Seems that the wrath of the Gods
Got a punch on the nose and it started to flow
I think I might be sinking.
>Led Zeppelin
Name: Sherry Ward () on Tuesday, March 8, 2005 at 19:23:30
City and State: The Atomic City, Tn.
Maiden: Rout
Class: 1965
Message: Hey John, count me in for $10.00 on the brick. I love our boys!
Hi Sherry, Thank you very much for the contribution. I will add you to the list. Only $45 to go and we have it.
Name: Kim Begley () on Tuesday, March 8, 2005 at 18:59:04
City and State: Scotts Valley, CA
Maiden: Stembler
Class: 1973
Message: Put me down for $10.00. I purchased a $100 brick a few weeks ago, so my son can have something to remember me by when he visits the monument, at my favorite hometown of Hawthorne. Teri (Klein) Hoenig and I are planning on attending the dedication ceremony on May 20th. Should be very nostalgic and great fun!
Thank you Kim for the donation and we'll see you at the dedication. Where are we all going to park? Name: Susan King () on Tuesday, March 8, 2005 at 14:41:43
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: Well done Baker man! I love the brick campaign and you can put me in for $10. As a matter of fact, the Bierman family, Mom, Steve, Sharon and I are splitting the cost of a $100 brick for the monument. Donations are needed folks, so think of this as a way of permanently leaving your mark in Hawthorne. Go to and you can also order a brick for yourself. Then you gotta come up with verbage - my suggestion for the 3 lines on the Cougartown brick is "Beach Boys Forever, Thanks for Fun, Fun, Fun
Love, COUGARTOWN". Any other ideas?
Well done yourself, coming up with the idea. I put this up this morning and we are half way to the goal. Thanks to all who have, or will contribute. This is a natural for Cougartowners to contribute to a Beach Boy monument.
Name: Barney McArdle () on Tuesday, March 8, 2005 at 13:12:59
City and State: San Antonio, Texas
Class: 1958
Message: Reading the C-Town notes today about Hawthorne Middle League brought back some memories. I played for Lloyd Dennees team and I can remember that we took the title the one year I played. We had Paul Burbey, Terry Birdshal, John Massey (John's Dad was our Coach), Jerry and I can't remember any other names. My first time up I hit a home run and when I came home, Gary Kimbrel, catcher for the Optimist Club team said he couldn't believe it. I also went to Scrivners and was on the radio with Art Laboe. Yep, good times.
Thanks Barney for the memories and for the great names from Hawthorne past.
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Tuesday, March 8, 2005 at 12:59:34
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Class: 1977
Message: Ok, I will answer Dan's challenge and contribute $25 to the cause, Dan, pay the man for me would you?
Thanks Jill, and for all, please send your checks as soon as possible as these donations have to be converted to a money order.
Name: Art La mere () on Tuesday, March 8, 2005 at 12:57:01
Email: same as befor
City and State: Bettendorf Ia
Class: 1973
Message: ok John just to keep the 70's up on the brick I will give $20.00 now who is ahead?
Hi Art, Thank you for the donation.I just talked to Paco on the phone and donated 25 so I'm not sure who's ahead, but the main thing is our Cougartown family is adding a brick to the wall. No pun intended, Dan. Name: John Kirkpatrick () on Tuesday, March 8, 2005 at 12:05:22
City and State: Rotterdam, Holland
Message: As a Beach Boys fan I feel I'm treading on hallowed ground here - and I must admit it feels good!
Thanks John, Nice to know you're out there and are a fan of the Boys.
Name: David Neuschafer () on Tuesday, March 8, 2005 at 11:03:55
City and State: Vista, Calif
Maiden: Leuzinger
Class: 1959
Message: John, May I add my 10 bones for the brick? I mean, a bone is a bone even if it's dug up from an ol' LHS back yard,right?
I'll send it to your PO Box. Thanks! Yes you can, Dave. The Beach Boys were a part of all our lives, not just HHSers. Thanks for the donation.
