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Another 50's classic Roy Hamilton
Name: cindycolby () on Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 09:50:35
E-Mail: cindycolby@att.net
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 63
City and State: Laguna Hills, CA
Message: Wow Janet, that brought back memories, there is nothing quite so nice as climbing in bed between sheets that hung on the line all day. As a kid, we lived about four houses from the Huckabys, on the weekend I would go and help Connie when she did her laundry in a wringer washer and then she would hang them on the line, I still think that I would do my laundry that way if there were time.
Well I am off to Las Vegas to visit Martha Amour for the weekend, "major gab session". Everyone have a good Easter.
Name: Tim Helble () on Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 08:50:54
E-Mail: TKHelble@netscape.net
Class: 73
City and State: Columbia, MD
Message: Paula Dunn - I used to live across the street from Barbie Coate on Hansworth in Holly Glen. I e-mailed her neighbor on Hansworth and she says Barbie is living in the San Diego area. Her dad still owns the house on Hansworth and Barbie comes up to visit once in a while, so maybe she can find out Barbie's e-mail address next time they get together.
Name: Janet Burkett () on Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 00:12:14
E-Mail: jmburkett@att.net
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
City and State: Mission Viejo, Ca
Message: Here's a Hawthorne "memory", or maybe it is just generational! Those wire pant frames that your mom used to put in the pant legs of your jeans before hanging them on the line. (Or, in Mrs. Baker's case, those Hawthorne Christian School khakis.) They would get stiff as a board with a crease down the legs that wouldn't come out until the next washing! Haven't seen those stretchers(?), or whatever they were called, in years.
And, how about the smell of clean sheets that had hung outside on the clothesline, in the sun all day. Of course this was all before fabric softener and electric dryers! So...who's got the time for all that today?? But, folks today are missing one of the great, simpler things of years gone by.
Yep, pants stretchers..... I remember them hanging, with pants stretched tightly, in the hall over the floor heater to dry. Not exactly a Maytag but it was our clothes dryer.
Name: ROJO () on Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 22:28:06
E-Mail: I-DY-HO
Maiden: YOU KNOW
Class: SIX-OH
City and State: SAMEFOR28YEARS
Message: aaaahhh...The big one hasn't hit yet, has it? Slow night? Only one animal left for the big prize and it's a turtle! No Bruins , no Ducks, no wildcats. Whats a Hoosier? Whats a Sooner? A Jayhawk? something's wrong with evolution with a Jayhawk. Rooting for the Hoosiers (several friends from there) and they're the biggest underdog of the final final. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU! (GET WELL SOON DAN ). JAKE N JUDE!
Go Sooners!!!
Name: Laura Porter () on Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 22:23:53
E-Mail: dsnycrw@ivic.net
Maiden: Twitchell
Class: 79
City and State: Hemet, CA
Message: Just a heads up for those that follow Hawthorne's musical legacy....Class of 79's own Greg Hetson and his band, Bad Religion, will be at the Palladium this Saturday and Sunday..If you go, tell him I said Hi!
Name: Jim Raines () on Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 21:35:39
E-Mail: fourwindspublishing@juno.com
Class: 1962
City and State: Salt Lake City, Ut
Message: Hello Hawthorne,
Well the Olympics have come and gone. What a great time we had here in Salt Lake City with folks from all around the world.
I just wanted to say hello to you again.
Regards Jim
Hi Jim, Glad you're still out there. I think you know we have a reunion in July. Can you have Dan Kieffer check in and change his email address or maybe you can just let him know about it. Thanks.....
Name: Tom Burroughs () on Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 18:41:13
E-Mail: ARizTom@webtv.net
Class: 1958
City and State: Prescott AZ
Ok Sloey, it's a deal. I promise to be a Boomer Husker rooter in the fall!! Go Big Red. It won't be easy! TB From AZ
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 16:02:34
E-Mail: jillmcfar@aol.com
Class: 1977
City and State: Mission Viejo,CA
Message: Glad to see feedback is up and running again. I have missed the daily ancedotes of my fellow coug's.
Had so much to say, but I forgot it all due to the length of time feedback was down. Guess I'm havin one of those "Senior Moments"
Hope everyone is having a good week, and how bout them Academy Awards!
Oh yeah, one more thing. Paco, I love the pictures from Cruise night, however, did'nt anybody from the class of the 70's attend? If so, can you post their pictures too? I would love to see my old classmates holding their balls! (Cougar antenna balls).
Name: John Baker () on Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 15:01:14
E-Mail: john@cougartown.com
Class: 1962
City and State: Lomita, CA
Message: For all the Dan Dye fans out there. He's had some pain problems the last few days, but seems to have it under control now. He wants to thank all that have called and sent emails. He hasn't been able to answer email because he can't sit up long enough. So if you've sent him an email and haven't gotten a response back, that's why.
