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...and in Honor of Bruce Johnson's 55 Chev.... The Coasters
Name: David Barboza () on Sunday, June 13, 1999 at 01:10:56
E-Mail: iliketrains@usa.net
Class: 74
Message: Patty Valencia:
Achey joints after a workout Patty? Sorry dear, was looking at the mini reunion pics and thats the only thing you gotta worry about. Gotta tell ya girl, you look just as good now as you ever did. Don't worry about the joints, take two aspirin and call me anytime. (smile)
Name: Marsha Russell () on Sunday, June 13, 1999 at 00:38:09
E-Mail: RussellMG1@Aol.Com
Maiden: Russell
Class: 64
Message: Does anybody know whatever happened to Hessie McKnight or Sandy Peppers Blomsterberg?????? If you have any info, please let me know.
Hi Marsha and welcome. Try Jan Blomsterberg. His email address is poppy@iocc.com. I'm sure he can help with Sandy. Hessie I saw in the mid 70's and haven't seen since. I'm sure someone will know. Anyone??
Name: Susan () on Saturday, June 12, 1999 at 21:42:08
E-Mail: funds4kids@Yahoo.com
Maiden: Ciampa
Class: 77
Message: No John! It wasn't George Brett that went cruising Hawthorne Blvd in a 409... it was George (whatever his last name is that I can't remember) the guy owns the Stick & Stein. Or.... maybe George Brett was with him too, who knows.
Sounds like George Brett isn't just famous in El Segundo, but a big hit in Kansas City too.
Wait a minute...George Brett owns the Stick and Stein AND knows the guy that went cruisin in the 409?? Man, I can't wait to meet these guys. Is George Brett there now or is he in Kansas City?
Name: Alan Nelson () on Saturday, June 12, 1999 at 20:43:48
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: '73
Message: In reviewing a few pages back, I can add to the Swim Team memories. In addition to 4 years in Swimming and Water Polo under Lou Jones, I also swam for the Hawthorne Swim Team (AAU) Gil had two sons, Wayne and Andre. Non-identical twin brothers. They were class of '70. Wayne had one heck of a butterfly and was all Bay League and CIF in swimming. Andre blazed in the back and breast-stroke.
Alan, I've heard the pool is not in use anymore. Can anyone confirm?
Name: Phyllis Ligon () on Saturday, June 12, 1999 at 19:23:55
E-Mail: Medac1@aol.com
Maiden: Rodgers
Class: 68
Message: John
Thanks for the great Web site, you really captured Hawthorne at its finest. I welcome hearing from anyone..
Thank you for saying so Phyllis. Thanks too for adding your mailing address and becoming a member of Cougartown. If you can, please try to make the Homecoming game on October 15 and 100 page Feedback cruise night at Fosters in Hawthorne. Stay tuned....
Name: Pete Mahan () on Saturday, June 12, 1999 at 10:16:23
E-Mail: pdm509@home.com
Class: 67
Message: Hello to everyone from the great Class of '67. This is a great site and it brings back a lot of the good ol times playing in the HHS Band, and how we had to dodge road apples. The dumb concerts we had to play in and all the goofing off we did in the Drum section when Fred didn't catch us. All the Best to all of you.
Pete Mahan
Name: Linda Dietrich () on Saturday, June 12, 1999 at 09:53:58
E-Mail: Leonard-Linda@juno.com
Maiden: Dawson
Class: 69
Message: Hi Folks, I live in Kansas City, Missouri. One of our most famous people in this town is George Brett. You see his picture and name on just about every street corner, bill board sign, commercials, adds, etc. etc. He's a big man in this town. He was just inducted into the baseball hall of fame. When he retired from the Royals it was all that was on the news. People talked of him as if he was some kind of God but he's just a man in my eyes.
A man with a .335 lifetime batting average.
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Saturday, June 12, 1999 at 08:17:38
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
Message: At one time I sent nearly a book of Cougartown to Ezra Dame in Reno(see page 1 of the feedback). He has since vanished. Has anyone (Bill Ennis) heard from him resently? I tried to call him and his phone has been disconnected. Ezra, class of 1966, is/was a hair stylist in Reno.