Name: lester g moss () on Tuesday, March 8, 2005 at 09:51:55
City and State: long beach,ca
Class: 1960
Message: Hello John Thanks for your feedback on don hinzo, it really is a small world. You must be a pretty good "stick" in your own right. Don and I had alot of fun going around looking for pool action in the good old days. Because of this great web site, Jim Robertson ( Don's brother-in-law )saw my e-mail and sent me Don's home phone number. Thank's again John, by the way, next time you talk to Bob Fraser tell him to check his e-mail. It's been a few weeks since I e-mailed him. I know he couldn't have forgotten me in just 45 little years! ya think? One last thing John, do you have class reunion pictures from the class of'63 and'64. Later for now, your friend, Les, Class of 60
Hi Les, Glad you got back together with Don after all those years. I will tell Bob to check his email (actually wife Karen checks it as Bob doesn't do computers), and no, I don't believe I have any pictures for those two classes. I think you can email Adrianne Longpre HHS63 and she can help you.
Name: Robert(Bobby) Fitzgerald () on Tuesday, March 8, 2005 at 02:59:37
City and State: Santa Ana, Ca
Class: 1960
Message: The two cougar fans are big Paco (Howard Duran) and Jimmy Lawton.
YES, and the OTHER Fitz brother chimes in with the correct answer. Thanks Bobby
Name: Dan Johnson () on Tuesday, March 8, 2005 at 01:56:06
Email: wch1ispinkATaolDOTcom
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Class: 1977
Message: Let me issue a challenge to the 70s Cougs -- I'll pitch in $25 toward the Beach Boys' memorial contribution for CT as a start towards beating the pants off the 50s & 60s Cougs (in other words, beating them to $250). Who's in with me? JB, who's the clearing house for this money?
Ok so we've decided to buy a brick for the Beach Boys Monument. Thank you Dan for starting the ball rolling. Not to be outdown, I will add $25 to the fund, for the 50s and 60s Cougars. Now we're not leaving out the 80s 90s and 00s Cougars as you can help out too.
Please send your checks, and make the checks out to: John Baker PO Box 1406, Lomita, CA 90717
Write Beach Boys on the check so they can be kept separate from dues and Tshirts.
Thanks Cougs for helping give back to the Brian, Dennis, and Carl, what they've given us for decades.
Name: Larry Bach () on Tuesday, March 8, 2005 at 01:40:14
City and State: Torrance, CA
Class: 1972
Message: Today is my grandmother's birthday, may she rest in peace. Rosalie (Schultz) Van Cise was born in 1908, in Cleveland, Ohio. She was a Hawthorne resident since the 1940's and she worked in the "tool crib" at Northrop for over twenty-five years. She also volunteered at (the former) Hawthorne Community Hospital, sang in the choir at Calvary Presbyterian Church on Acacia and 126th St., danced a lot at the VFW hall up on the hill on 131st St. and was also an 'Eastern Star'. Actually, the last place she lived was in an apartment on the corner of Broadway and Grevillea, directly across the street from the Masonic Lodge. She passed away in 1991 at age 82. When I was a teenager 'grandma' Rosalie would pay me for painting around her apartment and for other odd jobs, which was welcomed since I needed the cash. However, in my mid-thirties she still insisted on paying me for picking up groceries or changing a light bulb. It was simply useless arguing with a stubborn German granny (she used to cuss her dog in German when I was little), so I would just accept the money gratefully, wait until she went into the kitchen, then secretly place Abe Lincoln back into her purse. My grandmother was the only family member willing to cook my favorite, greasy roast goose, and taught me how to make German style red cabbage, which I still cook every Thanksgiving and Christmas and cuss in German too. Happy birthday 'grandma'.
