You got soul, too much soul
Foxy clothes, the cutest nose
The greatest shape
There's nothing fake about you
Baby you got it> Brenton Wood
Name: Kurt and Debbie Golgart () on Thursday, October 14, 2004 at 19:35:09
City and State: Sparks, NV
Class: 1978
Message: Great stories about Hawthorne Youth Camp. I've lots of good memories - especially since I married the cooks daughter! We have three kids. The Frybargers are doing well (Parson and Mom - John and Darlene) and living in the Boise, ID area. Richard is living in the Reno, NV area and Larry is living in Simi Valley area. We visited HYC about 2 months ago and camp is still there as is Jackson Lake. The camp could certainly use some TLC but the memories flooded back nonetheless. It's great to see so many fond (and maybe not so fond) memories were created there.
Hey Kurt and Debbie, Thanks for adding to the HYC stuff. The camp may be in need of some TLC but as you may or may not know, help is on the way. Take a look at this Hawthorne Youth Camp link. Thanks again....
Name: Keith D.Jones () on Thursday, October 14, 2004 at 17:35:36
City and State: KonaHawaii
Class: 1976
Message: Roccos had the best Bar-B-Que beef sandwiches I have ever had. Their Meatball was awesome too. Me Craig Kukuk, Carl Cline and Mike Kitto used to go all the time. Green Valley Farms had good ones too.
Thanks Keith, Where was Green Valley farms?
Name: Joe Bell () on Thursday, October 14, 2004 at 17:16:44
City and State: Artesia CA
Class: 1959
Message: I sure plan to be there the 5th after I return from seeing Grandchildren, and friends in Dallas, Texas. I am in Tucson now. I saw a lovely lady wearing a pretty Scarlet and gold dress. Some kind of costume, is that a siteing ? See you on the 5th John, Best wishes for a day to be alive Cougars.
Hey Joe, Not sure that counts as a Cougar sighting Joe, but you'll see lots of them at Homecoming. We'll see you there.
Name: Don Burns () on Thursday, October 14, 2004 at 16:21:21
City and State: Downey Ca
Class: 1957
Message: Hey Cougs, my 64 bird & I will be @ the cruise on Sunday. see all there. Later Don
Hey Don, I'll be there.
Name: Cindy Colby () on Thursday, October 14, 2004 at 16:10:19
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 1963
Message: Wow John, I remember the pastrami place on Imperial and the Blvd. I was there the day the first Watts riots started, the police stopped me and told me to get home down La Cienega and don't stop for anything. I was living in Inglewood at the time. I was also at the stop light at the corner of Broadway and the Blvd. the night Laurence Drugs caught on fire, there were cans of hair spray exploding and blowing out the windows, pretty sad as I loved that drug store. I used to go to a sub place up on Centinela in Inglewood, I can't remember the name but it was really good. You guys sure have good memories, How do you do it? I sometimes have a problem with my name . Cindy
It's interesting how many people remember Laurence Drugs and Food Giant burning down, or the Truro Tornado.
Name: Gordon Bell () on Thursday, October 14, 2004 at 14:51:28
City and State: Downieville, Ca.
Class: 1962
Message: Happy 60 year old birthday to the class 1962 !
Hey Gordo, Happy Birthday yourself and thanks for adding to the Feedback page. It's just about time. Name: KIRK C. GREASBY () on Thursday, October 14, 2004 at 12:56:11
Maiden: Cold in the Rockies
Class: 1976
Message: Dewey, The best meatball sandwich was at Pizza Show.(Thanks to Gary Collins class of 77). Coming home from camp on Saturdays,. Always ment 2 Green Farms Roast Beef soaked sandwiches,extra pickles. And has anyone seen Mark Arseneau Class of 75?
Name: Dewey Storie () on Thursday, October 14, 2004 at 11:48:28
City and State: Will be Phoenix as of Nov 1st
Class: 1974
Message: Hanks Pizza on Imperial had the best subs, Rocco?s had the best meatball sandwich
Hanks had a pretty good pizza too.....