Talking about hair, John, I haven't heard you mention your barber, Rick F/B 46, recently. Have you invited him to become a member of the Cougartown Alumni? (I think he may have a sister and brother both alumni.) Maybe you can invite him to the October 15, 1999 Homecoming and mini reunion. You should see him before then unless you want to wear your hair like you did as Mermaid Tavern Champ F/B 72.
Chris, Back in the mid 70's I had a girlfriend that was a dog groomer. She cut my hair about every 4 months until I started looking like a "Show Dog". We finally broke up and I had to go BACK to a real barber. I walked into Pats Barber shop on Hawthorne Bl, and he said, "You want a haircut or an estimate?"
I will tell Rick about the Newsletter. Also Jim Essner, his partner, is married to Karen Boll Essner HHS61, and they're not computer people either. Thanks Chris
Name: Patty Valencia () on Saturday, June 12, 1999 at 01:04:40
E-Mail: PValencia2@aol.com
Class: 1974
Message: Besides the fact that my joints ache after working out, how's this for the difference between our 20's and 40's - can we just get someone to give me the Executive Summary of the last 4 pages of Feedback? I've been traveling and can't believe how much more has been added. Ok, a bit too far fetched of a service or new hyper link. I like the smiley guys eating ice cream cones, Juan. Nice touch. Here are some late night free associations. I too had Mr. Dana for eighth grade math. He told me I should stick to remedial math opportunities wherever possible (clearly he had me confused with V4 and V6). I also fenced with Lily Dana - I'm glad to hear she is doing well - why has she not checked in to the website? Mr. Gibb was one of my 7th grade teachers. Mr Gibb had been allegedly married at one time to my 6th grade teacher, Donna Welch - she was beautiful. Any news to either of their whereabouts? Or Miss Conger (kindergarten), Mrs. Dewey (first grade), Mrs. Keesling (2nd) Mrs. Countryman (3rd), Mrs. Hutchison (4th), Mrs. Gross(5th)? There you go. Can't remember one name from college or graduate school, but have those elementary school teacher names down pat.
Name: Susan () on Saturday, June 12, 1999 at 00:41:50
E-Mail: funds4kids
Maiden: Ciampa
Class: 77
Message: Hey, George is a great guy! You should give him a call John, he was naming off people that he hung out with from HHS and telling me stories about all the nights he went cruising (racing) down Hawthorne Blvd.in some guys 409. I think he is probably more excited about this than we are. Sounds like he's hopeful that he'll see some old buddies that night too. I promised I'd stop back in to see his new Cougar additions next week. Maybe we can meet there for lunch. See John.... now you're making even ESHS people happy!
George Brett went cruising on Hawthorne Bl. in some guys 409!?!? I am there!!!
Name: Susan () on Friday, June 11, 1999 at 21:56:07
E-Mail: funds4kids@Yahoo.com
Maiden: Ciampa
Class: 77
Message: Just wanted to let everyone know that George, the owner of Stick & Stein is gearing up for our after homecoming game party on October 15. He happened to have a copy of the program from a 1955 El Segundo Eagles vs Hawthorne Cougars football game. He had it framed today with some pictures of the football teams and line-up and he hung it in the upstairs banquet room. He said he has many more Cougar items and will dig them out and put them up in honor of our party.
By the way, the BRETT brothers were Ken, George, and JB (John). Come on John... that should have been easy for you to remember!
Susan, Thanks for helping out. You are a peach of a Coug'. This sounds like another fun night. Everyone make your plans for October 15.
Susan, Are you sure about that George Guy??
Name: TAMERA HALLIBURTON () on Friday, June 11, 1999 at 17:53:34
Maiden: TAMERA
Class: 1997
Name: David Barboza () on Friday, June 11, 1999 at 14:44:18
E-Mail: iliketrains@usa.net
Maiden: I'd need one in Tacoma
Class: 74
Message: Cindy Matthies: No I would not mind playing in Washington or anywhere else for that matter. Love the game, the competition and the fun. Besides, for 43 it keeps me in pretty good shape. However, dressing up like one of the girls ????? That seems above and way beyond the call of duty.... But what the heck it sounds like fun. I'd probably do it. And believe it or not GLORY DAYS is the name of a sports-bar that sponsors our team. Ah, the Glory Days..