Name: Nick Fitzgerald () on Tuesday, March 8, 2005 at 01:30:23
City and State: Medford, Or
Class: 1959
Message: Hey I think the Cougar Fan on the left is Jimmy Lawton Class of 1961.
Hi Nick, YES he is. Thanks as I didn't think anyone was going to get that one. Name: Keith D. Jones () on Monday, March 7, 2005 at 23:14:07
City and State: Kona, Hawaii
Class: 1976
Message: Yes there were two John Howard's at HHS at the same time. Jon Howard ran track for awhile. John Howard was the mechanic guy whose sister is Linda Howard.
Thanks Keith...
Name: Paco () on Monday, March 7, 2005 at 20:48:42
City and State: LF
Class: 1961
Message: With all the Middle and Little League talk I remember the Mrs.(Sharon Schleper) played on a girls softball team. Does anyone remember Dr. Fraser(sp)? The Mrs played up to about 1990...Playing for Perry's Pizza and Pierce Street Annex..Gotta hockey game in Oceanside tonight, later Cougs!
Yes, I remember Wally Fraser. He was a family friend, Hawthorne dentist, and the father of my Kindergarten sweetheart, Sally Fraser, who only liked me for my graham crackers and milk in Miss Patterson's class at York.
Name: Howard "Paco" Duran () on Monday, March 7, 2005 at 19:54:59
City and State: Lake Forest
Class: 1961
Message: Daryl, I remember an exhibition game we played against you guys, you were probably a 14 year old, I had friends in both leagues, I remember Coach Means even attended..It was a big deal back then. I was on the Braves coached by Ed Bausman..I remember you guys crying when the game was over!
And almost a half century later, it can be told....
Name: John Rout () on Monday, March 7, 2005 at 18:29:23
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Class: 1963
Message: Neil Anderson, Coach Wilson (or was it just Mr. Wilson?) says we have to turn them in by this Friday! He's so patient. On the brick, count me in. I'll be there for the ceremony too. John, I'll see you and Bob there.
Thanks John, Glad you're for the brick. See you at the dedication.
Name: Daryl Lundquist () on Monday, March 7, 2005 at 18:10:19
City and State: Colorado Springs, CO
Class: 1962
Message: Hello John: Man just a comment or two and the memories just start flooding back don't they? Carlos Bernier was my favorite Hollywood Star also. I remember Gene Mauch playing 2nd base for the Angels. The Stars were affiliated with the Pittsburgh Pirates, the Angels with the Chicago Cubs. Gordy Martin pitched for the Exchange Club. They had an awesome pitching tandem with Gordy and Keith Lent. Other guys I remember playing for the Exchange Club were John Nalbandian, Tommy DeFrancisco, Bobby Bausman, Tom Norway and my own buddy George Rea. I played 3 years for the Optimist Club. My first year (I was a 13 year old "rookie") we had quite a pitching duo ourselves in Dennis Schaves and Ted Sprague. Bruce Johnson was our catcher (I followed him). Bill Wingo at 3rd (then Kevin Elmore) Rich Sloan at short (then Bill Brown). Other guys on the team through the years were Kenny Blomsterberg, Steve Kokalis, Larry Mays, Bill Perry, Bill Barclay, John Connoy, Danny Trepanier, Les Johnson. Good times. My managers were Wes Haskell (Charlene's dad), B.B. Jones and Mr. Hickman, Barry's dad. Still slugging it out in Colorado. Everytime I think I am close to retirement they move the goal post. Is Mike Gillespie still the Manager at USC? Take care. Will check in again soon. Keep up the good work. D
Hey Daryl, GREAT Memories from early Middle League days. I remember about 90% of the ones you mentioned. Yes, Mike Gillespie is still tutoring the ballplayers at USC. He was supposed to be at Mr. Nyman's funeral but had a previous engagement, so he gave his notes to Rich Sloan who delivered Mike's and his own thoughts eloquently. Rich comes to all the Cruise Nights and is signed up for our Golf Tournament in May. If you can get loose, come on out, grab a couple of golf buddies, and join us.
