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From the 50's The King
Name: Laura Porter () on Monday, February 18, 2002 at 11:08:46
E-Mail: dsnycrw@ivic.net
Maiden: Twitchell
Class: 79
City and State: Hemet, CA
Message: Someone mentioned getting the chicken pox for V'tines Day a few posts back....I had my first boy/girl party when I turned 13 and invited all my buds from Hawthorne Intermediate. It was a great party...got my first boyfriend that night too. But the next day my sister broke out in chicken pox. Everyone there that night was exposed and quite a few came down with them soon after. Not the way to break into the teen social scene!
Funny what we caught back then and what we could catch today.
At church yesterday the pastor listed 5 main problems in schools 50 years ago. Not necessarily in this order, they were:
1. Chewing gum in class
2. Papers strewn in the hallway
3. Talking in class
4. Tardiness
5. Late Homework
The 5 main problems today, not necessarily in this order:
1. Alcoholism
2. Drugs
3. Pregnancy
4. Rape
5. Being Attacked
Times have DEFINITELY changed.
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Friday, February 15, 2002 at 18:00:36
E-Mail: jillmcfar@aol.com
Class: 1977
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: I will not be attending cruise night after all, seems I have a prior committment, but I would still like a cougar ball, so if there is a way I can order one via mail, let me know.
I will be thinking of you all on Cruise night, make sure plenty of pictures are taken, so I can see what I've missed.
Have a great weekend Coug's.
Hi Jill, Sorry you can't make Cruise Night but check with Cheryl Nicocia about a week after, and she'll have them. Her email address is chernico@cvc.net
Name: Dan Johnson () on Friday, February 15, 2002 at 14:12:04
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Class: 77
City and State: Shure Man Oaks CA
Message: Kelly, Steve Tindel is a name that really rings a bell but I cannot place it. My first reaction is not that I played on the same team with him but that he was the coach -- but that could be time running down the side of my mind like globs of paint thrown against a wall. I guess the question is -- how old is your bro? You and I were in the same class at HHS -- where did he fit? Heading to San Diego this weekend for "The Steely Damned" on 2/17 @ The Catamaran. "In the corner of my eye, I saw you in Rudy's . . . "
.....drink your Big Black Cow and get outta heahh..........
Name: Sharon () on Friday, February 15, 2002 at 13:14:26
E-Mail: srbranigan.srb@verizon.net
City and State: CT Shipping Dept
Message: BTW, anyone attending Cruise Night should really plan on dressing in STYLE by wearing your official COUGARTOWN T-Shirt! If you want one in advance you need to order now, and get your check in asap, to allow time for your check to be received and your shirt shipped via Priority Mail. Cougartown T-Shirts and Cougar Balls; go together like Speedos and Bandsaws!
HEY!! I've gotta GREAT IDEA.......Cougartown SPEEDOS. I wonder if they make'm in XXXL??
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Friday, February 15, 2002 at 12:17:56
E-Mail: jillmcfar@aol.com
Class: 1977
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: I am not one of the "older Cougs", but I did get the question of the week correct (It took me twice).
John, just how old is that photo?
That picture is circa 1949, and is hanging on the wall at the Hawthorne Memorial Center.
Name: Doris () on Friday, February 15, 2002 at 11:54:36
E-Mail: raydori@mindspring.com
Maiden: Donaldson
Class: '57
City and State: Twin Falls, ID
Message: HEY COUGS! Thanks ever so much for all the happy birthday wishes, emails, cards, flowers, as well as the Valentine's Day wishes! CougarTown really IS a special place! It must get awfully old John, but THANKS again for this fun website! :-)
Thanks Doris, and it never gets old....
Name: Lyndal (Lynn) () on Friday, February 15, 2002 at 11:53:48
E-Mail: lyndals@webtv.net
Maiden: Brauer
Class: 62
City and State: Hawthorne, Ca.
I would like to hear from my old friend Carol Bullock.
Thank you in advance,
Lyndal (Lynn)
Hi Lynn, Please add yourself to the Alumni List so Carol Bullock can find you when she checks in. I also hope you're planning on attending our 40th reunion this year. Please click here for more details on the class of 62 reunion.
Name: Patti Smith () on Friday, February 15, 2002 at 09:33:09
E-Mail: grnidl80@mediaone.net
Class: 68
City and State: Cypress, CA
Message: Has anyone else not received their Prom Night Memory Book? They were mailed 5 weeks ago.
