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Another Early Classic. The Chordettes
Name: JB2 () on Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 21:52:50
E-Mail: same
City and State: MV
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
Message: Third from the left...the original Mr. Baker. Sharp dresser! Part of the VFD. If I'm wrong...I'll wear the FSU shirt.
Check out those two tone shoes, willya'!! Yes, YOU ARE CORRECT!!!! That's my Pop, the original JB. Now who are these guys, and where was the picture taken?
Name: Janet Burkett () on Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 21:23:06
E-Mail: jmburkett@att.net
City and State: MV
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
Message: Kathy Downer....yep I know about having to learn to "play" an instrument just because I was sitting in the back of band class as a part of the pep squad. Mr. Morgan gave me my choice of instruments, so I learned how to "play" the trombone thanks to Darryl Lundquist! Funny experience from a class guy like Mr. M.
I DO know who at least one of the guys in that 1947 picture is JB....class act!
And...Go Fresno State! OH..Angels too.
OK, so which one do you know?
Name: Gary Nelson () on Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 21:00:51
E-Mail: kruiszn@aol.com
City and State: Granite Bay, CA
Class: 60
Message: John Baker:
Yes, I know how the e mail list works but Alan's address on the list is not correct plus many on the list are duds and some are even deceased. Alan did contact me. Thanks
Thanks Gary, for pointing that out so descriptively.
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 16:38:15
E-Mail: jillmcfar@aol.com
City and State: Mission Viejo
Class: 1977
Message: Can't tell you how much giggling I have been doing reading about the I-5 series. So far, Enza has the biggest base on balls! Sorry Wade, Dean and the rest of you guys. Barry Bonds thinks that there is an I in Team! It seems that when it counts, the big bats go silent, and the players that aren't superstars get the job done. I thought rule #1 in baseball was to play 110%? Saturday should be lots of fun.
Name: Enza Nicocia () on Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 15:15:13
E-Mail: antiquenza@aol.com
City and State: Los Angels, Ca
Maiden: Is There A Mr. Right?? :-)
Class: 72 Still rockin'
Message: Hey Dan Johnson~ Thanks for the heads up on Bruce Springstein's song regarding the Cardinals tribute. I have the CD, it's great! BTW, when is your next gig? I'm not the biggest Pink Floyd's fan, although I do like to Rock!
Wade, Wade, Wade~ Dude, can you say that in English? I'm a big Dodger fan as well. However, I always liked Mike Sciosia when he catched for the Dodgers. (He IS beginning to look a lot like Lasorda, your right on that Jill!) This is the first time that I too am cheering for the Angels. They have a lot of Heart, (not to mention "no mercy Percy", and that youngster Rodriguez), and that goes a LOONNNGGG way in this game! Let's hope that the pitchers don't pitch around the Big Boys and their hot bats. I just want to see a fair game, and what everyone has to offer in this series~just let it RIP!!! :-)
Name: Dean Morris () on Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 14:24:11
E-Mail: dmorris@stanfordalumni.org
City and State: San Francisco, CA
Class: 72
Message: Sorry to bring out all the Cougar Wackos yesterday on the World Series. Wade, were you a little toasted when you checked in? Couldn't quite catch your drift (Rule 1- Just Win Baby. JB, I will settle for my XXL Cougartown T-Shirt that is on back order for 2 years if the Giants win. If the Halos win, I will send you either a Willie Brown or Gay Pride Day t-shirt, your choice.
And what's with all this anti-old men sentiment? We get the job done, stay cool under fire like Enza said, keep CT alive, etc. So don't underestimate a highly motivated geezer getting his last shot at redemption.
Hey, lets have fun this week and thank the big guy upstairs (no not Bud Selig) that we don't have a killer sniper or terrorist bomber to worry about for a little while. That's what baseball is all about.
Over the Hill Guy up North
No XXL's yet, Dean; maybe next year. So I guess you don't have enough confidence in your beloved geezers to make the bet. I'll tell you what, if you PROMISE to wear the USC shirt all year, if the Angels win, then I promise to wear a lowly Fresno St shirt if the Giants win....how's that?
Name: Dan Johnson () on Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 12:36:27
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
City and State: Sherman Oaks, CA
Class: 1977
Message: Gary Nelson, say "hi" to Peter Magowan for me and tell him that I'm so sorry that the Giants must remain 0ferSF in world championships after "South LA" (hey, that's what Dusty called them) kicks their butt.
