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Fun song from the early 60's The Marathons
Name: Kathy () on Tuesday, August 19, 2003 at 13:35:23
E-Mail: slavekate@aol.com
City and State: Hemet, CA
Maiden: Jensen
Class: 1980
Message: Hey Jill, I won't be at the Iron Maiden concert on Sunday at the Verizon Amphitheatre but I will be at the Amphitheatre on September 18 to see The Dead, and then on September 20 at the Palladium in Hollywood for the tattoo convention, sounds like a place you should go to with all the tattoo's and all the piercings. We would be two of a kind. LOL Any other cougars out there with lots of tattoos and piercings? Just curious.
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Tuesday, August 19, 2003 at 12:16:51
E-Mail: ivegoneheavymetal.com
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Class: 1977
Message: You should see me now Dan, I am sporting a purple mohawk, am covered with "Death to All" tattoo's, and many piercings :). If anyone is interested, there is an article on Mr. Pat Macha (HHS history teacher) in the Orange County Register today in the local section. He tracks airplane wreckage. It is pretty interesting. Go to www.ocregister.com/local. Have a great day.
Name: Jim Pasternak () on Tuesday, August 19, 2003 at 07:32:00
E-Mail: backdraftco@hotmail.com
City and State: Ladera Ranch, CA
Class: '68
Message: More about Fred Haynes...
I knew Fred from '68-71 when I was an aux. fireman with HFD before starting my career in Newport Beach.
Fred was about thirty, then and was studying to promote to Captain.
I knew him to be helpful and supportive to the "new kid," and was always pleasant, fun and considerate.
My sincere condolences go to his entire family and I am grateful for this opportunity to say something good about a truly great guy.
You'll be missed, Fred. It was indeed a pleasure to know you!
Thanks Jim.....
Name: Ol Coach () on Tuesday, August 19, 2003 at 07:01:35
E-Mail: halncathy@earthlink.net
City and State: Ladera Ranch, CA
Class: 52 to 72
Message: Hi John, you hit my "hot button" regarding the construction and/or lack of planning, that went into the construction of HHS!
The plans for the original cafeteria showed many appliances that were to go into the kitchen. The wiring that was put in was not sufficient to run all of this equipment, so another "change order" had to be made--and of course that meant more money!
They put the "electrical pull box" in the lowest point on the campus--near the north east corner of Nyman Hall. When ever it rained this pull box would fill with water--so that the electrician had to stand up to his hips in water when trouble hit!
Don't know if you recall--many of the sidewalks slanted in towards the buildings-- particularly the buildings west of the library, along El Segundo Blvd. So every time it rained the water ran in toward the building.
When the electrical wiring was put into the shops, they neglected to "ground" them. One of our custodians was up on a metal ladder working on something, and got zapped and knocked across the room. Luckily he wasn't seriously hurt.
That's my recollection of the history of the "making of HHS"
But it was the best of times---the best kids in the world started the tradition of HHS!
Thanks again Coach. Great memories.....
Name: Dan Johnson () on Tuesday, August 19, 2003 at 01:08:24
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
City and State: S.O., CA
Class: 77
Message: Jill, Iron Maiden? Somehow that doesn't jibe with my recollection of you. I can't go -- Which One's Pink? in San Diego this weekend
Name: Dan Dye () on Monday, August 18, 2003 at 23:17:13
E-Mail: DanADye@earthlink.net
City and State: Torrance, Ca.
Class: 62
Message: To all of you Coach Chauncey fans, Check out Paco's Pics of Coach and Cathy form the last cruise night, they look like they are from one of the classes in the 50's or 60's. I had the honor of playing football for Coach Chauncey, however his wisdom and friendship goes beyond football, in fact, he is still giving me good advice.
Thanks again Coach. Dan Dye
Name: Surfbabe () on Monday, August 18, 2003 at 20:13:36
E-Mail: surfbabe6@msn.com
City and State: surfcity,oregon
Class: 67
Message: I still think "Surfer Girl" was written for ME..Please don't upset me by saying it was for Carol Mountain....My Cuz Robin told me it was written for me..would he lie?!
