Name: Barbra Hayashi () on Friday, May 16, 2003 at 08:19:05
City and State: Arlington, TX
Message: I'm trying to locate Stephen Kent. I think he graduated from Hawthorne High in 65, or there abouts. He was in the Navy during Vietnam. Would appreciate any info.
Thanks, Barbra Hayashi
Name: Mark Meacham () on Friday, May 16, 2003 at 08:14:07
City and State: Silver Springs Nevada
Class: 75
Message: Want to get in touch with Jim Lenn of the old Dovey Modean band from HHS (70) If anyone knows his e-mail please let me know.
Name: Bruce Lagatree () on Friday, May 16, 2003 at 06:23:47
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Class: '65
Message: Yeakel Olds Rocket to Stardom was the first public venue for STEVIE WONDER!!
He banged on the piano in 1958 there.
I attended '62 - graduated BMHS '65 Torrance, California - recognize lots of you folks - it's a treat to see you all! Keep rockin'
Welcome Bruce.....
Name: joseph mailander () on Friday, May 16, 2003 at 03:16:31
City and State: los angeles
Class: 1975
John, this thread on the "first concert" has caught up with me at last, and it's my time to confess. The first concert I attended was a Rick Wakeman concert in 1973, which quite amazed me. Wakeman as you may recall was a keyboard player for "Yes" but went his separate ways to meddle and fuse rock and classical idioms. I've always enjoyed both rock and classical music, and Wakeman was actually trying to meld the two. I had just got my driver's license about three weeks prior, and driving to the Hollywood Bowl for the first time was an experience in itself. When I got to the Bowl, some fellow concertgoers adjacent to me were taking puffs of some kind of special and enigmatic cigarette, and, not wishing to disrespect these fine folks by refusing their hospitality, I took their offering, which was another first. In fact, I was transformed in a moment. I became poetic, corrupt, libertine, mellow, tendentious, liberal. But I digress. The concert itself featured Wakeman's album composition, "Journey to the Center of the Earth", which called for narration by David Hemmings, a forceful narrator, who sat in a huge peacock wicker chair through the proceedings. Wakeman had a synthesizer, an organ, and a piano, and in attendance were both a full rock ensemble and a full orchestra. Hemmings' narration was particularly memorable. By some good fortune, I saw a lot of great concerts immediately after graduation. As I was splitting my time between NYC and LA, it was the best of both worlds, and to see someone at the CBGB and later at the Stardust Ballroom was quite a privilege. Perhaps the best concert I ever saw was Elvis Costello at the Hollywood High Auditorium--does anyone else remember that one? Iggy at the Palladium was also memorable. But through the years I've preferred a Tom Waits concert to just about everything else, and the guy who introduced me to Waits was our dearly departed friend, Mike McClain, in '76 when he used to live in San Clemente and seemingly half of HHS would drop in on him every weekend. Two HHS grads and I saw him at the Wiltern about three years ago and he was superb as ever. Something happened to concertgoing circa 1976 and 1977--rock and roll went into funky urban spaces, often cramped, often industrial looking. I think a key element of New Wave was the architecture, bands getting away from expansive festival-style theaters and into tight little wellworn urban spots. I'd like to write a book on that phenomenon, but it's more important to see music performed than to write about it. Music has always been a compelling reason why I've spent most of my adult life in Hollywood. Sometime I hope someone from Hawthorne comes up to Spaceland--I go a few times a year, it's my favorite local club. It would also be a pleasure sometime not to be the oldest person in the place by a factor of a generation...Peace and boat drinks, joseph
Thanks joseph, always a pleasure and yes I DO miss Big Mac to this day, and I only met him 3 times. My favorite Tom Waits ditty you ask.... "Pasties and a G String" and he's not talking about the lowest strum on a fiddle. Also, that stuff WILL make you a liberal, so be careful.
Name: Janet () on Friday, May 16, 2003 at 03:02:25
City and State: Hesperia, Ca
Maiden: Sargent
Class: 1969
Message: Looking for old friends class of '69
AJ where are you? Jackie where are you?
