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Not being a Bob D fan, this is my favorite Dylan tune....Enjoy > Dylan
Message:Anyone? Pictured are ineligible.
Message:Can anyone get these two. They were classmates in the 8th grade at Hawthorne Intermediate. When someone guesses them, I'll put their whole class up. BTW, the two pictured are ineligible.
Name: David Barboza () on Saturday, May 22, 1999 at 10:51:00
E-Mail: iliketrains@usa.net
Class: 74
Message: Took Dale's advice and was going over the old pages of Feedback. Incredible !!! Memories everywhere. While I was reading, my mind was wondering. (don't take much) Does anyone know what happened to My Secret Heart-throb. Guess you'll have to look it up from the 74 reunion. I was just wondering if she ever got married. She wasn't yet at the 10th.
Name: David Barboza () on Saturday, May 22, 1999 at 10:25:03
E-Mail: iliketrains@usa.net
Class: 74
Message: Hey Dale:
Dancin Dave ????? Man my memory is gone. Guess your gonna have too refresh it for me. See Dale your still a year younger than me. So just wait till your my age. If I remember right. Didn't I play defense? Oh well. Hey John. I agree totally. Acapulco is a great place. Try their wet red. You won't be sorry. If you can eat it all.
Sorry Patti... I agree with John. Gotta here more about the kitchen pool...
David, The wet red sounds great. Anyone remember Louies on Western? They had a great wet burrito too. Great family Mexican restaurant. Small though and not easy to get a lunchtime seat.
Yeah, c'mon "Chilly Cheeks", tell us the kitchen pool story.
Name: Patty Valencia () on Saturday, May 22, 1999 at 01:55:23
E-Mail: PValencia2@aol.com
Class: 1974
Message: Hiya Mensito - sarcasm, who me? I don't think so. I was being sin-cere. It's amazing how V1 has reduced my 10 year old ice block sitting contest win to a mere 17 minutes. Ricki, it's ok, we're adults now. Come clean. I sat on that damn ice block for 4 hours, egged on by my sweet big sister. My butt turned black for 1.5 days. SOMEONE was very worried. A throwback to the kitchen pool indirect accountability process. If my butt fell off, V1 would be in big trouble. But, excuse the pun, it didn't.
Yes...... more on the kitchen pool please.
Name: Lori Padelford () on Saturday, May 22, 1999 at 00:40:28
E-Mail: Desilulu4u@aol.com
Class: 81
Message: John, I love this website! I have told so many people about it and urged them to add their names to the Alumni list. I am glad to see that there are more people from the class of 80 and 81 starting to show up. I love to hear about all the fun the people from the 50's,60's and 70's had, but what about the people that graduated in the early 80's? We had great times too. Instead of cruising Hawthorne Blvd. we "cruised the beach". Does anyone remember going from the horseshoe at the end of Harbor drive in Redondo Beach and making the u turn to head back down Harbor Drive to Hermosa Beach and then.... back again. Thank goodness gas prices weren't what they are today! I remember how all the guys like Don Dallons, The Miller Boys and so many others hung out at Winchell's donuts with all their "cool" cars and watched all the girls cruise by. On just about any Friday and Saturday night me, Teresa Green and Kelly Sturgeon would jump in my yellow bug and first hit the local 7-11 to get the "oh my god size" cola slurpees, add our rum and then cruise with the "Ted Nugent, Wango Tango" cassette cranked. We had so much fun, until the police decided to close down the streets after 10:00p.m. and the cruising died off. Do any of you Cougars remember in 1980 when HHS was playing baseball against Redondo High and I was speeding down Vincent Street next to the Baseball field in Redondo and was so busy looking to see who was there from HHS, I didn't look ahead to see that a Redondo cop was at a dead stop in front of me and you guessed it..... I rear ended the cop (Sgt. Keenan). I wasn't hurt and neither was the cop but I was scared to death and sooooooo humiliated. If we could only go back and have all that fun just one more time! Well I have gabbed long enough better go. Anyone from the class of 81 feel free to e-mail me or any class for that matter.
