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Christmas Time Classic Beach Boys
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 16:58:39
E-Mail: dzlizzy219@aol.com
City and State: Redondo Beach,CA
Class: 69
Message: On behalf of the Libido Brigade, Chris, you're welcome. We aim to please! And as the Goddess of the Libido Brigade I'd just like to say I'd rather be 50 than pregnant. I'm sure you would agree! Merry Christmas Everybody. P.S.My cookies are in the oven, John. They'll be in the mail in the morning.
Thank you for all that you do.
Thanks Liz for contributing to the Cookie Campaign. I will add you to the list.
Name: Al Rocca () on Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 15:55:32
E-Mail: alrocca@cox.net
City and State: Mesa, Az
Class: 70
Message: I want to wish all of you Cougars Happy Holidays and have a great new year.
Same to you, Al....
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 13:22:15
E-Mail: dzlizzy219@aol.com
City and State: Redondo Beach,CA
Class: 69
Message: Hey Butch! It's your birthday too? I gave it to your little brother yesterday just like you asked. It looks like you've been forgiven though. Happy Birthday big guy. You're still the best dancer I've ever had the pleasure of spinning around a dance floor with. Don't let the big 60 take that away. I love you, you bum.
May Peace Prevail in 2003! Elizabeth
Name: HOODY () on Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 10:12:41
E-Mail: 9years364daysmyelderandhecanstillkickmybutt.com
Class: 71
Message: A Cougartown Happy Birthday to my big brother Butch. Seems like just yesterday, fast balls in the front yard, homemade scateboards on the Romona walkways and nose ridden at 26th Street. How time flies when you life is great. I want to send a special thanks to the Libido Bergade for all the Birthday greetings yesterday. Most of you I have never had the honor of meeting in person, yet you really helped make it a special day. Cougars through and through, scarlet and gold, H-H-H-A-W and all that jazz. And once again it all comes back to you John for being there. Ya know, we need to chat more.
Hey Chris boy, Happy Birthday to a bright little guy who will be a big guy like his older brother someday.
Hope you had a great one.
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 09:29:13
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
City and State: Burlington, Wisconsin
Maiden: Badger
Class: 1963
Message: Hey Don Burns, get the Riviera ready, my hubby and I will be there right after New Years (we arrive Jan. 2) with a tour. Tour also includes New Years Eve in LA and seats for the Rose Parade. Sure hope the weather there improves before New Years! John, try checking the pick-ups (little rollers) on the engine of your train set. My son used to collect Lionel trains and once had an engine that just wouldn't run and that was the problem. Also corrosion in the connector wires or in the connectors can cause problems.
Thanks Sharon, I'll try that and have a fun New Year.
Name: Don (crow) Burns () on Monday, December 16, 2002 at 21:25:36
E-Mail: b
City and State: Downey, Ca.
Class: 57
Message: Hey guys & gals, wishing everybody a joyous holiday season. My wife & I are going to spend New Years @ the Riviera in Vegas. Fabian is headlining the show, with Gary Lewis & the Playboys, & a few other featured singers. Seeing R. Hood @ the old Optimist Club in Lawndale reminds me of the time in about '54, I got in the ring with a friend of mine don't remember name (CRS disease) but he kicked my butt real proper like, and I never got in the ring until bootcamp but thats another story.
More later Don
You and the wife have a great trip, Don, and have a fun holiday season yourself. We'll see you back here next year....with lots of LV money, I hope.
Name: ROJO () on Monday, December 16, 2002 at 20:14:22
E-Mail: I-DY-HO
City and State: YOU KNOW
Class: 6OH
Message: Hello there kingy guy. You can add Cougar Jake and Cougarette Judi to the cookie muster list. Time well spent and we had alot of fun. Hope the guys and gals enjoy those clay pigeons. We've lost our cookie making touch. FUNNEEEEEY BLONDE JOKE HOOD. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU. Jake N Jude.
