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Here's the Pledge of Allegiance story. Red Skelton
Name: Karen () on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 23:47:37
E-Mail: kmblitz@aol.com
City and State: El Segundo,Ca
Maiden: Blitz
Class: 80
Message: Thank you to all of you who have called, stopped by, or have sent cards regarding the passing of my big brother Danny Blitz. He will be missed by not only my family, his fiance and the many people he has touched over the years.
Danny was a very special person and the best big brother anyone could have asked for.
Once again to all who knew and loved him
thank you for your kindness.
Please send me an e-mail to keep in touch.
Name: Scott Nelson () on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 23:24:42
E-Mail: scojo235@tcsn.net
City and State: Templeton, Calif
Class: 1958
Message: Hey Betty R. In answer to your question about the Chevron station at Inglewood Ave. & El Segundo Blvd; that station was owned by my wife's, Joanie Nelson (Bradford), family since 1926. Her father Del Bradford ran the station from the 1950's until he retired. Both Bob Brand and myself worked in the station and actually bought the business from him in the early 60's. After myself and Bob left the station, Del and his wife Alice leased the station back to Chevron and Chevron had a dealer run it for them. Chevron then advised that they were not interested in what they called 3rd party dealers and wished to terminate the lease agreement with the Bradford's. The station was sold from the Bradford family in September 2000. Any dealers in there from the late 1960's, owned the business but not the property and leased directly from Chevron. Hope this answers some questions. Any other history you would like about this property, I would be happy to respond. Del Bradford passed away 11 years ago, but his wife Alice is still with us.
Scott, I want to know what happened to all the dual McCullogh Go Karts that were buzzing around that station in the early 60's. It seemed like lots of action was taking place over there from time to time.
Name: Delia Hardy () on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 23:05:36
E-Mail: delia@goattea.com
City and State: Huntington Beach, CA
Maiden: Yawnick
Class: 86
Message: I just had to post and say CONGRATULATIONS on 500 pages of Feedback!! I can't believe I have been here since Page ONE!!
I have watched so many people reconnect with old friends and lots of romances started or rekindled. You should sleep well at night John knowing how much good you have brought to so many people! You are the best!!!
I look forward to reading the next 500 pages! Big HUG to you John!
I need to get a more recent picture to you so you can replace that icky Reunion shot! ;)
Hi Delia, Thanks for the nice thoughts. Everybody wants to get a recent picture to me. I thought we were all seniors here.
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 22:10:42
E-Mail: DzLizzy219@aol.com
City and State: Redondo Beach,CA
Class: 69
Message: Dear John, I just want to say "thanks" like so many others have said. Congratulations on reaching page 500. I wouldn't have missed it for nothin'.
I love you guys! Elizabeth
Hey thanks Liz....
Name: Susan King () on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 21:18:06
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Maiden: Bierman with a "B"
Class: 1974
Message: Whew! All I can say is I'm sure glad to have jumped on this bandwagon back on page 14 when I didn't have so much "back" reading to do to catch up! Can you imagine checking in NOW?! And to those of you who are fairly recent to the site, IT'S ALL GOOD! Start at page 1 and get the whole experience. I wouldn't have missed it for the world! Thanks JB for everything. We love you.
Thanks Sue, Has it been since page 14? That has got to be back in 98 sometime. Thanks for sticking around for so long.....
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 20:58:14
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
City and State: Honolulu, HI
Class: 76
Message: Well as a kid we went the Dodger games but to tell you the truth our favorite team were the Angels. Jim Fergosi was my favortie player for some reason. The biggest thing I always noticed was that when you look at the crowd at Dodger stadium you saw almost all dark haired people. At Anaheim you sw mostly blondes. We had a guy in Holy Glen who was a vendor our head vendor at Dodger stadium. I forgot his name does anyone out there remember him. He lived just west of Isis. I think his first name was Bob. Has anyone heard of Louisburg College. Aloha
Head Vendor back in the old days was Danny Goodman Concessions. I don't think Danny lived in Hawthorne. My friends Mike Shay and Tom Shelley, along with myself, owned a business in the mid 70's called SBS Industries. We made license plate frames for car dealerships, personalized frames, frames for the Dodgers (above), among others. We dealt with Danny Goodman then and he was a pretty sharp guy. I think he came out here with the team from Brooklyn.