I heard it was written for Miss SeLz.
Name: Marilyn Ross () on Monday, August 18, 2003 at 18:36:22
E-Mail: mlr922@hotmail.com
City and State: Garden Grove, Ca
Maiden: Wisham
Class: 56
Message: Coach Chauncey is probably my best memory from Hawthorne. He was also my math teacher and the greatest coach Hawthorne ever had! I thought of him many times over the years and never thought I would ever hear of him again. Great to see he is still going strong. Sorry I didn't get to cruise nite to meet him again. He is like a super star from the early years of Hawthorne. I even have his autograph in my freshman yearbook. Ya think it's worth anything?
As far as inspectors in school construction, since it's technically federal property at least some districts don't bother to call inspectors they don't have to. I know of a district that still does the kind of work the Coach mentioned from the 50's.
I didn't know schools were federal property.
Name: Doris () on Monday, August 18, 2003 at 16:25:11
E-Mail: yup
City and State: of course
Maiden: Donaldson
Class: '57
Message: OH COACH CHAUNCEY! I am so sorry we missed each other at CRUISE NIGHT! I must have gotten there just after you left. I was just SICK when I heard you were there and I had missed you! SO! You know what this means, don't you? You really MUST, MUST, MUST come to the next CRUISE NIGHT wherever it is and I will too! Shoot! Not many people can claim you were their hero at Hawthorne Park, their math teacher, AND their boss like I can! And you are STILL my hero!
Name: Pat Underwood () on Monday, August 18, 2003 at 15:52:27
E-Mail: onefamilyhistorian@socal.rr.com
City and State: Hawthorne, Calif
Maiden: Lawndale High
Class: 1963
Message: John with 573 pages in the feedback section how the heck do you remember where things are? You have a photographic memory or something? I learn more and more everyday. Thanks
I don't know how I remember those things, but it gives me a headache
Name: Laurie Kelleher () on Monday, August 18, 2003 at 15:22:39
E-Mail: lauriekelleher@yahoo.com
City and State: New York, NY
Maiden: Bednarski
Class: 74
Message: Greetings from New York. Well, I survived the tornado when I was a kid, the earthquake when I was in High School, and now the Black-out. I must say it was an experience I won't easily forget. For all of us who live and work in Manhattan there was a great sigh of relief when we found out it was just a power outage and not terrorism. The neighborhood I live in, the East Village, became one big party. There was a bon-fire and a drum circle in Thompkins Square Park with hundreds of people gathered singing and chanting and on the block where I live there was a jam session consisting of guitars, bongos, a tambourine and a violin. You got to give it to New Yorkers, when given lemons, they make lemon aid!
Cheers to All!
Lemonade, yes, but what do they do with their spoiled meat?
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Monday, August 18, 2003 at 15:09:10
E-Mail: jillmcfar@aol.com
City and State: Mission Viejo
Class: 1977
Message: Hope everyone had a great weekend. Was wondering if anyone was planning to attend the Ironmaiden concert this weekend at the Verizon Ampitheater on Sunday? If so, please contact me, maybe we can hook up. Bud, been trying to email you about Neil Young. Hope everyone stays cool this week, is this heat ever going to end?
Name: Brenda Beasley () on Sunday, August 17, 2003 at 21:14:41
E-Mail: graciesnana@graceba.net
City and State: Cowarts, Al
Message: I have a new e-mail address. It use to be osaile50@cs.com, now it is graciesnana@graceba.net. I was trying to find a picture of Carol Mountain. Also, I have said that I believe "Surfer Girl" was for Judy Bowles, and I still believe that. She and I have been friends through e-mail, and I truly believe she is the one. I appreciate any feedback. I am not a member of HHS, but I have truly enjoyed reading your memories. Thanks, Brenda
Hi Brenda, You asked that question on April 24 2003 and I put it up on Feedback page 550. Click here. The same picture is also on Feedback page 63. For all you who don't know, Brian Wilson and Carol Mountain were HHS sweetys.