Forever your friend Janet
Name: Jean MacErnie () on Thursday, May 15, 2003 at 21:52:30
City and State: Albq NM
Maiden: Caldwell
Class: 68
Message: Thought I would drop a few lines and say Happy Mothers Day! (better late than never). John, you mentioned the rainy day sessions at school....I am sure we all remember having recess in the class room when it rained. Remember heads up 7 up? That must have been a universal game....All my kids played in school too....They all went to school in Albuquerque. Can anyone remember any other games?
Also The Normans were brought up...Judy, Jim, John and their parents Leo and Betty. I remember them well. They lived next door to me for a short while on 122nd. John had a cute german shepherd named Poke. When the Normans went out of town they would ask me to dog sit for them. I would feed and give Poke his water. At night he would sneak over to our house for an occasional visit. Mr Norman finally gave Poke to me. I am not sure how John gave him the name....but we called him Pokie. Another memory was the water fight....I don't know how it started but I WAS holding the hose. Some how John got the hose from me and drenched me. In the end though John was a true gentleman. When my dad came home from work he wasn't too upset over the yard and porch but he sure did blow a fuse about his soggy newspaper. John admitted to being a part of it and did apologize. As for Jim Norman, the only time I saw him was in the drive way. He was always out there keeping his car in tip top condition. I believe it was a 57 Chevy or something close to that. It is interesting how there are cougars out there who may not know each other but can interlink with other cougars...No matter what year they graduated. John, did you know my cousins who graduated back in the 50's and early 60's? There was Dale Hahlbeck Sr, and his brother George and sisters Joanne and Sally..?
Til next time......
Hi Jean, No, I didn't know Dale personally, as he was 7 or 8 years older, but I do remember him at the Reagans household on Freeman Av and 120th (Bob Reagan was in my class). Don Reagan (HHS56) and Pat Reagan (Serra 54) were Dale's age and they had some great parties at the Reagan's place in the late 50's.
I remember Jim Norman's first car. It was a 34 Ford pickup and Leo had painted it for him. Another car that Jim had was a 55 Ford that he entered in the Mobilgas economy run (remember that?). Jim liked his cars.
Name: Ron Reinholdson () on Thursday, May 15, 2003 at 20:44:33
City and State: Claremont, CA
Class: 65
Message: Best concert, without a doubt, was BRIAN WILSON at the Wiltern theater about 3 or 4 years ago. Maybe a little longer (the Alzheimer's clouds the memory.) This was Brian's first concert in about 30 years. Actually, he did sing a few songs at a prior Beach Boys concert, where he looked like a deer in the headlights. But this was his first concert on his own.
The concert started with a half hour video of the history of Hawthorne and the Beach Boys. He performed his old songs, some of which are rarely heard, as well as his new material. It was awesome. About every two or three songs he would earnestly thank everybody for coming. I think he really didn't expect many people would attend. The place was packed. Had to be 10,000 people.
I think that concert was October of 1999.
Name: Janet Burkett () on Thursday, May 15, 2003 at 19:55:52
City and State: Ca
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
Message: So sorry to have heard about our classmate, John Connoy. He truly was one who helped to make the class of 62 special, and was ever the gentleman. So glad I saw him last year. I will always remember him trying to help us put those center pieces together at Paul Penn's house! Both he and Karin were a delight to spend time with. However, along with what Dan Dye said, I guess when it's time to go home, there is no negotiating. We'll miss you John...God speed.
While I'm still here....I love you, dear.
Name: Paul Wisman () on Thursday, May 15, 2003 at 19:41:00
City and State: Torrance, Ca
Maiden: The memories just keep on coming.