There you go Gary Nix, the Holiday Daisy Cutters are on their way from Kuna Idaho. Thanks Jake and Jude for adding your name to the Cougartown Cookie Campaign and GO CARSON PALMER, the latest Heisman Trophy Winner from the University of Southern California.
Name: Debra () on Monday, December 16, 2002 at 17:49:18
E-Mail: DebratMcG@aol.com
City and State: Lancaster, CA
Maiden: Lee
Class: 72
Message: Wow, it's been weeks (perhaps months), since I've checked in. Two jobs and two teenagers and not enough time. As Christmas approaches, wanted to wish all in Cougartown a safe and happy holiday season. And ... God bless us everyone
Thanks Debra....
Name: Donald Scheliga () on Monday, December 16, 2002 at 16:38:46
E-Mail: des249@yahoo.com
City and State: W. Covina
Class: 62
Message: John, I still have my Lionel train set and all the original boxes, that my dad purchased for me at Sears in Inglewood in 1950. The price, $35.00, marked on the box in pencil is still visible today, and the train runs great. As for the smoke pellets, just mix a bit of plaster-of-paris, let dry, break it up, and drop pellet size pieces into the smoke stack. She'll be a smoking in no time.
Happy Holidays, Donald
Hi Don, Actually my train doesn't run for some reason. I think it's the transformer and I will fix it one day as I can still smell the smoke coming out of the stack.
Have a great Holiday season
Name: Dennis Kilroy () on Monday, December 16, 2002 at 16:19:03
E-Mail: xcabledude@yahoo.com
City and State: OC
Class: 77
Message: Hey John, didn't Gulligan on Gulligan Island have the same problem with picking-up radio station with his teeth ?
It happened all the time, way back then.
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Monday, December 16, 2002 at 15:54:55
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Class: 1967
Message: Well, I didn?t see / recognize any new Cougars over the last weekend. But I did get a package in the mail from Sharon Branigan. My wife grabbed it and I was not allowed to look inside. Wow could it be a new CT T-shirt? I have heard that they are out of a few sizes and by July 5, 2003 (CT T-shirt day) I would expect them to be quite a scarce item.
John, I happened to see the program The Man Who saved Christmas it reminded me of the picture of the Gilbert Erector Set in CT.
Glad you got your Tshirts, Chris, although it's not exactly Tshirt weather here today (raining hard in Lomita).
Name: Robin () on Monday, December 16, 2002 at 14:48:59
E-Mail: IvefallenandIcantgetup.com
City and State: RB, CA
Maiden: Hoodman
Class: sixty
Message: Hey John, I remember that pic...It was behind the old Optimist club on Hawthorne blvd in Lawndale about 57'. C/O 66' Lee Leonard #10 took a lot of hardware from that place..And Doris, the Hood secret is to only send in old pics..:o) Happy B-Day brother Hoody...remember age is only a state of mind...but there are only 50 states....
Then you've come up about 10 states short. Happy Bday you ¼ midget drivin' wannabe.
These pics are Lee's, but scanned and sent in by Dennis Unfried. Thanks Lee & Denny......
Name: Vincenza Benvenutta Enza Nicocia () on Monday, December 16, 2002 at 13:13:48
E-Mail: antiquenza@aol.com
City and State: Brrrr...Chilly SoCal
Maiden: peaceonearth...goodwilltowardsman...
Class: 72
Message: Kim Stembler Begley~Wow! What an amazing story of your father-in-law, and what he had to endure being a POW in Japan. Only in Ct would I have had the chance to hear that story of your husband's family experiences in the War. I've known you for so many years, yet through this web site, we can truly find out things about friends/alumni that we would never of known. (ie. You ride Harleys?!?! :-) I find it very interesting how different many of our backgrounds really are. I grew up with the stories of how my father served under Mussolini, and my mother telling us how she fled the bombings of her villiage in Sicily. We are all so similar in the sense that we all went to HHS, and lived in Hawthorne~Although, the realities of HOW our families all ended up here is amazing and SO interesting to me. Thanks JB for providing this avenue for us to share our stories.