They're still trickling in. I know it's been long enough. Our Prom was 6 months ago, but people are still receiving them daily. Give it a little more time or call Linda Macias at Jostens Photography. Tell her you're inquiring about the book for Hawthorne High School Prom Night.
Name: Bob Martinez () on Thursday, February 14, 2002 at 22:54:49
E-Mail: twofuries@aol.com
Class: '65
City and State: Spokane,WA
Message: While I was in the army in Germany in '68, I remember getting a letter from my sister Ida and she sent me pictures of the fire in El Segundo at the Chevron refinery. So, you were correct about the year.
Name: Kathy Martinez () on Thursday, February 14, 2002 at 22:42:17
E-Mail: twofuries@aol.com
Maiden: Tindel
Class: '77
City and State: Spokane, WA
Message: Hey Dan Johnson,
When you played on the Orioles, didn't you play with my brother Steve?
Name: Linda Reynolds () on Thursday, February 14, 2002 at 18:47:58
E-Mail: linrey@yahoo.com
Maiden: Jones
Class: 62
City and State: Chatsworth, CA
Message: Hi Cougs! I don't have any grandchildren yet but I wanted to send you some pictures of my Best Friend's (Nancy Cheryl Brooks Kari, Class of 62 also)
grandchildren. The two together are son Steven's and the single little girl is daughter Michelle's baby. I just happen to think these are three beautiful babies. See what cougars can reproduce!
VERY Cool lookin' grandkids, Nancy....
Name: Robin () on Thursday, February 14, 2002 at 18:34:43
E-Mail: ACLtearon a bike?.com
Maiden: Jaime
Class: 60
City and State: RedondosBeach
Message: Now there is a picture I want...John boy cutting up some fence posts in red speedos. Its about the only thing that will make his poetry pretty..:o)Kidding John (not) Happy Valentines day to all, and especially my beautiful wife, as it is our first together. Vickys Secrets didn't have any bandsaws John, so I got Marsha a little something else in red...Later Cougs...Much later..
Not just ANY speedos my friend, but NASCAR SPEEDOS. Now THERE'S a pretty picture. Have a great Valentines day, Robin.....
Name: Mike Shay () on Thursday, February 14, 2002 at 18:24:00
E-Mail: theshays@earthlink.net
Maiden: Mikeypooh
Class: 61
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Message: Don't forget to give your Valentine something real special tonight......(but I don't really recommend cougarballs) Someone gave me chicken pox once and that was bad enough!!
See you on Cruise-Night!
I'm giving my Valentine something REAL extra special tonight, if you know what I mean. Yep, I'm giving her an extra wide 6 foot long skip tooth saw blade to go with that bandsaw. She's just gotta love that.
Name: Dale Craig () on Thursday, February 14, 2002 at 17:03:39
E-Mail: barbara.craig@worldnet.att.net
Class: 76
City and State: Hawthorne
Message: Happy Valentines Day to everyone in Cougarland.
It's a beautiful day in the city of good neighbors; of course I'm talking about good old Hawthorne Ca, the best place to live. I've lived in Hawthorne for 32 years and love it. I know that many people have two different places in the United States from Hawaii to New York. I think it's great to leave the beautiful city of Hawthorne to go to these places but I would only visit. It is great to live in a city that weather is always the same every day.
To Cindy Whittaker; I saw that it was 27 degrees in Bay Harbor Washington. That's too cold for me, I hope to see you at cruise night 03/02/02.
Happy Valentine's Day to everybody, From Cupid, Dale W. Craig class of 76
Name: Cindy Whittaker () on Thursday, February 14, 2002 at 16:18:24
E-Mail: cindycwhittaker@aol.com
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
City and State: Gig Harbor WA
Message: Uh John, you're right. One poem IS enough! But it's the thought that counts and your's was a winner. She's a lucky lady! Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!
Oh by the way, I may be getting down there in the near future to visit Sharon Branigan and she said we're going to round you up and take you to lunch! Be afraid, be very afraid... (that's what you said to tell him, right Sharon?)
As long as Sharon's buying, I'm in.
