Got me runnin'
Got me hidin'
Got me run, hide, hide, run
Any way you wanna let it roll
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah Jimmy Reed
Name: Maria Fitzgerald () on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 at 13:42:34
City and State: Torrance, CA
Maiden: Juaneza
Class: 1980
Message: Yeah! I finally made it to one of the Cougartown shindigs. It was so wonderful to meet people whose names I've only read. Of course, meeting John Baker was like meeting a celebrity! Thanks so much to all who put these outings together.
Now, regarding the Eucalyptus turtle. If I'm not mistaken, our turtle was a large green turtle that would get so warm under the great summer sun. It would be so cool to find out if it was salvaged, and we can somehow get our hands on it.
Speaking of turtles or whatever, hope you all have a great "hump" day.
Hi Maria, Nice meeting you and Randy too. No celebrity here, just another Cougar. Thanks for being there.
Name: Christina Melton () on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 at 02:23:08
City and State: Hollywood, CA
Maiden: Melton
Class: 1973
Message: To all of you who attended the Pink's "Senior" Ditch day and waited up to 1 1/2 hours in line -- here's a hint: I drove by this morning (Tues.) at 11:00 and only 5 people were in line! LOL In all honesty, there is no prediction on how long the line will be. I live right behind Pink's and the line always varies (my aunt and uncle have lived here since 1943). Weekends are always busy....but like many others, I feel the dogs are worth the wait. Hope you do the Pink's run again soon!!!
Name: Enza Nicocia () on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 at 01:17:40
Email: enico72*
City and State: San Pedro, CA
Class: 1972
Message: So, none of you east siders ever went to Danny's Barber Shop at the Circle Park? Danny was so sweet and also a family Amico. He would have Bazooka bubble gum for the kids as we walked home from school. I remember being so jealous when my siblings, Annie, Nicky, and Jackie (who all had short hair) would go to Danny's. Yes, he even cut girls hair as well. I, who had hair down to my waist wanted to sit in his red leather chairs and get a hair cut too. And, speaking of turtles, how many 70's kids remember the turtle in Mrs. Hopkins Washington's School Kindergarten class that lived in the garden area? And, what about those paper drives~what ever happened to them?
Name: Larry Biller () on Tuesday, May 3, 2005 at 17:33:41
City and State: Portland,Or
Class: 1967
Message: My barber was on Aviation just North
of 120th. I got the "regular" haircut.
Who remembers those "hair style" plates that were pasted on the wall of barber shops? If you ever watch the reruns of the old Andy Griffith show, there's one on the wall of Floyds barber shop.
Name: Cal McDougal () on Tuesday, May 3, 2005 at 17:11:27
City and State: Enterprise, Alabama
Class: 1962
Message: We lived on a curved street during the great shift in street numbers. Ours went from 1029 W. Clyde Park to 13250 S. Clydepark. Switching from an odd number to even usually meant you were on the other side of the street, not so in this case. They just ignored the curve. I thought it was before 1964, but that could be the year it happened. Loved the barber shop stories. Neil, Those ring tossers are hell aren't they.
Name: David Neuschafer () on Tuesday, May 3, 2005 at 14:13:37
City and State: Vista, California
Maiden: Leuzinger
Class: 1959
Message: JB, Here's a brain flogger for you. Do you remember a little alley-way that ran along the coast (almost on the beach), I guess it ran from Santa Monica to PV? I was once told it use to be old Hiway 1 and way before our time they had an auto race there. I remember the Alley way in the eary 50's (Boy, was it narrow) and I guess someone told me that it was old Hiway 1 and about the races held there. Remember anything about it? Hey Dave, I've never heard such a yarn. Beach Drive is just a little too narrow for cars to park, let alone pass, and what happens when some guy backs out of his garage? Name: Neil () on Tuesday, May 3, 2005 at 11:51:36
Email: Andersen
City and State: Dallas,OR
Class: 1962
Message: To the unknown person who found the class ring, Was there a wedding ring anywhere near the class ring? I remember a skinny little crazy woman that I had brought into California civilization from Texas, who took exception to returning the rings at the end of a marriage. And the damn things hardly made a splash as she threw it into the eye of Posedon. It was about this big and very meaningful to my cash strapped heart.
