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great group from the 50's...... The Danleers
Name: Robin () on Tuesday, July 3, 2001 at 12:45:40
E-Mail: comeoutcomeoutwhereveryouareJim.com
Maiden: Just say NO2
Class: 60
City and State: Redondo by the sea, Ca
Message: With the chance of boring the Lady Cougs to tears, I respectfully disagree with you Backus...N20 (nitrous oxide) is the bottled liquid that is used to force feed an internal combustion engine with a cool ,dense and oxygen rich gas ...a recipe for more power....NO2 (nitrogen dioxide) on the other hand is a redish brown gas that is a major component of smog and Nox (oxides of nitrogen) ,formed during the combustion process...Inhaling either one of these is a no no....Also, there are more 11-12 sec Hondas on the road than all the ZO6s combined (sorry Nelson, just a fact)...Vic Zac! Good to see your posts and not to worry...we will never forget Dean...Kelly, was that bad boy Larry Pastramini, whos folks owned the deli in Inglewood?..:o)...and Sharon B....You didnt sell any macramé wall hangings or harvest gold throw rugs, and not call did you? Soooo hard to find anymore...Later Cougs and have a great 4th...:o)
Name: Howard "Paco" Duran () on Tuesday, July 3, 2001 at 11:17:52
E-Mail: doo4usc@aol.com
Class: 61
City and State: Lake Forest, Ca
Message: Since it's getting close to the big Prom weekend, why don't you guys send me your old Prom pics...And sometime down the line I'll try to match the old with the new. I have one already, so whether you're going or not, send them along!!"BE A COUG"
Name: Patricia Allen () on Tuesday, July 3, 2001 at 10:34:48
E-Mail: patricia.allen@yellowcorp.com
Maiden: Aumock
Class: 1964
City and State: Kansas City, MO
Message: I'm trying to locate old friends who graduated from HHS in 1964. I don't see an alumni list for that year. The friend are Hazel Teston and Karen Avena. Hopefully someone knows where they are today and how I can get in touch with them.
There's an alumni list for ALL years.
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Tuesday, July 3, 2001 at 09:55:07
E-Mail: srbranigan.srb@verizon.net
Maiden: B3
Class: 76
City and State: hunnertdegreesintheshade
Message: Spent an interesting few days last week in Hawthorne- helping sister Shell (Michelle Buguy Bierman 74) clean out her moms house in preparation for selling it. Had a big garage sale on Saturday and met: Alice Phelps, mom to Bruce (75) and Dwayne (72) Phelps. Saw Lyle Perius (pop to Rick 74, Tami 76, Todd and Kent (78 & 80?) and met several other folks with various ties to Hawthorne; directed them all to Cougartown.com. We will see if anyone shows up. Momo Trott stopped by too. We had a blast- I recommend anyone who wants (or needs) to have a garage sale, do it in Hawthorne and reel in a few more Cougartowners!
Sounds like old home weekend in Hawthorne. Glad you had a fun time, and met lots of "Cougars past". Thanks for spreading the word too Sharon. That's the best way to find our HHS buds.
Name: Tim Helble () on Tuesday, July 3, 2001 at 08:35:59
E-Mail: Timothy.Helble@noaa.gov
Class: 73
City and State: Columbia, MD
Message: This is the first time I've written anything on the feedback page. I just found out from Jim Costopolus that Bruce Camilli (1972) recently passed away. Has anybody else heard about this? I can't find anything on the Web about this.
Bruce and I were buddies from early on - growing up on the same street and hanging out together with our "gang" on Hansworth Ave. One of my best memories will always be driving down to the beach in his green Pinto with Alice Cooper's "School's Out" cranked up on his eight track. Or how about all the after-school "hide and seek" games at our end of the street and the inumerable summer days spent swimming in his pool?
I'm glad I was able to see Bruce a few years ago when I stopped by his house before he moved away to Las Vegas. I got him to sign my scuba diving log book on the page where I described the illegal dive we made inside King Harbor when we were caught by harbor patrol and almost got arrested. Bruce did all the talking and got us off the hook! I was hoping to see Bruce at the reunion next month. He was a lot of fun to be with and gave a lot of intangeble things to people who knew him - I will miss him!
Thanks Tim for adding to the Feedback page. We love our regulars, but it's always nice to hear from Cougs who are reading but not writing.