Lori, The memories are exactly the same, just a different era. I can remember my Dad telling the same exact stories about his days at Inglewood High and Leuzinger in the early 30's. Cruising, Hangouts, Street Racing, Pranks, Girls, .......it never changes. Thanks Lori
Name: Dewey Storie () on Friday, May 21, 1999 at 23:53:48
E-Mail: Dewey_Storie@msn.com
Message: Ray, Foster's was a Chris Prewitt idea.
Name: Jeff McElhaney () on Friday, May 21, 1999 at 23:31:34
E-Mail: Maddog-2@webtv.net
Class: 1981
Cool, anyone from the class of '81 on this site?
Hi Jeff and welcome. Seeing as you're a WebTV guy, would you do me a favor and click here and see if you can read the whole page? Just email me and let me know, and thanks for showing up tonight.
Name: Ricki Farrell () on Friday, May 21, 1999 at 23:10:04
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: Okay, ya got me. I can't believe I ever wore my hair that way. A bobby pin on the side? ...please! As I promised, I called Clayton Williams and told him about Cougartown and all of you that have mentioned him. His first words were, "Were they kind?" I assured him that this was comfortable place to visit. He finally got a computer very recently and still doesn't have all of it figured out. His son, Chris, is staying with him for a while and is teaching him the ropes. Hopefully he'll contact us all soon. You might be interested to know that his son has a 3 year old daughter and his wife is expecting to deliver a son in about a month.
I think that I'll be seeing him in about 3 weeks. We're going to try and get together, if he can find his way back to L.A. I'm really looking forward to it.
Dale, I used to be a rec leader at Eucalyptus park too. I remember those awful and long Saturdays too. We didn't even get a lunch break. I used to bribe kids in to walking to the corner store on 120th and Inglewood Ave. and get me a sandwich and coke. Wasn't it Groves? I remember one summer day when I got the brilliant idea of having an ice block sitting contest. My little 10 year old sister, V5, won it for the girls after sitting on it for about 17 minutes. I worried the rest of the day that she had frostbite on her little buns. Thinking about my rec leader days can bring up a million stories. I'll share more later.TTFN
Adds a whole new twist to the word "Frigid" huh.....Thanks Ricki
Name: Gary () on Friday, May 21, 1999 at 21:34:06
E-Mail: Swafford
Class: 80
Message: What year is the 3rd grade pic from? Looks like kids from my class, but i am blank!
Hi Gary, I think it's Troy's class. It's Miss Coussens 1969-70 3rd grade class. Does that help anyone? I guess you had to be in that class. I can tell you that one of these girls might be the sister (at least she has the same last name) of another girl mentioned on this Feedback Page.
Name: Jeff Acevedo () on Friday, May 21, 1999 at 21:05:32
E-Mail: jadesystems@juno.com
Class: 1980
Message: Well I must say this is a fantastic web site! Although I'm a little disappointed there isn't much from the 80's on it. (I guess everyone wants to just forget about that "the 80's" LOL. Myself, I have some very fond memories of that time and I am looking forward to sharing them with old friends next millenium!!!! HAWTHORNE HIGH CLASS OF 1980 RULES!!!!! What a celebration it will be!!! Y2K & R20, I think there's a potential for a great party there huh?? Bye for now and hello to all my old friends.
Hi Jeff and welcome aboard. Yes, I'm looking forward to the reunions next year, but the year that should be an all time PARTY YEAR is 2002. This will be the 50th anniversary of HHS. I think some MAJOR party plans should be made that year.
Name: Ray Castillo () on Friday, May 21, 1999 at 19:57:35
E-Mail: rcas@sprynet.com
Maiden: mensito
Class: 1973
Message: Although Johnnie's is good, the vote for BEST Pastrami (possibly in the world) would have to go to Langer's Deli on Alvarado in L.A. It's absolutely gourmet pastrami. And John is right about Johnnie's proximity to Tito's. I love the red beef burritos there....... Unfortunately, all three are a little too far for lunch. John, there's a little place in Carson on 223rd street at about Vermont called Acapulco Cafe. If you're ever near there, stop in. Great food!