Name: Omar Azze () on Friday, June 11, 1999 at 14:35:14
E-Mail: oazze@hotmail.com
Class: 1977
Message: Does anyone now whatever happened to Mark Lee? If you don't remember, he pitched for the SD Padres for a couple of years in the late 70's early 80's and later for the Pirates. He played with Mike Scott in HS and later Pepperdine U. I would like to find him.
Thanks, OA
Name: Betty Rodriguez () on Friday, June 11, 1999 at 14:33:19
E-Mail: tombetty@kelp.net
Maiden: Kean
Class: 69
Message: Linda-Yea, I remember donkey basketball! And the hypnosis thing - lets see, Vicky Daugherty, one of them Sloey boys - just look on page 66 of '69 El Molino. I keep these books right next to the 'puter now. My kids 'don't know whats up with Mommy'... 'Why isn't dinner ready?'
Does anyone know when 'papering a house' became popular?????
Name: Linda Dietrich () on Friday, June 11, 1999 at 12:06:13
E-Mail: Leonard-Linda@juno.com
Maiden: Dawson
Class: 69
Message: With all the sports talk no one even mentioned the donkey basketball games. I only went to one but that one I'll never forget as long as I live. I laughed so hard I nearly wet my pants. Does anyone remember how many was played at our school? Can you all remember when Chuck Norris came for an assembly?? He was an unknown back then. Now he's all over the TV and Movies. At one other assembly this guy put a bunch of our Cougars in a hypnotic state. It was so funny the things they did and didn't even know what they were doing in front of hundreds of their peers. Those days were so special.
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Friday, June 11, 1999 at 07:37:41
E-Mail: macdonsh@baxter.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
Message: As for Coach Sevier looking HAPPY - wouldn't you be smiling if some photographer got two of your peers to pose with a sign reading "Goon Squad" and you knew that photo might end up in the year book?
Name: Sharon () on Friday, June 11, 1999 at 06:59:38
E-Mail: MacDonald
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
Message: Yes, Beth, I'm Mary Badger's "big" sister. I was already married when my folks and the younger Badgers moved back to the Badger State (Wisconsin). Mary graduated from high school in Appleton (it's up near Green Bay). She now lives in Milwaukee and works at the Veterans Hospital as a Pharmacy Technician Supervisor. She was one of the first Pharmacy Technicians in Milwaukee and has worked at a number of hospitals in Milwaukee. She played softball for a number of years and at one time was one of the USA Todays top rated womens fast pitch softball players in the USA. She is the only one of the Badger kids to be really good at anything considered sports - the closest I ever came was a trophy for being last in the Bowling League at HHS in 1963! Mary does not have
e:mail at home and I'm not sure about work. I see her as often as our schedules permit. You can send notes for her to my e:mail address and I will get them to her.
Name: John McDonald () on Friday, June 11, 1999 at 06:56:24
E-Mail: mcduff@home.com
Class: 1966
Message: To: Marty Keyser
Yo Marty! How's the world's best drummer (next to Ringo)? Hey bud, I've tried both your e-mail addresses and neither seem to work. :( POP me an e-mail and let me know what's happening. By the way, Vagrents was spelled with and "e", I still have the sign. Later!
John, Marty just sent his correct email addresses: mjbprod@gateway.net, MJB12781@aol.com, Marty12291@aol.com.
Hope this helps...
Name: Beth Meade () on Friday, June 11, 1999 at 01:47:11
E-Mail: bethmeade@earthlink.net
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 1975
Message: Sharon MacDonald? I don't know you but you mentioned your sister Mary Badger!!! Now that's a name from the past!! Is that the same Mary Badger that went to St. Joseph's too? It has to be. We swam in the swim club together (for the short time I was in it). But I remember being soooo upset when Mary moved away to Wisconsin. That must have been about 4th grade? Martha Perez and I both cried about it. Where is Mary now? I sure remember her green hair. She was my swimming idol. I remember one time we were in the same race doing breaststroke. I think I beat her by maybe 1/100th of a second. But I was so elated to have even come close to Mary Badger in the race. I probably still have that little ribbon. I wonder if she even remembers who I am. Funny.
Name: BILL ASHDOWN () on Friday, June 11, 1999 at 00:35:06
E-Mail: BA808953@AOL.COM
Class: 63
Message: LES,
Hi Bill, I don't know right off, but if something IS happening, I'll let y'all know. Thanks Bill
Tommy Long.....Now there was a "side armin' smoke thrower" in Little League.