Can anyone help Tim in his search for Bruce? I've found that lots of times these people are alive and well. I actually had to remove a middle aged Cougar from the Tributes page about 2 years ago, because the tale of his demise was a tad premature.
Good luck Tim, please feel free to add Feedback anytime.
Name: Kimberly Morse () on Tuesday, July 3, 2001 at 02:27:43
Maiden: Hamilton
Class: 1986
City and State: No. Haverhill, NH
Message: Hi! I tried to look for the Alumni List for 1986 and it's not there. In fact there are a lot of years missing. Are they under construction? Is it a possibility that Senior Pictures from every year will be available on the site? That would be awesome!! Thanks - Kimberly
Hi Kimberly, I just checked the page in question and it's working fine from here.
As to senior pics; they're being added as I find yearbooks for the respective years. I recently acquired an 82 and a 95 El Molino. If anyone has an extra El Molino, and would like to donate it to Cougartown, please let me know.
Name: Bob Kyllonen () on Tuesday, July 3, 2001 at 02:05:00
E-Mail: bkylnen@aol
Message: Dear John, Thank you for this most amazing web site. It just seems to get more interesting all the time. I check in regularly and continue to receive contacts from former students, counselees, Knights and friends. Hawthorne High School was such a special place and time in the lives of so many people. Sincerely, Bob Kyllonen
Hi Bob, Great to hear from you and it's also good to know you're staying in touch with your HHS students and friends. The Internet is a near perfect vehicle for keeping us all together, whether we live in Hawthorne or Greece. Thanks for letting us know you're out there and please feel free to join in anytime. We all love hearing from our teacher/mentors.
Name: Norm Vorhis () on Tuesday, July 3, 2001 at 01:01:44
E-Mail: olds88coupe@yahoo.com
Class: 59
City and State: Monrovia, Ca
Message: Victor Zaccaglini: Back on page 8, there is a post from Larry Sturchio: lsturchio@aol.com. Thought you might be interested.
Name: Wayne Dickey () on Tuesday, July 3, 2001 at 00:26:12
E-Mail: impalawayne@aol.com
Class: 69
City and State: La Palma, Ca
Message: John, you forgot to mention model glue. Building models was my first step towards bigger and better things. After you built the model and inhaled all the fumes from the glue, you could paint it with spray paint out of a can. What a high! Then progressed to painting cars with Lacquer. Of course we didn't use a mask. Fiber glass resin also has a very interesting odor. Urethene is my inhale of choice now days. After all those fumes in my life, cigarettes seem to be very mild. But playing the Accordian still comes natural! Have a good 4TH
Yeah, your accordion playing is a real "Rush" for us too Wayne.
Name: Mike Backus () on Tuesday, July 3, 2001 at 00:22:16
E-Mail: michael@backusstudio.com
Class: '74
City and State: Eugene, OR
Message: Kelley brought up an interesting point in all of this talk about nitrous oxide. Laughing gas is DINITROGEN MONOXIDE (N20) and is non toxic except in high dosages. The nitrous used in the NOS systems for cars is
NITROGEN DIOXIDE (NO2). It's HIGHLY toxic! So PLEASE don't buy a tank of automotive nitrous expecting to be able to inhale it and get a buzz!
If you want a thrill from nitrous, get it from that 10 second rush as you melt your Honda's engine chasing Corvettes!
Name: Victor Zaccaglini () on Monday, July 2, 2001 at 23:03:26
E-Mail: v.zaccaglini@verizon.net
Class: 1960
City and State: Hawthorne, California
Message: I want to thank you for the wonderful website. A
friend told me to try it. It reminds me of the easy days growing up in Hawthorne.
I do remember those days. But then again, I remember when my father was Mayor of Hawthorne and he went back east some where to get a major shopping center built here in Hawthorne.
He was trying to do good for Hawthorne, but as it turned out it drew every "small time" shopper from all areas east of Hawthorne. Then we had
the freeway along our western border (hello Jim Crawford). Then, we had the welfare office
located at Hawthorne Blvd. & El Segundo. Physically Hawthorne as we knew it is gone. But it will be in our memories forever. I want all
of you to remember Dean Stafford. Both of my kids, Dean & Deana Marie, would want you to.
Hope to hear from my friends,
Victor Zaccaglini, Class of 1960
Dean Stafford was a true leader in his days at HHS. Everyone liked Dean; he was a football star and Captain his senior year. He was a track star too, and member of the Knights. Student body Vice Pres, Treasurer, a member of the House his Junior and Senior year, and he belonged to the Varsity club and was Student Body Pres his Senior year.