Who remembers the pastrami stand on SW corner of Imperial and the Bl?
Name: Armand Vaquer () on Thursday, October 14, 2004 at 08:30:38
City and State: Tarzana, CA
Class: 1972
Message: Scarpellino's in Inglewood was a favorite of mine and of a lot of other people's. In 1973, I attended an Alice Cooper concert at the Forum and Flo & Eddie, the opening act, mentioned Scarpellino's. This was met by a big roar of approval by the audience.
In the early 70s working in Inglewood I'd go there for lunch at least once a week. Definitely a favorite Sub place. Thanks Armand...
Name: Lori Garcia () on Thursday, October 14, 2004 at 01:12:20
City and State: West Garden Grove, CA
Maiden: Padelford
Class: 1981
Message: Wow, I dont check in for a while and look at all the memories I missed. First of all, Cecil just lost one heck of a great lady, good luck trying to find someone that could be as wonderful a person as our own Dizzy Lizzy. Secondly, I remember some of the camp counselors, but not their nicknames. My counselor was Suzy Jaffe and then there was Tim Smiley and Ted Hastings. And lastly, yes Andrea I remember the fair and couldn't much tell you anything about it as we always went there to scam on the guys (and I don't mean the hired help). See you all at Homecoming. Lori
Hi Lori, Thanks for checking in and adding your memories. We'll see you at Homecoming on November 5th. It's getting close; only 3 weeks away.
Name: Steve Curtin () on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 at 23:59:07
City and State: Santa Cruz, CA
Class: 1964
Message: John, does the name "Scarpellino's" (on Manchester between Eucalytus and Inglewood Avenue sound like the place that made good sub sandwiches? Joe Scarpellino was the owner and a great guy. He sponsored a Colt League team and a semi-pro baseball team in the early - mid 60's. Steve
YES!!! Scarpellinos is the place. Thanks Steven, I've been trying to think of that name all night. Great Subs!!
Name: John Staiger () on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 at 23:27:41
City and State: Gardena , Ca
Class: 1987
Message: Hope all is well with every one out there. It is refreshing to take a moment out of the day to think back to the simpler times, and put a smile on my face. Thanks to all that made growing up at Hawthorne so enjoyable. Wishing everyone well and inviting you to contact me.
Hey John, Glad you found us and hope you find lots of your buds.
Name: Baxter Dodd () on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 at 19:33:27
City and State: Riverside, CA
Class: 1957
Message: John, A couple of days ago I received an e-mail from an El Segundo alumni. He knew the whereabouts of 3 more El Segundo buddies who used to cruise the A&Ws and the Stand with the HHS guys and girls. I have not seen these guys in over 20 years. I asked how he found me. His answer, ?I saw your name?on Hawthorne High's (CougarTown) web site,? then he added, ?--the best high school web site I have ever seen.? Like I have said before, where else can a person have this much fun and find old friends & memories for only 10 bucks a year. And it is legal too!-- Thanks, John B.
Ahh thank him for me Baxter, as that's what keeps me going. It's great to know that the website is doing what it was designed to do, plus helping grads from other schools find friends too. Maybe we should make room for ALL South Bay schools on an extended Alumni List. It's nice to know that we're helping all who grew up in the South Bay area find long lost classmates.
Name: Pat Underwood () on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 at 18:10:00
City and State: Hawthorne, California
Maiden: Lawndale High
Class: 1963
Message: Rocco?s had the best submarine sandwich ever and reading Cal?s remembrance of the old eatery made my mouth water. They did have other sandwiches like their Hot Italian Sausage or their meatball sandwiches. Don?t forget their pizza that had so much cheese on it when it stuck too the roof of your mouth and burned it, you still couldn?t wait for the next mouthful. I went there in the mid 80?s and noticed they had a pool table and sold beer. Was this section always there or during the 50?s and 60?s I wasn?t interested in pool and beer and never noticed? Happy Birthday Kelly.
I don't think it was there in the early days.
