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back to the 60's...... Beach Boys
Name: Bob Poorman () on Friday, August 3, 2001 at 11:34:24
Class: '77
City and State: Wayzata, MN
Message: RE: The student protest on behalf of our beloved teachers it's time to get this off my chest. Therapy and 12 step programs have failed time after time so my only alternative is to air it here in CT.
Yes in fact, as has been eluded to by my classmates, it was Bob Deuel our Student Body Class President who led the charge by rallying the troops in front of the cameras. Not only was the El Molino crack staff there but also the local news crews. I can still see him standing atop the newly constructed amphitheater (or whatever you call it) with a bull horn calling all to action against this obvious wronging of our beloved teachers. But...
I still to this day believe that it was I and a group of misfits that dreamed this idea up and it, much to our surprise, snowballed into the event that it became. But before anyone gets the wrong idea that I/we were looking after the interests of those wonderful people who molded us into the fine adults that we are today, stop. Our motives were much more self serving than that. We, being of the "what is it going to take me to get out of class today cloth" came up with what I think was our best (and there were some real good ones) excuse ever. "Let's do it for the teachers!" As I said somehow it escalated into a school wide protest and Bob Deuel was left holding the megaphone. Oh well, it got us out of a few classes without having to forge a note (again) so let him have the limelight. Now with my soul cleansed of this I have only one thing to say...
Anyone attending HHS during that eventful day, You owe me.
Oh I feel better now. Thanks.
Great story Bob.....but see, all of Cougartown didn't graduate in 1977. Please tell us what the Teacher thing was. Also, what part of HHS, or is that HHS, is on the cover of the 77 El Molino?
Name: Bob Jensen () on Friday, August 3, 2001 at 09:38:17
E-Mail: robertjensen@satco.-inc.com
Class: 71
City and State: Los Angeles
Message: A gracious good morning! Last night I had the pleasure to join Judy, Jan and Mo at the Marriott in Manhattan Beach and I just want to tell you what a wonderful sight for a PROM it is. We have a very large area and a wonderful view of the golf course. The PROM committee picked a wonderful location. I now know what a chore it has been for all of the people who have worked so hard for us just to have this event. Judy, you amaze me. Such a professional perfectionist! Want a job? So, if you have not made plans to attend, you better do so now because I think it is going to be a memorable event. I can't wait. BTW, the cost of a ticket to P.O.P. in 1963 was a $1.83. The cost in 1960 was $1.50, which did not include the Roller Coaster. That was extra! See you on the 18th.
So I forgot to add the 4% sales tax to the dollar 1.75. I missed it by a penny.....
Actually Bob is handling the memorabilia part of Prom Night and from what I hear from Judy, it's pretty impressive. Thanks for all your help Bob; we'll see you and the whole Jensen family at the Prom.
Name: Judy DeGrazia-Blomsterberg () on Friday, August 3, 2001 at 01:11:48
E-Mail: judywudy@socal.rr.com
Maiden: PoorJannyIsBlack&Blue
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Email Update: Janny spent all day retrieving my lost email address list. Actually, I think he was tired of me passing by him and giving him a pinch... Poor baby is all red & splotchy. Now before John Boy shuts down this website for the weekend let me give you another PROM NIGHT name.. TESA DALLONS RIGGS '77 just reserved her tickets.
Wayne Dickey..Hey Bunky..I don't even see yours and Donna's name in the PROM NIGHT list..and you're asking for a discount!!! Sorry, as John mentioned, the tickets are all 75 bucks and the dinner is free.. no matter what time you show..or what you eat or don't eat.. it's still $75.00. Hey, most of you spill more than that in a weekend.. I don't want to hear any whiiiieeennnin' about this great dance we have planned for ya. Now, back out to the mailbox.
(geesh.. this ain't easy)
Judy Wudy
Name: Ricki Farrell () on Friday, August 3, 2001 at 00:56:40
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
City and State: Fullerton CA
Message: All right Bill. It's going to be hard to remember to try and remember leaving off the "y". I can hardly wait to see you. Believe it or not, I just read your feedback tonight or I would have responded sooner. 16 days left. I haven't seen you since 1966. Whew!!!