You're right Enza, lots of interesting stories from lots of different backgrounds.
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Monday, December 16, 2002 at 12:42:50
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
City and State: Burlington, Wisconsin
Maiden: Badger
Class: 1960
Message: My first electric train was a circus train. Now I have an old American Flyer freight train that I sometimes set up under the Christmas tree. This year it will not fit because we currently have a life-size Spiderman figure taking up the space usually used by the tree. We are thinking of hanging lights on him....This leads me to ask all you Cougars out there, "What is the strangest thing you ever found under your Christmas tree?" My strangest was a tire for my Volkswagen.
Name: doris () on Monday, December 16, 2002 at 09:17:32
E-Mail: raydori@mindspring.com
City and State: WINDY Twin Falls, ID
Maiden: donaldson
Class: '57
Message: HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the HOODMEN! BEEEEG WON for Hoody - 50 OLLLD years old. ha! We should have all looked so good at 50, right girls? And Hoodman, what can we say? You stay the same ... no aging. What's the secret??? Truly guys ... a very happy birthday to both of you!
Happy Birthday boys.......
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Friday, December 13, 2002 at 15:28:10
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Maiden: WA6OQC
Class: 1967
Message: Sharon Badger MacDonald, I have no idea why you couldn?t get a crystal diode radio to work. KNX could almost be picked up in Hawthorne without a radio. I build many of them and don?t remember a single one that didn?t work. I even built an amplifier to attach to one. My portable crystal diode radio grew to about 14? X 8? and 6? high. It even had a power code attached! I didn?t know about transistors so I had to do it with tubes. Eventually I wanted to use the amplifier for something else so I removed the crystal diode radio section and found that my amplifier picked up KNX almost as well! I learned that poor solder joints produce a diode effect and local radio stations can easily be picked up.
I joined the amateur radio club and we set up a ?net? to pass football scores from school. We had friends in several of the other schools if I remember correctly Inglewood, Redondo and Torrance. We got to get into the games for free just by passing along the scores of the other games.
I heard KNX in my head once and later figured out it was from a temporary filling.
Name: Ricki Farrell () on Friday, December 13, 2002 at 15:20:07
E-Mail: rfarrell@busd.k12.ca.us
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: Hey Don...yes, I was a part of the car show. It was very successful for us, and it was our first. We're doing one again next August. If we don't do it at Mayfair, we're thinking about the L.B. airport in a hanger. We have had a lot of people ask us about it and I think that our next one will be bigger. Next time we should all wear our Cougar shirts so we know who is who.
I have a question for you. My husband and I own a small home in the desert. It is very isolated from the town of Yucca Valley because it is behind a few hills. You wouldn't find it unless I gave you directions. Anyway, we haven't been able to get a phone out there and my husband thought about a CB radio. Are those still in use? I know nothing about them.
Another question to just toss out to anyone: We need to clear about an acre of our 5 acre desert property. Does anyone know how or who to contact? Thanks. Have a good weekend everyone.
Name: Bob Jensen () on Friday, December 13, 2002 at 13:51:24
E-Mail: robertjensen@satco-inc.com
City and State: Los Angeles
Class: 71
Message: I have my Lionel Train, with smoke, running under the tree (circa 1955 Christmas) and my crystal radio (circa 1965) clipped onto the finger stop of my dial phone (circa 1963) and I get KNX loud and clear. Who said that John is the only one who has kept everything he ever owned!
Oh, I know the Jensen boys have kept a few things too. I still have my Lionel Train set (circa 1947) but I'm all out of smoke pellets, and my Gilbert Erector Set (circa 1952). I can't believe parents would allow their young engineers to operate that powerful, "finger eating" geared motor.