Take it easy Dan; I'll make an excuse for you at our reunion meeting tonight.
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 14:06:05
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Message: Sloey, I hope you have lots of your cards when you hang out with JB. It sounds like not only would you beat the ambulance you might be able to make any 911 calls I see that you are also keeping close track of Dan Dye. I never thought I would hear a lawyer say "a minor set back"! You must have been exhausted from your workout!
Hey Chris, Didn't mean to ignore yesterdays email. Automation is in the works.....
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 11:56:15
E-Mail: hitmeoncehitmetwicehitmeonceagai.com
City and State: the strand, ca
Message: John Baker 3, pedestrians on the path ZERO! John I really liked the forearm shuck this morning, well timed, delivered strategically and it was a fair blow. As Emperor Bob Baker says, "Get off the bike path peasant the King is coming!" Dan Dye fans, Danny is doing better after a minor set back, yeah right it wasn't me feeling the pain, but he is doing better, keep him in your prayers. Johnny B tomorrow we should just take the Durango, its warmer, less physical energy, and we'll have all the space we need. I promise not to get any syrup on the dash board.
It's getting real dangerous out there all right. See you tomorrow.
Name: JOANNE TOICE () on Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 05:48:21
Class: 76
City and State: HAWTHORNE
Name: Cynthia Valencia () on Monday, March 25, 2002 at 22:06:22
E-Mail: CynValencia@AOL.com
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 66
City and State: Las Vegas, Nevada
Message: It was great to hear from you, Nina LaCoco. I will never forget when I was your Catechism teacher in the 3rd Grade, and I was walking up the stairs to the room with you, and you showed me how you had bitten your tongue in half while you were still numb with novacaine. I had a hard time teaching that day! You were a beautiful little girl and I am not surprised that you are so accomplished........Jim Sloey enough of the sports stuff...just kidding.
Name: Cheryl Nicocia () on Monday, March 25, 2002 at 19:22:50
E-Mail: chernico@cvc.net
Maiden: Christensen
Class: 62
City and State: Keno, Oregon
Message: This is for DEWEY STORIE .. I tried to email you but it came back as "Delivery Failure". So, to answer your Question, just let me know how many, and where to send them, and I will let you know the cost and ship em off. (COUGAR BALLS)
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Monday, March 25, 2002 at 19:01:51
E-Mail: soonerscanducktheducks.com
City and State: Atlanta, Ga
Message: I got so into this final four thing that i got tickets for Atlanta and tickets for the last 3 games so I could see The ducks play Oklahoma. When did that ever happen? I got news for you Tommy B, you are in trouble Monday. Oregon is a great team and Ernie Kent is the closest thing i have seen to John Wooden but Kansas is really something. Dickie V put the death knell on Maryland and here's hoping i did the same for Kansas. Boomer Sooner [Geez I can't believe I am saying this-Tommy you're a Husker fan all fall Baby!] It's ok Robin, you can come out nobody's going to hurt you. Us Huskers feel your pain!
Name: Cheryl Nicocia () on Monday, March 25, 2002 at 13:35:36
E-Mail: chernico@cvc.net
Maiden: Christensen
Class: 62
City and State: Keno,Oregon
Message: Hello, everyone out there in Cougartown. The Grappa man and I are home again, and have been mailing out "Cougar balls" like crazy. (thank you so much). They really cost very little to mail, so if you didn't get yours yet, email me. Cruise night was a ball, and so good to see everyone again. Thanks again John.
Name: Howard "Paco" Duran () on Monday, March 25, 2002 at 12:45:56
E-Mail: doo4usc@aol.com
Class: 61
City and State: Lake Forest
Message: What ever happened to "Joe Sunshine"?
Name: Robin () on Friday, March 22, 2002 at 15:42:30
E-Mail: ok
Maiden: Red Breast
Class: 3rd
City and State: Ducktown USA
Message: I think that would be Century Bob, where Haytown Blvd turns into LaBrea and the city of Inglewood...If memory serves me, the county line is 104th...What do I win?...Glad to hear big Dan is up and stair climbing already...Really sorry about Sloeys boys Bruins and Johns Blue Devils :o)Bye bye Longhorns...Go Ducks!! and have a great weekend Cougs...:o)
Name: Sandy Trivett () on Friday, March 22, 2002 at 15:02:26
E-Mail: mktrivett@mstar2.net
Maiden: Blake
Class: 57
City and State: Hawthorne, California
Message: My husband and I went to Leuzinger......our son and daughter went to Hawthorne high......loved your site.....you did a great job......much success is wished you. You have brought back fun memories of a good time for us.
