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You people ask for MORE Chuck Berry, so here he is.... MORE Chuck Berry
Name: Rebecca Kabwasa () on Wednesday, June 9, 1999 at 19:51:09
E-Mail: rebecca.j.kabwasa@aero.org
Maiden: Donohoe
Class: 61
Message: Yes, John. It WAS Connie DeWald. It was driving me crazy and I finally thought of it in the vanpool on the way home.
That's what we're all here for, to help the rest of us REMEMBER. Thanks Becky
Name: Les E. Johnson () on Wednesday, June 9, 1999 at 19:29:37
E-Mail: a310driver@aol.com
Class: 63
Message: From HHS to Memphis,Tn. there has been alot of changes. I fly for FEDEX so I still come out west and get to see the old homestead, but things are so different. To many people! Miss all my old buds, so if any are online please E-mail me. Thanks, Les
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Wednesday, June 9, 1999 at 18:37:32
Class: 66
Message: Connie you must go back and read all the feedbacks. Ready kids who lives in Vegas and always has there home open for broke tourists? The V girls 3 and 6. Where are you guys when someone is looking for a mini reunion? Come on Cynthia: Gloria? Patty coordinate this would you please get off your b... oops wrong subject! Sorry Patty. I think we could still sue your sister Patty, call me! We can get all her art supplies, but don't worry I won't know what to do with them so you keep them!
Name: Connie () on Wednesday, June 9, 1999 at 17:42:33
E-Mail: sncbeverly@aol.com
Maiden: Jax
Class: 67
Message: Well I'm glad to see that my big sis finally got around to seeing this great site. I guess I babbled on and on about it so much she probably did it to shut me up. Now I'm on a conquer quest. I tracked down my other twin Janet Umbarger today. To update you she's not a phyiscal therapist she dropped out of the hospital scene when the fear of getting AIDS from all the blood she was working around scared her into the catering business. So now she works at the Long Beach Aquarium and does catering. She said she did one for Pat Duran's kid's wedding. We may hook up this weekend and go to Vegas. I got a room at the Bellagio. I can't pass that up.
Any Cougars in LV to look up?
The Bellagio!? Couldn't find a nice place to stay huh. A tip for you Connie. Go to the Reserve and play the nickel machine closest to the guard station way in the back of the casino. I made a KILLING!! ...well 40 dollars anyway
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Wednesday, June 9, 1999 at 17:41:37
Class: 66
Message: Thank you Robin and Abby Trotter for the notes about my #3 son Nick. He along with all his brothers are really great kids; makes it a pleasure to be a father. Their mother has done a great job. It is nice after coaching little league baseball for 16 years to be able to sit back and watch. Nick has a younger brother who played varsity this year as a sophomore now also being converted to a catcher. And he is the big one!
So I know this isn't jock Tuesday but I wanted to get this on before queer thursday. Remember no green and yellow tomorrow!
Politically what? Robin I live for your responses!
GREEN AND YELLOW ON THURSDAY. I'd totally forgotten that one. OH, and congratulations to you Nick. Great Job. Too bad about that Seahawk thing though, but you DO have that great Cougar gene pool goin' for you..... OK, I say you're an honorary Cougar!!!
Name: Rebecca Kabwasa () on Wednesday, June 9, 1999 at 16:27:07
E-Mail: rebecca.j.kabwasa@aero.org
Maiden: Donohoe
Class: 61
Message: The coach of the Hawthorne Swim Team (Hawthorne Otters!)
for a long long time was Gil Layral. All three of my kids were on the team in the late 70s and early 80s. I remember well the two-day all-day swim meets all over Southern California. And the two hour workouts five days a week year round. Of course, I was sitting on the bleachers outside the pool. The kids were working their little fannies off. At that time Gil was married to a class of 61 HHS graduate--can't recall her name. I think she was half of a boy-girl twin set. Anyway, they were later divorced.
Rebecca, Would it have been Connie (Constance) DeWald? She was the twin sister of Don DeWald and Don was a super water polo player in the early 60's. Just a thought.
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Wednesday, June 9, 1999 at 14:49:34
E-Mail: macdonsh@baxter.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
Message: Sharon in Maui....(wish I were there)! My Brother is Tim and my sisters are Mary & Debbie. They were on the swim team in the mid to late 1960's when my family moved to Wisconsin. Remember the green striped swim suits? I think you are right, Gil was French - I baby-sat for his kids once or twice. I also used to help out at the swim meets with timing, etc.