Thanks Ray, I know where it is, although I've never tried it....I will now.
Name: Jim Campbell () on Friday, May 21, 1999 at 19:39:08
E-Mail: JDC763@oal.com
Class: 81
Great site, really brings back some cool memories.
Name: Dale Hahlbeck Jr () on Friday, May 21, 1999 at 18:06:01
E-Mail: mhahlbeck@earthlink.net
Class: 75
Message: Cindy Hewitt, you're right it was 1978, 1980 was
the affair I had with Paul : ) I guess I have
a memory like Dancin Dave Barboza...DAVE! It was
West Torrance, not MIra Costa that king kong guy
was from...see Keith Jones stories on page 41 and
50 regarding his run in with that monster at half
time....Heck Dave..even you could have dominated
him! MEMORY ALERT! Just thinking about my rec
leader days watching the wading pool at Eucalyptus
on Sat Mornings with my shades, hangover, cherry
icee, and a microwave ham and cheese sub NO
RUNNING! Whew that flashback is over. To all
you voyeurs just READING hit Guest Book and
join in.........the more memories the better!
P.S. Cindy don't tell Denise....it was only
one night! : )
Name: John Baker () on Thursday, May 21, 1999 at 17:01:14
E-Mail: john14
Class: 62
Name: MarleneOlsen () on Friday, May 21, 1999 at 14:04:15
E-Mail: BeachBunny@webtv.net
Maiden: Olsen
Class: 1981
How many of you guys remember our old stomping grounds - 40th Street/El Porto? Those were the good old days - Playing volleyball, tanning, and what better to do than drink all day! - Kelly Adams, Kasey, Randy and Gary Darnell, Dawn Haynes, Lori Kerns, John Gerten, Kay Johnsen, Shannon Keys, Jeff McElhaney, James McKee, Tony Portegies, Ron Ryhal, Kevin Stark, Allen Stiritz, Jeff Vrana - We had so much fun! Life was a party!
Remember "quarters" on Fri. and Sat. nights @ Starkes and Fry's house. Pretty fun! Anybody still interested in the good-ole days e-mail me.
See ya later!
Name: David Barboza () on Friday, May 21, 1999 at 13:40:38
E-Mail: iliketrains@usa.net
Class: 74
Message: Dale Hahlbeck: Fondest memory. I wonder if anyone remembers the little starting varsity football center who man handled the Massive 300 lb. middle guard called EARTHQUAKE from Mira Costa. Little known fact but Dale took him down. Way ta go Dale.
To Ray Castillo... You like Pastrami... Try Johnnies in Culver City on Sepulveda....MMM..MMM.. Good..
David, That's right next door to Titos Tacos isn't it?? My favorite Mexican food.
Name: Rebecca Kabwasa () on Friday, May 21, 1999 at 13:09:31
E-Mail: rebecca.j.kabwasa@aero.org
Maiden: Donohoe
Class: 61
Message: I'll hazard a guess on the Hawthorne Intermediate mystery duo: Ricki (Valencia) Farrell and Frank Romano.
Becky, You do know the Class of 1961. Yes, it's Patty and Frank, and here's the rest of their 8th grade class. The teacher was Mr. Claydon.
Name: Bob Campbell () on Friday, May 21, 1999 at 13:08:10
E-Mail: soup44@earthlink.net
Class: would have been 86
Message: John, full name is Bob Campbell. Went to Hawthorne for first 2 years of high school then moved to manhattan beach. Hawthorne was way better than Mira Costa!!!!! :-)
Bob, Then if you went to HHS, your name should be on the Alumni List. You didn't have to Graduate from HHS to be added. You are a Cougar Bob. Not a.....a........whatever they're called. A Horsey??
Name: MarleneOlsen () on Friday, May 21, 1999 at 11:04:32
E-Mail: BeachBunny35@webtv.net
Maiden: Olsen
Class: 1981
I'm so glad to go back to HHS! Please send e-mail and let me know whats been going on for the last 18 years! (I can't believe it! Are we getting old or what?)