Geez Dan, Hope you didn't JINX the Angels with that remark.
Name: Wade Greasby () on Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 11:46:07
E-Mail: Halos&Giants
City and State: Surf City, Ca
Maiden: BearBlues
Class: 73
Message: Dean0 As fellow horsehiders, we have a bond, $c is in it for the $$$, and the Giants have a cancer in the dugout, BB. I'm surprised he doesn't pull out his sharpy and sign every dinger he hits. For a few $$$ more. Jeff Kent called it the best, "We are the San Francisco Giants, not a one person club". I hope it is a great series, Baker and Scioscia will match wits and the no-cals will drowned in Big Mac Cove. I'm not on the Angel band wagon, and the pitchers will pitch around nobody.
Name: ray castillo () on Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 11:16:15
E-Mail: raycastillo@prodigy.net
City and State: ca
Message: Note to Dean Morse....Your prediction about the team that gets the pitching being the victor is right. You know full well that rule #1 of baseball is "Good hitting stops good pitching." Rule #2 is "See rule #1".....Rule #3 is (and read it closely!) "BASEBALL IS A YOUNG MAN'S SPORT." For the first time ever, I will root for the A.L. team. But that designated hitter stuff has to go....Cheapens the game!
Also my first time rooting for an AL team, in the Series.
Name: Kathy Downer () on Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 09:26:15
E-Mail: down6@charter.net
City and State: Marietta, Ohio
Maiden: Peterson
Class: 70
Message: I just finished reading Wayne Dickey's tribute to Mr. Fred Morgan. I also remember him as a wonderful man. He was always yelling at us to face our "Snot lockers forward" during band practice. He handed all of us majorettes band instruments one day and said "Learn to play them, your getting credit for band class!" I was so impressed, I took french horn lessons. One trip, on the way to Santa Maria, he handed us all sticks of gum to chew, then he collected them and used them to repair the spangles on the Hawthorne sign to be carried in the parade. He made do with crummy uniforms and old instruments. A very resourceful man! Years later, when my father was dying at Hawthorne Community Hospital, I asked for pastoral care, and in walks Rev. Morgan! Things had come full circle, and here he was again, ready to support me. I hope wherever he is, he is having a good life. Thanks Wayne Dickey, for jogging my memory.
Hi Kathy, Fred Morgan is alive and well and, the last I heard, living in Santa Maria, CA. Janet and I saw him last year at the funeral for Frankie Ayres, for whom the HHS band room is now dedicated.
Name: Enza Nicocia () on Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 00:43:15
E-Mail: antiquenza@aol.com
City and State: Cool Heads Prevail....
Maiden: No Matter How Talented You Are...
Class: 72
Message: Dean~ So, let me see if I have this right. If the Giants didn't win, and the Oakland A's did, perhaps YOU would be jumping on THEIR bandwagon?!?! :-)
You should know, being an athlete yourself, that when it comes down to the wire, it's the team that can keep their composure under tremendous pressure and execute their game, that ultimately wins ballgames (AND, a bit of luck!)~ NOT the strategy of winning a series for someone or something tragic......just my opinion, of course.
Like Wade said, lets put the BIG HURT on those bad boys up North! GO HALO'S, GO! (")
Name: lisa () on Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 23:37:11
E-Mail: ldcp2001@aol.com
City and State: ramona, ca
Maiden: graham
Class: 67
Message: happy birthday to gil arias. lisa
Name: Gary Nelson () on Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 21:58:58
E-Mail: kruiszn@aol.com
City and State: Granite Bay, CA
Class: 60
Message: Alan Hauge: Lost your E mail address. My partner on this project up here, we are building, owns the S.F. Giants. Need any tickets?
Hurry............send me your address.
Gary, His email address in on the Student list. Remember how it works???? Also you should be hearing from lots of SF Cougs, now.
Name: Mary McDermid () on Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 21:34:03
E-Mail: akamac1@msn.com
City and State: Irvine, CA
Maiden: Strehle
Class: 1958
Message: Hey Patt, I wore those "pointed toe" shoes, no problems from that, but getting stepped on with a giant cowboy boot on the dance floor, OUCH! Glad those pointy shoes are out. I can relate when it comes to wishing you were 20 and taking care of grandkids. I only have one who is 14, but she lived most of those years with me. Like they say "should have had grandkids first". Mary
Name: Howard "Paco" Duran () on Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 21:11:33
E-Mail: doo4usc@cox.net
City and State: LF
Class: 61
Message: Wadey Pooh..Neener, neener,neeeener. My second favorite team this week is Cal!! Go Bears!!