Name: Penny Prouty () on Wednesday, June 9, 1999 at 14:48:55
E-Mail: pennyprouty@earthlink.net
Maiden: Prouty
Class: '62
Message: Hi Everybody,
It's been a while since I've contributed to "our
high school page" ("OUR page" -- thanks only to our special friend, John Baker).... Anyway, am starting to feel guilty since I get so much enjoyment each day, checking in to see what everyone has to say....it's really a great connection. I did see someone's note about not hearing much from pep squad, victory queens, princesses, etc. ... and it's true....more should be heard from in that area, too...we received a lot of special moments from our friends at HHS and we shared a lot of joy in those days.... So just wanted you to know...even if I'm not saying much....(as may be the case for many others out there)...reading a lot of this, brings a lot of smiles, chuckles and warm, tender feelings...and a lot of connection with everyone out there....it's a treasure for us all.
Right now, I'm out there job-hunting again but I'll try to make time for joining in on the fun we're having here, more often. For anyone who may want to write to me...my email has changed since I was laid off at TRW (a couple of weeks ago)...just check the Alumni Page. Talk to you again soon!
Penny girl, I was wondering if you were still out there. Thanks for letting us know and....well, be a Cougar!!
Name: Kathleen Griffin () on Wednesday, June 9, 1999 at 14:11:23
E-Mail: Spirithart@yahoo.com
Maiden: Nix
Class: 74
Message: It was Gil Laurell (Not sure of the spelling). I had a very brief stint in the swim club. My brother and sister were very active there however. I believe Gil had a son named Wayne who attended HHS. Other swim club members that recall were the Serio Family, Yolanda and Ana Lisa Escobar and the Winders brothers, Paul and Danny.
I agree Sharon, you had to be athletic to be on the Drill Team. I was in the Band and remember most of the gals who marched behind us. Anyone know what happened to Georgiana Tobiason?
Name: Robin () on Wednesday, June 9, 1999 at 13:34:37
E-Mail: Old Hoody.com
Class: 60
Message: Geeeze JB ,I didnt realize starting "Testosterone Tuesday" would all but incite a riot with some of our lady Cougs. Sorry Patty but the Viagra.com chat room was full. And from "sticking around" with Rickis fencing club(LOL) to Cindys "coulda been a contendeh"( Loved On The Waterfront), I think the ladys contributed well and with the zeal expected of an alum of HHS. (How am I doing Sloey?:o)...Anyway it was fun and cant wait till the 2nd tues of July. Until then I hope Myk pays me the $$ he promised (j/k)and Scott, I apologize for leaving out the best running back I ever coached in Pop Warner. Congrats also to Nick Sloey...the beat goes on...Later Cougs...Oh and John...I might transcend a couple generations but the "Sash and Door" squad would be a stretch...:o)
The Sash and Door squad would be a stretch.
Ricki was right!!! "Someone get Jay on the phone"...
Mike Shay and I were talking about you the other day. He said, "How did we miss Robin Hood in High School? This Guy's Funny!!" ......Thanks Robin
Name: Big L () on Wednesday, June 9, 1999 at 12:39:06
E-Mail: big_l@rocketmail.com
Message: I know you've probably heard this before, but how can you have a page dedicated to "all" stuff about Hawthorne, and not even mention the Beach Boys? Anyway, loved the site.
Dear Big, The Beach Boys went to HHS just like everyone else that's mentioned on this website. When Al and Brian sign in, they're email addresses will go on the list with everyone elses. Sheesh, you'd think they made it BIG or something. Plenty of HHS alumni "Made It Big". The Beach Boys just had publicists.
OK, if you want Beach Boys, you get Beach Boys. Here's a picture of Bryan (pre-BB and on the right) with Steve Anderson. Steve, BTW, is a city councilman for the city of Hawthorne, and has served in that capacity for decades. It's strange to know where these two ended up in life, but to look at this picture, all they were thinking about was this Morningside game. We lost the game 33-7.
Name: Sharon () on Wednesday, June 9, 1999 at 11:38:05
E-Mail: chas@ccmaui.com
Maiden: WILLIS
Class: 72
Message: Gil was a coach for swimming! Wow I had forgot about him...he was french I think..I can still here him say, "swimmers up!" My brother Greg and I were on the swim team. That was a City of Hawthorne club I believe!
Little Klink! I remember Sweetwater. And my mom always wanted me to play guitar and always pointed out how I could learn like Susie Klinkenhagen...I am sorry I never learned! She pointed out that I would be sorry!
I was the drillteam captain for 72 and served on the team for 3 years, being one of the few sophmores at that time. Now that was athletic, and how about those song queens and those cheerleaders! Had us women been able to be included in interscholastic sports we too I am sure would have been stars!!!
Right cougaretts!