Thanks again Daryl. Nice to have someone who can remember early Hawthorne Baseball.
Name: Debbie () on Monday, March 7, 2005 at 17:30:14
City and State: Del Aire
Class: 1977
Message: Weren't there two John Howard's who went to HHS in the 70's?
Hi Debbie, There's a class of 75 Jon Howard listed. That's the only one I can verify.
Name: Jim Gibson () on Monday, March 7, 2005 at 17:15:24
City and State: Redding, CA
Class: 1967
Message: A reminder to Cougartowners: The Beach Boys official landmark will be dedicated May, 20, 2005, @ the end of the dead-end @ 119th St., @ what is now a sound wall for the 105 freeway, & what once was the site of the boyhood home of the Wilson brothers. It would be great to have Cougartowners there for the ceremony. Details: If you can, drop by!
Thanks Jim, Bob Fraser and I will be there. While we're on the subject, it's been suggested by Sue Bierman that we buy a Cougartown brick with 3 lines of verbiage. The brick is 500 dollars. If we got 50 Ctowners to put up 10 bones a piece, we could have it added to the monument. It would be nice to have Cougartown added as a tribute to our own Beach Boys. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Name: Neil Andersen () on Monday, March 7, 2005 at 13:09:26
City and State: Dallas, OR
Class: 1962
Message: So John Rout, you were that other scrub on the other end of the bench playing for the Lloyd Dennee's Cardinals. Have you heard yet when we're supposed to turn in the jerseys?
and another Cardinal comes forward...
Name: Britt Stonebraker () on Monday, March 7, 2005 at 12:39:29
Email: thatbritts(at)yahooDotCom
City and State: San Marcos Ca
Class: 1978
Message: I just got off the phone with Floyd Hayes and he knew right off who Pinky was. His name was Edwin Senior, He lived in Lawndale and Died about 1965 when his house caught fire, "Hoggie" then took over the three wheeler till the early 70s
Thanks Britt, Now THAT'S the answer we were looking for. If you need an answer to a Hawthorne question, there's someone here who knows. Thanks again.....
Name: Wade Greasby () on Monday, March 7, 2005 at 09:29:46
City and State: Surf City, Ca
Maiden: Maureen MAC
Class: 1973
Message: Keith, Marsha, Maureen McCormick, Brady was a close friend with my cousin, Wendy. I met her out at a club in Calabasas.Whenever we got together, the three of us, would have deep discussions on saving the world, social economic classes,life in general and beers. She is a class lady, down to earth and she kept her show business career separate from everyday life. I haven't spoken with her in awhile, though I heard from a mutual friend she is enjoying life. Hope all is well in Hawaii and see if you can get away for the golf tourney!! As for officer Pinkie, as kids in the 60's, he would always have a kind word, keep us law biding, and supervised me washing the one police car I trash with a painted water balloon. Old days, good times I remember in Hawthorne.
Name: Baxter Dodd () on Monday, March 7, 2005 at 04:20:03
City and State: Riverside, CA
Class: 1957
Message: Re John?s comment to Bob Clobucker?s post: During the early 60s I thought of myself as being an ardent street racer until I drove through that Foster?s parking lot in LA. It was easy to spot the racers. They were backed into the parking spots, standing next to their cars, and laying on the hood of each was a wad of cash and the pink slip to the car. They expected the same from any challengers. Made me realize I was not that ardent after all. They were all friendly but serious street racers. (Bob C, do you have an older sister named Barbara who went to HHS in the late ?50s?)---Baxter.