Name: Lori Padelford () on Friday, June 11, 1999 at 00:12:28
E-Mail: Desilulu4u@aol.com
Maiden: Padelford
Class: 81
Message: Speaking of old teachers that were really great. Does anyone remember Mr. Gibb? He was my 5th grade teacher at Ramona School and then I had him again for 8th grade at Hawthorne Intermediate. I remember him as always being so nice and never really getting mad no matter what any of us did. The last I heard he had gotten into real estate in the Orange County area. If anyone knows about him please tell him hello for me and I would love to talk to him. By the way in case anyone is interested I heard that Mr. Nagaoka (he taught 6th grade at Ramona ) is finally hanging up his chalk after the end of this school year. He has been teaching for at least 25 years that I know of and he was also a wonderful teacher.
Tony Frink was asking about Domingo Balboa,Sr. and not sure where he is but I can find out from a friend of mine that is friends with his daughter Doris. I ran into Domingo, Jr. about a year ago and if I remember right he is living in the Torrance area. Also before I forget has anyone heard about a c/O 81 reunion yet? I think Linda Housely and Maria Navarro handled the last one. John my check is on its way and what a small price to pay for the hours of entertainment you bring all of us. Thanks so much!
Thanks Lori, It is "YOU" however, that is doing the entertaining. Keep it comin' Cougs...
Name: Cindy Matthies () on Thursday, June 10, 1999 at 23:27:58
E-Mail: cindym@penlite.org
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: David Barboza: Heck ya! I always back way up in the outfield for any of those 40+ guys cause they can still smack it outta there! Although, playing first base goes either way ... some of us over 40 are a little slower than we used to be, eh? But some of the over 40's can still run like 20's! (Okay everyone, last of my "glory days" talk here but where else and with who else can we all share where we are now after sharing where we were then? Did that make sense? Aw, who cares!). We have an annual weekend-long Bozo tournament with a bunch of other electric utlities (Tacoma City Light, BC Hydro, Seattle City Light, any utility that wants to play) where you have serious teams and not serious teams and if any of the teams are short on girls, one of the guys has to dress up as a girl and play. It's a blast. And okay, sometimes alcohol is a factor in how bad some of the teams lose! We even elect a new Bozo king and queen every year. Hey, now you all know what your local power company lineman does for fun on the weekends! We hosted it last year here in Gig Harbor and this year it's in Ocean Shores (for any of you familiar with the Washington area -- hey, come and cheer us on or cheer for your own utility! It's Aug 14-15).
So Dave if you ever get to the Washington area (10 miles north of Tacoma), come and play softball with us! "Ya gotta love those guys!!"
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Thursday, June 10, 1999 at 22:54:32
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
Message: I was reading the car talk pages and was reminded of an incident in which I was involved. A friend of mine, who happened to be a model airplane enthusiast, and I were returning from cruising on Van Ness Blvd. On the way home my friend got the idea he wanted to see just how fast the Triumph sports car we were in, would travel. Well, I was to watch the tach just to keep it under the red line and Bill would do the driving. I can't tell you exactly how fast we were going but the CHP officer said he was doing about 85 MPH when we passed him! Well needless to say the officer wasn't real happy burning up all of the taxpayers gas. He first took the license of my friend then asked for mine. He gave me the lecture about how I should have told my friend to slow down. Then the CHP officer looked at a brown paper bag that was on the floor by my feet. He asked what was in the bag. I indicated that I didn't know but Bill straight faced said, "DOPE". I must have been ready to pass out. The CHP officer then reached in and picked up the bag. He reached into the bag and pulled out two maybe 4 oz. cans of what was marked "DOPE". It turned out that the cans contained a fuel resistant paint for model airplanes. My friend was written up for 67 in a 65 zone.
Great story Chris. Now see B2 and V6, you don't have to embellish a story to make it good.
Name: Sharon MacDonald() on Thursday, June 10, 1999 at 20:55:22
E-Mail: macdonsh@baxter.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
Message:"Goon Squad" - just one of those phrases that trigger random memories.
this one took me right to the Faculty Section of the 1963 ElMolino.
No Sharon, It's not natural at all. Coach Sevier looks WAY to happy.
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