Thank you Sandy...
Name: Kelley () on Friday, March 22, 2002 at 14:53:31
E-Mail: k.k.currie@att.net
Maiden: Currie
Class: 67
City and State: Coos Bay, Oregon
Message: I miss feedback. I can talk cars and such. Please keep it going. I'll send a picture of my lowered 1954 Chevy..too cool it was. But Timmy Fye crashed it twice..Ted Reed bought it, fixed it up, and I think he had it awhile...I was then driving a 1956 Fairlane 500 spooky car it actually drove itself.. I had no control it took you where it wanted to go....or was that caused by the smoke. oh well keep posting JOHN
Name: Bob Jensen () on Friday, March 22, 2002 at 14:06:44
E-Mail: robertjensen@satco-inc.com
Class: 71
City and State: Los Angeles, Ca
Message: This question is for those Cougars who live out of state. At what cross street does Hawthorne Boulevard change it's name?
Name: Gomez () on Friday, March 22, 2002 at 14:05:25
E-Mail: konniesmith@attbi.com
Maiden: Smith
Class: 1972
City and State: Snow, Oregon
Message: One big KISS for Dan Dye the kissing guy.
Love and Peace
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Friday, March 22, 2002 at 11:19:53
E-Mail: thestrandwaswindyandcold.com
City and State: good stuff, ca
Message:Dan Dye for all his fans and their are only as many fans as those who have met Dan, cause if you met him you know what a terrific person he is, as well as his wife Ann, is probably maybe coming home today. Yesterday he walked up 4 flights of stairs and the therapist is just too tired to deal with our Danny, so home he goes. And John he had a message for us, BE ON TIME MONDAY! Truly his surgery has gone very well, the nerve that was apparently pinched is not giving him any pain and it looks like he is well on his way to recovery! Have a great weekend Cougars and go Sooners! And Ducks too.
Get well, Dan
Name: Treva Colwell () on Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 23:55:10
E-Mail: Avert5@aol.com
Maiden: Weyer
Class: 62
City and State: Anaheim, CA.
Message: Hello Class of 62! Long time no see, since 62 I do believe.
Hey Treva, I remember you. Hope to see you at our 40th in July.
Name: John Baker () on Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 15:12:14
E-Mail: john@cougartown.com
Class: 1962
City and State: Lomita, CA
Message: I received this from Ed Sharp and Pat Sacayan Sharp today:
Hi John
Pat and I were married this past Sunday March 17th. Exactly three years to
the day since we were reunited. Pat's first posting was way back on page
39. It seems such a short time ago but when I look at all the feedback and
pages since then it's amazing. Thanks so much for this site John. You have
brought so many old friends back together. For Pat and I it means, well
lets just say we are very happy.
Thanks again John!
Ed and Pat
These two HHS 68ers found each other in Cougartown and have become the third couple, that I know of, to marry because of finding each other here.
Congratulations you two. May you enjoy each others company and all that life has to offer for the rest of your days.
Name: John Baker () on Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 21:18:14
E-Mail: john@cougartown.com
Class: 1962
City and State: Lomita, CA
Message: For all you Dan Dye fans out there. Dan has just gone through the second of 2 operations on his back, to repair disc damage done years ago. The first operation was done last week. He has come through with flying colors and is recovering at Centinela Hospital in Inglewood. He's a little groggy now, but should be OK to take a call tomorrow. If you are a Dan Dye fan, and want to call him, he's in room 6011 and the number of the Hospital is 310-673-4660
Get well Dan; Jim and I need you back on the bike.
Name: Mike Backus () on Monday, March 18, 2002 at 11:52:36
E-Mail: michael@backusstudio.com
Maiden: chargeofthelibidobrigade
Class: '74
City and State: Eugene, OR.
Message: When I was in the sixth grade at York School I suffered all year with a
yard duty teacher who was on my case. I don't think she was even a real
teacher. But she was the dictator of the blacktop. She
liked to have the sixth graders in one area, the fifth graders in another area
and so on. She wanted to organize us like we were different colors and
sizes of beads. One day I wandered out of my area. She was on me
like a pit bull on a pork chop. "What are you doing out of your area?
There are fifth graders playing here!" I had finally had enough of her.
"Why are you always bugging me? I'm not molesting anyone!" I was
12 and a firm believer in "why use a small word when a big word will do".
Unfortunately, in this woman's
frame of reference, "molest" meant but one thing. "Young man, I should
march you right into the Principal's office and have you sent home!"
