Name: Dean Morris () on Wednesday, July 6, 2005 at 02:25:25
City and State: NapaValleyUSA
Maiden: Wilson and Love = Beach Boys
Class: 1972
Message: Does all life begin and end with the Beach Boys? Between monument obsession and now the topic of worthy and unworthy Beach Boys, maybe we all need a TO baby, take a vacation, read a book, travel, whatever. We're running on empty lately.
Hey, I love the Beach Boys, their innovative sounds, the idea of endless youth and Summertime, but somewhere down the line we learn it's an illusion, a California myth most of us experienced in adolescence, the operative word being adolescence. We all laugh at Mike Love today, not only because of his overblown ego, but also because of the foolishness of a 65 year old man desperately holding on, trying to project sex appeal to a new generation of chicks on the mall. Sad, very sad. (But the rent-a-band wasnt all that bad.)
But, the real Beach Boys of yesteryear needed Wilson AND Love just like the Beatles needed Lennon and McCartney. One the creative force, the other projecting attitude and showmanship. If we start to judge the Beach Boys on individual history, personal attributes, etc. then none of them measures up to the glory and heights achieved as a band. Anyone really want to take an honest look at Brian or Dennis Wilson's personal history? Didn't think so. Let's remember them as a group and not dissect them as individuals.
So, how bout them Angels?
My opinion, the Beach Boys would have done great from their inception, without Mike Love. Mike Love couldn't carry Lennon or McCartney's guitar picks.
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Wednesday, July 6, 2005 at 01:38:23
Email: cjprewitt at juno dot com
City and State: Fullerton, Ca
Class: 1967
Message: Jim Dally - You were only off by 25 or so years on the year that KNX's tower had the cable cut. According to it was September of 1965. I did have the same picture of the "broadcast studio".
John - as for the Radio in the bricks... I think that I could come up a NEON sign transformer or two that would provide enough protection to keep bricks nice and clean.
Hey Chris, If a tagger touches a Neon Transformer, does he glow flourescently? Name: David Neuschafer () on Tuesday, July 5, 2005 at 17:15:41
City and State: Vista, Calif.
Maiden: Leuzinger
Class: 1959
Message: JB1...Boy, so many details to kill a good idea!(hehehe) How about solar power to drive a small receiver "bricked in" behind the monument? The transmitter could be anywhere, Perhaps at City Hall.
To guard it...Well, I like the idea of the sniper on the roof-top!
I still think the B.B's sound-track would add more "life" to hard brick monument. Hey I like the idea too, Dave.... but I'm pretty "monumented out" right now. Name: Adrianne DeAlejandro () on Tuesday, July 5, 2005 at 15:31:08
City and State: H
Maiden: Longpre
Class: 1963
Message: Mike Love occupation? Possibly a "monument"(al) artist? He must be very unhappy these days not being added to the surfboard pic for all the world to admire.
Name: Tim Helble () on Tuesday, July 5, 2005 at 13:41:39
City and State: Columbia, MD
Class: 1973
Message: Hey Armand Vaquer - I remember Mother Roq's Jukebox. In the 1974 time frame, you could call in to the station and request three songs to be played in a row. A few minutes later on the radio, you'd hear "Mother Roq's Jukebox is now in your control" (with "is now in your control" all distorted), then they would play a recording of you making your request. Another subject - I found a great web site: where, if you click on the box that says "LA Stations," you can view a week by week listing of the top 30 KHJ hits and top 40 KFWB hits. They have KHJ going from 1965 to 1975, and KFWB going for an earlier time frame (but the link isn't working right now for some reason). It's a lot of fun looking up a favorite song and then thinking about what was going on in the news, your life, etc. at that exact time. Great for nostalgic people!
Name: David Neuschafer () on Tuesday, July 5, 2005 at 12:51:42
City and State: Vista, Calif.
Maiden: Leuzinger
Class: 1959
Message: Hey John, I just realized what the Beach Boy's monument needs...SOUNDS!!! How about some of the B.B.'s early songs played thru some small speakers as you walk up to the front of it. (Not too loud as to distrub anyone and only during the day time hours) It would sure add some "Good Virbrations" don't you think? I know you have an "IN" with the Mayor...Can you fix this for us? Thanks Buddy! First thing, Where is the power coming from, and secondly who's going to GUARD the sound system? Name: Cindy Colby () on Tuesday, July 5, 2005 at 12:24:19
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 1963
Message: Well John, since you brought it up, I have always thought Mike Love would be selling used cars somewhere if it weren't for the genius of Brian, I think he would be a natural.
Could not believe it when I heard him last night on "Capitol Fourth".