Name: Lynn Jax () on Wednesday, June 9, 1999 at 11:26:27
E-Mail: jax@svusd.k12.ca.us
Maiden: Jax
Class: 65
Message: What an awesome school! Our class reunions are great. The next one is in 2000. Thanks for the cruise down memory lane. Lynn
It's the "Awesomest" Lynn!!
Name: Sheree Klingenhagen () on Wednesday, June 9, 1999 at 09:39:10
E-Mail: sklingenha
Maiden: still got it
Class: 1975
Message: John, I don't remember the Artesia place your talking about but the Sweeet Hearts also played for quite a while at the Pizza Hut on Sepulveda across from the Sea Horse Hotel, until the crowd got too big and everyone was drinking beer and watching them and not ordering pizza, they played with another band that played a killer "Orange Blossom Special". The family atmosphere was gone, except for my family, we were drinking all the beer. I can remember my dad getting two pitchers at a time and he didn't check my i.d. I'm sure he's laughing about that in heaven right now. Sharon Willis, Susie says she remembers your blond surfer chick look and is working on your nickname. Hi to Wig too!
Ahhh yes, "Blue to the Bone", one of my favorite "Sweethearts of the Rodeo" tunes. I wonder what ever happened to them.......
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Wednesday, June 9, 1999 at 08:41:44
E-Mail: rmac@ genevaonline.com or macdonsh@baxter.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
Message: It's nice to see so many "athletic supporters" out there (ha,ha). I also remember that there was a swim team in Hawthorne in the 1960's. The coach was Gil something? They practiced at the HHS pool. My younger brother and 2 sisters were on the team. My sister Mary Badger had very blond hair which often had green streaks from spending so much time in the chlorinated pool. Mary also held some Junior AAU age group records for a year or so.
Sorry to say I will not make it to the Homecoming Game in October. I was considering a mini-vacation but realized that I have to be in Cincinnati for a conference on the 16th. At my age I don't think I can flap my arms fast enough to make it to Ohio in time. Any Cougars who are ARMA members and going to the Cincinnati Conference, drop me a line.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Wednesday, June 9, 1999 at 02:31:21
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: I just remembered a guy named Henry Thomas (a few years after me) If I recall he was the fastest high school runner in the country in the 100. I remember at the Sunkist meet he stumbled at the starting line and still took second just a half step behind Carl Lewis. I also think that our USA Olympic team had two or three Cougars on the track team. Man, when you really think about it HHS had some great athletes. Must have been the cafeteria food or those Zemi's in the locker room.
Keith, He "Stumbled" at the starting line and was a "Half a Step" behind the "Fastest Person On The Planet??!!"
I think, with that, we put "Jock Tuesday" to bed until the second Tuesday in July. At that time, the sweaty smell of the HHS locker room and "wet towel butt snapping" will again be allowed. Until then, all you Jocks put your pants on, cuz I'm about to let the ladies in the side door.
Name: Cindy Matthies () on Wednesday, June 9, 1999 at 01:52:25
E-Mail: cindym@penlite.org
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: Hey, some of us girls coulda been contendehs ya know (speaking of jock talk). I got another triple in my last softball game ... does that count??? (Pathology Associates -- we killed 'em! heh heh heh .. yea, I know that doesn't make sense but it kinda does so nevermind). They both woulda been homers too if only I didn't have a lead butt (better than having a glacier butt though huh V girls?). But maybe (JUST maybe) being over 40 might have (MIGHT have) something to do with being a little (JUST a little) slow, eh?! And no, they weren't triples because the outfielders flubbed either ... gosh! C'mon girls, get out here and brag about what else we can do sports-wise! We still got it don't we?? 40 shmorty... (I even tried indoor .. it's Washington .. coed soccer but found out that they don't allow crawling from one side of the field to the other ... aw who needs them anyway?).
Cindy, Are you talkin' like Redding Rebels or Humboldt State Softball or are you talkin' "Parabola Pitch"?
Name: Abby Trotter-Herft () on Wednesday, June 9, 1999 at 00:23:01
E-Mail: atroherf@pe.net
Maiden: Donohoe
Class: 70
Message: Jim Sloey, Congrats on your son Nick's, Daily Breeze All Area First Team Baseball achievement. Since we moved out of the area it's hard to keep up. Enjoy these moments, they become memories
too quickly.