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Friday, December 13, 2002 at 11:49:35
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
City and State: Burlington, Wisconsin
Maiden: Badger
Class: 1963
Message: They are actually still selling Crystal Radio Kits! We were looking for a gift for our Grandson in the craft section at Farm & Fleet, and there they were. My hubby wanted to buy one for Grandson Conner, but I killed that idea real quick. I remember the frustration of building one of those things and having it not work ....
Crystal Set??!! Now you're being a Grandparent. I'll tell you he'd rather have a Bass Blasting Boom Box, instead.
Name: Wade Greasby () on Friday, December 13, 2002 at 10:52:07
E-Mail: wadekath@juno.com
City and State: Surf City, Ca
Maiden: nobodyhome
Class: 73
Message: Enza,Enza,Enza, I try to be as brief as possible when speaking of the Lakergirls. They could use your RX of fine wine. Their uniforms are on the Fredricks and Victoria Secret racks as special Xmas gifts for all the Dyan Canons out there. John, sc, strong champions, no way. SC is for Spectacular Cougars. Keep up the good work.
Thanks Wade
Name: Don (crow) Burns () on Friday, December 13, 2002 at 00:26:35
E-Mail: burnslock@yahoo.com
City and State: Downey, Ca.
Class: 57
Message: Hey Ricki, was reading some of the earlier posts & saw that you were a teacher @ Mayfair Hi. They had a car show, Cruising for the Arts on August 18, 02, were you part of that group?
I know it was for the animation & digital dept. I have a 64 T-Bird Candy Apple Red & was parked toward the east end of the lot with a E-Z UP. I manage the Bellflower Lock & Safe @ 17630 so Bellflower Blvd, 1 1/2 block so. of Artesia Blvd. I made quite a few of the crystal radios, my father was a ham operator K6RUN since 1935, so did his best to get me involved also; didn't work never got more than a CB lic.
More later, Don
I remember when you had to have a CB license (KCO 7034). It seems like the FCC has given up on Citizens Band.
Name: Art La Mere () on Thursday, December 12, 2002 at 21:23:12
E-Mail: artlamere@mchsi.com
City and State: Bettendorf Ia.
Class: 73
Message: Susan that is a good gift but what about this. If you have a Cougartown ball laying around and you are going to ship cookies off to Gary Nix then put a Cougartown ball in each box and we can have them on all the antennas over there so part of Cougartown will be there with the troops.
Have a good weekend, Art
Name: Susan King () on Thursday, December 12, 2002 at 20:01:37
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: Hey Gang - here goes another Cougartown commercial! Are you looking for just the right gift for a long lost, recently found, distant, near, VERY SPECIAL Cougar? Might I suggest Cougar Balls? They are actually antenna balls and our own Cheryl Nicocia, class of 62 was kind enough to coordinate the manufacture of them this last year. She still has some left - they're only $1.00 each plus the cost of mailing (which is less than $1 - even for a handful). Email Cheryl at chernico@cvc.net to place your order and she will ship direct to your intended recipient and put a note in the mailer about who it's from! Heck, she'd include the email you send her if you'd like! Great idea! And EVERYBODY needs Cougar Balls! Make somebody smile this Christmas by bringing them just a little closer to Hawthorne. Cougartown T-Shirts are a great idea as well - get 'em while they're hot! OK, I'm done. Back to the regular program....
Thanks Sue, you always seem to say it just the right way. Yes, Cougarballs and Cougartown Tshirts. A couple of great stocking stuffers, that's for sure.
Name: ROJO () on Thursday, December 12, 2002 at 19:41:58
E-Mail: I-DY-HO
City and State: YOU KNOW
Class: 6OH
Message: Hi Coug's. Jude and I got our cookie and chex mix order shaked and baked and sent this weekend. But I'm like you Bake, I hope they don't drop em. They could use em for target practice. The same one several times.
I see the vaunted sc made it to a biggie bowl and yes John and Paco I will root for them in this one. My BRUIN'S made it to a bitty bowl and Bob Toadledo made it to the Toilet bowl. Good ridance I say. I also read an interesting tidbit on the net this last week and although our Coug's didn't fare too well in football this year the Micohi Mustangs are 13-0. Quite a year for those kids I would say. And one more little tidbit I got, which high school has sent the most players ever to the Pros...you got it, LB Poly with 37 total. One happy note though they lost to Mater Dei in the CIF semi's this last weekend.