Thanks Baxter, Yep, they were all great guys but very serious racers.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Monday, March 7, 2005 at 02:42:27
City and State: Kona, Hawaii
Class: 1976
Message: Does anyone remember John Howard from the mid 70's. He had the fastee car around. He never lost a race with his custom built (which he did on his own in about 4 years) Camaro. It was an awesome car. He made the front end so the whole thing came off. In fact he got so bored of winning all the time he turned it into a hill racer. He was the Chief Engineer at Edelbrock for awhile. He shoudl have been a crew chief for a race team. Always raced at Pershing near LAX. It had the best of everyting on that car. Looked unreal too, The blue paint job was really nice.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Monday, March 7, 2005 at 02:36:33
City and State: Kona, Hawaii
Class: 1976
Message: Well my experiences with Mr. Hayes is more through his son Tom rather than as a cop. He was a very tough person with Tom. We were always afriad of doing something wrong because we were all afraid of his dad. Other than that he was probably a nice guy
Name: Laura Anderson () on Sunday, March 6, 2005 at 23:52:16
City and State: Hemet, CA
Maiden: Twitchell
Class: 1979
Message: I take umbridge (is that a grown-up word or what!!??) with Keith Jones comment about Floyd Hayes being mean. He was involved with my folks in scouting and was dating another one of their friends and used to come by our house in uniform. I remember him as a great big lovable guy who would give you the shirt off his back. He would sometimes gather up donations to take to families who had less, especially around the holidays. A great guy! But then, I never met him under his patrol spotlight
Name: Bob Clobucker () on Sunday, March 6, 2005 at 22:03:03
City and State: Reno Nv.
Class: 1973
Message: This goes way back to the bad old days. What memories does anyone have of the car club, - The L.A. County Street Racers ? It was led by a7ft. tall black dude, Big Willie Robinson. I remember members in club jackets around HHS in the late 60s-- early 70s. Also used to run my old Duster 340 at Brother hood R aceway at Terminal Island around 1980.They were the people that operated the facility. They were quite active movers and shakers in the street racing scene back in the days of soul. Jogs a few memories I hope. Best Wishes to all, Bob C.73 HHS
Hey Bob, The last I heard, Big Willie moved the operation to Palmdale after the Navy closed Brotherhood. I remember Big Willie on about 57th and Central at a Foster Freeze, in about 1964. Those black dudes had some funny lookin' race cars but that would run with the best of them.
I have a story about the first time I went to that Fosters with a friend who will remain nameless because he has a daughter in Ctown. We pulled into the parking lot and there was nothing but wall to wall negroes. My friend rolled down the window of his 64 Chevy that was pretty fast, and says to Big Willie, "OK, what do you spearchuckers got to race tonight?" I almost wet my pants. Big Willie says well we got that 49 Plymouth with a Hemi or we've got a blown 53 Stude or..... Never even got a reaction from him. All he wanted to do was race. Great times in the 60s.
Name: John Rout () on Sunday, March 6, 2005 at 18:48:12
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Class: 1963
Message: So you were a Stars fan, John. I remember going to Sunday afternoon double headers at Gilmore Field and watching Bobby Bragan "manage" to get himself thrown out of at least one of the games. I could never decide who my favorite player was, but always leaned towards Carlos Bernier. I didn't play Little League in Hawthorne, but did play Middle League over on 139th (?) and Prairie. I was a 13 year old scrub on Lloyd Dennee's Cardinals when the starters included Russ Jacobson, John Blankenship, Gary Persinger, and from Leuzinger, Punky Mercer and Jerry Flores. I forgot the rest of the starters. I forgot the name of our biggest rival, but Gordon Martin was their star pitcher. He could reach half way to the plate before releasing the ball, he was so doggone tall. It was the summer of 1957, I was 13, and would spend the games in the dugout talking to a guy named Swoboda about the parties after the game that we were too young to get into, and singing the Del Vikings "Come Go With Me." Great summer!
MAN, lots of memories there John, Thanks. Carlos Bernier was everyone's favorite. I liked Mike Baksis(sp), Spook Jacobs, and Bennie Daniels. I hated the Dodgers for running the Stars off to Salt Lake, but eventually came around.