Name: Keith D. Jones () on Thursday, September 8, 2005 at 06:46:53
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: Well gas is finally at $4 here. It hit $4.09 on Lanai. And the news said it should go up 44 cents by Saturday. The funny thing is we get no gas from that area. Hawaii is not affected in one way concerning the gas and oil. We get 100% of our oil from China. SO we are getting nailed for nothing. Costco is still the lowest on my island at $3.29 for regular. My daughter had to fill the boat up the other day and she said they waited as long as they could. Well the bill came to just under $2,000.00 to fill er up. I love America.
Name: Anita () on Thursday, September 8, 2005 at 01:06:43
City and State: Fair Oaks, Ca
Maiden: Harmon
Class: 1969
Message: My apologies John.....James Armour's post ruffled my feathers just a little.
I was however very much moved by Delia Hardy's post this morning - so much so that I e-mailed her back and got her address. I stopped by Sam's Club on my way home from work tonight and tomorrow I will be mailing her a "care package" to take to Texas on Sunday.
We should all act as if what we do makes a difference.....because it does.
Hi Anita, No apologies necessary. I know we're all passionate about the subject. I too drive a gas guzzler and will be getting something a little more economical this next year. I just filled up tonight at Costco for 68 dollars.
Name: Keith D. JOnes () on Thursday, September 8, 2005 at 00:39:20
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: You know one of our neighbors Mrs. Phillips who worked at Mattel for around 30 years had a car (Fiat I think) back in the late 60's that also had a propeller on it. It went in the water too. I remember I thought that was neat.
Name: Keith D. JOnes () on Wednesday, September 7, 2005 at 23:40:15
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: Thats my car! Except mine was black. Had those wire knock-off hubs too. I remember trying to get them off the first time how it was. Well about an hour after giving them a budge. A friend came over and told me they were threaded opposite. I was turning them the wrong way.
Been there, done that, on American Motors cars.
Name: Carl Johnson () on Wednesday, September 7, 2005 at 23:37:18
City and State: Torrance, Ca
Class: 1969
Message: John,
Don't remember undercoating being an option back in the day, but I do remember "whitewalls". How about "tire black"?
As far as great names for cars during high school there was Robert (Bee Bop) Hegg's ride (class of 67). No matter what $50 "classic" he was driving that month, it was always affectionately referred to as "Beep's Heap".
I remember Tire Black. Think I still have a can of that somewhere.
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Wednesday, September 7, 2005 at 23:34:25
Email: xhprewitt at juno dot com
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Class: 1967
Message: Speaking of cars with cranks, back in the mid to late '60s Adrian Reynolds drove his father's Renault Dauphine Gordini. It was one of the cars that had a crank under the hood, just in case the battery went bad. The car was one of the first rear engine cars that I remember seeing. We had some great times cruising through out Southern California.
Name: Danny Bellare () on Wednesday, September 7, 2005 at 23:07:27
City and State: Murrieta Ca
Class: 1976
Message: Just wanted to say HI to everyone!!!!!
Hi Danny.....
Name: Jim Raines () on Wednesday, September 7, 2005 at 22:58:34
City and State: Salt Lake City UT
Class: 1962
Message: Well, my first car was a blue '51 Chevy.
After one engine and several transmissions, Alan Hauge said he would like to paint it metallic silver with deep burgandy and candy red scallops. It had a six banger i.e. six cylinder engine, so, of course, the perfect name for this ride was "Sex Banger." That got alot of attention when driving through the A&W. Alan was a great artist but does anyone remember a guy by the name of Feinberg? He was a striper who also painted far-out scenes on your car. Who was the guy next to Alan's shop on Imperial who installed hydraulic lifts in cars using old war-surplus wing elevator hydraulics?
Steve Feinberg was a great painter and is still doing the same. I think Robin's Harley was painted by Steve Feinberg.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Wednesday, September 7, 2005 at 21:13:23
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: Not sure what you call it. My first car was a 1959 MGA. The starter button was on the dask but if that didn't work then you behind the front seat and grabbed a bent bar that you put in a small hole in the front bumper. You then proceeded to "crank" this. It turn your car over like spinning the prop on a plane. But sometimes it would kick back if there was compression built up. Did anyone else have this neat feature on it.
I had a 23 Model T Ford that had the optional starter, but I used the crank. It started lots easier that way.
Name: Mary Ann Martin () on Wednesday, September 7, 2005 at 20:14:16
City and State: Nashville AR
Maiden: Walton
Class: 1961
Message: And, what Cougarette had the car with the musical horn?
I think Stephanie Hall had one in her 55 Plymouth.
