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Another Early Classic. The Chordettes
Name: Bud Rhoades () on Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 14:58:33
E-Mail: budrhoades@earthlink.net
City and State: Seal Beach,Ca
Class: 74
Message: Tim Helbe,thanks for the memory jogger with reference to Poor Richards.Just last week my brothers and I were trying to remember the name of that restaurant that had the model trains that we all went to on our birthdays,we were'nt even close,once again,leave it to C-Town.
Name: Jessie () on Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 14:51:57
E-Mail: mikejessie@yahoo.com
City and State: Los Angeles, CA
Maiden: Corral
Class: Wanna be Cougar
Message: The Fedco on LaCienega is now Target. Apparently Target bought up all the old Fedcos around town.The one in the Valley is also a Target.That poor Fedco was soooo dated, but I still enjoyed shopping there.Talk about turning back the hands of time...wasn't that a song?
Name: Jessie () on Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 14:26:46
E-Mail: mikejessie@yahoo.com
City and State: Los Angeles, CA
Maiden: Corral
Class: would of been '74 had we not moved to the stinkin' Valley
Message: Ok, all this talk of Sears... I just have to share my memory...popcorn! I can still remember going in there and the smell of popcorn with real butter. Yummy! Every year at Christmas we would go in there and in the toy section they had the best train set, set up. It was magical!! I still have that memory every year at Christmas time.
Speaking of Sears, remember their candy counter that was downstairs? It was the best, with all the chocolate behind the glass counter. I don't know why that memory came roaring back, but it did. Keep'em coming Cougs....
Name: Tim Helble () on Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 14:16:40
E-Mail: TKHelble@netscape.net
City and State: Columbia, MD
Class: 73
Message: Anybody remember the restaurant up in Inglewood at the corner of Overhill and Slauson? In the early '60s it was called Poor Richards and I thought it was the coolest place. They had an HO railroad layout that surrounded two or three sides of the main eating room. I always had my birthday dinner there and they gave the birthday kid a cupcake with one of those candles that you can't blow out. I could watch the model trains go by for hours if they'd let me. Guess that's why they went under -- too many customers like me -- you need to cycle people through to make money in that business. East down Slauson a block or so was the ORIGINAL Fedco -- it was a cramped little place. They tried to expand by annexing neighboring addresses and knocking out the walls, but they still quickly outgrew it and had to build that huge place on La Cienega. Is that Fedco still there? Last I heard of it was during the L.A. riots when it got looted pretty bad. Still remember that reporter asking a looter "Are you doing this because of Rodney King?" and the guy replied with something like "I don't follow sports very much!"
Poor Richards was directly across the street from the Wich Stand and was a little upscale for me, when I was cruising the Bl. I can't remember what it was AFTER it was Poor Richards but I'll bet someone knows.
Name: Jim Fox () on Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 14:10:08
E-Mail: puffup@pacbell.net
City and State: Haytown
Class: 1966
Message: Say Hey John... Adding to Cindy's recollection of Lawrance Drugs, it was indeed late 65 or early 66 that the store went up. I remember it was just after the 1965 riots, and because we were living on the corner of Manor Drive and 126th, we could hear the sound of the aerosol cans popping and the sirens of the fire trucks (recall in those days, fire trucks and police cars all sounded the same). In light of recent events, we were afraid to leave the house. It was when Herm Bach stepped across the street and filled us in on what was happening that our minds were put at ease. Cindy... do you remember how foggy it was that night?
Hey Jim, Glad you're back in Cougartown.
126th and Manor Drive....did you know the Wedworth and the Dew families?
Name: Janet () on Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 12:41:08
E-Mail: jmburkett@att.net
City and State: Ca
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
Message: I think Sharon is right, I do remember the BBQ beef sandwiches at HHS, they were better than the burgers! Also, Sears in Inglewood. That's where Fred and I got our first "credit card". I remember his Dad giving us a big lecture about not overspending just because we could charge things now. He was right and that was good advice I've always remembered! I just loved Sears and downtown Inglewood at Christmas time. The whole atmosphere seemed so metropolitan then!
Unfortunately, not even close to the same place now. The memories are still good though.
Inglewood was a magic place at Christmas time. It seemed so clean with all those places to shop. No malls then, so Inglewood was it unless you wanted to take the red car to downtown LA.
Name: Paco () on Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 12:36:15
E-Mail: doo4usc@cox.net
City and State: LF
Class: '61
Message: Does anyone remember the west parking lot of Sears? Above the entrance, that covered most the building? There was also a little booth on the roof that a guy would direct you to a vacant parking space...God I gotta go golf!! See ya!