Name: Janet Burkett () on Thursday, February 14, 2002 at 16:07:00
E-Mail: jmburkett@att.net
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
City and State: Mission Viejo, Ca
Message: OK...I'll be your Valentine. Can't wait to get my band saw and give you your red Speedos!
Happy V Day everyone!
GREAT!!! Are they the red Budweiser Speedos with number 8 on the butt, and signed by Dale Jr?
My Valentine prayers have been answered!! I better keep your bandsaw over here though, as I wouldn't want you to get hurt, yahno.
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Thursday, February 14, 2002 at 15:44:34
E-Mail: jillmcfar@aol.com
Class: 1977
City and State: Mission Viejo
Message: Happy Valentines to everyone here at C-Town. Hope everyone is having a good one!
Just closed escrow and have moved. What a wild ride that was.
Anyhow, my nerves and furniture survived the move, if only I can remember which box I put my kids in?
Name: ST VALENTINE () on Thursday, February 14, 2002 at 15:44:23
E-Mail: NONE
Maiden: NONE
Class: ALL
City and State: HAWTHORNE
Name: JAIME PRONTO () on Thursday, February 14, 2002 at 13:26:03
Class: 66
City and State: anterior cruscate ligament, ca
Message: Happy Valentine's day to my wonderful wife [this sure beats going out looking for the right card] and all you cougars. John I miss you, Dan and I will be rehabing together. And a Happy Birthday to Doris Donaldson Ferreira on her 27th as she spends her birthday on the Bridge of the Irish Prince. Whether this beats it or not, off to find that card!
I didn't know the Irish Prince even owned a bridge. Happy Bday Doris......and Happy Birthday to Bob Reagan HHS62, actually it's tomorrow but........
Name: Joe Bell () on Thursday, February 14, 2002 at 13:06:22
E-Mail: jb41jb@yahoo.com
Class: 59
City and State: Artesia CA
Message: That Prom Book looks good, of the pictures of us.
I'll be glad to see friends again at 'Cruise Night' the 2nd. It is a Blessing to be able to contact so many friends again, that I thought were lost forever, after June of '59. I Hope it Rains real hard that night, to remind me of the "Flooded Streets." That were such a part of my School Days, in the 1950's. Thanks John...
Happy Valentine's to ? ? ?
Hey Joe, where have you been? See you on Cruise Night, March 2nd....
Name: Tim Helble () on Thursday, February 14, 2002 at 13:05:42
E-Mail: TKHelble@netscape.net
Class: 73
City and State: Columbia, MD
Message: Re my comment about El Segundo's "black lagoon" located near Rosecrans, I don't think there was an Allied Chemical facility anywhere in the local area. More likely, whatever was in the lagoon probably leached from Standard Oil. They used to have those huge in-ground oil storage tanks, and it seems like they could leak at least a little.
Speaking of the in-ground oil tanks, I think they started phasing them out after that huge fire back in the late 60's which was mentioned in previous feedback. From my recollection, it occurred at Christmas time, and my best guess for the year is 1968. We had just started the holiday break, and it was a rainy morning. I remember hearing some thunder, and being a weather nut, I went to the front window of our house in Holly Glen to watch for more lightning. Then I saw a bright cloud-to-ground strike hit due west, which was followed by a quick thunderclap. Then I saw a black cloud of smoke rising from the ground. At first I thought it was a tornado, but after a few minutes the smoke plume was overhead and it was obviously not a tornado.
My dad worked on the Apollo project at the big Rockwell facility in Downey, and I remember him coming home that evening with his yellow '66 Dodge Dart all covered with black goo which had fallen with the rain. As I recall, the fire lasted 3 weeks, and there were often big flare-ups which lit up the western sky at night. Anyone else remember that fire? Did I get the year right?
Name: Tim Helble () on Thursday, February 14, 2002 at 12:45:25
E-Mail: TKHelble@netscape.net
Class: 73
City and State: Columbia, MD
Message: Way cool! The President is visiting our complex today to talk about his global warming initiative. I saw his motorcade pulling up and he was waving to people from inside the limo. The street outside is closed, there's Secret Service people all over the place, and a helicopter is flying overhead.
Name: Dan Johnson () on Thursday, February 14, 2002 at 12:06:58
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Class: 77
City and State: Sure Man, Oaks
Message: When I was 9, my Aviation Little League team -- the Orioles -- was sponsored by Varela's TV. The legendary EJ Curse showed up unannounced at the 2/9 Which One's Pink? show in the Valley -- the owners said they hadn't seen the club that packed since the Foo Fighters played a "surprise" (announced on KROQ) gig there a few months back.
