Name: Susan King () on Friday, August 27, 2004 at 21:15:18
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: Hey JB - Darryl and I want to wish you the happiest of birthdays and tell you we love you maaaaaannn! OK folks, you do the math this time too. He was 18 in 1962.....and forever a Cougar. Thanks John for being a friend and for bringing all these new friends into our lives.
Thanks Sue and Darryl for the Bday wishes. I LOVE YOU GUYS TOO MAAAANNN!!! Name: EL ROJO () on Friday, August 27, 2004 at 19:55:32
City and State: kuna,still in bliss
Maiden: Kiester
Class: 1961
Message: Hey big fella,uh, that phrase kind of reminds me of a.....ah never mind. I know you'll have a nice B-day because you know me and JJ. What more could a person ask:-). By the way if you don't make the Halo's win you will put a hex on them. Jeez, class of 62 and you were, what, 20 when you gradgeated, lets see...uh, one year older than me. LOL! Have a good one Bake and drink a few $7.00 beers for me. Say hi to Mr. Sloan when you see him. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU! Jake N Jude.
Thanks Russ.....
Name: Gary Nelson () on Friday, August 27, 2004 at 18:42:58
City and State: Granite Bay, Ca
Class: 1960
Message: John:
Re: Plaza Theatre. a little known fact. In about 1945-46. in the alley behind the theatre was a bunch of old trailers lined up plus a bunch of run down shacks that rented out. I mean bum-housing. They rented because there was no housing in Hawthorne (i.e. the ending of Tent City era. In those trailers lived Northrop employees and a lot of prostitutes, gamblers and who knows what else went on. I know this because when my parents first came to Ca, we rented one of those trailers and lived there for a few months before my dad bought a house. My parents met a lot of the "girls" and Northrop employees, some remained friends. Everything in that area was torn down later. The one thing I remember was in those days. there were no storm drains and when it rained, Hawthorne flooded. The City Planning Department, at one time had early plots and building plans including Plaza Circle, might be more information there if you are really interested.
Gary, I don't doubt your story one bit, except for the alley part. Behind the Plaza (east) was Birch Av. There were no alleys unless you went north a couple of blocks to the RR tracks. I remember the flooding too. You could float a boat after a good rain.
Name: Keith Rich () on Friday, August 27, 2004 at 17:24:57
City and State: Lancaster, CA
Class: 1975
Message: Hey Mr. Baker First time on feedback but I feel like I know you. I guess B-day wishes are in order. Anyway my pal Michelle Whittaker, Drapeau now, turned me on to this site a while back. After checking it out I decided I should read all the feedbacks, all 600+ pages, during which time I had to go to the Optometrist to get a new prescription. All great memories. By the way you say you're from Hawthorne's east side, since you went to Hawthorne Intermediate, so I guess I must be from the far east as I went to Yukon. Attended Leuzinger for 1 year and finally talked my folks into moving west. The one thing that caught my eye reading all this stuff were the ladies who were involved with Job's Daughters. My sister was a Job's Daughter. She passed away Dec 25, 1971 after a long bought with Hodgkins disease. The reason I bring this up is that I remember the Job's Daughters were at the funeral all dressed in their robes and it made a big impression on my parents. They have always remembered that, and I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to any of you ladies who may have been present and remember. Oh, by the way, John I'm on my knees begging, please don't put up that picture. I remember they had to get a new camera right after taking mine.
Hey Keith, glad you found us, and read the entire 600+ pages, which, if I recall equates to about 11,000 printed pages. Now stick around and try to keep up. It's late so I will respect your picture wishes.......THIS time.
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Friday, August 27, 2004 at 16:12:33
City and State: Sullivan, Illinois
Maiden: Badger
Class: 1963
Message: Happy Birthday, John!!! Here's wishing you many more.
Thank you Sharon....