Yep, cars would line up at the entrance. The guy on the roof had a loudspeaker and would say "next car go left 2 aisles and then right". Then he would wait for another parking place to open up and do the same for the next car. It saved people screaming around in the parking lot trying to beat the next guy to a space. I think they did that mainly at Christmas time. Great memory.
Name: Cindy Colby () on Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 12:12:42
E-Mail: cindycolby@att.net
City and State: Laguna Hills, CA
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 63
Message: John, I remember the shoe repair shop, I also remember that there was a store or a laundromat in Inglewood that had a washer woman on the roof, we used to have Sunday morning breakfast at Ladera Park and would take La Brea to get there.
No one has mentioned Lawrance Drugs on the corner of Broadway and Hawthorne Blvd. I was driving down Hawthorne Blvd. one night, there was a lot of smoke at that corner, the drug store was on fire and all of the aerosol cans were exploding and shooting out into the street, that had to be about 1966, the place has been a parking lot ever since. I used to go in there every day on my way home from HIS.
I always thought maybe Laurance Drug had too much competition from Mastins across the street and accidentally dropped a can of leaded ethyl and a match in the back room.
Name: Bud () on Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 11:54:44
E-Mail: budrhoades@earthlink.net
City and State: Seal Beach,Ca
Class: 74
Message: I remember the popcorn shack as being pretty tasty, especially after one of the those infamous class of 74 kind of lunches.........hhhmmm...great memories.
Yeah.....yet ANOTHER era.
Name: Paco () on Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 11:44:57
E-Mail: doo4usc@cox.net
City and State: Lake Forest
Class: '61
Message: I worked in Inglewood from 1964-68 and during that time I spent alot of lunch times on Market st. The "Fun Shop" was my favorite place..One Christmas I bought a bottle of this "Peppe-La-Pue" perfume, it smelt like rotten eggs. I brought it in to work and asked this secretary, who was a very large woman, to sample the perfume I had bought for my wife for Christmas. Well she opened up the little bottle in her pudgy fingers lifted it to a rather petite snout and inhaled....I never saw a woman move so fast!! Otto, you would've been proud of me, dodgin' and cuttin'...She kept my perfume to, probably wore it.
George Gates LHS62 and I bought some finger nail polish with a big fake drip coming out of the end of it. We took it to his house and layed it on his parent's bed and called his mom in the room saying something like "I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry". His mom hit him 3 times before we could get the word out that it was just a joke. Now THAT was being instantly responsible for your actions.
Name: Jessie () on Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 11:32:42
E-Mail: mikejessie@yahoo.com
City and State: Los Angeles, CA
Maiden: Corral
Class: Wanna be Cougar
Message: Ok, all this talk of music...I remember we use to walk to Melody Music and listen to LPS there. And while we are on the subject of remembering...does anyone remember "Larson and Sons Roofing"? I think it was around Broadway. The whole Larson family lived in my part of the neighborhood. All boys, except for Lisa. I wonder where they are today....hummmm.....
Great memories Jessie......
Name: kelley () on Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 11:17:29
E-Mail: kelleycurrie@charter.net
City and State: Englewood,Or
Maiden: currie
Class: 67
Happy Birthday to the "Duke of Boss".
Name: Mike Castro () on Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 09:46:11
E-Mail: mikecastro@ciilax.com
City and State: LAX
Class: 77
Message: Hi Alice Carden, I never had the guts to try the food at Dana, however I remember the burgers and the burritos at HHS were great. I didn't start to hang out at the cafeteria till I was a soph, cuz I kinda had a crush on Dale Hahlbecks younger sister. Ask Rick if he remembers the flying burrito brothers. When he was helping Coach Minami with the baseball team, I recall Rick wanting to name your son "Kyle Coors Carden" but didn't think you would go for it.
Name: Betty Rodriguez () on Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 09:10:35
E-Mail: tombetty@pe.net
City and State: Lake Elsinore, CA
Maiden: Kean
Class: 69
Message: All this talk of Inglewood - I remember the shoe stores! Leeds - I could spend hours in there. And another one a little south on La Brea - Standard Shoes?
And don't forget Matteson's Pet Shop. Great memories there. . . .
Hi Betty, Lots and lots of shoe stores in Inglewood and Hawthorne. I do remember the pet shop in Inglewood too. Does anyone remember the shoe repair place on Hawthorne Bl. about 126th with the mechanical man that was swinging a hammer, supposedly nailing the sole on a shoe? That memory took me back.
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 08:53:11
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
City and State: Burlington, Wisconsin
Maiden: Badger
Class: 1963
Message: The hamburgers at HHS were good, but in my opinion, the bar-b-que sandwiches were better. I came to HHS from a school where the only hot food in the cafeteria was soup (and not very good soup, at that), so almost everything served at HHS was perfect in my book.