In May of 1968, at 26 years of age, he was shot and killed trying to apprehend a couple of thugs that robbed a man of only a few dollars. For me and many others, it was a true Hawthorne tragedy. We miss you Dean.......
Name: Kelley () on Monday, July 2, 2001 at 20:35:03
E-Mail: k.k.currie@att.net
Class: 67
Message: Nitrous oxide. I had a tank in my living room in the late 70's sure didn't put it in my car!!!! It is a very dangerous inhalent high school kids have died up here from using it. we have whip cream makers in the store the use nitrous oxide, but we don't sell the cartridges because of the problems with the kids..and it's not only kids, an adult came in the other day all messed up asking where we keep the cartridge's..It may be good for a car boost, but keep it away from anyone who might want to experiment...My friends and I were very lucky..we all lived. by the way it wasn't mine..I believe someone by the name of Larry P. found it at a dentist's office and decided to take it....that bad Larry...
Spray paint's good for your patio furniture too, but don't inhale it. Gasoline makes your car run, but don't inhale it. Funny how anything can pretty much put you in a hole if you use it in the wrong way. Thanks Kel.......
Name: Lowell Satterlee () on Monday, July 2, 2001 at 17:38:51
E-Mail: Satchpapasatch@aol.com
Class: 57
City and State: Citrus Heights, CA
Message: I wish I could make the Prom Night. Sounds like a lot of fun for all, but my Grandaughter is getting married that very day. I was wondering if any of the Class of 57 remember where our graduation dance was and what band played at it. I remember, and we had a fantastic night. By the way on a sadder note, I found Bob Taylor (Thanks to Tom Burrough). Bob's health is not good and any of you from the Class of 58 might send him friendly message, I'm sure he would love it. He lives in Prescott, AR
Name: Judy Chadwick (Hendrick) () on Monday, July 2, 2001 at 17:26:17
E-Mail: chadrat@jps.net
Message: Hi, I just found your wonderful web page. I graduated from Leuzinger High, 1961. I attended Washington Elementary and Hawthorne Intermediate so I know many of the Cougars. My brother Joe Hendrick (1959) also knew many of you. I have spent several hours reading and reminiscing. Would love to hear from anyone. I now live in Lakeport, CA (Northern CA). Thanks for the memories. Judy
Hi Judy, Glad you found us. Feel free to join in anytime.
Name: Maurine White () on Monday, July 2, 2001 at 15:05:31
E-Mail: maurinekwhite@hotmail.com
Maiden: Endicott
Class: 59
City and State: HB
Message: I've got the right answer this time to Daniel Webb's question about the music building at HHS. Thought I sent this earlier, but I may have hit "reset" instead of "submit." Anyway, the music building was renamed the "Frankie Eyres Music Center." Frankie was a booster for over 30 years and 79 she still has HHS' best interests in mind. Schools need all the boosters, parents, grandparents, and volunteers they can get. It is wonderful HHS and the district decided to honor someone who has given so much to our school. Thank you Frankie Eyres. Check an old football roster and you will see the alma mater with Mr. Warren's name. I looked in my El Molinos and couldn't find the alma mater printed anywhere.
YES MAURINE, YOU ARE CORRECT!!! The only thing is instead of 79, Frankie is in her 90's, and has more zest for life than people half her age. I know she was in the hospital recently. Does anyone know how she came through?
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Monday, July 2, 2001 at 14:23:25
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
City and State: Burlington, Wisconsin
Message: I belong to the Marriott Rewards program and called the Manhattan Beach Marriott and changed my reservation to the "Come Out and Play Rate" with no problem.....
We'll be off to the Old Car Show at Iola, Wisconsin July 12 - 15. If anyone from Cougartown is in Iola for the show, stop by the Toy Barn and say Hi! Our booth is the one with the primary color plaid tablecovers.
Hope all are having no trouble in changing their rates. Thanks Sharon.....
Name: Shannon Keys () on Monday, July 2, 2001 at 13:48:15
E-Mail: skeys@uswest.net
Class: 81
City and State: Colorado Springs
Message: Any '81'ers (& special exemption for John), looking to play a few holes of golf Sat afternoon @ the Marriott prior to the evening festivities, please email me. The hotel has opened up a few slots for their nine hole course ($9.00). Note they have limited rental clubs available ($5.00). Looking forward to seeing everyone.