Name: Debbie () on Friday, August 3, 2001 at 00:33:48
E-Mail: pinkelephant10@yahoo.com
Message: Could the dark, curly haired guy be Danny Bellaire? He lived by Del Aire Park. P.S. Jill, OF COURSE I remember your mom, she was (and I'll bet still is) a sweetie!
Name: John Baker () on Thursday, August 2, 2001 at 22:41:14
E-Mail: john@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message: Re Dedications for the Prom:
Someone with the initials RNH just left "Do The Jerk" by Ronnie and the Pomonas. Not exactly a loving sweet tender dedication to his Prom Date.
Hey, maybe it was a "Flat Out Sexual Request. JUST KIDDING!! Anyway RNH, you have to dedicate it to someone. You left that line blank.
Name: Wayne Dickey () on Thursday, August 2, 2001 at 21:09:54
E-Mail: impalawayne@aol.com
Class: 69
City and State: La Palma, Ca
Message: Hey Judy! I noticed that the class of 66 is allowing it's attendees to choose dinner and dance for $80.00, or dance ala carte after 9:00pm for $40.00. Maybe the Prom comittee should offer something like that too. That's if there are any tickets left on the day of the Prom.
Wayne, The Prom is 75 dollars.......dinner is free. BTW, I haven't seen you and Donna sign in yet. Don't wait too long.
Name: Bill Barmore () on Thursday, August 2, 2001 at 20:55:12
E-Mail: blb7777@yahoo.com
Class: 74
City and State: Atlanta Ga
Message: John, there are current pics of Jill McFarlane available, if she would just send them to you. I know she has them, I've seen them, and she hasn't aged a bit.
Name: John Rout () on Thursday, August 2, 2001 at 19:18:03
E-Mail: jmr812004@aol.com
Class: 1963
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Message: Jan- The song is "Wail!", but I don't remember the name of the group. If it was a doo wop vocal group, I could tell ya, along with the label it was released on. I think "Wail!" was released on ABC Paramount if that helps anyone. Good luck with the rest, and with you know who, who isn't speaking right now, so I hear.
Wail, I think, was done by the Royaltones.
John, get your Prom Night dedication in soon.
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Thursday, August 2, 2001 at 19:14:16
E-Mail: jillmcfar@aol
Maiden: McFarlane
Class: 1977
City and State: Mission Viejo
Message: Mike & Lyle....It was Bob Deuel whom I was refering to at the Teacher support rally. I remember in my Freshman year, I hung out with the cast of "The Wizard of Oz" Mr. Fix was directing then, and he was nuts. Wasn't there a rumor that he was part of the "Our Gang" when he was a young boy? Lyle: Too bad you felt you were too bitchen for your senior picture, I felt that way too, but my mom had power of attorney over me.
Anyhow, it has really been alot of fun remembering these memories with you guys, and rather taxing on the brain. I can hardly wait till John B. gets ahold of our yearbook from 1977, I went through it the other day, and it is a blast.
Let's hear from some more 77'ers, I had always thought Hawthorne High to have been big, but it really wasnt.
Take care everyone.
Actually I do have PART of the senior pics from 77. I'll put up who I have.
Danny Fix wasn't with the Our Gang group, but was a part of a kids group that came before Our Gang....I think he said he was involved in the late 20's.
Name: Jan Blomsterberg () on Thursday, August 2, 2001 at 18:05:36
E-Mail: hootie@socal.rr.com
Class: 63
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Now that I have taken all the brunt of abuse in all of Judy's misfortunes, let me say that she does have a new pair of sunglasses (she says she likes these more than the pair that I sat on). And why do women set their glasses on the seat anyway? This would not have happened if she would have put them on the dash or on the console...go figure. And now the email address fiasco...I called AT&T and with a simple explanation I was able to log on to their website and retrieve all of her mail and address book...another simple task. But noooooooooo...one would have thought that the world was nearing an end and I was to blame for it. Now all I have to do is convince her that she does not need another summer fur!
On another note, an internet link that many of you Cougs might enjoy is this Reelradio.com clip. This is ReelRadio and has audio of KFWB, KRLA and KHJ radio from 1959 to 1969. Great to listen to. And if you listen to Elliot Field from KFWB in 1959, listen to the first song and let me know the name of the tune...an instrumental. I haven't heard that song for many a year.