Name: Marilyn Ross () on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 20:57:03
E-Mail: mlr922@hotmail.com
City and State: Garden Grove, CA
Maiden: Wisham
Class: 56
Message: Just wanted to put my 2 cents in for page 500. It has been a lot of fun reading these pages. I was very fortunate to get to go to Hawthorne. My sister Lorraine started the first year of Hawthorne. The next year they changed the boundaries - as they often did. I was then in Leuzingers district, but because my sister was already a student at Hawthorne I also got to go. I have always been very grateful for that. I really enjoyed my years at Hawthorne and I owe a lot to the Varsity Football teams and Coach's Chauncey & Cappy as we won a lot of games and that is so much fun. We went to all the games and screamed our lungs out. My first year we got to have work day and plant trees and bushes and play a lot. That really gave us a lot of pride in our school. I was in the Girls Athletic Association - which no longer exists- it was a lot of fun after school. I got to be in the first class to graduate in the "new" gym. Thanks Hawthorne High for some great teen years. And thanks C-town for the memories. Marilyn
Thanks Marilyn, old HHS looks new again thanks to the new administration and a bunch of bond money. Both Hawthorne and Leuzinger and now considered model schools. Like Janet said earlier, Hawthorne has come back from looking something like a ghost town to looking brand new again. Special thanks to Vince Bravo and the rest of the administration for caring enough to bring our HHS back from extinction. It's looking like what I remember it as, a great school with lots of history and pride. I hope the present student body appreciates it as much as we do.
Name: Jerry Miles () on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 20:30:21
E-Mail: jfmiles@pacbell.net
City and State: Fair Oaks, CA
Class: 66
Message: John, I just wanted to add my congrats for your 500th page. It just doesn?t seem that long ago we were getting excited about 100. I would also like to mention to any Cougs in the Sacramento area that can?t make Cruise Night that all is not lost. On September 28th from noon until eight the local oldie radio station is sponsoring Kool Times in the Park. It will be held at Fair Oaks Park and will feature live bands playing 50?s, 60?s and 70?s music, a vintage car show and a picnic. As this is a first time event I can?t tell you if it will equal a Hawthorne Cruise night but it should be fun.
Everyone wear your Ctown shirts so you'll find each other. Thanks Jer'
Name: Scott Nelson () on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 18:46:58
E-Mail: scojo235@tcsn.net
City and State: Templeton, Calif
Class: 1958
Message: Hey John, Congrats on page 500. Both Joanie and I hope to be at cruise nite. We have just sent in our dues so we will be around for a few more days now that we have finally gotten here. HARRY PLOTKIN, yes this is the Scott Nelson who survived in room 9, Dana, 1952-53. The big 7th grade. Please e-mail me (scojo235@tcsn.net) with anything that might tingle my little brain. See ya 9/14, hopefully.
Hi Scott, We'll see you 9-14 at Fosters. Thanks for being out there.....
Name: Wade Greasby () on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 18:40:09
E-Mail: WadeKath@juno.com
City and State: Surf City
Maiden: iwasfour five
Class: 73
Message: My dad used to get tickets from Northrup and my uncle would get them from RTD. PBR was sold in the center field sections and there was also Falstaff. I think my uncle would bring it with him. We used to go once or twice a week. Hardly ever missed when St.Louis came in. All the Okies were there for the Cards. I hope baseball doesn't disappear! Those were some of the best times going to ball games with my dad. When the Dodgers moved up to Dodger Stadium, I went more than he did. One last thing, Happy Birthday to my sister Leslie a.k.a. Lou, class of '79. John, I hope Cougar night at Dodger Stadium comes off. It'll be great. Enza, need some help?
Enza, if you need help, email Wade at wadekath@juno.com.