One last thing John, on the Banner for the cookie drive, do you think you could change the word "comrade" for the word "buddie's. The comrade's were the last group to have been in country :)). MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU. Jake and Jude.
Hey Russ, Lots to comment on here. LB Poly was a no brainer for me. Glad you are sending cookies and I fixed the banner. Also glad you finally came to your senses and are pulling for the University of Strong Champions in the Orange Bowl.
Name: Enza Nicocia () on Thursday, December 12, 2002 at 16:04:54
E-Mail: justlikefinewine.com
City and State: SoCal
Maiden: stilllookingforMr.R. ;0)
Class: 72
Message: Hey Glenn~Could you be Glenn Oliveira? I remember you from HHS AND Washington School. Glad to see another c/o 72 post! Hey, didn't we also go through St. Joseph's Catechism class together? My other memory of you was sitting in the same row at Graduation~remember? We had John Lococo's Champagne bottle being passed around our row, along with a funny smelling 'cig'. (Couldn't believe my eyes!) Great memories. ;-)
Wade,Wade,Wade~What the heck are you trying to say Dude? Come again. Yes, fine Italian wine would be a good RX for our Laker boys, however, I don't think ANYTHING can help those anorectic Laker Girls. Perhaps when the Sacramento Queens, er Kings, come on down to L.A, we should order up some cheeseburgers & fries from room service for the boys....HA! :-) Buon Natale to everyone.
Name: Sheree Klingenhagen () on Thursday, December 12, 2002 at 14:42:08
E-Mail: sklingenha@aol.com
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Maiden: same
Class: 1975
Message: Thanks Suz for the welcome home for Christopher, I do feel like a huge boulder has been lifted off my shoulders just having him back in the good ol' USA, Valdosta, Georgia to be exact. Alot of people do not realize we have the Air Force serving in Pakistan as well as in Afghanistan, and they sure don't like us Yanks overthere much. He is a C130 mechanic and just made Staff Sergeant and I am very proud of him to say the least. So to all my friends and family that prayed for his safe return I say a big thank you! And let the holdays begin!!
Sheree the littlest Klink, after Tom class of '64 and Susie class of '71
Hey Sheree, Hope your Christmas is the best ever. I know you got what you wanted.....
Name: Jessie () on Thursday, December 12, 2002 at 13:39:08
E-Mail: mikejessie
City and State: Los Angeles, CA
Maiden: Corral
Class: Wanna be Cougar of '74
Message: Hi Elizabeth, I wish I could join you on your Silent Sacred Walk. Make sure you wear your Cougar T-shirt so your fellow Cougar's can spot you. Let us know how it goes.
Name: Dennis Kilroy () on Thursday, December 12, 2002 at 13:14:15
E-Mail: xcabledude@yahoo.com
City and State: OC CA
Class: 77
Message: Speaking of Crystal Radios I made many of them growing up. I think they work in the AM band. But speaking of Electronics the best classes I took in High School were the Electronic Classes Taught By Wally McKenzie. He was the best, he showed a great deal of interest in his students, and would let us build anything electronic, once we finished our required class projects. He would also give the class demostrations, one day he made Hygrogen gas for us in a sparkletts bottle. Next he connected a large balloon to the bottle and caught the gas and ignited it. I still remember the large BOOM as it also burned his eye brows off ! We all thought this was cool at the time. Today post Columbine no teacher would be allowed to ever do that on a school campus. Any way, Mr. McKenzie made my life easy because of his helping me learn electronics. I have been able to keep a good paying job ever since leaving HHS. So thanks go to another HHS teacher !
Isn't it great that certain teachers made it fun to learn. It had to be fun for them too. Thanks Dennis
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