Name: Pat Underwood () on Tuesday, July 5, 2005 at 02:27:30
City and State: Hawthorne, Calif
Maiden: Lawndale High
Class: 1963
Message: John, I thought your comment about Mike Love was magnificent. He actually thinks The Beach Boys fame was because of him. Now to answer your question; where would Mike Love be working if it wasn?t for the Wilson boys? Most likely working in the front office of Al Jardine?s dentist office, pulling teeth for a living.
Name: Jim Dally () on Tuesday, July 5, 2005 at 01:41:08
City and State: Carson, CA
Class: 1963
Message: Since there seems to be a swell of comments on radio stations from the "old days" I wonder if anyone else remembers the small dark gray bldg at Hawthorne Blvd & 190th? At night there was a single light above the door that was marked 'KNX' and I being 10 or so would stare at this small bldg everytime I was driven by it. Being young and innocent I thought the voice I heard on the KNX radio dial came from that building (it being the studio, right?) Little did I know about such things back then. And of course, way behind this bldg was the tall tower with the red light on top. (Was it in the early nineties that someone cut the guy wire supporting the tower and down it came knocking KNX off the air). It wasn't until late 1990 that I 'worked' at a radio station in Hollywood; KCLA.
Name: John Baker () on Monday, July 4, 2005 at 23:22:14
Email: jb1 at
City and State: Lomita
Class: 1962
Message: Wondering just what Mike Love would be doing for a living had he not been Brian Wilson's cousin?
Name: Jerry Miles () on Monday, July 4, 2005 at 22:00:15
City and State: Fair Oaks, CA
Class: 1966
Message: Calling all Cougars! Do you want to have some fun? You?re all invited to a Beach Party. This is especially for you Cougs in the Sacramento area but you?re all invited. The California State Fair is having a beach theme this year. This will include a surf concert on the 13 of August. They?ll be many other things going on that day and John will post a banner about it. If you are thinking of coming, don?t think, do it. The good seats for the concert go on sale July 6 for $10 and they go quickly as there are only 1000 sold. You can still attend the concert with just your fair admission but you?ll have to stand in a long line. So wax up your surfboard, put on your Cougartown T, and meet me at the Fair
Sounds like a fun day at the State Fair, Jer'. For more info on the fair please contact Jerry Miles. His email address is on the Alumni List under Class of 1966. I will do my best to clear out that weekend and be there.
Name: Ernie Nixon () on Monday, July 4, 2005 at 12:27:26
Email: ENixon 1 @ Bak. RR .Com
City and State: Bakersfield Cal.
Class: 1963
Message: Man, Lloyd Thaxton, that sure brings back a funny memory. It seems that Lloyd wasn't happy with the regular jeans and tee shirts that we wore at the time. So he said that they would have to start wearing ties. I was wondering what I would see when I tuned in the next day. Well, all the guys were wearing ties, with their jeans and tee shirts. So Lloyd kind of threw his hands up and gave up on the idea of refining them. Thanks for bringing back another lost memory. Ernie Nixon 63
Name: Anita () on Sunday, July 3, 2005 at 21:20:21
City and State: Fair Oaks, Ca
Maiden: Harmon
Class: 1969
Message: In the early 1960's, the surf music being produced at the time was supposed to duplicate the feeling of surfing. It was a musical brew specific to beach and surf that was best appreciated live, but it had become big radio business too ~ KFWB, called "Color Radio," was the "surfer's choice." There were dancing clubs and "surf groups" all over the south bay area ~ the Chantays, the Pyramids, the Rumblers, the Challengers, and the Marquettes, whose most popular number, the "Surfer's Stomp," had its own dance that was supposed to simulate the movements of riding a board.
Name: Corinne () on Sunday, July 3, 2005 at 21:00:22
City and State: Hawthorne CA
Maiden: Hemenway
Class: 1996
Message: I have a scanner and yearbooks from 1993 - 1996. Contact me if you need any help.
Hi Corinne, I need 93, 94, and 96 Senior Pics. Please email me and I'll explain how to send them. FINALLY, someone wants to add to the Senior Pictures.
Name: Terry () on Sunday, July 3, 2005 at 14:08:14
City and State: Salem,Or
Maiden: Smith
Class: 1974
Message: The Beach Boys headline PBS' annual "Capitol Forth" concert Monday night. FYI Beach Boy fans!!
Thanks Terry...
Name: Keith Jones () on Sunday, July 3, 2005 at 04:50:59
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: Hey John, been about what nearly 20 years since I saw Rick last buy who knows I could probably get his number. Not sure why anyone would want it. Can you get me Parnelli's. We can trade.