Name: Cindy Wernicke () on Wednesday, September 7, 2005 at 17:11:03
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 1963
Message: Speaking of car names, does anyone remember who the Puddle Jumper belonged to? I remember but do any of you? It was around for quite some time. Cindy
Not me....
Name: Anita () on Wednesday, September 7, 2005 at 16:40:50
City and State: Fair Oaks, Ca
Maiden: Harmon
Class: 1969
Message: This country uses 25 percent of all the world's oil as we hop around in gas-guzzling cars and generally waste energy all day long. We have to stop that. Is there really any question that OPEC and the oil companies are gouging us simply because they can? So let's buy less gas. In fact, let's buy no gas on Sundays. The USA should have a gas-free Sundays campaign between now and Christmas. None of us should buy gas on our day of rest.
Let's please keep the politics out of Cougartown. There are plenty of Blogs on the net for just this subject. Thanks....
Name: sharon () on Wednesday, September 7, 2005 at 14:19:53
City and State: long beach
Maiden: moore
Class: 1966
Message: Wow, we are hitting the 200 mark with people attending the picnic. That's including alumni and their families. I'm still looking for pantyhose for a very funny game that is a lot of fun. If you can bring some with you, e-mail me and let me know. It's only a week and a half away till the picnic, so if you haven't signed up, do so soon. Remember, this is a bring your own food and beverages event.
How about Richard in Long Beach donating a few melons again this year? Those were great last year and we need the seeds for our watermelon seed spittin' contest.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Wednesday, September 7, 2005 at 13:41:14
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: Did see or not but is "Wind Wing" an okd car term. Those little glass on the front doors you open to get a little air in.
YES!! that's what Bob was calling a vent-a-pane. Thanks Keith.... Who remembers when Radio, Heater, Automatic Transmission and Undercoating were the big 4 options?
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Wednesday, September 7, 2005 at 11:46:56
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1976
Message: I know this isn't Hawthorne related but I need some help, and who else to turn to but my "Good Neighbors" from HHS? Looks like we are relocating to Orange County. I am looking for information regarding neighborhoods in the area surrounding Fashion Island, within about a 50 mile radius, I guess. I don't have any knowledge of the area or the traffic patterns so if you live in OC and have the time and
inclination please tell me about your neighborhood. Also looking for info on homeschool groups and ISP's. Please e-me directly, don't post here on Feedback. Thanks very much!
Name: James Armour () on Wednesday, September 7, 2005 at 10:49:31
City and State: Atlanta, GA
Class: 1970
Message: Yes, John, unfortunately for a time last Wednesday or Thursday, there was a story put out that Atlanta would not be getting any gas for a while because we get/got it from New Orleans. So, the services stations here decided to take advantage of the panic buying and started charging $5.00 per gallon. However, this only lasted for a few hours as the Governer signed an emergency bill that put the kibosh on the gouging with a stiff penalty if they were found to be overcharging. Also, he temporarily has done away with the sales tax related to gas purchases to help alleviate the higher prices that have been caused by the hurricane. We have still to see the benefit on that one though. I'm just glad I only live 5 minutes from work. Gas prices now, here, are $2.89 for regular up to $3.69 for premium where a month ago we could still find gas for $1.81 for regular.
Thanks Jim....
Name: James Armour () on Wednesday, September 7, 2005 at 10:25:56
City and State: Atlanta, GA
Class: 1970
Message: Maybe I missed it in feedback, but one of my favorite "car terms" was "curb feelers". It seemed at one point that all cars had them and now you never see them. I guess everyone just parks better now (Except here in Atlanta). By the way, Atlanta is/has been receiving refugees from New Orleans since the storm and has been collecting money for the survivors through the local grocery chains. We have also felt more milder ramifications from the Hurricane here in Georgia (i.e. gas shortages, exhausted medical facilities, etc.)but by comparison, nothing near of what I have personally heard from several survivors and their children (I teach out here and have a few in my classroom now. So,lets not forget the kids when we are sending things for them (games, toys, etc.)
Hey James, the big news story in LA on Monday was that gas was over 5 bucks a gallon in Atlanta. Is that true or just another "National Enquirer type" media story?
Name: Bob JEnsen () on Wednesday, September 7, 2005 at 10:20:07
City and State: Los Angeles
Class: 1971
Message: Vent-a-panes and Vent-a-ports. I didn?t make it up. Just look in your 1949 Buick sales brochure. Tip-toe hydraulic brakes, Dynaflow and Sonimatic were also featured.
I wish I had known that Alan did painting and striping. I had to go to Orange County to Von Dutch (AKA Kenneth Howard) for my stripes.