Marlene, You just stepped back in time. You're actually getting younger. Thanks for finding your old friends.
Name: Tina Ferguson () on Friday, May 21, 1999 at 10:18:08
E-Mail: sfandtf@aol.com
Maiden: Koerner
Class: 1968
Message: The picture on the left looks like BECKY SHIPPY. Do I get 1/2 point if I'm right?
Tina, No, it's not Becky Shippy, and yes you get a 1/2 a point for trying. Thanks...
Name: Heleena Castro () on Friday, May 21, 1999 at 10:12:08
E-Mail: Scrfmly1@aol.com
Maiden: Loveless
Class: 78
Message: Cool Web site! Don Dallons (class of '79) tuned me in. Anybody seen Pam Paterson?
Heleena, Welcome Back!!
Name: Cyndi Hewitt () on Friday, May 21, 1999 at 03:25:18
E-Mail: chewitts@aol.com
Maiden: Laird
Class: 75
Message: Dale Hahlbeck, you still crack me up! Are you sure you lived with Paul Bartasavich in the summer of 1980? I distinctly remember being in Paul and Denise's wedding in the fall of 1979. Was something going on there that Denise didn't know about??????
Name: Patt () on Friday, May 21, 1999 at 01:20:01
E-Mail: pdeck17@3-cities.com
Class: 65
Message: I remember when Adrian John Reynolds wore Eton suits to school!!
He was our adopted brother!
I saw him in Thriftymart one day ( in the dairy dept.) and Ran up to him Yelling at the top of my lungs " Adrian darling!!" He was so flustered he blushed so much his ears almost flapped!!
I loved my adopted brother and loved to tease him! Especially after what he and Chris did to me while I was trying to get the typical SUNBAKED TAN!!
Those two were little devils!! They always antagonized me!!
Name: John Baker () on Thursday, May 20, 1999 at 23:56:28
E-Mail: john14
Class: 62
Name: Sijaama T. Branch () on Thursday, May 20, 1999 at 22:43:14
E-Mail: SJa1262@aol.com
Maiden: Aguillard
Class: 79
Message: Wow! what a great website. How my heart felt full when hearing my old alma mater play. What memories. I cannot believe that 20 years have passed so quickly since I've walked those halls. Looking forward to the reunion.
Hi Sijaama, I'm glad you found your website. It looks like the class of 79 is going to have one first class reunion. I hope you enjoy it, and this site. Be sure to add yourself to the alumni list too. Thanks...
Name: Ray Castillo () on Thursday, May 20, 1999 at 21:43:17
E-Mail: rcas@sprynet.com
Maiden: mensito
Class: 1973
Message: All this french fry talk is getting me hungry. Sharon, you might try the fries at Holiday Burger on Devonshire, just west of Sepulveda, east of the 405 freeway. They're seasoned just right, and the pastrami sandwiches are big enough for two, maybe three people. Dewey, I like the Foster Freeze idea, Patty, your idea of giving links to Keith's stories was short, sweet, and your large dose of sarcasm was wonderfully funny. It's harder to keep up with the pages lately, but the postings continue to bring a smile to my face, and a shot of youth to my bones.....
Hi Ray, Glad to hear from you. It's been a while. Thanks for checking in here.
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Thursday, May 20, 1999 at 20:45:21
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
Message: WOW! I didn't know that little JOE-JOE Mailander knew or lived near you, John. He lived near 129th and Oceangate when I knew him. He lived next door to Adrian Reynolds. Adrian and I go WAaay back. He and I used to skip arm in arm to 1st grade at Cabrillo School. I still keep in touch with him, though not as regularly as we might like. You would think that for all the adventures we had as kids we would have gotten into more trouble. We also could waste a lot of paper. For all of you math fans Adrian and I tried to get the answer to 9 to the quantity (9 to the 9th). After about a 12 hour day we determined that there were > 300 million digits in the final answer. As Joe mentioned in a previous feedback Adrian liked Edgar Allen Poe. The Raven was almost a language between us. We would recite it almost constantly. OK Adrian! I have kept away from many of our adventures that now-a-days would have the police at your house. If you would like to expand on them.