Name: John Baker () on Thursday, February 14, 2002 at 11:58:14
E-Mail: john@cougartown.com
Class: 62
City and State: Lomita, CA
Message: Happy Valentines day to my sweet patooty, Janet.
A Valentine Poem written JUST for you;
My sweetys name is Janet,
She's the sweetest girl on the planet,
If she'd be my Valentine,
All would be fine,
I would be happy as a chunk of granite
OK so like I said, I'm not too good at this poetry stuff. anyway sweety. I love you.
Name: Walter Holt () on Thursday, February 14, 2002 at 11:19:27
E-Mail: walter_holt_hhs66@hotmail.com
Class: 66
City and State: Orange, CA
Message: Ok Cougs.... Time to wish Cougartowns own "Valentines Day" girl A HAPPY BIRTHDAY.. Happy Birthday Doris "Donaldson" Ferreria. Also Happy Valentines Day To all of you lovely Cougarettes out there in Cougartown Land.
How bout ME??!!
Name: Doris () on Thursday, February 14, 2002 at 10:50:57
E-Mail: raydori@mindspring.com
Maiden: Donaldson
Class: '57
City and State: Twin Falls, Idaho
Message: HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY COUGARS!!! To you, John, especially for providing CougarTown so we can communicate with Cougars of ALL ages! I have enjoyed this website so much!! I might make it to Cruise Night ... not only from FAR, FAR AWAY, but probably one of the few from the oldest crowd of Cougs to make it to a Cruise Night. Not sure yet; going to try. Now go celebrate the LOVE holiday!
Hey Doris, Happy VD to you too, and hope you can make it to Cruise Night as there're usually 5 or 6 that are from the mid 50's group. See you then......
Name: Susan King () on Thursday, February 14, 2002 at 10:31:58
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Message: Dear Cougs: Thirty-six years ago, I received a very special Valentine's Day card in the mail from a secret admirer. We were 9 years old and I was made to feel like the most special girl in the whole wide world. I saved that Valentine in my collection of memorabilia and over the years, I never got over that warm fuzzy each time I looked at it.....Thank you Mike Backus for a gift I will treasure my whole life. It has kept me connected to you all these years, and though not always in person, you were always in my heart. Happy Heart's Day everyone!
Geez Sue, It doesn't look very special to me. Were you slurpin' and slobberin' on the envelope or sumpthin'?
And Mike, Where's the Zip Code?
Name: Patt () on Thursday, February 14, 2002 at 01:01:12
E-Mail: pdeck17@3-cities.com
Maiden: Prewitt
Class: 65
City and State: Kennewick, Wa
Message: John, Thank you for the wonderful website.
Yes Gary and I will be at Cruise Nite
I was accepted as one of 75 invited to an ONCOLOGY NURSES FORUM in LA that weekend. Whatluck! An all expenses paid trip and Cruise nite on the same weekend!
We are looking forward to seeing everyone.
This will count as a FUN THING that Chris and I said we would have at least once a year after only seeing each other at FUNERALS!
Too Bad I cannot use my new CAR. it would cruise to beat the band!
Knock on wood, I still have never had a ticket!!!
OK Patt, We'll see you on the 2nd of March and I have never had a ticket either....since last July
Name: Janet Burkett () on Wednesday, February 13, 2002 at 22:03:59
E-Mail: jmburkett@att.net
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
City and State: Mission Viejo, Ca
Message: Yeah Chris....he's been busy! Ya know, buying me my Valentine's gift, my birthday gift last week, and oh yeah...just before that my Christmas gift!
And, in between he's been learning how to ski and build horse stalls with me.
Hey 62ers...can't wait to see everyone at the reunion. Don't miss it!!
Yeah and it was tough finding you a 14 inch band saw with little red hearts on it too, but I did it. No no, no need to thank me. I know you're getting all teary eyed but hey, I knew you secretly wanted it so I went that extra mile.
Name: Carole () on Wednesday, February 13, 2002 at 21:19:40
E-Mail: cjw825@aol.com
Maiden: Johnson
City and State: Sedro-Woolley,WA
Message: Thanks, Jill and Robert for the info. You guys are great. Makes me wish that i had attended Hawthorne High. I'll follow up and let you know!