Name: David Neuschafer () on Tuesday, May 3, 2005 at 11:08:34
City and State: Vista, California
Maiden: Leuzinger
Class: 1959
Message: Hey JB, Great story about "our" Barber Shop! That really made my day! I can remember many times waiting my turn for the "chair". One time I got my hair cut and reached in my pocket to pay but somewhere along the way I had lost my money. How embarrassing, I mean like, how do you give back a haircut? Man, those guys were really on my case too, sharpening a razor saying I'd have to pay in blood...Took my address and told me if I didn't come back they'd come get me in the middle of the night and so on. After that I always made sure I had the money in my hand before I went inside. (Heheheh) Great memories! Thanks for that one. Hey Dave, I have lots of memories of Lee and Pat, and their antics. Very good Hawthorne memories there.
Name: deano () on Tuesday, May 3, 2005 at 09:14:48
City and State: tustin
Class: 1965
Message: don't remember an address change, we lived at 5030 w. 134pl. since 1950 to 1967 but that area was county also.
Hawthorne house numbers were numbered north and south from El Segundo Bl and east and west from Hawthorne Bl. When the numbers changed they went with the Los Angeles plan of north and south from 1st St and east and west from Main St. I think parts of Torrance are still holding onto their old numbering system.
Name: Pat Underwood () on Tuesday, May 3, 2005 at 02:08:04
City and State: Hawthorne, California
Maiden: Lawndale High
Class: 1963
Message: My step dad worked at S.E Rykoff in L.A. for over 50 years. He attended night school in the late twenties too become a part time barber. During the depression he quit Rykoff?s, because he could make $12.00 a week cutting hair as opposed to the $9.00 he made at Rykoff?s loading trucks. At a nickel a pop his chair must have been full everyday. I spend more then that for a bottle of Tequila and limes.
Name: JOHN () on Monday, May 2, 2005 at 22:28:49
City and State: Santa Clarita,Ca
The owner of the ring, I guess. Email me and tell me the initials and I'll see if I can find the guy in a yearbook.
Name: Dennis Kilroy () on Monday, May 2, 2005 at 18:32:05
City and State: BP CA
Class: 1977
Message: Hey John that was a funny story.
Since we are on the subject of Hawthorne Barbers. Who can remember the barber in Del Air on Avaition & 119th St ? Was his name Chuck? Also, my Dad's buddy was a barber on La Cienga & Imperial Hwy. His name was Baily also. One day I am getting my haircut in the early 60's (Probably a butch w/ extra wax!)band there was a bad car accident and this guy was hurt. Baily came out to see and a lady asked him was he going to something. And he said why does he need a haircut? The lady saw his white smock and thought he was a doctor or something. But, back in the day there were only two styles a #1 or #2 both were short.
Thanks Dennis....
Name: Bob Jensen () on Monday, May 2, 2005 at 17:46:03
City and State: Los Angeles`
Class: 1971
Message: The address change was in 1964. In Ingledale Acres ours went from 631 to 4681. Our other two houses in Del Aire were never changed!
Great time at Pinks. I was there for 2 hours and had wonderful chats with people I usually do not get a chance to talk to - Cindy, Don, Ernie and their significant others/friends along with a few people. I had double booked the evening so I couldn?t stay. Sorry John, Mo, B-girls, etc. we didn?t get a change to talk.
Hey Bob, No problem we'll catch you at the next one. Thanks for the idea.
