Name: Jim Gibson () on Tuesday, June 28, 2005 at 12:53:20
City and State: Redding, CA
Class: 1967
Message: One more thing...while playing baseball for El Camino (68-69), everyday, before practice, on the way to the field house (locker room), I noticed this guy running wind sprints in the outfield. Then, after showering; ice on the arm; rub down; whirlpool; getting dressed; etc., & leaving as the sun was going down, the same guy was STILL running wind sprints! I was impressed by his dedication, &, since he didn't play for us, I finally hung around after a practice & asked him if I could run sprints w/ him. We introduced ourselves to one another. It was George Foster, who went on to be a major part of the "Big Red Machine" (Cincinatti Reds) of the 70's, who, w/ his famous black bat, eventually became the National League batting champ. I think George said he went to Leuzinger. One day, after a victorious pitching effort on the EC field, George joined in the locker room celebration by using a tongue depressor to apply "icy-hot" to a particularly sensitive area of my anatomy, as the rest of the team assisted. I couldn't get in the shower fast enough! Who knows what would have happened if we had we lost!- gibby
Name: Don D. () on Tuesday, June 28, 2005 at 12:13:59
Email: dondt(at)
City and State: South Bay
Maiden: N/A
Class: 1975
Message: Class of 75 Reunion
We have several calls in to the reunion provider for current status. Our last count of those who have registered was about 50. We are hoping to have at least 85 per our requirements.
If you have not registered already, Class of 75, here is the link: Reunion registration Feel free to contact me for questions. As I receive additional information from the reunion provider, I will post it on Cougartown.
Name: Jim Gibson () on Tuesday, June 28, 2005 at 11:52:54
City and State: Redding, CA
Class: 1967
Message: Remember this little melody/lyric line from the Oscar Mayer commercial?: "Here comes Little Oscar in his weinermobile...Little Oscar, the world's smallest chef...In his tiny, tiny kitchen, Oscar Mayer meats he's fixin'...Oscar Mayer meats, the treat for any meal". As we all know, "Lil Oscar" would visit local grocery stores, handing out free samples &, of course, plastic weenie whistles. On a dare, I pilfered the gas cap from the weinermobile. At that time, the weinermobile was a Chevy...said so right on the gas cap! - gibby
Now aren't you sorry, Jim.....
Name: Jim Gibson () on Tuesday, June 28, 2005 at 11:39:53
City and State: Redding, CA
Class: 1967
Message: Re: Bake's mention of Lumpy Rutherford below: My dad took me to Hollywood Park Race Track when I was about 10 or so. While waiting in line @ the winner's window, I noticed Lumpy (Frank Bank) walking away from the window, counting a HUGE roll of cash! Who needs royalties?!?! (Eddie, Wally, & the Beav were nowhere to be seen). Jimmy Pasternak: Been a long time since HHS baseball, huh? Nice to hear from you! - gibby
Why didn't Wally's IQ dip just a bit, hanging out with Eddie and Lumpy? Name: Dan Johnson () on Tuesday, June 28, 2005 at 10:27:52
Email: wch1ispinkATaolDOTcom
City and State: Modesto
Class: 1977
Message: For work reasons, I've recently had to watch American Graffiti very closely (including the "making of" documentary on the DVD). I remember they showed the film in Nyman Hall circa 1976 and someone yelled out "go for it Opie" when Ron Howard was putting the moves on a girl in the backseat of a car! Anyway, it turns out that two of the screenwriters grew up in the Valley and they incorporated a lot of their experience into the characters. I was wondering how the early 60s Cougs felt about the film -- any of it ring true? Did ya'all listen to the Wolfman on some station out of TJ? I don't remember listening to the Wolfman on the radio, only the Midnight Special TV show. So, where were you in '62?
My opinion: American Graffiti rang true in every detail. The Cruisers, The Neer-do-wells (Pharoahs) the Racers (in town and outta town), the Girls, (Soshes and for a better word, Sluts) in Tbirds and Daddy's car. We had Wolfman Jack, B. Mitchell Reid, Ted Quillan(TQ), Emperor Bob Hudson, Art Laboe, AND Bill Ballance (who just died recently). We had the "CS ticket Cops" and even the "Toads" of Hawthorne. When I first saw the movie, I thought it was written specifically about cruising our Blvd. I could go on for days about the classic, American Graffiti.
From my first hand experience, it was a typical Friday night in Hawthorne. I KNOW where I was in 62. Name: Baxter Dodd () on Monday, June 27, 2005 at 23:42:15
Email: baxterldo@aol,cim
City and State: Riverside, CA
Class: 1957
Message: Hmm... Looks like the class of ?75 will have a busy day. Picnic in the morning, reunion in the evening...