Name: Sheree Klingenhagen () on Wednesday, June 9, 1999 at 00:20:53
E-Mail: sklingenha@aol.com
Maiden: same
Class: 1975
Message: I remember a place called "Sweetwater" in the Redondo Triangle area, my sister Susie played there a few times with the Sweet Hearts of the Rodeo & I remember seeing Vince Gill play there too. There was a rock and roll place a couple doors down, I can't remember it's name but I'm going to call Susie and see if she does. I think we need to remember the outstanding class of '75 football team, they did go to the quarterfinals that year and we all were quite proud! Dale, I'm sure you have some memories to share with us! And girls, come on, how nice is a set of nice male buns in white spandex for goodness sake. Sit down and watch a game and wait for the huddles. That's the best part!
Sheree, The place the "Sweethearts of the Rodeo" played was on Artesia, about halfway between Inglewood Av. and Aviation on the South side of the street. I just don't remember the name, but I know someone will.
Let's also remember the 59 HHS Cougars, who went to the Coliseum in the finals, but lost out to the LB Poly Jackrabbits. Ugh....what a night. I've still have the program from that game. No need to hang your heads boys, as that LB team was ranked in the top 5 all time High School football teams ever to shoulder a jersey. Willie Brown was averaging 10 yards a carry for Poly and Lonzo(sp) Irvin was averaging 8.
Name: Ricki Farrell () on Tuesday, June 8, 1999 at 23:35:00
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: Jessie L., I'd like to know the whereabouts of all the Hayes sisters. One, Sandy, was a real chum when we were at HHS. She married Wally Linstruth. I remember April from the Fencing club's trip to Catalina. We stuck around together. As for Linda McVeigh, she became the first female editor of the Harvard "Crimson." She lived down the street from us on Truro. We used to walk home together sometimes.
John dear, my mom thinks that you're a nice young man too. So what do you have to say now!!! As far as jock talk goes...does collecting baseball cards count. I have a whole bunch and a Cal Ripkin and Mark McGuire watch. I won a Junior Bowman's medal in high school and that's about it. Oh yeah, I used to kick it in badminton in college. Okay, that's about it.
Robin, you're great with the one liners. I think that Jay Leno might have a spot for you.
Ahh Ricki, I love your mom's choice of adjectives. Hi Mom "V", I think you're pretty special too. You have much to be thankful for as you've raised a wonderful family....not being critical you understand, but I think you mighta spared the rod on V6 a bit too much though.
Linda McVeigh; Co-Valedictorian with Diane Bleeker HHS63 Janice Dorn was Salutatorian...........OK, but could they hit a Koufax curve ball?? I think not!!! Thanks Ricki....
"Fencing club's trip to Catalina. We stuck around together." ....now THAT'S funny!!!
Name: Betty Rodriguez () on Tuesday, June 8, 1999 at 23:25:04
E-Mail: tombetty@kelp.net
Maiden: Kean
Class: 69
Message: Okay, changing subject - where have all the pep squads gone????? And Homecoming Queens/Princesses?????? Be true to your school and all that. . . Where are they?
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Tuesday, June 8, 1999 at 22:49:31
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: Jeez, forgot all about Scott Laidlaw. He was very good. Does HHS have any female athletes that went on to stardom? I know Kim Beutel was a very good athlete during my days. Miss Carr was also...whoops thats another sport. HHS is the best.
Name: David Barboza () on Tuesday, June 8, 1999 at 22:41:57
E-Mail: iliketrains@usa.net
Class: 74
Message: Ok John. I think page 70 qualifies as the feedback testosterone page. To satisfy all the Cougaretts. Anyway I think we had an all around great school and should all be proud of those who went on to greater accomplishments. By the way John, the Sat. after 100. Does a motorcycle classify as a favorite crusing machine??
Yeah, these guys are brutal today. The ovarian society's not having much lucky squeezin' in here huh. Come on ladies, change the subject if you want.
Name: Glenn Crist () on Tuesday, June 8, 1999 at 22:40:36
E-Mail: gfcrist@pop.sonic.net
Class: 1964
Message: John, I have to agree that Gary Mykkanen was a great all around athlete. I remember one time, he was talking about playing on a summer basketball league team in Torrance. He thought they had a decent team [Keith Erickson, Gail Goodrich (the UCLA greats) and a couple of others a equal caliber]. They did well in the league, until they met up the Long Beach team that included John Rambo [the Olympic High Jump medalist (and I think World Record holder)]. Myk said he got so high above the net, he could stuff the ball with his knees. Keith Erickson was also an El Segundo and El Camino grad. He was a world class volleyball player (he was in a couple of Olympics, I think, along with his HS coach). El Segundo dominated swimming and water polo. Kemmer Brett, was a fantastic basketball player and the team he played on went 30-0, won CIF. Maybe it's good they weren't ever allowed to cross Sepulveda and play.
Great stuff Glenn, Thanks
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