Heck, Parnelli's is probably listed. Name: Paco () on Sunday, July 3, 2005 at 03:22:57
City and State: LF
Class: 1961
Message: Dan, the boys sounded and looked great!!!Geez 24 years?
Name: Tom Buckingham () on Sunday, July 3, 2005 at 01:43:52
City and State: Clovis
Class: 1964
Message: My favorite FM djs were on KMET. Shadoe Stevens, Jimmy Rabbit, Mary Turner and of course the late, great B. Mitchell Reed. I wasn't hippie or a druggie but I love the late 60's and early 70's music--The Doors, The Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, Quicksilver Messengers, Creedence Clearwater. I never learned to play an instrument but I could play the stereo good and loud.
Name: Jim Dally () on Sunday, July 3, 2005 at 00:10:19
City and State: Carson, CA
Class: 1963
Message: "He climbed her stoop and reached for her knocker" was Dick Whittinghill in the morning on ??? radio station. He had red hair and did a couple of T.V. shows; I think one was 'Dragnet.' So John, what's next?
A little late Jim, the answer was given yesterday....
Name: Dan Johnson () on Saturday, July 2, 2005 at 23:39:21
Email: wch1ispinkATaolDOTcom
City and State: Live 8
Class: 1977
Message: Brian Wilson's Live 8 Performance was pretty cool -- especially Good Vibrations, although they should have used a theremin! The other band from the 60s that reunited for the first time in 24 years sounded great! Speaking of "loady" bands.
Name: Armand Vaquer () on Saturday, July 2, 2005 at 22:17:19
City and State: Tarzana, CA
Class: 1972
Message: What's with Rick Dees with HHS alumni? I have a 3rd Dees story. I didn't meet him, but last November I was asked by Toho Co., Ltd. to write up the announcer commentary for the "Godzilla: Final Wars" float at the Hollywood Christmas Parade. Dees read my script (with a few ad libs of his own) as the float passed by his booth.
Hey send me his phone number, willya'?
Name: David Neuschafer () on Saturday, July 2, 2005 at 19:50:21
City and State: Vista, Ca.
Maiden: Leuzinger
Class: 1959
Message: JB, Just for an informational update on the Beach Boys monument. We were there on Friday afternoon (7-1-05) and met the Supervisor of the City's paint crew. They were coating everything with a clear anti-graffiti paint. He sure was a nice guy and is trying his best to keep the monument clean for all us visitors. We also met a nice lady who was taking pictures, a true fan of the Beach Boys...we of course told her to check out Cougartown and I bet she'll become one of your true fans too. The trip back to Hawthorne was pretty cool, except... guess who got a ticket for not wearing his seat belt while crusin' into the City Hall's parking lot? Bummer!!! Hey Dave, Thanks for the update. I heard they were thinking about a fence and opening it on the weekends. Graffiti paint will definitely help. Sorry about the ticket. Maybe you shouldn't have told them you know me. Name: Dewey Storie () on Saturday, July 2, 2005 at 19:23:09
City and State: Chandler,AZ
Class: 1974
Message: Rick Dees..... back in 1982...When I worked for Van Nuys Lock & Key ? We put a safe in his house at the time for free just for him saying something about Van Nuys Lock & key
Hey Dewey, I think that borders on Payola....anyone remember Payola??
Name: Jean MacErnie () on Saturday, July 2, 2005 at 14:48:05
City and State: Albq NM
Maiden: Caldwell
Class: 1968
Message: I was just reading all this stuff about 9th Street West, Lloyd Thaxton Show etc....And the words Boss City came into mind....Wasn't that a show with Sam Riddle at one time? Or something to do with 93KHJ...I listened to KHJ...but I remember my mom tuning into KFWB til it turned into all news....Someone mentioned Charlie Tuna...I am pretty sure that Albq had a Charlie Tuna on the radio too and maybe still does....
Name: Suzie Parker () on Saturday, July 2, 2005 at 14:38:16
City and State: San Pedro, Ca
Maiden: Parker
Class: 1966
Message: My married last name was Mugford. I kept the last name, but I am not married any more. Anyone who knows me, send me an email.
Thanks, Suzie
Name: EL ROJO () on Saturday, July 2, 2005 at 08:58:17
Class: 1961
Message: John we need a new tune! How about, for the 4th of July weekend, RADAR LOVE by Golden Earring. Maybe it will help to keep our Cougs cool on the 4th.:-))Nice soft tune that keeps your motor running. Kind of bitchin. And Armand...which ones are the girls, or were there any, at KROQ? LOL. Have a safe weekend everyone. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU! Jake N Jude.