Name: Jim Sloey () on Friday, August 27, 2004 at 16:05:59
City and State: SOLVANG, CA
Class: 1966
Message: Happy birthday Wally. I can't believe you are turning another year already. It's a pleasure to be your friend. And just think you made it all possible!
Thanks Beav', and yes the years they do go by at least every 365 days or so. Just think, only 366 days until my NEXT birthday, so you have plenty of time to shop.
Name: Donald Scheliga () on Friday, August 27, 2004 at 15:42:53
Email: des249@
City and State: W. Covina
Class: 1962
Message: Happy Birthday John! Hope you have a Big B/D cake and lots of ice cream. See ya at the next cruise night.
Thanks BD cake and ice cream but maybe some peanuts and beer.......
Name: Cindy Colby () on Friday, August 27, 2004 at 15:24:51
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 1963
Message: Hey Big Guy, I hope you have a wonderful 29th birthday. If you are 29 then I am only 28, you can stay that way for as long as you want. We love you and what you have done for us. Have a great weekend John
Thank you Cindy.....
Name: Bud Rhoades () on Friday, August 27, 2004 at 12:03:33
City and State: BelmontShores
Class: 1974
Message: Have a great B-Day John, thanks for all you do.
Thank you Bud....
Name: Greg Staffon () on Friday, August 27, 2004 at 11:25:44
City and State: Burbank,Ca
Class: 1977
Message: Dan Johnson, yes, I read you knuckleball story. But, I don't remember the part about you getting a hit off of me....Ha Ha. How are you doing? Your right about James Solis, he threw really hard.
I remember when I faced him as a hitter I had to be ready he was one of the good challenges we had to face.
What about Jones did he have a geart arm behind the plate or what.
I'm working at the Warner Bro's studios now.
I've been there going on 20 yr's in march.
Nice pension going.
I still look the same as the body goes but, of course older in the face.
I take good care of myself.
I workout 6 days a week for the last 22yr's so as far as that goes I'm happy.
I live in Burbank.
When I was younger I would watch Laugh In (goldie hawn) and I would say were in the heck is Burbank we'll I know were it is now been living here for 19 yr's.
I'm married to a wonderful lady her name is Tina.
Married for 10 yr's.
What are you doing these days?
Hope to hear from you.
Greg Staffon
Does ANYONE know what I'm talking about? This is the last one, Greg. If you don't see your feedback it's because it should've been emailed. This is not your personal forum.
Name: Greg Staffon () on Friday, August 27, 2004 at 11:09:54
City and State: Burbank,Ca
Class: 1977
Message: To Elizabeth Aleccia, I 'm so sorry to hear about your brother.
It's very sad to lose someone so young.
When I was inquiring about Leo it was LaSala not estrada I had the spelling wrong.
Did your brother graduate in 77?
The name does sound familiar.
Did he play any sports?
Thank you for writng me.
Hope to hear back from you.
God Bless
Greg Staffon
Greg, please email these people.
Name: Greg Staffon () on Friday, August 27, 2004 at 11:02:09
City and State: Burbank,Ca
Class: 1977
Message: Keith, almost forgot, yes, I remember what he said and I'll never forget it.
A hint, something to the effect about leaving a-----mark on the ball.
Greg Staffon
Name: Greg Staffon () on Friday, August 27, 2004 at 10:58:36
City and State: Burbank,Ca
Class: 1977
Message: Hi Keith, how are you doing?
We decided not to go to the Island until next yr hopefully in feb.
I'm really glad that you're enjoying your success and your gym and the other things you do to be successful.
That's the one thing I admire about you that you are always a positive fixture.
Thank you about the nice comments about my past with baseball.
Unfortunately I didn't make it to the bigs, but, I'll tell you what I should have. I had the ability but, was lacking support which at the time I didn't think I needed but, I did get great discipline out of the sport.
I'm still in the great shape that I was the last time you saw me.
I weight 180lbs and I have the six pack.
Of course as you get older it's harder to keep it going. Keith take care and hope to see you soon.