Name: Richard Hanson () on Monday, May 2, 2005 at 17:16:23
City and State: Simi Valley, Ca
Class: 1956
Message: We moved from Lancaster back to Hawthorne in the summer of '64 and rented an apartment on 138th, just off of Prairie. The address changed from 767 East to 4055 West shortly after we moved in. Seems like yesterday, not 40 years ago....
Thanks Richard....
Name: Fred Rinaldi () on Monday, May 2, 2005 at 17:10:02
City and State: Manhattan Beach, CA
Message: John, I remember Lee the barber, After another Bad Monday at work your story had me laughing so hard it brought tears to my eyes...........Thanks, THAT was a Great story.
Serra 66
Hey Fred, Great story now, but that day was a different story. Name: Steve Curtin () on Monday, May 2, 2005 at 14:54:10
City and State: Santa Cruz, CA
Class: 1964
Message: Lee Bailey, now there was a barber. He was so entertaining it was fun just to drop by and watch the show. My dad started taking me there in the mid 50's. He had the best stack of magazines in town. Remember seeing him with those really oversized sun glasses and sticking a comb in the electric shears as an attractive woman walked by the shop. He dropped by the house every once in a while to have a cool one with dad. What a guy.
Hey Steve, Here's Lee giving my son his first haircut in 1966. Lee was a great guy with a great personality that kept us all in stitches. He finally moved his shop to Newhall and I made the trek once a month.
There was always something going on in Lee's Barber Shop. If it got too quiet, he'd take a squirt gun and spray all the customers yelling WAKE UP, WAKE UP!!! In Lee's it was a man's barber shop with lots of nasty jokes and girlie mags. I learned all I needed to know about girls there. One day in his shop on the east side of the Boulevard at about 131st both chairs were going and about 3 of us were waiting. Lee looks out the front window and two rather large women and a young boy of about 5 are standing in the center parking area waiting for traffic to clear. He lets out his patented sarcastic wolf whistle. They're still standing there and Bob, the other barber says something like they're too fat for me, Lee, you can have them both. Lee says I wouldn't touch either one of them with your privates. They start across the street and Lee says if she thinks I'm going to cut that little bastards hair she's crazier than she is ugly. (Lotsa giggling going on) Bob says well I'm not touching that little lice factories head. About that time they open the door and Lee says, "It'll be about 30 minutes maam." She says "Oh, my son doesn't need a haircut, we're just waiting for my husband in your chair there......." Total silence rang over the place. I never saw Lee at a loss for words, until then. Everyone picked up a magazine and placed their face in it, but poor Lee had to gut it out. The poor husband never said a word. Lee finished him up and they walked out. EVERYONE in the shop stuck their heads up from behind their magazines, in unison, and let out a giant collective exhale. Lee said smiling, "Well Bob, we lost another customer."
Name: John B () on Monday, May 2, 2005 at 14:56:14
Email: jb1 at
City and State: Lomita
Class: 1962
Message: I think we've solved the case. Tom Shelley and I were riding bikes this morning and ran across the Eucalyptus turtle and a friend in Lomita Park.
Name: Karen Kuehl () on Monday, May 2, 2005 at 13:40:56
City and State: LVNV
Maiden: Graham
Class: 1959
Message: Hi all!! Does anyone remember when our street addresses changed in Hawthorne? It seems to me that it was in 57 or 58. Ours changed from 330 to 4530 W. 134 St. Was that about the same time that phone numbers were changed from Orchard to 67 prefix? Hope someone can answer. JB1, do you remember?
Hi Karen, Ours was 366 and I don't think I was there when they changed, so I'd say it was more like 63. Our phone prefix was Osborne. Orchard was Inglewood and maybe Del Aire.
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Monday, May 2, 2005 at 13:21:21
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Class: 1977
Message: Hey Cindy, thanks for the birthday greetings. We will be thinking and missing you at the Golf tournament. Sounds like a good time was had by all at Pinks, in spite of having to wait an eternity for a dog. Y'all have a great week.