I seemed to have misplaced my 1949 Buick sales brochure. Can I borrow yours? Name: Enza Nicocia () on Wednesday, September 7, 2005 at 08:27:05
Email: enico72*
City and State: San Pedro Hill, CA
Maiden: Cougar Relief Efforts....
Class: 1972
Message: I have a great idea regarding the gathering of items for the victims of Katrina: Why doesn't everyone who wants to contribute bring what they can to the picnic on Saturday? This would be a good 'Central' meeting place for Delia and Robert, who are kind enough to drive to AZ and TX, to help bring so many needed items to the people there. My hat goes off to you both!
The picnic is the 17th. Delia and Robert are leaving on the 12th or 13th.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Wednesday, September 7, 2005 at 02:30:28
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: Well I called a family I knew in Lake Charles, LA today. They are like my family (but even more). I met them way back in 1977 driving back from Florida. Anyway stayed in contact with them all this time. They ended up selling their car dealerships throughut La. and started raising fancy cattle. SO they now have 3 farms around Iowa, LA and somewhere wlese there. ANyway, they are fine but they turned two of their farms into makeshift refugee camps mom told me. They hav over 600 people staying in two places. She said they slaughtered 7 cows and had them prepared to feed the people. There are lakes on each property too. SO she said she is having a great time helping people. She feels so sad for them. SHe said they are starting to leave little by little as they start contacting relatives and moving in with them. Sad what happened but neat how people are coming togehter.
On another note, I have been watching the US Open and it got me thinking about Wayne Bryan. SO I did a Google on him. He was just named for the second year in a row the WTT Tennis Coach of the Year. His kids are ranked #1 in the world. Wow he has really done good for himself in tennis. Just another Holy Glen/Hawthorne success.
Thanks Keith....
Name: Delia Hardy () on Wednesday, September 7, 2005 at 01:11:34
City and State: Huntington Beach, CA
Maiden: Yawnick
Class: 1986
Message: My husband Robert and I have been trying to find something we can do to help the hurricane survivors. We feel so far away and helpless here. Yes, we can donate money but we would like to do more than that.
This afternoon Robert suggested that we load up a U-Haul and drive things to shelters in Texas and Arizona on Sunday or Monday.
I immediately called my friend who is in Texas and who has been helping with the relief effort and has already taken people into her home. I figured she would know better where we could bring the things since we had heard that Red Cross was only accepting money.
Kelly was wonderful and rattled off a list of things she knew was needed. She is going to send me a better list when she is home and she will also be calling around and finding the shelters that can use our help.
So now we are asking for help from our family and friends. I know that not everyone who reads this lives anywhere near us but I figured it couldn't hurt to post this here. I know Cougartown is filled with big hearted people.
If you are close to us and/or can get something to us by Saturday, WONDERFUL.
We are hoping to load a truck Saturday and head out Sunday if possible.
If you have already done what you can, or plan to do something else on your own that is GREAT! We just wanted to reach out to others who may have felt like we do and were still looking for a way to help.
Here are some of the things my friend mentioned that was needed:
- Deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, razors, etc.
- Diapers, wipes, formulas, baby clothes, toys.
- Clothing, especially bras and underwear. (Many people are donating clothing but obviously people rarely donate underclothes)
There is a big need for Plus Size clothing for both men and women.
- Scarves to cover women's hair.
- Work gloves, work boots, sunscreen. (Many of the jobs that are being found are labor out in the sun)
- School supplies
- Giftcards from stores like Target (multiple cards with smaller increments would be very helpful).
There are many other things needed so this list should not limit anyone.
Let us know if you are able to help out. Send an email so we will know what to expect and so I can let you know where we are.
Thanks in advance
Delia and Robert
Thanks so much, Delia and Robert, for the efforts you are putting forth. These are our fellow Americans we are helping and the cause is ours alone. Cougars, if you can help please do so. I know lots of you, like myself, have given to the Red Cross, but Delia is ready to drive our things to TEXAS. Man, that is GIVING. If you can help out please do so. These are our fellow Americans who need our help. Please do what you can to help the cause, and thank you Delia and Robert for such a selfless act.
Name: Alan Hauge () on Wednesday, September 7, 2005 at 00:59:53
City and State: Playa del Rey, CA
Class: 1961
Message: Yo Jimmy-
My ears were ringing so I went to CT to find you and John "B" kicking around the names on cars from way back when. I did a ton, can't remember how many, but it sure was fun. One comes to mind was a 1950 DeSoto owned by Don Conder. The paint was every color of blue you could think of. The ugliest car in the we put the name "Shock" on the side because everyone would say they we're "Shocked" to see it was still running. Then there was the "Hot Lapper" which is all it was used for was a hot lap on the boulevard. After one trip it would die and we'd nurse it back to life of one more. I actually tried to blow it up one Friday evening. I took off on Imperial from Sepulveda heading for the beach. Floored it and kept in in low gear until Main Street in El Segundo. The rods and valves were knocking in that '39 Pony but somehow it held together. Another few I remember was next to a horse head which said, "Hoof-Hearted?" (The horse had a silly grin on its face). Let's see, "Cherry Bomb", "Cut Throat", "Lucky Lady", "The Drifter", "Lowrider", "Beaver Shot", (oops, can I say that?) Maybe I better stop for now. See ya later.