Name: Ol Coach Chauncey () on Sunday, August 17, 2003 at 21:08:14
E-Mail: halncathy@earthlink.net
Class: Yes
Message: Hi John, Great job on those HHS photos! Bldgs sure look close together! Hope they don't make some of the mistakes that they made the first time on HHS like, not putting any drains in the locker room floors--obviously some "non-jock" came up with this idea. They thought they could remove all the water, dirt, etc. With a "water vacuum"?? The problem they had not anticipated was that the loss in electricity from the electric cord-- when they got near the end of the locker room the distance was so great, that the water vac wouldn't run! Then came the "new addition" to the locker room, in the early 50's. I went over to the locker room during the summer to get some of the football equipment organized-- and here they were about to pour the cement (ready mix truck) for the floor and foundation for the new extension of the locker room-- there was no plumbing for water drains --plunk! Even after all the screaming and griping from us coaches about the original "abortion" -- here they were doing it again. I stood in front of the cement shoot, to hold them up, until I contacted the superintendent Jeff Garner. He was in San Diego at a convention-- but I did get hold of him. He was horrified that this could happen again-- but said that it was too late now to change the plans-- so "let them go ahead and pour", and we would have them dig up the new floor and put the necessary drains in! Which they did--only they put the drains higher than the floor--so we had to use "smart water" to drain the floor --then they finally came back in and re-did the drains-- and "shazaam" they finally worked! Then they put terrazzo on the floors in the showers. This made it as slippery as "snot on a door knob!" Kids were slipping and sliding-- so we had to have them put down those black non-slip patches-- like they had on submarines. (It's a wonder we didn't have anyone get seriously get hurt by this). Then, if you will remember, they blew that "sound proofing" material on the ceiling. That lasted 7 or 8 minutes-- before the kids found they could toss a shoe, or what ever, up there and tear it up! How the architects can go to college 4 years and learn to screw up like that is beyond us. There are so many other things that were done to the other buildings that you wonder where the inspector was -- on the job? Now for the "new HHS" let me make a simple observation. There was mention about putting in side walks, and I'm sure as heck no brain surgeon. But common sense isn't so common. They should just put in grass for the first month-- after that time they can see where the kids wanted to walk. Architects are too proud to actually ask anyone who is going to use the facility about where they want things. Geez. You got me on a "soap box"! Sorry-- but this is part of the history of HHS that most folks have never heard-- we lived it!
Hey Coach, thanks for the HHS Locker Room history lesson. We're lucky to have these stories and encourage other teachers/administrators to add their HHS stories to the Feedback page too.
BTW, for all you Cougs from the mid 70's on up to the present, who don't know the ol Coach; Hal Chauncey was a mainstay from the inception at HHS. He and Dave Capelouto brought many early football championships to the school as they CO-COACHED the team. Hawthorne Highs Halcap Field is named for HAL Chauncey and Dave CAPelouto.
Coach, your stories are welcomed here anytime, so please keep them coming, and thanks for being a big part of Cougartown.
Name: Carl Harrison () on Sunday, August 17, 2003 at 01:52:34
E-Mail: ceharr@aol.com
City and State: Hawthorne, same state as always!
Class: 72
Message: Just like to let everyone know that my sister, Karen Sullivan (Harrison) class of 71 married her High School Sweetheart, Eric Koch, also of '71 on Saturday, August 9th. After going different ways after school, they reconnected at the Multi-class Reunion in August 2001. God bless them and may they have the life they were meant to have.
Congrats to Karen and Eric....have a great life together.
Name: Gary Jackson () on Saturday, August 16, 2003 at 23:15:27
E-Mail: gjlakersman
City and State: Phila., P.A.
Class: 1982
Message: I was very sad to hear about the death of Mr. Fred Haynes. His daughter Dawn was in my eighth grade class and I played J.V. football with his son Dana. I became good friends
with Dana and that's how I met Mr. Haynes. I was always welcomed into his home and he always
made me feel very comforted in his home. I remember him driving me home after a couple of basketball games and stopping for pizza. It didn't matter that I was black, I was just another one of his son's friends. That was just one of the many things admired about Mr. Haynes. Dawn and Dana you were lucky to have him as a father.