Looking forward to the Prom and meeting so many of the Cougs that I have come to know through my database...I update the spreadsheet daily and I feel that I know everyone already. Now to put a face with a name. See you at the Prom...and always be a Coug.
Jan...aka Janny, Howie and DS (Sherry knows what I mean)
......at least you didn't go into her purse.
Reel audio is a great website. On the What's New page under "Other Cool Sites" there's a Bill Ballance clip that will really take you 50's and early 60's Cougs back to the days of Color Radio KFWB. Thanks Janny.........
Name: Dan Johnson () on Thursday, August 2, 2001 at 17:53:53
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Class: 77
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: I'm pretty sure it wasn't Sal or Steve -- I recall the hair being a lot shorter and somehow the name "Dan" sticks in my head. It's not someone who hung around us too much.
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Thursday, August 2, 2001 at 15:29:24
E-Mail: dzlizzy219@aol.com
Maiden: fromprincesstogoddessainttoobad
Class: 69
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Message: In 1967, I was a sophmore at HHS and my hearts desire, Senior Jerry Skaff, asked me to his prom. I wanted so badly to look like a princess that night, but money was very tight back then. I went to a yardage store and found 5 yards of the most beautiful, pink, watercolor chiffon and proceeded to cut, drape and stitch a very daring, off the shoulder, Vogue gown. I had enough material left over to make a long wrap. I lost the pictures from that night, many years ago, in a flood. Wish I had them now.
It's funny the things you remember from your teen years. I don't know what car he drove or where the prom was held, but I will always remember the look on my fathers face when I walked into the room that night. It was a mixture of shock, pride and a touch of embarrassment.....He didn't think a sixteen year old girl should show her bare shoulder on a date. But, he knew Jerry and more importantly, Jerry knew him. I was perfectly safe and perfectly happy. It's great to be a princess, if only for one night. Jerry, are you out there? Thanks for the memories.... Elizabeth
Great Prom Story and yes, Jerry is out there.
Name: Doris () on Thursday, August 2, 2001 at 15:05:25
E-Mail: raydori@mindspring.com
Maiden: Donaldson
Class: '57
City and State: Twin Falls, ID
Message: Not that I haven't been all along, but I must admit that everyone's enthusiasm is really getting me quite excited about our upcoming Prom! Also emailing a couple HHS grads (MUCH younger) and they're getting me all UP, too! I'm going to be impossible to live with at this rate! Let's hear it for the Prom, Cougs!!! Too bad we don't have more of the class of '57 participating, but those of us who ARE planning to attend Prom Nite, will more than make up for those NOT in attendance. Look out for us 57'ers!
16 days and counting....
Name: Mike Castro () on Thursday, August 2, 2001 at 12:40:30
Class: 77
City and State: laxorbust
Message: Hey Jill, If I recall correctly, and that would be a stretch, there was another Bob that was a big part of the student rally for the teachers. That would be the SBP Bob Deuel. I remember seeing a picture of Bob being interviewed by KABC news reporter Fred Anderson.
Name: Patty Valencia () on Thursday, August 2, 2001 at 11:30:48
E-Mail: pvalencia2@aol.com
Class: 1974
City and State: PVE, Ca
Message: WhewHoo, the Prom is just around the corner and we have dates with the B-Girls!! Thank you Judy and Jan for all the information, energy and effort that you've put into making this event a reality. Thank you John and Janet for the wonderful afternoon BBQ and fun time for me and the kids. I finally met Harry and Kathy - you guys are entertaining - great stories. And then there are the B-girls - what can I say? Mom B-GREAT key lime pie. Sharon, did you have to keep talking to the crab apple candle? :o) I almost had Mikey going on vacation with me - he woulda had a good time, maybe next year. Allie and Peter are still talking about Cops and Robbers. And lastly, the Garlic Tri tip - Mike, you can feed us any old time you wish. As a matter of fact, I don't think I did anything but eat and play that whole day - geez, sorry I didn't help out more. Now I'm embarassed - I better end this feedback. THANKS to all of you.