Surf Fishing: When I was a little kid, my dad would take me surf fishing near and off the Manhattan Beach Pier. I know he had a sand-crab trap but he hardly ever used it. He would buy the bait from local boys who would catch the crabs in their traps and sell them to the fishermen. But I learned that he did not just buy the bait, he bought information. Those kids knew what fish were in close, when it was best to fish the surf and not off the pier, places to avoid, where the sand bar was located, where the undertow was strongest, etc. Dad would always catch a good variety of fish and made it exciting for me. Like he used to say, ?When you see that pole bend, you never know what is on the other end of that line.? Some times while we were cranking that reel, my imagination would scare me until I could see the other end of that line?
? Baxter
My Dad would always say, "it's not important to catch fish, just to have fun and NOT run outta beer". Name: diana olsen () on Monday, June 27, 2005 at 23:41:48
City and State: Hyrum
Maiden: price
Class: 1964
Message: Oh my gosh Coleen! I agree, where are all of the class of 1964 and beyond?
When will the class of 64 ever have a reunion again? We had a great group and we need to be supportive of any opportunity of a chance to reunite. love to you all. Diana
Name: Elizabeth Aleccia () on Monday, June 27, 2005 at 23:32:30
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Class: 1969
Message: To Linda Huthmaker...Jerry Mathers lived nextdoor to me a few years ago. We shared many hours shopping and lunching together. He looks exactly the same as he did as The Beaver, and after all these years, everywhere we would go, people would call out, "Hey Beav" The first time I sat with him in a restaurant and someone asked him for his autograph I almost laughed. I don't get that whole autograph craze but he was very kind and generous to anyone who asked. He's a good guy.
Can you get him to get me Lumpy's autograph??
Name: Ricky () on Monday, June 27, 2005 at 17:41:25
City and State: Hawthorne,CA
Class: 1986
Message: Where in the heck are all the Cougs from the 80's?? Specifically 82-86'?
Anyone remember Green Farms BBQ on 132nd Street and Hawthorne Blvd?
Hi Ricky, You have to identify yourself on the website Ricky, so others know who you are. Thanks, John B
Name: Annette () on Monday, June 27, 2005 at 15:54:29
City and State: Long Beach
Maiden: Wiltse
Class: 1975
Message: Class of 1975 Reunion; Our 30th Reunion is scheduled for September 17th, and it sounds like from Don DiTomasso we haven't had a very good response to date. Come on classmates, contact your fellow 75er's who may not be connected by computer and spread the word so we have a great 30th.
ALSO, Cougar Siting (planned) this weekend. Thanks to C'Town, Jack Robbins, who would of graduated w/us in '75 but moved away just prior to our senior year, found me thru the Alumni list and we met up Sat. after 31 years!!!. That's what this site is all about..
Cheers, Annette
Thank you, Annette. Yeah 75ers, your reunion committee is laying all the groundwork so you can have a fun 30th. Please don't wait until the last minute as it's very hard to make plans when you're not sure who, or how many are going to be there. Please sign up NOW.
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Monday, June 27, 2005 at 13:48:34
City and State: Mission Viejo
Class: 1977
Message: Hi all. Have had a few crazy weeks, but things are settling down. First time I have read C-town in a week or so. My favorite old shows were Bewitched, Dick Van Dyke and Hogan's Heroes. Sometimes I go to TV Land and get my fill. I see while I was gone a certain "bully" checked in. How come you only contribute to this page when you want to gloat? Do you not have a life? We have been talking about some really great things here, and you only chime in to say "told you so" What are you, 8 years old? Buddy, get some class. You don't seem to be a nice person and you are missing the point of the intention of this website. I'm done. Hope everyone will have a nice summer.
Hey Jill, Glad you're back.....
Name: Coletta Pool () on Monday, June 27, 2005 at 13:42:12
City and State: Ventura, CA
Maiden: Jacobson
Class: 1964
Message: You know, when this website was new it seemed like all the later classes were really talkative. In fact, they made it. I can't believe not only the lack of chatter from '64 and under, but the lack of chatter period on the Feedback. Come on, 'ya all' surely there must be something to relay. Well, I had a great anniversary, and John had a happy Fathers Day and birthday. And, our rings are the bomb!
Yes, the earlier classes have been fairly silent. Where are all you Oldies but Goodies??
Name: Sharon () on Monday, June 27, 2005 at 13:20:38
City and State: Long Beach
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
Message: COUGARTOWN PICNIC - Saturday, September 17, 2005 at El Dorado Park East in Long Beach from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
I got the picnic Permit from the City of Long Beach to hold our annual Picnic. We are going to hold it in the same area as last year. This is a very large park and they will give you a map at the Gate. Our group will be listed as Hawthorne High Cougartown. It is $5.00 per carload entrance fee.