Patt you had to bring up the incident with the police and firefighters. Wasn't that in December? Besides me didn't have something to do with you, a TV and movie star, and a LOW cut dress? Maybe you remember all of the details...
It really was no big thing.
Chris, Joe didn't know me. He lived in the same house that my Grandparents had previously owned in the 50's, and forget the Ramanajan stuff, let's get back to the Movie Star in the LOW cut dress here.
Name: el rojo () on Thursday, May 20, 1999 at 20:24:33
E-Mail: jakejude@aol .com
Maiden: trouble
Class: 60
Message: john b. i'm pleased to see that the voting for mr keith has been settled. i thought, that if you had a story to tell, you put it on the "recollections" page. but, i truly was going to say, my vote goes to give him his own web page. and that, mr keith, should be on "THE 3RD ROCK FROM THE SUN". no offense keith, i was just as onery and apparently close to being as crazy as you when in school. well? maybe even after school. so i hope no offense is takin. good job j.b..EL ROJO.
Name: Bob () on Thursday, May 20, 1999 at 19:39:45
E-Mail: soup44@earthlink.net
Class: would have been 86
Message: hey seeing a picture of Fred Haynes on this site is great. He has been a long time friend of my family and I miss him hanging around and skiing with him and his family. Last I heard he was living in northern california... Pismo beach area I think. Sure would be great to see him on here some time!!! On another note... this site sure is fun. Not many participants from my era but I recognize lots of the legendary names I see here all the time!!!
Thanks Bob, for adding to the mix. What IS your last name?? I'm sure some of the mid 80's people want to know.
Name: gloria herlosky () on Thursday, May 20, 1999 at 18:04:19
E-Mail: gpork
Maiden: valencia
Class: 76
Message: Dale!!! Do I remember when you lived with Paul and Greg in 1980? How can I forget? That was also the year you guys were really into a new talent, (for me, anyway), named Bruce Springsteen! I still think of that time whenever I hear one of his songs. As for your ski trip, wasn't I on that with you, too? Was that the one with Jim, Valerie, Carmen, Glen, Dave, you and me? I can't recall all of the people on my first ski trip, but I do recall Carmen playing Boz Skaggs over and over and over again, without ever going out to ski! How about all of your "parties" when your parents moved to Cerritos? We practically lived at the house with you guys, (Carmen and me.) Carmen would drive her VW bug every Friday, and as usual, we got lost getting back to Hawthorne EVERY
Friday! Many times we ended up at Disneyland, (in error, of course!) By the way, your parents look EXACTLY the same as they did in the 1950's! You're a lucky guy, Dale...you have good genes!
Name: Ted Gioia () on Thursday, May 20, 1999 at 17:01:23
E-Mail: tedgioia@hotmail.com
Class: 75
Message: John, I remember the Mailander household on Birch quite well. Since there is a family connection, you may be interested in one of the more bizarre moments in the history of that building. I am referring to the day when -- believe it or not! -- FBI agents had it staked out in search of TERRORIST REVOLUTIONARIES! Back in the early 1970s, you may recall, newspapers closely covered the story of Patty Hearst, who had been kidnapped by an underground group called the Symbionese Liberation Army. In fact, Patty had been involved in a hold-up, conducted by the SLA, at a store in Inglewood, and there was some speculation that she might be located somewhere in the area. One of Joe's unusual friends (I was not the only one, I assure you) sent him a prank letter addressed to "Patty Hearst c/o Joseph Mailander" at his Birch home. Needless to say, the morning the letter was delivered proved to be an eventful one for Mr. & Mrs. Mailander. The mailman arrived that day with a battalion of FBI agents in tow. I believe that the Mailander family never actually got hand-cuffed and arrested, but it took some time before the FBI accepted the fact that the letter had been a mere prank. It seems that the FBI rarely hires anyone with a sense of humor. . .