Name: Cindy Whittaker () on Wednesday, February 13, 2002 at 20:52:54
E-Mail: cindycwhittaker@aol.com
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
City and State: Gig Harbor WA
Message: Are we still talking cold???? Cause all that reading about cold just made me get colder! Anybody got any gloves I can borrow... or warm hands (hey watch it!). It's 27 degrees here! But the news just said we're going to get into the 40's this week! But I still better skip that run tonight cause I need my earlobes and isn't it true your lungs can freeze... no wait, it just feels that way! Hey John if I tell you it's my birthday will you write me a poem too? That was very sweet. I want to see more pictures with names, it's fun to recognize the faces even if you don't remember the names. Ok, enough constructive rambling, I gotta go put my hands back in the oven... (I remember now, your BRAIN can freeze and I think I've proven mine has. No wait, maybe that's from eating ice cream too fast. Hmmmmm...)
Hey Cindy, About that poem.......I can only write two a year as I get Brain Freeze if I do any more. I better save the other one for Janet.
Name: Christopher James Prewitt () on Wednesday, February 13, 2002 at 19:26:10
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Message: John, Thank you for the "Question of the Week" on the What's New page. It sure makes me feel young! I did not guess 'cause I've got no clue. Maybe some of them "OLDer" Cougars can answer it correctly. My sister Patt is planning on making the trip from Washington to Cruise Night. Is there anyone else coming from further away?
Hey Chris, That last one was the Question Of The YEAR. I put it up on 1-24-2001 and this one went up on 1-25-2002. I have been busy, OK.
Patt, glad you're coming for Cruise Night. I know John and Cheryl are coming from Keno Oregon, but you've got them by plenty. See you on the 2nd and be prepared for "Cougar Balls".
Name: Bob Poorman () on Wednesday, February 13, 2002 at 11:38:39
E-Mail: poormanrobert@msn.com
Class: '77
City and State: Wayzata, MN
Message: Shame on me, my addresses have been updated. Pam McLinden, the last I knew (25 year reunion) was married to Terry Ramirez also from the class of '77. I believe they were still in Hawthorne, but surely in the South Bay area. If anyone does hook up with Susie and/or David I'd love to hear from him. Last I heard from him he had his own furniture related business going.
Thanks Bob
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Wednesday, February 13, 2002 at 11:12:15
E-Mail: jillmcfar@aol.com
Class: 1977
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: Carole, Sue Evermann lives in Laguna Niguel and she is married to Dave Varela. This was true in 1997 when we had our 20 year reunion. As for Pam, I dont know.
Good luck!
Name: Kathy Martinez () on Tuesday, February 12, 2002 at 22:42:47
E-Mail: twofuries@aol.com
Maiden: Tindel
Class: 1977
City and State: Spokane, WA
Message: Hi,
Looking for any info on a 25 year reunion for class of '77. Also trying to locate Mike, Susan, Pamela or Butch Landry.
Thanks, Kathy
Name: Carole Webb () on Tuesday, February 12, 2002 at 22:12:05
E-Mail: cjw825@aol.com
Maiden: Johnson
City and State: Sedro-Woolley,WA
Message: Hello, I moved before high school, but went to HIS in 72-73. Does anyone know the whereabouts of Pam Mc Linden or Sue Evermann? I'd love to hear from my old Hawthorne friends. Robert Poorman, your e mail address is outdated & I was so rude not to answer your nice letter. Sorry! Thanks for any help, Carole
Folks, please keep your email addresses current. It's the main way we stay in touch. Thanks.....
Name: Patricia Wingo () on Tuesday, February 12, 2002 at 17:15:14
E-Mail: pawingo@juno.com
Maiden: Pat Wingo
Class: 1962
City and State: Newport Beach, California
Message: To everyone who has contributed to this website, I applaud you all. And to John Baker, without whom this website wouldn't be, you've done an amazingly "COOL" job of putting the whole site together and your efforts continue! ALL RIGHT John!!
Hi Pat, I think we were both in Mr. Dana's class at Hawthorne Intermediate in 57-58. Hope to see you at our 40th Reunion in July in Lake Forest. This Reunion should be THE BEST!!!
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