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 18:33:34
E-Mail: whoopsigoofedup
City and State: Mudville
Class: 1977
Message: Robin, I owe an apology to the baseball purists out there. Of course Davis stole second, because if I recall, Eckersley kept trying to hold the runner at 1st, and Davis did end up stealing the base. Sometimes my memory works, and most of the time it fails me. Ok, now Mike Davis was a pitch runner, who did he run for in that game?
HEY, No changing the question. I get an attaboyjohn , don't I? Actually Mike Davis wasn't a pinch runner, he was a PINCH HITTER. He was walked and Lasorda sent Gibson to the plate. The rest is history.
Name: Betty Rodriguez () on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 18:21:05
E-Mail: tombetty@pe.net
City and State: Lake Elsinore, CA
Maiden: Kean
Class: 69
Message: Okay, having a memory cramp here! I just watched the Hawthorne PD do their thing at the Chevron Station on El Segundo/Inglewood Ave. - they arrested a suspect for Auto Theft and shoved the burning vehicle into the street, away from gas pumps.
Now my question - didn't this station used to be owned or managed by our own Dennis Campbell?
PS - Happy Page 500!
Dennis, was that your station?
Name: Robin () on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 17:30:54
E-Mail: DanDanhe'sourman.com
City and State: RB,CA
Maiden: Al whoJim?
Class: 60
Message: Jill...No one was on first when Gibson went yard in 88'..(Davis had stolen second)..and Big Dan?..Was that shot really corked as we have heard through the years,and is my name still there for the intramural underhand softball toss record?..Russ...We honestly used to play handball till dark against that one time green monster..My vote would go to Keith Lent as the best of our day...Geezo Baker, they let you in the girls locker room? Must have been a tad rank, since no one has showerd there since the 70s....Later Cougs...:o)
Actually I got the word from "the girls" that no one was showering there in the 60's either.
OH and uh.... attaboyrobin
Name: Debra McGregor () on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 17:04:12
E-Mail: DebratMcG@aol.com
City and State: Lancaster, CA
Maiden: Lee
Class: 72
Message: Two jobs, two teenagers, not a lot of time lately to check on Cougartown. How wonderful to check in on page 500! Hope all is well - there's still a Cruise-In in September? I definitely want to take that night off. Hope all is well ...
Hi Debra, Yes, Cruise Night is 9-14
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 17:00:44
E-Mail: jillmcfar@aol.com
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Class: 1977
Message: John, give Mr. Johnson an "Atta-boy" and a smiley face. Dan, game 5 was better.
Name: Dan Johnson () on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 16:00:36
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
City and State: Sherman Oaks
Class: 77
Message: Strawberry -- "let it burn"
I was at game 4 in Oakland -- Mickey Hatcher with an HR
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 15:05:00
E-Mail: jillmcfar@aol.com
City and State: Dodgertown
Class: 1977
Message: My first trip to Dodger Stadium? It was girl scout Father/Daughter night I guess the year was 1970 or 1971. My dad took me of course and I had a blast. I don't remember who they played or even if they won, I just remember it was time spent with my dad. As I got older, I bled blue. I thought Davey Lopes stole bases with style and finesse, Steve Garvey and Ron Cey were my favorite feuding infielders, and Steve Yeager had the tightest rear end I have ever seen on a catcher. There was a time where I had attended every opening day that Fernando Valenzuela had pitched. Dan, you may have gone to the 1st game of the 1988 WS, but I went to the 5th game in Oakland where they won the series, and enjoyed watching Orel (Bulldog) Hershiser pitch. My last time at Dodger stadium was June 1996 they played the Reds, and I was 8 months pregnant with my youngest. Spent most of the time in the ladies or mens bathroom.
Ok, now for some baseball trivia. In the 1988 World Series, game 1, who was on first base when Kirk Gibson hit that home run?
Name the baseball player who has played for all 4 teams originating out of New York. Mets, Yankee's, Dodgers, Giants.
Good luck. BTW, the winner gets one of John's "Atta boy/girl" and a smiley face.
I'll go out on a limb and say Mike Davis was on first. The other question, I'll leave to the experts.