Name: Dawn () on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 at 16:24:24
City and State: Lakewood, CA
Message: Hi
I was wondering how many Cougars were going to the car show on Sunday? I am going to surprise my husband (Bob Stevenson-Class of 63-had he stayed in school) and take him there. He loves old cars. If anyone recognizes him, stop us and say hi :)
Take care everyone, Dawn
Hi Dawn, I'm going to be there. Anyone else??
Name: Debbie Miles () on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 at 16:23:28
City and State: Del Aire
Class: 1977
Message: Miaaka, YOU were possibly a Cougar sited. If you can share where you work, I'll post if it was you.
Name: Bud Rhoades () on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 at 16:14:02
Email: bud.rhoades@fullmerinc.comb
City and State: Belmontshore
Class: 1974
Message: Oh,John thats torture! So close but yet so far......Does anybody know any of the original family members that ran Roccos? Maybe we could get them to share the secret. I think it was the dressing.
Janet Hardy class of 74 wrote in about working at Roccos on page 554. It seems like someone else wrote about being in the family....hmmm, HEY I'm old OK!! Name: Jackie () on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 at 15:58:34
City and State: Newport, Wash
Maiden: Clink
Class: 1969
Message: Just want to get in touch with past friends, looking for Mike Clark, class of 64 and anyone else I hung with.
Hey Jackie, Glad you're out there and hope you find your friends. That's what we're here for.
Name: Bud Rhoades () on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 at 15:41:49
City and State: BelmontShores
Class: 1974
Message: By the response of my mentioning Roccos I guess we weren't the only family that loved that place. Cal you should write restaurant reviews, that really made me want a sub in the worst way. Hell you can give S. Irene Virbalia a run for her money at the L.A Times anyday. I admit too that I judge every sub to this day by Roccos' standards, still haven't found what I'm looking for, or was that U2?
There was one other Sub place on Manchester that was pretty doggone good, but Roccos was the best. My girlfriend in high school lived 2 doors from Roccos on 137th Pl. That's why she was my girlfriend. Name: Keith D.Jones () on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 at 15:01:07
City and State: KonaHawaii
Class: 1976
Message: The only things I can really remember from Hawthorne Youth Camp was my bad experiences going horse back riding and having to eat soap when I said a nasty word. 6th Grad camp in Mailbu was fun too but can only remember getting bit by a Alligator Lizard and going crazy and singing Kum Bi Yah at the fire at night. Everytime I see or hear the words AC Cobra it brings back memories of when I was in Ft Lauderdale doing a show and a guy I met had 3 AC Cobras fully restored. His license plates said Cobra 1, Cobra 2 and Cobra 3. They all had the 427. We were going down Alligator Alley one time and I remember in about 5 seconds we were going about 120. He stepped on it and it flew. They sounded unreal too. So low to the ground and you could feel the floor vibrate. I always thought my old 59 MGA was a slower and not as good looking version of the Cobra. The Hawthorne Fair was alot of fun too. I remember shooting the BB gun to get out the red star. Those things had no aim at all. Aloha
Great memories Keith, thanks.....and you were correct about your MGA Name: Dan Johnson () on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 at 14:35:01
Email: wch1ispinkATaolDOTcom
City and State: Wrightwood, CA
Class: 1977
Message: Hawthorne Youth Camp -- I remember three things: (1) all the counselors had animal names (Duck, Bear, etc); (2) the sing along where they taught me the wrong words to John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt ("that's my name too" instead of "his name is my name too" as I've now been corrected by my 4 1/2 year old); and (3) one of the cook's daughters (no details allowed). There was also Hawthorne Family Camp (at the same facility in Wrightwood) that we went too -- on awards night my step-father (Don Whippo) took first place in just about every event from Hearts to Ping Pong to Pinochle and by the end they were booing him every time he stepped up to get his awards. Soupy Sales' son Hunt was in The Tin Machine with David Bowie and Reeves Gabriels. Anybody else sickened by the sight of Curtis Conway in a Niners uniform?
Thanks Dan......