I was dumbfounded. I knew possibly every meaning of the word but the
only one that she seemed to know. She may have read the confusion on
my face because she said, "Never mind, just get over there where you
belong!" But now I was indignant. I was sure that I had been unfairly
accused of saying something bad. I went back to my classroom and
looked up molest in Webster's Dictionary. "molest: v, 1. To bother
or annoy". Armed with corroboration from a respected authority, I
marched back out to the duty. I showed her the dictionary. "See?
Molest; to bother or annoy. I wasn't bothering or annoying anyone".
She could have reacted lots of ways to this. To her credit, she laughed.
"Okay fine. Recess is almost over. Get back to class". This feeling of
being misinterpreted, and subsequently censored, has always stayed
with me. In a free society, we should be more suspicious of our critics
and our censors than of our authors. WRITE ON, COUGS!
Name: Paula Dunn () on Monday, March 18, 2002 at 11:30:28
E-Mail: Kentuckywoman-1@juno.com
Maiden: Christian
Class: 1972
City and State: Florence, KY
Name: Enza and Lena Nicocia () on Monday, March 18, 2002 at 10:08:09
E-Mail: antiquenza@aol.com
Class: 72/65
City and State: Beautiful Sunny Beaches , So Cal!
Message: This is for our "FAVORITE" sister-in-law
Cheryl Nicocia...who had a Birthday on St.
Patty's day. Hope you had a wonderful day...and
may you have a great year! Look forward to you
and John coming down to L.A in June...maybe
cougartown can have another get together down
by the ocean...that would be fun!! Perhaps a
beach party!! Ciao, Enza
Happy Birthday Cheryl.... Chow, John
Name: Susan King () on Monday, March 18, 2002 at 08:24:50
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Message: Relax Janet, it's just a libido. Let's save our criticism for the likes of old what's his name from Beverly Hills who belittled this site and threatened to crash the prom, or better yet, for the Osama bin Ladens who threaten to destroy our very ability to speak openly....this site has been a joy not only as a look back to our past but for it's opportunity to see who we all are today and to celebrate that. The rule is, if it doesn't appeal to you, then scroll. Frankly, I've enjoyed everything, from everybody. What a wonderful and diverse group of people!
Name: Janet Burkett () on Friday, March 15, 2002 at 17:19:22
E-Mail: jmburkett@att.net
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
City and State: Mission Viejo, Ca
Message: Let me tell you about my libido.....OH Yeah.....this is supposed to be about Hawthorne! Sorry John, I got caught up in the wave!
HAPPY ST. PATRICKS DAY everyone. I'm off to make corned beef and cabbage like me lil' grandma from Dublin taught me!
I thought your gramma was from Poland. Anyway I loved her Polish Corned Beef and Cabbage. I'll be over about 6pm sweety. You can tell me about your libido then.
Have a great weekend Cougs.....
Name: Nina Lococo () on Friday, March 15, 2002 at 17:10:11
E-Mail: nlococo@epsten.com
Maiden: Lococo
Class: 77(would have been)
City and State: Poway, CA
Message: Hey Ricki--- how great to hear from you. You Valencia girls were always so nice to me. I have such fond memories of you and Cynthia. I was at that park every day for 7 years. It was my life. Speaking of the park, I've also recently been in touch with Terri Van Meter. Did you know her? She was my hero. There was also Judy Zaccaglin and another girl named Gayle, but I can't remember her last name. Maybe you or Cynthia would know.
Name: Jessie Koehn () on Friday, March 15, 2002 at 16:59:46
E-Mail: mikejessie@yahoo.com
Maiden: Corral
Class: 1974
City and State: Los Angeles, CA
Message: Hi all! I actually didn't graduate from HHS.I would have had my family not moved to the Valley.I really enjoy the site and I have told my brothers and sister all about it.They went to HHS.As does my nephew now.I was wondering...does anyone out there know if I can buy a HHS sweatshirt from the student store?Thanks!!
I don't know, but call 310-263-4400 and ask for the Student Store. I'm sure they can help. Good Luck
Name: Robin () on Friday, March 15, 2002 at 15:58:10
E-Mail: BakersOldFolksHome.com
Maiden: split spleen
Class: 60
City and State: RB ,CA
Message: When the Zags cant Zig,(I think they read Sloeys novel and feared the flight to the next round,the Trojans burst under pressure, The Golden Eagles couldn't fly in the Hurricane, Steve(I want to look like Pat Riley) Lavin and his Bruins season should end tonight, The Gauchos fall off their horses, whats there to say? Say DUCKS, say sweet 16, say have a good weekend Cougs :o) Missed you on the strand again today guys..too cold?....:o)
Man, I am impressed. The very first time he goes down, and there it is. Hey, tell me, how were the pancakes? They didn't have the camera out there when we went by this morning.
All my teams are gone but UCLA and Oregon. If they lose I'm pulling for Duke.
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