Do you know were Rick or Leo are at?
or what they're doing?
Yes, I remember Delgado tell him hello.
Keith go to
They history on me about my baseball and my no hitter against Joe Price of the reds.
Greg Staffon
Hi Greg, You are new here so I'll pose these last two feedbacks as illustrations.
These last two are feedbacks that don't involve anyone but Keith and Jill. Therefore they should've been emailed to the respective parties. I know I give lots of leeway on this but I can just feel a Feedback coming from Keith and Jill in answer to these, and just want to say if it doesn't interest lots of Cougars, please use email. It saves me from being your personal email boy. Name: Greg Staffon () on Friday, August 27, 2004 at 10:42:26
City and State: Burbank,Ca
Class: 1977
Message: Hi Jill, yes I remember you. It's been such a long time since those days. Me and Morlock were really close in high school and we did some crazy things. I'm happy to hear that I was of some good influence to somebody. Where do you live?
I'm in Burbank working at Warner Bro's studios.
I've been working for Warner Bro's for 20 yr's in march of next yr.
I'm married to a wonderful lady named Tina.
We just celebrated our 10th.
Happy to hear from you.
Greg Staffon
Name: Kelley () on Friday, August 27, 2004 at 09:39:46
City and State: Englewood, Or
Maiden: Currie
Class: 1967
Message: John I was surfing CT and was looking at the picture of the Plaza when my old man asked if it was a temple of some I really started to look at the picture it appeared that it could have been something else..Do you know if the Plaza was other than a movie theater. And boy are there lots too look at..Once again Great JOB..and Happy Birthday Big Guy!
I wish I knew more about the Plaza Theatre, like when it was built and why, in Hawthorne. It was a monument to some kind of architecture, all right, but as a kid all I wanted to do inside was watch movies and throw popcorn boxes. I would guess that in the 20s, it was a Vaudeville house, but that's just a guess. In my youth the Plaza was becoming an elderly lady and in the early 70's would be buried, along with half the boulevard for the biggest White Elephant in Hawthorne history, The Mall.
Does anyone have any concrete history on the Plaza? If so, please email me with the history or add it here. That is one puzzle I'd like to solve.
Name: Janet Burkett () on Friday, August 27, 2004 at 09:36:04
City and State: Ca
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 1962
Message: Happy Mega birthday weekend to John. Actually, I guess most of my fellow 62ers are having a "mega birthday" this year. HB to all of you too.
Thanks Janet
Name: Patti Smith () on Friday, August 27, 2004 at 09:25:43
City and State: Cypress, CA
Class: 1968
Message: Happy Birthday tomorrow, John!! Hope you have a great one...39, is it? Anyway, had a great time at the picnic, sorry I had to leave but I never know whether Mom's crisis is real or not anymore. And Art Lamere, just remind your daughter, when she calls you "old", that in 4 years she'll need your signature to get that permit.
Thank you Patti, and thanks again for all your help on the picnic. Age is just a number......BUT MY NUMBER WILL NEVER BE HIGHER THAN SOMEONE FROM THE CLASS OF 61!! Name: Kristen Hetherington () on Friday, August 27, 2004 at 01:34:47
City and State: Sacramento, CA
Maiden: Rice
Class: 1969
Message: John- Thank you for this great site. I met you at the Cabrillo School 50th.(?) celebration, a year or two ago? As I was looking at their "memories" photo album I was stuck on a picture of myself & Kirk Meyer in Kindergarten. A fellow standing next to me said "Kristy Rice!" He was a neighbor of long ago, Rocky Hildebrandt. We stood for nearly an hour just reminiscing. What a kick!