Name: Richard () on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 at 14:34:38
City and State: of Long Beach
Class: 1969
Message: Auto dealerships in Hawthorne should include Prince Chrysler-Plymouth, on 'The' boulevard on the corner just south of Foster's Freeze. They also sold imports (Sunbeams) and specialty cars there, including my all time favorite, the AC Cobras (by Carroll Shelby). I dragged my folks by there weekly trying in vain to get them to understand how great an AC Cobra would be for mom (and what a better car to be passed down to me on graduation!). But while my dad knew where I was coming from (or trying to get to), the price of $5 dollars short of $6,000 was a bit unreasonable (notice he said nothing of it being only a two seater, no trunk, and no top). Makes me cry every time I hear of an original AC Cobra going at auction for $250,000 +.
Great memories, Richard....Yeah you can't get a Yugo for the price of a new Cobra or Vette from the 60s. Please leave your last name so we know who you are.
Name: Betty Rodriguez () on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 at 14:22:49
City and State: Lake Elsinore, CA
Maiden: Kean
Message: Hi John-
Gee, I haven't written in ages, but when everyone starts chiming in with old places, I can't resist! Old favorites were Leonards, next to Anita's on Hawthorne & Broadway; Chaney's, the Boston Store and, in El Segundo - the Coronet 5 & 10. And my all-time favorite - Laurence Drug.
Hi Betty, glad you're still out there. I remember Leonards in El Segundo as the place I bought my first golf clubs. I think Leonards was kinda like Zodys and White Front. Great memories, Thanks
Name: Adrianne DeAlejandro () on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 at 14:09:28
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Maiden: Longpre
Class: 1963
Message: For whatever reason, my dad removed the "De" off our last name. I'm actually a distant cousin of the very famous floral artist, Paul De Longpre (his mansion was the first tourist attraction in Hollywood). I couldn't wait to go to the Hawthorne Fair to get a Kewpie Doll on a stick, with a feather in her cap.
Thanks Adrianne...
Name: Bob Melendrez () on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 at 13:05:38
City and State: Lawndale, CA
Class: 1971
Message: John, your mention of car dealerships reminded me of Higgins GMC, and Ira Escobar Ford, both of which my dad traded with for years. My fave was a '57 Fairlane drop-top that dad bought new at IEF when it was still in El Segundo adjacent to what is now the Hacienda Hotel... See you at Homecoming!
Good ones, Bob. I think if you're talking about the place on 118th and the BL, wasn't it Kiggins Motors? How about Harry Mann Chevrolet, the worlds largest Corvette dealer?
Name: Adrianne DeAlejandro () on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 at 12:56:09
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Maiden: Longpre
Class: 1963
Message: Ivy's Coffee Shop. BBQ Pete's. Currie's Mile High. Green Farms, where my brother-in-law won 3 roasted chickens from the owner who bet incorrectly on the sex of each child. I have yet to find a sub to match the great taste of Rocco's. My dad loved the weekly Western bandstand behind Roth's Market. Ross Furniture (neighbor George Lopez, Sr., drove the delivery truck).
GREAT places that aren't there anymore, Thanks Adrianne. I'm guessing you aren't related to Longpre Pontiac.
Name: KIRK C. GREASBY () on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 at 12:13:00
Maiden: Summer Maddness
Class: 1976
Message: Hawthorne Youth Camp Memories.
The buses would pull in early and as the parents would check-in the kids, Kitchen aides would load the buses. Counselors with sunglasses on when it was overcast and foggy, who stayed out too late and maybe had one too many the night before trying to smile as kids asked so many questions. Camp names of kitchen aides and counselors being introduced. Some, only known as, monster, booboo, bambam, butterfly, koogle, mug, smokey, stoney, echo, jammer, keekee, raisin, roadrunner, wolf, fox, bubbles, noodles, pinecone, cougar, and stitches.
A two hour bus ride, then stopping at farmers market to get fresh produce, Then up to camp and gather around the flag pole, where the camp director would scare the heck out of you. and then cabin assignments.