BBQ BEEF did they have BBQ beef sandwiches at HHS?? Why didn't you come over and tell me??
Glad you're back, Sharon.
Name: Larry Biller () on Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 08:03:58
E-Mail: lbiller49@yahoo.com
City and State: Portland,Or
Class: 1967
Message: Sears & Roebuck on Manchester in Inglewood was our family's main source for clothing, appliances and hardware when
I was growing up. We also frequented Leonard's Dept. Store in El Segundo
where I bought most of my records. $2.98 for mono $3.98 for stereo.
I remember seeing "The Lively Ones" play in the parking at Leonards.
Leonards was a great store. I bought my very first golf clubs at Leonards. I bought a 7 and 9 iron and a putter for about 11 dollars total, and they were left handed clubs.
Name: Susie "klink" () on Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 02:07:36
E-Mail: Mustangsusie21@msn.com
City and State: Brrrrrr its cold here,nm
Class: sevenTone
Message: I still remember the taste of this awful gum we use to trick people into chewing, that we'd get at the "fun shop" in Inglewood... does anyone remember the Edgar family that lived by the Skeens? (I think) They had a son killed on his bike just after the Thriftimart opened??? Brother Tom had his 56th b-day on 11/10!
Yes, I remember that gum; tasted AWFUL, but was sure fun to give to an unsuspecting friend.
Happy Birthday Tom......
Name: Alice Carden () on Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 23:55:28
E-Mail: slc24@earthlink.net
City and State: Tarzana, CA
Maiden: Beaird
Class: 72
Message: One night when my sister and brother's were together for a family dinner, we were discussing the Dana and HHS Cafeteria food..We could still remember the taste of our favorite items..Our mom worked at the Dana Junior High Cafeteria and would bring home leftovers..We all loved their food..Does anyone remember how good it was, or was it just that our mom wasn't that good of a cook, and it just tasted better ? She's really a Good cook now !
I always thought the HHS food was LOTS better than the Intermediate food. Anyone remember the hamburgers at HHS? When I was a freshman I think I ate about 10 a week.
Name: Christopher James Prewitt () on Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 22:08:54
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Class: 67
Message: I was out surfing the WEB and came across a site where there is some history of the LA area through old post cards. Sorry I did not see anything about Hawthorne but LAX is represented. See http://www.yesterdayla.com/
Thanks Christopher
Name: Enza () on Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 20:04:33
E-Mail: antiquenza@aol.com
City and State: Just Another Day In Paradise! ;-)
Maiden: everthehopefulromanticone ;-)
Class: 72
Message: Dan~Kids!?!?....Me?!?! You MUST have me confused with someone else. Glad you had a good turn out. (Texas Flood?~You know your getting older when you can't relate to the new bands out there these days) ;-( Wade~ You sure have a poetic side to you. That sunset description was really beautiful! I too have REALLY enjoyed this Indian Summer we are experiencing. The SoCal Coug's sure have it made with all the great weather here~although we sure do complain (and are a bit spoiled), when it gets below 65 degress during the day....BBRRRR!
Speaking of old busineses in and around Hawthorne. Who remembers the Judy's next door to the Anita store? And, wasn't there a Safeway on the west side of the street, between Broadway and 120th? (where the old VW dealership used to be.) The only hobby/toy store I remember is the hobby shop across from Washington school, where I would go and buy these great big pinwheel lollipops after school, along with hot cinnamon toothpicks and cigar bubble gum~and admire all the great model cars displayed. (What happened to all that great candy from the 50's and 60's??) ?Wade,Licorice Pizza! I haven't heard that name in ages. It WAS a great place to hangout in. I bought many an album/eight track? there.
Keep warm all you Northern Coug's! ;-)
Yes, there was a Safeway Market on 122nd and Hawthorne Bl and before that it was between 122nd and Broadway on Hawthorne.
Folbs was where Western Surplus is now.
Name: Kell () on Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 19:31:41
E-Mail: kelleycurrie@charter.net
City and State: Englewood,Or
Maiden: currie
Class: 67
Message: My dad worked at Sears for some years..He worked in the toy dept for awhile..that was fun....I remember Grandma Currie taking us on the bus..we had hot dogs at a little place, I think on the back side of the store..pretty fuzzy memory..Mote's haven't thought of Mote's in years..and White Front..i helped open the one on Crenshaw..or was it Imperial..How about the Boston Store..I wrapped Christmas gifts there a few seasons.
Yep, Sears had a snack bar on the East parking lot side. Does anyone remember the hot dog stand on the other side of Sears, on the corner of Hillcrest and Manchester?