P.s. I love COUGARTOWN, Thanks John Baker.
Hey Gary, Thanks for the kind words about Ctown and Fred Haynes. I didn't know Fred but knew of him. He was very well liked at HHS and starred in Football and Baseball.
Name: Ron Reinholdson () on Saturday, August 16, 2003 at 22:19:00
E-Mail: r_reinholdson@juno.com
City and State: Claremont, CA
Class: 65
Message: Cougar Sitings!! Cougar Sitings!! Do arranged sitings count?
Last Sunday I went surfing at San Onofre with Walter Holt(HHS'66). We have been e-mailing each other for a couple of months and finally hooked up.
This morning, my brother Mike(HHS'67) and I had breakfast with Cliff Rickson(HHS'67). Cliff is out here from his home in Florida, visiting his parents. Both events were made possible only through Cougartown Feedback. What a pleasure it was to meet Walter and to see Cliff for the first time in 28 years.
That's great, Ron. Nice Tshirt, BTW..... Last week Janet and I went to Balboa and were on the tour boat waiting for it to fill up, when Bruce George HHS62 and his parents sat down right in front of us. It's STILL a small Cougar world out there.
Name: Sherlock Branigan () on Saturday, August 16, 2003 at 01:23:39
E-Mail: srbranigan.srb@verizon.net
City and State: T.O. CA
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
Message: OOPS please forgive me, BOBBY!!!
Unfortunately, the checks in the mail to Bill, but I'm sure you can trust him... xoxo
Name: Norv Vorhis () on Friday, August 15, 2003 at 21:46:32
E-Mail: olds88coupe@yahoo.com
City and State: Monrovia, Ca
Class: '59
Message: On the 105 EB, going past the airport, at about 4:45, this afternoon. Glanced down and saw Dr. Mudd's C 47 parked at the east end of the strip. Thought I was dreaming. Then I saw, next to it, a Lockeed Constellation. On the other side, two T6 Texans, and an F4U Corsair. There were more, but, I had traffic to watch. Probably not Dr. Mudds aircraft, but, maybe the Air Show is on for this weekend.
Name: Laura () on Friday, August 15, 2003 at 18:11:57
E-Mail: lla313@yahoo.com
City and State: Descanso, Ca.
Message: I lived in Hawthorne until I was 13 years old. It was great back then.
Name: Bill Jensen () on Friday, August 15, 2003 at 15:23:54
E-Mail: william.jensen@ngc
City and State: Hawthorne Heights
Maiden: 63 Class Reunion
Class: Yes
Message: Am I being talked about here on Cougartown? Ride! Yes! I’m sure to secure a ride to the 1963 All Class Reunion. I won’t miss it for the world. You know………..there will be all those wonderful cute Hawthorne Gals there………such as………I don’t think the feedback page will accept that long of a list. Besides, I will be in trouble if not all the beauties are on the list.
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Friday, August 15, 2003 at 14:30:43
E-Mail: srbranigan.srb@verizon.net
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
Message: Thank You BILL!!! The check's in the
Name: Jan Peterson () on Friday, August 15, 2003 at 11:27:23
E-Mail: jpeterson50@aol.com
City and State: Carmichael, CA
Maiden: Freeman
Class: 1967
Message: To JB & JB2.....Well, with 2 weeks to go until the NoCal "bash", I have not read on CT if you are planning to come up.(Look back a few pages on Feedback, where you eluded to possibly coming up here for the reunion). ;o) Remember Cougs, the California State Fair is going on up here through Labor Day, so you will have some fun things to do along with joining the rest of us at Bill Ennis's place. Have a great weekend all. Jan
Hi Jan, We'd love to be there but are committed to the Mariposa County Fair that weekend. You guys have a great time and please send pictures of all attendees. Thanks for just being good ol' Cougars who care about reconnecting.