Cabins like, chipmunk, deer, joshua, yucca, cactus, pine, owl, and blue jay. Kitchen aides and pool director would stay down in Sherman Lodge.
You'd have a fire drill, a swim test, and sing before your meals in the main lodge. Go hiking, boating & fishing, Horseback riding (on barn sour horses). Have a theme night, go on an overnight hike to Blue Ridge sleep out under the stars, a bucket brigade/waterfight and that camp dance on Friday night. Camp food was really good you just wouldn't admit it! And after a week of fresh air, Load up the buses and come home on Saturday morning, Singing all the way back to the memorial center.
MAN!! Is there anything you've FORGOTTEN about HYC, Kirk? Thanks for the memories.....
I remember we got on the bus in front of the police station on 126th St.
Name: Bob Melendrez () on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 at 11:55:35
City and State: Lawndale, CA
Class: 1971
Message: For us 6th grade camp (1964) was in Calabasas, up behind Tapia Park. It was great! The counselors were very cool, and blasted Beach Boys and Beatles records through the P.A. to wake us up in the morning. We had ?flashlight hikes? at night, a campfire marshmallow roast, and had to write at least one letter home. The only terrifying thing about camp was the dreaded Square Dance Night. The guys had to actually go up to a girl and ask her to dance, pure torture for a goofy, shy kid like me... Ah, fun memories! Have a great day, Cougs!
I just could NOT ask a girl to dance. Dancing to this 6th grader might as well have been Quantum Mechanics, plus I was very shy in the 6th grade, especially around strangers. I sat there all night knowing I wasn't going to ask anyone to dance and PRAYING no one would ask me.
Name: Cal McDougal () on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 at 10:11:28
City and State: Enterprise, Alabama
Class: 1962
Message: Roccos just a memory? I have been thinking of Roccos every time I order a sub sandwich for the past 39 years. I left Hawthorne in 1965 thanks to the Draft and a career choice. I haven't had a real submarine sandwich since then. I have searched in Alabama, Oklahoma, Florida, Virginia, Central California, Georgia, Kansas, and VietNam. I've found none that could compare to Roccos crusty French bread and crisp lettuce gripping those fabulous thin sliced meats (pastrami, Ham and Cap, more names than I can remember) the onions and tomato slices placed lovingly on the green pepper all moistened delicately with olive oil and of course the spicy pepper hidden right in the middle like the torpedo in a submarine. My mouth is watering right now. Roccos is gone? I guess there is no hope for a happy ending....
Hey Cal, You made that sound so good, MY mouth is watering right now too. I don't know how long they've been gone, but it must have been the mid 80's.
What other places from the early days do you remember? Clarks is now Sav-On and Boys Market is a Ralphs. Kenneth Chev is gone and Chaffee is now So. Bay Ford. And whatever happened to the OTHER car dealerships in the area, like Baher and Hessell Chevrolet, Earle Ike Dodge, Longpre Pontiac, Century Chevrolet, Mirkin Motors, and Bob Keefer Plymouth just to name a few? How about Wrigley Market on Aviation or Manny's Egg Town. Anyone else?
Name: Bob Milazzo () on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 at 09:05:40
City and State: Bakersfield,Ca
Class: 1960
Message: When the youth camp was under construction in the early 50's a group of young men were recruited by the city to spend our summer helping with the construction. At the time we arrived all that was completed was the cement pad for the dining hall. Looking back we sure did learn a lot about the construction trade(LOL). The good old days of summer.
What a small town feel. Kinda like Mayberry-like. Today the insurance company wouldn't allow it, not to mention the trade unions. Thanks Bob.... and if you want your dune buggy back it's for sale.
Name: Art LAmere () on Tuesday, October 12, 2004 at 21:09:38
City and State: Bettendorf Ia.
Class: 1973
Message: Ok first and foremost, is Roccos still on the corner of 137th place? I remember one time they had a fire there. As for camp I got homesick and then I remember going up as a counselor.
Take care all Art
Hey Art, The building is still there, but Roccos is nothing but a pleasant memory.