After I signed off last night, my mind started whirrling with memories of those wonder years. So, John, please indulge me this one-time "honorable mention" of those, from my youth, I neglected to "say Hello to" last night. They are in no specific order, but all still fondly in my mind: Gary Nelson, John Van Dusen, Bob Gunnin, Joel Gerke, Bruce Perry, Marshall Noyes, Janet Levine, Nancy Atkin, Mary Moretti, Cheryl Carter, Miss Charlston(whose wedding Kirk M., Larry M., Lee D., Steve W. Bill V. & I attended) Mrs. Clayton, Mrs. Estabrook, Ken Wright, Rick Barrows, Bill & Jane Downey, Marna Niles, Janet Long, Rodger Ridings, Chris Cherry, Kathy Millspaugh, JoAnne Nishida, David Rudawitz, Sandy Neff, Anita Harmon, Bill Cox, Ron Fernandez, Bart, Steve, Ed & Cheryl Hale(next door), Danny White, Stephanie Padilla, Glenn Evans, Russ, Rik, Dan & Julie Johnston(across the street), Gregg Stewart, Vickie Hohenthaner, Bob Cirrcionne, Johnnie & Dooreen Doors, Mick Conlin, Bobbie Turner, Cheryl Goode, Mary Bennett, Pat Baca, and four friends who have passed on- Andre'('68) & Peter ('78)Semenick; Micky Walker('69); and my best bud with whom I could discuss the Universe, Tim Peterson('71). I have no doubt I've forgotten someone, but please feel free to remind me, personally! It's very heartening to realize that I enjoyed the company of all these friends, especially in the days when you could run in and out of homes where your friend's parent's weren't afraid to expect decent behavior, but at the same time could sit down with you for a good chat.
Now, before closing, here's where my mind misplaced a few names, and my El Molino's are tucked away (somewhere). Does anyone remember the last name of Shelley, 2nd grade, Cabrillo(1957)W.134th.St.; Chris, male, looked like me, 6th Peter Burnette(1961); Connie, 6th PB(1961) W141st.(in the houses over the oil wells); Anna 4th PB(1959)very shy, sweet, round-freckeled, cheribic face; and Pat, male, between 1956-60, lived on south side of Rosecrans and Isis, amidst the light industrial area (he was the origial biker daredevil)? Thanks again, John, and rest assured the check is in the mail; and no, I was not aware that you lived in Hawthorne!
Hey Kristen, With 60 or 70 more names visited, I don't know how you could possibly need, or have room for, a new friend. But there are plenty of us here (about 5500) and we ALL lived in Hawthorne in our childhood.
Name: Sharon () on Friday, August 27, 2004 at 00:10:02
City and State: Long Beach, CA
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
Message: An early HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you John. Hope you have a great day and enjoy every minute of it. Thanks again for this great site. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you happy birthday dear John, happy birthday to you. Be glad that I didn't sing it to you in person. You would never recover.
Ahh thank you Sharon, and you are very welcome for the website.
Name: Adrianne DeAlejandro () on Thursday, August 26, 2004 at 23:21:51
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Maiden: Longpre
Class: 1963
Message: Have a wonderful and blessed birthday, John. Eat, drink, and be VERY merry! My Alex's birthday is tomorrow, Friday. Another Virgo, and I'm not complaining!
Thank you Adrianne and Happy Bday Alex. I know there was something about you I liked. Name: art () on Thursday, August 26, 2004 at 22:16:39
City and State: Bettendorf Ia.
Class: 1973
Message: boy I need you to do the counting for me this year my daughter said to us the other night that she was going to be ten on her next brithday. Then she told us that in only four more years in Iowa she can get the learner permit to drive and walked away. She then came back and informed me that if she was going to be ten that I was going to be the big fifty and that was old. have fun all
You tell her I said 50 is NOT old.
Name: art lamere () on Thursday, August 26, 2004 at 21:50:26
City and State: Bettendorf Ia.
Class: 1973
Message: JB Happy Birthday to you and have fun your only going to 49 right? Be safe nice photos of the fun didn't see any of JB2. Have fun take care and god bless the troops.
Janet couldn't make it. Thanks Art for the BD wishes; 29 comes along only once.