We had 150 attendees last year. Not all at one time, but I gave a raffle ticket to each person that showed up and I gave out over 150 tickets. Let's make it bigger this year. It was such great fun. Don't forget, I need help doing this. Please e-mail me at if you are willing to help.
John said he would put a sign up page on Cougartown. I have reserved the spot for 300 people.
Have a happy Cougar day!
Hi Sharon, Thanks for letting all know. I will get a signup sheet on this page in a couple of days. Thanks again, and let's have a great turnout for the 2nd Annual Cougartown Picnic.
Name: Alan Hauge () on Monday, June 27, 2005 at 03:43:11
City and State: Playa del Rey, CA
Class: 1961
Message: Hey listen up out there in television land! For all of you Cougars who remember the good old days of TV shows for the family. Hollywood is sadly doing a remake of "Father Knows Best", they are calling it "Father Knows Nothing".
Real funny, Alan...
Name: Jim Dally () on Sunday, June 26, 2005 at 23:27:44
City and State: Carson, CA
Class: 1963
Message: I haven't been 'on sight' for a few days so, I was shocked but not surprised of the stories about the Beach Boys Monument being slimed by the underbelly populace. I'm glad I made it over there early on and took pictures of it while still clean. All the words about protective coatings, etc. I agree with. I was in slow traffic on the 101 downtown just East of the 4 Level and right there in broad daylight with ALL the witnesses creeping by was a guy spray painting the concrete wall! I opened my window and yelled terrible things at him and he paid NO attention--just kept on spraying! !##! As far as Orange Julius is concerned there is one also in the South Bay Galleria on the second floor near the (no longer there) fountain. Look for Dairy Queen and you'll find it--same booth; does Dairy Queen now own Orange Julius? I didn't ask when last there. Best wishes Mayor Guidi with the Monument mess.
Hi Jim, The mess has been cleaned up and is no longer visible....
Name: Armand Vaquer () on Sunday, June 26, 2005 at 23:08:05
City and State: Tarzana, CA
Class: 1972
Message: The problem with TV Land and the like is that they time compress and cut a lot of footage from the old shows. Speaking of old shows, I found this old Kellogg's Corn Flakes Commercial with George Reeves (Clark Kent) and Jack Larson (Jimmy Olsen) from 1953:
Name: Andrea () on Sunday, June 26, 2005 at 21:04:27
City and State: Hawthorne
Maiden: Rossi
Class: 1982
Message: Hey Keith,Im with you I LOVE watching TV Land.Its funny that all these shows from our younger days are on cable ,where as years ago we were able to watch them for free! And yes these shows take me back in time ..Just like some songs remind me of sitting in economics class,Now which song ? right now I cant remember,too much day dreaming at the time !!!!!!! All I remember is sitting next to John Rocco and watching him draw on his folder .....
Name: linda huthmaker () on Sunday, June 26, 2005 at 20:55:07
City and State: torrance, ca.
Maiden: huthmaker
Class: 1963
Message: Hi Keith, I LOVE TV-Land, and watch it-Leave it to Beaver is a fave of mind. Of course, I also enjoyed "Love Boat" and "Bob Newhart"-neither of which is on, now. I guess "Highway to Heaven" is still on, but just once a day, instead of twice.
Enjoy your life in KOA-I love it there, as well.
Kind regards, Linda Huthmaker
Name: Mary Doyle () on Sunday, June 26, 2005 at 20:53:13
City and State: Geezerworld, CA
Maiden: Kean
Class: 1966
Message: Hey Kelly, check out; go to surffishing board. My husband is "Buzzard" and is a surf fisherman here in Laguna Beach.
Name: Terry () on Sunday, June 26, 2005 at 18:33:11
City and State: Salem, Or
Maiden: Smith
Class: 1974
Message: Keith, I'm sure it wasn't the first "My Three Sons". Ernie was the forth son...Who can forget Uncle Charley..Then came William Frawley The old Fred Mertz..
Actually, William Frawley (Bub O'Casey) was on the show before William Demarest (Uncle Charley).
Name: Art La Mere () on Sunday, June 26, 2005 at 17:37:09
Email: same
City and State: Bettendorf Ia
Class: 1973
Message: the Gun was that at the naval reserve center.
Name: Keith Jones () on Sunday, June 26, 2005 at 15:58:29
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: How many of you watch TVLand. i love this station. They show all oldies shows. Yesterday i saw the first Mr. Ed show. Get Smart was on too. F-troop and the first My Three Sons. They adopted Ernie. With this site and that site i feel i am back in high school or even before
Name: Steve Temoshek () on Sunday, June 26, 2005 at 15:48:32
City and State: laguna hills
Class: 1969
Message: Was that the cannon like gun behind the
naval armory? I lived directly across the street from the armory. They used to have training films every month I could watch them from my bedroom window.