Class: 61
Message: Hey John and fellow COUGS, how many of you had a newspaper route or retail stand (rack) in the city? My very first job was selling the old Herald Express at the intersection of Century Blvd. & Prairie Ave. in Inglewood. My rack was in front of the liquor store at that corner. However, in those days we would go into the street and sell car to car. This was a great location due to its close proximity to Hollywood Park racetrack. After moving to Hawthorne in 1954, I was given a rack at the Safeway market on Hawthorne Blvd. and 122nd. We operated on the honor system in those days and very rarely was I cheated out of a paper. Occasionally they would slip me a penny or a slug but that was rare. The paper sold for a dime and I made a whopping three cents (I think) per paper. After saving up (for a long time) I was able to buy my first Kodak camera, from Laurance Drug Store, which I still have. Other Cougars who had racks in the area was: Bill Arseneau (Mastins Drug), Louis Fredrick (Laurance Drug). I think Brian Tully was in the area also but I'm not positive. Brian, fill me in if you were there. Oh yea! Dick Silva too. Those were the days.
Paper routes were great memories too, Paul. Although you scoff at the 3 cents, 30% of the cost was pretty good. Name: Denny () on Thursday, May 15, 2003 at 19:13:35
E-Mail: NuthinButSpam
City and State: Del Aire
Class: 55
Message: Although we didn't call them concerts in 1952 I went to two in my freshman year but can't recall which was first. One was "Stan Kenton" at the George Green auditorium in Inglewood and the other was "Spike Jones and his city slickers" at Hollywood park. Yea, know I'm old but just cain't hep it.
Hey Denny, Spike Jones ROCKS!!! Name: Cathy () on Thursday, May 15, 2003 at 18:28:53
E-Mail: 2henleys@excite
City and State: Chico,CA
Maiden: Rouse
Class: 68
Message: To those of you that know my sister, Melanie, her children just lost their dad to cancer. Please wish her well and keep her in your prayers. Thank you>
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Thursday, May 15, 2003 at 17:57:15
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Class: 1977
Message: The concert that was better than it should've been was, and please don't laugh at me was..... Barry Manilow, I know, not cool. But what can I say, he put on a good show. Two years ago, my sisters, Dad and I took my Mom to see Neil Diamond at the fabulous Forum, man he rocked! Hey Tim, my grandmother was a DAR, they rock too.
Name: Bob Melendrez () on Thursday, May 15, 2003 at 16:27:20
City and State: Lawndale, CA
Class: 1971
Message: To Dan Dye: Great message for all of us, thanks... Speaking of concert experiences; At the tender age of 7 my dad took me to see Gene Krupa at the Pan-Pacific Auditorium. It changed my life. Ten years later I went to see CSN&Y at the Forum. That concert also changed my life. Add the instruction and influences of Mr. Richard Upton, Mr. Fred Morgan, and Dennis Wilson, and I am proud call myself a musician from Hawthorne...
Name: Glen Christman () on Thursday, May 15, 2003 at 15:21:29
City and State: Murrieta cal.
Class: 58
Message: Any one out there that was in the classes from 57 to 60 and some how remember me, let me know. We are all getting to the retirement years and it would be nice to remember the good old days.
Name: Gomez () on Thursday, May 15, 2003 at 13:55:07
City and State: Penal Colony, OR
Maiden: Smitty
Class: 1972
Message: The worst concert I attended was in Portland about five years ago in a make shift outdoor arena that I think doubles as a toxic waste pit. A group by the name of Rustic Root? opened for Santana. There also was a make shift beer garden in the middle of the pit with thousands of underage people drinking heavily. When the music started they all rushed the stage, we WERE in the front row and got pushed to the back. Fearing for our lives we got the hell out of there. Never got to see Carlos. Oye Como Va.