Name: Dennis Campbell () on Monday, May 2, 2005 at 12:18:29
City and State: MV
Class: 1966
Message: Hey Paco,
I think I remember the Nose Whistle thing? Please take a picture of how one would use it?Thanks
NOTE: Never use the nose whistle when you have a cold.
Name: Suzie Parker (Mugford) () on Monday, May 2, 2005 at 02:38:00
City and State: San Pedro, Ca
Maiden: Parker
Class: 1966
Message: Hi! Ya All!
I am looking for Becky Shippey. I grew up with her in Hawthorne, Ca. on 126th Street. Off of Isis & Del Aire Park. Becky has a brother named David, they were the corner house.
Let me know!!!!!!!!! Thanks, Suzie
Suzie, David's email address is on the Alumni List
Name: Charlie Tuna Armstrong () on Monday, May 2, 2005 at 00:38:51
City and State: Orcutt, CA
Class: 1967
Message: I remember Marge's, but I didn't get over that way too often. I grew up on 126th Street and York and spent most of my cash at the market on Prairie and Broadway.
I spent a lot of time at Devils Dips in the late '50's, but it was a safe place to play, and rarely saw anybody at all.
I loved my neighborhood for the alleys. They made great hide and seek, cowboy and Indian, and Army play areas. They were full of mystery, hide outs, strange noises, dogs, cats, and every form of crawly thing.
Someone mentioned their L.A. Times route. I had a Sunday walking route with the big L.A. Times wagon, and I had to sing a jingle. It was my first paid singing gig.
John, are you still taking ?60?s Slang? The e-mail address failed.
Hey, Sis (Teri), I?ll send you personal e-mail.
Yes, the 60s slang is still working. Try it again or email me at jb1 at and add 60s slang in the subject.
Name: Teri Hoenig () on Sunday, May 1, 2005 at 20:54:59
City and State: Paradise, CA
Maiden: Klein
Class: 1973
Message: If you are the same Chuck Armstrong I was once related too...How the hell are you? Your ex sister in law, Teri
To all, If you are talking to one particular person on Feedback, it is appreciated that you email that person directly. That way I'm not involved and it's not using vital bandwidth...Thanks
Name: Dennis Rigdon () on Sunday, May 1, 2005 at 20:25:05
City and State: Dana Point. CA
Class: 1979
Message: Does anyone remember Marge?s Market on the corner of 119th and Kornblum just around the block from the old Wilson residence? Marge was a cranky old woman who seemed like she hated us kids. I remember taking in the old glass soda bottles to redeem them for their deposit and using the money for a sack full of penny candy.
Who remembers Devils Dips that big open canyon out 120th street where Northrop is now. It was a great place to ride dirt bikes and motorcycles. It was also a great place to get jumped and get you new bike stolen.
I also remember the big hole in the ground that existed for a short time before the Hawthorne Plaza was built there. A bunch of us would meet there after school and practice our BMX moves on our bikes.
Do they still have the Hawthorne Community Fair? I used to look forward to the fair at Memorial Park every summer. In fact, no other fair I?ve been to in my life has ever quite measured up.
On some earlier posts you were talking about the Tortoise at Eucalyptus Park. I remember it well. Does anyone remember the fighter Jet in the front corner of Memorial Park? Is it still there?
What about the Hawthorne Youth Camp? I think it was in Wrightwood. Does it still exist? Do kids from Hawthorne still get to go up there for a week at a time in the summer? Or for sixth grade science camp? I loved going to that place. Even my children can recite the slogan that was on a plaque on the wall on the dining lodge ?Please say, Please and Thank you, Thank You!?
Ahh, so many memories, Hawthorne really was a great place to grow up.
Lots of memories there Dennis, Thanks for the floggers....