Name: Britt Stonebraker () on Sunday, June 26, 2005 at 13:46:31
Email: thatbritts(at)yahooDotCom
City and State: San Marcos Ca
Maiden: huh?
Class: 1978
Message: Yup Very slow, How about the AA Gun across the street from the Police station? does anyone remember that Gun?
Name: Raymond Smith () on Sunday, June 26, 2005 at 12:13:05
City and State: Portland, OR
Class: 1981
Message: Here's a subject I haven't heard but would be curious of it's past. In my sister's yearbook(c/78) in it was a photo of an bi-wing airplane on a field. It was said that it was an airfield what where is HHS is now. Hawthorne High School used to be an airfield? How is that so when Hawthorne airport was just down the street? I wondered what the name of the airfield was? Maybe George Key can tell us. He already told me a great story from his military days.
Hi Raymond, Yes there was an airfield on the site of HHS in the 1920s. Millers Field Hawthorne 1926 - Inglewood Ave & Broadway; possibly Kelly Field (1927) - Thanks to Jerry Miles for the info
Name: Terry Allen () on Sunday, June 26, 2005 at 02:58:41
City and State: Salem, Or
Maiden: Smith
Class: 1974
Message: Just went to my sister-inlaws's wedding up here in Oregon. It was wonderful and such a beautiful day. If any of you Cougs out there have never been to Oregon, now is the time to visit. John, it looks like it's you Kelly and "Mister Arizona" and I. Kell have not thought of "surf-fishing" in a long long time. I'm sure your Dad Jim, was fun at it. He was funny, can just see you all now. Good weekend to all...
Slow weekend....
Name: Kelley () on Saturday, June 25, 2005 at 19:29:47
City and State: Beachieordie
Maiden: surf for ever
Message: we've been surf fishing..gosh I forgot how fun it is..I remember my Dad and his brother did a lot of surf fishing. I believe we even when on surf fishing vacations. Are there any Surf fishermen out there..We are trying to make a sand crap trap..anyone ever seen one..I know my Dad made one, they don't seem to make them to sell...anyone??? Perch are wonderful..come to Oregon fish and have a Latte at Cone 9!!!
Terry only your sister is on vacation!!
Name: ROJO () on Saturday, June 25, 2005 at 18:51:55
City and State: Kuna, ID
Class: 1955
Message: Carl Rilling, funny you should mention Gary Atkinson. He was known as one of the toughest(is that a word John?) people there was at DANA and or HHS. It was said that some dude put the bad mouth on Gary when he was in the 8th grade(I was in the 7th) and they found this guy upside down in a trash can later in the day. There was no NEWS at 11:00. No Comp, No Sequale. :-))! That means that he HAD IT COMING.! The parents didn't sue! But it's funny, Gary gave me a ride home after the Redondo game in 58. I had gotten a hip pointer and was walking down the fence line towards Inglewood Ave., I lived on 118th place at the time, the 405 runs through where we used to go...oh well, when he noticed me and offered a ride. Thanks Gary, it would have been a long walk home. Thunderstorm to get out of here. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU. Jake N Jude.
Yes Russ, "toughest" is a word, but not too sure about "sequale" Name: Dan Johnson () on Saturday, June 25, 2005 at 17:44:00
Email: wch1ispinkATaolDOTcom
City and State: Sherman Oaks
Class: 1977
Message: I'm here with cans of spraypaint getting ready for a deface the music trip down the 105 Fwy
Name: Jim Pasternak () on Saturday, June 25, 2005 at 17:25:08
City and State: Ladera Ranch, CA
Class: 1968
Message: Hi John, Sounds like you are short on emails, so here's one.
Normally I wait until something inspires me to write but I'm taking a break from the book and thought I would politely blast you and your "little buddies" from '59-'64.
Living near Leuzinger, I grew up hating HHS and the Cougars. My heroes were Ed Pease, Ben Warner, James Valmore and the Beane brothers, etc.
The Olympians were the "Rams" to me but only brought me embarrassment when I had to face Hawthorne-bound punks at school on Mondays.
Instead of making excuses for another LHS loss, early on I relied on "How 'bout them Dodgers?" just to change the subject!
Hawthorne was so powerful, fearsome, formiddable and so tough to beat that it was just dreadful! Who ARE those guys?
The one game that LHS finally scored a point for the season was a night I was in trouble for throwing rocks at the neighbor's gardener. I missed it and was crushed.
Anyway, hats off to the guys of those years. You were incredible and those who couldn't join could only despise you! Breaks over, back to my writing. Have a good, quiet weekend.
Hey Jim, Paul and Arnold Bein were good friends of mine, and James Valmore was the fastest Senior on the planet, but I still loved HHS Thanks for the Feedback....