Hi Shannon, Have a great reunion 81ers.
Name: Glenn Crist () on Monday, July 2, 2001 at 02:54:34
E-Mail: gfcrist@sonic.net
Class: '64
City and State: Sonoma, CA
Message: Sorry, am I confused? When you add "Nitro" to automobile fuel, is that nitromethane? If one were to add nitrous oxide to ones tank, I think all one's engine might do, would be to laugh. Unless my years of chemistry forsake me (heaven forbid), I was led to believe that fuel (no chlorophyl jokes please) was a mixture of alcohol, nitromethane, and possibly a little castor oil (yeah, the kind some mothers gave their kids when they had a certain problem back in the dark ages). Any dragsters out there that might help enlighten me. And no John B, a blown Corvair doesn't count.
Glenn, Yes, Nitro is nitromethane (VERY volatile; used mostly in AA/Fuel dragsters and Funny Cars because the engine is only at full power for a few seconds). Nitrous is nitrous oxide which is not a liquid, but a gas, and is injected under the carburetion system by pressing a button from the drivers seat. It is NOT used all the time, but just when you want an extra boost of power, like say when you're setting at a stop light in your Honda Accord wagon and you wanna race that Corvette that just pulled up next to you.
Like Mike said, when you DO "push the button" the mixture has to be correct or some serious damage can occur, as combustion chamber pressures increase.
Castor Oil!!?? Now that takes me back to Midget Races. Do they still run that stuff? It sure smelled good.
Name: Dick Dixon () on Sunday, July 1, 2001 at 23:46:00
E-Mail: indyteamwinner@hotmail.com
Class: 1963ish
City and State: LaVerne, CA
Message: Just got back from Richmond, VA pumped up from the Sat. night IRL race only to read that Mr. Goodfellow is no longer with us. What a class person. Never had the opportunity to muse with such an Ivy type but recognized that the halls of HHS were very blessed to have such a master of learning. Even c+ students remember the likes of a rare find such as Mr. Goodfellow. Actually a note from Les Johnson, pilot and revvvvvved up Porsche gent, had a note awaiting me. Good to hear from a fellow racer...thanks Les. Gary Nelson does have one cool ride...enjoy the Vette and blow on down to the Prom, gas'r up. Glad to hear Paul Mackie is Prom bound and hopefully Gene and Newell will follow suit.
Name: Alan Nelson () on Sunday, July 1, 2001 at 23:39:37
E-Mail: boatcop@boatcop.com
Class: '73
City and State: Parker, Az
Message: Check State laws before adding NOS or any modifications to intake or exhaust systems. Depending on the vehicle year, it's illegal to tamper with anything that may alter the emission system.
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Friday, June 29, 2001 at 17:47:09
E-Mail: dzlizzy219@aol.com
Class: 69
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Message: So glad to hear NOS isn't illegal. Thanks you guys. I love you.
Name: Regina Jensen () on Friday, June 29, 2001 at 17:05:17
E-Mail: latendressejensen@juno.com
Maiden: LaTendresse
Class: 41
City and State: Hemet, California
Message: Thank you John and Judy for mentioning my name several times over the last few days. It makes a person feel important. And speaking of important things, I just realized that I have never sent in my $10.00 dues for all of the enjoyment that I have received viewing Cougartown. I will put a check in the mail today. Thanks again for this wonderful site.
Mom J.
Hi Mom J, Glad you enjoy what's going on here and look forward to meeting you face to face on Prom Night.
Name: Robin () on Friday, June 29, 2001 at 16:59:59
E-Mail: wheresmybuddysloey?.com
Maiden: Friends dont let friends use Nitrous
Class: 60
City and State: RB,CA
Message: My .02 on N20...Liz if you want to keep Leo as safe as possible, I highly recommend Nitrous. 85% of his time will be in the garage rebuilding or replacing engines...Most of the other 15% will be begging his aunts for a little subsidizing of this project, and about 15 seconds a rebuild, actually using it...Its much safer than launching a car 3 times the weight with less power than the cars you saw in the movie...As JB and Mike mentioned, the bottom end (crank, rods, pistons) are simply not good enough pieces to handle the cylinder pressures N20 creates. And a slight miscue in mixture and you have a 3 mile island engine...its a great way to learn how to build engines but you'll need more of the laughing gas to keep from crying rather than racing. Just another gearheads opinion...Have a good weekend Cougs...:o)
Name: Trinity Vasquez () on Friday, June 29, 2001 at 15:59:12
E-Mail: mystixmind@hotmail.com
Maiden: Scruggs
Class: 1986
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: Hello to all the fellow Cougars and graduates of Hawthorne High. Be true to your school!!!