He's just kidding, Armand, Jake knows what girls look like....
Name: Keith Jones () on Saturday, July 2, 2005 at 03:54:44
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: That's a good one John. I wish I knew Parnelli Jones. He is defintely a legend.
Yeah well, I wish I knew Rick about sending me his phone number. Name: Armand Vaquer () on Saturday, July 2, 2005 at 00:23:40
City and State: Tarzana, CA
Class: 1972
Message: Here's a photo of the KROQ gang in the early days.
Name: Kell () on Friday, July 1, 2005 at 23:11:32
City and State: Englewood,OR
Class: 1967
Message: John may be right about KPPC (NOT)..
I had the best poster it was a picture of The Jimi Hendrix Experience and it read." What kind of person listens to KPPC." a classic.
JIMI HENDRIX!!! Kelley, Are you trying to make a "non-loady" case with Jimi Hendrix? Name: Chuck Armstrong () on Friday, July 1, 2005 at 22:42:31
City and State: Orcutt, CA
Class: 1967
Message: Sharon, I found an old flyer for the Teen Age Fair, and that is how it was listed. Monty and the Crystals took first place in the Battle of the Bands at the Fair in 1966. I remember that Sonny and Cher played the main stage, and there were a couple of very good English bands there as well.
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Friday, July 1, 2005 at 21:59:38
Email: cjprewitt at juno dot com
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Class: 1967
Message: How many people remember the Civil Defense (CONELRAD) markers on AM radios? They looked like ^ and were at 640 and 1240 KC. They were there from 1953 to 1963. You can date radios by these being on the dial.
Name: Armand Vaquer () on Friday, July 1, 2005 at 21:32:46
City and State: Tarzana, CA
Class: 1972
Message: Debbie, you asked for a KROQ story, so I'll give you one. In 1974, the station was one of the most popular in L.A. (anyone remember "Mother Roq's Jukebox?"). Fellow HHS '72 alumnus Steve Thomas and I were driving through Santa Monica listening to KROQ when the female DJ suddenly announced that due to some labor problem (not getting paid or something, I don't quite remember exactly), they were shutting down the station. Bonk! Suddenly it was off the air. KROQ was off the air for several years. When it finally came back on, it was nothing like what it once was. So, during the duration, we had no alternative than listen to KMET, KLOS and others. Another station I recall was KDAY-AM. Sam Riddle was a DJ on that one before it went strictly R & B.
Name: Jerry Miles () on Friday, July 1, 2005 at 20:08:22
City and State: Fair Oaks, Ca
Class: 1966
Message: Sharon, I just remember it being called The Teen Fair. Officially it probably was the Los Angeles Teen Fair as there were others. I do remember that it started at Pacific Ocean Park for a year or two and moved to the Palladium about the time I started driving in 1964. It always had some great musical groups after they moved to Hollywood.
Name: Larry Bach () on Friday, July 1, 2005 at 19:20:02
City and State: Seal Beach
Maiden: Bad Boy
Class: 1972
Message: What this about KPPC being the "loady" station?! I resemble that remark, John, I mean... uhh... nevermind.
Didn't mean to offend, just my personal thoughts at the time. Guess I missed that era by about a year or two.
Name: Harry Plotkin () on Friday, July 1, 2005 at 17:45:01
City and State: Harbor City, CA
Maiden: Old Codger
Class: 1954
Message: John, John, John, Here it is July 1st and I haven't paid my dues or Kathy's dues. Will you accept them in July or do I have to wait until next June???
Thanks for this wonderful site... Everyone have a SAFE 4th. Love to all, especially to those lurking in the background and my former students. HCH
Hey Harry, Sure you can pay your dues anytime. It's just that June is designated dues month because that's when we started membership. Don't be shy folks, just because June is gone doesn't mean you can't become a member of Cougartown. Thanks Harry....
Name: sharon () on Friday, July 1, 2005 at 17:26:33
City and State: Long Beach
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
Message: Does anyone remember the KFWB Bomp Stickers and Bomp dolls? I still have one of each. They were giving them away at the Teen Fair at the Palladium. Does anyone remember what they called that fair, or was it just the Teen Fair?
Name: Paco () on Friday, July 1, 2005 at 16:07:17
City and State: LF
Class: 1961
Message: Does anyone remember in the 60s, I think it KFWB, had a call in poll of the top songs of all time. Music City was a sponsor..The Theme From a Summers Place seemed to win for years..Very cool music and Motion Picture. I remember seeing it at the Inglewood Fox. Once with Roxie! Butch, if you're out there give me a call.