Name: Dean Morris () on Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 17:47:19
E-Mail: dmorris@stanfordalumni.org
City and State: Pac Bell Park, USA
Maiden: BenitoSantiago's da Man
Class: 1938
Message: Good Luck in the World Series to all you Dodger fans who reformed in the last week and jumped onto the Angel bandwagon. This should be a great series with the NoCal vs SoCal and Old Men vs Youth Angels in the I-5 World Series (doesn't sound right does it?). I am glad that we don't have to hear anymore about winning the series for someone who is dying of cancer or already struck down in his youth (please don't tell me Gene Autry is on life support still). We had to put up with the Yankees using this strategy 4 straight years (and it worked), so I guess I wasn't too weepy for the Cardinals tough luck (doesn't everybody and every team have somebody to win it for- It's the win one for the ol' Gipper strategy).
My only prediction is who ever gets solid pitching will win, otherwise we'll see horrible 13-5 little league games since both teams have great hitters.
BTW, we'll pitch to Adam (who?) Kennedy if you agree to throw to BB, deal???
El Gigante Grande
OK Dean, we'll pitch to Barry (I'm turnin' my son into a sissy by kissin' him so much on the lips) Bonds if you promise to wear a USC Tshirt for a year, if by chance the Angels happen to get lucky and win the series.
Name: Dan Johnson () on Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 15:51:47
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
City and State: Sure Man, Oaks
Class: 77
Message: Enza, that Springsteen song is called "Into the Fire" off his new Lp "The Rising" (most likely to be the Grammy winner over Eminem in a repeat of 2000 when geezers Steely Dan prevailed over Mr. Marshall Mathers (Eminem))
He's changed----in a thousand little ways, he's changed.....
Name: doris () on Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 15:36:12
E-Mail: raydori@mindsping.com
City and State: twin falls, id
Maiden: donaldson
Class: '57
Message: I practically LIVED on those blue and yellow surf mats during the weekends of my 19th summer. In those days I did not know how to swim, so I would wade out as far as I could go and jump up on the surf mat SIDEWAYS (the mat was sideways ... actually, sometimes so was I!) and ride the waves ALL THE WAY IN till I was in the wet sand and the mat could go no further. GAWD! That was GREAT FUN! I'd do that from sun up till lunch time and sleep the whole afternoon on the beach.
INCIDENTALLY, A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO TILLIE NOODLEMAN aka Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg, one of the ORIGINAL "ROWDYS" (should that be "ies"?) Looking good girl!
Happy Birthday, Judy
Name: Raymond Smith () on Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 11:47:48
E-Mail: Kawabunganorth@juno.com
City and State: Portland Oregon(ducks fan!)
Maiden: Did I say Duck Fan?
Class: 1981
Message: I wanted to say thank you for sharing that old pic of Rosecrans. You see...I had this vision that I remember when I was a small kid (say..maybe I was 5 or 6) and it was me riding in the back of a car (Chevy Impala?) with my oldest sister taking me to the beach. She graduated from Leuzinger in late 60's. Keep those old photo's alive!
Name: joseph mailander () on Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 10:41:36
E-Mail: dbahuitclos@yahoo.com
City and State: los angeles ca
Class: 1975
Message: John, and fellow Cougs, hello--I just wanted to pop in and press the flesh of those distinguished grads of the most recognizable surfer school in the world in the heels of what is cerainly the greatest surfer tragedy there will ever be. The Sari Club in Bali was a big surfer hang, the biggest one in Southeast Asia, and I've known many of our own locals to hit the place and hang and behave there as surfers do. Though I don't think I know anyone who lost life in this tragedy, because there were so many surfers there I feel loss today comparable to what I felt at the WTC bombings. I hope that Cougars have a space in their hearts in these upcoming weeks for remembering the surfers, lots and lots of them, who were victims of anonymous global terrorism and lost their lives in Bali. Maybe the papers won't feature these people as being as heroic as firefighters, but these two categories of people have always had similiarities in my mind, and share many qualities, including lifelong athleticism, loving fun, and fearlessness. If you know an Aussie especially you might take a moment and send your condolences now, as that nation grieves--trust me, if it comes from a Cougar it will be meaningful gesture. There's an article in today's Times "Terror Risks Stop Few Bali-Bound Surfers", and that is certainly the kind of response you expect from our homegrown culture. Peace and boat drinks--Joseph
Thanks Joseph... well said.