So I guess the Garlic Tri Tip was the ONLY one you liked then. How about the 5 hour smoked Mesquite or the TOP SECRET Mexican Pepper Tri Tip?
Name: Sharon () on Thursday, August 2, 2001 at 10:11:41
E-Mail: hawthornehigh66
Maiden: Moore
Class: '66
City and State: Long Beach, CA
Message: Only 15 days to the CLASS OF 1966 REUNION. You can get your tickets at the door for $80 per person. If you just want to dance, it will cost you $40 per person after 9:00 p.m. People have really been calling this past week who are planning on going, but haven't signed up yet. The line has been busy. If you want any information, you can reach Sharon Moore Leach at (562) 424-8474 or toll free at (866) 574,7763. The weekend of the 17th at the Marriott Manhattan Beach is going to be rocking with our reunion on the 17th and the prom on the 18th. So if you haven't yet signed up, please show up and pay at the door. You'll be glad you did. SEE YOU THERE!
Name: Judy DeGrazia-Blomsterberg () on Thursday, August 2, 2001 at 09:34:21
E-Mail: judywudy@socal.rr.com
Maiden: 16Reasons... byConnieStevens
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: 16 days left...and it's PROM NIGHT.. I just added LEE ANN NIXON ROEHM to the list of attendees.. Also, our DJ needs the "song dedications" very soon, so if you want that special record played you'd better hurry. If you have any questions please note that my "new" email address is judywudy@socal.rr.com and I'm here for ya... Now, I have to go find those little rhinestone clips for my pointed high heels, just the right shade of coffee nylons and get that pedishue curl hairstyle just right, & where did I set my hair lacquer ..I don't want my tiara falling off in the middle of everything. We'll even have chaperones at the punch bowl to make sure that some of you naughy boys don't spike the drinks.. us gals have our reputations to uphold. (I heard that John!!)
Judy Wudy.. living out by the mailbox
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Thursday, August 2, 2001 at 04:25:24
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
City and State: Honolulu, HI
Message: Don Brokaw was my neighbor in Holly Glen. He lost his eye when his uncle and him was fishing. On the backstroke of his casting the hook went into the eye of Donald if I remeber right. Wish I could go to the Prom. I saw Mike Colbern my childhood hero will be there. Should be great. Aloha
Name: Mike Mecey () on Wednesday, August 1, 2001 at 22:46:03
E-Mail: mmecey@rcsis.com
Class: 1961
City and State: Roseville, CA
Message: On the front page of the local Sacramento Bee is a story of a friend of mine and her great aunt who was one of the Women Airforce Service Pilots who ferried P-51 Mustang fighters in WWII. In 1944 Gertrude (the great aunt) took off from Mines Field, now better known as LAX and was never seen or heard from again... What is the HHS connection you ask??? They think they may have found the plane buried 20 feet in the sand off Playa Del Rey... The connection is that after years of speculation and investigation a book was found about aircraft wrecks in the west... The author is G. Pat Macha a teacher at HHS... Macha has concluded that her plane probably plunged into the sea as she turned east... It would be great if my friends could find their lost aunt thanks to one of HHS teachers... If Pat Macha reads this site, I want to thank him for his help.
Great story Mike, Thanks....
Name: steve temoshek () on Wednesday, August 1, 2001 at 21:11:39
Class: 1969
City and State: laguna hills,ca
Message: where is dimitri pappas???64 falcon sprints were always faster than 58 427 fords!!!
Name: Lyle Tucker () on Wednesday, August 1, 2001 at 21:06:17
E-Mail: LyleTucker@zianet.com
Class: 77
City and State: Roswell, NM
Message: Jill: my photo isn't in the 77 El Molino because
I was simply too bitchin' to put on a suit-and-tie to get my picture taken! I sure regret it now, but there was *no* way you were gonna get me in a suit and tie back then - I saw myself as too casual a hippy for that. Besides, school photos were for idiots, not together people like myself.