Name: W1P () on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 14:52:13
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
City and State: Sherman Oaks, CA
Class: 77
Message: Dale, I take it you have your tickets for the Proclaimers at the Coach House on 7/21? And when I haever, well you know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who's haevering for you.
Name: Dale Hahlbeck Jr H1 () on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 14:30:29
E-Mail: kewldaad41@aol.com
City and State: Newport Beach
Class: 1975
Message: IF I COULD WRITE 500 TIMES....
Future hit song Congrats John and a
reminder if you don't have a revolving
star by your name yet send in you dues
to help Cougartown stay up and running...
or I'll have to call Keith Jones to get
Hawaii updates ttfn Rock Steady ya'll
Thanks a bunch Dale.....
Name: Mark Vitaterna () on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 14:22:14
E-Mail: mvitaterna@socal.rr.com
City and State: Torrance, CA
Class: 78
Message: On behalf of the Blitz family, I would like to thank all of you for the kind thoughts and words. There were more than 100 people in attendance at the Saturday service for Danny, thank you all for coming.
Danny and I were very close, we spoke almost daily and saw each other a couple of times a week. My best friend has been taken from me.
The worst feeling in the world is losing a best friend or family member....our condolences, Mark. Danny will be missed.
Name: Dan Johnson () on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 14:20:40
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
City and State: Hawthrone
Class: 77
Message: My first Dodger game was in 1969 as a member of the "Dodger Pepsi Fan Club" For a buck you got a game ticket (in the "red" level at the top -- I don't even remember what that level is called -- the last time I sat there was for a Cure, Love & Rockets, Pixies concert in 1989 or 1990 -- but that's another story entirely) and a bunch of coloring books and other trinkets. I believe that I was taken to that game by Mr. Hale (father of Rick and Cindy) -- but I'm not certain. I currently have a 1/3 interest in a season tix package in the Loge Level and yes, I was there for Game 1 of the 1988 World Series -- where the Robert Horry of baseball made a dent on baseball history.
The 11th hour shot by Kirk Gibson....baseball, WHAT A GAME!!
Name: Jerry Rigney () on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 14:07:51
E-Mail: jnsrig@webtv.net
City and State: Palmdale,Ca
Class: '59
Congratulations on the big 500 John. Thank you for Ctown and all it's accomplished.
Thanks Jerry, See you on Cruise Night on the 14th of September.....
Name: Harry Plotkin () on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 13:50:44
E-Mail: hcharry@pacbell.net
City and State: Harbor City, CA
Maiden: Old Codger
Class: 52-97
Message: John, CONGRATULATIONS on the big 500. Kathy is getting new shutters and the man who called on her - you guessed it - HHS '66. I told him about Cougartown and he has signed on - Vern Stephens. Scott Nelson - were you in room 9 at Dana in '52 - '53? If so , give me a shout. El Rojo, looking forward to seeing you and Judy in September. Love to all,
Thanks Harry, for the info on Vern. It truly is a small Cougar world, and getting smaller.
Name: Larry Biller () on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 13:21:56
E-Mail: lbiller49@yahoo.com
City and State: Portland,Oregon
Class: 1967
Message: Time does fly! 500 already! Thanks John.
My first major league game was at the Coliseum. Our little league (Aviation)
coach took us there. Dodgers lost to the Phillies 9-0! As far as the Beach Boys practicing in a garage I do believe they did at a house located on 122nd behind Anza school. I remember Carl Wilson testing a P.A. system on the front lawn.
Name: Howard "Paco" Duran () on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 12:12:48
E-Mail: doo4usc@aol.com
City and State: Lake Forest
Class: 61
Message: Congrats on your "500th" anniversary! I remember Robin e-mailing me about the the 1st Frosty's Cruise Night. It's been a wonderful trip!!! Hope to be there for "5000".
Thanks Paco.....