Name: Wade Greasby () on Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 10:13:43
E-Mail: wadekath@juno.com
City and State: Surf City, Ca
Maiden: halohuskers
Class: 73
Message: Just a thought. I was noticing the Angel uniforms and the color scheme resemble that of a familiar university in the Mid-west, Nebraska. Did Darin Erstad have anything to do with the new look Disney Team? How about the Sloey Bros? I hope these so-cals can put the BIG HURT on the no-cals in this series. I'm a Dodger fan, never did like the Angels, but anyone playing the Giants gets my vote of confidence.
A note to the SC people, you just can't get a correct call when playing SC on their field. The first touchdown was not a catch. Go Bears!
No Bad-mouthing USC allowed on the Feedback Page.
Name: Patt () on Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 00:30:31
E-Mail: pdeck17@3-cities.com
City and State: Kennewick, Wa
Maiden: Prewitt
Class: 65
Message: Thank You for the Birthday Greetings.
With helping to raise a 4 year old and a 2 1/2 year old, I should be 20 again!
I wish I had the energy that I did back then!
Has any one given any thought to the POINTED TOE shoes we wore back in the early
60's! There were women who actually had their baby toes amputated to accomodate
these shoes! I have wondered how they are doing in their " GOLDEN YEARS"
Name: Enza Nicocia () on Monday, October 14, 2002 at 23:30:31
E-Mail: antiquenza@aol.com
City and State: Angels vs Giants......
Maiden: ....wooohoooo!!!
Class: 72
Message: I'm sure that we're all so excited to see two GREAT California teams go to the World Series!
I was so touched on how Fox Sports/ Cardinals closed with the remaining minutes paying tribute to their two great loses this past year~(and what an appropriate Bruce Springstein song to accompany all the great memories of these men).
What especially got to me was "DK's" little boy tipping his cap in the line-up with a sucker in his mouth, (how cute was that!), and having video of the little tyke sliding into the bases. I'm sure that his Dad was looking down at him feeling so proud!
For me, this is what it's all about~It's not so much the end results that matter so~it's the journey along the way that makes it GREAT!!
(Well..... maybe if the Angels win the WS, it WOULD be even GREAAATTERR!!) :0)
Later, Enza
Name: Mary McDermid () on Monday, October 14, 2002 at 21:36:59
E-Mail: akamac1@msn.com
City and State: Irvine, CA
Maiden: Strehle
Class: 1958
Message: Fabulous picture of Rosecrans. Thanks for the memory! Mary
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Monday, October 14, 2002 at 20:11:09
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Class: 1967
Message: Happy birthday to Patricia Jean (Prewitt) Deckard. My little sister.
Happy Birthday Patt
Name: Alan Nelson () on Monday, October 14, 2002 at 17:02:22
E-Mail: boatcop@boatcop.com
City and State: Parker, Az
Class: '73
Message: You could say that those blue and yellow surf mats at Hermosa were a Life Changing experience for me. My dad rented one for me when I was about 5 or 6, so I could play in the shore slop. Within an hour I was out in the "heavies", standing up on it "like the other surfers". Needless to say I was hooked. I got my first real board at 6 and the rest, as they say, is history!
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Monday, October 14, 2002 at 16:30:14
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
City and State: Honolulu, HI
Class: 76
Message: I was just watching an old Family Feud and I think I saw Mark Escalante win the grand prize. Was he on the show does anyone know. JLIP Keith
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Monday, October 14, 2002 at 15:12:42
E-Mail: jumpedonangelbandwagon
City and State: Edison Field
Class: 1977
Message: Ok, so is everybody still celebrating, where is everyone! Am I the only one jumping on the Angel bandwagon and cheering them on through the World Series? For you die-hard Dodger fans, in a way, the Dodgers are in this WS. Scioscia, Alfredo Griffin and Mickey Hatcher all played in the 88 WS, and if the Giants win tonight, Dusty Baker played with the Dodgers and played in the 77,78 and 81 WS, so you see, there is a blue crew connection, ok its far-fetched I know. Note to Mike Scioscia, you are a brillant manager, obviously Tommy taught you well, but you are starting to look like Tommy, must be a manager thing. Hope everyone is having a good Monday!