Name: Enza Nicocia () on Friday, August 15, 2003 at 10:53:25
E-Mail: antiquenza@aol.com
City and State: SoHot, SoCal
Maiden: How bout them Dodger's ?!?! ;-)
Class: 72
Message: Many of you know my Mom and sis Annie c/o 74~ and her beautiful daughter Christina. This is a recent PIC on one of mama Nicocia's 'good days'. I took this picture as we were 'harvesting' the green beans, zuccini, cucumbers, figs, etc. (Dad would of been so proud!)Lets all give thanks for all the 'little things'in life (electricity?!?!)~it's the stuff that makes for such great memories! Everyone stay cool this weekend. Ciao, Enza ;-)
Name: doris () on Friday, August 15, 2003 at 10:33:09
E-Mail: raydori@mindspring.com
City and State: Twin Falls, ID
Maiden: donaldson
Class: '57
Message: I'm back in beautiful downtown Twin Falls, Idaho from my CRUISE NIGHT #9 visit to CA! Sunny, sunny (and wet) Southern California! Nuthin' like it! Enjoyed CRUISE NIGHT immensely JB! And Goddess Dear! The FLAN was heavenly! It was GREAT finally meeting PACO (now dubbed "Legs"!)!!! Oh yeah! And Don Burns! I heard someone yell "Doris"; turned around and saw this guy taking my picture. I thought "WHO THE HECK???" Voila! Don Burns! And GREAT to see all the others I've met at the CRUISE NIGHT I was lucky enough to previously attend, and of course, get reacquainted with everyone from the doridoo! BTW ... those pictures of HHS hereinabove are great. THANK YOU! And DZ! Ya gotta watch those danged sports bras ... pulling muscles are just about all they are good for! LOL! VERY FUNNY GIRL!
Hey Doris, Glad you could make it to Cruise and I know you had a great time. See you at the next one.
Name: Bob Poorman () on Friday, August 15, 2003 at 07:10:15
E-Mail: poormanrobert@msn.com
City and State: Wayzata, MN
Class: '77
Message: The mail arrived yesterday with a what became a very special delivery. The mail man handed me a box and after a quick look I saw it was from mom in CA. It's not my birthday and Xmas is still a long ways away so I'm thinking what could it be? After ripping into the box I found 2 CT T-Shirts! One for me, one for my brother. Now that's a special delivery! Thanks Mom! Like sending in my annual dues (they're finally on their way JB) sending off for a shirt has been one of those things that just kept slipping into a crack. But now that I have mine I'll need to get wearing it regularly. Winter will be here all too soon and T's aren't a lot of use around here in the frozen tundra much past Sept. Midwest Cougars be on the lookout for a Cougar sighting near you. Thanks again mom and thanks for CT JB!
Hey Bob, Glad you got it in time to wear it for a couple of weeks. Before you know it, it'll be Summer again.
Name: Ingrid () on Thursday, August 14, 2003 at 21:25:45
E-Mail: Ingazburban@aol.com
City and State: San Diego
Maiden: Schulte
Class: 84
Message: My prayers are with Sheryl Burris c/o 84 & The Burris Family in regards to her brother Mark Burris c/o 86. He was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident last Monday. I found out in the news.
Name: Marilyn Ross () on Thursday, August 14, 2003 at 19:28:56
E-Mail: mlr922@hotmail.com
City and State: Garden Grove, CA
Maiden: Wisham
Class: 56
Message: I do not remember Fred Haynes but he did graduate in my class. I probably did know of him at least back then. With only about 200 in our class it was hard not to know everyone. I just wanted to give my sympathies to his family as a fellow classmate.
Name: Bob Jensen () on Thursday, August 14, 2003 at 18:24:29
E-Mail: rrjensen@444.net
City and State: Los Angeles, Ca
Class: 71
Message: Now if we can only get Brother Bill to chime in we will have all four of us on one page. My reason for posting is that I want to report that I had a business lunch yesterday and I found out that I have been dealing with a HHS graduate of 1975 for many years, Lloyd Hermosisima, Operations Manager at FedEx Los Angeles Hub.
We got talking about the cute girls in High School and guess whose names came up, the Bierman Girls. I informed him that they are as wonderful now as they were in school. I?ll bring him out to the next event.
If you have comments or suggestions, please email me at