Name: Jim Dally () on Sunday, May 1, 2005 at 17:56:19
City and State: Carson, CA
Class: 1963
Message: Dear Cougars: The 'Pink' experience was a nice event except for the wait in the food order line. Hint, Hint: Talking with a waiter I was told the shortest wait time is when they open at 9:30 am and around 4:00 pm. I understand the morning openings 'freedom' and I'm thinking 4:00 pm is between lunch and dinner times so, that makes sense too. I'll be back at one of those times. And Royal Lord; I'm sorry we didn't get to talk after being in Mr. Halladays Auto Shop and other classes together. 'Till next time, all stay well and prosper.
Thanks Jim, good to see you last night.
Name: Paco () on Sunday, May 1, 2005 at 15:01:58
City and State: LF
Class: 1961
Message: Sounds like you all had fun last night! Back in the day I never missed a ditch day. Do any of you remember the "Nose Whistle or Flute"? I think they were 10 or 15 cents.
I remember them....
Name: Cindy Colby () on Sunday, May 1, 2005 at 14:07:26
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 1963
Message: Yes John, it was worth the wait for those delicious chili cheese dogs, I am so glad I was able to make it. It was fun to see everybody. I am off to Reno for three weeks, I hope everyone has a good time at the golf tourney. See you all when I get back on the 22nd.
Happy Birthday Jill, hope you have a good one. Cindy
Hi Cindy, thanks to you too for being there and have a fun Reno trip.
Name: DAN PETTY () on Sunday, May 1, 2005 at 14:05:11
City and State: SANTA ANA
Class: 1965
Hey Dan, Yes, we too were an hour and a half from the front of the line. I think it's part of their marketing for the passerbys to see the long line. Next time we'll do it somewhere closer and easier to get served. They ARE the best hot dogs in town, though. Thanks for the feedback and for being there.
Name: John Baker () on Sunday, May 1, 2005 at 11:04:14
City and State: Lomita, Ca
Message: Many thanks to all who came out for our Pinks run (Senior Ditch Day) last night. Not a big turnout but quality Cougs who dared to brave the hour and a half wait to purchase a dog and visit with friends, old and new. I met Class of 1980 Maria Juaneza Fitzgerald and husband Randy for the first time. Nice to see you both there. Also, the Bierman clan showed up with a Heavenly Cake, thanks to Mom B, baked for Harry Plotkin's Birthday Salute. Mr. P was feeling a little under the weather and wasn't there, but we sang happy birthday to him anyway. Harry and Cathy, I saved you a couple of pieces of cake BUT I ate your hot dogs.
Others there were the Jensens, Bob and Bill, Tom Shelley, Marsha Russell, Royal and Pat Lord, Barbara Norris, Mo Trott John Rout, Jim Dally, Ernie Nixon, Sherry and Doug Wingo, Larry Bach, Dan Johnson, wife April and their daughters Aja, and Layla, and a few more who have slipped my old mind.
Thanks again to all who were there and now it's on to our 2nd Annual Cougartown Golf Tournament on the 21st of May. If you haven't signed up for that event, please fill out the form above, and we'll see you there.
Name: Charlie Tuna Armstrong () on Sunday, May 1, 2005 at 11:00:02
City and State: Orcutt, CA
Class: 1967
Message: Hello Joyce, 11984 Oxford to be exact. I lived there until my son was born and then moved to Lake Elsinore. I knew a Joyce who lived upstairs, and there was a crazy neighbor kid I adopted named Herman. Ring a bell?
Joyce, please email Charlie with your reply. Thanks....
Name: Loren Rector () on Sunday, May 1, 2005 at 10:56:29
City and State: Okeechobee, Fl.
Class: 1956
Message: Anyone have any pictures of the recent 54,55,56 reunion?
Hi Loren, Yes, I do, and very ashamed to say I just haven't had the time to prepare a space on the website for them as yet, BUT they will be added real soon. I did see the pictures, and you early Cougs lot GREAT!!! Also, thanks to Rich Sloan, HHS60, for taking a SUPER video of the event. Rich, you should be in the reunion video business.