Name: Wade Greasby () on Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 19:19:09
E-Mail: wadekath@juno.com
City and State: Surf City, Ca
Maiden: whitefront
Class: 73
Message: Wasn't there a White Front on Imperial near Crenshaw also? The Fobes Toy Store was on of the best. Snap Trains and Lincoln Logs were always at the top of the lists. Bobby Guy was elected to the Softball Hall of Fame this past year and still plays off and on with my nephew, Craig Bradford, HHS '84. They have aa awesome team made up of L.A. County Firefighters. How about Licorice Pizza down on 165th and Hawthorne! The best place to buy albums and "stuff". You could drop buy and listen to albums pre purchase on flop couches, bean bags, and re-cliners, and spend the whole day. Enza, Enza, Enza, another lakergirl bites the dust!!!!!
Name: Jessie () on Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 18:36:33
E-Mail: mikejessie@yahoo.com
City and State: Los Angeles, CA
Maiden: Corral
Class: Wanna be Cougar
Message: I remember Ruby's very well. My dad worked at the Fox Theatre in Inglewood for 30 years, so my family did most of the shopping there at Sears and JC Penney's which is now a swap meet type place. It breaks my heart when I drive down Market Street now and see what it has become. It used to be so beautiful there.
Market St was THE place to shop when I was a kid. I would go with grandma on the streetcar and we'd walk from one end of Market St. to the other THEN walk over to Sears and back to catch the streetcar for home. I've now lived long enough to see things change completely.
Name: Patti Smith () on Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 18:36:10
E-Mail: grnidl80@attbi.com
City and State: Cypress, CA
Class: 68
Message: Wasn't Fun Haven that little magic and joke shop behind Sears in Inglewood? I probably never knew the name of that street...I just knew you walked across the Sears parking lot and were in a new world (my brother's favorite place in the world till he discovered surfing...thanks, George!) And the Guestbook page color depends on your monitor and room lighting. At work it's a beigeish pink, and at home it's definitely beige. I think we always went to the White Front up past the airport because we'd go there when we visited my grandparents in Mar Vista. Zody's was definitely on Hawthorne Blvd. south of South Bay Center, and Akron was across the street from Zody's. Spent many hours in the fabric shop across the street from Chaney's...finally able to choose my own clothes, even if they were "assembly required".
Absolutely correct!! Fun Haven was on that street (Spruce?) behind Sears. Great place for lots of party stuff. Thanks Patti...
Name: Cindy () on Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 18:05:14
E-Mail: cindyw@penlight.org
City and State: Gig Harbor WA
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: Has anyone got any family law contacts in Vermont? I have a friend in need. Specifically Burlington, Montpelier, that area. Thanks!
Name: Bob Jensen () on Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 17:55:12
E-Mail: robertjensen@satco-inc.com
City and State: Los Angeles
Class: 71
Message: Speaking of Hawthorne geography, does anyone remember the location of Mote's Stationery Store?
John, I prefered Ruby's Toy Land on La Brea in Inglewood. I also spent a lot of time at Fun Haven. Does anyone recall where Fun Haven was located?
Yeah but I could walk to Folbs. Fun Haven was....well I know, does anyone else?
Name: Dan Johnson () on Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 17:14:49
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
City and State: Sherman Oaks, CA
Class: 77
Message: Enza, no Rolling Stones, just Corey Stevens (of the band Texas Flood). But there was a very nice crowd at the Whisky for a Sunday night! [Now we're playing the Cypress Hill Smokeout on 11/23 -- I'm sure many of your kids will be there ;-) ] Isn't Mike Love's brother Stan Love (former Laker and Bull) who played basketball at Morningside in the late 60s? My sister is a class of '69 graduate of Morningside where her history teacher was none other than Georgia Bulldog head basketball coach Jim Harrick. JB -- it's not "really" Pink it's sorta purplish pink. The band is just fantastic, that it really what I think, oh by the way, which one's pink?
Yep, Stan was Mike's bro all right.
Name: Mike () on Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 17:11:15
E-Mail: Shay
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Maiden: OS6-9393
Class: 61
Message: Sorry I haven't written lately;
I was just catchin' up on the feedback page. Saw the picture of your Grandma at Chaneys, she looked great. I can still close my eyes and remember exactly where the kept the "Huskey Pants" for 10 to 12 year olds. My mom didn't know how to shorten them so I always had cuffs about a foot tall. Good to hear about Sloey, sad to hear about Roy M.
I'll check in again soon, M.S.
You say you will.....but you won't.
Name: Tressa () on Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 14:52:29
E-Mail: tressas@criterionmachineworks.com
City and State: Tustin, CA
Maiden: Gerkin
Class: 61
Message: I worked at Chaney's during the Christmas holiday in 1960 putting clothes back on the racks!!!! Maybe that is why I hate laundry - you know, the part where you have to hang your clean clothes up!!! LOL
I don't care much for that part either.....
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