Now that's something MY SICK FRIENDS would do to ME!! Thanks Ted
Name: Ted Gioia () on Thursday, May 20, 1999 at 12:59:34
E-Mail: tedgioia@hotmail.com
Class: 75
Message: Ah, Dale, I do keep in contact with JOE MAILANDER. He and I have always been a close-knit pair. In fact, I fondly recall that we placed surprisingly high in the voting for CUTEST COUPLE our senior year. He has been a great friend -- 25 years ago he lent me money so I could go on my FIRST DATE, and still hasn't been repaid. In 1991, he was BEST MAN at my wedding, and recently visited for my parents' 50th wedding anniversary. Joe is now a SUCCESSFUL BANKER -- widows and orphans watch out! -- and continues to be (as he has always been) a highly talented WRITER. He knows about this web site (indeed, he was the person who told me about it). I have encouraged him to participate in the feedback -- although I would need to put constraints on what he says about me, which is usually laced with irony, metaphor, syllogisms and various other complicated rhetorical devices.
Ted, I think Joe has added Feedback once or twice. Joe and I are kind of related, as he lived in the same house as my grandmother and grandfather owned on Birch Av. (not at the same time, of course). I got that from someone ...Susan Walling?? Anyway, it's a small Cougar world.
Name: Patt () on Thursday, May 20, 1999 at 00:57:17
E-Mail: pdeck17@3-cities.com
Maiden: Prewitt
Class: 65
Message: HEY BABY BROTHER, see I am alive!!
You tell about the time the cops stopped us!!
I love you!
Yeah Chris, Why don't you tell us about the time the cops stopped you. Oh.... we all love you too.
Name: Gary Nelson () on Wednesday, May 19, 1999 at 22:51:50
E-Mail: kruiszn@aol.com
Class: 60
Message: RE: Richard Dixon...yea, so what's new?
Dickie....where are you???
Name: Cheryl Nicocia () on Wednesday, May 19, 1999 at 21:55:21
E-Mail: chernico@cvc.net
Maiden: Christensen
Class: 62
Message: I am looking for a guy named Dean Williams. Class of 64 or 65 (I think) He lived on Manor drive. His Uncle owned Williams Lockers in Inglewood. Last we heard he was in Bend Oregon, but we can't seem to locate him. Any one know where he might live???????
Name: Dale Hahlbeck () on Wednesday, May 19, 1999 at 21:38:52
E-Mail: mhahlbeck@earthlink.net
Class: 75
Message: Dat Damn Keith stays! Dave Krikrac brother,
Last time I saw you, Jim Bistolas, you and I
were skiing down icy streets in Big Bear, teaching
me the ropes....You look mahvelous tilt or no
tilt. Cindy Laird Hewitt, now I know why the
wet leg...I thought it was a medical thing. Ted
Gioia How are ya Still in touch with Joe
Mailander?? GPork...thanx for the scanner guess
but you confused me with my guest shot in the
movie "Scanners" when my head exploded...but like
Keith...I was left on the cutting room floor.
Cougar Cruise info will be available June 1, 1999
stay tuned. John, will see my parents Dale Sr
and Madeleine Short Hahlbeck this Sunday..will
ask about the Reagans..I remember Ron Mix, Paul
Burby, Fred Haynes, and BE BE Jones coming to
a lot of Hahlbeck Sr parties...but they never
matched a Hahlbeck Jr party!!!! Did you know
my mom's brother John Short??? Well dat damn
gotta go this is almost as long as a KJ story
Long write Keith and any Cougar is a friend
of mine...oops hey Gpork, remember when Greg
Goode, Paul Bartasavich, and I shared that
2 bedroom duplex in Hawthorne in the summer
of 1980????? Thats when I lived on only vitamin
C's Coors and Cup o noodles!! My next topic
will be my years as a Recreation Leader in
Hawthorne .....rated PG Dat Damn gotta go
Hey Dale, Thanks for the feedback. Here are a few you mentioned. Don Reagan HHS56 and his wife of a zillion years, Bette Johnson HHS55 are pictured too. Let me know the particulars on the Cruise and we'll post a Cruise 2000 page,
so no one has a reason to miss it. Thanks again man...
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