Hey Alan, Glad all the talk brought you out of the woodwork. MAN, you were an icon in the early 60s paint days. I know there are lots more you did to bring a laugh to our faces. If you, or anyone, can think of more, please add them here. Hope to see you at the Picnic or Cruise Night and thanks for all the fun years and memories at HHS.
Name: Anita () on Tuesday, September 6, 2005 at 23:33:21
City and State: Fair Oaks, Ca
Maiden: Harmon
Class: 1969
Message: Hey JB, Armand, Bob, Steve and Jim.....
Check out
Here's a phrase I heard all the time in my youth but never anymore - "store-bought". Of course, just about everything is store-bought these days. But once it was bragging material to have a store-bought dress (my grandmother used to make a lot of my dresses) or a store-bought bag of candy.
Come on Anita, you're not THAT old. Name: Jim Raines () on Tuesday, September 6, 2005 at 21:38:04
City and State: Salt Lake City UT
Class: 1962
Message: Here's a few things that some of you early Cougars will remember. We used to lower, nose, deck and shave the handles on our shorts (cars). We would chop, section and channel our rods then have them striped by Alan Hauge. Anyone add to this list?
Alan would also add names to the sides of your car for about 5 bucks. Ones that I remember were; Miasis Dragon, Poor Boy, Pilgrims Progress on the side of Coach Plum's 39 Plymouth, The Drifter on Jim Perry's 49 Ford, El Dillinger, and Mr. Period on one of Gary Nelson's rides. Who remember others?
Name: Paco () on Tuesday, September 6, 2005 at 19:31:14
City and State: LF
Class: 1961
Message: Here's one, I know Pat Desmore will remember. In Miss Clarks English class we had Drivers Ed... "SPEEDOMETER"
Must be something there. We'll wait to hear from Pat. Name: Steve Fraser () on Tuesday, September 6, 2005 at 19:08:18
City and State: Laguna Woods
Class: 1966
Message: Anita, I had a '55 Dodge Station Wagon (surf mobile) with a "Whiz Bar" on the radio. John should know what I'm talking about. How about you and your fender skirts?
Just guessing but I'd say it was like Cadillac's or Corvette's "Wonder Bar". You could press the bar and the radio would go to the next available station. Didn't know Dodge had one in 1955.
Name: Bob Jensen () on Tuesday, September 6, 2005 at 17:33:09
City and State: Los Angeles
Class: 1971
Message: Let us not forget ?Crank'er up? ?Spark advance? ?Bumper Jack? and ?Throttle?
I still like blinkers (turn signal indicators) and vent-a-panes (vent windows).
See you at the Picnic.
Vent-a-panes??!! I think you made that one up, Bob. See you there....
Name: Art La Mere () on Tuesday, September 6, 2005 at 16:50:26
Email: Same
City and State: Bettendorf Ia
Class: 1973
Message: Hello all I don't know but I think some of you from the class of 1971 may know my older brother Al LaMere from H.I.S. he is in the ICU in Poway California in and is very ill he is having liver trouble and is going to need a live transplant before this is over. Also some of you may know his daugthers Shelly Traci and Jammie from school so please keep him and his family in your prayers thanks all. If anyone would like more info please e-mail
Thanks Art
Hey Art, we can certainly do that. Thanks for the update.
Name: edward schatz () on Tuesday, September 6, 2005 at 15:11:00
City and State: lakewood, calif.
Class: 1970
Message: I can remember when the family moved to Hawthorne from Illinois, back in 1966, spent the last two months at Hawthorne Intermediate, it seems to me that there was a rather large drive in or walk in burger joint on the Hawthorne Blvd. side of HI. Does anyone remember that, anyone? What was the name of the place?
Skippys, then Biggies, then GnG's. Go to the "hangouts" page and look under Biggies (AKA Skippys).
Name: Armand Vaquer () on Tuesday, September 6, 2005 at 14:08:44
City and State: Tarzana, Ca
Class: 1972
Message: John, at least Anita didn't mention "rumble seats."
That was before my time. Is that where all the OLD Pachucos did their fighting?