeps getting better and better. Yes please DO make the Homecoming Game. I'll see if I can't use my Cougartown pull and get you a seat in between LeeRoy and "First in Ten" V6.
I know I'm sitting next to my favorite girl......Mom "V".
Name: John Baker() on Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 11:45:59
E-Mail: john14@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message: Leeroy just burned another carrier pigeon. The pigeon got a little off course and landed at Janet Kinder Falkenstein's (HHS79) place outside of Sacramento. She scanned the picture and sent it on down with this message:
He says he's tryin' to make some real money as the greeter at the Lick Skillet mall. By the time you get there tomorrow night, he said he'll have enough money to shower you in "snouts and tails" for the whole weekend.
Name: John Baker() on Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 09:23:29
E-Mail: john14@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message: Leeroy is still waiting for Patty to show up, but while he was waiting he sent this picture of his winter home in Daggett via carrier pigeon.
He calls it "Paradise by the Airport" and he only has 1 more payment and it's all his. It looks a little shaky now but Leeroy's gonna through a can a Dutch Boy on her and then she'll be as good as new. Thanks Leeroy and I just heard from Patty. She's gassin up in Hobbs, NM right now and should be into Lick Skillet sometime tomorrow night. She said to hold a table at the Truck Stop and order up a platter a them hog jowls, cause she's gonna be mighty hungry when she gets there.
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 12:10:03
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
Message: John,
You said," A "Clueless Valencia??"......someone call Guinness". Well, I logged onto their WEB site and they said that they could help that situation. Take two pints and you will be just like as clueless... Mind your Ps and Qs.
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 12:03:45
E-Mail: sloeylaw@intplus.com
Maiden: HOOD
Class: ALL 3RD
Message: Dear John,
Well you had to pick on my liddle brudder huh? Maybe LEEROY is for real. I don't believe it was he either as we were doing some family stuff last night. First in Ten?? Gloria is your husband teaching a class we could all take, to better understand the wonderful game of football? I never understood First in ten either. Robin can you give me some insight into First in Ten? There is eleven on a team right? I don't get it either? Is it the top ten? Someone help me? Now as for LEEROY maybe he will still be here for the ICE CREAM SOCIAL, and we can see if he is real or memorex. If he is real perhaps LEEROY should be the homecoming King in October for the Alumni, Patty can put LEEROY up til then, and of course I nominate Purple cheeks as the queen since she is picking him up anyway! Personally I think LEEROY is for real, just a hunch since I am pretty sure John you are wrong about my brother too! If he is then we're all going to have to wear signs that say, what did he call us ignerents? John your sign will be in capitals!
KAREN you may send your Blonde lawyer joke. Only because it is funny and it may help find my buddy Jim Penilla.
Name: Ingrid () on Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 11:01:05
E-Mail: fdg@earthlink.net
Maiden: Larson
Class: 74
Message: Every morning (well, Monday through Friday anyway) I have this little ritual. I come in the office (I'm the first one in), check the phone messages, turn on the computers, take note of any incoming faxes from the night before, then I make a big pot of Mokka-Java lattes. Once I know all my "business" commitments have been dealt with, I log on to Cougartown and catch up on the Feedback. Every day there's some reference to someone I know from High School. Thanks for my daily dose of mirth and nostalgia.
As for Leroy F: We could spend a lot of time trying to figure out who is sending those messages. I assumed it was the Green Phantom back among us using a new moniker. But whoever it is, some psycho-socialigist would have a field day getting to the bottom of that alter-ego.
Gloria V - I always thought the football cheer was "First and Ten, do it again". As in: first down and ten yards to go. But what do I know? I guess when you're yelling it out at the top of your lungs, it really does sound the same.
Name: Pam Betraun () on Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 10:34:19
E-Mail: pbetraun@PhilipInc.com
Maiden: HEATH
Class: 78
Message: This feedback page is really a HOOT! Mr. Leroy you sure do add something to this page. I have enjoyed reading your input.
I would like to know where the class of 78 is. Did they fall off the face of the earth? I have only seen 1 other classmate check in. We had a great class I am sure there are stories we could tell. Come on everyone.
My #2 son just got his drivers license. It sure is different going through drivers now. I am sorry the schools can not provide this training any more. I had fun in drivers training. I had to take it in the summer between my sophmore and junior year. I had just got out of Mr. Macha's Africa class (which all us girls took). When I showed up for drivers training I was so excited I had Mr Macha for my teacher. Plus out of four other people in the car I was the only girl. Talk about being nervous, all boys and cute Mr. Macha.
Yep!!!! that was a fun 6wks. Well thank you for letting me share this experience.
Hi Pam, Yes, I too went through Drivers Training at Hawthorne High (yes, they did have cars then). It was Coach Pfeiffer at that time in a 1960 Chevy. We'd drive over to Hollywood Park parking lot, so no one could get in our way and have at it. Some days we'd take a cruise down to Manhattan Beach and back. It was a fun hour.
Yes, Class of 78, where are you??
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