Name: Tim Helble () on Thursday, May 15, 2003 at 12:59:00
City and State: Columbia, MD
Class: 73
Message: My first concert was Boston at the Santa Monica Civic in 1976. The place was filled with pot smoke and sometimes it was hard to see the stage. Tom Scholz's wiz-bang technology produced sound volume like you wouldn't believe and my ears were ringing for hours afterward. Small venues are best. Just a little while back I saw the Moody Blues at the DAR Constitution Hall here in DC and they are still great! A British group in a hall run by the Daughters of the American Revolution - hmmm... Hey John - I still have that Three Dog Night Live at The Forum tape from '68
Name: Kell () on Thursday, May 15, 2003 at 12:32:37
City and State: Englewood,Or
Class: 67
Message: Gees going to concerts what a trip..i went to so first were at the Hawthorne Memorial Center...can't really remember who played but it was really cool having stars right in town. Then i started going to the Shrine in LA did i ever see some great groups there for only 2 bucks..Rod Stewart and Small Faces..Blind Faith you name them i probably saw them..I remember the black light room ...oh my ,i couldn't do that now...i did see the beatles at the LA much screaming you couldn't hear them..the best part was the helicopter that landed in the field to pick them up..insane...went to see Eric Clapton last year at the Rose Garden in Portland for 50 smackers...i'll stay with the free concerts..He was great but i don't like the big arena gigs...Peace to all..Hi Mary Hamilton send me an email...i'd like to hear from you...And Petey you have a BLAST, pardon the bun, at FiffyCent concert...yo
Name: Kelley () on Thursday, May 15, 2003 at 12:21:07
City and State: Englewood,Or
Maiden: Currie
Class: 67
Message: I've been reading about John Connoy. I understand the pain and shock you are feeling..i lost two old friends suddenly within 8 months of each other..I send out a big hug to all of you...Love Kell
Thanks Kel, John was one of those special guys.
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Thursday, May 15, 2003 at 12:00:02
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Class: 1977
Message: Best concert was Eric Clapton-1986, worst concert, Supertramp 1978.
Name: Lisa () on Thursday, May 15, 2003 at 10:48:42
City and State: Ramona, CA
Maiden: Graham
Class: 67
Message: Happy Belated Birthday to Bart Graves and Lyle Davidson - Celebrate, Lisa
Name: Ron Dokken () on Thursday, May 15, 2003 at 10:44:03
City and State: Endwell, NY
Class: 1955
Message: Hi. Just finishing up my annual trip to Ca. Stayed with my nephew, Don Dokken of the 80s metal group "DOKKEN". My brother and I had a great adventure When we decided mon AM to fly to Phoenix to see a classic XKE. By 6 PM we had bought it and were on the road back to LA. (No AC!) Made it no problem except for the constant contortions to get in and out of the car. Everyone needs an adventure once in a while - especially with a loved one. Regards to my friends in the class of 55, Ron.
Hey Ron, Sounds like a great time and a greater car.
Name: liz () on Thursday, May 15, 2003 at 09:39:17
City and State: RBCA
Class: 69
Message: I didn't see The Beatles at the 'Rose Bowl'....Geezer that I am rapidly becoming meant the Hollywood Bowl. That was their first Los Angeles appearance right after they were on the Ed Sullivan Show.
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Thursday, May 15, 2003 at 08:26:37
City and State: Burlington, Wisconsin
Maiden: Badger
Class: 1963
Message: My first real concert was the Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem (Irish folk music) at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium in 1963. The best concert I ever went to was Pete Seegar and Arlo Guthrie at Summerfest in Milwaukee in the mid-70's. Those were the days before Summerfest was a premier music festival; the stage was semi-permanent and the concert goers sat on wooden benches that were planks nailed to posts in the ground. Went with my 2 grade-school age sons, my sister Mary, and my mother. Everyone was smoking, and my mother kept saying something smelled peculiar. My sister and I just smiled - many years later my mother figured out what the "peculiar smell" was. It was a very mellow concert and I believe it made my younger son a real Arlo Gutherie fan (for 8th grade graduation in 1984 he wanted tickets to see Pete & Arlo in concert).
Ah Yes, Pete and Arlo.... the original "Doobie Brothers".
Name: Sydni Bender () on Thursday, May 15, 2003 at 01:34:09
City and State: Culver City
Message: I'd like to get in touch with Bill Jensen Class of 63. He made some interesting commentary about used cars in the 60's. My father was Eli Bender and I would be very interested in any tales he may have since, my father died in 1962.
Name: Alan Nelson () on Wednesday, May 14, 2003 at 23:34:58
City and State: Parker, Az
Class: '73
Message: First concert was a family affair. Saw Jose Feliciano and the Baja Marimba Band at the Hollywood Bowl. My first real SOLO concert was Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young at the Forum in 1970. They took some of the audio for the "4 Way Street Album. Recently I've seen America, The Doobie Brothers, Eddie Money, and Foreigner in separate concerts at our Indian casino here on the River. This summer's line up is Night Ranger, Joan Jett and the Blackhearts, and Pat Benatar.