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Thursday, August 26, 2004 at 19:31:48
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Class: 1977
Message: JB, you have a great birthday on Saturday, as you all know by now my youngest son Trevor will also be celebrating his 8th birthday on Saturday too, that's why it is so easy for me to remember. Now, Greg Staffon, I don't know if you remember me, but it is because of you and your fellow partner in crime Kurt Morloch that I almost failed Consumer Ec in our senior year. I was fortunate to have these two guys sitting at the same table as me to hear about their on the field exploits as well as off the field. Unfortunately while I was getting a lesson on how boys think, I failed to pay attention to Mr. Courtney, and he almost failed me. Not blaming you guys at all, I will take full responsibility for this. You guys sure made that class interesting for me and I thank you.
Thanks Jill and Happy Bday to Trevor too.
Name: CindyWhittaker () on Thursday, August 26, 2004 at 17:51:40
City and State: Gig Harbor WA
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHARON! Gee, if I had known earlier I'd have eaten birthday cake for lunch. It's never too late.. now where did I leave my fork? And by the way, since Sharon and I were in the same class, I can vouch that we are the same age: THIRTY-NINE... and holding... OH yea...
Name: Jerry Miles () on Thursday, August 26, 2004 at 17:29:13
Email: jfmilesAtPacbellDotNet
City and State: Fair Oaks, Ca
Class: 1966
Message: Anyone who knows Debbie Miles, ?77, might want to throw out a very Happy Birthday to her tomorrow. And a little early, but you have a great one too John.
Thanks Jerry, and Happy Bday, Debbie.....
Name: Sharon () on Thursday, August 26, 2004 at 17:28:55
City and State: Long Beach, CA
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
Message: Happy Birthday Sharon!
Name: Keith D.Jones () on Thursday, August 26, 2004 at 16:46:39
City and State: KonaHawaii
Class: 1976
Message: Big Greg how are you doing. I never made it to Vegas in August I sent my manager instead. She has never been there so I thought it would be a good present too. I will be in Vegas in Nov. for the Mr. Olympia. I am going to try to get to LA. I may spend a week there. I also got a call yesterday from Albert Delgado, remember him. He is doing great with one of the largest A/C companies in So. Cal. And Dan, I caught just about everyone from Mike Colbern and Mike Scott to Greg and there was no one I ever caught that threw as hard as Greg. Greg remember when the Dodgers sent a scout when you were a Junior and you were timed at 97 mph. Folks that was 20 years ago and Greg was only a junior in high school. 97 mph nowadays would put Greg in the top 5% of all pitchers in the majors. Greg remember the guy from Inglewood you hit in the jaw with a fastball and what Ricky Bainbridge said when we met at the mound. Those were the days. Middle League was awesome too. And it is Leo LaSala. We had a great team then. Greg my new cell is 808-987-8972.
Name: Elizabeth Aleccia () on Thursday, August 26, 2004 at 16:40:48
City and State: Redondo Beach,CA
Class: 1969
Message: Greg, I didn't see your email address on your post or I would have sent this to you privately. Leo Estrada is my brother. He passed away many years ago, just before his twentieth birthday. He was on his motorcycle before helmets were required. He was another HHS cutie-pie. Did you know, he never missed a day of school? He got an award when he graduated for perfect attendance since kindergarten. From Ramona, through Hawthorne Intermediate and all four years at Hawthorne High. Now, having said that, I'm sure there will be a few feedbacks to contradict that fact because he loved getting into mischief. At an early age he showed the makings of a rascal with the cutest smile. Anyway, sorry. You can email me if you'd like to know more. Elizabeth
Name: Greg () on Thursday, August 26, 2004 at 16:03:48
Email: Staffon
City and State: Burbank,Ca
Class: 1977
Message: Does anyone know what happened to Rick Bainbridge and Leo Estrada? Last name might not be spelled right.
Class of 1976. They both played baseball with me in 1976.
Greg Staffon