Also, from a Dodger fans standpoint, I would love the see the Angels kick the slats out of the Giants in the World Series.
Name: Howard "Paco" Duran () on Monday, October 14, 2002 at 11:51:50
E-Mail: doo4usc@cox.net
City and State: Lake Forest
Class: 61
Message: Neil, I believe the "Plunge" was the Hermosa Biltmore. Lots of fond memories for me.
Name: Neil Andersen () on Friday, October 11, 2002 at 11:53:48
E-Mail: sumerset@aol.com
City and State: Dallas, OR
Class: '62
Message: Does anyone else have any memories of the Redondo Biltmore, "The Plunge" and riding the waves on those blue and yellow canvas mats we rented? Being "old" sure is fun. The older I get the better I was.
I don't, but I bet someone does....
Name: Debbie Noguera () on Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 16:39:29
E-Mail: DebNoguera@aol.com
City and State: La Palma, CA
Maiden: Cook
Class: 72
Message: Elizabeth-When I saw that picture of Rosecrans I immediately called my sisters. It brought back so many memories! I can still smell those trees. We lived right off Rosecrans and our Dad always took us to the beach up Rosecrans. Later on, when we were older, sometimes Steve Gibson and I would walk up Rosecrans to save our bus money. My friends and I would hitch a ride sometimes to save that (quarter?)to spend at the beach instead. So many memories...!
Name: Wade Greasby () on Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 09:53:46
E-Mail: wg1672@pacbell
City and State: Surf City, Ca
Maiden: Brother-In-Law
Class: 73
Message: Scott Nelson, My sister is Janice Bradford, (Greasby), Bruce used to tell us about his days at Aricos. He and Janice are in the stages of finally moving out of Hawthorne and out to Yorba Linda. I will try to locate his e-mail and forward it to you. As of this writing , both are doing well and enjoying life. One note, according to Bruce, he was the only person, other than the owner, to work at Aricos. But you know Bruce!
Name: Stephen Colet () on Wednesday, October 9, 2002 at 22:44:30
E-Mail: StephenColet7@aol.com
City and State: Castaic, Ca.
Class: 68
Message: I was there in 61', at Wrigley Field, and every year since. Let me just say, Angels, ANGELS,ANGELS,ANGELS, ANGELS, ANGELS, ANGELS, ANGELS,ANGELS...and...did I say ANGELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go Halos!!!
Name: Scott Nelson () on Wednesday, October 9, 2002 at 22:39:36
E-Mail: scojo235@tcsn.net
City and State: Templeton, Calif
Class: 1958
Message: Hey John, of course I remember Glen Marsh. I worked directly for him for about 2 of the years I worked at Arico's. Do you still have any contact with him? If so, please mention me to him, he was a great guy and had a wonderful wife and family. If you do contact him, also ask him if he knows what happened to the back room guy, Charley. Charley loved to play the horses and I can tell a tale or 2 about him.
I also saw mentioned in feedback about Bruce Bradford. Bruce and I ran together for a while, when we both worked at the store, and I spent many a night cruising Hawthorne Blvd. in his Black 58" Olds and also double dating with him and Janice with my now wife, Joanie. Would appreciate any feedback on Bruce and maybe his e-mail address.
What memories!!!!! WOW
Hi Scott, I haven't seen Glen since about 1976, but he's retired and living in the Lake Havasu area now. His wife is Walita in case that one was bouncing around the ol' memory banks.
Name: Bob Poorman () on Wednesday, October 9, 2002 at 11:50:32
E-Mail: poormanrobert@msn.com
City and State: Wayzata, MN
Class: '77
Message: John - I noticed that the HHS vs. Beverly ticket states Leuzinger as the field on a Saturday night. Since I was literally the gleam in daddy's eye that year can you explain for us kids? I presume what went on to become Hal Cap wasn't yet built???
Hi Bob, Halcap was built but didn't yet have lights. The afternoon games (B's and C's) were played there, but the Varsity played at Leuzinger, and in later years, El Camino. I really don't remember when HHS got lights, but I know someone does.
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