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Wednesday, May 14, 2003 at 23:06:17
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Class: 1967
Message: My first concert was at the Melodyland Theater in Anaheim. There were two groups. One was Simon and Garfunkel. Opening for them was The Mamas and Papas. This last year my son and I went to see Guess Who. At Disneyland I did see Mike Love's Beach Boys.
Walter in all of your CDs do you have anything from "Arthur" Lee Harper (Lee Hazelwood Productions late '60s early '70s)?
Name: Nick () on Wednesday, May 14, 2003 at 22:55:57
City and State: San Diego, CA
Class: 1975
Message: Anyone know whatever happened to Tim Keel? I used to play basketball with him and I wonder what he's up to these days.
Name: Dan Dye () on Wednesday, May 14, 2003 at 22:53:09
City and State: Torrance, Ca.
Class: 90505
Message: What a shock, I just read about John Connoy, He looked so good at our 40th reunion. He rode to the reunion hall with me and we had a good talk about our families, we decorated the hall, had a great reunion. Now, not a year later John Connoy is gone. We never know when it is our time for the Lord to take us home. Karin, if you read this, know that your husband was highly respected by all his classmates. John was a special man. I lost my mother last November, however she was 87. John was still a young man and had a lot of living to do. John will be missed at our future reunions.
To all you Cougars out there, go to all your reunions, you never know who you will never see again. And when you see your family or friends, don't be afraid to use the "L" word (LOVE). You can be a manly man and say I love you to a good friend.
As Always, Dan
Very well said, Dan. Gosh, if people would listen to what you just said, there would be lots more contacts made between friends.
Name: nick () on Wednesday, May 14, 2003 at 22:39:58
E-Mail: n_pappagiorgio_44@yahoo
City and State: LVNV
Maiden: rusty
Message: First concert...who remembers "Cat Stevens" at the Forum in, I think, 75' maybe '76? He came out as part of a magic act. My friend worked there and scored me 2nd row center seats. I think they were only $7.50 a ticket and parking was like 4 or 5 bucks. Here's to the good ol' days!
Name: Pat Underwood () on Wednesday, May 14, 2003 at 21:23:17
City and State: Hawthorne, Calif
Maiden: Lawndale High
Class: 1963
Message: My first concert was at the Sports Arena, with Country Joe and the Fish and my last was at the Roxy Theater this year to see CKY. I may be old, but I'm not dead yet. LOL
Name: Cindy Whittaker () on Wednesday, May 14, 2003 at 21:08:53
City and State: Gig Harbor WA
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: First concert was Credence Clearwater Revival chaperoned through the Parks & Recreation Dept. Wouldn't even let us go to the bathroom by ourselves! Best concert had to be when I worked a Jethro Tull concert at the Coliseum. The food stand was smack dab in the middle of the field. Had the best view! Course not too many years ago I got to see Dire Straits at I-forget-where but great seats, great music! Even took the stepkids and niece & nephew who were teenagers at the time. Ask my sister Michelle about her experience at a Queen concert... Hmmmm Michelle???
Name: KAREN () on Wednesday, May 14, 2003 at 20:34:55
Class: 1972
Message: My first concert was LED ZEPPELIN at the FORUM in 1969. I remember what a great evening that was. Yeah Jimmy Page and Robert Plant.
Name: Walter Holt () on Wednesday, May 14, 2003 at 20:34:28
City and State: Orange, Ca
Class: 66
Message: I do believe my very first concert was back in 1962 or 63 At our very own HHS gym with The Beach Boys playing for one of our Pep Rallys. From there to numerous to mention with the most memorable being Woodstock 69.
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Wednesday, May 14, 2003 at 19:36:51
City and State: redondobeach
Class: 69
Message: My first concert was The Beatles at the Rose was a trip. We couldn't hear them for the screaming fans but, man, what a rush.
If you have comments or suggestions, please email me at