Thanks Trinity, and welcome......
Name: Mike Backus () on Friday, June 29, 2001 at 15:55:12
Maiden: Ifyoucantbesmartbelucky
Class: '74
Message: John, you big stinker! As you well know, there are many levels of drag racing.
From the sub 5 second cars at the top of the heap on down to the 20 second
match racers. The point being, the place to race is the track. There is no cross traffic, no kids on bicycles coming out of driveways, and no beater cars with bad tires and brakes that some pimply faced moron has bolted an entire speed catalog onto. Just because we survived OUR adolescences on dumb luck .......
Have a great weekend, Cougs, and watch out for them street racers!
My first car through the traps at Lions was my mom's 60 Corvair. It ran the quarter mile in just under 23 seconds and a little over 60 MPH. After that whiplashin' experience I was hooked on speed.
Name: Maurine again () on Friday, June 29, 2001 at 15:15:28
E-Mail: maurinekwhite@hotmail.com
Maiden: Endicott
Class: 59
City and State: HB
Message: Just went back to "feedback" and saw the question about the music building. Was it Mr. Warren, he wrote the alma mater. Probably not right but what the heck. Mr. Warren was the first band director at HHS. I had him for Algebra I -- Poor guy, he had all these freshmen plus Denny Redding, Jerry Atkinson, Ronnie Barr and were we ever a rowdy class. His musical expertise is well known. I think our school song is one of the prettiest I've ever heard. So that's my guess and my tribute.
YEEESSS!!! GREAT GUESS MAURINE........but wrong. I thought Fred Morgan was the first band director and wrote the alma mater.
Name: Dan Johnson () on Friday, June 29, 2001 at 15:12:25
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Class: 77
City and State: Los Angeles, California 90017
Message: It's very sad to hear about the passing of Mr. Goodfellow. He was a great influence on me (even though I dropped his Seminar class while my Mom was on vacation -- I paid hell upon her return). It is, however, good to see a post from Mrs. Liles. Hello Mrs. Liles, I just want to thank you for your hard work with me (I know I was a handful) -- you were a GREAT teacher!
Name: Joe Webber () on Friday, June 29, 2001 at 15:10:04
E-Mail: jwebber@acuffrose.com
Class: 1970
City and State: Nashville TN
Message: I'd just like to say a special thanks to John Baker and Lori Padelford...for them getting back to me and their help when I was having difficulty getting the Marriot room discounts. A couple of others that are attending the multi-reunion were able to MAKE those changes..(as frustrating as it was.) I think that's pretty neat when 3 different decades,('62, '70, '81)of classes can help one another...not to mention ALL the classes that pitch in for other events.
I think that's pretty cool myself Joe. Cougartowners have never had a problem communicating with each other, no matter what the stretch in years. That's very special.
Name: Maurine () on Friday, June 29, 2001 at 15:08:06
E-Mail: maurinekwhite@hotmail.com
Maiden: Endicott
Class: 59
City and State: H B, CA
Message: Thanks for the update on the room rates. I just made my new reservation directly by phone and got the "COME OUT AND PLAY" rate and the room is just as I wanted it. Being somewhat of a wimp and afraid I would encounter the same reservations person in Manhattan Beach, I was able to cancel on the internet. Also, they have the 1-800-MARRIOTT where you could also cancel (or make reservations!). Last night when I checked CT, I saw that Paul Mackie and maybe Gene Gutierezz would be coming to the Prom Night. I'm still working on my brother and thought I will just print this page and send it to him--maybe this will do it. Well, after many attempted commands and 30 printed pages later, I finally yanked all the paper out of the paper feed. Guess I am really computer challenged!!! Put the paper back in and tried to print something else, and here comes more CT!!! Pulled the paper, the plug and went to bed. Finally, today, I am able to print and no CT feedback has printed. Whew!!! That'll teach me. Now to the printer manual to see what to do next time I want to print ONE page. Still looking forward to seeing everyone in August.
Been there, done that.......thanks Maurine
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