Can you say "pretentious"? --
Bob: Wow - you have deeper ties to NM than I do! I've been through the speedbump called Espanola - beautiful country, much more scenic than Roswell. After 21 years of living here, the wife and I are truly looking forward to probably retiring up in Colorado. --
Jill: Yes, Mr. Fix directed "One Flew Over..." He was a fun guy to work with. I remember I had this one scene, the kind that experienced actors love and know what to do with, where I finally blew my stack at Nurse Ratchet, and Danny kept trying to get me to give the lines pause and differing weight, but all I could do was bluster through it, full steam ahead, nervous as I was. I look back on it now and wish I could give it another go! I think I may still have the Cougar issue where Steve, Dobie, and I appear on the cover with a shot from the play (if I can find it, John, I'll shootcha a scan).
That'd be great, thanks Lyle.......
Name: Judy DeGrazia-Blomsterberg () on Wednesday, August 1, 2001 at 20:38:48
E-Mail: judywudy@socal.rr.com
Maiden: IsRobinHoodItalian??
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
AUGUST 18 - PROM NIGHT TICKETS ARE STILL FOR SALE. and don't forget to make your song request too...Something that will make you fall in love all over again. A prom is "nothin'" without the songs that meant something to you. & Yes, it's true... Our precious Robin Hood will be the official greeter at the door.. (5'll get ya 10 that he can't greet without using his hands) He'll be the first one you'll see for directions to the reception area.. then his lovely wife, Marsha Russell will take it from there.. or....maybe not.. I have a feeling that they'll both show up fashionably late. Hey, did you forget that we're the ROWDYS?? The girls have started comparing their dresses and hairdos..and I'm getting in a "lavendar kinda mood." As for Janny, I wouldn't have minded that he erased my whole email address list, but just a couple of days before that he sat on my favorite pair of sun glasses.. I loved those glasses..had them for 5 years. Ugh...Time to go pinch Janny again.
"17 days left til PROM NIGHT"
At least he didn't mess with your purse.......
Name: Susan King () on Wednesday, August 1, 2001 at 20:00:07
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Message: The V girls are coming! The V girls are coming!! Yippee! Sister Sharon and I am soooooo glad! And thank you Ricki if the reason they will show at the prom is due to a big sister's influence. We're missing Cynthia, though....And my dear old partner in crime, MaryAnn Dowell Patterson whom I have missed so much for 27 years is coming as well. Doesn't get any better than that....well, except for the Backus reunion....and the Stonebraker stories....and the Rowdy girls experience. And Robin, we're ALL bringing hidden contraband now that you've made that offer...!!
Robin, no frisking the girls......unless they insist.
Name: Walter Holt () on Wednesday, August 1, 2001 at 18:58:10
Class: 66
City and State: Orange, CA
Message: John...It's the wise man who learns that there are two things you don't dip your hand into without a lady's permission. One is her purse the other I wont go there. Judy I too am enjoying new road runner service, just got it today, except the darn hub in the area is running slow so they're going to have to fix it.
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Wednesday, August 1, 2001 at 18:13:44
E-Mail: dzlizzy219@aol.com
Class: 69
Message: John, It's more like riding the mechanical bull "while" high.
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Wednesday, August 1, 2001 at 17:27:08
E-Mail: Look it up
Maiden: McFarlane
Class: 1977
City and State: Still in California
Message: Bob, Mike and Dan, I had completely forgotten about One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest, until you brought it up. Did Mr. Fix direct that, seems I recall that was his cup of tea. Bob is correct, it was Don Brokaw that played in it.
See if your memories remember this...Remember the Teacher dispute, and the students held a rally to show our support? The news crew was out there, and the rally turned into the Bob, Vicki, Sandra show. Mrs. Krislock was the one who actually spurred the Student Body onto the cause.
Debbie Miles...How are you? Do you remember my mom was your girl scout leader? How is your family?
Well that is all from behind the "Orange Curtain" Looking forward to reading about more '77' memories.
Name: Bob Jensen () on Wednesday, August 1, 2001 at 16:57:24
E-Mail: robertjensen@satco-inc.com
Class: 71
City and State: Los Angeles
Message: Today I was going through some stuff that we are putting together for the PROM and I ran across a ticket for P.O.P. circa 1963. Can anyone guess the price of that ticket and what do you think that ticket would be priced at today if P.O.P. was still around?
I'll say 1.75 and if they were still around, 25 dollars.
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