Name: Wade Greasby () on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 11:36:20
E-Mail: wadekath@juno.com
City and State: Surf City, Ca
Maiden: Wontgetfooledagain
Class: 73
Message: Thanks John for the jolt of java. Congrats on the BIG 500. Now if Sloey would get me that order of hot cakes I'd be in Cougheaven. The Coliseum was my first Dodger game adventure. The Pirates were in town with Dick Grote and Bill Mazeroski. Duke Snider signed my program. I remember also the kids would fly paper airplanes and the dads were drinking PBR from the bottle. Does anyone remember the MOON shots to left field? The World Series in '59 was great too. Seats were only $4.00. $1.00 in the center field section. The Sherry brothers along with Podres, Big D, and Sandy were the pitchers. Norm Sherry caught, Larry pitched. Dogs were a quarter for two. Good Times. Greg Jones, Colburn played in Haw Nat not American. Larry Stone (King) could pound the ball a fair distance too!
Thanks Wade, actually the best seats in the house at the Coliseum were $3.50. Those prices lasted until the mid 70's. The beer was Eastside and not Pabst Blue Ribbon, and yes I DO remember left handed hitter, Wally Moon (#9) and his opposite field Moon Shots over the screen in left field. Hey Wade, How do you remember the Dodgers in the Coliseum? You were only 3,4 or 5. Great memories there.....
Name: doris () on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 10:51:30
E-Mail: 500!
City and State: tf id
Maiden: donaldson
Class: '57
Message: GEEZ! How could I have forgotten the Dodgers played in the Coliseum!! Thanks John for jogging the OLD memory! I LOVED going to Chavez Ravine, too! I was at both places a kazillion times, as well as Wrigley Field. I have to tell you, little old WRIGLEY FIELD was my all-time favorite. Probably because I went there when I was VERY young with my Dad. Good memories. Thanks Sharon!
Old Wrigley field in LA was a copy of Wrigley field in Chicago and was actually called Wrigley field in 1925 whereasChicagos Wrigley field wasn't so-named until 1926. Home of the PCL Angels and located in South Central LA, it succumbed to the wrecking ball in 1966. Another LA landmark that should've been saved, in my opinion. For more info Go here
Name: Sheri Aust () on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 10:45:58
E-Mail: sh_aust@hotmail.com
City and State: Bishop, CA
Maiden: Miles
Class: 78
Message: I have to clear up an earlier posting. I am not responsible for putting together the HHS Band Reunion, the credit belongs to Phil Ledesma, HHS '77 and Amanda (Macko) Wadleigh, HHS '79 and some other band alumni who knew sooner then I did! I only showed up and enjoyed seeing everyone who was able to make it. Due to this little misunderstanding, I may be told since I was already given credit, to get involved for the next one. I'll start right now by making an announcement to anyone who was in the HHS Cougar Band: Watch this great web site for news of the next one expected to take place in 2004, and pass the word on. This site is how many of us were contacted and notified of this year's reunion events.
Thanks again John, and congratulations on 500 pages. By the way, I'm confused about this page split, it appears that I was on 499 initially, but ended up on 500, don't try to explain... I think I'll be on 500 again with this posting, so one is legitimate, but neither is the first. It's a really great place to surf!
Thanks Sheri, for the explanation. I will add the news of your next band reunion to the site. Please condense and send me the details.
I won't try to explain the Feedback pages, but yes, you were at one time on 499 and depending how far down that page you are, can end up on 499 or 500. Thanks again and keep the reunions coming Cougs.
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 10:14:33
City and State: REDONDO BEACH, CA
Maiden: doyouknowwhereyourbeachboyis?.com
Class: 66
Message: I was talking to my very good friend Al Jardine this morning or sometime and he said that any garage that the Beach Boys would practice in would have to be in Hawthorne. They just can't get that harmony sound anywhere else.
500 pages John, who had ever thunk it! That's about 6,755 in regular 8 1/2 x 11 huh Chris? Somebody could write a screen play on the history of the school just utilizing all the material, I can just see the opening pan, Keith with his head stuck in a bike rack to the Beach Boys at a giant concert then leaving to go practice in somebody's garage in Del Aire, and a thousand other images. It's could be a hit!
To all you screenplay writers, these pages are copyrighted.
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